Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 28, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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Business Opportunity
Lars-Ht ami best line of Kaster .
...n.... vp fin,n n Iioseuurn ai
the Palace of Sweets.
Pmlii Exlriclioi Ci Wheo Deured
Maionlc Bulletin Itoifburg. Ora.
Teeth Exfriieted and Replaced Rama
dur with or without
When planus your grocery or
diT toinorrow morning.' There
la absolute assurance of quality
nnd service wIk'ii you trade at
the Hloro "where all are
A IlKlit, clean alore. handling
niillnni! but Kiiarmiteed goods la
bound to grow.
Economy Grocery
Phone 63 KSI i: TO ST.VM'MKNT
com i:iiim. i nti: iiucK
Itnsi-htirg. On-con.
Kdltor Ncws-Itcvlcw:
1 Klail to at last pee the state.
ment of the Mayor ami City At
torney In your Ihkuo of March 2 1st
regarding the fire truck measure
panned by the li-cal voters of the
ciiy of Hoseburg, November Gill,
U'llTinnI lnnulnf Into a detailed
explanation or l ho matter It will !
Kulfliii to any that the measure that j
Ih here ref--rred to uk passed hy the'
city last November was advertised !
the required number of times
throueh the paper. by, notice
throughout the ell y, examined by j
the proper authority or authorities!
of the city before being submitted ;
to the people.
It might be Interesting to know
I why It took the council from No
l vember 1!f-3 to March 1024 to find!
so-called "Joker" In the measure.
r ' M w -m 7 WW M 7 I
. '
(From O. A. C. Experiment Station)
Artificial pollluattoti f green
. . i . . found to be
nouse loiniitoes tins !, - ,
-.. nrnttial.ln. tlr.atiy Increased,
yields result aa compared to toma
toes which have beta left to lake
,. nf themselves. A bulletin Just
off the press chows the possibilities
of the new method. A.-k for Oregon
experiment station circular 55.
Oood ras mixtur- s tor spring
sowing to establish permanent pas
tures are as follows: fix pounds or
Knglish rve grass. 3 pounds each or
Kentuckv blue grass, orchard grass,
tall oat grass, red clover. 2 pounds
timothy, and one pound white clov
er to the acre on wen uii
fin wet heavy soils u e s pounds of
For Infantt,
Rich aline, jviaitea unjmi. w u
form, makes The Food-Drink for All Agea.
Digestible No Cooking. A light Lunch
always at hand. Also in Tablet form.
Ask for "HotHoW:" at all Fountain.
toT Avoid Imitation Subatitutea
Dr. II.' T. Slmms, veterinarian of the
fvneriment atatlon. If possible, and
,t, mniher conditions permit the
mare should '.3 allowed to foat out
side. In case the mare must foal
. . . . .. ...11 .. V. .. 1 .1 h. wall hfri-
I-he sh rve grass, u ik""'" "' . ,i.t nnrt Went ahso uteiy Clean. i
top and orchard rii". 2 pounds of f 1he navni Cord should not
alsike clover and I pound ' J be tied off. As soon aa the animal
Iclover per acre. Sown-; should take , (hfi cord Bhould oe treated
i rinw nurlv if the r:isi is to be well : ... , i.llno and then
I I , established.
I'll 10 KKillT HOIK DAY
(I'.V Slutn lloard of Health)
Work lOCflciently And Diligently
KUrht Hours Clone Is the old work
day of two parts, six a. m. to six
p. m., and from six p. m. to six a.
in., twelve hours of labor. The
eight hour day, brought about by
governmental legislation, labor sav
ing devices, and union agitation is
hero to stuy. Work is a wonderful
tonic. Kxertion should be always a
purposeful pleasure. Interest in
your work is. however, essential.
The completion of an efficient day's
work has for Its reward a peaceful
contentment o real success. On the
a so-rnlled "JoKer in tne measuie. 0,)ier (,, Idleness is the breeder
The fact that at least 4 companies of trou, ami discontent. The
can furnish the equipment called for i rem(,(iy fr the evils of idleness is
liv the measure eliminated any
Itarnvard manure applied now to
the home orchard or garden soil
...m i... r ,,..i,i, i nefit than If
applied later. Maiu 'ing may be
done at this time 1: the ground Is
not so wet as to cause It to laier
bake or harden due to tne nauuns
over it. Well rotted manure is pre
ferred to the fresh.
One of the 'quickest ways to kill
young chickens la by feeding them
moldy grain. Do not try to save a
few cents by feeding some of the
grain that was left over from last
year and allowed to become moldy.
Kxamine 11 carefully and if there Is
any doubt don't use It.
