r ROSEBURO NEWS REVIEW, MONDAV, MARCH S, t pAg MARCH 4 TUESDAY NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL "GYM" ASHLAND HI vs. ROSEBURG HI Ashland & On Your Toes, Gang! It'll Be Some Game Roseburir r.;j. o 'Will ARCH SUPPORT OXFORDS BLACK OR BROWN FOR LADIES A Great Help for those suffering from Foot Trouble NOW$6.85 NEW SPRING OXFORDS FOR CHILDREN Sizes 5 to 8 $1.85 Sizes 8 1-2 to II $2.45 . Sizes II 1-2 to 2 $2.95 SAVE ON SHOES Roseburg Booterie IRVIN BRUNN 8H0E8 THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET Parkin Building Cait strett BONUS MEASURE tlve Colo, republican, Iowa, declared they hud never heard opposition to a bonus expressed by any unlisted man. J (Amnolntrd Proas Lrssrri Wire) f WASHINGTON. Marrh 3. l'ro fposala to make soldier bonus pay , menta in the form or paid-up Insur ance led to several arguments to , day at the opening of public hear : Inge by the house ways and mean committee today on adjusted com ' pulsation legislation. , Representative Andrew, ircpubli cati. Muss., explained to the com mittee a measure he has Introduc ed providing for Insurance with an option of cash payments for thoso veterans not entitled to more than ' The votcran's need for rash Is not the same now as at the close of the war. "Insurance provision np- peals to me as better for the veter ans, granting them protection .njulnst worry for tho future." ' - Mr. Andrew estimated tho Mil "would not cost more than the mensure paRsed last session. ' "Representative Fish, republican. Katw York, presented bis bonus seheme of restricting all payments to" a twenty year endowment pol lcj. It would allow policies of $400 . foe earb six mouths of service above present days, with a maximum of I IttlllO and would allow $st00 to ben- 'Ttclaries of each of the 5,000 who ' illxU during the war without Insur 1 twee. '. 8nch a measure would cost $2.-' tlT0,oo0.ooo, or about 1 1 on. ouo. ' i'Ouu a year. Mr. K.sh estimated. All retorans. Including officers up to ''hp rank of captain In the army and uaxlne corps and lieutenant In thu inavy would be eligible. ' Hoth Mr- Andrew pud neprcsent.1- DR. II. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 222 Perkins P,ldg. Roseburg, Ore. Telephone 88 QUINE, GOODMAN & CO. GENERAL INSURANCE Masonic Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. Xpfye LIBERTY THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW MARSHALL NEILAN'S Wonderful Motion Picture with fc Conrad Nagcl Elmo Lincoln Lucile Rickson Sid Chaplin f If you like arllon then don't miss a second of this film. Place a Yankee Soldier Hoy In the midst of a riot, with a Cossack "Ilrisand and a sweet peasant lass Involved. That's Just part of tho fun: -You'll see the Russian Hoval Court at the height of Its Intrigue, "scandal and magnificence, vouy see a great nation in the throes of upheaval. You II ae a love story that w ill make your heart glad. .You'll see humor, tragedy, thrills, splendor, heart throbs. You'll see a Great Picture when you see RENDEZVOUS MYRTLE CREEK, RIDDLE, CANYON VILLE, CLENDALE AND YONCALLA ELKS TAKE NOTICE. Don't mlsH tho bljr vaudeville) fhow tit the Elks Club election night, March 6ih. Five girls, out- tilde of thai I's a stag party. I'miiqua Klve orchestra, with IS rt Hates at the piano. MOOSE MEET TONIGHT. Regular meeting of Roseburg ld,;e No. lu:!7 I.. O. O. M. Mon- day. March 3rd. Initiation in charge of Iiros. Curtis and Mur- lhy of Portland. JNO. R. CHAPMAN, Diet. i TROOPS SURROUND HERRIN CITY HALL j HERRIN, 111., March 3. Troops surrounded the city hall here to day, where a special grand jury or tho Herrln City court held us pre liminary sessions in an Investiga tion of the clash on February 8, be tween the Ku Klux Mn and nntl-klan forces, when Constable Cuesar Cagle, a leader of the klan. was killed, and Deputy sneritf lieorpn Ijivmun nntl-KjallIuull, w i wounded. SUIT STOLEN FROM BRAKEMAN FOUND ON MEXICAN LABORER ! NEW TODAY , . t FOR SALE Seven good milch cows. also three work hoiycs. Phone 42F2. FOR SAI.K- 3 room furnished houee. $750, unfurnished $C.O. 122 V. 1st Ave. S. V i 1 C. II. Snyder, an S. P. brakeman, reporteil to Chief of Police Ketch yes terday that a suit had been Btolen from his room in a locul rooming house. The officers commenced a Bearch an dseveral hours later were quite mil prised to see a Mexican track 1 laborer wearing the suit. It was learn ed upon Investigation that the Mexi can had paid a hobo $10 for the clothes, which were returned to their original owner. W A NT EI) Team 'good young horses. State particulars and price in first letteT.,E. J. I.undeen. Elsarose. Ore. WANTED or-3 room-furnished , house, by single man. Address "House," care News-Review. Foil SATE Etterburg strawberry plants. It. I. R. and Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. One R. I. R. rocnter. Phone GF34. BORN RICE To Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. Rice, of Rice Creek, on Monday, February 2.. a daughter. LOST 1 tarpaulin. Saturday, be tween Page Lumber yd. and Drowns bridge on Garden Valley road.Leave al News-Review office. Reward. Wm. Harrison, Wilbur. