PAGE NINI Classified Section 5ten Up Your Home With THE HALF-TIME WIFE By VIOLET DARE Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 169-U ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PAQI I -awn mowers of quality ell's Furniture Store. R08EBUR0 weWS-HIVIKW. FRIDAY, APRIL 4. 1924. s t at Pow-1 suritwiN. Williams Floorlac Uf W'a " I .. sn wondering how you were going to refinish that Ive you beyHas th"e duU appearince of the living-room !wom chair or ' worrying you? You probably are saying, floor or the answerRefinish it with Sherwin- Yej, ana " t ; and varnishes with one operation. 'Williams Floonac, o j .r. ctrrl nnrl mini- i-arA popular narawuuu i- !williams jlade in TRIAL AN COUPON - . .nxi with your name and addrets, bring it to our store nTyoS will revive . SO cent can of Floorlac. and . with 15 'h This introductory offer ii limited Sign your iTU tnupon to our .tore today. Nuns... Addnst- i Churchill Hardware Co. 1 THE WINCHESTER STORE g s iMOclatea Pre.. Leased Wire.) K-EVII.LE. Ky., April 4.La Wble browing for weeks at bines of the Lilwrty Coal and I company on Straight Creek, I to a head today. George Lu te dead and Edward Dishman. H4. victims of a fusillade of t directed from a mountain fctf yesterday by hidden rifle- The men. both from Virginia, limong the company's non 1 employes. k shootiiiK. the second time re (. according to company of . that their men have been tied to a volley from the jnunslde, was the culmlnatin fries of changes In the oper fof the mines. Bti Extr.ctioa Gu When Desired DR. H. R. NERBAS Dentist bnlc BulWlnf Roseburg, Or. PkM 4K8 wi Ext meted tnd Replaced nam ay who or without plat. E ;en in Roseburg )tel Umpqua Jalian Prune Trees! 5" 't ioe ?" leet ,2e no t feet log. Freneh Prune Trees f 25c 'ted Frsnquette Walnuts .Senenl Variety of Nursery f Prlee. f. o. b. Salem, Ore. rruiUand Nursery 14th St Salem. r,... xc TJf OFFICIAL EXECUTIONER SUICIDE LEFT COMFORTABLE FORTUNE BRESLAU, April 4. raul Spaethe the executioner who recently shot himself In this 'city, left a consider able estate and attracted attention to the excellent pay which executioners get. Before the war 600 marks, or $125, and traveling expenses was the fee paid for each execution, and It has now returned to about the same amount Spaethe had gulllotlnod 45 persons. That was emphasized by his lighting 45 candles, one to each of his vic tims, before he shot himself. He in vested his earnings in a restaurant and in real estate which enhanced in value, so his heirs are well provided for. A century ago the executioners In Europe were a much higher class of men that at present. They were re quired to be educated in surgery, and practiced medicine. They were state officials and received a fixed salary. 5 Art Bji WjBB B New Wallpapers for bpnng Spring birds flowers. Is there j anybody at this season who doe. W rnt tvnnr mme rjf the rooms of p the home made new with bright. cheery wall paper I We will help you make happy selections. Come In and look over the wonderful line of new Niagara " Blue Ribbon" patterns we have here. They're the very latest designs every one artistic Knttrifit! and arisfiliirpli correct i n Kyle. 'Arf Afc ui for Ttt Sam- l''1 lU.iA to tet l-xf- V 'L&-itt'yi& T"1 Ofot.cnl " CORDON & BISHOP 324 W. Casa St., Roseburg RlilFDlR: Ak us for T'ft Ham. !S a tYIIO'S WHO IV THE STORT. DUNCAN IIA1.E, a young army oncer, returns from the 1'hlltpplnas to find that . SUIl.