MOSKBUMa WBW8-WIVIKW. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1924. PAOI MvtN WEST'S FREIGHT Stop Coughs FREE TRIAL Tl SIMPLE SERVICE of this Easier Housecleaning Method (This ofe U for limited M Easier, quicker, more thorough cletniaf by air, alone. v are entided to witness a FreeTrUl too are c" . u,njnlI method in of this easier - vour own nui-. "- - obligation-Simply telephone. The lightest, sturdiest, most thorough cleaner in the world is the ROYAL CLEANER used by almost a million enthusiastic home-makers. Approved by Good House keeping Institute for over 1 1 nun Manufactured arW 1 V- 1 Sold on very easy terms. HUDSON ELECTRIC STORE Your Credit la Good, Us It Don't miss this chance as we are leaving soon. Call and see our nice line of colored silk covers, new umbrellas,, made to order. Covers SttOO in all sizes. ' time, bring your frame with yon, 34S So. Pine, side entrance. Mr. and Mrs. J. u Mcmre. py. feet Your Friends Here! U when you have been refreshed with a Soda or . tdae ttom our beautiful fountain,' you will be able meet business or social problems with perfect lhdence. 1 Our Drinks are Pure and Wholesome, Cool and Daintily Served, and Our Ice Cream Is Delicious ALACE OF SWEETS Lunches Served BROCCOLI SEED Why Experiment? fcxperienced growers are using acclimated St Valentine Strain, srowu unuer Oregon climatic conditions. $25.00 PER POUND Orders Taken for Broccoli Plants Dr. C. H. Bailey ROSEBURG, OREGON Prosperity of Pacific Coast slates is indicated by the fact tbat more cars or freight having been loaded on the Pacific System of Southern Pacific Company during January and February than during the same momns or i2J. Last year South ern f acmes car loadings were greater than in any orevious vear. In January, this year, 71,264 ears were loaded and 74.005 in Febru ary as compared with 64.461 cars in January 1923 and (.4,678 in Feb ruary 1923. Although last year's record break ing traffic was handled bv South ern Pacific with an efficiency that bettered the company's previous rec ords, the operating performance so far this year has been even bet ter, J. H. Dyer, general manager for the company, said today. The of ficers and employes of the company this year have taken as a slogan "Beat last year's record," and so far have succeeded In reaching this dif ficult goal. The highlights of Southern Pa cific's operating performance so far this year, according to Dyer, are as follows: With the cooperation of shippers. the average load per car has been Increased during January and Feb ruary over the load during the same months of 1923. The average car load for 1923 was the heaviest in Southern Pacific hlatory. The number of cars and locomo tives under repair has been reduc ed for the January-February perlod as compared with the number for the same period of 1923. Thus a greater amount of equipment has been available for the public serv ice. The average miles each freight car was moved per day were lessj than during the same period of 1923 but this was because a greater num ber of refrigerator cars had been re turned from the east and placed In storage, these Idle cars reducing the general average daily mileage. A greater tonnage per train has been hauled so far this year than last and each locomotive has been made to haul a heavier load. HARD TIME DANCE And pie social at Looking Glass Grange Hall, Saturday, April 5. Every body invited. Good time assured. o . (Associated Press Leased Wire.) SEATTLE, April 4. Radio ad vices from the Steamer Admira Rodman report that she went ashore near Point Calvert 13. C, at 3 o' clock this morning In a thick snow storm. She is expected to float at the next high tide. The Steamer Queen has gone to her assistance and Is standing by. The Queen reached the Rodman at 4 o'clock, according to advices re ceived here by the Pacific Steamship clmpany, owner of both steamships, and was waiting lor nigh water to try to float her sister vessel. These advices said that the storm, which was largely the cause of delay In a hop off of four U. S. army planes here on a flight set for today, was a blinding one. The Rodman, In command or Cap tain Samuel Glass, left here Tues day for southeastern Alaska. She carried 42 workers and a cargo of supplies for a fish cannery at Ellis Point. Point Calvert Is 300 miles south of Ketchikan, Alaska, and Just north of Queen Charlotte sound. Ex-Service Men Wanted! k have 19 months or more in service to join, Veterans I - Jt WF NPrn MI7KT KJ ,Acquire a homestead in 7 months WRITE AT ONCE, BOX 495, ROSEBURG (Amocls.trd Press Leased Wlre.1 SAN FRANCISCO. April 4. The steamer Admiral Rodman, reported , aground near Point Calvert, D. C, lis a wooden screw ship of 1101 l tons, operated by the Pacific Pteain ; ship company. Her home port is Tacoma. o Orders taken for broccoli plants, grown from imported seed, 14 lr thousand. 