W08EBUR0 NEW9BEVIEW. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY n, 1924. PAGE rivi mSociety WHERE SHALL WE DINE SUNDAY? f n. answer you trill invariably get from folks who appreciate de A . i. delightful service and charming environment, is the I "e Y Not Et Wning Room at the Douglas Hotel the pleasuntest 5 '. , In tOWD." K SUNDAY DINNER MENU SOUP Chicken Okra RELISHES Sauce. SALADS Crab 40c Waldorf 45c FISH Breaded Filet of Solo. Tartar Sauce ENTREES mnffrd Sirloin of Beef, Mushroom Sauce DIU" . i '.. . I..I .. fm.ntrv flnu pdekes 50c Shrimp 40c 2 ih vnl Cutlets. Country Gravy . Chicken Fricassee, Egg Dumplings l'arisienne nailed Fresh Tongue, Tomato Sauce m . . . ....... K'.wwl 1 ... Bfsiiett Bee' duuic mm ..v... Apple Fritters. Fruit Sauce Hot Parkerhouse Rolls 1 VEGETABLES ..45c -45c ..45c ..55c ..45c ..40c ROASTS Mashed Potatoes nf Pork. Dressing Stufled Young Turkey, Apple Jelly Lima Beans In Butter ...50c 65c DESSERT Assorted Pies 10c Cake 10c Y-NOT-EAT Jackson and Douglas Streets Roseburg, Oregon PIE HER MYSTERY BAFFLES CHICAGO POLICE- ID Ml GUILTY U T Mwoclnted Press Leased Wire.) CHlCAliO, Feb. 23.- A double I'ltery involving the theories of lotlepring killing revenge or do ttle trouble centers the activity of wttlies seeking clues to the slay ' of John Duffy found yesterday krtljr identified as Mrs. Duffy, found iroaasiae snowdrift and a woman it night in an anartnient. nm'fv fared with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. non. Awarch Is being mnrln for 1v nn fn. Cecil Horton, thought to have i ten days ago on an automobile P to Detroit and since rotiimod South papers and letters in the nrtment indicate that the dead "man may he Mrs. Horton. rouce learned from letters that the "man formerly lived in Louisvilllc, fr.. where she was known as Miss M-ey and Miss Virginia James and "ue nine nad lived in Berkeley. 'I'nFni. . i ..... . . r a leuer ironi ner moth written her on February 1J, in ated that she had i..m i," ....i" nlr been marri. to a stranger wnom the mother apparently had knowledge. According to the Chicago Kcrald a Lxam n..i. rt. . I,!,. ., r real name is tl" "Kherty, wanted for four murders in Philadelphia. The news paper says he was an accomplice of Horton until they quarreled because of jealousy. CHICAGO, Feb. 23. Lester Exley today positively identified the body of the womun shot to death in her apartment yesterday as that of his sister, Mrs. John Duffy, whose, hus band also was found shot to death several hours earlier, his frozen body having been discovered in a prairie, mites from his home. Kxley suid his sister was married to Duffy, St. Valentine's Day in Louisville. Ky. The police are searching for Jack Horton and the latter's wife, known as Lucille Morton, who came to Chi cago Dcembcr 19 from Louisville, ac cording to baggage checks found in the Duffy apartment. Karlier a gro cery clerk had said he had known the slain as Mrs- Horton but a milkman disputed that, saying that there were two women in the bouse and that he knew the slain woman as Mrs. Duffy. Thoorles of bootlegging, jealousy and other possible motives for tht double slaying are lieinjg considered by the police. Detectives are agreed that Duffy was slain elsewhere and the body carted to the prairie. IE ClI AT ! REVIVAL SERViGEl niiti.k he cr,., 10 delight 1 J5"UJ." Mr k r. " "e" Are 1 "o an,! h ' ra has "I'lendid Pag'4k.ti. r... .. . . V,r ,lHrs w 'he N ,e." ' hot father. Tl. mark of 2G0 has been set for the Bible ncbnol. The evangelist will speak Sunday morning on, "Putting On the Armor." The evening subject will lie, "Why So Many Churches?" This sermon will be illustrated by a large chart. The Bible school meets at 9:45, and the Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. ?dei0tf"' Krelet services ever . " e , nur'h was the one lasti NOTICE I will treat anv nMient suffering