Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 08, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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pound '""Tso to iio' Corn numbi
u- ,:,h, dim un-l Oats numb.
alliins -,-- -umber
- ..i Wi re.
LtOO. Fr nod nd choice J
I e.tfl nuu-
L I. f IW
15 '""; .,eers mostly
l': ,WKS lower rrade. show-
""'LJucoff; cannersand
'"J.h, II. steady to weak.
fc,iwj. ,4S5. heavy Dee i
V 1m,'lA lambs scorce;
F"". best to shippers $14-75;
rf o Packer. IM.Wtj 14.50:
KjbTw S-5Q: around
. oicrn Feb. 8. Errs
10 fir
y. - lsc0 65c
derailed pullets, 271c.
l.rfat t o.
...visro. Feb. 8 Tur-
i iui-Ti.r i-,---"-"- mmmm m --l-LI-IJ
A land slide on the Southern Pa-
(Aasoclated Leased Wlrei . J . ' " 11 ay 'ocKel the tramc
CHICAtJO. FeD. 8.-Wheat number' Z, fj'!!', ""i" of h"rf. af,w-
J red $1.13; number 2 hard ll.lljfc " ", " 'rw woranien
I rock. The slide oerurrej in the i'nv
Corn number 2 mixed 81c; number
number 2 white 491j 49Jc;
3 white 4SUi49Jc.
Hye number, 72Jc.
Barley 8441 83c.
Timothy seed. $7.00 8.25.
Cloverseed, $18.00ft 24 UU.
Lard, $10.97.
ltibs, I9.50.
1 1 reek canyon and held up the pas
. senjrer trains for several, hours.
Train number-14 was held up for
about five hours and it was, necessary
ui senu a stub north from here.
14 inch broccoli knives at Wharton
- ot extra duI
m firm: exim i.v. -
The Roseburg Rod and Gun club
meets tonight at the Palace of Sweets
to hold their regular annual election.
' I... .' today with: A banquet ts to precede the business
. ,.., tnrk bring- session and will start Dromotlv m
' . were in good seven o'clock. Arrangements have
ndtacause of light supplies, , been made to accomodate the full
hiiv hiitber. 1 mirmoersnip or tne ciud ana It is ex-
"D" . mected that the full muter will ho nn
. - band.
V-r iVTl F6D. s . ruumj .
r.. l. . 9101
HrSTy 1,1 - "
; "prlno 206 22c:
!?.-,.' live nominal: dress- election.
ut.iv,, liffhtsl ,ne various omces in tne ciud arc b-
HMJnyTe22c: 'ta'g. 13c: 'ng hotly contested this year and
iprmnB - nirUd I much intt?rfRt has hetn smiuMl in th
iter 10C; dUCKS WD . , Throuchout .lift hannnat
rara live nmiu"i - - . 1
iD-inr broilers, nominal, there will be a n urn tier of kooU talks.
' I liv nmmfnAnt mum Kara PoH II .vni
will mnlro a nhnrt tallr nn ia alrnntln.
TUXD. F'b- roiaioea
mcUvs, $1306 1-40-
TLAND, Feb. 8. Cattle nomi
lle.dy; receipt. .
8 Eggs firm.
iVi ivn. Feb.
JTJe: nrsis
litered Portland.
of the National Forest at the present
time and Guv rnrrinn hnn heen
scheduled to speak on the general j tere8ts
work nf the nrennizntlnn It Kr
Ritter Goes to Portland
M. E. Ritter left last' night for
Portland where be will spend a short
time attending to business matters.
Stahlman to Portland
D. C. Stahlman left last evening for
Portland where he will spend sever
al days visiting with friends and rel
atives and looking after business mat
ten. Union Oil Representative Here v
C. L. Tostevln, traveling auditor
for the Union Oil company of Port
land, arrived in this city last evening
to spen a few days here looking after
the Interests of the company.
Here From Portland
J. L. Koch, of the Bender Ice Ma
chine company of Portland arrived in
Roseburg yesterday afternoon to
! spend a few days here looking alter
Mr. Connor Hero From Medford
Guy Connor of the Meridian Or
chard company of Medford arrived in
Itoseburg yesterday to spend a few
darse here attending to business in-
Cooney ts also listed to appear on the
program with a speech, lie will also
exhibit a two-reel motion picture hav
ing to do with the preservation of the
henneries j remnants of the great bands of Elk
. j that once Inhabited this section of the
. country. Mr. Coonev uromtaes that
h-UND. Feb- 8. Butter firm; picture will be of special Interest
bei, city sue: sianuarus uu. 1 10 ai( followers of true sport and will
-ii isle: firsts 47c: under-, viui ,ua ,,i,,, k.. .,.i
(jjc; pnnis ouu. wu. .v. , wh ,ne exnlbltlon .
