ROSEBURQ NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY. APRIL 29, 1924. ACC -WO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Dally Except Sunday fl. V. liAtKS BERT G. BATES.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally. Der year, by' mall Dally, six months, by malL Daily, three months, by mall .. Daily, single month, by mall Dally, by carrier, per month Weekly News-IteTlew, by mall, per year Mroiber of Tfce Auuftolrt I'reM, . ,, .. Ths Associated Pres Is sxcJusivsly untitled to ths u for republication of ll nei dl.panhe. credited to it or not oth.rwl.e credited n this paper and to all lo-l news published herein. All rights of republication of special tin.,ilrhe herein are slo reimrved. iiiu. fcutered as second class matter May 17, Oregon, under me Act ROSEBURG, OREGON, LOOKING FOR When people complain because it is difficult to get enough intelligent young men to enter the trades calling for manual la bor, they might reflect that the principal reason is because of the intense ambition of these young men. It is commonly said that young men won't enter many of these trades, because they do not want to get their hands dirty, or they are afraid to soil their clothes, or they do not think that such trades give a fellow a good social position. But one refuses to believe that the masses of young Americans have so little common sense. Probably the big reason why young fellows shy out at many of those trades, is that they think that there is not much chance to rise. .They prefer jobs where there is a good chanco of promotion. It is noted for instance, that plenty of young fellows will go into the automobile and electrical trades, since they feel that those occupations do of fer good chances for advancement. They often get all covered with grease and oil in garages, for instance, yet they have the feeling that the automobile trade is one with many chances to go ahead, so they rush into it in spite of all the dirty work that has to be done. These fellows are mistaken if they think that the or dinary mechanical trade offers no to put a fellow on any trade where ability and effort and intelli gence will not count and help him get ahead. But to make any oc cupation attractive to the multitude of young men who today have had a fair education and are reading and thinking, some doors of opportunity must be opened to them. You must show them that there is a chance for a hard working and earnest fellow to get on. Host young men nowadays will put up with dirt, if you can show them there is a chance to climb and make something of themselves. THE SCHOOL A writer on educational problems says that parents resist in creases in school taxes and hinder rather than help the schools only because they do not see an immediate material return from the investment in education. Such an attitude, he shows, will re act against the very material progress such persons hope for. "Just consider," says this writer, "the colossal folly of build ing up great and wealthy communities with paving and sewer and water systems, with telephone, gas, electricity and street cars, with communications by land and water perhaps even by air, and yet failing to train in the most effective way possible those who must manage it all !" Fortunately for the future of the land, not all parents and not even all business men make the mistakes about which he com plains. Many parents frankly admit that schools today are better than they were a generation ago, and they do all in their power to cooperate in continued improvement. The sad fact that the na tion spends far more money annually for candy and tobacco than it does for education is somewhat est In education and by the discovery among the many frills that have been experimented with in fine innovations over which foresighted parents rejoice as much as do forward-looking educators. o It is said that many business what waiting attitude, postponing their commitments to some extent until the political conventions are out of the way. Then they feel they can make a closer