ROSEBUDS NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1924. AG8 IVf m& oa gaps flPOUt THE LATEST FASHI0N 1st Mch hsd not weddinfl garment." 1 M vnu wouid better let God be your tailor. No, "yTLot irrevereat, for God uses in His Book all trd man. And It is be (n goo(1 neavenly form- t ,iu b7 '-7. you don't let Him do 11. you win oe imowu uui Ad the '';Ja matter what your pretension. eB sir, tbe heavens . ..outer darkness" lor you some day un- ?.T Ood ttAuont with a full suit of. Christ's U. VOU ' Lineousn.- . . found in the twenty-second chapter of Mat- r Rrtid tie story as u picture of the marriage supper " ".man who presumed to present himself dressed as he (rtened by tne a ooctt best. rhristinn, you and I are just.foolB enough, accord On but, broker Cnt provU)e our c,otnln(f Bnd f u, the wo . Wnat a joy lt wU1 be to attend that Caoge it w'" when God makes ready a feast for our Lord, tdJing fes!- ,v ' Dut We will be a part of that wondrous group k Sonr 1 ' - rate we wm be clad in tne rignteousness filed the bride, out ai j adoruraents God may give us In the way Christ. . Jo bonor to Him who redeemed us with , veduiui, . precious Wood Js thgt God provIdeg ciothing ,8 But the point 01 " ' lnvited. But everyone must wear ill ss the i " f indicating that his garment was made In " 6v .hinVthat we can make will do. Brother man. are you taven. '''n"' We)1 then. Blip on the robe of Christ's righteous K to "e mere- ..,, ..niivB on the Lord Jesus Christ and L, right sow-m "-- r. .koit ha Raved. 1 JU BUO' W 22:11 Copyright 1922 J. A. R. will find It good to bo there. Strangers especially welcome. Care ful preparations are being made for the Easter st-rvices vilh a special sermon on Easter morning and a splendid musical program for the evening given by the choir. STONESAIDTO three witnesses REACTIONAR If M. E. Church, 6011th. - Main and Lane Sts. Sunday bcIiouI conducted by Superintendent W. L. Cobb at 9:45. Sermon by the pastor at 11:00 In the morning and at 7:30 In the evening. These will be worth while services and you will do well to attend them. Junior Missionary Society at 2:30 and Epworlh League at 6:30. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evening, subject: "Our Heavenly Home." Scripture John 14:1-14. Choir prac tice Thursday evening. Stewart O'Dell, pastor. Rev. Stewart O'Dell, pastor of the South Methodist church will preach at Green Sunday at 3:00 o'clock. All the people of the community are In vited to attend. Episcopal Church Cor and Main '8- r Filth Sunday in Lent. Passion L rarv Communion at 8:00 a. L'rch school at 9:45 a. m. Late Lion Service at 11:00 a. p. L of sermon: "The Lords I the false theology which has; I Up with regard 10 vk v-. Win be done." God is not the I of evil. God's will as done In I it perfect. Christ tells us to bat. wo --1 a8 it is done in heaven. It 'cllowthen that God desires tat which Is good and perfect j lone here. It is not God s will , bat sickness, disease and nus- ( be our lot and when we wlthj ifdir" Christian submission ; r will be done, it Is the will of I'e do God an Injustice." national Bible Students will: t the Moose Hall every Sunday j a. m. The study will be, ! la the Meaning of Hell and j H Job I'ray to Be Hid." It is j rident that Job uesireu 10 oe, fe grave until the time of the i. Hoping in uoa s promise e dav the dead would come hen Job says: "If I wait the miM house: 1 have made Dy darkness. Our rest together Is dust." (Job 17: 13,16.) The if the Atonement will be "How tar Lord's Pre-existent Condl leferred to by the Wise Man? f What Sense Was Christ. The knd the Last. And What Is the fry Theory Respecting lncarna Js'unday evening at 7:30 p. m. IT. Richmond will Bpeak. His I will be. "What Is the True i and Who Are the Seven Mes k of the Church." Reu. 1:16, 20. (: 25, 26, 27. Come and hear le on this subject. Ing. Miss Inez Calhoun wili sing, and the choir will give an anthem. The orchestra will render three numbers, and Mr. Olson and Glenn Radabaugh will give a cornet and saxophone duet. This is a most Interesting serv ice. The pastor will preach at both services. Morning subject, "The Min istry of Reconciliation." Evening theme, "God's Part and Man's Part in the Conversion of The Ethiopian Eunuch." The Bible school meets at 9:45. The school Is doing fine work, and having a very large attendance. Easter plans are well under way for a great day. Y. P. S. C. at 6:30. The young people's society show's fine In terest. The public always welcome. First Church of Christ Scientist. 