fiOSEBURQ NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1924. FIVE Y I BRAN 1 Si V slt- ;i I I II' do you m T0 nCIIT CONSTIPATION the jnost dangerous condition your system can become chained to to get free from bleary bilious Ws, dull headaches, nausea etc., etc.! It Rid yourself of this dangerous condition or start "slipping" and become a prey to any; one of the most dreaded human ailments vhieh have their beginning with constipation and toxic poisoning I Fi"ht constipation as yon would fight firet Fillip it ih bran Kellogg's Bran BE. CAUSE IT IS ALL BRAN! Ion't temporize! Pon't waste time and health by going half-way t You need ALL BUAN; you need (he bulk, the "roughage" of ALL BRAN, because it sweeps, cleanses and purifies I REALIZE THIS foods with a part bran content can only relieve constipation in pro portion to the amount of bran they contain I If they are 23 or 50 per cent bran you mayj get 25 or 50 per cent relief! REMEMBER THIS Kellogg's Bran is ALL BRAN and is guaranteed to give you positive and permanent relief if you will eat two table spoonfuls doily, or as much with each meal in, chronic cases! Don't delay; don't fuss with half-way mea sures! You have too much at stake! All grocers sell " for Fort Monroe utenant Slator Miller left today rt Monroe, Va., where he Is sta lls a lieutenant In the artillery Lieutenant has beeu i in Rosi'lmrR with his moth rs. M. M. Miller, who has bwn iil Me will mnKe the return trip via the southern, route. Able to be Out James Goodman, who has been quite ill with tonsllitis, is able to be out again and to e in his of fice with the Qulne, Goodman and Company. View Temple of Finance to Mirror Dignity of Egyptian Prototypes W::U -It? Ah U ACUI6VKM6NT The iu - baildirif of it T '."-swve i'.ank to Si .' U Loui" 18 n the way mEplet,on. It i, ,n nrchiteet- mWm wmm:smm wnicvoment. It ro "JLd 'cnity of Kyptian 3" Kroupin of the Prts to indicate their 4 fJt3 '"""ncy and iSi",!1"1 '"It the archi- mA "l contro' the of. So i,nn "r.'vely between t!eriV7re,hc """"for in and l8 h"nR Lc' nX?1 1Aunc,hrn ''"ilities ' To 1 ' Louis. crc;n ve.d'..Kn without inter-relation. 0 B CBissitrt Govt KO. produce a texture of warmth anct charm Indiana limestone was owl. Most other federal reserve tanks are -constructed of this matoricJ having remarkable weatherinir qualities. Unlike ottwr stone it is available in hupe dimensions freo from blemixh. Uniformity of the blocks in the preat wall surfaces of bush-hammered finish and the sharpness of the clean-cut mould ings add irrcatly to the beauty of the new St. Louis structure. Simplicity, texture and scale are the dominant uotea in the exterior design, of thia nuuiumental build- ling. TO PASS THE BUCK (AiocltJ press Leased Wire.) HRPT IK V.K o -- m . .w.... t u. o. iua luruiRU ui- iiCA rttf 1 1 bhA tn 4 1 . Ambassador Wledfeldt's resignation s result of the Washington flax Incident but It seems to be clearly mo Euvernment s intention to shirt the responsibility to the ambassador. G. O. P. MUST CLEAN HOUSE JOHNSON SAYS ( AiJOM tt Pratae TaJ TTtr. V WASHINGTON. Feb. g. The re publican party muBt clean house or me people wtli do it for them. Sen tor Hiram W. Johnann fanrllriniA for the republican nomination for president declared in a statement is sued today. The senator characterized as ridiculous and absurd," recent "mysterious and anonymous" asser tions by Cool id ne managers that the president already ia virtually assur ed or more tnan enough convention votes to nominate. They follow the regular course of a Bourbon campaign to claim all while putting every obstacle In the way of free expression or fair con test." he continued. "If there were any such feeling of of security or any such certainty of success, it would be necessary to Bteal delegates In the south or deny primaries in the north like in Min nesota. "These Bourbon republicans, who control the republican machinery haxe a rude awakening before them and they may just as well make up their minds now as next June, that the republican party must clean house and If the republicans them selves don't clean their house and clean It thoroughly, the people will do it for them. SAYS NOW STIFF JOINTS MUST GO New Discovery Limbers 'Em Up and Even the Creaking ceases. Yes; It's true the world pro gresses. All you have to do nowadays to um ber up that etlff. rusty knee Joint is to squeeze a halt inch or miracle working substance from a tube. Then rub It on the offending part for about a quarter of a minute or until it soaks through the skin ana disappears on Its errand of mercy. Then read the evening newspapers and go to bed. The chances are that your misbe having knee loint will lose its "creak while you are dreaming about tne nign