Mhtat the Christian church revival fr"m HI"'"""1"'8'", neuriiis. lumbago, m- aiunnr o f i nnreoi'L' n ,.,., At tump rtiT-inil'it inti fi I honor of Mmhnr tk- l . norvousiicM or noor circulation, etc KCZ1K,"l-V'"n'1''"'-y W Packing :'.r-- "enef.t o: relieve yu. and ... -pace ws talinn v..f. : "u ""' mic n.ni.u. i.m. lr in the class rooms halt t ho : '"u "mv 'lo 60 Purchasing 'muni n.., . ... ui, ana Htili thov i:h"r tk 1Rr"' "'rvlre honoring ai'l'li'"'e that I use.) "Elect rent" (The Electro Therapeutic (Continued from page four.) Mrs. V. Fisher. Mrs. B. Chllson. Mrs. G. Staten and Mrs. J. M. Deardorf were sealed. The next meeting of the club wi be on Friikiy, March 7, at the home of Mrs. Staton. O Mrs. L. Goodman Is Hostess Recently Mrs. L. Goodman was hostess to the Northside .Sunshine Club recently, a feature of the afternoon being shwo ers of gifts for four of the members. A large bowl of violets centered a dainty luncheon table, with red rib bon streams leading to each plate. En Joying the occasion were Mrs. S. Baney, Mrs. F. Bowen, Mrs. Wm. Fisher. Mrs. A. E. Pederson, Mrs. E. P. Ballou, Mrs. B. Chllson, Mrs. L. M. Ingles, Mrs. G. Staten: visitors were Mra. G. Poole, Mrs. N. Fisher, Mrs. R. Chllson, and Mrs. Carsten. N Birthday Anniversary Occasion for Gathering The seventy-second birthday anni versary of Mrs. O. Martin, ou Febru ary 17, was the occasion for a gather ing at her home of about thirty of her friends and neighbors who called to express their good wishes. After the informal evening, Mrs. Martin, and her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Hill of Independence served a delicious sup per. O Sylmon Social Circle Spends Delightful Afternoon The ladies of the Sylmon Valley So cial Circle spent a delightful after noon on Thursday with Mrs. Max Myers, needle work and social chat ting speeding the afternoon. Howls of English violets and jonquils gave a pretty decorative effect. Dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Warren Cloake, Mrs. Walter Cioake, Mrs. Walter Belcher. Mrs. C. E. True blood, Mrs. Henning, Mrs. Ernest Sharpe, Mrs. Mary Tester. Mrs. O. Martin, Mrs. C. W. Bradford, Miss Audry Myers, Miss Alice Myers. The next meeting of the circle has been postponed for two weeks on account of the busy broccoli season, and will be held March 20 at tbe home of Mr 8. Martin. ft ft Mrs. Sandstrom Hostess for House Guest For the pleasure of her house guest, Mrs. B. D. Grainger, of Marys ville, Calif., Mrs. O. J. Sandstrom or Melrose was hostess at a pleasant at tertioon party Thursday. After in formal chatting and sewing, a dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. Sand strom. Gathered for the afternoon were Mrs. Grainger and little duughter Helen, Mrs. Charles Reed, Mrs. A. J. Llndgren, Mrs. K. M. Reese, Mrs. Fred Reese, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. C. O. Nelson, Mrs. Jack Busenbark, Mrs. Henry Johnson, Miss Florence Nol Bon, and Miss Violet Reed. - . , Hf Merry Fudge Party for Winning Side ' The losing side of a recent mem bership contest conducted by the Ep worth League of the M. E. church, entertained the winners with a fudge party on Thursday evening nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pierce. The young people who gathered for the merry party were Misses Helen Churchill, Hnzel Itockmeyer, Dorothy Palmer. Martha Yoe, Gladys Smith, Myth Henderson. Cornelia Martin, Bernice Koser, Frances Metealf, Vi vian Orcutt, Flo Adams, Messrs. Clare Geddes, Paul Trueblood, Ted Booth, Frank Wilson, David Oleman, Paul Geddes, Roy Rinehurt, Harvey Ewens. John Hess, Kay Martin, Ches ter Padden, Dick Slater, Merl Austin, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Knolls. Clever Bridge Party at Conlee Home Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Conleo Invit ed a number of their Intimate friends in on Thursday