Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 26, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    ftOSKBURa W.mvHW. SATURDAY, APRIL ? 1924.
marriage license was lsan,i i
night to J. J. Ueakin and Ada J,"1
I Patrick, both of this city. U "
. H -ii
Constant Efficiency
It in our earnest aim to keep our
service up to a high standard of effi
ciency constantly adding, to the eHt
facilities and approved methods for the
prompt dispatch of business. Open a
iheckiriK account with us und avail
yourself of our good service.
The Roseburg National Dank
Roseburg, ore.
Picnic to Be Provided on Fri
day and Educational Trip
on Saturday.
(Associated Press LeaBed Wire.)
OLYMPIA, Wash., April 20.
AlibouKh It is too aoon to es-
mate accurately the damage
occasioned by frost lo orchards
eastern VVashlnKton, tne
! damage this year Is more man
I usual accordini? o Charles L.
itobiiison, supervisor of horti-
An early sprlnfr. which forc
'ed trees Into bloom earlier
! than usual Is to blame, rather
' than late frosts, he said.
(Associated Press Lesied Wire.)
likelihood that President Coollde
will veto the bonus bill when It is
'submitted to him by congress, prob
! ably within a week. Is Been by a
I number of White House callers In
'bis endorsement yesterday of views
! expressed by Senator llorah, repub-
llcan, Idaho, during an address In
! the senate Tuesday In opposition to
the measure.
The president made It clear that
his agreement with the Idaho's Sen
ators arguments was not connected
with the paid up Insurance plan
which formed the basis of Mr.
Uorah's discussion, or with any oth
er particular bill, but that be le
garded the address as being in line
generally with his own opinion as to
the desirability of economy in gov
ernment expenditures. His visitors
however interpreted his remarks rs
to Indicates that he also agreed wl'h
the senator's stand against the
" : bonus measure.
I Senator and house conferees will
: meet .Monday to seek adjustment
i of differences between the two
i chambers over certain provt ions.
I Many of the conferees think one
day will be sufficient to get togethei
on the measures and leaders gener
ally have declared that, even if the
president should vetd the bill, it
can be re-enacted easily with the
required two thirds majority.
Coming to
Mr. and Mrs. William Long
Cleveland were in town today.
Mrs. II. W. Mullen
from Oakland for a few hours today.
in .arden Va,ley , "j-d TLTlC' little XJ
l "
I R. II. Grlnsted, who rerentiv
of, for Southern California ha.
I t"r?ed to Roseburg. Mr. Crln.S
mo.oren aowir witn Mr. .n17
was In -he city i J" er two children wd
-Ro'a.nd Moore.
Thn j, .
muua irom Marsnrieid. Mrs. Mnn,. ittHi
mf. ... .u. . .. . Bna Mrg- Ilue ,eft tnI
poultry inunui cau,.,,, iuoi oy truln for gan pranclt(,0
iney win BDent the
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter were
hours this afternoon,
after.,... vlc
month. Mr. Moore riil t i7. 1 o" , n Kroun,.,
.. ' c- li ... '
next two of ,hl ,na ruiu! .,-t"
uiuumn. air. ,-uoore rid Mr h, Sl. , nuuim, Hi I
.. R. A. Hercher amllreturned to their bomfat Ma S cl ?1
in the city for several field b yauto this afternoofl. h'. '"'"'i C oTH'f
rnoon. ' 711"1 of the h: u;tw N
tommlttee. AKi?
Mrs. Walter KlnBel and son, rrd
erick spent yesterday afternoon chop
ping and visiting with friends.
I.KAKE To Mr. and Mrs.
Leake, Iilxonville. a daughter
Patricia, Thursday, April 24, 1924.
Mrs. Conrad Long of Cleveland was
In the city for several hours today1 IFFFTRriN IL1FVI7DC to
visiting friends and shopping. I JJi?JIi MfcTfcKb IS
Fred Hatfield of Roberts
spent yesterday In Roseburg.
d t:ii m l r u:i,!
I30ya will ivianu i loin iigii
School Friday Night Led
By Juvenile Band
Sports Arranged.
Roys' week will be observed through
out the nation Bturtlng tomorrow. In
practically every country in the land
boy life and boy activity will be
stressed from the pulpit and atten
tion given to the endeavors in which
the boys are engaged. The Koseburg
ministers are couperating in this
movement and sermons in the local
churches will follow the same line as
in the many other localities.
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
TOKIO. April 26. Two hundred
Korean students were drowned off
the west coast of Korea near Chln
nampo when a steamship taking
them for a visit to a group of Jap
anese destroyers anchored off shore,
collided with one of the destroyers
and capsized, according to dls-
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
PORTLAND. April 26. Use of
the radio In hunting the slayer of natches today from Eeul.