312 East Douglas street Regular services are held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, this meeting Includes testi monies of healing. Suuday school con venes each Sunday morning at 9:45 all from ages of 4 to 20 years are in vited to attend. The reading room in the front of the church building is open daily except Sundays and holi days from 2 to 4 p. m. The public is cordially Invited to attend. The sub ject of Sundays lesson is "Unreality." E First M. E. Church. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all. Come and enjoy an hour of Bible study. The Junior League meets at 3 p. m. with special work for the children. The Interme diate and Senior Epworth Leagues meet at 6:30 p. m. with interesting sessions for the young people. The morning sermon theme will appeal to many, so plan to be present. It is "Canaan, and Our Canaan." The evening sermon theme is "How Wo Know a"Man Is Converted." Splendid music by the choir.- A cordial invita tion is extended to all, especially strangers. Joseph Knotts, pastor. Presbyterian Church. Sunday meets at 9:45. Classes for all Preaihinf at 11 a. m. and 7:30 Rev. J. R. Lamb will preach. kiermediaie and Junior C. E. His meet at 3 p. m. Senior C. E. W at 6:30. Ail are cordially in-! r. A fine program of music " y- ii aiMMtMi uir iMimiHy evyn The First Baptist Church, Corner of Lane and Rose streets, H. L. Cald well. Minister. 9:45 a. m. The church school, Carlos Page, supt. This is a good school, well graded, well conduc ted, with' efficient teachers. If you or your children are not members of some Bimilar school this is an invita tion to you to enroll. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. This will be special children's service with children taking a prominent part In the conduct of the service. There will be a large Junior choir directed by Miss HaBeltine. The pastor will speak with the children's Interest particularly in mind. The service will be brief and interesting to both young and old. A welcome to all. 6:30 p. m. Young People's Meet ing, Bertha Koninagen, piniunn. young people are crowding their room and aro having excellent meetings. An invitatin to all young people 10 1..1A . m V.vnlne' Serv- exi.euueu. v. - ice. Message by the pastor. Special music by the orchestra and choir. ou CRowu mill) PURITAN BEST PATENT FLOUR Is beyond question- the best family flour of fered for sale in this market. It Is milled from selected wheat of the finest quality available, with the best and most modern machinery that can be procured. It is uniform in quality and specially made to suit the requirements of the family trade. It Is unbleached and free from adulteration of tin,. ti,n!li l8..9urant"tl -v ! Crown Mills, and if the buyers are ase Dric. .11 k 7 8on ,ne tiaor ran bo returned and full pur T price will be returned without question. Try a Sack of Puritan Flour k'tiry Ford shvr t- . a Ford and spend the difference." We say: Buy direct and save the difference." oL18 XT t0 Uy coffee it. going up. Try I of our bulk coffee. )ev;rarrVe? Fan Nutt'es, Snow Balls, Daiaies, ,ev'I Food and Cookies. RAINBOW COTTAGE CHEESE ARRIVING DAILY-TRY IT. fAKnnoiRted Prefls Irfased Wire.) EUGENE, April 4. James Maim er, 17, convicted of manslaughter, was sentenced to serve not to ex ceed three years In the state prison by Judge Skipworth here today. Palmer was one of the ten prisoners who escaped from the Lane county Jail Wednesday night. In pronounc ing sentence Judge Skipworth said that the Jail break had no Influence on the sentence passed. Palmer was captured west of Jefferson last night by M. Q. Bacon, state traffic officer, who was hunt ing for "Oregon" Jones, one of the escaped convicts from the state pen itentiary. 