Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 08, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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I . Ml BMW
' T Qjunty farmers end v Douglas County
,J?rDouglaCountyCOW8, . . .
i?.,v home grown grain you pay only the
hen'0;t and one small profit.
buy imported feed you pay two railroad
ain buyer's profit, a miller's profit, a whole-
'ibtt,8f. a retailer's profit..
.ft prom. ,
, better feed and keep your money at home.
Land PlMter Nitrate row In stock
First Come First Served.
-Let's Maks I Million."
Inn Bureau Cooperative Exchange if
Revelations of k Paid Companion
Author of "My Huiband and I," "A Wife's 8tory," ete.
-i-ii-ii-iriri-innri irii-inriftriririrri' '
I as'tttt
- .
La Feb. . "All glass pack-
? " ,l exnert
J "' "1 ..Pinion
Kg n the epidemic
ft, in Albany from eating
E Mai-
U impossible to ---
13 .ninach With-
.,.... hniulluus develop-
fciiowy , i,i
I Canoed vegeiuui". w
Later, must b heated to at
linger.""' ithntand
loll) flegicea
So laas pata w"i "
nnslng spinach the govern-
.i that ft rpcordlne
r . i.n1 nr tun unin-
. ( I hnva n uVAf
0f boiulinus getting into peas
., , i. nAUJ;ku r.if if in
o them when improperly
Ic Huolr.irl In th
II BHlfl uw-.v- ----
fcz of canned vegetables the
uolher warning I wish to
it do affected canned vcge-
ioald be dumped on the
There la lway danger oi
cr tutor !s mating it, hut it
,-jtei the ground as well."
illon manaecr of Iitint
fctunery, also issued a warn-
iktae canning declaring
niHd vegetables should be
Mm the temperature of 240
degrees. He disagrees with Race
however, in stating that glass cans
will withstand that high temperu-ture.
n in Roseburg
pi Umpqua
fovide for that Inevit
able "Rainir rW
It Now and Save Worry
-"10 ail Kinds of Hps lh
Accident and Fire Insur-
?ohn e: flurry
Insurance Agency
Rooms 1 snd 2
Roteburg Bank Bldg.
Roseburg, Ore.
one 183
There can be nothing simpler than
taking a convenient little tablet four
times each day until your weight la
reduced to normal. That's all just
purchase a box of Marmola Prescrip
tion Tablets from your drugglBt for
one dollar, the same price the world
over. Follow directions no starva
tion dieting or tiresome exercising.
Eat substantial food be as lazy as
you like and keep on getting slim
mer. And the best part of Marmola
Prescription Tablets Is they are harm
less. That Is your absolute safe
guard. Purchase them from your
druggist, or send direct to Marmola
Co., 4613 Woodward Ave., uetroit,
Uhapuw XXL
Mollis glanced suspiciously from
Guy to me, saying:
"Will you please help me, Rila, I
an going out and haven't but Utile
"As soon as I see If your mother
wants me," I replied, Glad of the
Interruption I hurried f ny room,
laid off my out-door thinks. L.n
sought Mrs. Ellwood's room.
'"Didn't I bear Mollle's voice'" Her
eyes straining toward the door.
"Yes, she spoke to me tn the hall."
"Why didn't she come in? I see so
little of her." The Invalid's voice was
"I will tell her you wish to see
"Co, Rita. Ask her to come and
sit with, me a while."
I arranged the dIIIows. wonderlna
If Molly would give up her engage
ment to sit with her mother, doubt
ful, and tilled with pity for the wo
man, yet young, whose future seemed
so dark.
Nothing In the world could have
made me see the futility of money
as a means to happiness as did the
pitiful condition of my weulthr c ni
ployer. Almost constantly confined
to her bed with a sort of paralysis
of her legs, a weak heart that miKht
take her away at any moment and
last approaching blindness.
After making her comfortable I
hurried to Mollle. She was partially
disrobed and a lovely shimmering
evening gown lay on the bed.
"I thought you never would come.
she greeted me. "Please laj out my
stockings and slippers, for me. and
will you dress my hair? I am so
nervous I can't do a thing with It.
"I'll be glad to do it, Mollle, but
your mother is asking for you, sent
you a message."
"She wants you to sit with her for
a while.
"Oh, Rita: I Just can't. Larry Is
going to take me out to a road house
In his now car. I promised to meet
him In an hour. I dare not let him
come here. Father or Guy would be
sure to see him, and prevent my go
ing. They think Larry reckless, but
be Isn't. lie's a wonderful driver."
"I'll do everything I can to help
you dress, but do run to your moth
er, if only for a moment. She'll be
sad all the evening If you don't."
