R08EBURQ NEWS REVItW. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1924. PAOK THRU STaKING tanlac (j SERVING OTHERS",; WILD BOOZE PARTIES INTIMATED 'Continued from page one.) I rnd heartburn. I was also ll fives Testimonial ln(, from runstipaiiuu - rsheVntstoMeiP a 'VBnl3c wh.le llvliur in F J. f re -J al .... .-.l nh how hannv W'hrt 3UIic" I Fait LttKe " - ,v" ' J . when It relieved my troubles. Tanlac awakened niy appetite reg- uh.ted my digestion fine and It was Inst grand tne way i ' id strength. I fell "v; erv way and a digestion haa not bothered me, to speak of. since I Wadlv pralve Tanlac for I Ml that in doln o I n helping others. Tanlac is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. r" bUl hW ever us t ,!d Mrs- f. M- ; f.h -it sacranieuiu. L l had wrf-rtf. from F i irdieesiion. .My , 7 ,-alled an J hb3r' , le 1 df "" r" hort breath questioning was deiayea until er. la- also suffer- as los- 1 ., i im nf a cent maximum per MARKET pound. This charge can be reduc- t W FY PLAINED ed or eliminated whenever the mem LAN tXri.W-' o fee)s ,hat ,t te large enough I0 8(rve n I' - LkI fro" Peecn) ; The third, that 'Of advances to " jrrowers, can in our ure v., nf l.v the local bankers. r?'n , ' - The' Needless 'to say. these advances i tn,lle PurlK,s ...should not be so large as to become Lra,ive" Is required b , ,(mn when prunoB Bre r . . . - . . I ..llvarnil thfWA lnilllfl A m ce the was " sold " u . ,. . snolationhas (Cont(ln'j lak3n care of first. r ::., ,,auSe allowing' LOCAL NLVV5 X r . . .tlnn 1 i .over his connection; I . , .. I ..a nnv ' T BA0 ,rn Vi o- rr Few Davs- tKhl to - ( T TI. Davis wno resides in unite is Wnt Beard of Directors ptH.nljne a few days in this citv look- and tar orp""a" -- . j1R after Business lnteresis. -ir. im- hoiidas. Marion. u vi3 l8 r,,gtered at the Hotel Grand. Hi eacn naic -- ; hincton county one c irec-i . E9 sin.up is compieeu Q Klendlay of Portland repre- t0 'edlstricd and it.ve.of Columbla M1,8 Inc lf) co then elect jhoe er fpw davg , RoSBDUrg dbe presented on the ipen K Real of .hSh t an in, . yit f) Qnnu pss t""1 -in.r-uv f "under- Mrs. L. E. Wadsworth and son left P.:L hS which haa to this morning for Grants Pass where VniHineof plants for the they will spend the next week or ten fpans prunes-second. 'days visiting with friends nd rela- Urs 10 a r,'l,erv", ,ori tivos- rposes and. third, the ml- Crowers at the time tliey1 Ross Goes to San Francisco li'-mu In the fall. I A. C. Koss. nlpht clerk In Iho Ho V talton care of throuch tel Grand, left last evening for San Z revolvlnc fund plan. Francisco where he will spend the By used In Florida nnd . next week or ten days attending to CtVd evervwhere. The i business matters, fcprlls of this plnn are I . nnn.rllticr tn K Tki flranA hakes of his plant and; c. I.. lrVmshton. a business man of: ive m'm"-r Is always Eugene, arrived in this city last even ter.sted in the plant. nx to spend a few days looking after to our particular case 1 business interests. Mr. Houghton is I that each year 1-5 of roistered at the Hotel Grand. id be held hack out of j niiM this money tn be ' ii-ion Pacific Man Here tin for the packing j j a. Nott of Portland I Senator Wheeler, prosecutor of the Innutrv. then called to the stand iJ. E. rivche now an Oklahoma City I prohibition agent, and formerly I warden of the Atlanta prison, who i testified about narcotic prosecu tions. Among other things, he said, he had "kept after" Heber Votaw, , superintendent of prisons In the jus- tlee department for nenrly a year I trying to get hlra to send agents to stop drug traffiking. Votaw is a ; brother-in-law of the lute Pr.t. dent liarding. The aircraft records sent to the committee were those taken by the air service officers from Thomas F. I.ane, who testi fied yesterday that he had been dis missed as legal adviser to the air service chief after refusing to "stay away" from the investigating committee. Secretary Weeks' ask ed that In view of the Important ev idence Involved bearing on prosecu tions now pending the documents be kept In confidence. M. 8. unugherty. whose books will be examined when