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red setting eggs at 50c per doz. Address August Cedaistam, Elgarce, Oregon, or leave orders at Kearney'e Groceteria. CANDIDATE FOR SUPERIN TENDENT OF SCHOOLS I hereby announce myself a republi can candidate for superindindent of schools of Douglas county, ut the May primaries. Mis. Edith S. Ackert, Myr tle Creek, Oregon. (Paid adv.) Fred Parrotl of Harden Valley spent sevenl hours in thle cilv this morn ing attending to business n'atters. Mr. and ,v!rs. Parrott are l.nv.ng for Le land. Otegon, where they intend to make their home. LAST TIME TONIGHT A RAPTUROUS ROMANCE dn Robert Z. Leonard JjsJ MURRAY in THE GOOD COSINESS MAN carries iimuriince not because bo expects a fire. If he did he would watch his place of busi ness day and night. It Is not tho expected that he Insures against it s the l"N KXPECTEI). INSURE NOW FASHION ROW py SaJa Cowan and lizard lliggin Sparkling, Sinuous, Seductive, Startling! $150,000 IN GOWNS A Tiffany Production Rebvrt 7. Leonard, Dirtetfr Gimtral M. H. Hoffman, Gnrt Afaufftr IT'S . DAZZLINC ! DARING! DIFFERENT! Miss Murray makes FIFTY changes of costume! -her life, a lie! -her love, honest! BROCCOLI SEED! OREGON GROWN! IN THE growing of Broccoli experience has proven that good strains of Oregon-grown seed are the only kind to be depended upon. Q I have secured some Oswego seed for those growers desiring a late strain: A small amount of my own strain of St. Valentine medium, early to late is still available. 9 Those Growers who have not previously listed their orders with me, will favor me, as well as protect themselves, by placing their or ders at once. FOSTER BUTNER, P. O. Box 1110, Roseburg, Oregon I j Phone 58S 1 jjj . : I n i HAY FOR SALE Phone 12F13. on same program Pathe News "Derby Day" -an Our Gang Comedy THOUOUGIIimKI) White Plymouth Rock hatching eggs. (Daniel attain). W. II. Kinsel. Wilbur, Oreg. Ch rn Antlers WANTED Money savers. We will pay you 2.C0 per month to save $3.50 per month for the next 180 months. Absolutely guaranteed. Western Savints and Loan Asun. See Wayne E. Joi-.es. Hotel OraniL FOR SALE Four room cottage In Miller's Addition, lot 100x100. Uig chick, n house, garage. Currants, strawberries, blackberries, peaches, cherries, plums, prunes and walnuts. Resides lots of flowers. All for $1200. $C00 canli, balance teriiw. Call 1143 Clle St. at the big chicken house. Miller's Addition. NICE FURNISHED housekeeping room, close in. 344 So. Jackeon. FOR SALE Good computing scale and grocery counter. Home Restau rant. . FOR SALE Span of young mules, with harness. Inquire J. R. Russell, Camas Valley. 4 FOR RENT 2 llguthousekeeping rooms suitable for 1 or 2 people. 247 So. Jackson St. LOST Near Rose school, brown taf feta dress, with white lace collar. Finder leave at this office. FOR SALE Rhode Island ted eggs for Betting, from laying strain. About Mar. 13 will have hen with baby chicks for sale. Rt. 1, Box 147. Phone BF3.r. FOR SALE Fancy bliti fin eecR for hatching. 1 (ucr bn Minorca roosters. Phone tSIKl! Itasmussen. FOR SALE Breeding km, t chickri. R. I. Keds, lira. heavy layers. W. T. Cnm H burg. Phone 2F24. FOR SALE Good touring or, H or will trade for llcbt track it M team, wagon, harnwi Ed M blacksmith, North Jicknn St FOR SALE-6 Poland CU . with little pigs from 1 wet J weeks old. large type- P 1 FOR RENT In Portland t". and four-room funriibed fl nients; also one single roots. 1 and lieht. Phone 27:, Ko RUNAWAYS TAKEN HOME P. V. Miller, nrnlmtinn officer from : Seattle, arrived here yesterday and I took bark the threo Seattle boys who ! were picked up as runaway. Five boys left Seattle In the car belonging to the parents of one of the young sters, and three were picked tip here and two In ('.rants Pass. The boys wen John Turptn. Marlon Ilordwell. Jack Sullivan, Robert Hillary and Henry Ilrowu. TONITE LAST TIME An unusual photoplay of the open country telling the story of the Peg Leg Mine. The picture Is full of action and the star director is supported by a strong cast incluil'iig F.dith Johnson and Tom Wilson. A real fight Is staged at the climax of "WHERE MEN ARE MEN" A Red Blooded Story of Red Blooded People in the Great Open 6paces: Full of Love, Ro mance and Adventure. ALSO A Good Comedy w'SI Ark Slf Cm k 3 Gala ANTLERS March Days (Where You Feel at Home.) Something That Will Live Forever 8, 9, 10 CARL LAEMMLE PRESENTS Victor Hugos Immortal Masterp .'? r .f?t m A t 1 im Er JTr --' if z: ci t ns.r Via i -A UNIVERSAL PEODUeTIOU ' The Biggest Event ot the xear Matinee 2:15 Evening 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. ' Matinee, any seat, 55c Evenings 55c, 75c,$1.00 TAX INCLUDED Also Charley Chase in "Powder and Smoke" This Big 8peclal Show Adults Only 25 t'l, Children 10 ets. j DON'T MISS IT j'C J Children 10c MAJESTIC Adults 20c