R08EBURQ NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY. MARCH 28. 1J4. PAGE NINE PLAY BALL Baseball always holds the atten tion of Americans, and for this season we are offering a lot of MASKS, MITTS, "balls, BATS hi0 reduction below rflular price. See joods. Churchill Hardware Co, The Winchester Store 5! jj I THE HALF-TIME WIFE By VIOLET DARE WHO'S WHO IN VHE BTORY. DUNCAN HALR, a young am; officer, returns from the Philippines to nnd Uuit SUZANNE, with whom he Is In love, has married tlBOKKKEY ATWOOD, a prom inent man much older than she. II DIFFICULTIES AHEAD. iiicoiciL EI FOR HEXT JUKE 'wiLLBEGREATSHQWi ed will be the Cherokecs, Semlnoles, Creeks, Osages, Navajo, Blackfeet, Sioux, HoplH, Chickasaw a, Delawares, Choctaws. Pottawatomies, Quapaws, Wyandottes, Iroquois, Sbuwnees, Araiialioes and ,vanons Canadian and Mexican tribes. A huge oarbecue will be served throughout the meeting. The Indians have been asked to bring their tribal costumes (or the spectacular enter tainments. Arrangements are being made to handle thousands of white persons who are expected to witness the revel ries. Only certain parts of the dances and other fetes, however, will be privileged to the outsiders, local Indian leaders say. Resolutions bearing on alleged mis management of Indian affairs In Washington wil lbe discussed. This matter was brought to light at the meeting here at which the Society of . daV carnival Will ue nciu nmri imu uuimu was ujgamteu. F'k .h various trlb-s will don war chieftains are preparing tentative SllUiein"" ,,mw.. ill lu In submit In the. trlhni tr. and exniDii men ,,"- -- traditional ceremonials, intiud-l bring about a reformation of any mis- he gl)t.ctacular corn ana sun management, aim congress lias been - .ml numerous games. jueiassea to investigate preliminary to val Will oe alUKc.i Vl'LSA, kr'.vren Okla., March 27.-(A. P .1.m ami ten thousand fT... . attend a celebration of tne r iii..i,,,i.ia Indians, whien it Eiieved will "e the largest assem f of aborigines ever held. I ,tin with the celebration plans, their at icps park, under present I mncl ftt me lllUlDIHVm 1 . ..!. ill ho nnarter- pts ana maiucuo, ... - It -,u . nn.. Tne live civinzen iriuea ui ha will sponsor tne leie. me o. r.,r,. in gathering the Indians Vlier will be to perfect plans for protection of social, enucauouai financial interest oi me I to further government 1. gisiation ird giving the Indians more rigms .at to the holding of lauds. fc;on to hold the convention was M at a preliminary meeting ui a: leaders here. Tribes in Lau- lad Mexico have written the su- ndi-nt of the Five iiviuzeu Sand, the June meeting. About 500 Indians from all parts of Oklahoma and a lew from other states attended the meeting here in Febru ary. S. J. Soldani, Osage Indian oi Ponca City, was elected president. J. G. Sanders, a Cherokee of Tulsa, was chosen secretary. Tbey are In charge of plans for the coming convention. New hats for Easter wear, med in flowers and fruit. Dell ncry. trim-Midi- AUTOMOBILES GIVEN SPACE ONCE USED AS SIDEWALKS SAN FRANCISCO, eit Muskogee that they expect , P.) San Francisco almost all (neir anno uiuto i,tnt fnr the celebration. iddition a group of Canadians In- in Indian ifftarri! ' of their luy aia expected here for the March 27. Is shaving pine no have sisnuien ineir in to attend are Charles F. Bus. authority on Indian altairs; James Lougheed, minister of the Jrior of Canada and Lady Lough- llrig. Gtn. U. H. McDonald, mem- of the Saskatchewan legislature. Jcmts McKay, chief justice of katchewal. Long the tribea to ue represent- IINSURANCE El ,Jtol ' ia I a I', i ,i I, ,,'ihan8 JIlIS might happen to the vneim unver. lie pre--d for an einergencv bv in- nittii,g