Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 28, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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WSa&?sA mm
-f Best j JJAjJ
R08EBUR0 NEW8-BEVIEW. rPlfY MARCH 23, 1924.
Try-OuU in National Oratori
cal Contest to Take Place
on the 4th and 11th.
County School Superintendent
Favors Continuation of
Contests in Order to
Create Interest.
!of Western and Southern Oregon in
i California market. , , .
tpeaklm? (or southwestern Idaho
Dreducers. Frank E. Seeley of Payette
testified to the larire tonnage furnisn
ed the Oregon Short Line last year,
amounting, be said, to 5ou cars ot
fruit, potatoes, dairy and poultry pro
ducts which would be increased n
large volume by more easy access to
California markets over a Central
Oregon line to a Southern Pacific con
nection. This witness admitted on cross
examination by Arthur C. Spencer, at
torney for tlu. Union Pacific that oven
under the stimulus ot cue imwi i
last vear, Southern Idaho agricultural
products could not be moved to out
side markets to save producers from
losea and that'the lar.-e potato move
ment was to southeastern stales rath
er than to California.
Kxtension of the Crane-Odell line
across Central Oregon, would reduce
, .llulnnr-a vin V.ilL-ene from (OOS
Hay to Ontario from 537 to 398 miles,
compared with the route via Portland,
J. T. llrand, city attorney of Marsh
field testified. II.' said that would
mean a saving of four days In freight
moved from Coos Day to taslern
The local try-outs in the National
Oratorical contests, sponsored in Ore-
All niomhers nf Pi'.trol team and all
by the Portland Telegram, will -others Interested will meet at hall
take place on April 4, according to an
announcement made today by County
Superintendent O. C. Brown. The
county try-out, to pick the winner to
represent the county ill the district
meet, will be held on the lltti at tne
'with fix completed hulls and endues
bV'w . . una. ,:;si,na,.a.,- bur, high school.
e, -,,, Tl... ir una believed toi huh contest
have started at the steainbox, where
the only fire had been left at the
Winning Over Bill Boards. i
Because "nig business" can do I
things in a big wnv ii'H) highway blll-l
hoards ill five Pacific coast stall's
have been bowled over al one blow! We have Just In, fancy slmpo vases,
and will not be replaced. The ntand -1 decorat-d with gold and scroll work,
aril Oil Company of California owned iKind painted. A big special value at
the boards and ordered I hem ,.aoh. (nil's. See these and you'll
"The company feels that the splendid .appreciate the values,
scenerv should be unmarre.l," was'
the announced reason for the action. i
Hereafter the company will confine i
its use of signs to commercial local
tions. The stules afli-cted are Cali
fornia. Oregon, Washington, Nevuda
and Arizona.
Hero is an act of consldoratenoss
for the wholo American people, for
(Assorlfitort press Leased Wlre.l
POItTLA.NI, March 27 Several
delegations desiring highway develop
men! were here today for the meeting
of the state highway commission
for tne wnoio American peupie, n,i ,.i, this -ifternoon The com-
tho splendid scenery which. billboards liili.rd
mar u a national asset anil is enjoy
ed by millions who travel far to de
rive benefit from the natural splen
dors. Nor Is It likely the improve
ment will end with the removal of
these 1 aignlmurtlH. Standard Oil
Influence has been much overrated wo
contracts for work on highway
jects In five counties.
The III i.-li School Parent Teachers
tieltovo. hut there can he no denvlng 'Circle v. Ill hold a cooked food salo,
Saturday. April IS, nt McKenn. nr-riiy
nnd lliildwtn's. All mothers interested
considerable factor in
that it Is
Not merely the development of an n n,e welfare of the schools are ask
esthetic sense in the managers of oJ to contribute.
Standard Oil of California accounts!
for abolishing signboards. Public In
terest against tho defacement of na
ture has made Its Impress on astute
business men. If Standard nil can
not afford not to defer to public, opin
ion, can other lesser corporations that
envy Standard success no! prnltt from
studying its methods? Kugi nu liuard.