"t.tlfnr" nntl tlwrp wim no LTOlinds
Tor holding It up on that pretext.
ttv tl,n ..rll'iliul fltnotlllnifllt It did
tie the hands of the council to buy
obviously to find some useful work
which will inspire real Interest anu
I'lay Constructively and Intel
ligently r.iKht Hours As an offset
I with tincture of iodine and then
antiseptic powuer appltea.
n n, In Oreeon will
probablv be smaller this year than
ast At least there will be no out
standing increase as has been the
case the past few years. Many sec
tions are reporting Bmaller plant
ings than last year because prices
last year did not como up to expectations.
a certain kind of stam ar, eq.iip- - . , lmt ,lo not give fu
moot that the people said they w ant- j ' nlus,.ular alld m(.,al i
There's Only One
Kind of collar work here
nnil Unit's a SMOOTH
i-:ik;k, men tutAiiK,
r,-:!(l'KfT WOliK. Try
us anil ho convinced.
ed not some Inferior equipment
with no well established firm to
hack It un. whv should the council
assume that the people of Hoseburg
did not know wliatn they wanieo: is
It to say the voters of Hoseburg arc-
Ignorant and aro simply voting tneir
money away with the eyes closed?
No! they said exactly what they
,nl.i.l nv thu ritv Ihn 7I-
quired amount of money to purchase
The people cr Koseliurf,- will have
confidence in Ihn council whe n they
carry out the wishes of the majority
but that confidence can hardly be
expected when they fail to act at
once after the voters apeak through
the ballot. The council has not yet
dime sufliclent to consider recalling
as wns suggested In the statement
of the 2 1st but by a coin iiiuation
Speinor is
See our large line of
Used Ranges
$15.00 to $75.00
Used Oil Stoves
$1.50 to $30.00
Overhauled, ready for
service. We have the
largest line of used fur
niture in Kost-burg.
Furniture Company
111 N. Jackson St.
possibilities it Is Important that def
inite periods De given to exercism
the muscles and faculties. I'lay
should be nctive, and not entirely
passive. The cedentary worker
should exercise. The most benefit- i
lal exercises are those that stimu
late) the heart and lungs such as
running, rapid walking, hill climh-
,,' uu-iniMiint, T-roner kinds of
I amusement mo essential. The pro
per kind and amount ot recreation
makes life more vital, more bear
able, more wholesome. It quickens
I he individuals thoughts in such a
way as to ma,ko hi in economically
more ofl'iclonl. The presence of the
play spirit means adaptability, ca
pacity for quickly appreciating the
influences about them, keen enjoy-
,..,1 ,f tin, LMiiiie. whatever it is
ot the 2 1st but by a com inuai.on - - , vaustiou8.
of inacllvncss 1 any Important mat-I are otlltir Dlaver8 u.
tor such as the protection oi mo cn. , - ,,,,,..,.
,1 Hc.-n.Ki ... aMK wv - '"" .,.. activity, is one of!
was said I was -..renting ,,m;-, J e s ye . n . nator. Jour
of the Macn. of U os el u g. No. ioors is more health-
cm " n o . - citv or S ? W was 1- ful and restful. ;f one Is wor-
f..- nMi.:lr lii-fort- tile i."" i- n in
Get the chicks out on the ground
as Boon as possible. Do not make hot
house chickens of them.
Look out for larkspur and water
parsnips. Both these plants may
be found in the pastures now and ;
are poisonous to stock. Where 1
stock has died from poisoning berore .
pasture land should be carefully j
watched for those plants. Prevent
ive methods rather than treatment
of the trouble are the best means of i
controlling the poison. j
Watch the chicks more than the
thermometer. They v.-ill show you
if the temperature Is ri.Eht no mat
ter what the thermometer reads.
ttiom .luring the
first week as this is the critical period.
Used Car
2 Overland l)0's.
1 Ford.
I Chalmers.
See these cars nnd get our
low prices nnd terms.
Rapp Bros.
Cnss nnd Pine Sts.
council to ask why this measure was
not acted upon, the voters had spok
en In plain words and It was the
dutv of the council l act accord
ingly, or let the people know at once
why. The council was asked If any
one had appeared berore them In op
position to the measure to which
Ih. re was no reply. Indlcati.u: there
was no dlssailsfaciiiiu from the city,
all of which narrows the inaction
down to the council or others In
charge of the city's affairs.
The election of November Mil,
l!2:l was a special for the purpose
of sub.niltl.ig the fire truck measure
nnd two otters to ibe voters. Now
It is proposed to hold iiiiot her special
election in connection with the May
prlmarl, s at another added expense
to the c.ty. U resubmit t It,- fi.
truck measure. How manv times do
the voters h.ive to speak before they
are respected?