forecast of the financial weather. People who are hesitating from such motives, however, might well consider that nothing the United States will do in a political way is ever likely to produce any prolonged difficulties. There is an undertone of sound sense in our people that holds them back from extremes. Certain advanced philosophers may announce very radical projects, but the mass of the people hold back from such enterprises because they are so vague. The average man wants something clearly defined before he goes into it. Before leaping, he wants to know what the ground is on which he is go ing to land. Even when radical people get into office, the neces sity of securing the cooperation of the business community usual ly holds them back from anything very extreme. o Addressing the Daughters of the American Revolution a few days ago, President Coolidge urged them to go to the polls and vote, also to use their influence to preserve and improve the in stitutions of the country. The woman who is burdened with her nousewoi'K ana care 01 ciiikiren. 1 .. . . political nu-etiiifrs and fitudy politics. Also the lady who poos in for society doings may think that a political speech is mighty dull business compared with dancing or card playing. Hut the women who do study politics will find a new world of interest, and learn that the conflicts in the political arena are as thrilling as any novel. o A calendar of 1.5 months think it means one more set of monthly lil o Congress is reminded that it was not established to promote oratory contests, but to get work done. o Some of the time the boys put in holding hands should be put in to holding the handles of hoes. , o . Kudyard Kipling was regarded as dull and lazy by his teachers- He got over his laziness. o Another great unsolved mystery is why a fly never goes out through a hole in a screen. I president aud MiinaKur Secretary-Treasurer -H-00 too! l.oo; , . .60 .50 2.00 10, at the post office at Kosebur. or marcn a, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1934. OPPORTUNITY. opportunity. It is pretty hard INVESTMENT. softened by the growing inter recent years, of a number of very men are now taking a some may say .she has no time to attend,"'' by this coiyum on the for-! " - - vi ino Dllicr Dai- is favored. Some neonlo will people but no more paydays. I iwnA .11 IIU, 3 I GOOD EVENING FOLKS Ths roses are bloomin' The strawberries are Gettln' redder And folks it's Beglnhin' to look Like the carnival Is join' to be a Humdinger. & DUMBELL DORA THINKS Garlic Is ths nam of an opera singer. ts MAN'S INHUMANITY We didn't like the trailing kind. We said 'twould spread disease; We flout the ones they're wearing now The ones up to their knees. We didn't like the one with hoops, It keeps us too far off; And when they wore ths "hurtle" kind Again we men did scoff. The "slit" one we could never bear, We said It looked risque; And when they wore the "X-ray"" kind, Of course, we dubbed them "gay." They've worn them long, they've worn them short. They've worn them narrow, wide. They've worn them loose, they've worn them full, They've worn them tight as hide. They've worn them thick, worn them thin. they've They've worn them ruffled, plain; But I'm compelled by truth to state. Each one brought down disdain. I think they've worn them every way. I That human bin eou p , , H."eh. t.n I d Has been condemned by man! I The Klwsnia nana, staaed a little) soup-broadcasting at noon today. l. k. i.' The boosters l tagoered to their respecuve nra.. ...t Just as we had rolled up the hose and Innit hark will' for JUDe Pluvlus to do his stuff we had to turn the ol' meter on agin. ! The various carnival queen contes tants have beseeehed ye ed. of Prunes to take up their campaign ana. to use this great coryum in their behalf but owin' to the fact that we carry very little life Insurance and no lia bility protection we refrain from commenting on the contest other than statin' that as yet we have not decided as to who would look better as the reignin' monarchess of this