Martha (iratke, who was choked and I The steamer sank quickly and
and stabbed to death here Tuesday owing to a rough sea only a small
today brought a clue to aid the po-j minlUer Df the students aboard
lice. i could be saved.
O. vogct, or MUDDaru. uregon,
who said he heard the description
of the slayer suspect 'broadcast by
wireless, reported to detectives that
a man answering the description in
quired of him Wednesday directions
Locajly the observance of the week' to the flirt roaa oeiween oaiem a m
i i.i.w, .,nur...i I--,-!., i. ih n.l Hubbard. Voget said the man de-
At the Rexall Drug Store Sunday
before going to the bridge dedication.
Open all day.
tary and Kiwanls clubs. They are re
ceivlng a great deal of assistance
from many citizens who do not belong :
to either organization, and the very
best to cooperation has been met with '
at every turn.
During the week the subject will be
Btreased in the meetings of the meet
ings of the organlztalons, and on Fri
day the boys rae to be shown a real
live time in the form of a picnic at
I.uuri'lwoocl. The hoys will meet at
the high school and at 5 o'clock will
march through the main streets led
by the boys' band. At Laurel wood
a baseball game will be played be
tween the boys and their dads, and
the older men will vie with the young
sters In many athletic sports. This
part of the program is under the direc
tion of (1. C. Kinlay. The piunlc Is be
ing arranged by John Kunyan and
his committee. (. L. Johnson Is to nr
range for the eats, which will be plen
tiful. Saturday will be a day which no
boy In Roseburg should miss.
The boys will assemble at the high
school early lu the morning and will
be divided into groups of about ten
each, and every group will be head
ed by some man who will pilot the
youngsters through the various Indus-1
dared he preferred travelling on the
dirt road rather than on the pave
P. A. Lacey, driver of an auto
bus stage, was fined $6 this morn
ing when he appeared before Justice
of the Peace George Jones on a
charge of falling to halt the stage
before crossing the railroad tracks'.!
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jenkins, who re
st ie In Looking Glass, werj in the
city today for several hours shopping
and attending to business natters.
Mrs. Eva Mocine, who is a resident
of Riddle, spent yesterday in this city
shopping and visiting with frends.
on the McKenzie. I lie men couiu
have reached Portland easily from
lwell, he said.
The sale of the fox furs In Portland.
trial planlB of the city. John Karriug-1 slutrtly aftre the date of the murder
urn ami n vuiiiiiimes ui 1 1 ineu uie,1)f ,n0 trappers makes It apparent,
arranging this trip. believe foliclals that the shivers
The telephone compny Is to have . t.,gBtM the Cascades to the Wlllara
two engineers hero to show the boy8i(,lte vullev.
through the local exchange- and ex- "J
plain its workings In detail. The boys
will visit the railroad yurd. soda
works, creamery, prune packing
plants, flour mill, power station, unci
many other of the plants of this kind,
and will also bo shown through the
county and city offices.
Those in charge of the observance
of the week are trying to stlmuale
greater Interest In the boys and hope
that the event will grow each year.
The public. It Is believed, should gv,
more attention to the boys, and this
means is taken of calling the alten-
tion of the citizens of bits cuontry to! Picnic Supper
the duty they owe to the boys who are i c,r,;. M. n.
soon to take over the management ofi surprises ivirs. uuuar
city, county, state and national affairs.
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
IIK.N'D, April 2. Shortly after
January 15, believed by officers to be
the date of the murder of the trap
pers, Kd Nichols, Hoy Wilson and
Dewey Morris, two men stopped at a
cnhln on the south fork of the lie
Kenzle river. Just over the divide of
the Cascades from where the men
were killed. It was reported to Sheriff
S. K. Roberts by Arthur 11. Ronoey of CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER
Foley Hot Springs. i
The two men stole food from this! i hereby announce myaelf lo the
cabin, according to Kooney and head-! republican voters of Douglas county
ed fro Lowell, also on tno soutn torn ,a candidate at the May primaries
i for the office of County Commls
i sinner. Harry li. Eccleaton. Drain
(Continued from page four.)
ary Work. Mrs.
assisted by Mrs.
Kohlhagcn served,
C. II. Wickham.
Adams, N. Y.
The Rice Rupture Method
Expert, C. W. Miller, personal
representative of William S.
Rice, Adams, N. Y., will be at
the Grand Hotel, Roseburg,
Ore., Monday, April 28, and
at Holland Hotel, Medford,
Ore., Wednesday, April 30.
Every ruptured man, woman,
and child should take advan
tage or this great opportunity.