evening, ar ranging tables of bridge for their amusement. Mrs. Young and Mr. Pet terson won high honors at curds. ITnusual place cards were a feature of the clever luncheon table being in the form o' telecrams. with ap propriate remarks rescribiug the ec ceniricttles of each guest. Enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and ...a. Cou lee were Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Love, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Devaney, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Petterson, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Young, Mr. and Mrs. I'. V. selling ton. Colonial Party Is Unique Affair Tim 'iiiaint spirit of George Wash ington's day, when stately dames with powdered wigs and boultaiit kii t. diinccd the griiceml minuet The special musical aiir. ! 1 also fit and adjust archsuip.itn and courtly sciuln s bowed over small ' "son ,f ,k Lo"-'ne Stivers. when needed. Herbert C. Owens Terminal Hotel 7 to 10 p. m. For two weeks. L 1, - : . " ei.ll. kinl.'V"".1 h-Popl all Joined kJ,o . vs ! Atf the Mosquito f.!'."1 Churchill. M.s. Flora Ste, l ' "uer. Mr. Altheide The on 1 x'.Kvl '""" '""," t, It. Stewart and Mrs. A. Kreat hein In W.a!" " 'dK!! ,",f h.h.l ."VI '' I were In charge nf the re as especially SThWML'K IS !tl'lt!:i ( Ass.e-latert Press I.-naeU Wire.) T A CO MA. Feb 2.1. The passenger 1 ..ii..- steamer iturton. one of tfie b.fst j Kreat help Id night. Thu vessel was built in 1905 harms, was revived for an uvcni;i last titbit wht'ii the Daughter of the American r"olutlou eii'-rtaf ned their fri ndH with a Culonial party at i ho H'iiillne ronwrvatory. The settiuK of flag arid flow vr wad an entrancing lacki;roiiml tor lh oid time eoctume of the Itaakliters. Mrs. Holt n Sinii k and !.Mrn. W. R. WilliH poured at a pret tily d'eoratt'd tahlu, Mrs. K. M wnrl, -Mra. I'. Set her arpe nf th rerreshnient tabl . A charmlnir contrant was af forded hy the dainty modern i ven 1 1 ijet towns of Minxes Meli-n Ctiurefiill Vivian Orcutt, Uurthea Jtu.senhark, and Fern ilnsonhark. wlio ushered. An int'TeK'iiiK program was open-1 ed by Mra. William Jiell, It em of L'mpMtiu Chapter I. A. K. who bpoke i nmn-i.rt inv thu nrf uiilr:. ilnt.d liu . Ptnte Se nator and Mrs. K. B. Vnz j,cts and ainis, other uunibersi mHir- n iof i.ed. North I j.kota, are puests 01 1 wcTP. I -k. Ore-tt , L ",nu w,ne C0I1-'C. M. and Miva Market J'ate in tm Tria, Mr. W. K. Ott. violin, Mrs-f-: SontUv. T!,li i..are b'lK laid cty. The., hiv jut retutned from ! ie Mlvln. celio. ;.!rn. Chas. lMn- i PiftHm both mu" a tr'I' tJ cential f'aiilorma. and alter i(n, piano; radinc. Mlaa Margaret lr h the t .!norn,ni? and eve- a v eek nr so v. ill' return, to iheir, UA(; vocal nolo, MUs Kdna liaznl-j Ver mill azain111! n '-"rraine North Dakota home. He-ides r- pre-j tine; eojoii.al minuet In ( oturm ly j 1 iM 'n Play on the raw.'itmno hi- iiwtrin in the 5'ate en-1 i. roth v Mr! mnnld. Marv -uJia ( lark. . r list " . quamte atp. Mr Vase is a banker and rai.cn- (ieorcina v arner. Kiieen Ktimll. ier. and in ciin.-idTed one of t tie most i n miwii urn: Mantan i uuuni; Mrs. Uelvin at the piano; reading Klu Adatua; vocal auto, Mra. Kred Strang with Mra. U. h L. Liutott at th piano; correct uko of the flag, lr. K. B. Stewart, commander ot Tmpqua Post of American. Legion; vocal solo, Mr. Chan. Brand with Mra. Melviu at the piano; pioneering the loud into Die won, Judge lieo. Kiddle, Commandant of the Oregon Soldier's Home. A aitver offering was taken for the purpose of placing a marker on the Pacific Highway to designate the Old Oregon Trail, and the sum of 122 waa realized for thU fund. ft Mr. and Mrs- C. A. Lock wood have as their guesta for the week end festivitlea, Mr. and Mra. E. 1 Thoiu of Salem. Mr. Thorn U a aistt-r of Mrs. Lockwood. 