WOSEBUWO NEWS-RIVIEW. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2i, 1924. PAGE SIX i; -3 si 'UKDFSFS for use a public library upon Lot I m7J.fc f.9 In the city of Jtoseburg. 7.' . .... ik. hnwhitM. Imlirove- ' ' -i. i..:, Banish the Blues KILLED IN HOOSEifi Post's Bran Flakes with Other Parts of Wheat is Nature's health food. You'll find it an effective lax ative nourishing, delicious, healthful. Blues can't stay when health comes in. POST'S BRAN FLAKES "Dheri's a Reason" JURY DIVIDES ment. equipment ; '"'' '"flalll . , T rod Addition to the flty of Kuseburg, The Jury in the case of J. R. Oregon, and the building thorw.ii. fur ..... i... a A .... ..-J ....I r.iirm.u. lif ma ntHilllllff luwarm, met! csaiuruu uu . ...... .."...i,,,,,, h-k. charge of uuisession of intoxl- Fu"',.t J1.'" ?r i .h.ill he In eating liquor,' failed to reach n u,.n form UIi f uch denomination an agreement and wan discharged the council may e",rln':- i,; ,....,rf .... Wl,. , I bS JU"l.l0e f tDe I'e-C Ceorn. t ' da. and . .hall be U'ikililVfTflV l-el. 9i5An In. . Wllose Court uie ina.i nade payable at tn upiion ... .... .... -S L'...' . Was heard. Howarth will be a. any. Interest payment .Per od at or taxes wag voled today by the house, Kiven another trial in the near hll'j, intr,t at the rate uf liot to In amending the revenue bill. The '"'". An effort was 7 "f "r, -; ' PTh. council I, chanee cronosed bv Ilenr-aental Iva I bis Uttorney to aecure bail for able .eml-annua ly. Tl . council h . ., , r - r . ... . .... . i a uereuv auinorieu - - Kamaeyer, republican. Iowa, was bit- i w nw release until the case tan ra ,v ln id.ntu.n t all other taxea author- Kepreaenta.lvei hi. attorney to aecure uaii lor w lh'0"r'io l-vy a tax annual. . Iowa, was lilt- , bin release unt II the case can be ',.,,,,,. , all other taxes author- terly opposed by republican organlza- heard apain. ined to be levied by the charter of the Hon l..dra Tint vols vu 1UU to I city of Roseburg to pay the Interest on tlon leaders. 1 lie vote aa iy iq t w w w s w 9 w w w w w w -w , bon(!, a, the une be. omea due 110. most of the democrat. Join- ' .i v .aid honda at any time here- , llg tne repuuuean insurgents m .up- ,Ild,ana and Cblcag0 banker. i ! pw 01 ',he am1m me" .wh.,;h ed before the grand Jury. In k l Post's ) BBAH 1 rtAKlS WHEAT 1 LAXATIVf TOO UASr TO CAT per cent. An amendment which would allow deduction, for .tale estate taxes up to 25 per cent of the amount of the tax imposed by the federal govern ment also was adopted. A proposal to Impose a grafluated tax on the tax exempt aecurlti. of tin estate was lost on a teller', vote 141 to 132. Sltivers is a powerful preucher. Ii is Happy Is the Man who save, money on hi. shoes aud keep. hi. feet comfortable at the same time. This combi nation Is assured when you bave your "easy" old .hoes re paired by us. Make your old shoe, last a. long a. possible aud save money. W. S. Howard 214 M. Main 8t Or Klddar 8hoo 8tor fAasoclated rreas Leased Wire.) LOS ANOKLEH. Feb. 25. Arthur Pollack, chief accouutaut of the L'nion Oil company of California wai) arrested today at the instance of til e company charged with embezzle ment aud forgery involving $53, QUO. 'It ia charged thut Pollack Issued "run ticket." or voucher, for oil to a fictitious name "C. II. Watson," forged the name of a l'nion Oil com pany foreman to them and theu cash ed them. His operations, company official, declare, bave extended over a period of .even yearj. ...l.rl.Ml The Indebtedness i .... ,i.t. ph.Hu. umndment In au'u''",ln addition lo all other Indebtedness of l..n n .ho l - ..........a hrAiiolt. bIvub.1v Ini-nrf-fil (tr Other aalnt him. the governor's financial wise, and ,TnaXfn". li transaction, have led to his indict-1 " "h ' - Bi,where. All parts of ment in the Marion couniy criminal ' ,h ,harir of the city -of Ros.burK and Of embezzlement, I all ordinances or parte oi oruinam e