ROSEBUBO NEWS-REVIEW. FBIOAY, APRIL 4, 1924. OAOe EIQHT is: : j 1-4 Dissases traced (o constipation are many get permanent relief with Keliogg's Bran Why does 'rontipation breed other diseases! Becauso it floods your ys (cm with dangerous poisons. And tlc lonecr you suffer, tho moro poisons aroumiilato. Thut is why constipation tkould be relieved at once. ' Doctors recommend Kellogg 's Bran, cooked and krumblid. They know it brings results because it is ALL bran. And only ALL bran can bo 100 jcr cent effective iu relieving constipation. ALL bran Keliogg's sweeps, cleans and purifies tho intestine. Jt nets us nature acts. It nukes the in testine function naturally and regu larly. If eaten regularly, it will bring permanent relief in the most chronic, cases cf constipation is guaranteed CRIQUI Jffl WIFE PI PARIS, April 4 -Madame Eugene Crlqul Is responsible for tho decision of the former featherweight ehani pion of the world to return to the ring. She it was who, last August, af ter th defeat of her husband at the hands of Johnny Dundee, ruled that ho would never fight again. Seven months of the life led by tho members of tho ParlB bourgeoisie worked the change In her attitude toward the ring. When Gene returned from the Polo Grounds after losing the world's featherweight title to Johnny Dundee and suHtainlng 15 of the moat punish ing rounds ever administered to a fighter, Madame Crl(iil gave one look at her husband's buttered face and shouted "Never again! We will re turn to Paris and llvo a retired life." Crlqul has accumulated 2,MiO."00 francs in Australia and America. He invested the money, rented a little flat and settled down. He met He brans, the Belgian boxer, as ho had given his word he would. All he got out of it wmb a badly broken hand. Recently Crlqul decided to see the LcduuxMascart bout. He took Mad ame along. At the conclusion of the 20 rounds which brought the t'tle back to the veteran Ledotix, Mad'onc C'riqul turned to her husband and said: "My word, (lene, 1 don't know anything about the fighting game, but 1 am sure you could bout the two of them tho same night." "1 am certain I could," Crlqul re- A Chance to HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE THE Roseburg News-Review AND Steely ; LjV4 Tk Plonr fruit, ' TVAV'T' snnMNiiiJMnal BETTER TWO EXCELLENT HOME PAPERS AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU. HETTER I RUT IS PUHLISI 1ED ONCE EACI I MONTI I AND IS A FINE MAGAZINE I OR Tl IE FRUIT GROWERS OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. Here Is Our Offer ROSEBURG NEWS-REV IEW, YEAR 13 Y MAIL $4.00 BETTER FRUIT I YEAR WE WILL GIVE YOU BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $4 to do so or your grocer returns your money. Eat at least two tablespoonfuls daily in chronic cases, with every meal. You will like the wonderful Kellogg flavor o crisp and nut liko so different from ordinary brans, which aro most unpalatable. Eat Keliogg's Bran, cooked and krumblod, with milk or cream. Kprinkle it over other cereals. Cook it with hot cereals. And by all means try it in tho recijes given on ever' package, Kellogg 's Bran, cooked and krum bird, nuido in Bnttle Creek, is served in individual packages by the leading hotels and restaurants. Bold by ail grocers. I plied with siteht interest. "I am quite certain I could give Dundee a real fight too. Do you want me to do it?" "All rluhl, go ahead," she permit ted, and then C'riqul sought Robert 1 Eudeline, his manager, and toid hlin ' he was ready to go bac k to the ring. jlle already has started training. "My nand is all right again. I in tend to ask Dundee to give me that return match he promised me before u.n uii,i i iiiink I L'jivo him a nood enough battle for the American pub lic to wish to Bee nie , get another chance nt nun, i.rnjui ujiu me i . ,., 1.. ,,, nhnlll 1 responueni m'ie j taking hlin on right after I won the title. I feel I urn entitleu to anouier crack at him. EASTER BASKETS, ETC. Easter chicks, rabbits In all sizes. cotton or miner macho. Hollow oi : eumlv flllinir. Strong Easter baskets 5c tip. Beautiful lino of Easter cards and booklets. Easter canay eggs in un I kinds. See the line of Easter goods at Curr's. TOURNAMENT LISTED. The trapshootlng tournament which Is to be held by the Roseburg Rod and (iun club has been listed among tho big tournaments In a list of agents recently sent out to all the sportsman's clubs