11I 1VK tP AJSj,i.;T KM Tie ii'iiofc;Mi-: r ok hiliiahi aw;m u 497.69 trut?t to C72.08 3S9.26 Not la htrehv irivfn ih..t ,. council of the city of II.uvtmrK. ort- kii. on tn ifctn day of February 1 4. -y Ordinance No. 8mo. dH-Hr the usutsbinent for th impioviinoni of Military Avenue fr.in the euwi lin- Owry Avenue to tlte wejtt nd uf th una Mn-et liliUKe, in the i-lty of Hove burtf. iM-rKon, t be upon ach lot or part of lot or purer I of hind 'ptHinlly benefitted therehy. iH folluwa, tu-wlf Name r ipt ion Amount K l. Burch, (I- W. Mcuner) Commt netug at a point on the N ule ut Coon Hay UaKun Itoad M6I.S4 ft. K of KV Tor of J. Huntley IHa'; tlionce X 1S ft.: I he nee K 4i ft.; th-me H 105 ft.: thence V on N M1.i uf.i'oo liay Wukoh Uoad 4u ft. to the place uf b ginnniK 103 67 p. 1. Hurvh. (U V. M.-uger) Commencing at a point on N mdu of I'ouj lUy WaKoti Uoad 15l.a4 ft. K of SV .or. of J Huntley DIA'; thence N lo& ft: tlieiica K 60 ft.; thence s li5 ft.; thence W on N Mid- of Coo liny WaKon Itoad &y (t. to place of berluitlnK go E. Ii. A Iona M. IVrrino Oomi at a Mitnt 6( ft. x a y6 v K of HW cr. of uix; f j" Huntley, said claim IninR No 66 in Tp. 27, S. It. 6. UVM; thence K 97 3-4 ft.; thtnce x 26b ft.; thence V !7 3-t ft ; thence 8 iitii it. to olnce of li.-- KtiiniiiK II. 1. MepnenH Ilea, at a nnint hft ft. N 24.46 rhaiiiH K of yV cor. of VIa: or J. Huntley, same tiehiK CIj Xo. n 'i 27. 8. Jt. 6. WWM: running thence 265 ft. X; thence US ft K: tlience 265 ft. S. - thm- in" ik. h i on h Hilary the beginning A. A. lieilowit Btr, at Doint fill ft. N & 26.46 cimiirn K of SV cor .of IHa: of J. Muiult v be ing 1. No. 66 in To. 27,' S It 6 WWM; running thence K on N line of Mtlitarv Street 75 ft.; thence N lay ft.; theme V 75 ft.; thence 8 130 ft. to place of beginning- J. C. bullerton Heir, hi n.ilnt in 8 side of Military 8t.; lit yj chailiB W of HE cor. of CI. No 66, of J. Huntley, situated in Tp. 27. 8. H. 6, WWM. run ning thence W ulong X line oi mid Military Nt. 120 ft to K line of Old County Itoad leading to Lune 8t. Ilridge. (now Corey Ave.J, thence 8 along K line of Corey Ave. linf ft.; thence B to property lino of I KohlhuK-n, thence N along said KuMliagen line 100 ft. to place of beginning C'S.CO 1 KohlhaKeti -Ii'g. at point on 8 l-ropeily line of Military St., from which street monument at interhcction uf Coiev Ave. & Military 8t, bear8 N 0 deg 20 mlu. hi 30 ft. and N 89 Ut g 40 inhi. W AiH tt.; theme N 89 deg. 10 mtn. V 278 ft. to property line of J. C. Fuller ton; thvnce 8 along said prop erty line ft.; thence ii parallel Willi Military St. 278 ft. thence X 100 ft. to 'begin ning H1C.45 Douglas County, To County . Hoad 1192.38 A. J. He I Iowa Beg. At point 60 ft. X & 27.60 ch. K of aV cor. of DIJ of J. Huntley, Maine be iiiHT Xo. 66 in Tp. 27, 8. It. 6, WWM; running thence K on N lino of M lltary 8t. 140 ft. to W line of Madrono Ave.; theme N 100 ft. along W one ot Ma drono Ave.; thence W 1 Ml ft.: then, e S loo ft to place of be- KUUIIIIK Sioier o f Merey. Corporation H eg. at point 60 ft. X &. S".4i th. K of WW tor. or J. Hcntiey 1IA' Xo. 56 in Tp. 27, 8. it. 6. WWM; running ihinru 8 along K lino of Count v iio;id to S line of fa Id DiJ Xo. r,B. tnem-e K 1 00 II ; tilt iU e X 6u ft.; theneo W 100 tt. to place of beginning .... 281.00 U. Hjiipbi ll All that part of following ib-SlTllH'd pi IIIO'eH i liirf K fioin Diik 8t. Bridge. J.cgiiininK at pomt 1.3,'i th. K of K cor. Of UlAJ Xo. 66 of J. Jluiuiey, Mituated la Tp. 27, 8. It. 6, WWM; tht me W il.67 ch.; tlience 8 l.io ch.; tnen f .s il d g. K to V bang of w lniHua Hi ver; tlieio o following tne meanders l the W bank of eu lil uer In JK dire, lion io tij ola e ot be- H'unlng . . . . Ut-i iha. i:ii-ii,th 1 1. m1 go All that pail i-t-al esiati; i i.ig S of Military St. and the OitK Hi. bridge or off and from the folio rt in g dftf rlhed I eal pn.p- ity. n .