ROSEBURO NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY, JANUARY ?4, 1M4. . .. - --!- ROSEBURG HI & UJIVER8IM Ex-State Champions A Real Basketball Team from a Real Basketball To, Friday, Jan. 25, 8 P. M., R. H. S. Gym Come out and ee your team in action. I 1 I wm ma COL REED CASE IS Defense Claims That Where State Agents El. trap a Man That They Become Accomplices of the Book seller. The Case of Col Heed, charged with posm-ssion nf intoxicating liijuor. has been taken under advisement by Jus-tin- (if tin- peace (ieuigc Jones. Attor ney Libert Hermann Is udeavorlni! to make a ilea of entrapment and has Bsll.-d for lime In which lo file a bifcf covering the authorities which li claims will substantiate his claims. 'JT.e dvlciiae alleges lhat where Hl n ate iii.loci In entrap another anJ poiatiHdc a limn t vl"lat a law, and then have hlin urrcslrd for aurh viola 1 tun. tlmt they become accomplices and Unit their uncorroborated testi mony In not sufficient for conviction. In thin case a state aifent. Howard .unl, and a deputy sheriff. Win. Swill pcrstmdi d Keed. It them two bollleii Honor. Mien lie the evidence wart turned over to the Mate and a complulnt wua filed. The defense claims that In recent case Oregon Judges have held that In such cases of entrapment, the 'spotters became agents or mo man selling Ihe lliiuor. and lhat Ih nnl could not he held dence. The ptate. on the other hand, main tain that audi methods are necessary In apprehending certain persona en caged in lliiuor Jaw violations, and Hint Ihero are ample minorities up holding the legality of Ihe evidence Introduced in auch rases. The defense will file Its bilef thla week and (he stale will hate the first purl of ni'it ink In whlih to sub mit an aiKiwer. NOTICE j SAVE LIVES BY To members of I!os burf I-odgs JJ. I'. O. L'lks. At a nicotinic of Ihe lodge ot be held Feb. 7 (Past Kxattcd ituicrs 9 N'lthl) Hi" question of authorli- In k and directing the board of trustee lo proceed Willi Ihe do- it volopment of Ihe hlki Meld and Playground and lo provide a fund :' therefore, will be submitted for your co'ieldeiation and action. QUAKE WARNINGS' TAKES UP GOLF 4 NOTICE Tfil'CK.S roil SALE-Just the (ionic for hauling broccoli. inal.e mo an offer. L. K. Chain- bets, Ice I'lant. ' A cordial Invitation la extend- Ih claimed, lo sell j. ,j ,,, ,.VBry Protestant American i of boo.e An'oHM-d press leased Wire ) i WASHINGTON. Jan. :'4. Heller that continued study of Sclsmoluglc-1 al data will enable scientists to send j oul warning, of eHnhuiialieH and i volcanic- eruptions in llmo lo save j Uvea, and lo pome extent protect j property, was expressed today by j li.. Thomas Jugger. Jr.. director of, the governments Hawaiian Volcano: Observatory. j LOCAL NEWS X j I Mrs I S. Howard who spent yester day in this city shopping relumed to her home in Jllddle last evening. E. W. Spaulding of spending a short lime in mi ui, looking after busiuesH interests. The effects of the auto-congestion in Yokohama and Toklo at Ihe lime of Ihe eurthuake, lr. Jitgger said in u italeinent today, profoundly Impressed him. The cars became so jammed In Ihe narrow streets mat fire apparatus could not get through. It wni (Ms cotwlltion n much as Intoxicating, . woman to become a member of (e ,.Hri hqunkf llself which made the ins secured , women of the Ku Klux Klan Japanese disaster the biggest of all i horrors on iir JuirL'er has been In Japan con ferrlng with scientists In rcgaid lias ptoppeu roiling. the eartlmuake disaster there in j Another necessity, he finds. Is to u.........,i...p on which he is Dreiiarins wear a snappy suit that gives the L,..ntv rei.ori for the gov-i proper atmosphere and nev ei-ntuellt I F W. Snattlding of Medford is I Aoo'-lated I'rt'i l.eiic! W-e.l VKW VOIIK. Ian. it. "If l"y money holds out." John I. Hocke-, feller Jr.. told tin- members of the; Men's lilble Class of the Turk Avenue Hapiirt Church "I eventually will learn to play a