ROSEBURQ NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, MARCH 14. 1924. PAGE TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Except Sunday U. W. BATES- ERT O. BATES- president and Maaagei BecretaryTraauret Dallr. Dr rear, by mall Dally, els months, by mall SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, three mootba, by mall dally, single month, by mall Dally, by carrier, per monia- Waekly Newa-ReTlew. by mall, per year. -$4.0 i.uo . l.(K .& 100 - - I naMnlaHi Tk. AaMoclalad Pr ia .lclimv.U entitled to the ua for r.publltno . ail S.tVl.pit!hei cr-dlt.d to II or ot oth.rwla. credited la uu tamiM tod I to all local new. publlahad barCa. All rlhte ot r.publlctlon el epecia t-ue herein are aleo reeerred. Catered aa second elaaa mailer Mar 17, 1820. at lie poat office at Boseburg Oregon, under the Act of March I, 187. RO&EBURG, OREGON, I-HIOAV, MARCH 14, 1924. ARE YOU FOR A PUBLIC LIBRARY? PRUNts PICKM5 Br BERT G.BATES REBEL GENERAL HAS E Are you for a public library building for Roseburg? It should be needless to ask such an absurd question, for we know that a Droeressive community the size of Roseburg should not be lacking in this respect, but we want you to express your wishes at the voting booth next Tuesday. This is the only conclusive way to cinch a library for the city. Those persons who have been most nrominent in the movement for a public library building and the full equipment thereof, have been behind the movement for a long period, and it is little wonder that their patience has not been exhausted tfefore this time. But, we are glad to say, there is no such thing considered as "leaving the ship" right now when the prospects were never bet ter for concerted effort to establish this much needed acquisition to the city's welfare. The question is being placed before the people as it rightfully should be. All will have the opportunity of sharing in the bene fits to be derived from voting a bond issue to carry the project to a reality. And it is really distressing to note the manner in which the public generally has tossed about this very important asset to the city's accomplishments during the past few years without definite action. However, the course is now open for concerted effort and de liberate action and there should be no question of the ultimate outcome of the proposed bond issue. It should carry almost unani mously. But to do this it is going to be necessary for the . people of Roseburg to shake off that usual lethrgy displayed on election day lack of responsibility for the welfare of their own home town and get to the voting booth and mark a ballot- You cannot get anywhere by staying home and letting the other fel low do it- This means defeat. For once and for all, let's put the library project over with a bumper vote and clear the slate for other progressive matters that are constantly commanding the public's attention. Two propositions are before you as to locations for the library building one the A. C. Marsters home, the other adjoining the Howell apartments on Jackson street. First, vote yes on the bond issue, then select one or1 the other proposed sites and vote yes on tliis measure. Let's go over the top good and strong Tuesday. But, in or der to do this, it will be necessary to get out and vote. You won't get anywhere slaying at home and letting the other fellow do it. GOOD EVENING FOLKS Nobody got ahot At Happy Canyon Last night but A coupla tin horn Gamblers dern near Wrecked the Joint When they tried To buck a coupla Crack crap ahootera Of the village. DUMBELL OORA THINKS Sad irona are the handles eaakete. We couldn't help wonderln' where ell the Gordon Dry Gin and ounnjr- brook whlakey bottlea came from that decorated the rear ahelf of the Happy Canyon bar last night An Espee train paised through the city thia a. m. without wmsinng hkh caused areat coneiern.nv.. emnnn those who resides along the tracka. The broccoli crop ia moving right along and we'll bet the feller. In the frozen eaat find great delight In munching on the mammoth heada of the Douglaa county vegetable. The chamber of commerce haa no handle in apite of all reports to the contrary. Calling at this office today was a local citizen to comment on the "City Beautiful Campaign" now