0 HAIR DRESSER HELD FOR BOBBING HAIR (Associated lres X,eaHed Wire.) PORTLAND April 4. Mrs. Hilda Jensen, a hair-dressoh was arrest ed here yesterday charged with un lawfully engaging In the occupation of a barber. Her alleged offense is that she bobbed the hair of a patron. Her arrest was the culmination of a war that has been raging between the regular barbers and the hair-dressers for the hair bobbing custom. Mrs. Jensen's arrest was made under the law that prohibits barbering ex cept by barbers duly licensed. She was taken into court and released on her own recognizance to appear for trial on April 29. Hiram Johnson Say Appoint ment Shows Principles of Present Administration. APPROVE NOMINATION OIL II Senate Judiciary Committee Gives Approval to Nomi nation of Stone as At torney General. WASHINGTON. April 4. The nomination of Harlan F. Stone of New York, to be attorney-general, was approved today by the senate Judiciary committee. (Associated Prwi Leased Wire.) CHICAGO, April 4. Appointment of Harlan Flske Stone of New York, as U. S. attorney-general to succeed Harry Daugherty constitutes a rededlcation of the present admin istration to reactionary principles, Senator Hiram Johnson, of Cali fornia, said today in a campaign speech re-opening his drive for the state presidential preference in next Tuesday primary. Senator Johnson returned today for four speeches here before start ing his final tour down state. "Whatever doubt may have ex isted in the public mind as to where Mr. Cooltdge stood In the national struggle between the forces of pro gressive and reaction was dispelled by appointment of the new attorney general," Senator Johnson said. "The new chief of the Justice de partment, child of the prosperous east, may be relied upon to look with tender sympathy upon the problems of the cast; but to whom are the deflated farmers of the west to look to for support of their cause?" 0 (Associated Ire( Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, April 4. Three additional witnesses who are to bo questioned about reports of "oil deals," at the Chicago republican national convention In 1920 were summoned today by the oil commu te. Theye are H. W. rsallard of Los Angeles; John Smith of Paris, Tex as: and J. W llHllL'llHn nf Wnrltnir- en, Texas, who were friends of the:""'" TEN SENTENCED TO DIE BY BELGIAN COURT gj (Associated Prea leased Wire.) GHENT, Belgium, April 4. A trial that surpassed all records in the history of Belgian lustlce has Just been concluded In the eastern Flanders assizes with a verdict con demning to death ten men, seven to Hie Imprisonment five to 20 years, four to fifteen years and one to 12 years. The men were members of a band of criminals. Forty crimes were charged against them. Only nine of the defendants were acquitted. I BROCCOL,I GROWERS ATTENTION 3 If you Intend to use phosphate fertilizer this season vou will have to order at once. We must have orders for 15 Urns more or we cannot order a car. 4t available at $00 per ton if ordered now and taken front the car. Mr. Hitter says: "A handful to the hill doubled our yield of potatoes." Mr. llell says: "Where I used phosphate at the rate of 2&0 lbs. to the acre 1 had fine broccoli, but where I used no phosphate lt didn't amount to anything. Same way with stock beets. I can't afford to do without It." Can you? Order at once. Uefore you buy any kind of farm machinery get our prices. Have you seen the fnitiller tractor plow? lt Is the only real practical tractor plow that has yet been put on the market. Can be adjusted In five minutes to plow clear outside the track of your tractor on either side, or varied from a 14 to a 12 or 10 Inch cut or changed to a single bot tom plow. And if you wish a larger plow you can buy any sine bottom from a 10 to an IS Inch and it will fit the same beam. Also furnished In a disc plow. I (A.ocintrt tieH I,ned Wlre.l PAKIS, April 4. Tho reparation experts' drafting committee, of which Owen I). Young Is chairman. Is sitting nit liav tnrinv in sn effort to have the experts' report ready for presenta tion to tne reparauon commission tomorrow or early Sunday. No time has been sot