Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 16, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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No "cut." but bolp. to re
duce panwyiim. o coughing.
V VapoRuo
naeri? Million J"" t'atl ,
I'OItTLANH. Ore., Jan. 15 "You're u,,i wti being allowed up to Jan.
. ..,.n n I won't I'll " in Thl vcar there have already
Notice of School Meeting
From Eugene t
V. M Hilary of Kugcne, ia spending
a few day. In Ihla city attending to
buslhci. uiattlerti.
i i,.ImW iIih 1AutrcDiont beys i. n ten license granted, and It l
an " said C. K- T mil. sheriff ol Jack exi t J that the record for the bushes, mutters.
ami county, who IS In town an a ' uwnth will be coimlUcraniy awve mat
nea In th" federal court. uyw of mt year.
Orcgiiiiian. ' It wouldn't u to nave w.
Information tlpptd "ft ''! ay
11,1b, i hove !. did robbery at
tur.n.-l 13. at HI-kiiMi. and they rant
alib. out or it wh'-n they rr Hnny
caught. 'I -n -e are about 2m,0'Ki re
ward notleea 'lit mil for Ilia rapture
of tli lwv. Mure than 15,1'HO have
Charles rl.-iik, pioprlctor of Clark'. I
photo studio, has received the contract
lor Ih pictures to be used In the 1924
Million of the Ilos. burit high achool
annuo I. t he t in i ne iaiuK
Notice ia hereby given to the voter, of School Dl.trlct No. I of DotwtaJ
County. Htate of Oregon, that . achool meeting ofald '"V, " o'clock
at the High Hrhnnl Huildlng. on the 6th day of February, 1924. at two o cioca
to ne S'imoloVrt" purpoae of the budget
with the levying board and for the purpoae of complying with Section 231-A
of the achool law. of 1S21 relating to the preparation of Budgeu.
The total amount of money needed by aald achool district during tne
flacaT yeabeglmg on Ju"ne 29. 1923. and ending June 30. 1924 1. e.tlma ted
., .. . . . .nH inMnriaa the amounta to be received from the
' n . : . i ,. .i ..f the district:
inci m. bum nil uuicr ---
d, . riant Estimated Expenditures
Salary per year Total
rr'mjT':ia. ., .. tm.rwlinff! PERSONAL SERVICE:
u few .lay in Koufburg looking after
trnm MrJforH
L. r. lazier of Medford, l spend-
lug a few daya In this
hecn minted in ih" Mi xlrun lanawe .. ... , .nirtcd about Keb.
and have been scattered all over Meil- j nu- jt j,, Mpected that about 175
Hone the fn'ted Wate. govern-" uit-turf' will be taken. It la the Inten-
lon of the Uinp'iua atari una year to
ment hu taken uu the cane, through
the pnstal d pai tlm-lit, the Millrca will
find ih'lr way all over the world.
We'e checked up on the movement of
the bnva o rhw-ly that we are eon
vinced' without a doubt Hint th'-y com
mitted the crlni". And II by any po
aiLMlty ttn-y a-'- Innocent, where ate
lhe now and why ha en t Hoy allow
ed up and dilpd ililr imin iH ?
When we am the flrat direct clew, Hie
receipt w.ld-l Into Hie pencil pocket
of tha coverall", which cave the name
of one of the hoya, the other clewa
were easily followed mid
Illustrate the annual quite profusely
Antleri Theatre
In Town Today
John Alexander who reside In
(Hide, apent the day In thla city at
tending to bunlnina niattera.
Mr. Bowman Hare
C. IJ. Dowman of Medftird la pend
Ing a few daya In Itoaeburg looking
afti-r bUHlneta interests.
From Glide
J. n. liavla, who resides In Ollde
is spending a few daya in Itiweburg
attending to bUBlnesa matters.