The Rice Method for Rup
ture is known the world over,
You can now see this Method
demonstrated and have a Rice
Appliance fitted to you. Ab
solutely no charge unless you
are satisfied to keep the Out
fit after having the Appliance
adjusted and you see how per
fectly and comfortably it
holds. No harsh, deep-Dress
ing springs ; nothing to gouge
the ffesh and make you sore.
Can be worn night and day
any degree of pressure requir
Don't wear a truss all your
life when thousands have re
ported cures through using the
Rice Method. Why suffer the
burden of rupture if there is a
chance to be free from truss-
I hereby announce myself a repub-
llcan candidate for representative to i Wearing forever?
state legislature from Douglas county!
at May primaries. Merry I C. Shaver. will cost you nothing to come
Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Barton of Dlll-
nrd spent the day in this city shop
ping anu aitenuing to uusiness
Mrs. Kate eate spent the day in
Elkton attending the Rebekah conven
tion which was held in that city today.
Hon. Jefferson Meyers, newly ap-'
pointed member of the Oregon State1
lioard of Control, who Is in the city!
on official business and to attend
the dedication of the new Robert A.i
nootn onuge at w incnester tomor
row, was honored at a luncheon t ,ko . it ik. v"r
L'mpqua Hotel today noon civen T b lWati0.rn ;
Mr. J. H. Ilooth. of the Douglas 1 i. ,",h".ot " Kami. J":
tional Itank. Thnu h fc.i .. ' . Tin " "
dav f. .1.. . ' tif kin, "
... Q.
pleasure of spending a very enjoyable the great f!.. ,WJ inlw&,
nour witn me distinguished visitor
were jonn ni. 'jnrone, J. E. McClln.
Mrs. W. A: Coffin, who has been
spending the past few days In this
city visiting with her sister, Mrs. Anna
Brockus, left this afternoon for her
home In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Plerson of Port
land are spending several days in this
city visiting: at the home of Mr.
Pierson's mother, Mrs. L. E. Plerson.
H. E. Hermann of Portland is spend
ing several days in this city visiting
at the home of his sister, Mrs. S. W.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Richmond, who
reside in Myrtle Creek, were in the
city for a short time today shopping
and attending to other matters.
Mr. and Mrs. XV. L. Hatch and fam
ily arrived in this city this evening
from their home in Cottage Grove to
spend the week end visiting at the
home of Mrs. Belle Schindler.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coates arrived
In this city last evening from their
home of Mr. Chile's father,
next week or ten dayB visiting at the
home of Mr. Coate's father, Charles
Charles Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Coates
are former residents of this city.
e "eat featiir--r
d-nionstra,i. n.
were jonn m. jnrone, j. e. McClln-'of the p, if " WoibiT
tock. Attorney Dexter Rice. A. c. : dent, n0" L
Marsters. Dinger Hermann. u l- T' dtrL1"
Stapleton, Glenn Wlmberly, J. u ! 0't 7; "ave P'fWW , J
Booth and B. W. Bates.
0 j adopted. The, ,
No Billboard, on Oahu Zl tllt u fe
Aroused by the Increase In artver- "'at every one jhonj? ""H
tlslng billboards which spoiled vistas; In 'he afternooa the1
of tnountnln and turquoise sea, the ! '" a dele ri-ianijn,
women of Honolulu notified the nier- ' !'Hla' 'hher or nm a?
chants of the Hawaiian Islands that
tlioy would buy no goods so advertised
on the Island of Oahu. Today there Is
not a single adver.lslng billboard oo
the Island. .
! "is other instrocton.
studying the Storm I
"It us be patient." said the hope-1
(.a.t ..All hl. ....... 1. 1 111 ..I I
in, niruu. mi una iivuuio nut 1IIUW I m. ...
over." IhoTh TV Sti-"uiJi
It'll, blow over nil right.- agreed miirri J veStflr
Senator Sorghum. -But maybe It'll be fice of County intotZj'
like a tornado I saw out West. It i The wedding wai viuJj,
blew over, but It took evcrythinj In of t,ie immediate lr.esii J'
...1.1. 1. M It... .1.1 . ... trf-tfniT nart(
iuiu who ii. tiusiungion aiar. i --".o eni.
tiveand mu.H!
j surement. ln
Among thru. i. .
proRt-am were m U
j Miss Hele- ra... r
Garret,, sir,, p
Some National DeblM .Mr. and C r. a Kg.
The national deht a bead In the Freddie, irho hate bm
United States Is about S'iO. In Italy hrt time in ttii dti it, ,
It is over $.-(X). In France over Sl.IKH), Wiss Minnie BeUIeftisfc,
and In Great Britala It reaches the stun ' I"r , bom hr
. ...,-, ii i. i , have Just rettirned twm
of over MM . In Japan It b only a Jwllere ,hey
little- more than J'J.'i
the past hionth.
