Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 04, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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Another shipment of cleverly styled youthful
frocks to sell at this low price.
Materials of Crepe de Chine, Printed Rosha
nara, Figured Foulards and Crepe Satins.
Robert Ii. Kuykendall today an
nounced his candidacy for the repub
lican nomination tor attorney general
of Oregon.
Mr. Kuykendall romci of one of the
oldest pioneer families of the state,
liorn In Kugene. he U the son of Dr.
William Kukendall of Lane county,
and grandson of John Kuykendall,
Douglas county pioneer of 1852.
11m grandfather ne of the
founder of the old Wilbur Academy,
an early Methodist Institution near
Hoseburg. Ilia father, one of Ore
gon's best known physicians, at one
time served as president of the state
Mr. Kuykendall Is a graduate of Jhe
University of Oregon and for the
past two years has boun president of
Us alumni association. He Is also a
graduate of Columbia university of
New York City, where he took his
courso In law. His legal training be
gan In the office of his brother, u. v.
Kuykendall, formerly circuit Judge of
the district comprising Klamath and
Lake counties. Kor several years he
was associated with the law firm of
r.,.n. , L',rp In Portland and is now
engaged in the private practice of law
in that city.
Mr. Kuykendall Is a world war vet--.
u'hn wur win declared In 1917
he entered the first officers' training
camp at San Francisco and when
commissioned was assigned to the
91st division and accompanied that
famous fighting outfit to France. Af
ter the armistice ho was with- the
army of occupation in Germany.
"The state of Oregon is conducting
a large public business," says Mr.
Kuvkendall in Mb announcement of
candidacy. "It is entitled to the same
loyal and efficient legal service that
modern private business 'organiza
tions receive. If nominated and elec
ted attorney general it will be my
aim so to organize and conduct the
state's legal department as to render
such service."
Fragrant Math Plant
It Losing Its Scent
Why bai the fragrant musk lost Us
cent? This 1 the question which
many English florists and gardeners
have been asking and wondering fot
30 years. Formerly Hill little dower
was among the most fragrant In the
botanical records. It was originally
found by David Douglas In 166 grow
ing on the margins of the Columbia
river, and was exported to various
parts of the world from there. When
discovered It was sweetly scented. In
1877 the musk waa hybridized In Eng
land, and although much lurger flow
ers were produced ly this artificial
method of culture, the flower w'as often
devoid of fragrance, one theory Is
that the loss of scent dates from this
Only In on Instance has an odor
been recently ascribed to the Eng
lish musk, and that was In 11)17, when
the carl of Waldegrave sent a few rare
specimens to tlie Ituyal Horticultural
society In London. Although only
seven years have elupsed since the
earl made his report, the same plants,
unmolested and untransplanted, have
already lost their scent.
In addition to the hybridization
theory of the loss of the musk's fra
grance other Ideas have been advanced
to account for the discrepancy. One
la that the human sense of smell Is
no longer so acute as formerly and
cannot register the flower's odor. An
other theory la that the leaves of the
musk 50 years ago were very hairy,
bat after transplantation In alien
countries the hairs were lost and with
them the scent.
The Idea most endorsed by the Eng
lish botanists, however, Is that es
sential oils, conducing to the flower's
fragrance, have been lost In the proc
ess of acclimatization.
Nurse Saves 2 People
From Operation
"I had two patients that the doc
tors seemed unable to reach with
tholr medicines and in both cases
advised the knife. A friend who bad
tried Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for
Stomach trouble proposed that I rec
ommend It to my patients, which I
did. lloth are now entirely well. I
am very glad that I was able to rec
ommend it." it removes catarrhal
mucous from the intestinal tract
and allays the Inflammation which
causes practically all Btomach, llv
or and Intestinal ailments. Including
appendicitis. One dose will con
vince or money refunded at all
Liberty Theatre,
if you want tc aee a plcturo with
real thrills, adventure, humor, atmos
phere anil a corking love slory, drop
In at the Liberty theatre where
they re playing "The Hooslcr School
1 novel, "Trilby." which, as a First Na
tional attraction, is to 'be shown at
Majestic theatre 'oinmenclng to
Mr. Tully spent several months in
Europo, during which time he took
a great many scenes In tho very loca
tions desribed by tho distinguished
author, a task mndo difficult through
lm Maurler's habit of altering the
names of places ho described.