From Eugene
W. Wilson Is spending a few daye
Gloria Swaneon's new Paramount ' in thla city attending to buitlnesa af
pl tun'. ' lllueheard's Sth Wife, whlrhl fairs. Mr. Wilson la from Eugene.
will be-Khown at the Antlers theattel
tomorrow la aald to be one of the! From Glide
article ,iit powerful screen dramas produc-l t. 1). Davis who resides In Ollde
found near lh scene were traced to H(j i,r paramount this season. waa In town for several hours this
them. Kvin the Iron-bound cheat and iWH Kwaivmn has the role of Mona motnltiR attending to business mat-
the eyelets of the canvas cover which Hrlas. a French ulrl whose Pr- iers.
they had were found win-re these ar- ell, H1e In financial difficulties. Their
ticlea had been binned. Yen, there Is , Htrilw to marry Mona to a rich
no doubt but what we know who per- , jjm Hianilon, an American
pelraled tho crlni" and eventually the mum millionaire, played by Huntley
Principals 4 .
Teachers 38
Bub. Teachers
Janitors 9
Other Services .
f 3.225.00
f 3.225.00
Total Trnport-
tion of Pupil, f 1,415.00 f
INSURANCE: f 2l-40
742.50 $ 742.50 f 1,485.00 f 1,385.00 I
663.04 $ 639.59 I 1.336.08
'naTranee - 291-40 f 668.04 $
t 800.00 $ 600.00 I
639.E9 f 1,338.08 30.53 Itj.
600.00 I 1.200.00
600.00 f 1,200.00 f
48.01 I 96.0S
48.01 I 96.02
942 I l.Ml,
1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.)
2. Suppllei (chalk, erasers, etc.)
3. Library books
6. Janitor' supplies
H. Light"I"- .
boy. will be
If. O. rsreeter has rcMirnid from
I'onlniid, where he aMended on Mon
day a meeting of the IioiikIiis" County
1'lie I'alrol. Tho annual meeting re
sulted In the election of It. M. Fox. of
the Koach Timber Company, presi
dent; (leorge W. Marshall, vice presi
dent; II. O. I'argeler, secretary and
; easiiier; II. Q. Drown, district war-
-n. The dlrectote are II. C. Shaw,
Hubert K Hiultli. II. K. Chaney, It. M.
lux, (leorae W. Marshall, K. It.
(ioidoti. Is chosen iiB the intended
' hunhand. The nmrruite tnkf place
! and many thrilling Incidents follow.
I The climax of the pic ture Is unique.
'The supiMirtlng cast is excellent and
Includes, among oilier prominent
Mrs. Cumtnlng. Arrives
.Mrs. W. A. Cuminings, wife of the
new manager of the Terminal Hotel,
arrived In this city last night front
screen artists, Charles tlrecne,
Welgel and Hubert Aguvw,
Liberty Theatre
In "The IjihI Hour" the picture at
the Liberty theatre tomorrow and Fri
day, tin re sa pc
ernor of a state upon being question
ed denies the privilege of a chief exti
cmlve to pardon a man once he had
been convicted of manslaughter by a
Judae and Jury. I,aier when a con
crete case Is put before him the gov
ernor refuses to meddle with Justice
even though the convicted man once
saved his son' life in France.
There have been enses like this In
On Buslne.s
It. It. Turner of Myrtle Point arriv
ed in this city this morning to spend
a short time attending to business Interests.
From Portland
II. M. Ireland arrived In thla city
hint night to spend a few daya here
nu where the gov- attending to business Interests. Mr.
Ireland la from Portland.
9. Water
10. Postage and stationery
High building and grounds
Rone building and grounds
Uenson building and grounds .
Fullerton building and grounds ....
; 2,000.00
. 2,150.00
. 3 6,900.00
..1 5,100.00
ASSESSMENTS (Highways, Road., Streets, Bridget):
1. llonded, and Interest thereon
..$ 7,750.00
.. 1,485.00
..$ 7.750.00
. 291.40
. $ 800.00
..I 291.40
Total estimated amount of money Tor all purposes during
the year
..I 800.00
Representative Here
J. Plug, representative of I.owen
gart and Company of Portland, Is
spending a few (lays In this city at
tending to business matters.