ua t0 prol(.ct your car JOHN E. FLURRY huurance Agency Rooms 1 md 2 Roaeburo Bank Bldo. Roieburg, Ore, font 183 siuewaiks. me automobile has come to be so common that comparatively few San Franclscoians walk. To com bat traffic congestion the man at the wheel is to take some of the space formerly dedicated to the man afoot. In a population of approximately 600.000 persons within the city's area of 42 square miles, there are 90,000 motor vehicles. Ono of the pedestrian ways being shaved is Sacramento street, where the Vigilantes hung outlaws In the early fifties. Traffic congestion has become so great, however, that city officials have decided that 12 main ar teries of nutomoblle travel must be provided through the city. I When San Francisco was laid out its founders made exceptionally wide streets. Market street, the principal business thoroughfare, being 125 feet ; wide, but the automobile has upset all j calculations for the future, i Thus the policy has been adopted j that when any through streets are re paired, the roadways, will be widened j by cutting down the sidewalks and I forcing all superstructures, such as poles, into underground conduits! On streets where the sidewalks now have a width of 15 feet It has been found that pole lines carrying telephone and j Hsht wires use up five feet of this j space, so that these sidewalks can be I cut to 10 feet without interfering I with pedestrian travel. Iff j . m f, I r P Geoffrey Atwood us pec teU that his wife had ut In troduced him to the man who had won her love, and still possessed it, he gave no stjin. "Nice look ing chap. Hale," he com mented, relUV ina; his glues with mineral water and adding to the contents from a pocket tlauk. "Hell be coming to the house, won't her" "Why, I that Is I don't know." Suzanne fought desperately for self oontrol. Geoff mustn't suspect! "He aid that he'd probably be going away soon; he's' on leave, you see, and wants to make the most of it Geoff, .dear, won't you take me home? I'm frightfully tired." , "Of course though we haven't 'been here an hour, have we? But if you're tired we'll go." Suzanne took refuge in the dressing-room, while her husband sum moned a waiter and paid their check. 1 must get myself in hand; he's been so awfully good to me. I ; mustn't ever let him know," she told herself, over and over. She dallied before the mirror, fussing with her hair, trying to see her own face as Geoff would see it. Oh, how cruel Fate bad been to bring Duncan back into her life now, when' It was too .late. j "Can't I do something for you, .Mrs. Atwood? Yon look awfully jpale what you been drjnklng?" asked the maid. Suzanne shivered. She hated this 'world, shS told herself, in which people took It for granted thnt you drank and flirted and did the things that she had been brought up not to do. Probably most of the women in the gay set into which Geoff hud taken her would have gone on and had a fftrtatlon with Duncan, with out thinking anything of It. Horrl Ole thought! Tm Just tired," she told the mnld, who eyed her incredulously. "If you'll hand me my wrap thanks." She drew the ermine cape close about her, as if she could shut out the unhapplnesa that hurt her so, and went slowly into the wide cor- rldor to Join Geoffrey. "Yes, we're leaving early; Suz anne doesn't feel well," he was say ing to a woman who stood beside sum. ouuuine nrow uacg at sipni ,of her, recognizing one of the sharp-est-tongued gossips in their set. Mrs. Haynes would be sure to note her pallor. At that very moment Geoffrey saw her and drew her for ward; Mrs. Haynes scrutinized her, and as Suzanne had fenred, ex claimed over her appearance. "My dear, you're looking dreadful. What's the matter? Had