-JSE. With whom he 1. In love, baa married GEOFFREY ATWOOD, a prom inent man much older than aha. Hale triea to perauade her to loav her husband, get a divorce and marry him, fretlnf aura that ehe atlll carea for him. Susanna Is troubled ny thla, and by the report that there la a lova affair between DICK LEIGH Geoffrey, nephew, and a chorua girl, VIII COMPLICATIONS. S 8uzanne f cro aaed 1 the outer office a tall, beaut I f u 1 1 y groomed woman In b I a o k came toward her. Bhe hesitated, paused. Inter cepting ui anna. I'm Mrs. Atwood," Sus anna told her, rather blunt ly, and start ed to pass. I'm so glad to meot you; I the only unbn.lneaa like note was a photograph of herself. It waa a fitting environment for Geoffrey, too. Tie waa the beat type of American business man, big, big broad shoul dered, well built a dally round of hand bail kept him young and alert looking, and ha waa proud of the fact that ha waa In as good condi tion as any young college athleto. She waa very proud of Geoffrey, and of being hl wife, but being married to him was a far more sertooa business than she had sup- I VIOLET DARE Oh, am Mr a. Vale." anaweretl the other woman, o charm lngLy that Bur anne was disarmed. They shook hands, and Suzanne, edged around her. politely, but de terminedly. '1 thought Td JuA run down nnd see If I couldn't see my husband for a moment before be left," she explained. "Well, Geoffrey's frtfrhtfully busy, as I told you on the telephone; It's too bad to Interrupt him." Mrs. Vale replied. "I'll just ko in an tell him" , "No. I'll go- Suzanne hurriedly took the few steps that lay between her and her husband's door. "Geoffrey" Mra Vale called him by his first name, then! Suzanne knew that they had known' each other for a lonK time, but that dis covery disturbed her, nevertheless. She found Geoffrer at his de?k. talk ins; -to a man whom she hardly saw, although she acknowledged Geoffrey's Introduction of him po litely enough. Her mind was fo ensed ao completely on her husband that nothing else could find a way Into it. The man departed shortly after ward, and Geoffrey turned to her, smlllnft. "I tried to sret you on the phone a little while afro, but the line was busy, he told her, drawing her down to a seat on the narrow arm of hia chair. "And before I tried attain Mrs. Vale told me that she had given you the message. Did you meet her as you came in?' "Yes; she introduced herself," Suzanne replied quietly. It would never do to let Geoff know how she felt about Mrs. Vale. ''She said that ydu were frbrhtfully bnsy." "I am, but not too busy to see you, ever," he answered. ."Now, 1 have some leters to sign, and a few directions to (rive; do you want to lit down In that big chair by the window and wait till I Ret them out of the way, and then we can drive to the station together," Obediently as h well trntned little irirl, Sumnne toov the ehalr Indi cated. She liked this hk, sunny office of Geoffa, look In fir down into one of the city's busfnens streets, Meed his big; orderly desk, on which Large a-imber of new rugs now In stock at Powell's. Moore Music Studio 114 son St. S. Jack- Emery wants to buy your wool and mohair. See hlin before selling. Largest and best line of Easter candles ever shown In Koavburg at the Palace of Sweets. CANDIDATE FOR SUPERIN TENDENT OF SCHOOLS I hereby announce myself a republi can candidate tor auperlndendent of schools of Douglas county, at the May primaries. Mrs. Edith B. Ackert, Myr tle Creek, Oregon. (Paid adr.) I CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSIONER 'I'll need tome A fold. posed two months hefore. She' Vail not realized then that having the marriage ceremony snld over two people by a minister does not da more than begin to make a mar riage; that the people most concern ed have to gtf on and build up a partnership for themselves. Mrs. Vale came In, smiled sweetly nt Snsanne and sat down by Geoffry's desk. Ho suggested vari ous things that should be done; In every Instance sho replied suavely that t?hoy had been begun or wore on her list. Apparently she ha$ an ticipated all his orders. "You run tho oftlc- better than I do!? he laughed. "All right that's about all, I guess. You have -my address? Forward those Lewis papers If they come. Now honey, come