Prom Oakland
Mrs. William S. Allen who resides
Pendleton and Herbert Armstrong. actual life when chief executive, of I ln Oakland spent several hours this
The annual report Indicated that our at at es refused pardons to ineu morning In town shoppin gand attend
thcro were a total of V'l fires during who may have done them very noble other affairs.
service in the past. Hut they reftieed
to alt-r their b. lef. In die inviola
bility of the rendered legal decision.
the year. IK Incendiary, 4ti caused by
hinders, 13 stalled by carelessness on
the part of hunters. 8 spread from
burning eltiiupa and slashings, 2
atarted by stockmen, 8 by lightning,1 Majestic Theatre
1 .y logging engine and 2 by Ionium-) f,M f the strongest casta Corlnne
...., i rem,..! muiu ciii.uic., .u (,ifr,, ,a eV.(.r had In unv of her
i from other sources. . piodioilons was engaged for "Itecclv-
During the year the patrol uondiic ,, .,yn,e," v.hh h will be shown at
J " ismuii. ruucniiunai campaign, ,), MaJ'tlc theatre tonight
"t menu i,i an, lea, iuau imkina Itllil
newspaper articles, as well aa the dts-
Mra. GllbSrt In Town
.Mrs. H. K. Cllbert who spent yes
terday in Hoseburg shopping and' vis
iting with friends returned to her
home in Myrtle Creek lai't evening.
u $86,590.40
(The above form of estimated expenditures may be clipped from this
blnnk by the budget committee and after being made out by Said com
mlttee may be certified to aa correct on the margin and filed with the
district clerk.)
E.timated Receipts.
From count school fund during the coming school year $15,042.00
(Use amount of county school fund received last year
as basis In making this estimate.)
From state achool fund during the coming school year $ 2,908.00
(I'se amount of state school fund received last year
as basis In making this estimate.
From elementary school fund during the coming
school year 8,840.00
Estimated amount to be received from all other sources
during the coming School year 3,746.77
(Do not Include the money to be received from the proposed tax.)
Miscellaneous $ 800.00
Total Emergency
Grind Total $S.590.40 $43,964.18 $41,037.40 $85,058.69 $79,328.00 $77,5s
I V J MIcelll, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expending
. ' - nrenared by me and that the expenditure. ..:
budget allowance for six months of the current year and the'expendiuJ
for the three fiscal year nexi preoeumg """u Hoi.
have been compiled from the recorda ln ciy charge and are true and com.
copies thereof. y j MICELLI '
District Clerk.
potpourri' of Jazr, oratory, busi
ness and humor was "served up" to
the members of Umpqua Post of the
American Legion last night, with Vica
Commander Vic Petterson presiding.
It was a snappy meeting ln every
sense of the word and the boys were
kept on .he edge of their chairs
throughout the entire eeslon. Sharrad
and Toole, Jhe local synocopators,
were on hand and early in the eve
ning presented a program of piano
and banjo music that brought forth, a
storm of applause. These boys are go
ing to locate in IJoseburg and their
talent is a great addition to the city.
Many matters of business Impor
tance were discussed and the boys de
cided to attend the "Days of "49"
Xshow to be sponsored by the Cottage
Grove post in that city on Saturdav,
Jan. 26.
Umpqua Post is striving to place
the membership over the 300 mark ln
the next week and only has ten mem
bers to secure to make that figure. A
vl3it is expected from Stnte Command
er Kiddle soon and the local vets are
planning to show their leader a big
trlbttllon of 3. oi ill booklet, to campers,
and wind shield sticker, to auto own
The membership of the association
is made up of 57ti companies and Hull
vlduals representing 8x7.411 acre, of
timber lauds, an udilltlonal l'i !i.'7
acre, being patrolled under agreement
with llitat.
Consiileratile Improvement work
as carried on during the year.
Mr. Fakln Here
t hus. Kakln, manager of the West
Coaet Stage Line, arrived In this city
K'nltnell, ll,,,lD.. -1,. .. .1 I . 1. I 1 "'""I "'" SPCIIU a BllOri
....... .i. . V 1 1 time here looking after business.
as a stage player and screen actor
have brought him to the forerrunl, Her4 Ye.terday
wmV 'r'I'.'r!!',' Ti 110 ?' l:i",r7l r- 'vnt tmy m-
,. i,. .. ., . , " .1 'enuitig to other affairs
"""".i ', mi inr mage, hihi nao
Total estimated receipts, not including proposed- tax. $30,536.97
. Recapitulation.