-wit: il. g. at point Uil cli. K of SE cor. if AJ! Xo. w6 ot J. llunlk-y, MluaUd In Tp. 2.". ii. ;. ti. WWM, Ihtrnv 14.57 ch.; them e 8 1.60 . b.; theme S z deg. hi to V bonk of 8 I'mpqim Itiver; then e following tiie nteandern of W l.ink o( K.od nver in NK d.-le-tion to the pla e of b. khi t;in. Miipt that part cold to Walter . Cum! well S'tO f6 Wall, r W. ardwell It. at point on S piop.-?ty lme of Military Aw. iroin wlm h Ht.ut-t inoiKiin. nt nt In tet aim -to -n tf i ..r.y & Military Av. . beam X d it 20 mm. 1-. :; It. ami X k'J deg. in mlu. V 4S It.; Ih.Jee 8 t ueg. I'll mill. 111 4 ft. to Hiakr; tloii c x -o d. g. in inin. k ft. to Make on li It bat.k of' 8 l iup-Mi-tt Hi r. l hence N r,u d. g. inin. 1-: :'j.4 ft. along hank to lake; 1 1. io e N o deg, jn inin. K li. fi. to xtake mi S Iiroperty line of Mililarv A v ; l ii'.'e X deg. 40 msn. W 60 II. tj place of beg liming . . 211.16 follows, to-wit: KfUe n 1 1 HHptln Amount hi. P. Ilallou I,ot , Aiken's Ad- union, Itosebura 171 tt . nanou hiii a. Amen Ail. dition, HoaehurK J7 13 Nainie Kl,nke U 4, Alkt-a a Addition, Itttnebuiff S7 13 Lucie ingeU t-t 6. Alknn'M Art- i, Aiken s Aiken's 37.13 37.13 s, Aiken's 37.13 dition. Ittuifhni U. I Whipple W Addition. Kiebui g H. U Whipple--Utt Addition. Kottbeurg . 1 Whipple Uit A4ldiitni, koaeborg 39 OV U. U Whipple ft. Aiken'. Addition, Uoveburg IC. h, v'dpple Uot 10,'Alken'a Addition. Koaeburg 11 'hippie Uit ii, Aiken's Aildition. Hoseburg lncte Inglen U-t 12. Alkt.n' Addition. Hosehurg 7. . . Lucie ingel La.t IS. Aiken's Addition, Koaeburg (W. lt ft.) M. Woodruff Ii 1.1 Aiken's Addition. Hojeburg (R. 3o ft. M. Woodruff Li 14, Aiken's Add It ion. lliiMihitrtr M. Woodruff Lot IS. Addition, Koaeburg . M. Woodruff Uit 11. Addltlou, Hosebura; . Aiken's ' 'Aiken's 63.14 ! 37.13 j 37.13 37.13 8.28 7.86 37.13 17.13 37.13 Total I621..S7 A statement of the aforesaid attaesa ment haa been entered In the Docket of City Liens and the aame is now due and paable at the office of the city treaa urer In the city hall in lawful money or the United 8tatea and If not paid within twenty days from the date of this notice, such proceeding will be taken for the collection thereof a are provided by the charier of the vlly of Uoaeburg, Oregon. Property owners who denlrs to take advantage of the Bancroft llonding act for the repayment of the a an e Hu merus are hereby notified to call upon ttie City Hecorder lor said purpose not later than Marth 14th, lit 2 4, ai appli cations will not b accepted after that date. It. I WHIPPIER, City Hecorder of the city of Itose burg, Oregon. 827.24 . . 280.411 . . 656.C6 210.1 . t7.l-H.l6 the 1 Irt IH 1. ' .M.)iher" .... " .. .l"'"K and lind km nr. l b twe-n varii)U I. . "Mh, r,.a. Z.l-"'"? non of the pvi-nlne .....1 . ' Bounn norrs. :u waa ui i kium ho-Mi.i Ka:.. ? '"te '"at a moth-.,,,.. w. , f,..., i,.,,,. n(i was Valu- " HtL The i v n f "d '" f d al $, fi"- I'1"' Fi'ni.-r u -fhlnK nrj , ' Rvo niHiiy ; towed ironi Iht wharf inio tlio bay tTMslon u-k. .!!', 1 a laall"K after the fire as discovered and "n o mor Invitation was , b- ach. d on a sand ;.it. . llo -11 ' - - III! th- i'ity In lawful nd if ted Ironi ihr ni-ceiling! I'll t 'iei Of . "I the Mrninr Th- "'rrnon. W at the m te the , r o. and ih , . . ways pieaae. orcuestia. Tie prominent tm u in bis home state. I vocal solo, Mrs. William Hiiuy with I Totiil A M.iti'fnt nr of the ntm, IIK Iit ll.ir ! II I'llteM d In ot City Lou- i.tid the name nun p v 1.1. at the id in e of Tr..u:,i.n 1 1.1 thr. it hitll money of n.e t'rilttd Gluten u 'aid wii iiin twi nty ila m dale of it, it- iiotiie. such pr ' 1 1 oe i;t h !) i"r in- col C 1 . 1 11 I 1 of in are pf vidi-d by the 'barter the ilty i.f li di-lnirK, Oiegon. rrop.