Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 03, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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tifcvMn I -",fffl AT PENDLETON MAR. G ffifffil
.AP 1ULJr qua spent Saturday la this city r,7 Hul JiTifVfrMW I " . . (
Now it is possible to get a reaftr
delicious bran food
Bran Flakes
It is delightfully crisp and
flavory. It contains the most
nourishing parts of wheat.
And it supplies just enough
" bran in just the right form
lOSllj to promote healthful regularity.
JUACY Tfj U2 -
JL- "There's a Reason"
Arundel, piano not. Fbon 189-1
Roy Ituell who resides In looking
Glaes spent Saturday in Itoseburg
attending to Dullness matters.
Watllns products, 120 W. Lane
street Orders dellrered. Phone 177.
E. It. Finn who resides In Mel
rose spent Saturday In this city
looking after business affairs.
Moore Music Btudlo lit
son St.
S. Jack-
Ed Mundt spent Saturday In Rose
burg attending to busliiutif affairs.
Mr. Mundt la from Looking Glaus.
tools at right prices.
The old steel bridge at Winchester,
which Is being abandoned following
the completion ot the new highway
bridge, will be moved to Elkton a
soon as sufficient funds can be raised
and will be used to span the Umpqua
river at that place. County Judge
Qulno eports. The court has recently
opened up the old military road,
through Mehl canyon, forming a short
cut from Roxoburg to the Keedsport
highway. In going from Wilbur to
Elkton. over the Dodge Canyon road
the Keetorson hill and Smith furry
will be eliminated, although It will be
necessary to keep up the hill road
and maintain the ferry for the use of
the residents of that community. The
new road, however, through the
Ueckley place and by way of Mehl
canyon, will be used to connect up
with the road to Reedsport, and the
bridge will be ueed to shorten the
distance and eliminate the ferry and
the bad grades over the hill.
The road district lu which this
change Is being made has voted a
large special tax Judge Qulno reports,
and if the bids for the removal ot the
bridge come within the money avail
able the Improvement will possibly be
made during the coming summer. If
the cost la more than the money on
hand, however, It may be nocessary to
wait for another year before the
bridge can be taken to the proposed
new location.
Mr. and Mrs. Ida Thompson who
reside In Dillard were In town for
a few hours Saturday afternoon
attending to business matters.
We buy and sen everything Id fur
niture at Powell's Second Hand Store.
Mrs. Roscoe Conn spent several
hours In town Saturday shopping
and looking after business matters.
Mrs. Conn Is from Melrose.
medium of exchange during the three
nights and will provide a million
times their face value In real fun and
The armory will be transformed Into
a regular 'i'J mining camp and the
Slippery Oulch dance hall with Two
Gun Pete in charge will only be one
feature The Happy Canyon commit
tee yesterday made a trip north to
secure apparatus for the show.
Tango Peg and her Beauty Chorus
wiin u. u. Mamews as mrec.or, win c y oden of DixonyiHe wis In
muni curium-miner eucu mum. m" this city Saturday afternoon for a
Large number of new rugs now In
stock at Powell s.
C. C. Hoover of Medford, who
spent a short time in this city look
ing after business matters returned
to his home Saturday.
Lawn mowers of quality
ell's Furniture Store.
at Pow-
show will start off ach night with a
bang and the boys will also put on
many other free features for the en
tertulnment of the crowds.
few hours shopping and
to "business matters.
Closed car cloth upholstery cleaned
by latest New York process. Jones
Auto Top Shop.
Soldiers. Sailors and Widows or
soldiers and sailors of the Mexican
war, the War of the Rebellion and the
Indian wars of the slate of Oregon.
Now Is the time to put in your claim
tor tax exemption. All claims must be ;
In on or before April first.
Preparations are being made for
the large attendance at the Ameri
can Legion tomonow night and the
program committee promisee some
snappy entertainment and some "In
terior decorations" for the "inner
man." The meeting Is very Import
ant as plans will be made for the
district conference to be held here
on April 1st. At that time, legion
officials from southern Oregon, the
slate commander, Fred Kiddle and
adjulant Hurry Nelson will be pres
ent. A banquet is planned at which
tlrno all the membership of Umpqua
Post will attend as hosts to the out
side visitors.
S. A. Gouthler of Camas Valley
service station as in town for a
short time Saturday attending to
business matters.
Lloyd will take you cheaper on long
trips; no trip less than 50 cents.
Lloyd's Taxi, phone 44. 125 Sheridan.