in the northwest. Tills recognition of the local club will undoubtedly remit in good publicity for the city. BROCCOLI SEED FOR SALE Not St. Valentine imported seed Strain Is about 10 days later than SU. Valentine: heads self-protected; curd Bnow white. Tho fluent strain In existence. Price per pound, $25.00, per ounce $1.7G. Orders taken for any quantity. Fred Schmidt, Dlllard, Ore gon ' Save Money FRUIT $1.00 THE VALUE OF THE T There seems to bo a division of opinion as to the value of motor tour ist travel through the state of Oregon, so that a few figures will not bo umiss til show that the motor tourist dollar is renlly worth something to the cities and towns through which one of our great tourist blghwaya pass. For instance .Roseburg on the Pacific Hhway. that will carry at least 0 per cent of the 1.000.000 mo tor tourists during the year 1924, is vitally Interested In whether this traffic pavs anything to the towns and cities. The following figures seem to show that Roseburg cannot afford to assume an offish attitude towards the humble flivver and its occupants: frwiH T?ivr estimates that every car stopping over night will mean the expenditure of approximately iuo per car. Ashland, upon the strength of her (.,(. in., haa iiiat iusned nn ad ditional bond with which' to Improve an already celebrated tourist para and Blates that the tourist business means thousands of dollurs to the merchants of Ashland. Grants Pass features her caves nnd nlans an intensive program by which to attract the tourist dollar to her territory during tho coming year. California's celebrated popularity Is built almost exclusively on tourist publicity. A budget of $.'0,000 is being raised by tho Sound cities to place before the tourist the attractions oi tneir territory. Tho imffle rionartment estimates that 125.000 cars from other states will come to Oregon this year. Salem estimates that 60 per cent of those will pass through here on the Pacific highway. An aetual test count in 1923 showed an average of 2,000 cars per day near that place. One million tourists will visit Ore- Jnrlnn 1 fl4 rllfnmiA ClaimS that 10 per cent of the tourists settle in tl,nt nlnte. If Oreeon should hold 5 per cent It will give us a net gain of fifty thousand. mm Qtntn Phnmher estimates that the tourist travel will be worth more than eighteen million during the coming year. Ashknd Auto Camp reports that fnrtv thousand cars stopped over nigb', alone during 1923. CURTAIN MATERIALS v. . haitn In niiltn a linn nf 1 en, J imiv in M " uAf!iu niarniilanliDO unit ffltlPV npt. .lust wlmt von wnnt tit nrices you cun afford to pity. Chit's. L ENTERS GfHffTEST Edith Starrett, sophomore. Is to represent Roseburg high school in the national oratorical contest, hav ing been chosen to contest for county honors against all other schools of Douglas counly before the district meet is held in Portland. Miss Star rett, in compliance with the rules of tho contest has written her own ora tion, which is upon the subject of peace and is entirely original. Miss I .aura Ross, high school faculty mem ber, who Is in charm of the contest hero, states that Miss Slarrett's ora tion is very credible and will prob ably win her high honors. The win ner of the district meeti at Portland will go to Ixts Angeles where a sec tional meet will be held. Sectional champions will go direct to Washing ton, P. C. where the final meet will be held, with lucrative cash awards at stake besides the complete pay ment of all expenses of the- contes ttints. The local higti school is taking an active Interest tr the affair anil is hacking Its representative to tho ut most. GETTING TOO FAT? TRY THIS REDUCE People who don't grow too fat are tho fortunate exception. Hut if you find the fat accumulating or already cumbersome, you will bo wise to fol low this suggestion, which is endors ed by thousands of people who know, j Auk your druggist for Murmola Pre scription Tablets nnd follow dlrec-1 lions. Olio dollar is the price the : world over. Oct tin-in from your owu druggist or srmi price direct to Mar niola Co.. 4tH2 Woodward Ave.. 1i- I trolt. MUh. Hy ilolng this you will' he safe from h:irniful drugs and be able to reduce steadily and easily, without stunatUm diet or tiresome exercise. TO ATTl'NK ZOK MliKTIMi County seliool superintendent O C. Itrown. Mrs. O. t. ltrown. Mrs IMIen Post and Mrs. Florence j (Ir.'indy of the counly health unit