"Poor mother. I'm a perfect
brute to spend so little time with her,
but I can't endure a sick room, and
I'll be young only once. I'll be back
In a Jiffy." Mollle flittered from the
I found her slipper and stockings,
laid out her motor coat and gloves.
What a gay creature' she was, and
how Impatient of restraint. My con
science troubled me a bit, I was help
ing her dress to go out with a man
of whom her father disapproved, but
after all it was none of my bust-
I almost wish I had not seen
mother," Mollle burst out.
"It Is so hard to get away. It
makes me feel such a little beast
when she begs me to slay. I had
to lie too. She thinks I am going ov
er to Nancy Loomis'. Be sure you
don't give me away."
She sat down bofore the dressing
table, and I began to do her hnir,
such wonderful hair, soft and wav
ing. Her eyes reflected In the mir
ror a curious look.
"What were you and Guy quar
reling about when I came In?
"Was he making love to you?
The voung voice hardened.
"No, Indeed. He was talking of
'lty the way I met Rart Just ss I
turned Into the street. He looked as
If he was furious over something.
hardly Baw me. I hope he and
haven't been quarreling. They never
hit it off very well. Guy Is such a
I breathed freely again. I had
dispelled her suspicions, but the
timbre of her voice had carried its
warning. She would be offended if
Guy made love to me.
Tomorrow: Mollle Meets With An
I Liberty Theatre.
When titles of well-known books are
I rhknvMt f r lha vo..inn. ihuni
is usually a storm of protest Critics
Bay that the practice misleads the
Rut It was to keep the public from
being misled that Goldwyn changed
the name of "Name the Man!" which
conns to the Liberty theatre next Sun
day for three days.
When Sir Hall Caine wrote the
story, he published It under the name
of "Master of Man." Since that R
time, several pictures with sbnllar'K
titles, but based on altogether differ-1 f
ent themes, have been issued, and it d
was to avoid a confusion that Goldwyn ' d
consulted with the celebrated English i A
novelist and wirh him otmmI m
I TF7' TT TP??
i w.
We have a new lot of Fire Shovels that will please you,
worth 50 cents regular, but by buying a large quantity
we have been able to offer them at 30 cents each.
While they are on display in our windows we are
making a special each of
Monte Spauldiug has traded
touring car tor a Ford truck.
Miss Post and Miss Benjamin ac
companied the debating team to Myr
tle Creek.
Ralph King of the Leas Motor Co.
of Oakland was looking after business
here Wednesday.
A large crowd attended tho dance
given at the Crowell home, Saturday
evening. All report a very fine time.
Bill Hucking who is employed with
a bridge gang at Lebanon was in our
midst Sunday.
W. D. Cary is overhauling the ma
chinery In the E. G. Whipple mill,
getting it ready for the spring run.
J. N". Post was a Eugene visitor last
The debating team lost to the Rose
burg team Friday.
Jack Swearingen was In town Wed
nesday looking after business.
Mrs. Fred Anderson
fow 's the time to get
ou spring cleaning
one- We clean every- f
curtains nm.
in k- - .. 6: ",M i
r """senold goods as
H as all wearing ap-
TRf our way
fry ft
r uto Will Call
Sparkling Eyes
Follow good Health
Salem, Oreg. "For several year9
I suffered with liver trouble and
stomach disorder. I was constipated
and had a gassy condition of the
stomach. I doctored, but could not
fet rid of these conditions until
began taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets, and since I took these "Pel
lets' I have not had any more
trouble with my liver or stomach.
"I can highly recommend Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets to anyone
suffering with stomach or liver ills."
Mrs. Fred Anderson, 90S S. 21st
Street. ,
Constipation is at the root of
many ailments. You can avoid
manv of the ills in life by obtaining
Dr. 'Pierce's Pleasant Pellets from
jour druggist.
Send 10c for trial pkg. or writd
for free advice to Dr. Pierces In
valids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.
(Address ill communications
to Mrs. EllSDury, care of News-Review.)
Tan save vou $250 on practical-
a. iu aw 192S Chevrolet coune.
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will yon give
me advice on a very important mat
ter to me. I am In love with a man
who is getting a divorce from his
wife. They have not lived together
for a year, and she is not even in this
town. He is getting a divorce from
her. Under those circumstances is it
all right for us t be seen in public
together, and could I wear an engage
ment ring? How soon can we get
married after he gets his divorce?
. M. J.
M. J.: Under those circumstances
you may go together, but do net wear
an engagement ring, until at least a
month after his divorce la granted.
Under the Oregon law you may not
marry until six months have elapsed
after the divorce Is granted.