lor tne nnai preliminary Besslon of Ilrlgadier Gen eral Dawes' commission, but this meeting which will be purely formal, for the attaclimen tot signatures and similar business, iB expected to tako place tomorrow. The second com mittee under Keginnld McKenna will meet at the same time. 0- W. L. Jornon of Seattle, represen tative of the Hood Rubber company, arrived in this city Thursday evening In spend a short fine here, attending to business matters. FORMER BANKER IS TRYING TO RAISE FINE (Associated Press Leased Wire.) PORTLAND April 4. Gus Wildha ber former president of the United States National bank of Vale Ore gon was at liberty on bail today to raise $2500 which he was fined In federal court late yesterday after en tering a plea of guilty to a charge of misappropriation K4K00 of the banks fund 8 shortly before the bank closed its doors in October 1921. He was giv en ten days in which to raise the S2500. COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER. , "See Us First, We Can Save You Money." WANTED MOHAIR AND POULTRY I FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE S Roseburg and Oakland 1: EVERY M PRICE SPECIALS!! During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, motorists of the nation paid $146,000,000 Into the federal treasury In the form of excise taxes on automo biles, tires, accessories and parts. This amounted to almost twice the to tal expenditures made for roads by the United States government under the federal aid budget, according to tho California State Automobile asso ciation. A determined fight to socure the re peal of this law by the present con gress Is being carried on by the auto mobile club. ALBANY ELKS WILL SEND DELEGATES ALBANY, Or., April 4. (Special.) j Albany probably will be represent ted at the convention of northwest booster clubs to be held at Itosoburg the later part of this month by the Elks marching club, according to plans of the committee of Elks ap pointed to arragn efor a delegation. . 0 A. J. SANDERS PASSES AWAY feijiu-g Grocery Comp' p,,0fit 23J Taylor 4 sherrill. Prop.. 133 N. Jackson St Andrew J. Sanders passed away at his home In Miller's Addition this morning about 4 o'clock. He was born In Missouri, January 20, 1846, and came west to the state of Cali fornia in 1862 where he lived until 18S9 when he came to Oregon. For the past thirty-five years he has made his home In Douglas counyt, and has been in Roseburg for the past six years. 'The deceased leaves to mourn his death, three daughters, Mrs. 'William M. Allen, of this city; Mrs. R. M. Knight of Canyonvillo; and Mrs. M. F Johnson of Portland. Funeral ar ranKements will be made after the ar rival of Mrs. Johnson from Portland. paymaster" crazed wife tells officers forlntri Press Leased Wire.) LOS ANGELES, April 4. Search for Lieutenant Ervine R. llrown, de Btrover division paymaster, sought in connection with a $ 120.000 short age In his accounts continued here today following his wife's account last night of his apparent Irratlon alitv Just before departing from her siglit In a Los Angeles hotel Wed nesday morning. Brown broke down and wept, she wax quoted as saying, when an evan gelist aunt visited him at the hot' l Tuesday niclit. and prayed lor him. He promised then, she said, to re turn to desttover division head quarters In San Diego with her the next dav but whn morning came he went out to buy a newspaper, leaving behind him more than l.a. uoO packed in a suitcase and nev er returned. After hours of waiting Mrs. rtrown finally took the money to San Diego herself nnd turned lt ov er to naval authorities. Dcdbe-Brothers GCOD USED CARS The average man doesn't pretend to be en expert on motor enrs. His business is some thing clse. That doesn't mc.