Returns Home
lidwin Weaver, county commission
er, who has been spending the past
few dnys in this city attending to busi
ness returned to his home in Myrtle
Creek todaj .
... source Hpst entirn
U 50651c pound f. o. b. Port- !
4lt4 Pre Lfad Wire.)
3. Feb. 8. Premier Poincafe
i the cabinet ministers, ex-
Ij. kytbe opposition's attack.
mot the chamber or aepu-
itnoa was resumed and im
i.lynted the remainder of ar
iMfnpowerlng the govern
(i pf''rrt economics by decree
j152 against 182..
hai been received from Port-
fiat Claud B. Cannon, well
esident of this city is serlous-
k a hospital in that place.
Other business matters in addition
to the election of officers is to be tak
en care of and those In charge urge
a full attendance.
o .
!n tools at Wharton Bros.
i-Reilew classified ads talk
00 subscribers each night
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
lillOAUACUES. Ore., Feb. 8.
George Pendleton, a local farmer,
was instantly killed today when an
auto he was driving was hit by a
south-bound Oregon electric car at
the crossing Just north of town. The
auto was hurled clear of tbe tracks.
Guest of Hotel Umpqua
M. J. Malony, owner of the Colfax
Hotel at Colfax, Washington, was the
guest of the Hotel I'mpqua last eve
ning. Mr. Malony will' spend a sboit
time in this city on business.
Here From Medford
Mr. ami Mrs. V. W. Parsons arriv
ed in this city last evening from Med
ford ami will spend a few days here
looking slter business matters. They
are registered at the Hotel Umpqua.
Passenger Agent Here
A. S. Kosenbaum, district freight
and passenger agent of tbe Southern
Pacific company, of Medford, Is spend
ing a few days here attending to bus
iness matters. Mr. Rosenbaum is reg
istered at the Hotel Umpqua.
Union Pacific Man Hei
J. A. Nott, traveling freight agent of
the Union Pacific System of Portland,
arrived In this city last evening to
spend a few days here attending to
cataDulting Pendleton to the side of ! rBt"" mJtllKa:.Mr- nml 18
the rieht of way. The machine burst ea tDe umpqua.
into flames. The coroner of Marion
county took charge of the body and
said he would hold an Inquest.
Pendleton was bern In this vicin
ity. He Is survived by a widow and
three children.
Grower having orders placed can secure
their nitrate of soda. This will be the last
ear in. We still have a small quantity available
not covered by orders offered at the lowest
price in years. $60.00 per ton.
Leave For Ashland?
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Seely left this
afternoon for Ashland where they will
attend tbe basket ball game to be
played in that city tonight between
Itoseburff and Ashland. They will
4 The most scientific shampoo
on the market. Limited number
of samples given free to ladies
by calling at Barnes' Barber
also go to Medford for tbe game Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenks of Azalea, were
In town today for a few hours shop
ping and attending to business mat
ters. Mrs. Lulu Cheever who resides In
Elktog. is spending few days in 1
Roseburg visiting with friends and at
tending to other matters.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Shlrtrllff of Myr
tle Creek, werel n tojwn today spend
ing the day shopping and looking
after other matters.
"Tanluc built me up twenty-seven ach trouble made life miserable for
pounds and brought me splendid me.
health two years ago and 1 have con- "When I began taking Tanlac I only
arjr 31, and when the spirit of Ash-'tlnued to feel fine ever since," la the weighed one hundred and four pounds,
ton'a grandfather was supposed to; remarkable statement made, recently. ' After taking my fifth bottle 1 felt bet
appear, the Apparition" proved to1 by Mrs. Fred Westln. 3B2 East 54th tc-r than In veais and found I had ae-
St-. North, Portland, Oregon. ituully gained twenty-seven pounds,
denied the! "Stomach trouble hail almost com. Since then 1 have not neeilml Tunlne.
be Mrs. Aber.
The Rev. Mr. Aber
charges declaring that Asbton s pietely wrecked my health. 1 had abac- but 1 am never without a bottle in the
1 m wuiuau uu w lute V no enerev nml nnlhlnw imcl bOUHe.
worth while to me. I would eat and ' Tanlac is for sale by all good drug
then winn I hadn't its ! suffered so gists. Accept no substitutes. Over 40
terribly from Indigestion. The pain.j milliou bottles sold,
bloating, heart palpitation and ner-
"lane Tnnlae Vegetable Pills.
present at the seance.
Mrs. ChriBtlne Anderson, and son
Hans, spent several hours today in
Roseburg shopping and visiting with
friends. They reside in Ten Mile.