some bad hooch? Geoff, you should take bet ter care of this young wife of yours;, she can't go the puou that the rest of us do. They can say all they like about the youngar generation, but the youngsters can't keep the puce that we do, can they? Now, you run right homo and go to bed, Susie, and tomorrow I'm coming over and give you a lecture, you naughty child.' This Is no time to be tired out. with the winter Just well under way." Suzanne murmured appropriate replies, and escaped as soon as pos sible. "I'm afraid that you've taken too much responsibility on your shoul ders," Atwood tula her, as she set tled back in the luxurious limousine and put her feat on the cushion that ha drew forward. "You really ought not to try to run tho house at all; it's too much for you. And the boys give you a good deal of trouble." "Oh, indeed they don't; I love looking after them," Suzanne' pro tested; it would be dreadful if he forced her to be Idle, and gave her too much time to think. "Besides, they re too old to need much look ing after." "Well, tney Keep your hands fun. They ought to know better; when I was their age i stood on my own feet." Suzanne said nothing. Geoffrey's two nephews, Dick and Lnrry Ltgh, lived with the Atwoods, and already seemed more like younger brothers than anything else to Suzane. Dick was twenty, Larry eighteen, and as Suzanne herself was only twenty three they were nearer her own age than her husband was. "Don't you let them come to you with their troubles any more," ha urged, putting his arm around her and drawing her up close to him. CONSTIPATION goes, and energy, pep and vim return when taking CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Keep stomach sweet liver active bowels regular only 25c, EVERY DAY PRICE SPECIALS! U lUIUO MAKK.H MANY FKIKXIXi Ft'll MH'TH DAKOTA INFANT , rN. Ml I f m iai M I'IKKRK, S. D., March 27. Dur ing the course of his. 20 years as a puHseuger train conductor, Dana Mc Neil, S3 years old, has become known at every station on his "trick' between here and Rapid Cllv na "Unriln Dnn" Aa N Hirrt ' result, his son, Hobble, 14 months si old, has a wider circle' of friends , A than any grey-haired statesman In J South Dakota, according to llob-.J bie's mother. I R '"How is Double?" came a query j from Cblcagoff, Alaska, not long 4 ago, and In the same malls a grand- J mu r,nm Hnu-n In I 1 1111,,, ,1b in- '.i quired In the spirit of a life-long friends, "Did Bobble sleep well last night?" The explanation Is that the train man has a room In his house here almost completely disguised as a ra dlo cabin on an ocean liner, lie has more than 02,000 worth of appara tus including a 100 watt sender and a cage aerial with a 100 foot span. Incidentally, the whole house Is wired for convenient use of his am plifier. Every other day at noon tho con ductor checks in his train at Itapld City and hurries to the radio receiv er of a friend. He tunes in at 15:15 o'clock and without fail begins to hear news of Hobble, Mrs. McNeil talks for 30 minutes. The wireless news letter is repeated at o o rioca that night. Hobble chiming in at In tervals with a vocabulary now num bering six words. The innovation has been pro gressing for more than a year. Mes sages of appreciation addressed to station 9-C1.S have come in from Alaska. California,. Texas, Virginia and any number of Intervening points. On All Our Groceries We have built up a fine trade on this plan, and careful buyers find it saves them quite a lot every month. Big, Fresh Stock on Hand. AH Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season It's Garden Time See us for Seeds. EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE (Exclusive Distributors) New Location, 