the com mittee eoes tP Ohio, has failed to respond to a committee subpoena, and contempt proceedings against him are under advisement. Ills bank, the Midland National of Washington Courthouse, permitted an examiner sent by the committee to begin an inoulry Into Ita records and then required him to suspend his work because of the wide lati tude given hip by the committee. The bank also has refused to Bend its records hers for examination. Tho questioning of Dyche, who re cently testified before the oil com mittee, marked a departure of the Investigation Into an entirely new now field. Ho described in detail the failure of the Justice depart ment to curb the drug traffic, par ticularly at the Atlanta prison, i The witness said there were nu merous violators of the dVrug law at the prison when he went there, and many convicts became addicts after their conviction. There was evidence that some of the guards took in the narcotics he said. After he had urged Votaw for a year to do something, he declared W. J. Hums finally sent three "un der cover" men. Four prison guards finally were Indicted but none of them convicted. . For Infant, Invalid 4t ChiUnm The Original Food-Drink for All Agra. Quick Lunchat Home .Office Fountains RichMUk, Mai ted Grain Extract Is Pow. deravTablct forma. Nourbhmt-NorxiMiia, W Avoid Imitation and Substitute andt at all timet. He will roduce I them before your eommlttee when ever you may desire tot continue your examination ot him, "Yours verv truly "JOHN W. WEEKS." In view of the aecretary'a request, the committee examined the records at an executive aession, as soon as it convened today. (Arsortatwd Press Leasts Wire.) WASHINGTON. April 4. The senate committee appointed to In vestigate Harry M. Daugherty md the department of justice decided today to go to Washington Court House Ohio to examine books of the Midland National bank of which M. S. Daugherty is president. M. S. Daugherty, brother of tho former attorney-general, has so far refused to answer a committee sub poena or to open the books of the bank to such an examination as the committee desires to make. o- SENATE PR0GRA1VI AGAIN CONSIDERED ta vnllncr ocftmitnH that With ..,;,,ht noAnt tYif tha T'nlnn I'nnifin ini mmi w mi in-iwim in thrp years to pay L-i-etniM u rt-ivofl in Tlnsphiirc hint V . tivftiino- tn nnrnil r few ilnvs hurft at- remiirrnn'nts. How- t t0 biwinwHS mattoYs. pbnts must be aiiv uruncs are do-1 n...Rn. DAUnrf trtfa IiPfPHHSrV for the I nr r n,.,.,nnn.'nr ilik TJrt- le ttw'T notes as fernr- f , r.an,i who has ben Bwendlne the i' nnrt nntil fUCh ' . . i i i funo from the 1-5 of , rciatlvis and attending to busi Bd la larce enough to ,,.- ..,.wi tr. diu riiv sanis. inese noies are Jv.t to be ttken np hut morning. rrnia in tne rowers . . , . U fund haa reached Sp,f.nt.?ay.,He, f W. K. Ilock of Seattle, dis itrtnt ! I amount. As staled!. . . 1ul,v brmal crops three years i ' " 't ,and. Passenger agent for, the r.L . : . ! 1ie,,nH KunsiiM nnd Texas lines. tmse r.oies. ii crops -- -" ,;- , - : , . o years might almost ! spent the dny in this city looking f .Kn,...n,. ii,.t,i ter business Interests. fire four rears. After I naid for the ilpdiicdnn : At The Terminal ntlnues but these mnn-i Mrs. Edith Aekert. candidate for be usd to retire the county (school superintendent, wno indebtedness riven the -lifs been spending a short time In this first year. This con- city attending to business matters, re ear to year. ; turned to her hme In Myrtle Creek . that of an operating today. While In Hoseturg Mrs. Ackert vn enre of by a deduc-' wns at the Terminal Hotel. YOUR JOINTS ARE SORE, F OR CREAKY--JOINT-EASE fhronic Rheumatic p in Ankle, Knee, Shoulder or FlnBer ie!d to the Michtv Munnfluence of rht in town and every selling It hke hot P.' A, t stop It from I sinks, lameness or tor f ;ar troubled joints. ine name, so-called compounded solely for of relieving all joint " on the tormented lame joints and in Just a few sec onds it will penetrate to the bone end tendons and blessed comfort comes. It absorbs instantly and is so clean that you can rub it on often and i-et thereby, results much more quickly, when the Joint is Inflamed and the agony intense. Being such a powerful counter ir ritant, it cannot help bringing speedy and helpful results in con gestion, sore throat, chest colds, lumhaito and neuralgia much quick er than almost any other remedy. Hut you remember that it is for Joint afflictions that it is mostly dispensed and its helpfulness will astonish you after all ordinary lini ments and other treatments have failed. 