Mrs. T. E. Drake of Myrtle Creek
spent sever al hours this morning In
Roseburg visiting with friends and
W. I. Smith was in town today for
a few hours looking after business
matters. Mr. Smith is from Myrtle
Mrs. I. M. Tetze, professional nurse,
who has been in Marshfield for sever
al weeks, has returned to her home
at 725 W. Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wood, of the
Grants Pass country, arrived here
Wednesday, and are at present vlsit
Hng at the hotueo t the former's Drain
er. Romanso Wood, In North Rose
burg. Tbey are planning to locate
near Roseburg.
'AMnotate! Press Teased Wlra.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Senator
C. L. McNar; of Oregon, today con
ferred with the Department of
Justice to ask Information regarding
the recent four cent advance in the
price of gasoline on tbe Pacific
Coast. He proposed an investiga
tion In connection with South Da.,
and Nebraska cases.
r Associated Press Leased Wlr )
NEW YORK, Keb. 8. William II.
Anderson, state superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon League' today was
sentenced to from one to two years
in state's prlslon for third degree
Portland Saves 8000
German Babies
Portlab4 people In two weeks
subscribed J34.000 toward relief
for German thtldren, who are
Included In tbe millions in Ger
many who face starvation be
cause, as Herbert Hoover ex
pressed it, of the economic
breakdown, following the world
A the American committee
for relief of German children has
shown it costs two cents per
meal to teed a child one hot
meal dally In Germany. This
means that tbe people of Port
land have saved 8000 children
for 150 days.
"We never fought children,"
said Major-General Allan, bead
of the nation-wide relief cam
paign, and tbe people are show
ing they support has declaration.
Tbe state-wide campaign for this
relief work Is getflag nicely un
der way, too, with a good re
sponse from tbe people everywhere.
vnusness I suffered from this stom-l
i vvf vs vvs tatf f f s if sf f
, Hawley Pulp and Paper company
I Oregon City.
Leaves for Eugene
Mrs. C. L. Hays left today for Eu
gene, where sho will spend several
days visiting with friends and rela-tlvrs.
Visiting Here From Eugene
Mrs. A. H. Sisler of Eugene, Is
spending a few days in this city visit
ing at the borne of Mrs. George W.
l.euptT. D.nutw Sheriff Umr,
Visltinx n Deputy Sheriff HopKins, wno resiaes
Mrs. F. H. Drake arrived In this ' Canyonvlile. was in Roseburg dur
clty yesterday evening from Portland ln ,he afternoon attending to busl-
to spend a few days visiting with her
sisler. Mrs. M. M. Miller.
I Here From Oregon City
j Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley of Ore
I gon City are spending a few days In
this city looking after business Inter
ests. Mr. Hawley la manager of the
ness matters.
To Via t In Medford
Mrs. M. J. Adkins left this morning
for Medford where she will spend the
next two months visiting with friends
and relatives and attending to busi
ness interests.
, ,
f anonlated Press Leased Wire.)
PORTLAND. Feb. 8. The Rev. W.
W. Aber, pastor of the Mystic Church
of llethesda, a spiritualist congre
gation, faced a court hearing this
afternoon on a charge of "practis
ing fraud," preferred by J. H. Aash
ton, wbo has been a member of the
Rev. Aber's congregation.
According to Asbton's charges
made to Deputy City Attorney Es
tador, Aber and two friends visited
a seance at the pawtor's home, Jann-
Notad Army Chaplain
Pleads for Babies
Rev. Dr. John W. Beard, pas
tor of the Hount Tabor Presby
terian church, Portland, chaplain
of Portland post of tbe American
Legion and chaplain et one of
the companies' et tbe famous
(1st Division everseas. Is a
strong champion of tbe cam
paign to save German children
from starvation and never loses
an opportunity to say something
for that cause.
"We fought and conquered tbe
German mUUariate." said Ike
noted catanlaia. "bat. as Msjor
OeaereJ Ketty T AHaa. cess
aaaater t ka .aieriaa treesa
aa tbe tTslaa daring tee eccuM
tlaa. aaid. 'We never feognt
children. We aebted win tbe
war as such, but, as when we
were fighting the enemy, we
bound ap his wound If cap
tured, w new shall bind the
terrible trec&ds latHcled by
war's awful tVr aVtsat Uiese
little ones wbe buffer to. Let's
help feed tbesn, by all means."
Its all here and its all true, Roso
hurg News-Review.
What ihe World Is (Doing
10 pounds Sugar for $1.00
1 pkg. to a customer
Sun Maid Seeded Raisins, 15-oz. pkg 10c
Fancy Yakima Potatoes, car just arrived, 100 lbs. $2.00
Good Mixed Candy, per lb v 10c
Dairymen We still have some of that Oregon made
mill run, 80 lb. sacks for $1.25 per sack. Why feed
horse feed to your milk cows?
Full line of new garden seeds and onion sets.
Many other good things at reasonable prices. Come in
and look them over.
The Oualitv of the
is the result of over
three-quarter century's
experience in produc
ing first-class ranges.
AH cast and will last a
life time.