Total estimated expenses for the year $S6,590.40
Total estimated receipts not Including proposed tux 30,536.97
prmmncnl parts In such well known
pictures Hs "Love. Honor and obiv."
"Dangerous lluelmss." ".Mamma's Af-
lair, ami ta-ssons In Love."
returned to her
Mrs. Marry
home In Dolo
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax
Ilnte.l llil. lllh ,l.,ir of lum.arir lQ'i
A. A. BELLOWS, Board of Directors.
V. J. MICKLLt, District Clerk.
Left Today
ti... ........ .. ..i, i.. i ,. ... . . ''-'n Mem.N iieiiueu woo tins oeeu
n...... ,,( iieeeiieii IHWIICII! IS
filled Willi dramatic Incidents, and the
Btiipi-nse Is well iiialu'aine,! through
out the production. In fact, It Is not
milil the latter part that (he
know i whose tlauglil
School District No. 4
This original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of the
school laws of 1S21 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the sev
eral services, material and supplies for the three fiscal veara next nrecedine
last; the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three pre
senilis; iiHcai years anu tne nuitget allowances and expenditures for six
months or the current year. ("Six months of the current year" means Bix
months of the last school year.)
she Is.
spectator :
spending the past few day In this
I city visliing at (lie home of Mrs. J. M.
! lime, left this morning for her home
, oi r.mi'Ka. t aiiioruia.
nimin nimr nun
Judging from the I... ne records at
the (ifllce of ihe County Clerk, I. II
luinilc, Pouglaa county gill, me
oveiimiklng the fact that 1::4 is leap
ymr, Mairlage lnenses have taken a
divided spun, and the i leik's office is
being kept busy bundling nHse r.
onls. The l;i.'3 J,inu.iry toin has u
most been n aihed now. with half the
month still to go In January 1h:3
there were 13 inanl.ige licenses is-
Called From Salem
Miss Velma Kruse arrivid In ihis
not city Ian) nlln f,0 s lli-iii Mlsa
Klllse railed In liesehllu nil lie
rl'!it i.f the Mill, i i nf tier father, C,.
W. Kruse. Mr. Kline is cilllrally ill.
Governor'! Secretary Here
Ward Irvine. Coventor Pierce's sec
retary, passed through Iloseburg ' by
auto today on his way to Klamath
Falls where he is to epend several
days on state business.
Dlverc Wanted
Salt for dliorce was fli. , m U.
r:n lilt rciiii' tedsv l,v lll.uiclie M.
U've sr. mil J, .,ne. She nllegm
ciu.d ami inh'iiiiaii Irealnient. The
pll.lntirr IS replesiMHeit h, Allnrnei
M. 1 like
On Business From Salem 1
D. A Rlkins. member of the stale' P'r.onal Service:
industrial accident commission, of - S'ltrintend t $
Sab iii arrived in this cltv last evening , "ni"Jlla 4
l p. id a f,w d,s attending to bust-, -Su, . "'1 ,
to ss matters. , i ,.,? .
I 4. Janifiirs 5
From Salem j g'
Ward Irvine, secretary to Governor 7,
Pierce. arrived ln Koseburg last
night to upend a short time here. Mr.
Ininc Is registered at the Hotel
I 3 a
K.xpelnlitllri-B and
tilldget allnWrtlu'e
tor six months of
last SL-huiil year.
Kxpomlitures for three fiscal
years next preceding the last
school year
S.225.00 $ 1,600.00
$ 1,600.00 $ 3,200.00
Clerk ..
Other services
750 110
Vis. trig Here
Sh.ili W:.lte who h.M l.o. n spi
lei" i.iniie tunc vl-.ltiog m I ns Anti
anl.ed in (his niv nil. idiv
l"W il.ii , shins with i el i
" rvtwrniBR to h. r ),,,, (ll
, f! nd a
tills le-f.
Slieii, lan.
Marriage License. Issued '
Marriage licenses were Issued 1 to-,
day to Kmniei J. Smith and Margaret '
M Cumin of lieedsport, and to IHirls
il Ireland of Portland and Lucia I.i
i.iles ot Koseburg.
Total Personal
Services $C4.26l.0O J2H.929.S3 $28,476.00 J57.S59.64 J5S.933.51 $32
Material and Supplies:
1. Furniture
(desks, etc.)