10.000 up, 13.75. Fred Schmidt, Dlllard. Ore. W. F. CHAPMAN could be encouraged to raise garden and sell to the merchants and also Hoy Scouts would umlertnke this. The Rast place Is well located and Is a very desirable property but badly In need of repair. The ditch should be filled in and tiled. Peo ple In the newly paved districts would gladly donate the dirt for this purpose, if some one would haul it. Ileing located on the spur this property should be nalealile as a factory site. The other Rast pro perty further up Winchester Street should be cleaned up and the build ings removed or repaired and paint ed. There la room enough on that land for several new houses and with housea so scarce It would sure ly pay the owners to erect several dwellings for that purpose. This would efface one very ugly spot on the main entrance from the north. The bill boardB should all be re moved. They are unsightly and anyone who wishes to advertise would do much better to spend the amount those ugly boards cost, in proper advertising through the pa pers. Both entrances to the city should have a sign naming the city, some of its resources, population, eleva tion etc. One city In Northern California haa such a sign In the shape of an open book and it is very attractive. If any of these plans were car ried out it would improve our city a great deal. And If every one wfuld help, we would have a much better city and one we would be Tery proud of. JEAN Vf UITNE x . ; 7A Save money overy week with an electric washing machine. $10 down. Hudson Electric Store. 1TY WILL IT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene, April 4. Mother's Day, an nually observed at the University of Oregon, will be held on Sunday, May 4, this year. The regular Mother s Day pro gram will begin at noon on Satur day, May 3. During the afternoon tea will be served in the Woman's building and a musical will be heard by the mothers on the campus. Sat urday evening the students will take their mothers to the Junior Vod-Vil, the first event of the annual Junior week-end festivities. On Sunday vesper services will be held. Mother's Day at- the university this year will not differ widely from the program of previous years. The main idea entertained by students in charge of the program Is to make the week-end as enjoyable as pos sible for all mothers on the campus. and to give them an Insight into the students dally Ufa at the university. o LOCAL NEWS This is a Studebaker year. (Associated Press leased Wire.) NEW YORK, April 4. The body of Dr. Orlof N. Orlow, by many be lieved to have been the missing irnmuie jonann aalvator, will be burled today with simple services. Plans for a funeral befitting an arch duke have been abandoned. GARDEN TROWELS, ETC. Trowets, wide or narrow. Ion or short, weeders, flower garden toola. scythes, children's garden sets. etc. You will find quite a line 1 of these items at Carr's. See our guaranteed electric ranges, 110 down. Hudson Electric Store. $35.00 SUITS atBernier, The Tailor Upstairs Next to Umpqua Hotel Flower Plants and Garden Seeds. We can supply you with almost any flower plant. Bring In a list of what you want and we will get It for you. We have all kinds fit vegetable and tlower seeds. Economy Grocery Phone (3 ill The modern housewife finds it more economical, vastly less troublesome . and productive of - finer, cleaner articles to have this laundry CLEANSE AND DRY the family . wash each week. Airs, squier ana aaugnter, miss i Etta, were in town yesterday from Sutherlin. They were accompanied by Miss Audrey Christie A CITY BEAUTIFUL YOUR Punri? FOR PROMPT SERVICE SfeTrvtey0U .T alwuayL8 ,ure of prompt on, send the ViAA- quaI,tv' whether you come in (n careful an Z phne' A11 telephone order, .