vast empire. A coupla new damsels In the vil lage today made many a feller late to dinner. Naughty things shock the pure In heart and. bore the hard-boiled. Only the middle class gets that delightful thrill. Life Is a mirror in which many a man is ashamed to look himself in the face. New York minister says legs were made for show. If that is true most of the girls are living up to what the lower limbs were made for. CAN YOU EXPLAIN IT? Farming Is an aggravating life a mess of trouble, stress and strife; If you have shekels by the score, your friends will gladly lend you more. But If, by chance, you haven't any, you'll find you cannot get a penny; Even the hens will lay a heap, when eggs are plentiful and cheap I'll tell the world it's gosh darned queer They aiway. quit when egg, are Oa, i i X A rag man came to the house the other day and asked the Mrs. if she had any old rags. "Yes." she replied. "But my husband makes me wear them." f f Sheik and thou shalt find. The gypsies have moved on to Green er na.liir.. ,. . .u. tune tellers. "t-i.s j, Cuss. "When a feller Iroks at a cherry tree nowadays he wonders how many gallons are in it." i Ae.--lst.'il rr,'M l.eam-d Wire 1 WASHINGTON. April 2. -S. n a'or l'ouien of Michigan went un der the surgeon's knife at Jolin Hopl ins hospital today for the re nioval of a long standing affection f the gall bladder. Me has ben ul the Itunplial for the hint to weeks preparing fur the operation. BEFORE WIN DEPT. (Associated Press Irfssed Wire.) WASHINGTON, April 28. Three i former cabinet members and four (senators, all democrats, were listed by Secretary Weeks in a report to the sonato todav as having appeared I either In person or through their law firms In cases before the war ueparc- ment within two years after their re tirement from office nad since Janu ary 1. 191S. The cabinet members named were William O. McAdoo, A. Mitchell Palmer and Thomas W. Greg ory, and the senators were J. Hamil ton Lewis, of Illinois; Hoke Smith, of Georgia: Christie Bennett, of houtn Carolina and Wlliard Sulsbury, of Delaware. The secretary also listed the following members of the house. Burton Sweet, Ohio, republican. W. B. Jamleson, Iowa, republican. C. C. Carlln, Virginia, democrat. J. T Watklns, Louisiana, democrat T. J. Ryan, New York, democrat. J. C. Ogden, Kentucky, republican. G. B Currio, Michigan, republican. J W. Wood, Iowa, republican. Oocrated on For Appendicitis Funeral Arrangements to Be Announced Later. Many times, no doubt, you have een the above headlines In your newspapers. Very often it has told of some friend suddenly stricken with dread appendicitis. The newspapers, however, neglected to state that ap pendicitis Is usually Drecedod bv Blonlacn trouble. They don't toll you that the afflicted person Buffered fre quent attacks of heartburn long be fore he went to the hospital. While heartburn Is nn tjilwAvs a lnf,,raMi ,,,. , warn, g0nethng ,8 wron' m many case, it results from lnd,Be8ti0Di whlch lg one of tne predisposing causes of appendicitis. If you suffer from a burnlne. enaw- ing sensation In the stomach, exces- sive gas, sour stomach, nausea or other distress after eatmg, go at once obta)n g botU(j Qf 8Hh Btob M A a th(J guaratlteed 8t0mach I treatment, harmless liquid rids the stomach of catarrhal mucus, allays "uiumonuu, ileitis untnuuu uuu cleanses the bowels of poisonous waste matter. Price $1.25. Money back If the first bottle does not re lieve. Nathan Fullerton Store will supply you. Mall orders accepted. (Associated Press Leased Wire.) LONDON, April 29. J. II. Thom as, the colonial secretary announced in the house of commons today that as no settlement by agreement was possible the boundary between northern Ireland the remainder of Ireland must be determined in ac cordance with article XII of the An- gio-irisn treaty. This article pro vides for the establishment of a boundary commission. LONDON, April 9. The note which, according to several Dublin reports, the Irish free state govern ment has sent to Great llritain re quiring immediate stnbilizement of the boundary commission will, it is believed force the London govern ment to take a definite step bring ing thin HdnVAI-niia not). lam tn ll.n front. The sequel to such a move Is likely to tax the statesmanship of the administration to the utmost un less some ground of agreement ran be found and of this there is said to be little hope in London, Dublin or Belfast. Some of the correspondents In Dublin and some of the political commentators predicted civil war In Ireland If the commission Is set up and awards to the Free State 7. 