j anil Miss Moelle H;ire of the l'tli- ' versity of Oregon, l'ft Koscnurg to- ! tiny fur the rone meeting ut Smiih . lliver which Is to be held Saturday.! They will make the trip by unto. ! goni'," by the way of Mai shfield. NOTICE lr. P. M MeC.lasson offers sclen title rivnbinailon treaunents with iiplianees, and MeMaiils Me I'honii .il table de luxe. Sieeial intro- tu l.r pricee. t'nll at I'o- llrockway Si., Kosebuig, Oregon. M. 11. Ryan, formerly county com- ' mlssioner: and DU'M lieed. Drain bank r. were anioiu: the lirain resi dent who spent yesterday in Itose- ! burg atteiidltii; to lu:-liifa matters. I Per everything special In the Kan'er candy line call at the Palace' of Sweets. j FREE CATALOG Ssifc. Dm Mdlwwfc Hundred! of bratfifpl torn wl IrM UK MaufantoM at tooft -tin primk Srad to forar ledif aovio LUMBER CO. ZtlO M SM CASE IS POSTPONE!) Georee Noiiner has received notlfl cation from Hums. Oregon, that the case of Oregon against Joseph I. Cavender which bad been set for trial next Monday at which air. Neuner was to have assisted as special prosecutor, has been post poned. The reason given for the Dostnonement was the fact that a certificate of prejudice has been filed against the presiding judge and additional time has been tall en presumably for the purpose of securing another Judge. The date has been changed to April 14. ELECTRO- MAGNETIC TREATMENT Cures rheumatism, Brfgbt's disease. kidney troubles, high and low blood pressure, and all forms of blood dis order, colds, and pneumonia. G. A. Raney, M. T. V., Magneiio Baths. 209 Perkins BIdg. t LODGEDIRECTORY Pythian Sisters, Umnqua Temple, No. 4. Meets the 2nd and 4th Mon day evenings of each month, at the K. . P. halL Visitors always wel come. JOHANNA GRAE. M. E. C. MYRTLE WIMBERI.Y M. of R. 4; C. MARTHA CHHISTKNSON. M. of P Woodman of the World, Camp No. 126 Meets In the Oddfellows hall Id Roseburg every 1st and 3rd Mon day evenings. Visiting neighbor always welcome. A. A. SCHLOEMANN, C. C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. A. F, A A. M., Laurel Luffgo No. 1S- Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month, at ' Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Qre. Visitors welcome. G. K. QUINE. Jr., W. M. W. F. HA KRIS, Secy. I. O. O. F., Pnlletarlan Lodge No. 8 Meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting bretbern are always welcome. W. S. HOWARD, N. O. A. J. GKDPES, Reo. 8efc J. B. BAILEY Fin. Sec. Knights of Pythias, Alpha Lodge N. 47Meets every Wednesday -evening In Knigbts of Pythias hall, ISO Rose street Visitors always welcomed. ' CLAIR K. ALLEN, C. C. J. R. FARRINGTON, M. F. H. E. WIMBEP'-Y, K. R. 8 Laurel Chapter No. 81, R. A. M. Stated conrocatlons on 1st and Srd Tuesdays, Masonic Temple. All members requested to attend and laltin companions welcome. R. I,. COOPKR, High Priest W. F. HARRIS. Secretary. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllao Clrcls No. 49 Meets on 1st and third Monday evenings, In K. of P. balL Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. DONNA OAKLEY, G. N. MARGARET WHITNEY. Cler. United Artisans Meets In Macca bee Hall first and third Wednesday. Visiting members always welcome. LAUREN McCULLOCH. M. A. MILDRED McCULLOCH, Treas BELLE STEPHENSON. See. United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Meets l- Moose hool second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. All car penters welcomed. T. r. HOLMES, Roc. Sec. P. A. IiOWEN, Pres. K. O. T. M meets each 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. In Mecca bee hall, corner Cass and Pine streets. Visiting Knights always welcome. L. C. GOODMAN, Com. a. W. RAPP, R. K. F.agles, Roseburg Aerie Meets In : Maccahee hall, on Cass street, on ' 2nd snd 4th Wednesday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren In good standing always I welcome. L I' GENE LITTLE, W. P. P. RICHATMt IM'SCH. W. P. j B. F. GOODMAN. Secretary. B. P. O. Elks, Roseburg Lodge No. 326 Hold regular communications at ' the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regnlarlv. and all i visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. FRANK CLEMENS, R. R J. O. DAY. Jr.. Secretary. W. B. A. O. T. W., Roseburg Review No. 11 Holds regular meetings on tnd and 4th Thursday, at 7:31) p. m. Visiting fstrs ravlted to attend re Vie. Maccabee hall. Pine and Cass s'rems. JESSIE RPP, Col. MRS. KLOUA I. WILLIAMS. Com. O. E. 8.. hesenurg Cnapter No. 8. Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays In each month. All sojourning brothers and sisters are respectfully Invitee to attend. H 7.y., FRENCH, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Perotary in Roseturg Rctfksn Wotfgs No. 41 I. O. O. P. Meets In Odd Fellows Tsrrple every week, on Tuesdav evening. Visiting members in too standing are tnvitw to attend. AMY CA1IMAN. N. G. TILI.TK I. JOHNSON., Sec. ETHEL BAlLfiY. Fin. Sec (Associated Press Leased Wire.) SALEM, April 4. James Palmer, one of the 10 prisoners who eseap- ed from the Lane county jail at Eu- gene Wednesday night, was cap ! tured in a hay stack west of Jeffer son early last night by M. R. Uacon, , a state traffic officer. Bacon was hunting for Bert "Oregon" Jones, one of the escaped convicts from the state penitentiary when he found Palmer. Information of the capture of Palmer was received at the state prison here. Palmer Is tinder con viction of manslaughter and was to have been sentenced yesterday, o FREE WITH STATIONARY We are giving Eversharp pencils, priced, $1. $1 50 and $1.75 with each purchase of special box stationery. Lloyd Crocker. FIRE DESTROYS CHURCH (Associated Press Leased Wire.) BALTIMORE, April 4. The Har lem Park Methodist Episcopal church in GUniore street, west Bal timore, virtually was wrecked by fire last night which broke out in the basement from an undetermined cause about an hour after the Baltimore conference of the denom ination had adjourned its meeting for the night. The church was valu ed at $100,000 and insured for ap proximately $65,000. 50c FOR NOTHING! See otir special on hot Water bot tles. Bring your old rubber hot water bottle with you. Lloyd Crocker. CORPORATION' lHSSOLVKO Notice of dissolution has been filed by the Douglas County Water, Light and Power company with the state corporation commissioner. This company's holdings In Rose burg and vicinity were purchased by The California Oregon Power Com pany. Lark's Radiator I Works , C. O. LARK, Prop. g , C. U. LAKH, frop. g New cores Installed. Fenders 2 and bodies ropalred. jj All work guaranteed. S Prices reasonable. 515 No. Jackson St. i : Stop, Look and Listen If you want bargains, come to the Auction House. Remember, we get you the high dollar at your farm auction sales. See us for dates. , Radabaugh-Patterson 328 N. Jackson Phone 541-J Jf 9, W"IIIOIIlIOIIWLIHja2) ! f When you need a f Bed Room Suite Call on LENOX Furniture Co. or Phone 26 Cries Out Loud Yes, folks, your cohlilrr will cry when yon learn of tho wonder ful little device which increases the wear of shoe solea from three to seven times. It will save you not less than $5 In repair bills on each pair of shoes. Price 25c See "The 5000 Milo Disk" at CARR'S VARIETY STORE I. ABRAHAM CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. C. J. BREIER CO. DUDS FOR MEN PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. COETTEL VARIETY STORE The glorious loves her glorious coffee WHEN the coffee-critical Vest id one certain brand as her very own. T more need be said? Hills Bros. Rcdr! Coffee outsells all other brands of cofi! and is, beyond question, The Recocniztj Standard. m Break the vacuum seal and inhale'TJj Can." What a fragrancel Brew ,Z and lift it to your lips. Now job stand the tremendous popularity of fa truly wonderful coffee. It j, funtcf good to know that such marvelous flavor is sealed fresh in vacuum "for keeps'' With all its high quality, Hills U Coffee is not high-priced. It i$ ical to buy and economical to use. Hi! ' Bros., San Francisco. HILLS BROS COFFEE 7s tht trifinal Pacuum-Paek which kttpt the cvffet jrtih. O 1924, Hills Bra. To remove chocolate stains from fabrics soak for half an fionr In strong cold borax water, pour boiling water through the stain, and wash in the usua lmanner. Sponge with chloroform when the stains are on uur una weeaa snowing oi new uicso .t.M0f Ings, in a great variety of patterns, erery on"?!LJ and stylish, will delight women buyers ou their selections. 1 L .ABRAI i ... - "j Costs about t cents per hoor Jo orrs. f?' Savage Washers will last a lifetime, ah of rust-proof metal. SEE U3 FOR A DEMONSTBATtOK EVERYBODY'S t ROSEBURG, Ott-GMJ non-washatlt lira. Apgroilmiltlifl.lttita celved milk Mat Hum cess In 47 dttanHHS New York duriw nil 3 - cArAr.F.WASK FEATURE and doc " other typ.o'.'-f, Positive!? ri ' ,.w, use of i1 dot witer.