taking good root in this city, and he was wondering if the local telephone company was at tempting to knock the program into a "cocked hat" by some crude repair work being done on North Main street. Telephone poles in that vicinity that are on the verge of toppling over and should be replaced by neat, substantial poles, are, on the contrary, receiving" a patched job in the shape of a shorter pole being set in the ground as a brace, making a most unsightly appearance to the eye. In conversation with Manager Farrington we were inform ed that the company is experiencing some trouble in getting the proper poles used by the company, which are of eastern cedar, and that the particular work in question is of a temporary na ture to give the poles sufficient strength to carry a new and special service to be established with the Coos Bay section, and that it was necessary to make these repairs at once. Main street residents are not taking kindly to the proposed improvements and hope work of a more substantial and pleasing nature will soon be put into effect. o Your income lax return for 1023 must be mailed tomorrow. Not later tlian the 31st of the present month your state income tax report should reach the tax department at Salem. Then you have about five days to square yourself with the county for last year's taxes. Who was it that said a tax reduction campaign was going on in this state? And who was the distinguished gentle man that made reference to cutting taxes in two? The greater tax reduction talk the greater increase in the amount you are compelled to pay is conclusively demonstrated in Oregon today. All the promised curealls are fading into oblivion. But, in the language of a once prominent circus manager, the "people love to be buncoed." They are sure sucking a nicely colored stick of candy dipped into a long glass of pink lemonade artificially colored by a lot of campaign bunk spread throughout the state. o Red headed dameela hain't the kind to pick fer an argument. Earl Vosburgh had on hi. buck akin coat last night and It was a warm nloht and Earl had on his heavy underwear and there you are. The reckleaa driver Is never late at hi. funeral. It often happens that the chip a man carried on his shoulder fell ti-om his head. One good turn deserves another but we add. that it won't start the fliv ver on a cold morning. A man smokes to quiet his nerves a woman powder her nose. ' YEA, VERILY "The greatest thing In life," Opines old Baxter Hlrt, "Is a good old-fashioned wife Who keeps buttons on your shirt." r Tennis Is sure a noisy game, for It can't be played without a racquet. ? Dust is mud with the juice squeezed out. The man with a bona fide sense of humor Is the fellow who can laugh at his own expense and then pay the war tax to boot. Most of the classical dances reniPid us of trying to get Into a union suit in an upper berth. A consistent vegetarian is one who won't risk eating chestnuts In the dark. at at Chief caueea of swearing 1. Collar buttons. 2. Automobiles. 3. Women. OtOtOt What congress needs Is fourwheel brakes. at People and automobiles that knock need attention. OtOtOt Some folka seem to think that If they pay up by the time Germany does it will be all right. Wonder how many of us are doing our darndest? Of all the tad surprises There's nothing to compare With treading in the darkness On a step mat isn't there. The only time pedestrians have the (Associated I'reaa Leased Wire.) VERA CRUZ, March 14. Oener- al Kduardo Lore, reoei. nee r..nrt..ruH In thn feriiTslS With 600 men. Ha waa Derailtted 10 retain bis command, JolnluK tbe govern mnn) frirrea RpfuirepB arriving from Puerto Moxiro sav the rtbi-l General Candl- rin Aculllar haa returned to Front- era, leaving General mpiiuo aorrucu In command with 1HUU men ouu gunboats. General Josa iomingu-, tuw m a ml In? eovernmiBt forces, la re ported at OJapa waiting relnforce a hattla for tbe possession nt llis nnrt la enrtl'd shortly. I V re- vlous. report were that ruerto mea- Ico had been captured uy tue icuci- 1 a it nrisf nnmlnrill'l.l The rebela are reported to have ra-rwoimlen' Mlnntltllin after fight 1ns- In which there were 100 casualties. A gunboat participated In tbe attack. o SIMPLE WAY TO TAKE OFF FAT Them ran