fences you use to leap when you were a youngster. "And In the morning," says one who has tried the new discovery, "you'll feel so happy that you'll want to lurnD Into your BDortlest clothes and walk briskly down the street JuBt to show the neighbors that you are not as old as they think you re." Joint Ease: Thoy call this wonder worMng substance, for the reason tnat when ordinary remedies fail to limber ud the stiff, inflamed rheumatic joint or reduce the swelling, Joint-Ease succeeds. It's a good name for a good, clean, stainless rjrescriDtlon that In Just a few months has proven to a multitude of people that lame, Bwollen, distorted Joints can speedily have the kinks taken out of them and work as smoothly as ever. But Joint Ease ir ror Domersome Joints . whether In knee, ankle, hip. shoulder, spine or finscr and for that purpose its sale is immense. VaiTian Fiillerton. noseburg. Ore gon, has a big supply of it and drug gists everywnere tejio.v "is -mand. o Bronchitis Neglected Coughs and Colds lead to Bronchitis, Asthma, Influenza and other compli cations. Stop Your Cough with FOLEY'S H011ETTAR EtfaMieW Wl Largest selling cough medicine ia the World. W.K CHAPMAN Hons are helping It along. The output for the season from the valley will probably fur exceed previous crops. GLEE CLUB GIVES SPLENDID PROGRAM NOTICE .Timt rAelvAH frnm mip Vnranra nice variety of gooseberries and grape vines. See J. C. Markley, Oregon Nur sery Co. The tVIUamette' University Glee Club was received by a fair audience at the high sohool last night when they put over a program of nnxed popular and classical songs seldom equalled In Itoseburg. The club is making a tour of the state and have gained a fine reputation this season. The negro folk songs and the work of the chorus was a delight to the au dience. Joe Knee, former Roscburg boy, who Is attending the university was a feature of the program in bis clever Scotch songs. Lawrence Waltz. who Is waking the tour with the club is an unusual Impersonator and his readings and the ,one act play which he gave brought him encore after encore. A cornet solo and a piano solo besides other numbers formed a repoertolre which was well worth the appreciation of the listeners. E 13 a JmMin tn raise funds for the support of the Louise Home for girls and the Albertina Kerr Nursery Home, two schools which are carried on under the direction of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society, is being made in Roseburg during this week. The different grade schools of the citv have taken up the work here and will conduct a tag sale on the ... nmnrmv The tans are to be sold for twenty-five cents each and It is expected the KoseDurg peopiu people will support the movement. i,n.t. ti,auo ahfuiia nre deserving of the best backing possible, as their work is of the best possioie nature in the matter of looking aftor the needs ,ka irntiunfl vnunir mothers and other dependents of the Pacific sec tion. The campaign IS stau-wiue anu each city is making effort to raise their reasonable quota. o FIRST CftBLQAD EVANGELIST STRESSES READING OF THE BIBLE The audience in attendance at the revival meeting at the Christian church last night was the largest of the week. Everyone seemed to enter into and Join the song service. This is one way that every one can take part and get good out of a revival, and Mr. Altheide gets all to sine, while his own wonderful tenor. voice rings out above all. The song service is always a great spiritual uplift. Mr. Stivers spoke last night on "The Four Biggest Fools In Roseburg." Ills four fools were the daring fool, the egotistical fool, the lying tool, and the rich fool. Ho enforced his sermon with splendid Illustrations, and striking epigramatlc statements. Some of these statements were, "You may fool me some of the time, but you cannot fool God any of the timo." "Christ is God s ideal of man, and man's ideal of a Cod." "Show your faith In God's word to take God at Trie word." "I would rather have one fonnatory than one thousand reform atories." Tonight Mr. Stivers will preach on the great theme, "Doei rieath End All." There will be no ser vice on Saturday evening, but on Sun day morning and evening the evangel ist will continue to bring his great messages and the wonderful messages In song are greatly uplifting. It Is ex pected that other musical features will be arranged for. Another striking feature of the meeting is the Bible reading. Mr. Stivers asks the people to read the Biblo every day, and each evening the number of chapters read are reported. Over three hundred chapters were re ported last night as having been read ysterday and about 700 since the meeting began. This will be one of the Interesting features