Friday evening for purpose of select
ing Patrol for Grants i-ass
is being arranged by A,.ri,. Pr, asvd Wire.)
a number of the leading newspapers j t,0X1)0N. March 27. So ser
of the United States. It is natlon-i j0UBly' does'tho government regard
wide In scope and Is attracting con-the gituation created by continuance
Biddable attention. All orations :of tlle tram bus strike and the ap
must be original and must be prepar- parently inevitable entry of the sub
ed bv the student delivering lhcm.T,.llv men in.0 the fight tomorrow
All must be on the subject of tho con- night, according to several newspa-
stitution of the United States, as tneil)ers. that a privy council nas oeeu
contest is being held to bring about j called for today to consider pro
a greater understanding of the const!- claiming a "condition of national
ttitton and to create more interest in emergency.
Its principles. Some papers said Issuance of the
In Oregon the contest Is being ar- proclamation has already been de
rn Hired by the Portland Telegram1 cided upon and that the meeting has
which has provided some excellent.' been summoned that the king s lortn
prizes which will be awarded to thel al consent may be
' Hmt u hmers I lf a 8tate of emergency is pro-
' Co. tlsts wi.l be held In each school claimed. It will be under the pro
where students are competing. These '!- 'Of the em W '
winners will then join in the county
contest, after which' there will be a
2 Kinds of Quaker Oats
At Your Qrocers
Quick Quaker and Quaker Oats,
the kind you have always known
Get whichever you prefer.
cooks inVz the time of coffee!
Quaker Oats now comes in 2 styles rep
Quaker Oats, the kind you've alway, bTIfI
Quick Quaker makes oats the wSmwa
fast dish. Cooks perfectly in 3 to 5 minuter"
pcarcelx longer than simple toasted ureal "
Same plump oats as regular Quaker Oats ,
kind you've always known. Cut before flaw
rolled very thin and partly cooked. And tht
email flakes cook faster that's the only ml
All the rich Quaker flavor. All the good of to
breakfasts quick I Today, try Quick Quaker,
the same powers as the war time de
fense of the realm act.
It enables the government, bud-
(A'soclated Press Leased 'Wire.)
PORTLAND. March 27. The
Rev. W. 3. Oilbert, the pastor of the
First Presbyterian church In Astor
ia, has been invited to accept the
secretaryship of the nationla mis
sions committee of the Portland
Tresbytery, and It Is understood
from Astoria that he will accept the
WASHINGTON, Siarcn tAHtoculed Pr luaitJ
fi,-u .L.fieiencv hill of the Dresent Wakhivctov .""1
congress was prepared for President resentative Joha'v l2
Coolidge's signature today after an hcan. Kentucky, i'uilL'
agreement between senate and house federal grand Juri im i'
conferees. The measure carries charge of conspiracy a jJ5
J"" ' ' " w '! Cff,Vjt
(Aililross ill communications
to Mrs. Ullsuury, care of News-Review.)
Small size bowl about 4 inches, Spe
cial nt 15c each. Large size, 6 Inch
at.39c each. These are regular Toko
nobe ware In shaded brown, blue and
red. Just the thing for bulbs or
flowers. See them at Carrs.
No Time For White Wash.
The soft pedal artists, those who
are too timid or too partisan to look
with ecpianiinlly upon the Investiga
tions now being carried on in Wash
ington, keep telling iis that tin' nation
will sutfer great iv unless the course
of congress is changed. Profesdi.gj u,.,.,. Mm- Kilsliun : I am eighteen,
no particular love for Dnughertv theyaIlll ,,, Hi-aililv Willi a certain man
fight his battle wiih a ze:il cnnipnr-. f,)r B,.vt.ral months. I tliout,b a great
able to that ot the little hand of Spar-1 f UMn n( iK-li. ve he did of
tans that fought and died al Thermo- , 1)lU H,.v,.ral weeks ago u new girl
pylae with I.eoiiidiiH. 'came to (own, ami he Just dropped
If the seekers after silence feel that Im) ,.,m,p,.t,.y and started going with
pttnni- l-oniliienre in Hie pmciii in
district meet Including tne several ; . h approval of parliament,
county winners In each section or tne, ke wl(Je an( compulsory pro
state, and these district cnampionS vlson9 for the safety and life of
will then meet in a state contest. The ! the comJnuI1tty, Including taking ov
stales have been divided Into dls- er cotrol of any public service, us
trlcts, una there will be two niore)ne urmy and navy lorries therefor
elimination matches before the final an commandeering private vehicles
try-out for the national winner is huld' nna- materials for the same purpose,
in New York City. The winner will The act was last put into operation
receive p magnificent prize, to be' during the miner's strike of 1920.
presented by President foolidge. Such a step would briiur the pres
Onlie a number of schools In Doug-lent labor government into conflict
lias county havo been interested and j with a large sec.lou of their support-
Ihe first try-outs will take place on;ers.
the 4'.b. selecting the best speaker! o
from each sc hool to meet in Host burg KIDDIES' MILLINERY
on the 11th for the (county meet.