be nothing Blmpler than taking a convenient little tablet four times each day until your weight Is reduced to normal. That's all just nurchase a box of Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets from your uruKBini. one dollar, the same price tne worm over. Follow directions no starva tion dieting or. tiresome exercising. Eat substantial food be as lasy as you like and keep on getting slim mer. And the best part of Marmola Prescription Tablets Is they are barm less. That Is your absolute safe guard. Purchase them from your druggist, or send direct to Marmola Co., 4612 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. m ONE ELEVEN tqarettes Classified Sect ALL NEW ADS ON BACkTj"" ion r WANTED 1 WANTED Spading and gardening to do. Phone 101-K. WANTED Work, lawn mowing and gardening. PhoneSs-U WANTED Girl for general house work. Mrs. Leon McCliBtock, 118 So. Chadwick, 52S-J. FOR SALE Nu. , ' "OR BAlS-a. WANTED TO RENT Horse for 2 or t weeks farm work. W. C. Roberta, Rt. . Box 40. Pbone 25F2. Cora, - tcnni h.j,.. ". ture Exchange PIGS WANTED One or two small 1 inrai, Anchor c-T J nice for feeding, at Overland Or- H0R0UGHRpFTr-: chard tracta. Pbone 13F5. Rock hatchint rK IS NEWS 10 ii rv.. , - -r - n i.Qur Railroad men preferred. Also laun-;UR SALBfuErr-. dry work. Mrs. A. B. care News- White Leghorn & Per 100. R. unrr hed MrmrV'H .Vs;n7o.",4eI,,W MHDICIEDIS (Aaanrlatrd Preas Laed Wire.) WINNIPEG, Man., March 14. Tom Gibbons, St. Paul heavyweight who is to box Jack Moore of New lork 10 rounds tonight, declared today when shown a Paris dispatch announced that arrangements had been completed for him to meet George Carpentler In a 10 round match at Chicago next July 4, that It uraa "news" to him. "Though I'm anxious to meet Carpentler," he said, "I am aiming for a return matcn wuu unuiv" this summer. If I can't, I'll go after Carpentler and Firpo." o : CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us, with sympathy and help during the Illness and after the death of our loved one. We wish to thank them also for the beautiful flowers. SMITH BAILEY and family. o Review. WANTED Littla girl ot school age to go to school with little girl, six. Good home and excellent school. Phone 12F11, or address H. G. Hastings, Wilbur, Oregon RL 1. LOST AND FOUND (Aasorlatcd Treaa Leased Wire.) SALEM. March 14. Tom O'Brien, alias "one eyed' Tom Gray, who was Indicted in Los Angeles yerterday on a charge of being implicated In the robbery of the Arcadia National Hank Is In the Oregon state peni tentiary doing a life term. His ca reer In the Oregon prison has been a varlod one and Includes a seven year period of freedom dating from an escape in 19H. Gray practically dentus that ho was Implicated In the California robbery. He declares he was working with a construction crew in Nebraska at the time and that he can prove an alibi. Gray was convicted in Multnomah county bn a charge of robbery armed wllh a dangerous weapon and was received at the Oregon penitentiary November 17. 1912 to serve life. He was 23 years old at the time. He was made a trusty December 28, 1916, and March 2S. 1917, escaped from the prison farm. He was never heard from aain until a few months ago when he was picked up as a suspect at Thermopls, Wyo., He was identified by prison records and returned to the Oregon prison No vember 24 laat. IS FOUND ADRIFT MEETING OF APPLE AND GROWERS. PEAR Mr. A. Wonlpert, representing Pan Wuille and company will be present nt a meeting to be held in the office of the Oregon Growers warehouse, Roseburg, Saturday, March 15th, at 1:30 p. m. All apple and pear growers interested in a marketing outlet and who desire to see an old and reliable concern established here are asked to be present IL W. HINKLEY. i ni.intAi1 prean T,efted Wire.) PKTKRHAD. Scotland. March 14 The dismantled British cruiser SutleJ, adrift in the north sea for a fortnlEht. with 13 men on board was located seventeen miles from this port. A destroyer was stand ing by. o 1 BEAUTIFY WITH GLADIOLI OOd. 13.50 V-T" ! spring 14F14. FOUND Package of blue prints at cor. Oak and Rose Sts. Owner call at this office. Identify property and pay for adv. 1" MISCELLANEOUS T CAR OWNS.K txint forget to till Kit when In Deed of auto parts. fiartrs Auto Wrecking House. SAVE COST OF NEW FLOORS Old floors are made like new. tne Amer ican Universal day. Quick process work done perfectly. Brightens up the whole house. Worn spots, dirt, stains, paint, varnish everything unsightly disappears w ithout trouble or muss. Work guaranteed. Phone 257-L. C. F. McMullen, Floor Surfacing Contractor, 860 Templln, SL FOR SAVETo- wood. 14. U k uhl? tier. Phone 408 oH garage. iJ roR sAT&ZpTrrr - "erts. pears. etc. At going .arw'M this fina .iT1" lJ 1 Plli. x, "JtiJ ri 1 1 . u. -u. y.. z-ion. 4 nv.,1..