through the entire series of services. Tl LEFT FOR MID The high school hoop squad left this morning for Med ford where they will meet the high school team of the city In a game tonight. Med ford was one of the chief causes for Rosebnrg's failure to get a chance at the state conference last year, and the locals are In the game for "blood" tonight. This is the first game the Roseburg boys have played for two weeks, and they have been training hard since the last contest which was played with the 1'nlverslty high of Eugene. The whole line-up Is In the best of trim and ready to '"do their stuff." Coach Larson took the following reg ular players and substitutes on the trip south this morning: Bill Burr, rial Singleton, Rusty Irwin, VYally Rapp. Ray Jost, Guy Perrln, Hid Nichols and Louis Miles. Hall Seely, manager of the team, also accom panied them. A good crowd of rooters left from the high school during the day and it looks like a good represen tation at the game tonight. (J)) WW does cream nso to the top? because cream is fat or oil, and therefore lighter than the rest of the milk, which is largely compos ed of water. Likewise, TUKUiXU Comfort. Glycerin Suppositories, Infant Zinc Stearate Castor OH Suoar of Milk Boric Acid have rapidly risen to the top be cause they are the cream of their kind. Pure and safo and good for children, they are demanded by millions of mothers. Five of 200 Puretest prepara tions. Every Item the best that skill and 'conscience can produce. Nathan Fullerton The Wa&H Drug Store' Roseburg, Oregon RELIABLE TAILOR Upstair next door t Umpqua Hotel J. H. BERNIER Phone 149 BRIDGE PETITIONS FILED LAST NIGHT The petitions asking for a special bond election for the purpose of rais- Ing $10,000 for the construction of a: bridge to the Alexander's Park Ad-j dltion and that the city and county . spend approximately double that amount in the event the project Is carried out were filed last night with the city recorder. The petitions have been circulated throughout the city during the past week and are signed by over three hundred voters. After the names have been certified the pe titions will be voted upon by the city council and If acceptable the election will be set for March 11, as set forth In the petitions. Exide Batteries Service Station Expert repairing on all makes of batteries. Starter, generator. Ig nition and lighting system, repair ing. STROMBERG CARBURETOR SPARTON HORNS GABRIEL SNUBBERS FORO ATWATER KENT Ignition Systems Spot lumps, windshield wipers, auto accessories of all kinds. Umpqua Battery Station A. B. TAYLOR, Prop. 312 N. Jackson St. Phone 67 daxcixu Ti:.ciii:it acuuttkh ( Aanei.ite'i f'-'"s leased Wire.) PORTLAND. Keh. X. Alys May Brown, teacher of classic dancing, was last night admitted by a jury In the court of Domestic relations ou the charge of haung contributed to the delinquency of a minor In per mitting a youn ;irl to participate In an entertainment given last Hiillowe e without having first obtained a permit. The first carload of Umpqua valley broccoli to be shipped from this sec tion left Itoseburg yesterday consign ed to points all over the northwest. The car . sent out by the Lmpqua Broccoli Exchange aod is their first big shipment and Includes five hun dred crates of hoice product. Foster Butner. manager of the company, states that another car is now being parked and will be shipped Monday. The crop is showing splendid signs of b-iiig an xceptional tiroductlon this season and the present weather condi- isffl FREE CATALOG Sail, Daort Millwork of I ttraififi.1 Art.. tosnafsc! Iff fiuncv - vif prices. V:vi tt fan com todif. LL'MblR CO. Face and Talcum Powders Plenty of use for a good face or a talcum powder, plenty of Food products to select from. Maybe you have a preference, maybe you havo not. In either case you want to be satisfied; but If you want a favorite, wo have that; if you want us to suggest one, our knowledge Is at your service. AH popular kinds in either products anil at tin; same prices hero as any where else. Lloyd L. Crocker Pioneer Drug Store 241 N. Jjckton Singers, Speakers Everybody! Doctors, Nurses, Dentists Recommend CAVARRHALJOXy KONDON'S is antiseptic and healing:. For over SO years Kondon'a baa been helping: millions of people for all kinds of Colds and Catarrhal affections. For Head, Nose, Throat Troubles Eondon's makes life worth living-. Write for 20-lreat-ment tin. It's free. Or get a 30c tube from your drug- gist Guaranteed to please or money back. , Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly, Minneapolis, Minn. BROCCOLI SEED FOR SALE Not St Valentine Imported seed. Strain Is about 10 days later than St. Valentine; heads self -protected ; curd snow white. The finest strain iu existence.