.' , . .. - I.I.
Marry 11. jonnson. principal or uio jur mil line ot irimmeu cnuu - t.llhlii..,i,)n rT of Section 33 of
ltoseburg high school. Is Ihe director ow on display. Child's and misses' "J '''V.sl0" b'J
of Ihe contest 111 the county. The straws In gold and two colors, each
judges huve not yet been selected. I with ribbon Btreaaiers. 'Also a big lino
County School Superintended n t of the Tanama cloth and open braid.
Drown Is greatly interested In the each tastily trimmed. These ore Just
context but regrets that It was not . the hats that have been hard to find,
started earlier In the school year. ; 2 year, to 12 year styles. Se3 them at
Ihe IHiuirias County schools nt- the Carr's. Moderately priced millinery.
Notice is hereby given:
That the undersigned will up to
7:30 o'clock p. m., on Monday the 7th
dav of April, 1924. at his office in the
city hall in the city of Roscburg. Ore
gon, receive sealed proposals for the
nurrhase of city of Roseburg Library
Bonds in the stun of $12,000.00.
Said bonds are issued under author-
1 7531111 eau
first of the year adopted plans for In
vestigations and stories of pioneer
history, and took up other special
features, which have filled up the
time devoted to extra work, and con
sequently it has been impossible to
give as much attention to the ora
loriciil contest as might otherwise
Im Htif TitIuk lirrauHo of tho ilisrloHUtvH
what lo thy think would happen t
that ennf iili'tico if invest inal Inp
eoiiunlttt't s wtm to c':iHr thfir tuv.'
tiKutinr:, nfuKP to run tlmvi, tho ru
luiH'rt that ait- hi the air anil allow
lliost upon whom runplf',n ''an
cimkU'i. Io rrtnain unviintit al'-t in
plait's of honor ami trust? Then
thTt woiml h hyrticria uiitl It
wiittl Justified.
TltlH !h not n tlmi' for miu-mi: h
n'MM. Tor ill rtilhntc tniiy of witni-sr- 1
who an li.ntril in tho nocial r y't'r. '
NitlHr th' piihlli: nor tho ii'iiitui IithI
shown a dt'Hlro to hi'Mmireh tht r'pu-l
tatloiiH of thorn whoso innocfiu't ro -,
iih'Itih anyttiihir umro than a form-it
trrisuinpl 'l,n. Mr Ad'.to'i iiar.o min
out and hin oni'int(". tiifhidiim hoiho
of IhoHf who now cry "hush,-' thortl-il,;
hut th votrrt ill hin party did int 1
o-o ronridciH't' in hiiu. Di'tuoriatic
flri'hratuU attiM'kcd t'ooHdi:. lut h
n carrvitiK pritnarti- riht and h-ft.
Th only thin: that will destroy
Amorican fiiitli in novt'ttiiiH-nl is th"
nil. -nt w hlti'wnshttikt wlilt h tho fearful
oiuih H' k . Tort land T h r.ram.
lu-r. It didn't tuiikf a nn-ut doai of
dnl'i'it'iui' tt mo, I wont with other
hn s too, hut now ho ucIh uh if 1
woro Hoio at him, and ho won't como.
iii';ir mo, or mo to daiu-o or any
thing. I don't want him to think (hat
I thought oiiou;h (tf him to bo soro
at him. II ou titidrosland what I
nu an. What slutuld 1 do? Tho other
kuI iy k;oti', and I am Htiro that if I
matlo any advam-os to him whatever
thai hu would waul to ko with me
again. What hlioutd 1 do If ho did?
(Associated Trea L.enaed Wire.)
I'OUTIjAND, March 27. The sum
of SlaO.OuO nocoasary for tho con-
havo b on done. It Is believed to be algtruction of the Multnomali Amateur
tood way to incuU ato into the minds i Athletic clubs' new Rolf course, has
of tho growing citlenry a fuller 'been raised and the charter niniibir-
Uuowledtf ami a Kreater love for tho
constitution of this country
Thousands of overfat people have;
beeouio slim by following the advice :
of doctors who recommend Marmola
1 ii seriptioti Tablets, those harmless;
little fat reducers that simplify the
ship list ot 500 completed, officers of
the club announced today. In fifteen
das from the time the list was
thrown open, the quota of 500 char
ter members signed up nnd the con
struction fund was subscribed.