2. Supplies
I chalk, etc.) 2.000.00 S50.uo
7. Other service 200.00 9S.65
750.00 J 266.12 $ 250.00 $ 632.25
Are You an Ailing Woman?
Why Not Enjoy Health.
Julcttt, dug 'l,.r Mont tlirca
rtai. 1 j in vtry piv r In-altli.
1 was '.itleni'g with fi-tn mint- wctk
not vliuh was brouylit mi thru
tili'lhrrh.s.d. 1 Ivi'.mic lerv linn
mill ml nrrvi u, tnuM not nl.rp,
l i d niv .ii'pvtiu- mi p,Mr. 1 mi.
'i-rcd all the t tne with aches and
' tins, oi'Ci'.ilU l .ukarh,- and br .tr
ig l'.llll. 1 was a I'lueul wing.
kiiciv n( Dr. lYiicc" l ai.'t tc l're
.'ii lieil thin nu in. thi i I de
tain! t,. iiic it a m il ,,,1 n n-l'cml
"I !l I'l.V Wukilr... jnd f,i 1,1,. light l..k ,,y hijlthilut
I lu.e i nn hid to Ukc ah v
C:l.e s i n-, .t:, have k. i t ,il m,
'"". Mil. 1. U. 1U,V,,
ili'ic ; i.
;t..;l .,t once with thi't 'Trrvciiri.
tn ti .md Mr (..m eu vklv t,.u
no f. -.l !...i..;rr .'Ml l i-trc' V,.(
l'r. I nn, 5 lev . in luii
tilo, i. . ,.r n.r a.i,ct cr KJ
KH; jf Uul Ik., UL'ivU l
Mr.. Fold to C ant. Pjm
Mis ,1 ,,, , , ,),,, ,
I ' t :mt s I jiii n I,. Ml,,, ml'
elsl .1.111 !sj; mill II
' 1 iHilies While in ilr.n'i, i
I'm. I mil he . , ,,( v,
Injure. Wri.t
Hoi li.iini nf i'.i
a trui k e.lel.',n
rist, and nijiin d
tsun s or ih,' i i.i.
lei: tnla to haie
ed to.
n'ng f,
- ' I M'V-
ds and
i-s N'.-n
- 1.
Former R..i,i.7 u. ' i "V."-1'" nd Supplies:
. v' 1 1, r lirtu lure
t u d J. lllakeley. formerly of this (desks, rtc ) $
city, now of I-ni iland. spent last night '2. Supplies
in lies, burs visiting with trieiiils. Mr.' (chalk, etc
MI.ik.clcT left this morning fur Med- ' Library books
("id. . I . Janitor's
I supplies
Guests of th. Umpqua ' T. Fuel .
W. W. t ha.Ulck. manager of the I-I.lth - -
imliial Hotel at Salem, and Richard ?'. )''1,''r
Shepai.l. manager of the Tetminal H.v 10 1
f'l HI Albany, arrived in this city last ""1,nry ..
i veiling in upend ii few dins looking
ai'er th.-ir interests in the new Ter
minal Hotel in this city. Mr I ick
and Mr. Shepard were guests of the
Hotel I'mpoua.
! Total Per.onal
I Service. jtii4.6t.(M f 2S.929 i4 t17iu t-.T itc mici
Russian fitch cape. Satm-a
V nigm ueiweeu noseourg (m.
Sutherlin. Liberal reward if .1
iurnea to eav m. uuie st.
world. Prominent personages, J
those who move in tne Highest itrtJ
oi aoctety, now nu tne aope.' (i
course, the degradation of their,!
factions and dope victims Inclrjj,
many pruiessiuuui uieu ana nd
highly educated, accomplished J
en ultimately swells the rankij
tne unaerworia.
CHICAGO, Jan 16 Instead of
punishment being meted out to pers
ons addicted to drugs, whole-hearted
sympathy and extensive co-operation
should be extended to these un
fortunates, according to Dr. Herman
N. Dundesen, Chicago health com
missioner. In a signed bulletin issued re
cently. Dr. Bundesen also pointed out
that each year finds the rank of
child narcotic addicts increasing
steadily. This Is a problem, he said,
which demands the highest skill of
the medical profession before it will
be solved satisfactorily and Its men
acing aspects gradually eliminated.