- Price per pound, J22.50. per ounce, 11.60. Delivery about March. Orders taken for any Quantity. Fred Schmidt, Dillard, Oregon. NATIONAL GUARD DRILL Regular drill every Monday at 7:3 p. m. sharp. Recruits invited. J.TLE . MARSTERS. Com This ia a Studebake'r year. tt LODCsEDICTORy ' j United Brotherhood of Carpenter and joiners of America Meets in Moose bool second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. All car penters welcomed. T. F. HOLMES, Rec Sec F. A. UOWEN. Pres. Laurel Chapter No. 81, R. A. M. Mated convocations on 1st and 8rd Tuesdays, Masonlo Temple. AU members requested to attend and Tlsltlnr companions welcome. R. L. COOPER, High PriosL W. F. HARRIS. Secretary. ,K. O. T. M. meuia each 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. In Macca- bee hall, corner Cass and Pin streets. Visiting Knights always welcome. U C. GOODMAN, Com. O. W. RAPP, R. K. Kagles, Roseburg Aerie Meets In MaccaDee nail, on Cass street, on Znd and 4th Wednesday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting, brethren in good standing always welcome. EUGENE LITTLE. W. P. P. RICHARD BUSCH, W. P. B. F. GOODMAN. Secretary. 0. E. 8., Roseburg Chapter No. 8. Mom their regular meeting on us 1st and trd Thursdays In each month. All sojourning brothers and sisters are respectfully Invited to attend. HAZEL FRENCH, W. M. FREE JOHNSON. Secretary. Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41, I. o. o. r. Meets in Odd Fellows Temple every week, on Tuesday evening. Visiting members In ood standing are invited to attend. AMY CARMAN, N. O. TILLIB I. JOHNSON, Reo. Sea ETHEL BAILEY. Fin. See. Umpqua Templs No. 4, Pythian Sis ters Meets the 2nd and 4th Mon day evenings of each month, at the K. C. P. baa Visitors always wel come BELLE WALKER, M. B. C MAY E. PARKER, M. of R. A C. MARTHA CHK1STKNSON, M. of F. B. P. O. Elks, Roseburg Lodge No. 328 Hold regular communications at tho Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. AU members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially ln vlted to attend. FRANK CLEMENS, B. R. J. O. DAY. Jr., Secretary. Knights of Pythias, Alpha Lodge N. 47-Meets every Wednesday evening In Knights of Pythias hall, ISO Rose treeL Visitors always welcomed. CLAIR K. ALLEN, C C. J. R. FARRINGTON, M. F. E. B. WIMBEPLY. K. R. S- W. B. A. O. T. W., Roseburg Review No. 11 Holds regular meetings on Znd and 4th Thursday, at 7:80 p. m. Visiting listers Invited to attend re views. Maccabee hall. Pins and Cass streets. JESSIE RAPP, Col. MRS. FLORA I. WILLIAMS, Com rAlaltltMUflsR' I. I Auction Auction At Auction House Every Saturday at 2:30 P. M. Your ' City and Farra Sales Solicited. See Us For-Dates. 328 N. Jackson. Radabaugh & Patterson NURSERY 8TOCK All kinds of shrubbery and or namental stock. Good variety of fruit trees, wnlnut trees, grafted and Becond generation. Filberts In Barcelona, Du Chilly and Davlna. See J. C. Marklcy, Oregon Nursery Co. Woodmen of the World, Camp No. 129 Meets In the Oddfellows hall In Roseburg every 1st and 8rd Mon day evenings. Visiting nelghboni always welcome. A. A. SCULOEMANN. C. C. M. M. MILLER. Clerk. A, F. A A. M., Laurel Loaga No. 18. Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month, at Masonlo Temple, Roseburg, Qra. Visitors welcome. G. K. QUINE, Jr.. W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllao Circle No. 49 Meets on 1st and third Monday evenings, In K. of P. halL Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. DONNA OAKLEY, O. N. MARGARET WHITNEY. Clerk. I. O. O. F., Phlletarlan Lodge No. 8 Meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethern are always welcome. W. S. HOWARD, N. O. A. J. GEDDE3, Red. Bsc J. B. BAILEY Fin. Sec. United Artisans Meets In Macctx bee Hull first and third Wednesday, Visiting members always welcome. LAUREN McCULLOCH, M. A. MILDRED McCULLOCH, Treas, BELLE STEPHENSON. Sec MATERNITY HOME 1118 Winchester St. Phons 490 Mrs. D. Cornwell Patients privileged to have their own doctor. 1 ' 1 FURNITURE I For the NEW YEAR Brighten up tlie living 1... .!. ,U;, : f & g few new pieces E i SEE OUR FINE LINE g I BEFORE SELECTING j 1 LENOX ! Furniture Co. V No. 821 North Jackson 6treet L 3 Phone 28 .I.I.I.I.I.I.I.II.KK?KIOKKIlk PRINTING The News - Review Job printing department is the beat equipped in the southern part of Ore gon. We print all kinds of stationery, including Letter Heads Bill Heads i Envelopes Business and Calling Cards Wedding Announcements School Announcements Invitations of sll kinds Booklets Folders' Posters and Everything known In the way of Good Printing Place your orders with us for Prompt and Effi cient Service. ROSEBURG News-Review Exclusive Job Printing Department