It is not tn InteiiMon to .all forth
nn ai vument from 'lie council except
lhat the people of li.xeS.irg may
know why they have been without
the additional tin- ir e- -Mon. a nu
thort'ed. now for I nieinhs and un
less action is taken on the original
measure at once it will In- 1 months
mure or possibly ti-M the winter,
when the fire haiar.l I- p.m. due t
dry weather.
Ilconomv and t-omp- H'ion are to
b.- considered at all t : . .. but be
ware of false economy and inferior
equipment, eq iiipnii-iil I' . a the city
in 1 1: ti t out grow in a s'-.e-t lime.
Verv IScsixM-tit i'v
itl'SSKI.U A H.e-ON.
i'.,..,,l'.- wiirlr reirnlnr nbiv. nnd
I..- 1 , hul.lla tletfc Urn. !
long life, health anil happiness.
t'luiiaglous diseases reported for
week ending March 22. lt24:
Tuberculosis IS; Typhoid 2;
Diphtheria r:i; Scarlet Fever 21;
Smallpox .11; Whooping cough S;
Cerebrospinal meelngitis 1; Measles
257; Chickenpox 11: Mumps 1";
Kryslpelas f; I'nuemoiiia 4; In
riuciua in; Leprosy 1.
With the present price of butter
fat it is not advisable to churn at
homo with the idea of selling but
.. TiKiinf fnr home use may be
secured by trading one pound of butter-fat
for ono pound of butter at
your local creamery, and this saves
the work of churning. Dairy but
ter usually sells for from 5 to 10
cents cheaper than creamery uunn.
A steady nnd regular iruue ioi im
butter inaile is an exceptional case.
If you did not select hills of po
tatoes In the field last fall now is a
good time to pick out especially good
tubera for the special seed plot this
spring. Medium sized potatoes well
t ot the ends, free from
i. tint t,i tuliti ne.l . nnd without
any tendency toward being spindly
are nest, roia.oos wim raioe. u" i
eyes for the variety are often more
free from disease. Those with the
stem end discolored are not suit
able. With pasture season coming on
there Is often a desire to discontinue
feeding grain to the cows to a great
evtent if not entirely. Cows well
...i ... it,., u-intpr Ravs N. C.
leu uuim lie.
lamlson. rollece extension dairyman
will milk well for a short time with
ii. .1.. ......nn ;n il nmnnnt of milk
in ; ii i ii.ini' i ii
produced although the grain ration
has been decreased, vim-"
.i nr f. i.wl n.nterial has been
i-U Mil I'm.-,
-milked off the cows reduce in
flesh especially when they feed on
I "washy" earlv pastures. A gradu
lal change from grain to pasture
tends to prevent tne loss m n-
.Arter the pastures have become
strong li" fain is required.
t- il, a here and both
the niare and foal require care, says
to Broccoli Grower.
Kditor News llevlew: As the time Is
near for the planting of broccoli 1
am submitting a few timely uints on
broccoli growing.
Selection of Seed Bed.
Select the sandiest piece of ground
nnd plow now good nnd deep. Kight
illetles deep plowing IB but 12
inches Is better. Work your seed
i'i'iiiiiii I until it is absolutely free
from clots. !
Time to Plant Seed. I
From the middle of Apiil until the j
first of May. riant the rows 12
inches apart and sow very thin. Sow;
your s Is very shallow Biul where '
vour mark states on the seed drum '
for turnips" adjust it still a little .
finer than turnips. After your ,
plants are up. cultivate often about j
once a wet k. j
Seed to Select
There an- seeral good strains ad-j
ve.ti.sed but you must make eur
own selection. If you have ronfl- i
ii. lice in Hie man ou are buying
fiom, well nnd good, 'if yon haven't
mhv confidence In Mm. don't buy his i
seed. That is the situation In the seed ,
fi.1,1. An.l It will remain so at least,
for another -ar or two. !
! o
Orders taken for broccoli plants.
! crown from Imported seed, $t P-'r
thousand lfl.eoo i:p, 3 75. Fred
I SctuuUit, Dillard, Ore. I
"at LockwoocPs
Ford Corner"
1 1916 Ford $35
1 1917 Ford Touring $60
1 1918 Ford' .'...$75
1 1918 Ford
Roadster $123
1 1921 Ford Roadster
2 1921 Ford Coupes.
1 1922 Ford Touring
1 1923 Roadster.
1 1922 Ford Coupe.
1- Buick Touring $135
1 ,1920kuick Roadster.
1 Dodge Touring, Cheap.
13 Plate Genuine Ford
Batteries $16.50
Free Tube with all sizes
of Penn. Vac. Cup Tires
upon a
and judce by an actual demon,
Btration in your own home.
We welcome the orportuniry ta
show the
Royal Cleaner
in competition with sny other
machine because we tnow that
when you have seen the Royal
clean by air alone you will be
just as enthusiastic as we are.