'ZZort o T JAP BALL TEAM (Ansoclated I'reJs Lensed Wire.) COIIVAU.IS. April 29. Oroeon Atrirulturnl College shut out the Meipi I'niversity baseball nine in a j gnme played here yesterday. 7 to 0. (The same was close until tho sev- t .... nan i msc Ulllll 1IIU I rnlh 'nnlng. when the Ja-..-... pitche.r weakened.- and hc--. apanese AggJes ord 4 runs, in addition to 3 nl- ready chalked up. I o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cilihort left j this morning for Medford where iney win make their future home. ;Mr. Gilbert's headquarters have .been rhansed from lioseburg to that city. They hnve many friends here I w ho r. tret their departure lo the l.oouihcrn citv. Makes a Fine Wall j Let us tort you about! it. i Churchill j Hdw. Co. P. S. Has been a re-1 cent drop in price, j IPSON F" RO l 5S f D WARD "1 IMOMuV i v 1M 1 wly A quality cigarette at a quantity price aristocratic flavor at a democratic cost. LIVES OF EIGHT Associated Press Leased Wire.) LAMBERTON. N. Y.. April 29. The lives of eight persons were saved by a collie dog when the farm house of Leslie S. Morrison burned to the ground early today. The dog sacrificed Its own life. Morrison was awakened by the dog tugging at the bed clotlfes to find the house In flames. With the help of his wife and his cousin. James Morrison, he carried five children, ranging In age from three to nine years, to safety. Two of them had been overcome by smoke. The dog's body was found in the debris. T SPEED CABLEGRAMS (Assortnted Press Lensed Wire 1 WASHINGTON. April 29. Ulti mate 'attainment of a "speed and ac curacy unthougtit of at present," In ocean cable transmission through the adaption of electro vacuum tubes for cable as well as radio com munications was predicted today at the annual meeting of the Nation al Academy of Sciences here by Ma-Jor-General George S. Squier, retir ed, an Inventor and former chief Blgnal officer of the United States army. Experiments already made through adaption of radio mechan isms to the "sub-audio band of fre quencies" In ocean cable work, Gen eral Squier said, have resulted al ready In nutrked progress. The work has been done in connection with the new Seattle-Ketchikan, Alaska army cable in the laboratory of Wil liam M. Ilruce, Jr., at Springfield, Ohio, he said, and by the bureau of standards in Washington with army signal corps funds. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN ASSAILED IN SENATE (Associated Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. April 2S The Na tional Republican was assailed today in the senate by Senator Ashurst, democrat, Arizona, In connection with its publication of a statement by At torney General Stone that Indictment of Senator Wheeler, by a federal Jury In his own state, was justified. Reading a published denial by the attorney-general that he had made any such statement. Senator Ashurst said he feared that the article pub lished In the National Republican stated what the publishers of that paper wished to be the case and not " ' "nn urn n.iiini mail. CON&RATUIATES HIMSEXP OM HW1M6 EATEN UCHT ftT WON. LOCKS LIKE THIS I. 601N6 TO BE A REAL. 6L0W0OT BJfSVES THAT EVERYONE B'JT Hir.SCLT HAS BEEN MRvTP WITH THE TlbH CO'JUjt TONOfifY v,'ITR Of TltE OVERSHjHT , Tu'RNS IN TIME 15 SEE V..MTER. VAUiSH.'No WITH Plate an: demands its tccturn -mc wasnt throu6h, drat it The World At Its Worst ' By cluyaswillw Trying To Get Enough At A Banquet l-JV.tga'. I J-A7fr-i TC 7 V.i n 'd!MA r-, a n aB T - TV mm it T sBw. STOMACH TROUBLE But Alkrr P. r r S. D., Turned to Tanlac .j Regained His Strength. "If a medicine has ever complete changed a man. I am that man and TANLAC the medicine. I have been so thoroughly rebuilt that I don't 1. or feel like the same person? ,e str king statement of Allien onn Dakota " f CaMon' "Ten years of stomach trouble Dull I ed me down o 1 . 