- i !ulara persona atrent; -j r.-.- uui is assured , mu loiwiacuon in JCKENS BR.OS. Perkins BIdg. WHAT SHAM, WE DO WITH Ollt WEEDY AMI UNSIGHTLY LOTS We are all proud of our city but there are many ways in which it could be Improved. There are un sightly places In Roseburg that could be removed or at least Im proved. If every one would do his or her duty we could make our city much more attractive. The depot regions should be planted to flowers snd kept culti vated. Flowers should be on dis play there at all times, also fruit, tbus advertising what is grown in our city and surrounding country. The dumping grounds are very unsightly and should be moved. Every one coming to our city from the north, whether by rsll or auto sees that pile of rubbish and no mat ter what else they see while here they will always rpmember their first sight of Roseburg as an im mense rubbish pile. While those tourists who come from the south may be very favorably Impressed with us and then as they leave, the last sight to greet them is a rub bish pile. Surely the city could pro cure some more Isolaled spot in the country for the dumping ground. Vacant lots should have un sightly buildings removed. Weeds should be kept down by owners and they should be forced to pay the ex penses if the city has the work done. If a boy's club was nartef the boys Choice Easter candles boxed or In bulk at the Palace of Sweets. A. V. Rhoads of Sutherlln, presi dent of the Southern Oregon Con ference, sppnt Wednesday In this city, remaining over until yester day, when he returned north. npiIIS might happen to the most cartful driver. Re pre pared for an emergency by in structing us to protect your car. JOHN E. FLURRY Insurance Agency Rooms t and ? locebifg Bans Btpi 'honf 'ft Jhii-o ,, M. M. Tyson of Drew entered the swaj will receive medical treatment. Mr. Tyson is under the care of Drs. Sether and Stewart. STOP RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPER When you are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around last try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing hat such concentrated, pene trating heat a red peppers. Instant relief. Just as toon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion, and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowlcs Ked Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, tore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be ture to get the genuine, with the name Kowles on each package. Seeing is Believing See our large line of Used Ranges $15.00 to $75.00 Used Oil Stoves $1.50 to $30.00 Overhauled, ready for service. We have the largest line of used fur niture in Roseburg. PARS LOW Furniture Company 111 N. Jackson 8t means fine flavor The Quality Goes Clear Back to the Coffee Bean Itself . ,. A High-Grown Coffee Btsan Hard, high quality The hard, strong fibred, high 'grown coffee bean is rich in caffeoL It holds its fine flavor, fragrant aroma, and high quality intact until released by roast' ing and steel cutting. Golden West is ioo high-groum coffee. A Low-Grown Coffee Bean Soft, inferior The larger, softer bean, grown on low lands is poor in caffeol and lacking in flavor, aroma and quality. There's no . low'grown coffee in Golden West. flav Just Right" IIL )P TEAM LOSES ( Annoc latcd Press Ueaned Wire.) PKNDI.ETON, April V Nig llar leiike's Whitman mtesl'-nartt's took the Pendleton burkaruoi into camp here yestnrdsy afternoon in a hotly contented game. Iloth teams playi'd smooth barebal! but Pendleton was , handicapped by the loss of several j regulars from the round up nine. The regular season opons In Pendle-I ton Sunday with Dayton as the op position. The score: Teams Pendleton Whitman llattertes McOargle, Henry; Beck and Walther. n H E 4 0 4 1 White SURPRISE DANCE A hlir attraction. Community Hall, Sutherlln. Friday night. April 4. Mil lc by Sharrard s Syncopators. On ' some time. Everybody should t l-i nn this. Gents tl 10. ladle Ne . -Kvi' claHHirh'd adt '" ' h 4"'t iihirvlhpr ch nfvht 1925 Pattern Crockery SOMETHING NEW Something new in tableware and sold in Roseburg exclusively by us see these beautiful dishes you'll want some of them. We carry just the line of goods you want, no matter what you need. GARDEN HOSE Biggest Line Best Quality Beat-'em-all Price. POWELL FURNITURE CO. 238 N. Jackson