Right now we are offering
Very Special Terms
on the Royal. Only a small
amount down and the balance
in payments so small you will
never notice them
Credit is
. .... v luuuwilt BJWI H
can candidate frr upanfaid
scnoois ot iiouglu toatr.ri
prlumrii-s. Ua Edith i AbJ
tie Creek, Oregon. (f-J
C. A. Lockwood
Motor Co.
Roscburg, Oregon
Taxes are tomlnc In about aa usu
al, according to Charles Roberts,
cliler of the tax collectlns depart
ment or the county. Already the
county has taken r npproximately
$150,000 and a total or 3,800 re
ceipts have been issued. Approxi
mated 20,000 statements have been
sent out. The heavy taxpayers have
not vet turned in their money, as the
railroad company and other corpor
ations, nnylng lar;e sums eact year
wait until the last moment in order
to have the upe of the money as long
as possible. Vp to the present timo,
Mr. Koberts reports, tho taxes are
cominK in very nicely as compared
with other years. Many persons
are niailin in their payments, which
is a great saviiiR to the department,
as it makes it possible to get alon--'
with less additional help than would
otherwise lie required, and at the
same time permits the' records to be
kept with fewer errors.
I hereby aronw
republican votai of Dok!u
as a candidal-it tit latin
for the offici ot Coon Cnd
sloner. Iturrj B. !', J
Oregon. (K.jl
I hereby announce d
tsn oandidate f:: aAi
county, at the May jrm h
M. Hopkins, CanyotttftdPfs
(Pd. Adv.)
1 r V.,,.!,,, onnntmM 1BT (C3
' for the office of eonmr
1 Intenddi! subject toft' f-'J
' republican TOten at 'it
manes. I
, u-il n t Tl
r!Tii : !k
y tear
made to order. Covers low as 12 00. Side entrance JSo.!
Phone 111-Y.
Leariw w
your cfcuf' 1
vow rait 1
ieir. Call '
liae i
coien. w &
Mrs. Audrey Savin
i a
few 0
Have You a Cough?
Here' How to Get Rid of the
Cough and Rebuild the Body
Torthnd, Orcg. "A few years
ago I caught a bad cold which
settled rn my I' and in the
bronchial t-.ibcv 1 had a severe
cough, and bcume so bad that for
six work I could not lie down,
would have to sit up in a morris
chair. 1 doctored but did not get
any better, i 'all in' physically,
and began im-ilf to think there
wa no help tor me, when I was
advised by one oi my doctors to
take Pr. Ticrc's Golden Medical
Piscovery. 'i ins medicine so com-pletch-
relieved me ot my trouble 1 l ave r.cvtr had any return
cf it. My Iiiiks and bronchials are
strong and never give me 8"v
trouble." Mr. Audrey Savin, b'Ji
Taeoina Ave.
Obtain ttii "Discovers-" of Dr.
Tierce's in t.i'drts or liquid at your
nearest drug store and 'ou'll quick
ly find thai it bin! U yeu uj, beside
correcting your distres.
Write Pr. l'linc'j Invalids' Hotel
rtnrt ,1., V V .., . r,..l.,-il a, I.
vice Stud li fur UU1 WMil
When in Roseburg
Hotel .Umpqua
Italian Prune Trees!
4 to 6 feet 10e
6 to 8 feet 12a
3 to 4 feet .5c'
Saratoga French Prune Trees
1 to 6 feet 25c
Grafted Franquette Walnut
General Variety of Nursery
All Prices f. o. b. Salem, Ore.
Fruitland Nursery
161 S. 14th St. Salem, Oregon
WV, Fvneriment?
All experienced growers are using acclimated St Vita! e.
.. ,i, nrnenn climatic conations.
SIU"U " ' -O
$25.00 PER POUND
' Orders Taken for Broccoli Plant!
Dr. C. H. Bailey
The Singer Sewing Ma
chine Agency and
Hemstitching Shop '
formerly on Jackson St.,
have moved to
105 W. Cast Street
The Singer
T-J A2 U I tJ
Will give just one of his famous Jlu1
Sunday afternoon at moose
1 BE GRAY Bt"J'"-i .Fl.lT'"1
M r..,n tudoiiGH LIFE ON'' VH
""""" Ts,
Come and brim; your friends. It ? tht B'" r,
entertained as well as int-trneted In the W . tt ,orHr
whole when others fail. The ,n'" t;,lks.
trnv.lnr. on.t will entcrtaill 5'OU With
iviarcn jwm, at i:u p- '" , r starso,
of W. Washington and N. Jackson, upstair
las Abstract Co. . , -;,
U be Ik'4
To prove my work desperate casta
charge whatever. -ii
i ,rce town in c'
Thp Tinnier has sroken In eery ui.-
never failed to entertain his audience.