H. B. Hunt .of Eugene, is spend
ing, a few days In this city attend
ing to business matters. Mr. Iiunt
Is registered at the Terminal Hotel.
Switches, transformations, etc.,
made from combings, cut hair, and
first quality wavy hair. Prices reason
able. Phone 120-11.
K. H. Minor who has been spend
ing a short time in Ashland at
tending to business matters return
ed to this city Saturday afternoon.
Orders taken for broccoli plants,
grown from Imported seed, (4 per
thousand. 10.000 up, (3.75. Fred
Schmidt, Dillard, Ore.
the State. Mr. Btruble la an archi
tect ot Salem.
Bruce W. Perkins of Portland form
erly a resident of this city arrived in
Roseburg Sunoay to spend the next
few days here visiting with friends.
I hereby announce myself to tne
republican votera of Douglas county
as a candidate at the May primaries
for the office of County Commis
sioner. Harry B. Ecclueton, Drain,
Oregon. (I'd. Adv.)
I hereby announce myself a republi
can candidate for sheriff ot Douglas
county, at the May primaries. Frank
M. Hopkins, CanyonrUle, Oregon.
(Pd. Adv.)
Washington. I. C, Fsb. 14, 1924.
Notice is hereby given tliftt subject
to the conditions and limitations of the
acts of June 9, 1616 (39 Htut., 21S), Feb
ruary i, 19111 (4o Slat.. 117H), and June
4. luliO (41 Stat., 75s i. and departmental
regulations of September IS, 1917 46
K U, 447). and June 22. 1920 (47 U 1J..
4111, the timber on tne following lands
will be sold Mar. 2', 1924. at 10 o'clock
a. m. at public auction at the United
States land office at Koscburg, Oregon,
to the hlMhest bidder at not lt)s than
the appraised value aa shown by this
notice, sate to be subject to tho approv
al of tho secretary of the Interior. The
purchase price, with an additional sum
of one-fifth of 1 per cent, thereof, be
ing commissions allowed, must be de-
uiibilcu u.1 tune OI saiw. money lu us re- tsi
turned If sale Is not approved, other- LSI
wise patent will lusue fur the timber i Q
which must be removed within leniiij
years. Bids will be received from cltU;M
Sens of the United States, associations ! i!l
of such citizens and corporations or- gl
ganizea under tne laws ox tne unitea If
States, or any state, territory or district 1 "
thereof only, opon application or
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
PENDLETON. March 1. The dis
trict basketball tournament will be
held in Pendleton Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday with high achools
from four counties, Umatilla, Wheel
er, (jliiiam ana
play, according to an announcement
made this morning by Austin Land
reth, principa 1 of the local high
The final game for the champion
ship will be played Saturday night.
March 8.
Now snowing plan two-toned col
ors made from your old material at
the Singer Store. Phone 153.
Associated Press Leased Wire.)
CLOVEKDALE, Santa Monica,
March 1. The United States army
large cruiser biplanes will start
from Clover Field here Sunday,
March 16, weather conditions In
the north and mechanical condition
of the planes permitting, it was of
ficially announced here by Lleuten
nant CorliBB C. Mosely, commander
of the field. '
Overnight stops will be made at
you want bargains, come to
3 the Auntlnn House. Remember.
qualified purchaser, the timber on any'W we get you the high dollar at your
parately before being Included in any
offer of a larger unit. T. IS S., aiW,lg
Sec. 35, NK'A NBl, fir 1650 M cedarlS
100 M., Hemlock (0 M., 6WH NWU fir
1500 .. cedar 100 M., Hemlock 100 M., e
SKU KWA fir 1700 M.. cedar 100 M., T. (S
18 3., It. 1 W.. Sec. 1. 6W)4 SWli "r 'S
1055 M.. NE!A SWU fir SOIT M.. BE'I.
SWU fir 1276 11.. none of the timber on
Stop. Look and 1
farm auction sales,
See us for
328 N. Jackson Phone 641-J
these sections to be sold for less IhAn jjgpggpggppBSSPSSSSSSBSBiS
Guar d Your Mouil
It will combat trouble of
various kinds. It helps to W
f? tefwee from
fades that ferment and cZ
It has an antiseptic effect b w
lieves acid mouth and thMrI
only prevents harm to the tee
but serves to sweeten the stonaj
It stimulates digestion and help,,
prevent the forming of ga fa
causes dyspepsia.
