' . ''' 'I"". ... Mioht .. J) "PyWWlliii 1 ftVWf- UC EVIEW ild.tlon'ot Vxi NiWi and the Roseburg R.vlew. j( Q O UGL ,S.S C LJ N "T" "Y J3 An Independent N.wapsp.r. 00 . 1 ' Associated Press Leased Wire Published for the Best InUraat et th Psopl. VOL XI, NO. 257, OF THE EVENING NEWS. :::S:::::Z::ZiiM BE'V ROSEBURG. ORCOON. MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1924. MM saw Mil Lm fFniwif; a SEHV'CE IMAN E0ISS5PiBl ANOTHER BOISraEES K is"miBDEBlll61IFEl mPillLL NffiEfe ilNtlL III fAnrtnld PresB leased Wire.) Lier General Presides Over weeuns - D ! mutee in rot. UTS ARE EXAMINED .jeral Dawes Stresses Value 3f Unity to Financiers or Italy, Great Britain, France, Belgium, cn-lited Presa Leased Wire . ?.j 7n. 14. With Brigadier ...ai Charles G. Dawes presiding. ;uf bOJtneia men ana financiers It I'ilted states, ureui 01 nam rrurt, Belgium and Italy, slt .! board of directors and cred i brnn to examine the assets L lubilitiea of Germany, their na- 1' dftoor. with a new to sarins ttllti ot the most stupendous truptej l 'he history of the a. Strictly builness and no polities." s it ato under which these wan rf tllfl loflriltlV iim uMmbled. .- Tti lucteaa of this commission," i General Dswes, In opening the f'ixt, "depends chiefly on wheth- 1 tie public mind and conscience it allies and of the world there u adequate conception of the il disaster which faces each ally : Europe unless common sense Is ined king." "Herat Dawes stressed the val- Jl onily of command In war to the bad effects of present con- mi We bad come to know,' he said, rotntnon wllh the citizens of all tbat at last that lack of f to agree upon a common attl ' and common action had brought Europe to a most critical and rou iltuatlon. This Is no time since words." e first meeting was absolutely in in any of the military dls- which marked the conference Pa. or San Rerno and Genoa. Not afle aoldier waa in evidence, oils liarthou. president of the irations commission, delivered uarea or welcome. e do not eiect from you, he me unioniced for miracle of Ol'JllOD Of the but we hope with sincere confl e that your comnetencv miwh. ' and authority will concentrate " me result toward which oenaing all our efforts." General Dawes said, had iuocs. as the world had 'ermany's pmnnmi. nr. k. '"became," he added "rh -nrin Ti,hV " the man people "lr chanc-f i " 1 . ucrmiDf -,cn are so great an ele .. v.. E'iriPean solvency. It us 2ral Daw-, .poke or the com- M Practical men free from ,ucll Pressure u- 1 L IT 11 "" PPose to fAnrlnted Press leased Wire.) SEATTLE. Jan. 14. In recogni tion of the succor given Chinese at 1 Yokohama after the earthquake of September 1 by the I'nited States Shipping Board liner President Jef ferson, a silver service was pre sented to her master. Captain Fran cis R. i.lchols, the Admiral Oriental Line of this city, operators of the ; vessel announced today. The pres entation was made In Kobe, Decem ber 20, by H. L. Ko, consul of the Chinese republic. The Jefferson ar rived at Yokohama September took 700 survivors of the disaster to Kobe, returned with . food and brought 14.0 refugees to this side of the Pacific ocean. Lawyer Breaks Down and and Tells of Dismembering ' Body and Burning It SAN FRANCISCO MAY BE CHOSEN Pemocratic National Commit tee Meeting to Be Held Tomorrow. WIFE'S BROTHER SLAIN (Annnrtnted Prom I.easert Wire.) 41 SCATL1.K, jau. l. TWO deputies were under orders to Warren Lincoln, of Aurora, Tells Police Wife Killed Brother and That He Murdered Her. appear today oerore Sheriir Matt Starwich In this city con- sequent upon assertions of Mrs. Keva McConaunhy. Mrs. McConaughy. who wus arrested Friday as the leader of a moon- shine group Including several nationalities, told G. V. Hoard assistant United States attorney for this district, that two depu- j ty sheriffs had assisted her In operating a still. ! Mrs. McConaughy. who was arrested in a downtown real es- tate office, where ,she worked. (Associated 1'reas Leased Wire.) WALLA WALLA. Jan. 14. On the OVO n f hist t r-i I nn nlmvoa r9 ttai- Republican From New Mexico' ing swindled John Davln. well known I sncep man or this city, out or ssoou, I Charles ISartMeri, also wanted by Santa Crui, Seattle and Haltiiuors authorities, accompanied by C. L. I Potter, another prisoner, escaped I from the county jail last evening by O N F through