60 cents a tube at any live driiEfist. Pring Cleaning'! Km l ffer frm Ur largC 8t0ck f Ladders FZ Boards )e' HarriDers "s Basket P" Mops P-r Duster. Polishes Hotpoim El Electric Irons Zenith Electric Washing Machines Speedy Dishwashers Brushes Paints and Varnishes Kalsomine ectric "m Cleans,, 5iO.UU Qr-Fee Hardware Co. p (A"soelnted PreJ's Tensed "Wire.) WASHINGTON. April 4. Secre tary Weeks compiled today with tho request of tho senate Daugherty committee for certain papers bear ing on aircraft cases, but the per sonal appearance of the secretary for questioning was postponed un til a later date. The records which Mr. Weeks for warded to Chairman Brookhart were those taken from Thomas F. I.ane, former adviser to the chief of the air service, when Lane was dropped from the service. The com mittee sought to get the papers yes terday from Captain W. F. Volandt who took them from Lane's desk, but Volandt replied that a personal summons addressed to tho secretary himself would be necessary. Committee members announced the secretary would be asked to take the witness stand today but a letter pent to Mr. Weeks by Chair man Ttrookhart contained no such request. It was said he would ap penr after the committees present iine of inquiry into charges of air craft frauds had been completed. In pursuance of this branch of Its investigation, the committee again had both Volandt and Lane before it today and called other witnesses having a knowledge of the govern ment's wnitlmo alrerart program and he steps that have been taken since the armistice toward finan cial settlements. Forwarding the papers to the committee. Recretsry Weeks sent this letter to Chairman Prookhart: "My dear Senator I have receiv ed your letter of April 3 requesting that I send certain official records desired in a memorandum accom panying your letter and am accord ingly sending the same by Captain W. F. Volandt, assistant chief, fi nance section, air service, who is fnmillar with these records and can ;" isl you In referrrlng to their con tents. "I hardly need to suggest that In asmuch as these are Important rec ords it is most desirable that they be carefully preserved and that they be withdrawn from this department for as short time as possible. These papers relate lsrcely to matters now in course of litigation r about to be litigated, and there Is much in them which, if disclosed or made known' to the defendants In the suits brought and to be brought hv the I'nlted States, would result In treat Injury to the public inter ests. I have therefore to request that you conduct your examination of these papers in such a way as will not reveal their contents to the public at larce at ptesent. "As Indicating the Importance of i this matter, these papers are In ! vested In suits now brought or about : to be brought In 30 d'fferent cases involving an amount of about forty two millions of dollars. I may say. however, that there Is no need whnt everr of secrecy Ji the case of the memorandum of May 2fi. 1921. assigned by Major-r.eneral Charles T. Menoher. chief of air service, ad dressed to the secretary of war. setting up the reasons why settle ment of certain war contracts In the air service oueht to be re-Investigated and' re-audited and the exhibits thereto. "An additional reason for the ex ercise of both care and haste in re spect to these papers is that it Is almost certain that thev will soon have to be produced before a spec ial committee of the houses for an Investigation of the activities of the air service, war department and the aviation of the navy and the avia tion of the postoffice department. ' In order that the war depart ment's responsibility for the pres