pretty good game of .he ball cm e I,. U" and ort lime Here to business. "nrver to pick up a lost ball uuui H. M. Shlrtcliffe was 111 town today for a lew hours attending to busiiUHB. Mr. Shirtctilfe 1 fmm Myrtle Creek. r to ap- none in a evm nnsliiln RUlt. Neither his futlier nor profession al Instructors, he said, had been able to Introduce him lo all the ropes. Mrs. J. S. Oarlnnd of Eugene, is spending a few days in Koseburg at tending to business. Mrs. Carlaud is registered at me Hotel Grand. THOUSANDS DIE WHO OUGHT NOT TO DIE defend- on such t-vl- I for Information address I. O. I Box luo5. Hose burg, Oregon. ' WOMEN OF THE KW KEL'X KLAN. . TWO MILLION FLIVS TURNED OUT IN 1923 Kow-Karn and other cow medicines at Winn tun liros. f A'""1nt'a -rcs f itv(1 Wire IiETHOIT. Jan. 24. The Eord Motor company made 2, 200. 03 auto mobiles, trucks and tractors In laiM. which is 773, 05i more than In any previous year, according to produc tion figures, announced today. Of the total 1.M5.4X& automobiles and trucks were made In this country, and 175.474 In foreign plants in cluding Canada. To the total of these are added 101, has tractors and 7,823 Lincoln cars. The figures were coupled with an announcement that Ihe Ford com pany expects to exceed this figure In Its IU24 production, and that It plans to start early this spring ou lis program of 10,000 car daily. This Is a Sludebsker year. MOTION OVERRULED INIHANAI'OI.IS. Ind.. Jan. 21. -The American Legion h Just announced Ihe release for presentation through Judge Hamilton today overruled a motion for a new trial in the case of W. II. I'altersoti against J. I. Spring- out the l ulled Stales of the feature '" aim ouiers. .uc I hotnplnv production "The Whipping "'H''d a Judgment against Spring Jl..." based on Hie famous Taberl "id In a recent suit involving rte .i.i. i. ,.,,i,,,.,i, i,..fre,tiil to a gravel bar south of Kose- ii.. ..nhiic . r..u, ... i hi-,i Tahert 1 burg. The latter a souiig ex soldler of North Pukota death In a prison filed motion for a new trial, but has been denied. was whipped tu camp in Florida. An Investigation In ! to h!' d'ath n sult.-d In Hi" convic tion of Thomas Waller lllggenbotham the whipping boss, who Is sirring a life sentence for murder. The story of "The Whipping Boss." Is based directly uiku evidence In Ihe Taberl en .e although certain dramatlc llcense hn( b-cu used by Ihe producer; of Ihe photoplay. Ilarbaia IP'dford and Lloyd Hughes are the stars. i Following a preview of the picture by national orili-ers of the American Legion, John 11. quinn, national 10111 uiaiuler sa.d : "This story is a most graphic revel ntloll of the convict leasing steiu. II vieuatltes some of the things the American Legion is endeavoring lo ac complish. In Its investigation of the Taberl case the legion proved that 11 , was organised, as its constitution . a fs oul, 'for Hod and Country and that its fit st duty k to uphold law and older."' The picture will first be snown i.l Ihe large cities of the country and will then be released geueially under au spices of the elevi n thousand sists (if ' the Legion. Folding pruning ltros. saws at Wharton E T record," paid Dr. Jag- ger. I consider it only a question of time, when due to the Increas ing prublem of auto trafiic, all large cities will provide special parking areas or building for auios and nev er allow any machines lo stand In Ihe streets without a driver ut the wheel. While II Is true that nn the At Mrs. Fannie Little who resides in Oakland, spent yesterday afternoon in Uoseburg ehopplng and vialting with friends. A. H. ltlack is registered at the II tel Grand from Myrtle l'olnt. Mr. T ., t I Illack is spending a few days in our Kidney Troubles Responsible cit). on business. Never mind how much you pay for j jtrs." L. C. DeBore who spent the a kidney medicine, if it puts 'our I morning In Koseburg shopping re kidnevs in good shape, banishes that 1 ,urne(j tniS afternoon to her home in