UUUA- ... . . ...I. nhurtu- .lran4mi.nl vil.lt). I. ... .11." ... court on charges larceny and false nr.. tense. ruptcy proceedings, against him in federal court and assignment of all hi. asset to a creditor' committee. f Aftsoclnted Pre- Leased Wire.) VKRA CIIUZ, Feb. 25 The mili tary institution In the zone remain stationery from last week. The fed erals are busy chasing rebel bands. L. A. Ward, a Chicago man rep resenting American interests arriv mi irvm luiuac, reuuris mui idit MDIi rebels destroyed the railway bridge a public Ubrary? at tiui, tne largest structure oi its kind ln Mexico. Little cargo Is being brought Into this port and business is practical ly at a standstill. Stiver. 1. pleasing and Impressive. o E ATTENTION POULTRYMEN WILL START MY INCUBATOR FEBRUARY 6 Yott can save money by having your eggs custom batched. Ton furnish the eggs, I do the hatching. Also day-old chicks for sale. -fAl - . . 1 1 . C . runmon mu man, avi-v pr CHIC-O-PEEP HATCHERY Phon 381-Y P local'news' " m iAti444AsAaAAAitAAAAAA - tt-vVWWV WW f f WWW WW WWW TfTf are herby amended, modtrlrd or re-oal-1 the cflHe may require, in r Ir thar thin amendment may be In full Kaid nrdlname further provides the form of the title In which aaid propoM d amendment nhaU he submitted on the official hallot and declares an emergency, which said form ta as xoi lows. to-wlt : m uhnii ih .-hnrfer of the rltv of Row- imriT be amended to authorize ie . iiv council lo lnBue not to exceed till ft An nit it C nr rent hondn to Iro- vide fundt for a pubMo library and to ey a tax to pay mud btmus ami ine Interest thereon? Vote "yea" or No." fidO Yes. $01 So. AfiitunoA fnifhar nrovldes that the electors may choose either one of two sites proposed and that saia mat ter shall be submitted upon the official i r..i.iwinir furni. to-wlt: Shall a puhlto library building be ...,r.uir.ior1 iinnn T 2 RloClt &V. .. ... a i r .1 n Illnlr 1ft In mat me ii,,iir0a,(i Addition be Durchaiied for Vote "I- or ioi . Block 6V" or "For Maretem home site. 602 For Lot . Bluett 6. EA4 Cnr Xf ii rulur il hnmA ttltA. Bald ordinance further provides that the following named persons are there by appointed as Judsres and Clerks to conduct said election, and the follow InK named polling places are thereby designated for holding; said election: Ward 1. Polling: place: Court Douse. Judges: Geo. cnanuier, m. a. -ue, Edna VrKeun. . Clerks: THIle Johnson. Ella Ienox. wifi 9 Prilintr nlace: Doutrlas Ab stract Company. 28 North Jackson Judges: Mrs. C. H. Arundel, Mrs. Wm. .Bell. Cha. a. Ott. , Clerks: Ethel Hughes, Hilda Relzen Iain Ward 3. Polling place: Roseburg HJudWesr C. H. Hilton. Mrs. V. N. s. V. J. Mlcelll, Mrs. U W. GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR $ Service and Dependability are featured at this store. Provide your table with the Best Foods, insuring economy and health. Visit Our Grocery in Person or Phone PICKENS BROS. phone ea PERKINS BLDQ. EVERETT. Feb. 25 According to information received by the pros ecuting attorney's office, Carl Hy berg, reputed to have confessed to killing Mrs. I.aura Mummey at her home at Seattle Heights last week, to attacking her husband, Joshua Muid mey, and to burning their home, will resist charges that will be filed eujlnst Dim this week by C. T. Koscoe, prosecuting attorney. Healtle firm of attorneys are said ve ueen retained for hla de fense, and one' or both of his par ents are expected to arrive from their home in Minnesota to assist him. I A So; hav EM P. D. Harper of Riddle has pur chased a new Ford sedan. The sale was made by the C. A. Lockwood Mo tor Company. Miss Florence Sinnott returned yesterday to Eugene where ehe is at tending the university after spending F'!d"i,Mr?, tli& n. i. a . ...... 