two window bars. Penitentiary bloodhounds- were I used last ovenliur but the trail was soon lost though the search contin- Would Return Insurance Money to Vets. PLAN IS GOOD S. F. MAKES FINE OFFER California City Will Present a Certified Check for $200, 000 and Provide Con vention Hall. ( Associated Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON'. Jan. 14. A pan orama of presidential prospects has been prepared for the democratic na tional committee, which meets here tomorrow to select a convention city and transact other business. Friends of William O. McAdoo. Senator Underwood of Alabama, Gov ernor Smith of New York; John W. Davis of West Virginia, Dr. A. A. Murphree of Gainesville, Fla., and other potential contestants for the nomination are vigorously present ing the claims of their candidates. Selection of the convention city Is expected to be sharply contested with the supporters of various candi dates, jockeying for geographical advantage, and with financial offers from the contending cities admitted ly an important item. In view of the committee treasury's debit of about 118.000. Bids from six cities are ready for consideration but the con test is thought to center among New York, hlcago and St. Louis. San Francisco and Louisville, however, are expected to present strong in ducements. Isadora B. Dockweller, California national committeeman. declared San Francisco would present a cer tified check for 1200,000 for the con vention and In addition would pro vide use of its municipal auditorium where the 1920 meeting was held. "With such an offer as this, we fully expeot to be successful," said Mr. Dockweller. " m water tn n. 1, .... ..v ,. . . . - 0' mathematics in- LOCAL BANKS WILL k7.r s,:n ,,e ,n " the '1 that th. fee hand and J . eommittee . . ..1.. Z,!" ,he W""" " the wrapation or , ., , t. h. ..,rn"nU,(' "r the mo- a form..-. " concerned ., i mi OBSERVE RULES Starting tomorrow the Ttoseburg banks will strictly observe opening and clclng times specified In the state rules The doors will open at 9 1 o'clock- and close promptly at 3 o'clock, and after that lime there will be no side doors open fur the accomo dation of late patrons as has some times been done in the pset This rule v "ent eapaelty and i Is beln nut into strict observance In tsmi.rf. nimittee to act." order tn mnr. full nrnlect the funds "Hd.Be.v .,.,.. fomm,,t,, that! of denositora nd-io safeguard the se- " rovo. ' 10r 'he Amor-: .,,.1.1- 1. .k. h.nk wple. r for ,he Amerl-1 0 . "'Jt a. "'eoutn;,ri.-a,.s,'dhumtl!. "oalliti, d.. ' ln Ame-rian ' I' iSnJ? ,Kur"P In order to ' I' tn " '"10 lome not,. . I ' ilari;.B""in helr "politic.. hen.-." not -now vhether a MT. CLEMEN'S, Mich., Jan. 14 t added- inception The Macomh county Jail today was V shall "... 'filled after a drive against alleged ,ctlu(j ow- To this bootleggers, gamblers and keepers - - - vsai.J ot disorderly bouses yesterday, fol- i (Assorleted Press leased Wire.) AUHOKA, 111.. Jan. 14. Warren 3. Lincoln, lawyer, horticulturist and distant kinsman of Abraham Lin coln, confessed last night that he killed his wife, Lina, dismembered her body and burned it January 10, 1923, along with that of her brother, Byron Shoup, whom, he maintained, had been shot to death by Mrs. Lin coln. Lincoln disappeared from his home April 30 last and his wife and Shoup were accused of his murder. The horticulturist suddenly reap peared on June 10, claiming to have been kidnapped by Shoup and his wife, but only to disappear again four months -later when whispers of suspicion that he possibly had sluin his wife and brother-in-law reached him. A fortnight ago the Aurora police told the Associated Press thnt' they were searching for Lincoln to question him about the disappear ance of his wife and Shoup, and when he applied for a position in Chicago last Thursday, learned of his address through the firm with which he sought employment Arrested Sat urday and confronted with charges that he had done away with the brother and sister, Lincoln confessed, concluding with "I'm glad to get that load off my soul." Lincoln collapsed as he uttered the last words of his confession and the police left a part of his story un related. "I suspected my wife was being un true to me," Lincoln said after the 1 detailed confession had been made, and he was returned to his cell. "Many