"For Instance," says Mr. Tully,
master." Sunday and M.mdav. It's the1""18 bl", k on, l'1 h ln,e ,hlco c,m"18
,,.., vi-i,.n ,.f u',i ..r.i i.-. ...i.. I of the story dwelt In the Montinartre
ston's wldelv-knnwn novel .! If. . s CB"''I "Anatole des Arts by the
fuitiifiii ,l..T.i, ii., f ,f, ii author, w hereas 1 found It to be in
countrv during tho period beforo the 1 rHa'."? 'Ann " Ar,s;' A,ul 'Cirque
Civil War. ! Haslnbazooks,' which figures proml-
, , . nently In the drama, was In reality
Then Indiana was hu.-rassed by .n llom ,; ,low rlll,ed
bandits. No one knew who the guilty j .,.. Meiirallo,' and still used be a
neighbor with suspicion. The Flat
Creek district was no better than thr
rest of the country and perhaps a
Utile bit worse.
To this section comes Ttnlph Hurt
Book the new schoolmaster. He Is
warned that his pupils will probably
throw him out but lie's willing to take
the chance and stay. He rounds up
the gang of bandits who arn worrying
the district although tho mob almoM
lynches him before he succeeds In do
ing It and f:illa In love Willi - Hannah
Thompson, the orphan girl, who ac
cording to the custom of the time has
been "bound out" as a servant.
Bring your own container. Three,
miles west from city.
I Assoclsti-d Press t.essed Wire.)
WOODIIUHY, Gn., April 4. Swift
punishment was meted out to a 15
year old negro here yesterday when
he was hanged by a mob for shoot
ing and mortally wounding Albert
Wells, chief of police.
The youth was employed by a
bank here, was caught by the of
ficer in the act of taking money
from the bank's cash till. The negro
wrested Wells' pistol from his hand
and shot him through the Beau.
Wells died early today.
Eye Strain? This Helps
For strained eyes try simple cam
phor. Hydrastis, wltchhazel, etc.. as
mixed In Lavoptlk eye wash. One
small bottle helps any case weak,
strained or sore eyes. It will sur
prise you. Aluminum eye cup free
N. Fullerton, druggist.
See our fine line of strictly up to
date lighting fixtures. Hudson Elec
tric Store.
Hit. M. 11. l'LYKK-l'hlropratlc phy
sician. 1M W. Lane St.
Majestic Theatre
Tho same careful attention to do
tnll and authenticity of locate which
lias characterized the many stage sue-!
cesses produced by Itlchard Walton (
Tully is said to havp been exerted by ;
this producer In a magnificent pic-1
tnrlratlnn of 1 n Minirler's Immortal '
1118 Winchester St. Phone 490
Mrs. D. Cornwell
Patients privileged to have their
own doctor.
i i
Old French Wedding
Custom Is Revived
An odd old custom was revived last
October In the Flemish village of
Comlnes, tucked away In the north ol
About 1454 the Seigneur Jean d
Comlnes, having been Imprisoned after
tllO gOOd old custom hv fl npii'Mini1no
prince, managed to reveal bla 'where-
aoouts Dy throwing the wooden uten
sils given him for table use out of the
dungeon where he was confined.
When his faithful subjects came ts
rescue him, he established a fair at
which the ceremonial of throwing these
"louche" aa the country people still
can tnem among the crowd waa al
ways carried out.
But after a few hundred years of
throwing touches the people of Com
lnes got tired of It, and the custom was
abandoned. This vear. however. nm
enterprising member of the Comlnes
imiary ciuo tnougnt it high time to
disinter the old tradition, and the white
bearded father of the munlclpallte sol
emnly mounted a platform guarded by
two huge and grinning wooden dolls,
and hurled the wooden touches Into the
assembled throng.
Not everyone In the crowd escaped
Injury, but, according to a French ac
count, "Too could see people boosting
of the fact that they carried on their
heads the marks of the blows received
in this rongn distribution." Living
"Julius Caesar"
Spectacular Motion Picture, brought by
Interesting Educat. Film on the Eye
in care of Dr. H. C. Church and D. B. Bubar
Special Musical Numbers
At H. S. Auditorium Friday, April 4, at 8 P. M.
All for 25c, Children 15c
( Apor !ite1 l'ress leased Wire.)
WASHINGTON. April 4. Itcpre
senatlve John W. Langley, repub
lican, Kentucky, entered a plea of
not guilty when arraigned in Dis
trict of Columbia supreme court to
day on conspiracy charges In con
nection with alleged Illegal liquor
withdrawal permits and asked the
court for an early trial.