backache and drives puffiness from T)Tain under the eyes 1 Dr. Carey's Marshront Prescription s 777 (made of roots and herbs), a big 1 j NEW TODAY 2 seller in the east coatB S1.5U a pack- ago either In tablet or liquid form anil it s wen wonn 1110 uio..,. , ,It, .,M color ivory. I'hone 1K2-J. ...i..t. in few lantlc seaboard the like lhood of an treatment ripht-now with this earthquake and resulting fire is I almll, medicine may save a life, falrlv remote, this is not true m ' v heartbreak through grief-and Fniiflc cities, which are In a recog - I h ;a ,n(J hreakilig Up of a happy, nize l earthquake district. Yet the , population of such cities as Los An-; N(.;.pr mlnd Kbnt y(111 nave tried be foreif you get up through the nigm geles anl seaiue conilliue in hi crea e and continue heedlessly to block arteries of traffic by allowing such potential sources of fire as parked automobiles to Bland about In the busiest streets. ARGENTINE FOLKS GREAT MEAT EATERS (Associated I'r"ss Leased Wire.) SALT LAKE CITY. I'tah. Jan. 24. The people of the Argentine who have quite a reputation as meat eat ers are the largest per capita con sumers of mutton and the British come next, according to Charles J. Brand, consulting specialist In mark eting. Culted States department of agriculture who addressed the an nual conention of the National Wool Grower's Association hA to day. Mr. Brand rave a detailed outline of what the department of agricul ture is doing in the livestock In dustry. In the Argentine every year, ho said, each person eats 2S1 pounds of meal and of thla 2S pounds is mutton. lie gave the following figures on per capita consul ;i''.lon of mutton: Argentine. 2s pounds; Culled If Your tiulms are moist, if you even suspect vou have knlmy trouble, get Dr. Carey's Marsh'jrot Prescription No. 777 today at Nathan Fullerton's or any druggist anywhere and if It doesn't help you. If you aren't glad in a week's time thnt you bought It, go and get your money back it will be waiting for you. FOH SALE Collie pups, phone 454-It , or call r.4" So. Stephen. FOH SALE One milch cow. Team, wagon and harness. Other farm ; tools. I'hone 1CF1I. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 300 Pairs Ladies' Shoes I LOO Former Selling Prices to $10.00 Roseburg Booteri IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET Perkins Building Caw StJ FA FOK SALE 55 yds. of almost new Axminster carpet sewed in 12 foot lengths. I'hone 192-J. ' WANTED Woodcutters; for sale It. I. It. eggs for hatching. C. W. Groves. I'hone 5F33. METHODIST REVIVAL ATTRACTING CROWDS Uninviting Path of ChratiJ Challenge. Tho music in totJ wilh the revival services It eil CHOICE Palmetto Asparagus plants for sale. 20 cents per doz. Kobert McKay, Ilrockway, Oregon. Like good chocolates? Set k low sale for big week end ol Fancy chocolates, 49c a lb. Ai (Associated Press Leased Wire.) MANILA, Jan. 24. One constabu lary soldier and two fanatics were killed in a clash on Bucas Island, off the coast of Mindanao, where mem bers of the religious society of Col orum have been pausing trouble, ac cording lo advices received here from I Snrleao. ! The town of Socorro, where fnnat I les had entrenched themselves, has 1 been burned by Colonel Powers, con- Istnliularv commander or hurigao I w ho believes that Its destruction FOH SALE Ilig bargains in cars 1 Dodge, a Hupmobile, and a Saxon 6. Oilman's Garage. 324 TV. fasn St. I FOR SALE Guaranteed first . class I tires and tubes. CHEAP. Oilman's Tire Station, 324 w, Cass tat, WANTED Unfurnished 3 or 4 rooiiw, j garage, barn for cow, chicken coop, i Close in. Must be reasonable. Ad-1 dress M. J. H.. care lews-l.eview. , The revivnl services at the First M. E. Church Is progressing nicely and large crowds are attending to hear the fine sermons of the pastor. ' cove conrectionery. Iiev. Joseph Knotta. Ilev. Knotta will j ' speak tonight on Ihe theme, "Food $3 worth of music for 23t That Christians May Not Eat." The month's Etude contains 2 theme for tomorrow night is "The I good music. Oil's Music Stor TONITE AND FRIDAY i lng. Kingdom 2.. P . - ' wm resuU , collapse of the uprls- poiimin, . aiiu.iu i'--- - - i States 5 7 pounds; Germany (pre war) i 2 2 pounds .,...! The Etude, the musicians magazine. "Sheen were ttrsi introiiuceo imu - - . 