ROSEBUBQ NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, MARCH 89.-1984. PAQ6 8IX - ' "" . -' nt ilMII I nil Ml I I i n r I l h i n I i, i P CC A 'C P AIM1?! sr,ta- c'n be "een Bt 203 MUUR :r II II lIUUUIll U ULiimiu: AS VARIED AS IHL bKliNU Jluvvlr ii EXCEEDlTI'Sj OUR ASSORTMENTS CJ Better Service Better Merchandise 9 WW . Vs. r , ? COATS Swtfs c Dresses Fcr Spring and Easter Season Spring like, youthful and of sports typo, are the garments of many lines wo are now Knowing in our busy ready-to-wear liciiurrniint. Imilv arrivals of ni'W coats unil suits anil dresses, ull are characteristic very moderate, indeed, in price. Suits in Checked Flannel $21-00 at Dress Materials in new colors, new weaves Distinctive or the Spring fabrics aro the bright colors in cotton goods and thn figures anil patterns of the crepes and voiles. You will find our assort ments by fur the most extensive. Li re, of thin season uud Coats in Polo starting at $12 50 Shoes Again for School This Reason finds nttfntlon Riven to now shoos. The kind we carry will Mi'ur for tho remainder of the school year and provide comfort, Blyle and llcUtllcsB. WEAR BUSTER BROWNS Excess Is Said to Be About Two Billion Rubles and Mostly for Damages. FOUNl Neck piece. Inquire after noon at 1126 Military and pay for adv. FOR RENT Two unfurnished Unlit housekeeping rooms. Adults only. "17 Chadwlck Stj PtTll SALE One donkey engine 9 by 11. In running order. 300o ft. line. Roseburg Welding 01 Urazing Works. FOlFSALE Ten ton Howe platform scale. Never used. If you need this the price Is right. See E. It. Kenny or I'hone 259. DIVIDED INTO 3 GROUPS Soviets Say They Are Sure Britain's Experts Will Not Make Them Yield Negotiations Start. WHY NOT A HOME PF YOUR OWN The lot alone worth price of the whole business. 4 room house, al most new. Well painted, city water, electric lights, wood shed, lot 40 by 110, fine garden, some fruit. $S50 takes clear title. Only takes $200 cash. Balance like rent. Better step lively. Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street, I'hone 219. CAMP FIRE GIRLS HOLDING ASSEMBLY (Associated rrm Leam-d Wire.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 28. I More than 1.000 girls from 7 towns In 17 stateB are expected hero tomor row for the opening of the national i campflro girls campaign. This Is the first national assembly where the girls have participated In large numbers. Most of the girls, oflclals paid, have been saving for months to pay their own way. Some are coming as far away as Seattle and New York. s& Hi (S) S-f.t fffifzz 'Jt' 1-'.' 31 B Try painting your floors this season Acme Quality protects your flooring. It gives a beautiful surface that is easily cleaned. No need to scrub for imbedded dirt. Th paint seals the pores of the wood. Goes otV easily and dries quickly. We recommend Acme Quality Floor Paint (Granite.) Our guaranty goes with every can. Call upon us for any thing in the paint line. We are here to serve you. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINT PIONEER DRUG STORE (Continued from page one.) (Associated Press l.easeil Wire.) j MOSCOW. March 28. Soviet ; Russia's claims Orcat Brit ain exceed the latler's claims against Russia by two billion gold rubles. M. Zinovleff. secretary of the communist International an nounced at Lengrade, today. The British claims, he stated, ! were divided into three groups, first, state debts and "pretensions" for : loans and nationalized property to a total value of 2,400.000,000 gold j rubles, second, war debts of fj.OOO, 000,000 gold rubles and third. In-1 terest on all the debts of 2.81G.000 000, make a total of 10,139,000,000 i gold rubles. Russia's claims were for damages caused by the Intervention of ad miral Kolchak, and 'for the seizure of gold. "If there Is no hope for us to re-j celve from England these two bil lions of gold rubles." he went on, "then we confidently declare that England will not get either war debt or Interest. The nationalized pro perty of British subjects presents the most difficult question. There are 115 claims amounting to (100, 000.000 rubles. "We are Bure that the British ex perts will not make us yield. The revolution was a Btruggie to secure the burgoise and If the foreign cap italists have been mistaken In their calculations of the safety of the pro perty in a revolutionary country It Is their own fault. It is ludicrous to think the working class having sac rificed so much, now should, while starting reconstruction, have to re turn all it appropriated by virtue of its revolutionary rights. Such are the fundamental points which will direct our delegation negotiating with the British