242 N. Jackson Street About 1,000 additional certified teachers are required, in New Zeal and schools, and the Kducatlon De partment proposes to bring a nuui- Si It t, tier or teachers who are now out of i. employment In England and Scot- land to fill positions In the country,! i schools. ' ! ' Classified Section ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PAGE Rhubarb plants. Fino large clumps. Inquire at tho Fern. Lawn mowers of quality ell's Furniture Store. at Pow- Easter favorB, In great variety, at tho Palace of Sweet".. Make your se lections early. o Arundel, piano tuner. Pbone 189-1 Garden tools at right prices. Powell'fl. XOT'tcu ok bai.k ok ;ovkhnmi:.t riiuiKii She lingered in the dressing room, Suzanne sighed again. If only the boys' troubles were her only onesl "I saw Hole a minute while you were In tho dressing-room," he went on; Suzanne's heart leaped at the mention of Duncan's name. "And I asked hlra to have breakfast with us Sunday; there'll be a crowd there that he might like to meet. I understand that he's here on busi ness, and doesn't know a soul." "Yes he Is." Suzanne roplled. But she did not add that Duncan's busi ness was looklng'her up and flndlng; out If she still cored for him! Tomorrow You Belong to Ma Copyright. 1SH. by The Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. BEAUTIFY WITH GLADIOLI ZIEGFELD'S FOLLIES m Thousands of. home Kroni gladiolus bulbs in choice mixtures at 2r. Kil and is cents per dozen. For sale at Chap- P'av the r.ugene engagement, which Without a doubt the most Impor tant announcement ever made in Eu gene Is Issued from the Hellin; the atre to the effect that Zlegfield's world famed musical production "Sally," will play bere Monday, April 7th. It was only through Mr. Calvin Hellig president of the Northwest theatres bearing Ms name, and his Influence and etiorts that this grea organization has been induced to BASEBALL PLAYERS NOTICE Baseball practice will be held every night at 515 p. m. weather permitting. General Land Office. C, March 11. r WANTED "T WANTED Nursing. Call 577-H. WANTED: Washing. 22a Commercial, St. WANTED Uuzz saw outfit. Address F. M. M., care News-Keview EMEHV Wants to buy your wool and mohair. See him before selling. WANTED Spading and gardening. phone 101-H. FOU SALE Ranch ness. team and i har- Inquire D. C. McKay, Greens-; FOU SALE Home Comfort range. Good condition. 120 West Lane St. i l'hone 177. , FUU SALE Relinquishments, aomi'l timber, address 746 Commercial! Ave. Rosoburg. WANTED Horse for his feed. Ad dress J. M. M., cure News-Uevlew. VANTEDS2200rbno year. 10" "per cent. Good security. Well insured. A. '. X., care News-Uevlew. THOROUGIIUUED White Plymouth Rock hatching eggs. (Daniel strain). w. it. Klnsei. Wilbur, Oreg. FOU SALE Thoroughbred Barred' Rock eggs. 75c a Betting, of 15. Ida Huntley, Hrockway. i man's and Churchill's. Harriet Halde- man Gladiolus Gardens, 1047 Corey Avenue, lloseburg. o Straight brim French sailors for street or spjrt wear, black, navy, red. Hell Millinery. is said to be the only city of this size In the United States that "Sally" has played, i Some of the interesting facts re garding this attraction are as fol lows: weekly expense of operation is $22,000, there are ninety people in the cast including fifty Follies girls. they travel in a special train of six cars. This is the first Ziegfield show to visit the ci'st in ten years and the original production is intact and will be presented exactly as seen In New York. The Helllg management stales that it is hardiy necessary to give a lengthy description of the show, as the people of the west have heard of Zii gfii'lil I'oilles and their fame Is so win Id w ide that tho announcement of their forthcoming engagement is sufticienl. Out of town mail orders will receive careful consideration. Ratliatois bought, sold and change 1. I.ark's Radiator Works. N. .Iiic'-icn. "Washington r. ly21. Notice la hereby given ihut Buhlect to the conditions and limUtittotiB of the acts of June U, lull',. (3a Slat., US), February 2b, lull), (40 Stilt.. 