0 Pin- work time after .rme! VerVusnS kidney and bladder disorders X liver bursting headaches, sleepless , and loss of appetite all contributed to my misery aud my complexion was yellowlBh, my eyes darkly circled niv tongue coated, and what I lacked of being a total wreck wasn't much. "An operation was suggested as m?viniyr.h.P! f. recover'. but I took TANLAC instead and now my health is of ths best. I haven't an ailment eat anything, sleep well and my weight has gone up twenty-three nounds. I hflvft n w-l.l n . . un.l ... ......... wtMO TAN'l ACu. well and strong I am looking. Lan- umgsristt. Acceot noT 1 guage la too weak to express my gratl-l40 mlu'on bo'Uo Zl tude to TANLAC. IU merits are be- " - cici.uuuv iuiis m hi.u ---.v n in Mu . TO (Associated Press Leased Wire ) WASHINGTON, April 28. The nn. ate today approved an amendment to the revenue bill Increasing the corpo-1 ZtihI w 1 ra on tax from 12, to 14 per cent. I nl,,! " ' itepeal ot the tax on telephone and 'guard at ih,l' telegraph messages, ordered by the I The wrecks i house, was approved by the senate in I been eonh,. 1 ,l v"- rejecting a committee amendment. which would have restored this levy to the revenue bill. Announcement was made by. Sena- 1.,. i.iu.., ,,unn Carolina, ranking (Awoclitrt Prai Uwr. thHt the minority would offer later a , , ? A ita l" substitute proposing a graduated tax 0 , ' ilusim, in place of the flat levy. j sanitarium ht, Hii . n nay suspended bainr, WEDIUXG CK1UCMONY MONDAY ln hl room' rtn mmseii. AiieDiiKKia E. C. Llndgren and Lucile Nick-I 8Uflerin8 ' B ens were united in marriage Monday, na(i Been hJe afternoon at four o'clock at the Hap-' " ' list parsonage, Kev. Caldwell read ing the ring ceremony ln the pres onoe of a few friends and relatives' of the contracting parties. Thel bride was formerly n rnniHent nr ' I.nnklnir r.ln anri te 11.... I. ' broUKUt by VttaHtlt employed as fireman by the South- Permanent the krl em Par l fnmnanv Thnv tvlll r n-' side on Military street. j Pan' from disiui-aitaa. GOVERNMENTS AGREE UPON REPARATIONS (Associated Press Leased Wire.) PARIS. April 28. France and Bel- glum today reached a complete accord JKCi'SEsHSffi! un iDH course 10 oe laKen Dy me iwo governments as their part in putting $ QfrnWDrTrlQ the reparation experts' recommenda- W sJlTaWUV"" , ; .. . r. . V biuu imu t;ii;i.i. m . 1 A L As a result of today's decision taken f We are in tntlto-'-1 at a conference between t'remier Theunis and Foreign Minister lly- ,J mans of Belgium and Premier Poin- V care of France, the two governments will separately endeavor to reach a similar agreement with Oreat Britain g nfler which the final untangling of the g reparation snarl will be attempted ln J a general auieu conference. The conference developed Into a a . highly Important consultation on the A whole subject of the pledges to be de- ,?j,-r,j,xIi335BK5 ITlHIHied HI iil-miHHy HIKI UIW UlllUl- DISPOSES QuickiY or OYSTERS. TEELS THAT AT $5. A PIATC THCV COULD HAVE SERVED MORE THAN TOUR OYSTERS MENU n i -lTSli".. TECI5 HE CAKT MAKE TROOSLE iB00T A THING LIKE TflM" AMD HftiRlrY WAUHES hTi NEitHBOS.-b EAT ATLT. T-ST 5M0'ST l',rACTC?V w -cr or nTORM BETWEEN TT.CI PIC THAT HE'S MADE KIM SELT COSFlCt'CUS ArVD S.ENSE OP TRIUMPH ClTR VvNTE'R fcMALL -- QUIT 7V 7. ! Iat into effect """"iH AMERICAN ITwJny Schurmsn ., hkJ department tai,.. 7?N steamer Robert DoUu'irJ'l ed at Chuoschot.o ij been confused nii iL., ert Dollar. ' INSANE MAkWs, INJUNCTION JUTH-IX ( Associated Psrx' POTLA.ND, IU 1-1 m til Thursday. Hivlnaiw announcemenl toil! Cms Taswell. The ltjjiiai in connection r.itii 3 versy. early berrie WRITE HI PAGEASOR Portlmi Ortj SJSrWP" c-.v Ti zrs c r, jit ? or ' IZ'et