- 7-speeds 5 and Z I trie liehla li.- . new. Price for . Terms. Cost v tin J JteFra ITAUANHBSrSST, eleht feet ,.7 10c; three to font. i, ? nrtcea ah n-.i-.. 'i! FOR RENT FOR RENT Safety deposit boxes, Roseburg National Bank. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 246 So. Parrott St. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, bath. 401 South Main street, FOR RENT Garage building at Dil- lard, Oregon, low rent. Win. I. Rol ler, Dillard. FOR SALE or kw-JJ rancn on urn half mile east tismr orchard, good raldott surroundings. J. C. llflo; Thousands of home grown gladiolus bulbs In choice mixtures at 25. 50 and 75 cents per dosen. For sale at Chap man's and Churchill's. Harriet Halde man Gladiolus Gardens, 1047 Corey Avenue. Roseburg. GARAGE FOR RENT On court house alley. Inquire George Chand ler. 446 Fowler St. HOUSE, 5 big"rooms' with about three acres good soil. Will rent; land or house separate to reliable tenants. Address F., care News-Review.- FOR SALE-lTh "hi. ran j an si cap raspoernes, Mate age, barn, chicks, at down. Term a tan Umpqua Ave. Vmhta FOR SALE Frai iTiT heifers, subject! npexe registered ShatmWUi lng strain. H. lltt-a; tin, Oregon. , SHORTAGE OF WATER EIS Li (Ajioclated Press I.enaed Wire.) SALEM. March 14. The shortage of water In. Oregon, especially east ern Oregon, threatens to become MATERNITY HOME 1118 Winchester SL Phone 490 Mrs. D. Cornwcll Patients privileged to have their own doctor. FOR RENT Furnished 3-rooni mod em apartment. Private bath. Elec-J trie range and attractively furnish ed. Adults only. Phone Mrs. Fred Kellington. HORSE PASTURE $2.50 per mo. Toulouse goose eggs, 25 cents each. Golden Bantam corn, 15c a lb. 50 acres of land 1 mile from .city limits, for sale or trade. The best bargain in the county. J. D. Braugh- ton, Miller's Addition FOR SALE "t FOR SALE Used player piano 60e each. Phone 870. rolls. FOR SALE First class bone dry wood. $3.50 per tier. C. R. Cavendar Phone 170-Y. FOR SALE Cheap. 1918 Mitchell touring. Good condition. 1924 li cense. Call 582. Stephens Auto Co. USED CARS-Hutonltic! Studebaker 4 lourtej ... 3-4 ton Republic truck -J Bulck lix touring Nash 6 iport touting ... Glenn H. Tajlor, Sena 332 N. Jackson. FOR SALE or TRADt-H; improved 160 acre !iini in good dairy sectiai, m plowed ready for crt sn Ing well. New 8-ram a and other buildingi. Wi M 6-passenger car tot 1922, as part, vbit hn in fred J. JohDBon, WuMr. tR Wll.lltfl.BlWl Too many young people Imagine they are live wires because they are shocking, i. the opinion of ye ed. ik. oh. oJi Rosoburg ought to stage a good strawberry carnival and j Nothing'. impo.biT Host'burg schools nhould participate. It is not only a gool atlvor-i But d.d you ever try to strikes tisenient for the city, but our public schools as well. It makes j match on f ' P? . " ; 7 --- j The foot that used to lion out on display- lie gcis a good view oi wnat nis money, in the way of school taxes, is accomplishing and an excellent im pression of the responsibility entrusted to our ichool authorities and teachers. o t nrlnt"1 T'ra. f.pnrd Wire.) CASTLE GATE. March 14 Ex ploration last night of the po.ith end of the Utah Fuel company mine j number 2 where 173 men were en-i tombed Snturdity morning resulted i in the finding nf 22 additional bod-1 les, iirtncing ihe total recovered itn to 163 bna been exnlnrerl and there are 10 right of way is when the ambulance ! bodies yet missing. Fresh crews is taking them to the hospital. (have been called to take up the work and a thorough search of the entire mine has been started In an effort to locate the 19 missing bodies Whether tho 10 bodies will found In nooks and corners whether the bodies have been