government." M. Zinovleff said the delegates were instructed to ask only for such credits as they were ce in the gov ernment could pay. d V. O. three bottom 10 inch trac- from the city they stopped an auto mobile driven by Charles Spurlin, salesman for a local cider works. ! dazed him with a blow behind the ear and commandeered his car. ' "Oregon" Jones took the wheel but the convicts tunde no attempt to eject Spurlin from the car. Dazed by the blow, Spurlin says that he does not remember clearly anything that the convicts said, ex cept that they kept something that he supposed was a gun pressed against his back and told him to keep quiet. At tho reform school, six miles southeast of the city, the convicts lert the main road, turning the car Into a side road lending Into a tim bered and bruL-hy area. They drovo about a mile and a half into the woods and nbandoned the car. tak- lug Spurlin with them a quarter of '""" ' tor orchard plows at Wharton llroa. FAMOUS CALIFORNIA VIOLINIST IS DEAD i SPECIAL VALUES See Our Windows Ladies' blackr A A Suede Slippers, Q II II covered Cuban heel, patent trimmed. 5.00 Slip- cut outs, either covered Span ish or Cuban heel. Ladies' black Satin pers, with Suede 5.00 Ladies' Gray Suede Slip pers, low heels. R05EBURG BOOTERIE IRVIN BRUNN Perkins Bldg. Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet. OPENING DATEp is'set.for SATURDAY, MARCH 29 with a line of Men's and Yo0g , ' STYLISH HABERDASHERi You have watched this space grow . . we invite you to call and help us grw fencer's 124 WEST CASS STREET FOR RENT Five room cottage. Just remodeled Inside and out. 3o2 W. Douglas St. WANTED Any kind of clerical work by experienced accountant and stenographer. Reply C. J. Harding, Umpqua, Ore. FOR SALE Restaurant and fountain on Pacific highway. Price $1000. A money maker. Address C. L., care News-Review. FOR SALE ROSES Caroline Test out, or Portland Rose. Nice 2 year plant. It. L. ELLIS NURSERY YARD. LITTLE Buick four. New battery, good tires, 1924 license. Al me chanical condition. For sale theap. Roy Catching Motor Co. WANTED Before selling your mo hair Inquire of Carl Berger. No . prices quoted over the telephone. Cor. Cass and Tine Sts. laior.Repaia, ; "omen ai ' All work no.ti. -uwj mat MissTinaDcaa ""ni o, Bell Sinn h Jaektn. e, . ' .m FOR SAI.E 1 Uuick tourlnr 1 Chalmers lii, w'" C. A. LOCKWOODHOTti' CHICKEN TAMALE u7ip March 29. Given it u, - lass oi me CbriiiiH da uie oenem ot lie taaicr (Associated Presf. Leased "Wire.) Lloyd L. Crocker Roseburg, Oregon .mtuiiauacc Gjg LIBERTY THEATRi: TODAY AND TOMORROW At Regular Prices Only 10 and 15 Cents JACK MOXIE the Kin nui'U lnitit! Citwlmv Star. In i ti liy I'll in lits. The Dorafole-0' Also: Use Broadway Ccmcdy "HELLO BILL" Also: S'.arl.ind Vaudevillo Revue THE EMG THREE DAY PICTURE SUNDAY MONDAY ANO TUESDAY JACK PICKFORD In Ills Latest Production 41 THE HILL BILLY mile further on Into the brush Here they released Spurlin after tak ing all of his cisnrcttes. One of the men proposed that they also take his overcoat, but this met with tho ob- j-ctlons of another, who according j to Spurlin, said: "Hell no! Its too heavy to fool with." Spurlin was given the key to his car and told that he could go but was admonished to go slow "or we'll blow your brains out." Warden Dalyrmi'le, said that he did not think the convicts possessed n gun anil were simply putting up a bluff on Spurlin. Posses of Salem police, peniten tiary guards and deputies from the sheriffs office were organized im mediately and rushed out in pursuit. Spurlin. when he returned to his car after being released by the band Its said that the officers were not tenre than three minutes behlnd'the fleeing men. Shortly after 1 o'clock while vol unteer posses were being organized to take up the chase, denmy Ward en I.lllely reported to the peniten tiary that he had sighted the men on the J. Street Heaeh farm near Shaw, heading north. He said that he fir ed four times at them and thoncht that tie had hit one of the four that he saw. The fugitives then turned south Into the brush again. V- 11 oYIock the no-'"- b "'nr the wooded ar.'a Ivlnc In tri-nu:'e t-eween the town o' T'j-ncr i!ir"v ( .nni vl'le. nM"i!e re.) around :tn heavily nrme.l all iimb r orders to shoot nn sli'ht. end more searchers were be inc dispatched as fast as they could be sworn In. t II nV'oek It SAN LUIS OBISPO, March 28. Sir Henry Heynian, well known violinist of Sun Francisco, succumb ed suddenly to an attack of heart at the Paso Robles Hat Springs hotel where he was a guest in the hope of benefit ting his health. I . o I.mYORTII I.E.lfill PARTY I Can Stop That Rattle In Sedan or Coupe Windows. AUTO TOP AND UPHOLSTERY SHOP C. M. JONES, Prop. Phone 468 Winchester and No. Jackson Sts. The Epworth l eague society of the M. E. church is having a unique ; parly In the church parlors this ev ening. The members will go back J to their childhood days for their, costumes, and games, and the even- ing will be one of old fashioned fun. I i years and recalls the famous Tracey- ! Merrill break in l'.iej. nt the iicaitcn'isrv that the convicts hid be'-n t"rnd back north In the vtctel'v ef Tn-"cr and were headed toward Aemsville. A report thet the niti"nal gnrd cornprnv In Salem hod be.