-ri.v r.'AiUTs who d'Hire to take advantage "I th- H;np-rri bonding A-i r.r in npayineiit of the hmo-hh-nientH ,iti- l,-r fy nolilo-d to i.tti upon ttn. . r- '- itb r for i-al'l purport- not Inl.T thuii M.it'-h J 4t ti. Ili.'l, n upplt- tilidtia Kill let be H'Ctpted hllrr tout date. !:. wmjppli:. (irv l..i f.r'S'T of 11.4. eliv of 1 low- burg, Oi I Hi 1 1 MUM K if sk.ii:m- I'Ott thu imi iiih i,i, r or nt 1, i Ki;i.i 'uti- i l.ti-el-y given if. at ito- om tin.fi eoi-.il ..f the ely of J : . tP-. o g. On gut), d.il en the lftli day of I'thru- rninaic e o, !, d--Ttient for the improve ' 1 t f roni 1 I.h i -t-r tr-i't to th fiiPi A 1 nrlit-of-M , In finif-K. I ir'-Koil. to t.e t!p pari or lot or p;irei of benefitted thcrebt as NOTIf'K 4F AHSK.KT KH TIIK IHI'ltOVKMKM' OK KANK hlHKKT Notlc la hereby given that the com mon council of the city of KoHchurg. Oregon, did on the Ittth dv of Febru ary, ia-4. by Ordinance No. MM, de clare the aaeesmuent for the Improve ment of Kane Street from the south line of Lane atreel to the south end of knn Mrcet a dedicated, in the city of Unite burg. Oregon, to tie upon each lot or part of lot or parcel 01 land espe cially benefitted thereby, as follows, to-wit: Name Description Amount il. V. Young Kant of Lot 4. Block 0, Itoaehurg $373. 9 Adella lladley Nurih 10 ft. ot Lot 3. block CO, Koneburg. . . . 46.75 T. i. W -utherford S. pirtlon of Lot 3, block 60. dencrlhei! as follows: beginning at SB cor. of Lot 3, running thencu In N direction along V line of Kane Ml.. 70 ft.: thence W und at right angles with Kane St., 7o ft.; thence run ning H 70 ft. to the lot tmw owned by P. benedick, thence r; along saia ioi 10 it. u pluee of beginning J. tl. Day. Jr. lxt 2. block 60, Koaeburg, Oregon 378.99 Frank Helllwell lot 1. block 60, Itnaeburg Oregon 373.91 Eniina Howard The U 4j of fol lowing deHcribed premlMes: beg. at KK cor. of blk. 60; thence H along W line of Kane ti. bo ft.; thence W parallel v lth Ijiiif St. IVl ft. to K linn of Alain 8t; thence N along K line of naid Main Hi. 60 ft.; tlience I along 8 line of Haiti blk. tt. til ft. to place of beginning II. It. Ntrbus The V H f fl- lowing described premti'eN: beg. at point on K uoumlnry of Kune ht. where K bouud nt y of recorded plat and sur vey of nuld city luteibecta K boundary of Kane St., tald point being 30 ft. 12 of stone monument which la In center line of Kane St. and on H boundary Una of survey and recorded plat of said city and running thence S along K boundary line of Kane Hi., 60 ft. to the land owned hy H. Hamilton tat.; thence E along N line of naid land of H. Hamilton Kst., 174 ft.; thciica N f5 ft, to stone monument, thence W to place of begin ning. Also beginning at NW cor. of above mentioned tract, thence N 2 deg. K 30 ft.; inence 8 67 deg. K 184'i ft. to Moor St., thence H deg W along W boundary of Moore St. t the Kli cor. of certain tract of land deeded by K. KUnt and Addiaon H. Klilit, her li unbuild to Maria A. Flint on the U'th day of ler., lHftl and record ed on page 411 of Vol. 12, Heed Itecords, thence W along N boundary of said prernln-8 is; ft. to K aide of Kane 81., and place of beginning 420.73 Dexter Hlce The W nf fol lowing deacfilu-d preininea: Hear, nt point from which atone monument al ri extrein- . Ity of Kane 8t. bears 8 77 deg. W 61 Iks. d 1 Mtn nt, thence 8 r7 deg. Ii 2Si Iks., thence N SS'i deg. B H24 Ika.. thence N 55 deg. V 3i! Iks. to K Hide nf Kane 81., thence 8 27 deg. Ihen. i. 8 hi deir K 21 'i ft.: W I.VT-5 Iks. t" biKiiiuing 47.66 I. (irave.H, (li. K. arr SUNDAY DINNER Hill Bros. Coffee Liptons Tea Used Exclusively TERMINAL CAFE Open Every Day from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. 