1 17 a . und June 4, 11120 (41 Stat., US), and departmental regula tions of September lo, lilli (46 L. !., H.-. and June 21, 1?0 (47 1.. 1. 411), the timber ou the following landa will be sold April 21, 1!24. at 10 o'clock a. in., at nubile auction at the United States lund office at Kosehurg, Ore- uiii. to the hlithtjHt bidder at not thun the uppruised value as shown by thiu notice, sale to be subject to tho approval of (lie - secretary uf the In terlor. The purchase price, with an additional vum of one-fifth of 1 per cent, thereof, being coniuiisslons al lowed, muHt be deposited al time of sale, money to be returned If aale la not approved, otherwise patent will iaaite (or the timber which must be re moved within ten yeura. Ilida will be received from citizens of the United Stales, aBHociutlona of such citizens and corporationa organized under the luwa o( the United Slates, ur any State, Territory, or Uiatrict thereof only. Upon application ot a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivialon will be offered separately before being Included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 28 ., It. 12 W.. See. IS. Lot 8, fir 1S00 !.. T. ltt S.. It. 7 W., Sec. 3, NWli lr, 1480 M.. none of the timber on theMf aectlona to be Bold tor less than $2.&vrper M.. T. 21 S 11. 4 W., Sec. 23, KV.'A SK'i red fir 10&O M., white fir, 25 M., Incenae cedar 26 M.. Ht;1 red fir 1240 M . wbltu Xir 60 AL, red cedar 30 M., T. 28 S.. H. 11 W.. Sec, 1. SV1 W,i led fir, 1300 M., none of the timber on thcao sactlona to be sold for leas than $1.7u per M. for the red fir, l..'0 per M. for tlie white fir and Incenae cedar, and 11. SO per M. for the red cedar; T. 30 H.. It. 10 W., Sec. 13, NK'i NK'j fir SJ& M NWV4 NK'4 fir 200 M., NH14 NWS fir 800 M., NW'i fir 200 M T. it S., It. 10 V Sec. 2'J. SK'i SK14 fir 1070 M., white cedar 230 M., none of the timber un ttteae sections to be sold for leaa thau $1.60 tier Al. for the fir-and $ .00 per M. for the white cedar; T. 39 S.. II. 6 W., Sec. 15. NW'.i SW yellow pine 60 Al., augnr pino ao M.. red fir ISO Al.. none of the timber on thla tract to be sold for leaa than $:t.00 per M. for the yellow and augur pine and $1.25 per Af. for the red fir; T. 23 S, It. 10 W.. See. 30, NIV, KKH fir 520 Al., then SK'4 SIV', fir 620 Al. none of the timber on these tracts to he aold tor lcitj than $2.25 per Af., T. 28. S, 1!. 11 V.. Sec. I.",, SC'4 Xli'4 red fir 5l Al.. white fir 12" Al., T. 2J S., II. 10 W See. 30, .NK'i NK!4 re.l fir 775 Al.. while cedar 40 M , SK'i NK'i red fir 650 Al. white cedar loo Al., none of the timber on theno aec tionfl to be aold for lce than $' 00 per Al. f"r the roil fir. $50 per At. f"r white fir, nnd $7 l per Al. for the FOU SALE U. I. Red setting eggs,. 75c for 14. Also a few laying hens, l'hone 9F13.. Mrs. C. W. Sinnlger. Whit. tnlnsW cedar. Wll.l ler. Ileneral .IAAI SI'I'.V. timl Office. Cotn- WANTED Work, on ranch by experi enced nuui, or milking cows. Ad dress E. A., care Nows-evlcw. WA.NTEDWomiin aa dlshwasheT. and woman for dishwashing and ' Janitor work at Rosoburg Cafeteria. Apply at once. WANTED Furnished liousukecplng rooms In private family for man and wire. Address V. L. Fry, care News-Review. tJTliL WANTS WORK High school girl desires work nt once In office. Not a stenographer but can do cleri cal work, etc. Address II. S. Olrl, cure Nows-Uevlew. FOU SALE OH TRADE 2 good cows or would trado them In on good Ford truck. Address "T", care; News- Review. j MISCELLANEOUS CAR OWNla-in-t forget to tall bbi when In need ot au'.o parts, barfl's Auto Wrecking House. I FOR RENT T FOU RENT 1 403-R. apartmont. l'hone FOH RENT Safety deposit boxoo, Roseburg National Bank. FOU RENT 2 room upartuu nt, close in. 344 So. Jackson St. , FOlOlENT Good aimrtwontr!l43 So. Stephens, l'hone 3..J-J. Poll RENT Furnished r o o liTT Ground floor.. 