burn-g ed by the various fires which haveiij occurred In the mine in the week cannot lie ascertained until the crews make further search. As amin n nil hnrilna ara removed from the th,. mne an Investigation will be bo-; Stop, Look and Listen If you want bargains, come to the Anctlon House. Remember, we get you the high dollar at your farm auction sales. See us for dates. Radabaugh-Patterson 328 N. Jackson Phone S41-J FOR S A LE Oregon Champion gooseberry plants. H per doz. J. 1. Saunders, 902 Cobb St. FOR SALE Light Maxwell truck, $15. Good running order. Mrs. E. Limine, Sutherliu, Oregon. FOR SALE Eleven dairy cows, price $35 each, if you take all of them. John C. Cannon, Oakland, Ore. SECOND HAND Bean spray outfit, 300 gal. tank, enginel n good order. Cheap, cnurcani Hardware Co. ELECTRIC MOTOR 5 H. P., "com- K piece anu reauy lur uusinesn, S if taken soon. Churchill Hardware & i Co. . FOR SALE or trade. Kurston stump jg puller. Will trade for buzz saw rig. K Address "Stump Puller," care g ( News-Keview. DON'T PAY REXT-1 wi land, 4 room houw mil ' milk house, barn and ow flv orchard is beard c and electric lights Pta '1 $165.00 down, balanct K C month. Why pay rt: just outside city Itaia Young & Son, PboM C FOR SALE-CacterfcKi roots for immediate tfsm campanulaa hare W. border. Blue lk ' hardy. Cally Mly the dozen, or will designs, tome anu r -Island Green House. US- Mrs. F. D. Owena. .imk inn ii..... ............. 1- j A P'HUUS IIIIH HlTUtlllllR l Every part of the mine now PilBIiawalaiWiaiaiiLaj.x.HlS Iinea Lupert state engineer. He said Swis&wiar.i aaIaIaIaI.I.t.ISEJiIlrect flow Of be! I When you need a t oril urn- 9 - . there is a danger that Irrigation take their water from di- streams may suffer. SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR HERE'S AN 1XVETSC; hni 3-aoartmeat rental of :5.0 FT : roiilcnre that woK (ifu to i'-i-M f t . i Krt ft An rtrKt m fppt deen. This P fr itself in font burg is gro-W. J 1 with it. lens. " on terms. O. Phone 417. i Bed Room Suite First State and Savings Bank. Tel. 392 Cells rtieek. NOTICE BOCCOLI We enn use non " . I. nnf linn? u r r a; Wear a rr c! J 1 St. Patrick n-'Ti I tm? th-m rock cradle now steps en . the gas. should call woman "honey" when they wear combs in their hair. 1 . -1 .t'..TM. the Have you signed up as a Chamhcr of Commerce niemlMT? There's n bunch of fine fellows poii!r over tho top every day ami the list of new niemlHTs is tnkinfj on a mighty encouragiiiji aspect. o We have n new nocrotary of navy today, doesn't buy any oil stock. . o NORTHWEST RUQ CO. The Happy Ciinvon festivities opened in n blaac of glory last '' pin io-u.iid ci o: made from iur old material a! evening;. ),,,,, Singrr store, piume lis. ! "If a feller had to vork on , street cleanin' department fer a Hcres hoping he while he d be a dern sight more keer I ful 'bout throwin' thing, around. gun to determine tne cause oi tne explosions responsible for the disaster. Call on 1V "i" .. KM ----- fi1 LENOX Furniture Co. ! Takes cills for vears finds firs! .... ml 11. I -permanen! relief iawiw found permanent relief jfid j,m" Milk For Infanti, Childrm. ThAfd Rich Milk. Malted Grain ext. In powder (rem. makraThe Food-Drink for All Ages. Digestible No Corking. A light Lunch alw.v at hind. Aim in Tablet form. Ak for "Horlick't." at all Fountains, toy Avoid Imitation. Subetitatas or Phone 26 TTftve roti from thflt torrible diiease const ii tion The woman whose letter follows .discovered as thousands hvo ditcoT ered that Kellofig's Bran noccecds whon aU else fails. Thia is because KellopR ' Bran is ALL bran. Nothing but ALL bran can be so efftwtire. This is what sho wrote: "Gentlemen x 1 ra o wonderfully Kppr vrrt my dtscovcrr. I 11 I nut tell tbe world about tt. For year I haw fc"n til eontinually from eonfltipa tiftn. arwaya reanrllnic pilt ot the liktx never bavins any a-erma-fnt rwltef until I beard of your Krumblrd Bran. Etwt rnoTiJnf 1 taVa two taWv tponnfula befnr my brrakfaat and ain the Latter part of Aarwt I mil -at admit have not e-ipTeocea one aiek spell wht?b I have had for Jcax. 1 hara atartad mr utUa stfl Mma aj- -- b Kat Jt Cm. '" Wr! 1 If eaten wraarpart relieve Tlt uihlespoi''fal"runc?l with every not effictrre. This forori. Kcllocir'.B"'i'