ervation of these papers may not be Interrupted. I request that they re , main in the custody of Capaln Vol- rreslilent Calls Conference of Sen ators To Consider Means Of, Speeding Inqmrtant Legislation (AsRoelatcd Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. April 4. The senate program was the subject of another White House Breakfast conference today attended by eight , republican senators. The conference was the second within three days, for the purpose of agreeing upon a concrete pro gram for the remained rof the sen ate session and speeding up legisla tion to all ow congress to adjourn by June 1. Senators attending snld the situation was discussed only tn a general way. Those Invited to take breakfast with the president included Chair man Smooth of the finance commit tee; Chairman Warren of the appro priations committee; Senator Cap per of Kansas, head of the farm bloc and Senators, McNary, Oregon: Weller, Maryland; Edge, New Jersey; Couzens, Michigan, and Howell, Nebraska. One of the legislative proposals considered was a farm relief meas ure. The president expressed the hope that some sort for 'legislation of an agricultural nature would be Anaelnil nnrl Iha ,1 i anti aelfin turnnil ' tn the MrNnrv-HntHTpn fnrm etnnrt corporation bill, which the presi dent thus far baa declined to sup port but which Is advocated by the department of agriculture and most of the members of the farm bloc. U. S. BANKERS TO I GERMANY; ' Endeavoring to Raise Capital for German International Credit Bank. REPORT TO GOVERN Official Action Is Withheld Pending Publication of Official Report of Commission. (Asnoelated Presa Leased Wlr.) NEW VnnK- a .. - - - -. - e . - . r in," 1 1- catv bankers, anticipating recom-! mrtidatlou of the Dawes commission I for financial assistance to Germany ! are making active preparations to 1 raise capital for a German interna-! tional credit bank. While official action has been withheld pending publication of the I report, steps already have been tak en to assure leadership in f inane-! ing Buch an institution whose needs would absorb a large share of the ! proposed international loan. I Subscriptions to the bank's cap- Ital will be mode by virtually all of thla country's leading financial in-1 stltutlons. It appears. Prominent I international bankers have Indicated ! their willingness to assist in rals-1 Ing America's quota, although the 1 manner and extent of their partiet- i patlon will be determined by the I nature of the Dawes report. In addition to supplying funds for ! the establishment of the German i bank. American financial Interests It is believed will open the wnv for i participation by France. llelKium j and other foreign nations, whose as-1 sistance In financing the rehabill-' tatlon of Germany is one of the es sential conditions on which the: Dawes report has been framed. j o- FIRE DRILL HELD The students of the high school were called together today at one o'clock to listen to new Instructions for evacuation of the building In the event of fire. The drill was run through and proved a very efficient and speedy was of emptying the building. GEORGE MANSFIELD HERE George Manstleld, of Medford, democratic candidate, for IJ. S. Sena tor spent last nl(.ht and a portion of this morning in Koscburg. Mr. Mans field is on his way to the Coob Bay district in the Interest of his cam naien. He expects to return to Hose- burg in the near future at which time he will spend several days in this lo cality. TO i . X LUUL NEWS GoOrpe ftinmn tt.'tin .ia..a I.. etiln. as In town for a few hours to day transuding buslntss mntters. I Sutherlin Folks Here Mayor Claude D. Allen, Will J. Hayner and G. H. Vaughn, of Suth erlin, were in town several hours to day on business matters. Riddle Resident In Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Dean ot Riddle, were among the out of town residents In Hoseburg today. Mr. and Mrs. Dean spent the day shopping and at tending to business, matters. How Brown Lost Out! lyilEN nilOWN moved his factory to another city, he dis covered thut he would have to borrow money to carry on the business. And there was