Read from a widely known mei
cal work:
"Chewing gum aids tooth nutri
and the cleansing action is a det
nite benefit it prevents dyspepii
Good chewing gum is excellent
bad digestion.
Fear Irsaas
Weres Bavin
ail mat (rem
best bfradiests
Sealed Is itl
perity packaga
.into, cltaa
The Interior of the RoBeburg Caf
eteria, conducted by J. K. Falbe,
has been greatly Improved during
the past few days. The walls have
been retlnted and have been made
a,VB..(lA n.,nnnn nn,l V. A
dltinn of ferns and flowers In wall
I bracket;, makes the dining room
much better looking than ever bo
foro. Tho tnblea have also been re
arranged and several new ones add
ed. All of these tables have a com
position sanitary top which provides
a maximum of cleanliness. In ad
dltinn piircelnln tray rail has been
Installed for the convenience and ser
vice of the patrons.
Mrs. Mary Morlnnd and daughter,
Mlsa Lcona, were in town Saturday
from Umpqua spending several
hours shopping and visiting with
L. T. Henderson of Portland, as
slsiant branch manager of the Ford
Motor company, is spending a few
days in this city in the Interests of
the company.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ttnhert-
son who are residents of rmpqua
i spent Staurduy in Itoseburg at
tending to tiuHlness matters aud
Large one-sheet posters In two col
ors are being distributed this week by
the American Legion drum corps and j
the Itoseburg Kod and Gun club, nd-l
vertlslng the big "llnppy Canyon" and,
"las of 'i9" show which both organi
sations are sponsoring at the armory
on March 13, 14 and 15. Those three
nights will be remembered for a long
time for the bo are already assem
bling material for the hlg perform
ance. An admission of 60 rents will
bo charged at the door and for the
payment of ihnt sum each person will
receive in return lOO.noi) Ccrmnn
mirk. These marks will li the
Hers on Business
M. A. (loUlsmltli of Portland, of the
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wlnnefred or
Oarden Valley wero In town for a
short time Friday afternoon shop
Oregon Cltv Woolen Mills, arrived In ' "d ailendlug to business mat-
.l,- ... Iters, ' . . ..J.I
tins cny naiuruny evening to spenu ( ,i ;mmi
Mrs. L. r. rtnpp aud son of Oak
land who spent a short time In Itose
burg shopping and visiting with
friends returned to their homo Saturday.
few days looking after buslnesa In
torests. While In Hoseburg Mr. Cold
smith will be at the Hotel Umpqua.
no cut but belpa 1
due ptWMTBmfl of cous
V VapoRub
(Trir MMH "' UJ ) '.arts'
Mr. and Mrs. Jake IVnn and fam
ily of Cnntna Valley were in town
for several hours Saturday after
noon shopping and attending to
other matters.
RKPAlKr 1 At
Here till Wednesday.
Covert in all colors. No
charge for repairs. New
handles, tips, rings. At
Grand Hotel afternoons
only. Ask at desk. J.
L. McNirt.
Fred Lockwood who is attending
the University of Oregon nt Kugene
spent the week end in mis city vis
iting with his parents and friends.
-Mr. Lockwood returned to Kugene
last evening.
$1.75 per M. for the fir and 1.00 per M.
tor tne ceaar ana nemiocK. i. is o..
It. V.'., Keo. 3, SW'i, SV fir 450 M.,
SK4 NW fir Zli M., not to be sold for
less than K.OO per M. T. 18 K.. H. 7 W.. 1
Sec. 11. NE"4 fir 1470 M.. not to
be sold for less than 13 "1 per M. T.
21 S.. R. 1 W.. Sec. 31, BW14 NKVi red
fir 475 M., cedar 20 M.; NWV red
fir 600 M., cedar 40 M., SwiJNW14 red,
fir 760 M.. cedar 40 11 , hemlock 30 M .
white fir 20 M..NK', red fir 560
M., cedar 45 11., white fir 60 M., KWt
Si:i red fir KS0 M., cedar 55 M., ritog
UK 'I red fir S75 M.. cedar 60 M.. white
fir 45 M . SW4 HB'i red fir 10S0M.,!
cedar 75 M.. KB4 &X red fir 75 11., I
cedar 40 M., hemlock 40 M.. NV
SW'A red Ilr 960 31.. cedar zo M., hem-,
lock 60 M., KF.14 SWW red fir 1200 M.,
cedar 45 M riW'K red tlr 1110 M..
cedar 40 M T. 22 rS.. It. 1 W., Sec. 6,
NK'A XWH red fir 700 M KAVi NWV
red fir 100 M., fW(i NW 14 red llr 1360
II., KKA SUM red fir 400 M.. NWi SU '
r.d fir 1 loO M., cedar 100 M., NW(4
SWU red fir 900 M., KEU W'A red fir1
670 M., cedar 25 M SWiJ &W red fir
450 M., cedar 25 M.. none of the timber t
on these sections to be sold for less
than 11.76 per M., for the red fir, 1.60
per M. for the cedar and $1.00 per M.
fr the h.mlnck and white fir. T. 21
8.. K. 3 W., Sec 13, SK SW'i fir 850 M. ,
not to be sold tor less than 11.50 per Ai.