"Opium, cocaine, morphine and
other habit-forming drugs have
reached nut and clutched thousands
of boys and girls within their ten
tacJes," Dr. Bundesen asserted.
"Where in other years only adults
were victims today the influence of
drugs is found ln many grammar and
high schools'. . Chlldten, 12 .years of
ate. and others in their 'teens have
been found to lie addicts.
' Nowadays the use of drugs is not
confined exclusively to the tinder-
NEW YORK, Jan, 16. Act
ing to a quoted' statement drifid
in from the Middle West, Ban Jifcl
son has emerged from the ell-i
long enough to interview him sell
the subject of George Sisler u
managerial proposition. George,
cording to our Mr. Johnson, it j
about a wind-blown, flannel-moc
certainty to achieve success at ts,
leader of the St. Louis Browns i-
season. Nothing could be moretr
tain. Ban Intimates, not even u
departure of yesterday's twillgbt.
Among other things, our f
Johnson delivered himself of tbc
I lowing on the Sisler matter:
"He has just the temperament
make a successful manager.
natural leader of men, Sisler li
baseball strategist with few eqtJ
and his foresight, so remarkable
his own play, will be even mortis
parent In his work as a manaie
"The chief criticism of Slsle-
the past has been his reputed ill
of aggressiveness. The truth of
matter is that Sisler Is one of :
most aggressive players in the c:
Simply because lie does not thro
umpires and bellow at every pUT
no indication of a lack ot fl?H
spirit. He is in the game t"l
minute determined, confident ul
resourceful. I look for him to tr
the Browns back Into the raw
strong pennant contenders.
"Sisler apparently needs pltcl.
He has an excellent outfield,
next year with Geortce back at I:
base the Brown will have the ben
field in the American League."
New York fans will take te
with our Mr. Johnson on this
declaration, however. And not ti:
out due reason. It is a matter
doubt whether the Brown in1
of Sisler, McManus, Gerher and
outranks the Pipp Ward-Scott-Di
combination of the Yankees,
that is another story.
730.00 $ 266.12 $ 230.00 $ 632.25
2.000.00 sso.oo i.7on.oo
60.00" 100.50 lu0.0 200.00
(tooon 400.110 4n0.00 soooo
2.150.00 l.Stin.iifl 1.3511.00 2.71lSl)0
7W00 3t.S .tr.O.OO J36.10
350.00 1',0.'0 150.00 300.00
230.00 2"t).00 200.00 ' 400.00
ReoieMMativs Here
W C. Hi- n. i. loo-o r.'
I'i. n. I'mdurt of t
Mii'.ii. -oi t. i.- Mpeni'ing n ! ,
t!i. i i mi- mi, in'iuf Ir (,. ...
!' Mi !. ! is M glstv ,
iini, : t humus
at Ih.
oner Lonj Very III -
' '"' T t.-M,i:i!l-.'ier IJ. w
! tv. n ill at hi hnn .
'''t ' -i.d to be very si, v
"I. Hi- i.'iidiiion ivsiili. a
' ' -,T : I Iii'.ihh I hsge i
e,'.!1 u aicd l.v iHr heart a.-te
J ei s a: e jei muted.
l .Ol1. i.
ini '
V till ,
to he1
It. N.c
Total Material
and Supphe. and Repair.:
nign nun, lines
and gnnunls J 1.500.00 $
, Rose htiiUrtug
I and gtniimN 1,000.00
Benson hnililincs
! and grounds 2,500.00
i Fullcrt.-ii bunding
and grounds lt0 Cu)
$ 6.?7.30 $ 3.T33.17 $ 3,650 $ 7,466.33 $ S.S69 JS J 9.592.51
1.250 00 3.0M.2S
4 'W J 330.00 $ 11.20
4f.O 00
7h CO
700 00
Rich Milk. Milted Grmn eat. in powder
fi-rm.nv VrtThe Food Draikfcr All Arfc
Digr-rtiNe-NoCockinf. Ah.htLvuxh
a'wsv. at hand. Also ia Tablet form.
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