along." n put on his hnt nnd renehed for his roat, but Mra Vale was Al ready holding It for him. Suxannf stared, trying to curb her resent, mont. It was all rlKht for Mrs. Vale to be a good secretary, but why this Intimate touch nlso? "Geoff, I'm tromg to need some money while you're away," Susanne told him, n he turned to her. "My nllowance Is all 'gone." "Well, here's .Abbott, our hook keeper," ho answered, turning to the man who had Just come In. "He'll mail you a check put It on my personal account, Abbott. . Now we'll run." They hurried through the outer office so rapidly that Suzanne had only a glimpse of Mra Vale, -who was talking with one of the steno graphers. Put it wns Impossible not to catch her expression. Envy nnd resentment were there, and she had no smile for Susanna hut only a narrow eyed look of dislike. She ' called "Goodbye" gaily enough as the door alnmmed behind them, but Suzanne feh that she had seen something not Intended for her eyes, something thnt had truth behind It. I hereby announce, myself to the republican voters of Douglas county as a candidate at the May primaries for the office of County Commis sioner. Harry B. Ecclouton, Drain, Oregon. (Pd. Ady.) r WANTED WANTED Spading phone 101-H. and gardening. WANTED Girl for general work. 246 No. Hose St. house- GlllL. with experience would like offi ce or clerical work. Phone &S4-Y. WAlTlElJGood 14-inch Vaikiug plow. Phone 5F33. C. W. Groves. , EMEUY Wants to buy your wool and mohair. Bee him before selling. WANTED At once. Beagle hound stud dug. Write to P. O. Box 85, Roseburg, Oregon, WANTED Dressiuuking. Good work guaranteed. 3 doors east of Sold iers Home. Mrs. 11, A. Metcalf. USED CAHS wanted for cash; late model Fords, liulcks, Dodges and ChevrolutB. E. W. Uaruuui, Marsh field, Ore. WANTED Any kind of clerical work by experienced accountant and stenographer. Keply C. J. Harding, Umpqua, Ore, LOST Black back comb. Reward Tor Its return to Newa-Kevlew office. Iteward. LOST Tuesday night, at armory, or bet. armory and K. P. Hall, whit gold pendant ear ring set with rhlnestones. Return to thla office. FOUND-Packageot"blueprInuTl cor. Oak and Rose Sts. Owner Call at this office, Identify property and pay for adv. T FOR SALE T FOR SALE Used player piano relU, 60o each, rtiutie 870. FOR SALE Fox terrier pups. Jaaiea Spraguc, Ten Mile. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a repubU ran candidate for sheriff of Duukibi county, at the May primaries. Frank M. Hopkins, CanyouvUle, Oregon. (Pd. Adv.) FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for tho office of county school super intendent subject to the will of the republican Voters at the May pri maries. (Paid Adv.) 0. 0. BROWN. o-- CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for treasurer of Doug lua county, at the May primaries. J E. Sawyers, Roseburg, Oregon. (Pd. Adv.) FOR RENT FOR SALE Span of 6 and 6 year , mares, weight 2500. D. S. ChurchilL , Phone 11F31. ; FOR SALE One large Poland China ' boar, 18 months old. Price, 125. P, f J. Ballf. ' and 2 kids. ! separately 4135 ' Cobb St. I'hone 360-J. FOR SALE First class oat and! !. vetch hay, balled, Sl& per ton, D, '. C. McGehey, Phone 6F1S. : I FOR BALE Milch goat Will sell together or s FOR RENT Garage. Inquire at 544 So. Pine St. FOR RENT Safety depoalt boxes, Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT 3 partly furnished housekeeping roouis. Phone 677 It. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, bath. 401 South Main street. WILL have 5 room modern furnlxhed house for rent, April 10. I'hone 454-R or call 647 So. Stephens St. OK KliN I Two sleeping rooms with bath. ?i und $2.50 per week. At large white bouse at Auto Camp Ground. T MISCELLANEOUS T CAN DO a few more rough dry wash ings. Phone 454-R. Tomorrow A Determined Woman. rVipvrloM. t9H. tnr Thr- TThrW fynrttrat. Inc. (Associated Tress Leased Wire.) .CHICAGO, April 4. A 20 p?r cent Increase in industrial accidents In the United States in 1023 is es timated hy the Nalional Safety coun cil. The estimate for the year Is 3,000 accidents, of which 23,000 were fatal. Industrial accidents reported by Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Massa rhusettes, Newt Jersey. Delaware. Washington. Oregon and Pennsyl vania totalled more than 1.500,000. Oregon riposted 30,227 accidentr, of which 178 were fatal; and WbhIi lngton 24,745 with 366 fatalities. This Is a Studebaker year. LOCAL NEWS $1 places a Royal Vacuum cleaner in your home. Hudson Electric Store. We demonstrate. Lloyd take yon cheaper on long trips; no trip less than 50 cents. Lloyd's Taxi, phone 44, 1S5 Sheridan. Easter favors, In great variety, at tho Palace of SweetB. Make your se lections early. CANDIDATE FOR REPRESEN. TATIVE. I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for representative to state legislature from Douglas county at Muy primaries. Merry! C. Shaver, Sutnerllu, Oregon. (Paid Adv.) O" NO'I'ICIfi OK SAI.K r GOVERNMENT TIMIIklH General Land orrtce, Washington, D. C, March 11. 1S24. Notice Is Hereby given tut suoiuet to the condlUuns and limitations of the acts ot June V, jyio, ij K.t., ziBj, f euruai-y 26. lviv, till tilM., HIV), and June 4, liu (41 Stat., 7utt), and departmental retfula- liuns o bL-pleuiber 15, lVli (46 L. Li. 447i, and June Hi. IDiu (47 U U.. 411) Hie liuhber ua tue following lands will ue sum April ii, li4 at 10 ociuck ii., at puuiic auction at the United states lund office at itoseburg, ore- goo, to the highest Didder at not less man me appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of onu-llflh of 1 per cent, thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale Is hot approved, otherwise patent will issue tor the tlntber which must be re moved within ten years. Illds will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and cot puratlons organized under the laws ox the united states, or any stale. Territory, or Uislrlct thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal suouivision will be orierea separately belure being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 28 8., It. 12 W., Sec. 15, Lot 8, fir 12(1(1 M., T. 18 H., K. 1 W., Sec. i, NWfc fir, 14BU M., none of the timber on these sections to be sold fur less than 42. (,u per M., T. 21 S., K. 4 W., Sec. tl, MO bK'4 red fir 166(1 M., white fir, 26 M., incense cedar Xt M., Kfc'A bt.1 red fir 1241) at., white fir 60 AL, red cedar 3U M., T. ztf S., Jt. 11 W., Bee. 1, SWfi B k red fir. 140U M., none of the timber on these sections to be sold for less than zl.Tti per M. for the red fir, S.&v per M. for the white fir and Incense cedur, and 11.60 per M. tor the red cedar; T. 3u It. 10 W., flee. 13, Nr. 14 Nhi'A fir 626 at., NVt'H NK'A fir r00 M., M-:(4 NW54 fir 800 M.. NW14 NW14 fir 200 M., T. 2D S.. H. JO W Sec. ZD. Bi. SK' fir loio M., while cedar 430 M., hone of the limber on thene sections to be sold for less than 91.60 per M. for the fir and $'.0 per M. fur the while ct-dar; T. 39 8.. R. 6 W Kec. 15, NW S1V14 yellow pine 60 M., sugar pine so M.. red fir 180 M.. none of the Umber un this tract to be sold fur less than $3.00 per M. for the yellow and sugar pine and 11.26 per M. for the red fir; T. 29 S., K. 10 W., Sec. 20, NK14 NK fir 520 M. then bH',, fir 60 M. none of the timber on thee tracts to be sold for lens than .'.25 per al., T. 28. H., It. 11 TV-., Her. 15, 8K'A XK't red fir 6s M. white fir 120 M., T. 29 K It. 10 W., See. 30, NF; N'KVi red fir 775 M.. white cedar 40 M., SK N-I-; red fir 6;0 M. white cedar loo M.. none of the timber on these sec tions to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. for the red fir. . 