T. 21 S.. It. 4 W., Sec. 17. KK'i NW fir.
400 M, NW'e Kwu rir too m.. not to
be sold fer less than $1.75 per M. T. 21
S.. It. 5 W.. Sec. 25. Slil4 SK'i fir 600
M.. not to he sold for leas than $-.00
per M. T. 18 S.. R. 7 W.. Sec. 3, NKJ4
SK14 red fir 1135 M T. 27 8.. R. 11 Y-..
Sec. 6, SK'i KW'i red fir 34o0 M.. hem
lock 100 M.. SWVi NWh r"d fir 3S00
M . hemlock 3"0 M.. cedar 50 11.. NB4
SWVi red fir 1650 M. hemlock 50 M..
cedar 50 1L. NWS4 SWi red fir 2:50
M-, Sec. 7, SWk NEVi red fir 1S00 M.,
hemlock 70 M., lot 4 red fir 3500 L,
hemlock SO 41 . SE'i red fir 800 M.
white fir 40 M. SW4 SE(4 red fir 900
M.. none of the timber on these sections
to be sold for less than $1.50 per, M., for
the red fir. $1.00 per M. for tire vedar
ami $.;',0 per 11. for the hemlock and
write Mr. 1 . 21 K. 11 v ., E-ec. 11,
NKti 6K'4 fir 320 M., NW SK'i fir
620 M., not to be sola for less than $2.25
per M. T. 29 S.. R. 10 W., Sec. 9, NE'i
SK'i red fir 250 M.. white cedar 80 11.,
NW'h NKH red fir 400 M.. white cedar
650 M., HE'A SF. red fir 260 M., white
cedar 350 11.. SW'i NEii red fir 180
II., white cedar 140 M., NWU NWU red
fir Sl0 M., white tlr 300 M., T. 29 S 11.
11 W.. Sc.-. 2. SW14 NWU red fir 506 II..
white cedar 150 M tiW'A BU'ij red tir
500 M white cedar 120 M.. SV)4 SW14
r,-d fir 1400 II., white cedar 250 M
SK',, SW'4 red fir 700 Al., white cedar
340 M., Sec. 10. It 1. red fir 1200 M.,
w hite cedar 3o0 M.. white fir 40 M., ;ot
2 red fir 1500 It., white cedar 7("i it.,
lot 3 red fir 1S0O M.. white cedar 450 II..
white fir 100 11., lot 4 red fir 700 11..
white cedar 250 M-. SE14 NE' red fir
1:00 11.. white cedar 400 it, SW14
NK", red fir 1100 M, white cedar
."0 M., white fir 100 M.. SK
:V1, red fir 1100 M.. white cedar 550
M.. white fir 60 M.. 8WU SH
red fir lion 11, white cedar 3"0
11. Sec. 14, Ni:4 NE14 red fir "0 II..
white ee.iar Imi 11.. white fir 100 M..
SK'. NK' red fir 1500 St., white cedar
50,1 M , while fir 60 M.. NK'i SK'. red
fir 1H"1 11., wlille cedar 50 11 . white tlr
(0 M.. xw; SK', red fir 1500 M . white
c, l".i 11 . w late fir 50 II . SW'i SK"
re. I fir 1. '0 II.. white Cedar 200 II..
while fir 4i M., SK'i SKV4 red fir S"0i
Trees and
We also have a supply of
Water Glass for preserv
ing eggs.
Lloyd L. Crocker
Pioneer Drug Store
241 N. Jackson
So we say, after every mcnf
WAi7irTinPn TPWfTi:
18 law-.. I I T 111
Sacramento, Portland (Vancouver
barracks) and Seattle. At Seattle
pontoons will be placed on the cruis
ers and conditions may make neces
sary a three or four day stopover
on the Sand field there Lieutenant
Mosely said. Sunday March 16 will
be Aviation Day here of the army,
according to Lieutenant Mosely.