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I am of the
opinion that good 'common sense is
a good thing to go by In social con
ventions, but my husband's mother is
a stickler for conventions, and we are
always disagreeing over It. Recently
1 hud a caller, a woman who is sup
posed to be very high socially and dur
ing the time she was here, my hus
band came home, and had to go away
over night on a sudden trip. I excused
myself and packed his bag. My mother
In law entertained the visitor while I
was gone which was only a few mo
ments. She told me afterwards that It
was not good form to do It, and that
I should not have done it under any
consideration. What do you think?
MARTHA: I do not say that your
mother in law is wrong, and doubt
less many of the older social set
would agree with her, but I am always
in favor of common sense, either in
society or in business, and cannot
see that you committed any social
may be enrolled In the Heln-
line Kindergarten until Feb-
ruary 8th.. Each child receives
Individual instruction from Mrs.
Hoinllne, Miss Adams, and Miss
Robinson. Jitney calls for child-
with hltn. atrreed on .
"Name the Man!" even at the risk of.
losing the value of the advertising
which resulted from the interest I
which the story aroused under Its orl-l
ginal title.
The new name Is In perfect keeping 1
with the story, which deals with the:
young and very human Judge on the
isie or Man, and of the great climax
in his life and in the Uvea of two
The all star cast Includes Mae'
Busch, Conrad Nagel, patsy Ruth
Miller, Hobart Bosworth and Crelgh
ton Hale. Several spectacular scenes
call for great mobs, and along with
beautiful scenes of natural grandeur
are elaborate settings. Including those
of the great caslte and prison on tho
Isle of Man.
'."Haddy," for the first time In
Jacky Coogan's brief artistic career.
gives nim opportunity to repeal the
depths of tragedy. It Is not a mourn
ful, harrowing picture, but there Is
one scene In It whlh takes the little
actor to the edge of the very abysB
of despair not the petulant, shal
low sorrow of careless childhood,
but the poignant hear-searlng sad
ness of a human soul to which no
age can be assigned. The scene Is
brief and la preceded and followed
by the smiles and laughter always
associated with this little genius;
but within the limits of Its brief spell
this episode will move the most soph
isticated spirit and stir the hardest
heart, provided there bo left in them
a snark of real humanity.
Without equivocation, this one epi
sode preserved on the screen will
forever Indicate little Jackie Coogan
as one. of the greatest actors of all
times, and so long ns human hearts
are susceptible to the Influence of
human appeal, so long will Jackie
maintain his place among the bril
liant stnrs of the acting world. "Dad
dy" will be shown at the Antlers
Theatre tonight.
Churchill Hardware Co.
The Winchester Store
Five hundred nlnety-slx carloads of
onions have been Bold on 88 markets
In 25 different states for the Indiana
Farm Bureau Onion Growers' Ex
change by the Federated Fruit and
Vegetable growers. The Growers are
the sales agency for the Onion
The third payment has now been
mailed to all members bringing
Covi m
V VapoRub
Oht 1 7 Milium Jan U4 ma-rty
with wet baking soda
afterwards apply gently
The Rmlck P. T. A. will hold a cook
ed food sale, at Vosburgh's Grocery
Store, Saturday, Feb. 9.
The Rev. A. L. Beckeni..rf, a mis
sionary fi-ora the Philippine Islands,
delivered a very interesting address
at the Methodist church, Monday eve
ning, February 4th. Tuesday morning
he gave an interesting talk at the
high school auditorium, on the Philip
pine Islands. He was loudly ap
plauded by all present at the cloBe of
his speech.
The E. IT. H. S. basket ball team
met the Yoncalla aggregation in
fast game of basketball Thursday eve
ningjan. 31. After the game the vis
iting team' was served a delightful
luncheon, by Yoncalla at the Drain B
B. hall, at which place the game was
Two or three Elktnn boys were giv
en quite a thrill Wednesday afternoon
when the game warden caught them
fishing in Elk Crock.
Dexter Haines had the misfortune
to sprnln his knee while playing ball
The local teachers'- Institute wae
held In Elkton, Saturday, Feb. 2nd.
The Freshmen basketball team won
from the grades Monday by a score of
17 to 14.
Several scholars have been out of
school lately on account of Illness.
X. Y. Z.
One of the most spectacular flushes
in "Flower of the North." which will
he shown at the Majestic Theatre on
Friday Bhows a lighted signal fire
which Pauline Starke, at Jeane.
kindles to start a
on the wapath.--
Tlils fire was kindled on the high
advance up to S2.50 for red standards.