60 per M. fur the white fir, and $7.00 per M. for (he white cedar. WILLIAM SI'KY. Com mlffloner. (lent-rsl ltnd Office. CAR OWNER Don't forget to call 553 when In need of auto parts Sarff s Auto W recking House. FOR SALE Seasoned fir block wood,' 13.60 a tier. Also writ : ; spring oats. Boyer Bros. Phone ' . 14F14. S FOR SALE Cheat and oat hay, bal- ed, lo ton. 1 mile north of Eden- : bower on the highway. M. A. Por j I: FOR SALE No. 1 grain hay. loose i on Humphrey's place, 1 mile south ' .. of Myrtlo Creek. Inquire Thos. ii Hedgepeth. 1 11 UMLRELLA MAN leaving soon. For covers, repairs and new umbrellas, call 348 So. Pino. Side entrance. NOT1CK A business that has In creased over 100 per cent in the hint year wishes a reliable man, or woman to handle Its agency, will stand closost Investigation. Work digni fied, pleasant, very profitable, Room 2oS Perkins llldg. Roseburg, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE Rockers, chairs, dresser. . bedsprlng, and range. Almost new. ' 1107 South Kane St., Millers Addl tlon. i FOR SALEJorsey Hereford heifer I " years, due to calf April; or trade , for Jersey cow broke. Parker, Can- 1. yonvllle. Oregon. , 1923 FORD COUPE with extra. 1196 v. - down, balance 26 per mo. Also 1919 Ford runabout. ED MARSH, ' MQ1U11 CU. 131 so. Rose St. FOR SALE 1 1500. 10 acres ot good . land, good Small house and barn, j one mile east ot Roseburg. Alio another good buy. E. U. Rosen--berry, Phone 33F2. I 1 4 i I I -4- . . FOUND Beaded bag. Owner call at this office, describe property and pay for adv. LOST Tuesday afternoon, one O. E, S. past-matron's Jewel. , Finder please leave at Bubar Bro's Jewel ry Btore and receive reward. BEDDINO PLAINTS Mastodan Dan-. sy, Petunia, Salvia, Verbena, Col- V umblne, etc., at Economy Grocery, and RoBeburg Grocery. Pot plant ; at green house, Edenbower. P. W. ; . Kay, Phone 6FS, between 12 and 1 ; or after o p. m. 'Li A NICE LITTLE HOME Lot 100x100 J ft. 4 room house with 2 porches. ' . Fruit trees. Large nnultrv hntisa. Garage. Household goods Included, f ',' Outside city limits. Price complete,' ' j $1600. $600 down, balance In month.; , I ly payments. Price without Idrnl-'-, I 1 ture $1200. $500 down and balance ' 1 monthly payments. This ta worth j Investigating. G. W. Young A Son,,. ; Phone 417. t i . Mrs. M. F. Middloberg of Round Prairie was In town for me after noon yesterday shopping and visit- V ing with friends. t-. Treated by Skilled Specialist DURING the many years that I have maintained a highly experienced med ical clinic In Pordandj Oregon, for the treats ment of Piles and other rectal and colon disorders, llteraliV tTMHisands of sufferers have come Of been sent to me from sll parts of rhe VesCj This astounding growth In my practice ha necessitated Barter and better) equipped otnees in mv own new boikllng and tn m- creased staff of skilled assistants. It ha. also bronsvc me an experience which enables me tn cotnUetulalrf) (AJARANTEE to cure any case of Plies be my-Tkcmvy surgical method or refund the rait tent', fee. TTi'ti hfi rrnfiiB mi nrsnilliiiTiii rin nisi In 1st nisi nfiissil H its mwm cuweniCTS totnceaiam. MvtceMczneaMIVBkadmav Writs todsr fee sir tftEX ItkistratW Srakk I ibssa lea m racial mt war shsaM aasw. ill -.amam 1 x i ,i , i liV , i v STH DOMAI N - OPPOSITE COURT. HOUSE PORTLAND. OR ECOM WVVXTHIS PAPER WHEN WRIT. NO1, DEAN, M.D. Inc MEN' UND ADVICE I Causes faVifir rear- We remove j absolutely with NX i DRY CLEANING t THE CLANCY KIDS Chippy Boyd Knows What He s After. Sml TR1f0URWAV 1 tm o 1 """Will Call j; u mm Mm A) By PERCY L. CROSOV iwt v ' r . . t Yoo,MR.TrMri!t? rh7t.K ulfLL VA JGIVt Mt A Sh I OH YflUr? Tf AM 2-NO UAjef AfTCR, HW.MR.TlMMl.' 1M0 BAJ AFTCA V. i . 1 1 f AM AT U .TTri- I .W II " -41 I atr at'. -iF, : J. t -,11 t ' -.i'.v. v1- -fef Avrz -:..i,'.-V.'f w .fc. i v'ii ,,,; , 1 ... ..... I , rtAYttO ON rX frTs . i r" 1 J 1 S?T 1 ; t '4 t;