times she tried to poison me. i I saw the man with whom she had i been associating leave my house. : That stnrted the final quarrel. I "I saw fire gleam from her eyes. ! She fired three times at Byron, who -had upbraided her for being unfalth-l ful to me and trying to kill me. Each 1 bullet struck him in the head. He fell, and I grabbed a poker. First I : knocked the gun from her hand. . Then 1 swung for her head. She fell ' dead. I cut up their bodies and ' burned them the next night." He admitted insertion of "person al" advertisements In newspapers,! sgnlng them "Lina," his wife's name : and admitted authorship of letters j to his wife's relatives, asking and re-1 ceivlng money from them In Mrs. j Lincoln's name and confessed sign-1 Ing Shotip's name to a check on an Aurora bank, where Shoup had a j large account. 1 In each instance of advertising and letter writing, Lincoln Is said to! have used a typewriter with a green ; ribbon and It was through this means! that the police were aided in fasten ing the slaying of Mrs. Lincoln on ! him. - j Deputy Sheriffs of Kane and L0-1 gan counties now know why theyj were unable to get service upon Mrs. I Lina Lincoln and her brother. Byron j Shoup. after Warren J. Lincoln had filed suits against them. I Last March he entered a divorce bill at Geneva charging Mrs. Lin coln with cruelty. Kane county dp-1 uty sheriffs, hearing notices of the ; suits, searched In vain for her. When : they appealed to Lincoln for assist ance, he would say: "I have no. Idea where she Is. She went away : after we quarreled." I Then last summer he filed a 11,000 damage suit against Shoup at Lincoln, Illinois, 'the Logan! county seat. His brother-in-law was : charged with assault, but deputies were unalile to g"t service on him. Fowln. It Is said, a secret Invasion of the county liv acents of the Ku Klux Klan. While city and sta'e police were taking prisoners to the Jaii. l.COO members of the klan gathered In the First Presbyterian; church and held ceremonies, Inrlud-, lni tin burning of the fiery cross. told Mr. Hoard that her life had been threatened by a prisoner in the King county J nil. She and four men arrested with her were to he arraigned today be- fore a United States commis- er. Would Also Allow Ex-Service Men $20 per Month for Each Month in the Service. OREGON SCHOOL ued all night, 110 traces of the miss ing men had been found this mur ing. SEARCH IS UNAVAILING TELE E CO. TO BUILD LINE LAW ATTACKED Hill Military 1 Academy Is Making Effort to Knock ' Out Compulsory Law. (Associated Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. Another day in the senate. It is sponsored , by Senator Bursum republican of j New Mexico, and calls for return toj the veterans of A fanillv and insur-l ance allotment deducted from their 1 Plan to Spend Large Sum of pay ana a perceniatte 01 ineir uu scrlpttons to liberty bonds while In service, plus additional compensa tion at the rate of 120 a month for each month of service. I Payments would be made In cashi ( over a period of four years, one I CDrvn fi-dtv mm 1 train fourth of the veterans to be paid each ; SrtlNU fUKlI MiLLIUlN year in full, or In the form of Insur- Outsiders Aided Men in Twisting Bars, Officers Be- lieve 20-lb. Wrench Is Found. Money Between Rose- burg and Marshfield. ance. aB they might elect. The In surance would he payable at death on the basis of $400 for each $I"A of cash due or the policy might be surrendered at the end of 20 years i at its cash value, based upon pre : nil inns plus four per cent Interest. a ctrrrv ' Stating that 75 per cent of the vet ASKF.i) 1 erans would elect to tnke the Insur ance, Senator liursuru calculated the j cost to the treasury at 126.000.0(1'' I each year for the first four years and Three Federal Judges Will so.ooo.ono annually for the sue- INJUNCTION IS Hear Case Tomorrow When State Moves to Dismiss Case. New Line of Poles and Wires Will Be Constructed Will Slash Path 25 Feet Wide. 1. ( Asrofintod Trris Tasett Wtre.) PORTLAND, Jan. 14. proceedings brought by the Hill mil itary academy of Portland In an ef fort to knock out Oregon's compul sory public school law, which waa mended by Cotiiinlttees Hard At Wort I WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. With j 1 committees 01 notn ennmoers 01 con I press considering or preparing to j start work