12 M. to 8 P. M. Jacknon and Washington . . X x y t x x . t x . amc SUSPECTS HELD E (A..nclatMl rr... Ta.ed Wire.) SALT LAKH C1TV. Kfb. 2i. Lo cal aulburltit-s were InlorniiHl toilHy of the arrcxt at Clilraxo of John LinKo and tiforgo Martiu, In whose poHai-Hsinn were found newmmner cllpplnxa. Riving detaila of the mur der here two year b ago of Mra. Omer R. Woods for whose death the slain woman's huxband was execut ed lant month, l.lngo and Mnrtln. ar- cordiiiK to Information to bait Luke authorities are held for Investiga tion In Chicago. It was the contention of Omer R. Woods, even when he was before the firhiK squad, that two robliera. one of whom he thouKht A. C. Vadm-y of Council. Idaho, and not he, killed his wife. Mrs. Woods waa an In valid. She was choked to loath as she lay In bed In tlio Woods apartment home here and then an attempt made to act fire to the bed. Woods was a native of To nn esse and a former probate judge in Idaho. CHIEFS MUST BE PRESENT , All Unipqua Chiefs who full to show up for Initiation at the ceremonies tonight will be drop. pod from the organization, ac- cording to an official order of Chief Unipqua Neuner. Chief , Neuner slated that every mom 4 ber will be required to be prea- ent, only the greatest emergency I being accepted as an excuse. ' f II. IV. I la t' IT' lit "f l!"l" lit f Win . line r tl th . nv ..f I: .in a. ti li t " l.nd clieiliii)' liuvl Tlio W '4 of followlliK l''i.rrtle.l .r.'itiLi'fi: II. k "t I'nllll on K sl.le nf . Kj.ii. Hi. ll-olil wlltrll Ht.ill.' lll.illillll.'lit lit S elul of Kane St. I.'ilr H -J7 .l.-K. K Xltf IkH. ilmtalil; tlM-n. e f f.-' I'K. I". 221 3- ft.; tl. e K M't, .1. K. W r.'l II : I ,. ... .. N Sr. .1. k. W :.il fl ; lo i: Kj.l.i of Kails HI ; tli'-n.-i- N li .1. K. W HlutlK K Hl'lf of Ki.ik- SI. 7 1-3 ft. to place of li.'Klnnliig 3j6.83 Him. I'lirn Nut. Hank Tin. W '4 of tii" followliiK l'-. rlti. 'I .r. lilln".' Il.-K at pi.mt on K hi. lr of Kane HI : S Ui ilix. I'. fioiti fioliit In .. 'liter of Mini si . :i lit . tl. N 21 il.'lT K flolll fli'ii.- nioii'iiiK'nt iiii.rkliiK s t.-Liiinui. of Kitio' Ht. In .-Hy ,.f lii..-l'iii k: tli'" e H r.1.' .l.-i. K 2'J3 ft.; tii.'ino N n; .l.-ir. k hi fi.. tin io.- N r-.' .I'-jf v ft. to K ai'l' of Kune St.. Ili.ll..' ..II K al.le t,H ft. to il:: " of lii'Kinnlnir. Almi fol .loM ni. II' Kiiuilntc at point on K Ki.l.' of K.iii'' Ht.. . ly of I:, k. toirtf. fr-on whh II S es Ir.oolv "f Kun.' Ht. t..-;ir H 1'7 .1. x. V :nr. Ikn iliMant, i.-i. .' H 1-1 !. W -'.. ft.; ft.; then'.' In W .ltr.'.tlon par till. I with fli"t Ho'' I" K twnitinnrv of Kune St.. Ihi'ino N L'T .1- li K ft I" Pi of t n ill t.i Kx.-.pt from Hi" jiIlw t il" it L.li'l'. a rtrlp of I m. I t ft. wl.l" off K m.le of l.-io ill" il lands. .l.-'. 'l. d lo J I' llark. r 2.SI J r Darker. (II. C Wa'I I. Ml -II. al Hi; . "T. of l.anr A Kill'.' Ht. . thence H l.l"liK K llii" of Kune Ht, 47 ft.; th. no K panillcl with l.aii.- Ht. I in ft.; th.-nce N p-iriill'l wlfli Kin Ht 47 ft.; lhenc W c I ..rice 8 lln. of Xmiiv Mt. lo pU' .. of ! Klniilng 5U.78 Total :;. 1 K.71 A aliili'iii' nl of th" af'.r.MH.I i ' ..w i.icnt h:..-. I" - tl cnlcri-.l In the liie kc! ..r I 'Il v I.lcni. alol Hi" Hume Ih now il-i" atol i.hvhM" at Ih" offoe of Ih" cilv In tl'" ' II v hull In l.i w I 'il I tut. -I Htutc. Hii'l ir ri"l t w en I v flu a f I "til til" i : . ii"l lc ni' h pro. "i .11 int. K '- n f'T the . "Ill ll"li th.'le- i.f a. nr.- I't'iwI.'J I'.' II"' 'halt.r ot lli" rv of l:....t"irir iircaon. 'r"'"rtv iliuti who "ilie to taka a'Jviiliti.lfe of t:i" Itancriift Idill.llliK A' t fi.r th" r.'l" . nii ui f III" a.io .a fi'iitv m. Ii.rci.v notlflct to .all np or th" .if r r.t.-r f"r t.alrt pin j.'.y" ,i.l ;i Iff tf .11 M..I' I' lHh. Il'il. -. l.p- j.li, ,i!"H. will not ha j.. . t-.t"l i.rt.-r tti.it ilale. it I. wmi'i-i-i;. f'ity lEccorik-r of t). ( ity uf l;oiie buig. Oregon. of of t I," t" CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the kind friends and neighbors, and I he pastor who assis ted Uri in the loss of our loved one, and also fur the beautiful floral of ferings. W. P. WII.SON, JKSSK L. TKVKBAUGH, AND FAMILY. THREE ARE DEAD (Associated I'riss Itasca Wire.) i MARTINEZ, Cal.. Feb. 23. Mr 1 Ida Joseph died here today fro J burns which sho Buffered when fl: ,,' destroyed the Joseph home on Tw chell Island In the Sacramento rlv. ' delta district last night and took tl lives of Dorothy, 19 months, ai . Sarah, six weeka old, children of Mt Joseph. 