I Radiators bought, sold and ex
changed, lark's Uac'iator Works. E15
N. Jackson.
Employment Aids Ienored
Juvenile unenmlovnient onium
tabllshed In England bv the co-otiem.
tlon of the mlnlsterles of education and
labor to assist and protect school boya
and girls between the ages of fourteen
and eighteen, seeking work, have not
been entirely successful in Middlesex,
England. The object waa to enable
the youtha to better themselves while
accepting the "dole" and were mm.
yelled to attend classes. ' The "dole"
is the government unemployment sti
pend, but many of the vouncer treKer-
utlon, especially the girls, surrendered
tne "aoie- rather than attend classes.
Everything Provided
An old Highland clergyman was lec
turing a group of hla people In the Til
lage hull, and again and again repeated
the words: "there will be weeping,
walling, and gnashing: of teeth."
A would-be wit at the back of the
hall called out: "What about those
that have nae teeth T'
The minister looked down over bli
glasses and said with great solemnity
anu complete conviction: "Teeth w
be provided."
( o.'lnt1 Press l.ease.1 Wire
1UKN03 A1HKS. April 4. Luis
Flrpo. Argentine heavyweight cham
pion, today completed training for
his fitht with Al ltelch. American,
here tomorrow, which Flrpo has de
clared will be his last.
The Diva
The poster advertised the world's
greatest diva and depleted a very cor
pulent lady. Members of a crowd as
sembled were discussing IL
"Queer spelling." ventured one.
"Don t they mean diver"
"1 don't think so," declared another.
"It Is evidently a foreign word for
something or other. She's too fat for
a diver." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Mongols Were Susvicioas
It look some persuasion to convince
me Mongolian government that the
purposes of the Andrews third Aslatlr
expedition were purely (dentine, Aa
elaborate expedition of 20 men, 73
camels and motor cars was not be
lieved to be looking for old bones. A
quest for gold and oil was thong
more likely.
He wished the earth would
open up and swallow himi
"Gosh I" he groaned. "I'm a Dub f rv
There they wereevery man-jack-ofT
spring suits. And he in an old winter n
should have been in moth-balls two wL f" W
thought of it made him feel just like rTi t g?' Tie
!"mrat a Wft? WS dre88eS 1 bu H
Bill won t find himself in this positic,; . .
drops in today and slips on one o ' Z
suits. Ul our new
$25 0010 $60 00
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, April 4.-eWe8t entries
predomtnted In the closing rounds of
the national lnter-scholasttc basket
ball tournaments. Eight teams sur
vived yesterday's play in the cham
pionship round and will seek today
to enter the semi-finals, scheduled
with the finals for tomorrow. The
south and north-west, was virtually
eliminated yesterday by the defeats
of Florence, Miss., Dallaes, Tex.;
Two Harbors. Minn., and Madison,
S. D. The sole remaining northwest
entry Is Yankton, S. D.
Today s schedule include:
Championship meet, fourth
round, northeastern , Detroit vs.
Walla Walla, Wash.
Consolation meet, third round.
Matland, Mo., vs. North . Central
High, Spokane,
yesterday a results included:
Championship meet, third round:
Walla 67, Madison S. D., 19.
Consolation meet, second round:
Simpson, Birmingham. Ala., 27,
Medford, Ore., 21.
Warrensburg, - Mo., 46; Butte,
Mont., 11. Spokane, Wash., 33;
Superior, Wis., 18.
Gladlola bulbs. The finest and
largest ever displayed In Roseburg.
All named varieties. Prices reason
able. The Fern.
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
PARIS, April 4. Premier Poln
care and Ambassador Herrick this
morning formally signed the Syrian
treaty under which Americans are
assured fully of right in Syria and
WASHINGTON, April 4. Formal
signing In Paris today of a treaty
assuring Americans full equality of
righta under the terms of the
French mandate in Syria and Leban
non, establishes an acknowledged
ment by France that the United
States although never at war with
Turkey contributed to defeat of
that nation ilonf J
r r. -
Have ownM
bicycle shop. All tab
son able. Arthur LottSlUa
This Is a Stndebftkcrw
jTjr taei
I CCNaalUtfJ
n&.Kwmn al vvv
. .-aMrK
J - V'
Your doctor will tell you what a won
derful health-building food is milk. And
you State Health Inspector will tell you
that our entire equipment is sanitary
and fitted with the
most modern germ
killing apparatus.
Our Milk Is
Pasteurization Is what makes
It safe.
Ask for Pasteurized Milk.
Embarrassing Prize '
Curate We ar getting up a ral.
Lady Mary, for a poor old fisherman.
Would you like a ticket?
Lady Alary Rather! But do tell
me, what d.ea one do with him If one
wins nlm?
Roseburg Dairy and
Soda Works.
Phone 186