1204 Winchester St. FOK TltfcViT Furnishi'ii sluvping room, bath. 401 South Main street. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Package of blue prints at cor. Oak mid Rose Sts. Owner call at this office, Identify property and pay for adv. T FOR SALE T FOR SALE Seasoned fir block .t wood, $3.50 a tier. Also write ' spring oats, Boyer Bros. Phone I 14F14 ; FOU SALE 70 head good ewes with Jan. lambs. Heavy wool. 2 milch cows, be fresh May 1st, R. W. Cur-, tin. Looking Glass, Ore. FOU SALE Jersey and Durham mix-" od cow. Willi be fresh June 12th. , Giving 7 qts. daily. $35. l'hone 382 between 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. i FOll SALE Cheap, 2 good young work horses. Weight about 1250. 1 i especially gentle and fine. Also 1 good riding corn plow. E. H. Rosen-i berrv, l'hone 33F2. ' .; Italian prune feet, 10 cents: 5 cents. trees, four to six three to four feot, Trees are healthy . and ol heavy grade Muthts Nursery Com pany, Salem, Oregom - UEDIHNO PLANTS Mastodau ay, Polunitt, Salvia, Verbena, uinbine, etc., at Economy and Rosoburg Orocery, at green house, Kay, pan-. ' Col' Grocery. J Pot plants' ,1 Edenbower. P. W. i Phone 6F5, between 12 and 1 ' or after 6 p. m. FOU SALE Used rlayer piano EOc each. Phono 370. rolls. FOR SALE 19 fl. counter, able. Hell Millinery. Reasun- FOIt SALE Milch cow. 31 gal. per day. Priced right. 810 E. Lane St. EXTRA SPECIAL IHJY 2A ready to subdivide. Corners on Pacific high way. Front on Guidon Valley high way. 5 room house, good garage, newly p:ip red nnd painted inside. Price $;iln0. Terms. L. R. Chenille, Edenbower. FOll SALE Canterbury bells, nice roots for immediate flowering. Also: campanulas bare bells. Good for border. Blue flowers, perfectly hardy. Cally lllly cut blooms by the dozen, or will make them up in designs. Come und get them. Fern Island Green House. Phone SF12. Mrs. F. D. Owens. FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF 1 aero just outside city limits. Hard surfuced road. 4 room house.. Barn. Garage. Poultry house and large poultry yard. Small amount of furniture. Price $1700.00. Suiall. payment down und monthly pay-, mollis like rent. O. W. Young & Son, Thnno 417. FOR SALE 32 acres, 14 acres Ul-,. ablo land. 1 acre loganberries, two houses, barn, chicken house, sever al other out buildings, Irrigation ditch through place, one and halt uillis from school, good country road. 8 mi. from town, H. V. D. dally. This is a anap at $2,000. Part rush, balance on time or will con- slder Roseburg property John Abeeno, Oakland. Ore. i! 4 1 : j 1 so we h-'R SKILL and expert knowledge in "clothes Mdine" any 'ea of experience r.nrr ,1 ! 5 "icse lines Prepared to Tin -I .1 ,ni Will n Me V Von THE CLANCY KIDS Nothing Can Be Fairer Than That. Uy PCKCY L CROSBY, 4 repair $ Way TRY Of R WAY Our A "to Will cm rlMcSOIN'TO ewe, L YWJU5r0NECHANC& AT 1H9 fAje. voufee AtWAW7ect(N'M WHAT A ctAK CAT Y0V AR nv i inr-Ht. Af res maybe I THE Ttw ) 1 rV fl 1 ml JutYj catcher! Sfi0OT 0N6 Down I jro JecoNO j ' 0W ARC VA MtTHtO THAT YACAN'TPCAy S 1. Aw! MR.TlMNe CWE NF. AklfiTttfO 'UtalaC' ' i in" i nw nniity l Cor rtNf. Mor?eey ieer. V . S" I n ll L . I I fl ' IV.J.U. 1 t 4 ' , 1- L''t , t I 1 :J . I I'I . 4 t I I! 'i i