0 j I Put a Back of Oromore on yo' i lawn or garden. It is a clean odorle , mm iioweriui leriuizer. Hold I Wharton Bros. I FORMER BANK PRES. ARRESTED TODAY (Aaanctnted Press leased Wlrs.) WASIIINUTON, Keli. 23. Albert D. Wltcher. said to b former presi dent of the Ely National hank at Ely, Nevada, was arrested here to day by a spoclnl agent of the depart ment of justice and local police. He is being held at tlio request of the Nevada authorities. Chief Hums of the bureau of In vestigation suid Wltcher was accused of having tnken ! 1G,000 of bank money early in 1921. Ho was appre hended lit Colorado In 1921! but es caped. FANATICS STAUK Ol'TIIItKAK (AarorlRted ?reH T.eascd Wlra. LAIIOKi;, Dr., India, Feb. 23. The outbreak among the Akulls or bmn tunnllcs. In one region of Jalto is growitu;, according to advices re ceived here. A hand of 1,000 men Is being organized to proceed from Am ritsar as soon as possible and Join too raiders. tt'O.V 1 1 1'XS.H A X 111 HICK (Ansoel tit crl l'ress Leased Wlrn.l NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 2:t Fun eral serviroa for i.inry Carland Du preo, ineiuber of congress from the second Louisiana district, who died In Washington Thursday, wero hold here this morning. Thu body, ac. companied by a large parly of sena tors and representatives and friends of the deatl congressman, arrived from the nationul capital on an early morning train. Congressional dele gnllona which attend. .1 the funeral Included Senators Uunsilell anil llroiissnrd of Louisiana, and repre sentative Lin. border of California. DKFICIT IS SHOWN (Associated Preis Leed Wire.) i NEW YORK. Feh "5 The. tual condition of clearing hoti bunks and trust companies for tl wocKt live nays) shows a duflcit : reserve of $5,603,350. ! This Is a decrease or $19,289,10 o Stewart sheep shearing, niacliln and parts at Wharton Ilros. : MILTON MILLFIt NAMED fAasnrlaterl Press Leased Wire.) SALEM. Feb. 23. Mlllou A. M ler, former Internal revenue collect at Portland, was this morning a pointed as a member of the sla text book commission by Govern Pierce to succeed Harrison O. Pla of Portland, resigned. i Governor Plorce also announc tho appointment of A. C. Marine of Roseburg to succeed himself i tho state fair board. o i Barrel sprav outfits complete 1 $23.50 at Wharton Uros. BLACK FLAG HOISTED Shortly before noon today a bla ' flag of piracy was hoisted over t I Unipqua Hotel. Tho vanguard of t Cons Lny nsr.rPKation entered t city this iminiln:;. and seized t I'mprjiin Hotel tm thoir base of op. : atlons, riii'J above 11 hoisted their oi ; ensign lo irdlcnte that they h taken possession of thu city. o Good spray hose at Wharton Bro. j Mrs. Charles Watson who resides Myrtle Creek spent several hours this city this morning attending ' business mailers. , Mm. Myrtle Wilder and daughter j Glenilale spent a few hours In II . city today shopping und visiting w , friends. Order Your T I v 'fc I Hyr wurh btU r it la to Fit down In tho I I J it of your own homo and make up your 1 (y"vV: I 8(c' ,,r''''r- 10 enl niail, than it ift I 'UVVt. 1 to BLAn(J WAinv in a crowdtd scud store. I i v.IiiVvik 1 The rush nr.d ronfusion incident to uprinjp I ( VwXl plnntir.jc time in.-rp.wi? the chancii for xni- I ' V tueK' tfcpffuiliy with counter trade. f Sjffi'fci&:ii'fj out orders within lZ hours from the time they are received. XwSf J j r" r'THM-i'l tnw in UBvrn 4VnU 3 jiM.'Tr. "r J',,"1 KTni!rtlon. 6Jv . jf.TilSB''. "nlr ISrkft. I LUItT &irft?-" r::J"W . i' '.. .!.. iih uii k. vCriV, rAr - .'-l.H3Vi.--N. "."" 'n.l..rt.lu SiUjL?, CF - -3 EDS T)ired ijtcMGitlBfos. tZiZZZ- ) v Portland, Oregon , . ' ' i