As late as 12 o'clock lest niuht ap
plications for membership were still
coniinc in, according to officers, l'res
ent plans call for a course of eigh
teen holes, but in view of the re-
:ir,l of t Ik
I'd I'ri'M I
Mur, h
,i'iletl Wit'
2i.- The
FLAPPER: The next time you have
the opportunity, and if you do not tiou. lf too fat, don t wait KO new
have one you can easily make one, to your druggist and for uue dollar,
speak to him, and act as if nothing v hlt-h is the price the world over, pro
had ever happened, and he vas just cure a box of these tablets. If preter
the s.ime to you as any other friend. i :ell- you can secure them direct by
If you act angry at him he will think ; sendini: price to the Marmola Co.,
you cared a great deal for him. and!4M2 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich,
feel badly over his going with some-jThey reduce steadily and easily wlth
one else. Ai you were not engaged! out tiresome exercise or starvation
he was : t liberty to go whom he-diet and leavo no unpleasant effect,
pleased but lie should not have stop- . o
prd your friendship. If he should ask
you to go with him again, it would be
wise to refuse him several times and
go wth some one else before finally
accepting his invitations. Alter you
accept one invitation do not go with
him often, but go about with other
friends more. He did not show a very
. me reuuvers inac. n.pmy .. , tnp ra fl)r members the
dos- of the famous Murino .1 Prcscnp- "i""1"" ""- '
.i,. ir i,. r,i ,inc -,u , LI board of trusteis of the club will
meet Monday tiieht to consider the
advisability of changing plans to pro
vide for either a 27 or 36 hole course,
It was announced.
William K. Locke, Rolf course archi
tect of San Krancisco has been en
gaged to lay out the course and con
struction will be Btarted immediately.
tho charter of the city of RoseburK, 1
which said charter provision was;
adopted by the vote of the people of
said city at a special election held '
therein on March 18th, 1924. and byj
further authority of Ordinance No.
811 of the city of KoseburB, duly -and
retulurly passed by the Common i
Council and approved by the mayor of
said city March 20th, 1924. for the
nurnose of acaulrine, improvins and
equipping a Public Library within the
said city of RoseburK. The bonds are in
denominations of $500.00 each and
bear interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
are dated April loth, 11)21 and are
pavnblo ten years after date, pro
vided that the city cf Kosoburs may
at its option redeem the same at any
interest payment period at or after
five years from the date thereof.
No bid for less than par and accrued
interest will be accepted and the
council reserves the rij-ht to reject
anv and all bids. Each bid must be
accompanied by a certified check or
draft equal to five per cent of the
amount bid, payable to the city of
UoseburR to be forfeited to tho city in
case tho successful bidder shall fail
to complete the purchase.
I!y order ot the Common Council.
Dated, and first published, at
ItoseburK, Oregon, March 25th, 102 .
R. I.. WllUTLK
City Recorder of the city of Itose-.
burg Oregon.
Our this week's showing of new dress material aitisn. tJ
lnps. In a ureat variety of patterns, every one tl iS st:;
and stylish, will delight women buyers who Im btoewe
their selections.
boat rood spirit hv droppinci vou that .iy.
MY trnl.trcJ tMTu'e :iih! itu'rcascJ (.talfof
.1 ill .1 ..,1 , , I,. K.u..l
skilL vl rcvt;il speoui'its new are homed
In m in n ''rn.lul new huiivlin;1. wln-re I cn reclcr
trcJt :i'r'N el l'Btirn' v lio cenie t.i me tl,m
i ,Se X 1 V! ,-, .-', . u mrr n,.n KtrK ' " r OvMf
p. ,t rTin4
.III t.
M E ntVo 'n"'th is P'pr.n whcn writ i no
( Ansecl.itc-d rrcus Leaped Wire.)
1(!T1.AI1. March 27 Argnine
that if the I nioii Pacific's Central
nri'tron line were extended to connect
wiih the Southern Pacific's Kiuvue-
Klamath Kalis cutoff. Idaho agricul
tural n" ters would be brcniKiit 4iiii
nnies nearer California markets.