1-lerKs: al " cuu in mis ciiy visaing ; Uftzger With her narenlo nn.l frl..n,la I w.rl'l rnlllnir iriare: City Hall T. II. Davis who reeldes in Glide is! JudKe.: Mr.. OMIe Wckens. France, spedlng a fvw days ln Roseburg. Mr. I clerk'.: Mr..' C.' M. Fa'ge, Mrs. P. T. Davis Is registered at the Hotel But.ar. r,rami , Said election .hall commence at te . , . , hour of o'clock: A. M.. on aald dale ""umu cieiuweu ieri mis aiternoon : and shall continue unm s otiock f. m.. for Corvalis after spending the week 0' Hd day. provided that an adlourn nnd In Ihla rttv m. uniii I. . ment of one hour at noon may be had enu in mis city. Mr. Ilelliwell is at- a, provided by the charter of the city .vuu.ug ma wreuon Agricultural cot lege. nl DnMllllrf. R. U WHIPPLE. Mr. ami Mrs. Will Blevlr who 'i"y "coraar ol "' :"y "u" o have spent the winter In Roseburg lfft Saturday for their home near Upokae, Washington. They expect to vliilt in Eugene and Salem before re turning to- their home. Miss Margurlte Horney who spent the week end In this city with her sister. Mrs. lioscoe Mnrsters, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. In the mntter of the estate of Oeorice W. Kruse, d.-ceaaed. Notice la hereby given tl'at the un- flei-Riirned waa on the 2.'lrd day of re- January. duly appointed as ati ....on itinAiuo o.vKea, wno nas oeen ' . ' working in the First National Bank ; rK'ned0.",' M,e' of Seattle, had returned to her homered about 5 miles 1A II ' li'-l sT l i E6 '"'Jl"""t uth Win Her With Candy! 11 kk Box and Bulk Candy of all kinds- Always Ready for Your Order. Ice Cream and Sodas a Specialty Meet your friends at our big Fountain. Try Our Lunches PALACE OF SWEETS imaia.. x . cc uga. . -.."..-..........yt (Asflnrlnted Press fxai.ed Wire.) KANSAS CITY. Feb. 25. Demand that former service men lie appointed to review Hie rascB of all military prisoners confined In federal prison in place of the military board named by the war department is made In a statement Issued here from the na- tional headuuurten of the veterans I of foreign wars. 1 he Htutnniunt is signed by liuol Ellon, former army captain aid na tional adjutunt of the organization. !'S turned to Oregon City ytwterday af-l minlstratrlxe. of the eatate of (ieorge teinoon Miss Hornev la teiehii. In I w- Kruse. deceased, nnd all persons J, Miss norney is teaching In ! havlntr claims aKalnRt said estate are Hie schools of that City. required to present the same properly .Miss Maxine Sykes, who has beenl verified with vouchers annexed on or irom mis ume 10 me elr residence attua- northweat of ltose- in this city and will accept a nositlon'burs, OreR-on, or at the law office of in the Umpqua Valley Bank of Hose-" !:;; ''onln Perklna "'lnB. burg. Miss Sykes was suddenly tak-i ' Dated and first published this, the en ill on the way home and is still 1 IStb. day of January. 19J4. quite irk. although somewhat lni-j CAvwTAK'o"'rvknND proved today. Administratrixes of the estate of Lloyd Crocker returned Saturday George W. Kruse. deceased, from Portland where he has bccnl . J.?I'N,Ti I.'l,,l'a,,. . representing the Roseburg Chamber of I Attorney fur the estate. .Commerce and Roseburg Hod and I poVtn3 Vhecr.nT ker arranged a Douglas county booth Sj at the exposition which attracted a S great deal of attention and Willi the result that Douglas county received a large amount of fine advertising. Pamphlets advertising the enmity as a "sportsman's paradise" were distributed. (Aasni-tated Press leased Wire.) ! RDM E. Feb. 26. The heulth of ; King Victor Emmanuel, who has . Deen III with influenza waa greatly uiipruveu tooay. his tor has been restored to normal I Crown Prince. Hubert, also an In , fluenta victim was able to leave his bed today and la expected shortly to resume his usual activities. NOTU B OF dl'KCIAL KI.ECTIOX. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt the Common Council of the Cllv of Rose burg. Oreiron. ha. called a i..i ial clee t on of the legal voters of the City of -" - 'i ni ne r.em in aa.a . on iuet.ua-, me 1SII1 da lor me purpoke of v proposed Charter Amend 1 When you need a I Bed Room Suite J Call on lay of Man-h. i otlng upon a U ejIMln- Municipal charter of the rltylSl of lloseburir k. propoatd ry Ordlnanre' e No. SOS, IE v NEW 9 Dress Materials iPAi nve nn almost endless assortment of the 'iMM.i vcry est goods in this line, besides com plete lines of Dry Goods. The particular shopper can find at this store just the sort of material she desires. 1 1. ABRAHAM I S3JIS3S53tme silk store ?;"1-,(! temperature ell and approved by the Mayor on the 11th day of February. !:. which ta il proposed charter amendment is In words and figures as follows, to-wlt: I'r-poMd Ckarler Amendment, tie it enacted by the p.ople of the t Ity of Kosehurg. Oregon, that Bertlon J. of,h etlatlng municipal charter of the (tty of K..bur. Oregon, as enact ed by the legislative aaaembly of the Mate of Uregon. by an act to n.orporate the city of Rose burg. and to repeal all acts and parts of acta In conrllct therewith." to-wlt: An act entitled "An act to Incorporate the t Ity .f Koneburg" approved Octo ber 3. 1S7J, and an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act to Incorporate the city of Koseburg." ap- i proved tvtober is. lsso. and an act to amend an act entitled "An act to In corporate the Ciiy f ltoeehurg." ap proved February !3. 1SS9. also an act mandatory of m et. filed In the of IL '.rl."' "'Cretary of state February is. H91. and also an act to Incorporate the City of lioseburir. and to define ih. It tills time of anv V"y.rn "hereof approved February 25. pension legislation Involvinr any fnn.' hl'Lr, " I-a"1''41 " "r'." amendatory ilit,rBhl. .lr.in ... r., i. J; L ' coninet inerewitn I... me uuuuc treaa- (Asanrlated Press (.eased Wire ) W ASIIIMiTON. Feb. 25. Presi dent Coolldge told ranking republi can members of the house pensions committee today that he waa oppoa eu 10 enactment LENOX Furniture Co. Mothers! i Give the children WRIQey'S after every meal A prominent physician says: "It is surprising how free from decav the teeth can be kept by using . after each meal." 8 BUm You know how hard it is to get the children to clean their teeth. By giving them WRIGLEY'S you not only reward them for clean ing their teeth, but the reward is actually the means of performing this important service! WRIGLEY'S aids digestion too, and acts as an anti septic wash for the mouth andtnroat. Sev eral flavors-all of W R I G L E Y quality. The Flavor Lasts ft A ..I "I t LODGE DIRECTORY : ------- - - . United Brotherhood of Carpentera and Joiners cf America Meets l' Moose hool second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. All car penters welcomed. T. F. HOLMES, Rec. Sec. F. A. BOWEN, Pres. Woodmen of tne World, Camp No. 125 Meets ln the Oddfellows hall Id Roseburg every let and 3rd Mon day evenings. Visiting neighbor!, always welcome. A. A. SCHLOEMANN, C. C M. M. MILLER, Clerk. Laurel Chapter No. 31, R. A. M. Stated convocations on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Masonic Temple. All members requested to attend and vlsltln" companions welcome. R. L. COOPER, High Priest W. F. HARRIS. Secretary. W. B. A. 0. T. W., RoMtninj hJ No. 11 Holds regular awtm d 2nd and 4th Thursday, ul:Ji Visiting sisters invited a ttteti id views. Maccabee till Am i Cass streets. JESSIBRAPP, Col, MRS. FLORA I. WLUU&O 3 Neighbors of Woodcraft, like C No. 40 Meets 0D lit ut Monday evenings, In K. o( P. Visiting neighbors lorMvitat DONNA OAKLET, 0. S. MARGARET WWTN'ST. Oaf United Artisana Uerti M bee Hall first and third Vefeal Visiting members alwari mtoai LAUREN McCmXOCH.Ii mildred Mcculloch,! BELLE STEPHENSON. t I. O. T. M. meets earn 2nd and 4tb Thursday of each month. In Macca bee hall, corner Cass and Pine streets. Visiting Knights always welcome. U C. GOODMAN, Com. O. W. RAPP, R. K. Knights of Pythias, Alpha Lodae No. 47-Meeta every Wednesday evening in Knights or Pythias ball, ISO Rose street Visitors always welcomed. CLAIR K. ALLEN, C C. J. R. FARRINOTON, M. P. E. E. WIMBEP'.Y. K. R. S Eagles, Roseburg Aerlt-lleM H Maccahee hall, on Caaa Kl 2nd and 4th Wednesday atsasdl each month, at 8 ockxx brethren ln good sundial nWi welcome. EUGENE LITTLE, W.F. P. RICHARD Bl'SCH,f.l B. F. GOODMAN. SecnW or Phone 26 MiML:iMiMinirn.'J.i4i.iirf.a)pt.. A V I Stop, Look and 1 Listen I O. E. 8., hoseburg Cnjpter No. 8. Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays In eacb month. All sojourning brothers and sisters are respectfully Invitee to attend. HAZEL FRENCH, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Secretary Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41, J; O. O. F. Meets ln Odd Fellows Temple every week, on Tuesday evening. Visiting members ln good standing are Invited to attend. AMY CARMAN, N. O. TILLIE I. JOHNSON, Rec. Sec. ETHEL BAILEY, Fin. Sec Pythian Sisters. Umpqua Temple, No. 4. Meets the 2nd and 4th Mon day evenings of each month, at the K- &. P. halL Visitors always wel come. JOHANNA GRAF. M. E. C. MYRTLE WIMUERLY M. of R. & C. MARTHA CHK1STENSON. la. of r ury. McCRARY IS AGAIN ef A the e.-relarv cf atnte on February ln5. nrt amrn.lrd by vote of the A people at an ete.-tin held Mar th. A ISO., and a amended by vote of the A CAP1MC Tnmml v . ' Z I J . " rM' at ,n aeneral elec. ia rACING TROUBLE ."' "'.'I1 ""m the sth day of tv. a t.er. 1914. and arnn.led by vote A ,,., . . ,,"7" I J'' ,n; People of ,u ,.,y at an elec- & INDIANAPOLIS, fell. J5. The V"" l"M """'n on the third day of d myriad financial dlfflcultlea of War- fh'" " ' amended by vote of g rer, t M- Crav governor of Indian. ! V'Th'ereln Vul Ji.t" l.T'll nae i.cn further augmented by his ' and amended by vote of ?. indictment bv a federal grand Jury F" n rl,v uabiirg at on charger of uslna the mall la a 1 ? C''"!'"?-?''''' 'hT-'" ? .'.'' 'h d.y to defraud and violation of hereby atM-r,,t...i V.i ..Min io ...i lion jj. s'lh-iivi.ton 7, whlohT shall rea.l a. tollnw!,- T'le r..m-.ion fonncll of the rltv If you want bargains, come to the Auction House. Remember we get you the high dollar at your farm auction sales. See us for dates. Radabaugh-Patterson 328 N. Jackson Phone 541-J A scheme the national hanking laws. The charges were Included In a report made hy the grand Jury Inst Satur day but were not made public until today when the governor surrendered to the Cnited States, who held Oap laies for his arrest. The Indictment followad a week of Investigation duriug which time a number of or rtoi. -i.tira- i hereby arlven power and .authority t !.,. ,) a.l neamlsble bon.t. of the cliy of Koaeburg. Iourla iemiTv. Oinon. In a sum not to evi-eed ,JM000O0 for the purpose of providing ; funds for the etab!ihmcnl and eoulp- "lent of a public library. Said funda jniav be uej for the eonatru.-tlon. equipment and furai.uing of a bulldlcg MATERNITY HOME 1118 Winchester 8t Phons 490 Mri. D. Cornwell PatisnU privileged to havt their own doctor. i?" i Elk' Roburg Lodgs No. 82 Hold regular communications at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially Is 1ted to attend. FRANK CLEMEN9, E. R J. Q. DAY. Jr.. Secretary. p. 4 A. M., Laurel tudge No. 13. Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month, at Masonic Temple. Roseburg, 3ra visitors weicomH. O K. QI INE. Jr, W. M. W. r. HA MR IS. Secy ?.' f PhHetarlan Lodge No. 8 Meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethern are always welcome. W. S. HOWARD. N. O. A. J. GEDDES, Roc See. J. a BAILEY Fin. Sec 1 1 print! The News Reviewjj printing departmentj the best equippgij the 8outhernjrtof0s " .... t WepriraUJuw gon. of stationer Letter Heads Bill Headi Envelopes Buainei. and Calling Car Wedding AnnouneemmO School AnnouneemesH Invitations of M Booklets Folders Posters snd Everything knows In ths" way sf Good Printing Place your-oi" J: U8 for Prompt and W cient Service. R0SEBU. News-Re"" Exclusive Job rru Department