1 hereby announce myself to re
publican voters of Douglas Co. as
landidute at May primaries for office
of coui. comiiilsai.-ner. Mac W.
Daughetry, Yoncalla, Ore. (Paid Ad.)
j I hereby announce myself a republl
! can candidate for superindendent of
vhools of Douglas county, at the May
,iriuiarle. Mrs. Edith S. Ackert, Myr
I le CreeK, Orcgp-, (Paid adv.)
rtf. Adv.)
TENDENT. I hereby announce toy candidacy
for the office of county school super-
Intendent subject to the will of the
republican voters at the May pri
maries. (Paid Adv ' 0. C. BROWN.
with positive comfort,
rubber-like composition
Judge Harry licit, candidate for
the state supreme bench, spent last
night In Koseburg on his way south
lo Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Lent, of Tort
land, are visiting with their daught
ter. Mrs. Carl Wlmberly. They will
remnln over Sunday and will attend
the bridge dedication.
(Assoelnted Prens tossed Wire.)
OTTAWA. April The
department of agriculture to-
day plared an embargo on the
Importation Into Canada of
horses from California, Nevada
and Oregon and on animals
which have been In those states
at any time within two months
To surprise and honor Mrs. Paul;
Ilubar. the Hook Club planned a pic- i
nlc at Winchester on Tuesday even-1
Ing, serving a delicious supper to I
which Mrs. Ilubar was brought nfti-ri
all preparations were made. After!
dinner, the group motored to the Itu- i
bar home, and played cars or sever-1
ni hours. Enjoying the occasion were'
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Iletnllne, Mr. and
Mrs. John Enger. Mr. and Mrs. W. .
H. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kunyan.
Dan Ilubar, Mrs Ilubar. Mr. and Mrs. j
William Hell, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
! in and learn all about the Rice
... ,. . ! Method and the wonderful op-
I hereby announce mysel? a repubH
tan candidate for sheriff of Iioukibs nnrtiirite kl J .. :t
county, at the May primaries. Frank Portunity tor help and cure it
M. Hopkins, CanyonvUle. Oregon.
(Pd. Adv.)
offers in your case. Remem
ber the Expert will be there
I hereby announce myself as re : only one day, then your op
publiean candidate for the office of
sheriff of lHniglas county at the portunitv will be pone Inot
nrlimirv al.-tl,iii Mui. 1 C M' C,.. J
Mav lti. S. W. Star-
(Paid Adv.) ask at the hotel desk for the
flle-n l-Yom l'onlanl-
j C. H. Springer, of Tortlnnd
a business visitor In Koseburg to-
CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER Rice Exnerl anrl r. Ar tk
I hereby announce n.vgelf , repub-! expert and he Will do th
Call any time from 9
, llcan candidate for treasurer of Doug-
t las counly. at the May primaries. J
I E. Sawyers, Roseburg, Oregon,
was (Pd. Adv.)
preceding their offer for en-
trance Into the dominion.
Presence of the foot and mouth
disease in California was given
aa the cause of the embargo.
Arrive Kmm Iios Ange-li
Cecil Black and Claud Crocker
arrived here yesterday in the form
er's car from Los Angeles where
they have spent the last seven
months. Thu will probably re
main here permanently. The two
boys passed through Dunsmulr yes
terday when the fire was destroy
ing the business hectlon o fthat city
and spent two hours there fighting
the flames. 1
12 a. m., 2 to 5 p
9 evenings.
Don't miss this
m., or
7 to
I hereby anii'ionee myself a demo-'
crntic candidate for county treasurer
at the primary election May 16. 1:24.
Roy C. Agee. (Paid adv.) nnrtnnilv t ..... tl C
I llll. LVCl I CI 1 1
great op-
Republican Candidate
For State Legislature
Primary Election, May 19, 1924
(Paid Adv.)
WM. S. RICE, Inc.
The importance
of you
IN THE whirring of looms, the flaming of furnaces,
the darting of factory fingers in and out day after
day, the audacious scheming of laboratories, the end
less displaying of shops energies strive for you.
For you, the shaping of leather, the cocooning of
silk, the pricking of discs to carry human or orchestra
voices, the balancing of watch springs so delicately a
pencil mark tips the scales all the multiple, painstak
ing labors of commerce bent to' aid you to live better,
more nearly contented.
In the pages and columns of advertisements pro
ducts are assembled, described and offered, to feed
your convenience, your comfort, your pleasure.
Every advertisement was written and printed for
you, to tell of this limitless service.
Read the advertisements to know when,
who, how much.
Read them to compare values.
Read them to save.