1 . : . , .. . Thta months coov contains JJ Ihe United stales in h.ii-j, (Jet your spray outfit in shape now We carry Hurdle and Mers pruts, pew hose, norles, rod. and all kinds (if pump pat-Mug Wharton llros Associated Press Leased Wiro.l WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. Presi dent Coolldge will leave Washington for the flrl time wince he entered 1 tho White house Inst August, when; he goes to New York on Lincoln's I birthday to speak at the anniversary dinner of tin' National llepuhlii-an ' club. The address Is expected lo he the first of a political nature ho has j made since lie became president. Arrangements for the trip have: been completed by Charles D I'.llles. rcuuMicau national committee man from New York, an officer of the i clulv The executive, accompanied by i portuuee Mis. Cooll.l: e will leave Washington at noon February. 12. reach New Yerk shout R o'clock, attend the dinner and return at midnight. We rerhnrge vntlr bsttery in II to S hours at the Wll'ard Service Siatlnn. when flock was landed In irginln. ne said. "The first flock reached Mas sachusets In ltKIO." "It was not until 1793 lhat a cit lien of Boston smuggled In a ram and two ewes of Marino breeding, hut unfortunately for the Immediate development of the fine wool In dustry the recipient of these animals butchered them for meat. "The sheep Industry, associated with the pastoral age In human civ ilization is one of the most ancient of all agricultural Industries. It is undoubtedly the most auoient of our prcenl clothing fibres and shares with cottou tlitf place of greatest Itn- The Etude, the This months copy contains ! pieces of good music, only 2Gc copy. , Oti s Music Store. I mo LIBERTY THEATRE 1 THINS HIS TITLE A loclsted Press Leased Wire.) CHICAGO. Ian. 24. Willie llop- pe cf New York, veteran champion at IS. 2 bnlkline blllinrds, took tho Inst block of a poorly played 1500 point challenge match from young Jake Schaefer here last night. 5011 to 417. and thereby retained his j crown. Young Jake, mm of the wizard" of other rtavs. was threat-I enlng on Ihe first night, when he got r.'io to Hoppea :dh. nut rurien up Tuesday night, when Hoppe brought the score to 1.000 to 73! hv not plavlnc quite so poorly as did the chall. nger. The American I.eglon drum corps o held a i.nmhy practice last night wiih Glycerine Mixture for LOST Female shepherd dog, 1 yr. old. Tan and white. 4 white feet. Leather titrap no neck. Notify A. E. Davinon, Wilbur. Oregon. Ut. 1. Box 16. I AM BOOKING orders for day-old chicks, hatched right. Tancreds .iirain. S. C. White Leghorns, culled by latest method. Price $12 per 100. Eggs for hatching $4 per 100. C. A. Puckett, Cayunville. Ore. WANTED at once. Severn! Jersey cows, fresh, or will be soon. Also team good horses or mules. 1200 or 1250 in weight. J. W. Tollman Art P.eal Estate. Edenbower, Riverside, Phone 265-J. BEl'oSlE representative large con- j cern. Establish yourself permanent- j ly. Simplified method selling shoes ! factory to wearer. Your daily profit lan c Apply immediately. Style Arch Shoes, Cincinnati. VOl VI ST"act"QI ' ICK O w tier is sacrif'cing this cozy 4 room bunga low, lot 60 x 173 feet, well located, including heating stove connected with hot water tank, one rug. and linoleum on kitchen for $13u0: , $7f.o cash, time on the balance. TV. A. llog.ird. Heal Estate, 214 Case Street. Phone 303. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES"" For the best reasons in the world the owners do not wanl the general public to know their place of busi ness la for sale. Here is a fine op portunity for any man with a little money and business ability to be come established in a going, paying businos. Get full information from Lawrence Astncy, 125 Cass Street, , Phone 219. A James Cruze Production sstHV J 1 1 With EDWARD HORT0N, THEODORE ROB ERTS. HELEN JER OME EDDY, LOUISE DRESSER To the Ladies: This Is your picture! Bring along the men and enjoy an hour and a half of supreme triumph! To the Men: You've got to hand It "To the Ladies!" And oh, man! this pic ture gives 'cm all the credit due! To Everybody: Come along and laugh yourself hoarse at this comedy classic, made from the knockout stage success. Direct from Its senu tlonal record run in Portland I A Guaranteed Attraction Children 10e Adults 35c LAST TIME TODAY Bo Program. Rrgular Prices, Only 10 snd 15 Cents A Hen Wilson Production Starrhig Marjorie Daw and Roy Stewart A mtMiibf -rt of IN 'A Motion to Adjourn From tht Saturday Evening Post Story By PETER B. KYNE Drum Malor Petterson stinging "wicked baton" and the bos are now in r.-adintss for the big celebration at Culture Grove on nevt Saturday night. Ihe committee In charge of Ihe caravan will have about fifty to trip The "Days of '4! show- all and many who are not inhere of the legion expect to Join J the caravan and make the trip. The bunch will leave the armory on Sat urday nlnht at l o'clock sharp wl'h Traffic officer Thuiber In command. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S Weather Bureau, local office. Ko,.hurg. Oregon, ! hours ending i Gas on Stomach If You Laughed at "Ruggles" You'll Roar Now! Special Added Attraction Tonite 'Oregon Wild Life' and "The Scenic NorthvvejtJ Simnle elvcerine. buckthorn bark. etc.. as mixed in Adlerlka. helps any case gas on the stomach In TK minutes. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Adlerlka acts on I ' At the Organ Zj Jff 'l' At " Robt. Strang Robt (DANGER! i of fire is ever present.- I HOTH uiht ami lower bovl and re-'j . t move, ail gas,. , and poisons. Bring, f Insure HOW for protection QUINE, GOODMAN & CO. ;Oul matter von never thought was In I your system. Excellent for ohsllnste constipation. Guard, against appen- licit:. Nathan Ptillorton. druggist. K Again Today Better Come Early Cass & Jackson Sts. I A Corned) Prama of Ihe great writer of Saturday Kvculng Post' and V "Cosmopolitan Mngstine" fame. A combination of Interesting features, tome charming studies of ani mal life, beautiful photography and some humorous and grotesque characters The "orn.-ry and sorthhss men of the world." order are distinctly hun on. us when tln v make their way into polite toilety. aud do thing, outrageously fuuii. A Picture Touching the High Water Mark. ... v Also: "1 lie Acops Fables, 'Spooks,' nnd 'Town Topics" i e. ni. 1 Precipitation in Ins. and Hundredths V llUh.i-t temperature yesterdav.. K Lowest temperature lasl nUht.. 4i J Precipitation last 24 hours 0 55 Total p ecip since first of month 62 Normal preclp. for ;hat month.. 60 55 Total pr. cip. from Sept. 1. 1?2J A to dale Aver piecip frvvn S.-pt. I, lTT ( T'dsl defltlencv fn U! Sept. l, g r.i.';! 5? Average precpilsttou for 46 w.-t seasons. (Sei'tomo. r to !sy. trcltts. ve i I tonight and Friday. LONG TAKEN TO PORTLAND I County Commisslotier K. W. Long who has bon in very poor health fori .several week, was taken to Portland, vesterday snd will be placed urder the care of a specialist. Commissioner l-ne urfe-ed a complete breakdown following Ihe J ciuarv term of court andh is coiii!i". vi brouvht on a core brcal henioiiioice which ha, made his condition tv orl'lcal. He appear. lo be gain nc In health, however, and Ml ! hor.'d thr.t with comrlete rest SI S and the best of medical attention, he t;i recover from his Illness and will HAROLD - LLOYD 12 01 1 37 6 36 W1LUAM lllil.t, Observer.jbe able to resume bis duties. DU. II. C. CHURCH OrTOVETRlST AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 122 Perkins B!dg. Roseburg, Ore. Telephone S 4WHY WORRY? Children 10c ' Adults I J5cj j