on several important ' measures, today laid aside the inter ! lor department appropriation bill to becln the promised battle over Injunction , amendment of the rules. Krpuhlicnn Insurgents and demo crats we're more or less united in their efforts to bring about sharper revlHlon of the rules than recom- the rules committee adopted by referendum at the gen-1 which adopted Its report over me eral election in 19:12. will bo before opposition of its one Insurgent and three federal Judges. Gilbert, Wolver-J three democratic members. The coin ton and bean here tomorrow, when 1 n.lttees recommendation thnt 150 the motion of Wallace McCammant. signatures be required 011 petitions attorney for state law enforcement fr discharge of committees from officials to dismiss the case will be ; consideration of Icgl-latlon drew the argued. The case is expected to go , opposition of bot'i democrats and In to the United States supreme court. ! siirgents. who regarded the figure as whichever side wins the preliminary I nnu-h too high, and they also were 'klrmish I 'ln",I behind a proposal for repeal . ',. . . , .lof the Underwood rule restricting .fcT".m" "ry a''a,emy1 h8.l aK , ! amendments from the floor to tariff mi iiij.iii. i...u .... ...... 1 , ,. 1.1 1, , 1 , h ihn seven law will wreck Its grammar school department, in a manner thnt amounts to confiscation, and that It therefore violates the "due pro cess" clause of the fourteenth con stitutional amendment, and is void. The chief point which will he brought to lsue now, attorneys pre- o-gnnlzittion republicans on the com mittee bad voted out of the report. Iilsen-.s .Mellon I'rogrnm WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. The merits of the Mellon tax program 1 cntne under discussion today before 1 the house ways and menus commit tee at public hearings. diet, is whether the court can hear of wl,nsw naVfi akd fo the case before he raw goes Into ef- ' ( , F,.nnl nuh. feet two years hence. Jf (,t nf ,,., or ,, .rlriP ,PC- If the judges should hold thnt a . ,(n, the measure submitted by law which has not become operative ,), tr,.Hiiry secretary. Determined to can not be considered as either con- j ronriidfl hearings by the end of the stltutlonal or unconstitutional, they Wf,k, the committee had limited are expected to dismiss the Injunc- (.arh witness to flften minutes. ,,on "uit- i Win First llomiil In that event, the defense will win: WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-Demo- lis JUHll. an mere win lit- iititniii for the academy to do except wait ettner ror trie lew to go into eneci or won , ,.,, of fnv atinrmviA i.nnrt nunlti nn nn an- ..... pea nrpsen raw now, heraiifw thf law n alnad; nn (,.morratfi and JnurK nt rant the tntut bookR anrl bfrauRp U I 20s votH BpainHt 177 mnl In mip frt han already fallen upon tnp'or 0t n-uuhlUan ornanUatioii. I pint (4 nnil ri nnhl frn n insiirKf-n tB. I .. I. i. .(. !.. Fi.miKiifnn hninifi louri- (Mlll'IMiiiK ill'- i' Mu " SALEM. Jan. 14. C. E. Hickman of Portland, Oregon, manager for the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, has announced here that the company will expend at once $40,000,000 In Improvements and extensions on the Pacific coast, a large portion of it In Oregon and Washington. Tills information enme from the public finance commission today. How much will be expended In thesu two states was not mndc known. It was suld, however, that the const met Ion of a new lino of poles and wires from Itoseliurg lt Marshfield to take the place of the present Inadequate two wire system across the mountains, will be a part j nf the Improvement. To make this; Improvement It will he necessary for the company to slash a path 25 feel wide through the timber for a long distance along the right of way of the state highway between those cities, and Mr. Hickman today con ferred with the stale highway de partment relative to requirements of the stnto highway rommlslon. The new line of poles will be equipped to carry eight wires. The $40,000,000 that the company Is to spend on the Pacific Coast Is said to be money the company has succeeded In borrowing. PORTLAND MERCHANT ILL IN CALIFORNIA i A eponsor rommltlee consisting of people, who In addition to the exe cutive committee, have endorsed the drive for Iho relief of German child ren, has been appointed. The directors