$2.10 for white standards, $2.00 for
yellow standards, $1.60 for red
mediums, $1.60 for white mediums,
and $1.75 for yellow mediums.
About $300,000 has been distributed
In advances to members of the Indiana
Onion Growers' Exchange,
Officers of the Onion, Growers ex
press a belief I hat the membership in
the cooperative will be more than
doubled lu 1924.
They point out that during the
season of 1922, under the old method
of marketing, the average price the
onion growers of Indiana received for
their crop was between seventy and
eighty cents a hundred. The Initial
payment of the co-operatives was
eighty cents a bag as soon as the car
moved. This was brought up by sec
ond and third payments as detailed be
ihe officers of the onion growers
give strong endorsement to the serv
ices of the Federated Fruit and Vege
table Growers, Inc.
have the flavor as good In the prune
as in the syrup.
"All of these things have been ac
complished with the prune I have de
veloped and 1 have prunes which have
the stood up in the cans for over 10
months In perfect condition.
"These prunes are puffed out full.
with a decidedly tender skin and the
flavor Is perfect throughout the
prune, ss well as In the Juice."
Just what will be done with the
new system has not been determine..
but undoubtedly an effort will be maue
to handle a large quantity of prunes
out of here under the new guise.
The California association baa put
out some ready to serve prunes but
they have all been petltes or French
prunes and as far as Is known the
Race experiments are the only ones
that have ever been successfully con
ducted along these lines with -the
Italian prune.
OP M. H. PLYER ChlronraUo !,
slclan. 114 W. Last, 8t-
Thn nnnunt mtmtlncr nf ttia atnfr.
irme oi moians holders in tho Umpqua Valley Can
ning company has been called for
TZ&Kl& Ihe omce-ns of hat "company
Northern Oregon at midnight and Its ,r, , M1,lrttln tha ,. ,
flames shot hundreds of feet In the
air and were visible or many miles
The flnme resembled a huge giant
beckoning from the mountain top.
Several cameras were placed to catch
the spectacular blaze from various
angles so as to record it In all It
spectacular beauty. Tho results far
exceeded the expectations of Dnvld
Smith, who has a reputation of se
curing some of the most unusual
effects known to motion pictures.
"Flower of the North Is based up
on James Oliver Curwood's famous
novel bv the same name. It deals
with the land "north of 63" In the
summer time. It Is rcpicte with
thrills, adventure and a stronr love
Interest. An all stnr cast headed by
Kenrv B. Wslthnll and Tanllne
Ptarke was engaged for the production.
The Indies of St. Joseph's church
will hold a food sale, Saturday Feb. 10.
at Roseburg Grocery.
Nothing too good for the ronrterw
of the News-Review Is the watch
word or Douglas County's largest
Ix-glon to Aid School
Thp American Legion of this city
has received a request from (ilen
dale citizens to provide a speaker at
a school meeting to bu held In thnt
city. The city of Clendaln Is mnk
lng a rampalcn for a new school and
it Is expected that the local legion
will aid them as much as possible
n the Umpqua Post Is greatly Inter
ested In all question of an educa
tional nature.
This meeting is the annual meeting
to elect directors for the ensuing
year, to take care of other business
matters pertaining to the Interests
of the company. The time set for the
opening of the meeting is two o'clock.
Guaranteed Kelly Flint axes 8. B..
only $1.75 at Powell's.
Painlcu Extractioa Cu Wha Dcmtd
Masonic rtulldlng Roseburg, Ore.
. 1'koae 4KM
Teeth Extracted and Replaced same
d&y with or without plates.
SALEM, Feb. 7. After over a year
of experimenting, John II. Race, can
ning expert for the Oregon Growers
association, has developed a readv to
serve stewed prunes in cans tho diffl
obvlates every difficulty encountered
with such attempts In the past and
presents one of the finest articles in
diet possible to prepare.
Race has conducted the experiments
In his own little canning plant at
home, constructed fir experimental
purposes, and provided with a capa
city of 24 cans a day.
"In getting a satisfactory ready to
serve stewedp rune In cans the dlffl-i
culty has been to get them properly'
refreshed, to get the syrup Into the
prune, to get the tender skin and to
We cleanse and dry the
family linen better at a
very moderate rate.
Save work and wear by
calling 79.
IITHEN you want the best in
canned goods get the Royal
Club brand.
Get a can of spinach, It has
the real taste and is all ready
for use.
Economy Grocery
Phone S3
All Goods Found on Commission.
i 1 1 1 r
V MlVreftr J .tuicosa Jx-r5, -'.-V ".'J
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Crr"ftt t L'nilaxl FtMlur Vadaeat
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