-n that he can't safely buy a used car. It does mean that he should buy of someone whose knowledge end honesty he can trust. Our customers have foi:nd U3 worthy of their confidence. Good Valuc.1 for Today DODGE BROTHERS TOURINGS Two 1916 production. Two 191S production One 1922 production One 1923 production One 191S Bulck touring One 1917 Ford touring One 1923 Ford touring One 1911 Overland tourlnjj Olio 191S Oakland Roadster J. O. Newland & Son Dodge Brother Dealers Roseburg - Oregon CHURCHMEN PLEDGE Ilecause automoblleB are depleting Sunday church congregations, tho Women's association for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day In Phil adelphia keep their cars securely loced up in garages on that day and induce their friends to do likewise. They hope thus to reduce Sunday mo toring to a minimum, and eventually to bring about Its complete abandon ment. o Its all hero and its all true. Rose burg News-Review. On All Our Groceries We have built up a fine trade on this plan, and careful buyers find it saves them quite a lot every month. Big, Fresh Stock on Hand. All Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season Garden Time See us for Seeds. yfJ I', 5 5 ? 5 W EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE Jk e (Exclusive Distributors) New Location, 242 N. Jackson Street, Mr. Reals was registered at the Ho- tel , PRINTING The News - Review Job printing department is the best equipped in the southern part of Ore gon. We print all kinds of stationery, including Letter Heads Bill Heads Envelopes Business and Calling Cards Wedding Announcements 8chool Announcements Invitations of all kinds Booklets Folders Posters and Everything known In the way of Good Printing Place your orders with us for Prompt and Effi cient Service. ROSEBURG News-Review Exclusive Job Printing Department Four building permits have been Is sued for the past week which total a valuation of f 13,750. J. V. Barker was granted a permit to construct a cojfr crete dwelling on the corner of Lan nnd Moore streets. The building Is to be composed of two stories. The Donn-Gorretsen Co. was granted a permit for the construction of a stone-tile dwelling In tho Lnurolwood addition. Mrs. C. White received per mission to build a combination wood shed and garage at a cost of $2.10. Dr. Hoover was granted n permit to do improvement work to his residence on Main street, the work to approxl mate S1U00. I LOCAL NEWS J Returns Home Mrs. A. W. Jones who spent a short time In this illy shopping nnd attending to other nutltuis. returned to her home in Suthorlln today. Spends Short Time Here I). S. Heals of Kiddle spent Thnrs day and Friday In this city attending to leKiil matters. While In llnseburg Will Return Tomorrow ! 1 B. W. BRtes, editor of tho Roseburg J ( News-ltevlew, will return from l'ort-ii y land tomorrow where he has been ; r spending the past few days. Mmy.? Bates who accompanied him to tho ; I metropolis will remain for a time. I f Here on Business ; 1. M". Anderson of Portland, repro- j sentativo of Goodyear Tire and Itub-t j her company, arrived in this city last evening to spond a few days uttond- - j lng to business matters. ' Leave for the Coast , Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Moon, mission- aries from Central Africa, who have been spending the psst few dnys In this city left this morning for Myrtle; Point, where they will spend some time. I o pu:itci: sixi'.cTH sPKcr.Wi i ruoiuiUTipN ruosKCTTort , ? ( Axxnrliited Prwi Leased Wlro.) SALKM, April 4. Governor,, Pierce said today that ho had ap-'-pointed Koss Farnum of Bend as a-, special prosecutor of prohibition, cases In Deschutes county. The governor said a large number of people In that county had request ed tho appointment of a special prosecutor, but that District At torney .Moore had not asked for any assistance. ' I KEARNEY'S GROCETERIA $ 300 West Cass St. 1 I SATURDAY SPECIALS ! 5 Best Creamery Cutter, per lb 45c 4 4 Best Country Butter, per lb 40c i 8 Nlnrn.-i Nut Mnrcarine. ner II) 28c i g Wilson Nut Margarins, per lb 25c J K P.mrip Fruit, ner dozen $1.05 4 f Sunkist Lemons, per dozen 20c J jjl Asparagus, per lb 20c jj 1 Rliul ,arb, per lb 10c i Carrots, per lb 1 l-4c j f. Green Onions, per bunch 4c Jjl Amaizo Salad Oil. pts 25c J Amaizo Salad Oil, qta 48c ( 2 Amaizo Salad OH, 1-2 Ka.3 95c j Amaizo Salad Oil, gals $1.80 f p Drifted Snow Mour, pt;r sack $1.90 I j SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE AT j Kearney's Groceteria j i THE STORE THAT IIROVCIIT 'EM DOWN 1