We have them on dis
play at right prices
Take time to look at
them and see why we
say quality.
'fee Hardware Co. rT
Germs to Help Run Engines
by Producing Gas Fuel
Methane, one of the gases used for mo
tor fuel, is being produced in commercial
quantities in India with tbe aid of germs
that convert a mixture of sewer sludge
snd sawduft into various compounds of
which the gas forms an important part.
i The tiny creatures are cultivated in air
tight tanks kept at a warm temperature.
: They multiply rapidly and by working on
the mixture produce acetic acid and
' carbon gas as well ss methane. Marsh
gas, frequently found in stagnant pools.
j is largely the result of their presence and
causes decay and fermentation of vege-
i table matter. Banana stems and skins
; have been found to yield as much as 81
per cent methane when acted upon by
certain kinds of germs.
Raised Chair for Children
Fits Theater Seats
I Shaped to lit snugly into a theatercnair,
a raved scat for children has been con
structed, enabling the child to look at the
performance without standing up or
Jimbing u;on its mother's lap. The front
iide of the lower frame is extended so that
it provides a foot ist, snd the top is wide
enough to allow the small occupant to
curl ui when reclining. The contrivance
is easily adjusted or removed by as usher
and docs not max the theater seaL
"Sand Shoes" of Wire End
Strain of Travel
Made of stiff wire, and larger than tbe
soles of the boots to which they are
strapped, "sand shoes'' are used by the
military forces ia Syria, in making long
marches over the shifting deserts. These
meshed foot protMtora distribute tbe
weight over a greater area and five tbe
wearer a better purchase ia walking, thus
doing away with much fatigue and stasia.
Tbcy operate on the principle of she
snowshoe of the cold regions,
Radio "Dot" Spans Ocean
at Speed of Light
Recent experiments show that radio
messages can be acknowledged and
checked almost simultaneously with the
sending. Ine testa ware eoadwrted over
the aerial loop hetwera New York aad
Warsaw, Poland, a nreuit of IOS miles.
The operator at the control water hi
America instructed the European repre
sentative to tie up his receiving stataon
with the tranamfttinl statins.. A "det"
was then seat out snd made the enmplete
circuit frota New Terk U Warsaw and
return while the foreissi aperator was
manipulating his key. Tbe Polan opera
tor was then hteTurled to leave hi key
and the "dot" raemi temty times err red
the eimiit at a speed ef Bailee per
second before drmg sway beeauw of elec
trical disrurbanee.
e e
Preventing Pump from Freezing
As an ordinary pitrl.rr pump in good
condition does not alio the water in the
suction pipe to run down, the water is
subject to freexing dunce shntr. To pre
vent this, the vacuum chamber is tapped
directly under the check valves, for a
'i-ux. drain cock, which whoa opened,
destroys the vacuum and relaanra tke
water. When the sock is olosvd the pump
works as well as ever.
e e
Five Thousand Fed at Once
at Electric Barbecue
Four steers weighing about 2,000 pounds
each were roasted in an electrically heated
pit in the West reoeutly, the meat being
served to SjOOO pensoas. With the tem
perature automatically controlled, it re
quired 34 hours to cook the beef
Uaorooghly. The improvised oven was 89
feet long, 4 feet wide and 6 feet deep.
A Folding Kitchen Table
In a small kitchen, where spaee is at
premium, a folding table of the type
shown m the drawing will be greatly
appreciated. The table top is I by SO by
41 ia. in dimensions, and is supported by
two brecos of 1 by 3-in. stock. Two 4-ft
lengths of 1 by 2-in. material are screwed
together at right angles and tasteawl to
the waal by long screws driven into the)
studs. The taUe top is then hinged to
the lower member as shown. The braeoi
are 3Vi in. long, aad are cut and kinged
so that they will fall into peace auto
anatioafly when the table top is Li ted.
; i! -i--3axaM& i
I I isaaaTS BBaW, II i
xtssle srr us
To fold this hsndy table H is only neces
sary to strike the joints of the braces with
the knee or hand, while holding the table
top to prevent it from "slamming " There
are no legs to sweep around with a table
of this type, snd the braces do not pre
vent a chair from being drawn up close
Peoples Supply Go.
Orn Store fairly radiates In the very
best DAROAINS to be bad In nose
burg Hundreds and Hundreds nf the
Useful and Ornamental Just what evury
home needs, snd we want every one In
Roseburg and Douglas County to IlKNE
K1T by the Low I'rlces on these goods.
Gift Day
With every ten cent purchase or more
on that day, every cblld accompanying
the purchaser will receive a gift that
will delight him. No strings ou the oiii-r.
Come In, bring the kldj, and enjoy the
Buy Your Valentines at
This Bargain Store.
tOc Chocolates, Saturday, per lb. 43c
Variety Store
249 North Jackson Street