From one to 12 fotos for $1. depend
ing on the kind of folders. We are
closlns out several linea of folders,
and this price will last only while
they last. Roseburg Studio. Op. Utop.
qua. 137 Jackson St.
YVlIJi LNTfcR Ri.ti
Knockout Brotn of
was in Ro36burc todar tni
nounced that be hu secured i
tor's certificate rtsardln U V
and will return to U tin k
near future. Brown hu om
red from the rlni meuUr
of a decision by Dr. DeTcs
Mb heart was not itnst
and his blood pressor It?
Orefton law require m
certificate before firm
enter the ring. Brown sal
he is now In good condiaa'
pecta another battle wot j
V. II. StruMo sp'nt a short lime
in this city today on his way hack
to his home in Salem after a bus
iness visit in tho southern part of
Win Her With Candy!
Box and Bulk Candy of all kinds
Always Ready for Your Order.
Ice Cream and
Sodas a Specialty
Meet your friends at our big Fountain.
Try Our Lunches
$3.50 Per Tier
Seasoned Block Heater
First Class
$4 Per Tier
Denn-Gerretsen Co.
231 Main SI
Phone 128
h mm tU kov ,vrnefflA
a VIII t,ii J v v iivi a (.1 1 4il w j J
store is eager to give our customers
Prompt and
Efficient Service
iVip thriftv housed
Ask your neighbor she is our best recommerAW
Prions. fiR Per
M. white r..,lnr 150 it. while fir 50 M., jfXOIOE'IOTOggtTSllISIgsTSTCTTri
-t. Nl.1 NK'. r1! Ilr .1.0 SI., y
whit.. vt-.Ur : M., NWV NK'i rvd fir S 9
"!' M.. white Hilar 100 M.. KK'j NK, g
I When you need a
I Bed Room Suite I
I y-e 11
au on
1 tir TSo M white csdar 100 M.. whll
fir Sn M. s Ni:. riMl fir 800 M.,
white i-,. lar 17," M.. white fir 50 M.,
N K v- nw, nil fir 650 M.. white cflar
jr.oM,NVi, NV4 red fir lo50M.
hlte rrtlsr li M.. whits fir 40 1.. SKU
NW, r..l Ilr It ;.'. M.. white cedar So M ,
white fir 4ii M., SWU NW red tlr 6uo
M , while cedar 40 M., white fir &0
NK'i S K ' , red fir 10 M-. white cedar
mo M, white fir f.0 l . NWii p'KV, red
fir S.hi M.. while fir 1 "0 M., T. JO S.. 1(.
9 W, Sec. 17, SW'i NV4 red fir 2o
M . while cedar ; t SK'i NW red
fir C., M. wl.ite cedsr 143 M.. none of
the tiint., r on these sections to he sold
for le.-o than tl ,Vi per M.. for tho red
fir. ir.t'n t. r M . for the white cclar and
II. 0' er M. lor the white fir. T. !j H.
It. 11 W.. Sec. 31. SK'i SWt; re.l fir
t.T. M. white c.l ir ISO M.. SW, SK'i
red fir :u M . w hits cedar M . si:',
SKt red f.r ;i:0 M.. white cedar 75 M .
none of the tin her on this section
old fr 1. th in $1.7,0 M . for the
red fir siul Ivoo per M. for the while
Cedar. T. 3. S.. W.. Sec. 17. SK',
SK', .ik-ir K to M., red fir f,J0 M .
r.-d cedar :j M none of the tiniher on
this trs, t to he sold for lers than S -r.-r
M . for the miliar nine nd $1.25 rr
i. i.r t'e re i i ir ar,i rea 1
S. I! 1 v . s.-c. 11 NK'i NK', fir ::n
V . 'ee 3... Ji NW', NK'. fir ;:.o M ,
rone . i. NK'i swi, fir :e" M .
r ne m xn i, sin, fir :i.i M . rin-
'0 M . ,- NW, f'r :10 M . tine !"
M. SK', NW -j fir 70 M . r"l M.
n ne of the t.n.hcr on these tracts to
( o d f r I ... than 1 2i per M for
Ihe f r a-' I :.r.' per M. for the pine.
Wil'i.itn Siry, Couimltsiuner, Uetlcral
Uanil Off.c.
7 5
Furniture Co.
f H
Phone 26
Cream Separators on
See us before buying, we can save yon
nm ir.i a q miJNTY CREAM