of the drive are now hard at work completing the final plans for the r a supreme court decision on .P- j r(y . ",' ' The academy's b,g point in the . .""a ,e d'mZt. ! "'. are receiving a great d, of sup esent argument is that the case r r; nlT w!)n anrt j Prt . and encouragement The exact e should come up on it, merit J,,,,, , a und-r consideration. " r, ""Vh.'T (Associated Press ltscri Wtre.l PORTLAND. Jan. 14. Abe Meier, president of a Portland mercantile establishment, x reported to be ser iously III In San Francisco. Meier became III Friday after he had gone to San Francisco for a combined outing and business trip. school event. as the shadow of a coming PIONEER PREACHER DIES IN MILTON Oilier DlMlm-luillcr WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. In the very midst of Its efforts to quiet these Irrepressible twins, taxation and bonus, congress had to give at t. but will be thw week. The mem hers of the sponsor committee, who are behind the drive with the direc tors, are Dr. A. F. Sether, Supt. M. S. Ilamni. Mrs. Win Hell. Frank Clem ents. Mies Agnes Pltchford, Rev. Jos. Knotte, Rev. II. Quick, Rev. Ste wart O'Deil, Iter. 11. L. Caldwell, Rev. c. II Hilton. W. F. Chapman, M. F. . 0. P. c I tention today to various disturbances: RrB M y Rltter. Mrs A. C. Mar- In other parts of the legislative ,trg t jj rj .Hudson .Glenn Wlmberly. ' household. i . n Mnctd pre.. leased Wire.) PKN'nt.KTOV Ore.. Jan. 14 Rev. David E'lrar George, a pioneer In the senate tongues were a little ! Confined to H Home I preacher of Umatilla county. 2 i quieter, although all sorts of pollt-j j r pooth of the Douglas Natlonsl years of are. died this morning in ! icsl dynamite was lugged Into the ,nf,,rt m hi. home Milton a. the culmination of a long . chamber in the course of th. day s " has been confined to hi. home( illness. ' (Continued on Page 3.) for the past few divs with Wues. 4) (.-sn,-ltted Tress Lensed Wire.) 4 PAL KM. Jan. 14. Hon. O. P. Coshow of Rosehurg took the oath of office as justice of the supreme court at 11 o'clock this morning to succeed Jus- tlce Lawrence T. Harris of Eu- gene who Is retiring to law practice In that city. 4k Clackamas Prisoners Still at Large After Sunday Night Jail Breaking. (Associated Press Leased Wire.) OREGON CITY, Jan. 14. Clack mas county deputy sheriffs returned empty handed this morning from an all-night hunt for seven prisoners wno escaped from the county Jail Sunday evening. Not even a foot print of the fugitives was found. The seven men who got away were: Ed Michels, arrested 24 hours previously charged with shooting stock and stealing a walnut tree. Al Klause, serving a year's term for liquor law violation. Ernest Small, alleged bagage thief, recently returned from San Fran cisco tor arralgumeent and trial, Robert Spooner, serving out a year and $3,000 fine tor liquor law viola tion. ' . John Rohner, awaiting trial for alleged violation of the liquor laws, E. Kridbaum, awaiting trial on a similar charge. Albert J. Howe, held for grand Jury Investigation on a charge ot non-support. Nino other prisoners were In Jail at the time of the escape. Of these eight refused to join the fugitives. ' The ninth, a woman, moiher-ln-law of Ed Michels. was locked up 111 the women's quarters and couldn't get away. The break occurred at 8:30 Sun day evening when the court house, In the basement of which the Jail Is situated, was fully vacated, and while scores of persons were pass ing the front of tho building. .In n I tor 1 1 it in 1 1 1 on was oif an upper floor of the building at the time, do ing janitor work. Hamilton had made his hourly rounds of the Jail In tho basement at X o'clock and reported nothing wrong. The prisoners had not been locked up for the night but were in the Cxerclse corridor. An hour later when deputies rnme to lock them up for the night, the escape ha bet n completed. I'osaibllliy of outside aid Is seen in the fact that the men used a 20 pound steel wrench, of the kind used In bridge work, to effect their re lease. With this wrench they pried up one of the steel frame windows on the south side of the building, snd Ihen, with the other end of the device, twisted In two one of the steel bars of the window. This gave them a chance to crawl from tho corridor. SEVEN ESCAPE i! V ' ! I ' : u ' ; I ' . I 1! i: I i !; ' i : ' i ' i v I.