-n cal'ed out to loin the search was denied f'aily by Wurd Irvine, sccrct-irv to the governor. who with ar.1'n Dnlnmpb" wss directing the search. Tl-e report rose. Irvine slid, through his veii'let to Ad-tmnn'-tieneral White for men that he could st are to be sworn In as special officrs. In Issuing erd rs to the nossemen to shoot on n'vliL Warden Dalrympl explnined that all of the escaped convicts h ive been class, d at the penitentiary as "bad men" and that all of them ha.l h.-en kept in tri. t confinement Inside the building, not even being allowed the privileges of the vard. TwIkv j break Is the most serious experience at the prison in recent , Clyde Weekly, one of the escaping prisoners, was sent to the peniten- tiary from Roseburg last July, fol- ! lowing his sensational robbery of the (ilendale bank. Weekly went In to the Cilendale Mate bank shortly after it was opeio-d for business in the morning. He proceeded to take all the money in sight and then backed out to the door. A large crowd had gathered and he forced them to cover by several shots fired ; over their heads and then took to j the hills. Several shots were fired i at him as he ran for cover. Posses went out in search for him i hut he succeeded in getting away for several hours. Deputy Sheriffs Frank Hopkins and Wm. liranham i anticipated the course he would fol-! low In making his escape and final- Iv located him ns he reached the I Kogne river on his way overland to ; the California line. j He gave the name of I.arsen when firs' arres'ed but later ccVti v,v. ' cd his name to be Weekly. He spent much of his life In the tilen poried iale vl.lnitv and was well ac- DR. II. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT JPCIALIST 22 I' 'tins Hldg. Roseburg, Ore. Telephone 86 USED CAKS OFQLtUrr. J MUUeDaker iwoil fit HOUSE, barn, chicken run and 3, 1 Ford sedan. acres good soil. Acrovs from Union 1 Studebaker if a otmi Oil Station. 2nd Ave. South. Will' Come in and nt nt price rent or sell. Owner, 510 E. 22nd., j cars. St., Portland, Oregon W. A. Burr t Sto rj-it Cirj Si ANNOUNCEMENT, 9 TERMINAL GAEL! Open from 6:00 A. M. to 1:00 AJ Steaks and Chops our Specialty We' use only Swift's Eastern Beef for p Steaks and Roasts Swifts' Premium Hams and Bacon Lipton's Tea and Hills Brothers Coffee 3 rWI 3 S5.00 pays for an accident insurance poilcy for one year in a leading stock company. This provides indemnity for Injuries caused by automobile accidents while driving, or riding in, or adjust ing. Also If you are struck while on the public highway or Injured In any manner by an automobile. Let Ut Tell You More About It. Quine, Goodman & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE Masonic Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. Novelty -Banal SATURDAY, MARCH 29 At ARMORY Shanard'sSyncopator&"5oid Specially Dm Admission $1.10. LOT! A FUN qualnted with the community. He is a vo'iik man anil is very cool and delibcrn'e in his actions. He appears to glory In attempting to be a desperado and made , his boast before leaving Roseburg that be would not he in prison long. He Is hollered to be one of the types of men who will take long chances more for the excitement than auy other reason, and because of that fact Is looked upon as a danger ous character. 1 NEW TODAY J LAST TIME TONIGHT THOMAS DIXON Author of 'The Birth of a Nation" Presents THE HARK OFMBEASr w:th all star cast FOR SATE IN".! toufng quire So. ne St. FOR RENT - 2 sleeping rooms. bath Tetnplin St. 1 9 . 2 I P I X ', F rojiiNterTfor sale chea p. Koy Catching Motor Co. car. In- with E Ton'.te and Saturday I 1 1' Hoot' Gipsoii ALSO "Movie Chats" Also a Good Comedy Z.A "Western P-ctare. rf Of ine r-r- Children 10c MAJESTIC Adults 20c "The Ramblin' Kid ih what are called ore. II . the Universal Pilm vcnun Hoot Gibson, king cf Western drama. eastern schools: a oreat race coffee: a fake drunk: a young J"1"' . Kld- ,tjrttd And so the adventures of -1 ne . IW m . . . Bamblm Kid " Also: "Patbe Review" n Children 10c ANTLERS Sunday Pola Negri -The Sp" I