the rub. For Brown was rather a seedy looking individual. The bank he visited took him for a poor risk. He didn't appear prosperous, dldu't even look keen. They wouldn't loan him the money, and Wouldn't tell him their reasons for declining. Yet these same banks had loaned money to uen of far less ability to men who kuew the vulue of being well dressed. There's many a man who fulls to get all he should from business and life, aimply because he, neglects his personal ap pearance. First Impressions are important tmpresaions. Perhaps you'll have need to borrow money from a bank, hut It will ulways pay you to be well dressed. DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED 128 N. Jackson DO YOU KNOW Thut Oakland ships more live stock and turkeys than any point on the S. P. Lines in Oregon? Underwood Representative Here W. 15. Stevens of Eugene, represen tative of the Underwood Typewriter company. Is spending a low days in this city In the interests of the com pany. Mr. Stevens Is registered at the Hotel Umpo.ua. Watktns products, 120 W. I -sue street.' Orders delivered. Phone 1T7. Guest of Hotel Umpqua A. L. Watson of Redding, Califor nia, was the guest of W. J. Weaver, manager of the Hotel Umpqua, last night. Mr. Watson Is manager of the Lorenz Hotel of Redding. Visiting in Corvallia Miss Adele Bemls Is spending sev eral days visiting In Corvnllls with Miss Mary Belt, who Is attending the Oregon Agricultural college. She Is exepected to return to her home In this city tomorrow evening. Moving Picture Man Her Tom Bailey, who is connected with the Famous Players organization, spent today In Hoseburg conferring with Manager Goux of the Antlers and Majestic theatres concerning coming attractions. Mr. Bailey will leave tonight for Portland. .t,-tt -t r t Tit V t x -k i. 5Tt-Trxrjr trTr 3t W"tt 5rf V V - V - HARD-TIME DANCE!! ARMORY April 5th Prize for Best Character ww, Humiszivn jii.iu inci. lax mme siiAKr 1 SALEM. April 4. Tho search for (Oregon) Jones. only one of the six convicts who escaped from the state prison a week ago. still at large, continued with a thor- oughness In the vicinity of Jef- ferson today, regardless of the fact that no direct trace of the fugitive has been found since he eluded his pursurers when seen with Tom Murray nleht before last about two miles west of Jeferson. Deputy Warden J. W. Lll- ley. In charge of the posscmen who have been combing the country, where Jones was last seen, still believed this morn- inirs that the hunted man Is still within the posse lines which surround a brushy, marshy area of about two square miles, and that his cap- ture Is but a matter of hours. TO TMPKOVF. KIIKLAW 4 (Asof lufrt Pre I-easd Wire.) WASHINGTON. April 4. The house rivers and harbors committee today approved a project to Improve the Sluslay river in Southwestern Oregon .at a cost of 7 4.000. The pro- Jeet was urged by Major-Gen- eral Ilearh of the army engine- ers. Li Heilig Theatre EUGENE my cowboys' wear Never Such a Show ax this inEugene'sHislory XH chaps? a- because, when riding, they need these heavy coverings over their legs to protect them from thorns, thickets and rough weather. Count less persons exposed to raw March winds, use to protect their skin and soothe chapped hands and face. Puretest Glycerin and Rose Wa ter Is delightfully henling, delicate ly fragrant and especially grateful after shaving. One of 2oo Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Kvery Item the best that skill and care can produce. NATHAN FULLERTON Tha Qa?JL Drug Stan Roseburg, Oregon MONDAY, APRIL 7TH. A WHOlt TRAINIOAD Of GIOIMOUS FAIRYLAND ! ZIEGFELD'5 GREATEST SUCCESS Two Years in New York Two Years in London. The Costliest and Most Perfect Musical Show Ever Produced Original and Only Company LEON ERROL Funniest of All Comedians, in ALLY" WITH WALTER CATLETT AND A CAST OF 90 50 Glorious Ziegfeld Girls The Pick of the Follies Prices Entire lower floor, S4.00; balcony, first 6 rows, (3.50; next 3 rows, $3.00: last 4 rows, S2.50 (plus 10' t tax). Seat salt now. Out of town phone orders will receive careful filling. A Whole Trainload of Gorgeous Fairyland