Samuel L. Newton, rate expert of the
Idiiho public service commission np
p iircd before the examiner in the rail
way hcariue; now being held here.
Newton admitted under cross-ex. ;:ni
nution ihiit he had not taken into;
consideration the extension of ihe
Oivkxii Short Line to connect with'
the Southern 1'acllic at Wilis, which
railway uttornes insisted will bring
the same result.
J It. Huberts, representing tho Red
mond Commercial Club and several
f.irnn r cri;.ii:i.itiens in the 1H - -mites
valley submitted exhibits of railway
1 1 : 1 : : 1 - poviiiiiuit s of that region
in cm nt of irritation ,''.o;':i!"at
and ndequiite railway transportation,
10 outin'.e inarkets.
On cross examination by Iter, C.
Ile. Southern Pacific attorne. Nw
1 s'lieitted that t-veiision of the
IM011 I'acilu's Central Oregon line
from Crane 10 tlih II cm 111" Sceiihern
l'ai ifie's K.aKt t'.e Kinmat'l Kails en!
...f. wot. l-l l-anke Southern ld.ll o's
farm pioduc'ls rotnpctilivo Willi tl:oM'
Not St. Valentine imported seed.
Strain is about 10 days later than
S. Valentine; heads self-protected;
curd snow white. The finest strain in
existence. Price per pound, $25.00,
per ounce $1.75. Orders taken for any
quantity. I'nd Schmidt, Dlllard, Oregon.
lllltillt lMMHilLVTlOX KILIj
f l,i" 1 11. ,1 I'ress Leased Vlre
WASH INC. TON', March 27. The
new immigration bill providing a
bais quota of two per cent ot the
l:Ui census, was reported today
from the senate immigration com
mittee. The committee iimllti'd from the
bill entirely sections denting with
liipanej-e and with alien seamen,
with the understanding that an
amendment covering them would be
111-ertcd on t!ie floor.
Bridge Construction, Douglas County,
1925 Pattern Crockery
Qil,;nr, ia7 Jr. taUcware and sold in Rostss
exclusively bv us see these beautiful
you'll want some of them.
We carry just the line of goods you waul
matter what you need.
Biggest Line
Best Quality
Beat-'em-all Price.
238 N. Jackson
K" Mil I .
ft-tural (f cm
iu:: FKi ,t- aj
221 n- A,ri.ue
Soalted bids will be received by the
county court of liouclas county, Ore
don, at the court house in ItoseburK,
Orepon, at 10 o'clock A. M. on the
3rd day of April, 1921, for construc
tion work on Lone Rock IlridRC, be
tween elide- nnd Itock Creek. The
work involves construction of 1. 75
foot wood span and 2, 120 foot wood
No bid will be considered unless
accompanied by cash, bidder's bond
or certified check for an amount
eciual to at least five (5) per cent of
the total amount of the bid.
A sufficient bond will be required
for the faithful performance of the
contract in a sum equal to one-half
the total amount of the bid.
Plans, specifications, forms of con
tract, proposal blanks, and full in
formation for bidders may be obtain
ed nt the office of the county clerk or
the county roadmaster. Court House.
Kostburi;, Oreson, upon the deposit
of five dollars. j
The r.fhi is reserved to reject anv
Item or all proposals, or to accept any, jjjj
separate Item of the proposal or pro: p J
pe.-ais deemed net for the cnuntv.
1HA B. mi'DLE.
County Clerk of Douglas County,
i.-5au hie mi Ml t ill I!T OP h
is n iH.AS t in . rv
CKO. K. Q11NK. Count v Jildce.
f.DWIN WK.WKP.. Commissioner,
11 W. LONO, Coiamissioner.
Att t:
Ira n. P.iddie, County Clerk. 1
Wo ,nvo hntrhed turkevs t uccessftilly '.1W:-.T
put them with your hens or they can be tm dkW a
brooder same as chicks. Hriiig in your turn.
have thetn custom hatched.
732 Fni
j Phone 391-Y
1 1
Meet Your Friends ffe
And when you have beer. JJwJi
Sundae from our beautiful ounta iirb f
to meet business or social probUms
Our Drmks are Pure and
and Daintily Served art
Ice Lream fi
rA. rv OF SWEt
Lunches Served
T t. x.'. t '--iVxisiJS'