NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 81. 13- pacp roun f V ' i i ' ', . 50 Get ox Broken Line 17 Q Hex ! STANDARD Makes Buy Your Hciiuay Footwear at a Big Saving During Our PRE-INVENTORY & CHRISTMAS SALE 10 REDUCTION ON ENTIRE STOCK! Biff stock of Ladies' and Children's Shoes that must be sc!d now. G DONNELL DRESS SHOES, Dry Sock Vork Shoes, 1 r North Coast Loggers' Shoes, Felt Slippers - --'"s. at lowest prices in town. See this line before buying your Xrn?.s Gifts. En fact all our goods priced so low we cc.nnot take old shoes in exchange. Complete line of Rubbers and Rubber Bcots at a Discount uiissAilPEERINi Rosehurg, GENERAL HARNZ55 AND SHOE RF.PAIRING DONE PROMPTLY t LOCAL NEWS 2 Z.4itZ ''"''v "i" "''u',;l1 hours at- I "" interests. ti'iinmi; to business matters. Iti'iil h Singer, f:i jut , 'I Lis Is a Sludobuker year. . I II. J. Wilson who is a resident of Myrtle Creek spent several hour ill T. P. Maii'e of (Mill.' was in town this illy yesterday attending to busl I ' I!l... f.... ... ... I.-.t., ' Fxiellcrit lino of holidnv stationery 1 Library. Perry Fom.t tndnr purrlia:"d n ' nm! useful ptfts. Crocker's Drug : ;rkw;:;; tv:zv c-A- i " m - ron , un,,,., I i op. ration some time apo was dis- I 51 is Itess Lewis of the high school ' miss, a from t '.e Mersv hospital . Have you had your Xmas c"teli faculty, will lease tonight lor So- Stindav. Mr. Carroll Is much im lald l.y? iwi.oi s I'm:- store. Op n 'aide wh.-ro she will si.-ml the Christ- proved", evenings lliis we.k. 'in:;-, rel.d;! Wo have just ren iv d a sueplv of ia-; iVlVTKIt 51 . worth of raw girt books. which v.o are soilta's at .:rd. furs, all Kinds. Hiuhest pro-, s. Willi low prices. We ha- e selected the very-Mi-- .W. Vs l ui uiluie Exchange, It. F. , K. st. Those book:, make ideal Chrisi- 'l1!'!.'.''.': I'fes.'ius. notion Library. K. C. Armsttom; u h In tile Mover nut - r spent the day in ibis . i: strong is from N. w 1.. i : Is ss.: - 'if, y A 11 IV-, Christmas Candies and Novelties com: ix .wo ski: tii:m hltoui: )ur iu y: THE ROSE and Soft Drinks 2 J LOCAL NEWS : K;iii;eis, 3 dowu. SS ! eolith. fCLDS trewd xternullf wlUl .Miss Lucy iJurK.nd and -Miss Doris I'rlce arrived In this city yesterday rroui .Munmuuth t.cre they are at tend ins Bchoul. , Arundel, piano lunar. Pbou 1S9-U j. .M.uii uiiderwem i." i" yesterday iiionilui; at the Mercy hos Idtal with Drs. SMlier and Slewart in utlendancu. Fuller brushes U,r Xnias. iZO-U Mrs. K. II. I...:i'iLtun who spent y. sierday in th'ls n' shopping re turned to her lio-iic in Kiddle last uinht. This is a Sludeh.ile-r ear. .. Van IJvke, who is a resident vt Tiller, is spendii:i, a few days in Hoiebn.-g looking niter business in terests. Mrs. y. Johnson h it last ni?ht for UriKBs. Calilornia. where she will spend llie holidays visitlnii with iriends and relaliv- C. (). Itroders, of tl.e biKh school faculty, b it this ni'teruoon lor Cor vnllis where he will spend the holi days with his pun a's. Fiction Library tii -tairs in Masonic Temple. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Crockard and family left Inst nk-ht for Sacramento w here they will pp. ml the Christmas holidays with ill' ir parents. v VapoRub Ovr 1 1 Million Jatt Und Ymarly Lincain auto paint at Wharton Liron . Wntkln'. Troaurt3. 120 V. iJine treet. Orders delivered, hnont. 177 Miss Th.lnia .Mills will leave to niMht for her home in Forest drove where she w ill Me nd the holidays with lor parents. Miss Mills is a teacher in the hi:li school. Wo huv and seil evervihini In fur niture at rowoll'3 Secoutl Hand Store. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Crocker left this afternoon for Kugene whore they will spend a week or ten days visiting with their children. Classified I ALL Meui . L-J : --ZlO WANTED Wutcr shipment of earthen teapots just in. Ileen delayed on route. These make ideal Kilts. See thetu. Churchill Hardware Co. II. K. Larson who is a teacher in the hiKh school will leave toniKht tor Seattle and Yakima, Washington, where he will spend the vacation visitiiiK with his parents and frionds. Henry F. Hubard, who has a gen eral merchandise store at I'nipijua, a settlement on the I'mpijtia river, 1C miles from Sutherlln, OouKlas county, is registered at the Imperial. Oregonian. , tV.h ,n ui house- TiT i arr-Hir WANTEI Man and v,lf ,rZ:C kSTV., woi K, oioauy work for rkht m, i C.ii WANTED A woninn work. I'hono 1 i?-L. Addref3 V care .Vewslievj a., i r.u Shoe repainiiL' me. 'Ctr reduced prices at Deer Civ, kL'. Stables. Fred Ellis. balt" WAKTKD Second " hand tuTTtSrr1 highest prices paid. 1'owell Furni' lure Kjchanne. WANTK12"VounTTadh g" wrtiti Vori 6tw.w, r.,uu oi work ia town ;u7 k or country. Address V t ... r-"----!!;8" Newwllcviei Miss Katherlne Olsen who is a teacher 111 the llenson school left this afternoon for Portland where bIio will spend the holidays visiting with Miss Hess Thorsen who was formerly a teacher in the Rose school In this city. Sarah and Lydia ChrlBlianson who are both teachers in tho public schools of this city will leave to night for their home In Mc.Mlnnville where .they will spend the vacation with their parents. hnokkpentitf!' Uaihi-. 1 31 :i Winchester Kt ' ca,i Pvi DlSTUlCT MANACliat Life, accldont. health Insurence. At tractive proposition to right man National Lite Insurance Co. of V s A., (established 1808.) Pittuck Block Portland. MISCELLANEOUS T,no.rS COtlOty rnvfi , tn.dt i . HHKSSMAKINO by day or Phone 512 L. at home. I Ho' C1IILDHEN erred for at 327 West ' Douglas while you do your Xnias shopping. Phone SS L. Sheldon Hr.uiiil.i'ish, architect for the new stage terminal hotel, arrived in this city last ni-ht to spend a tew days all. nditiR to business matters. Mr. iirumbaush is from Corvallls. O. Ring of Drain was In the city today rpemling si v tal hours locking aiit r iiusiness ie;:t! rs. M:irgueriti' llorti'V who Is atUond inv school at M ii:noiitli arrived in ltos bur-: y( sterdcy 10 spend tho hol idays in this city v. it h Iriends and relatives. When you buy an electric water system or pump of any kind from an agent, after the delivery i3 made you ' don't see him again. When you buy tho Myeis system of us, we are here to follow It up and see that it gives sati sfaction". We carry parts itj, stock. Wharton liros. In Tuesday's paper the following item appeared under Melrose and Kl-1 arose News: "The Melrose school j will give their Christmas program , on Saturday, December 22, at Mel-j rose." This was a mistake on the j part of the Klgarose correspondent, I as there are two Melrose schools and should have read. Melrose district 71 j as Melrose districb 25 will enjoy a j community dinner, a tree and pro-j gram on Friday. NOTICE WANT TO THADE 81 acre faun at Lebanon, Ore., for email place near Roseburg. R. R. I, Pux 16-A. CAR OWNEu Doni lorget to call E5J when in need ol auto parti. FuBsIlErrf- artr s Auto v.recKing Home. ; A.D .vjt rn- ;1 ?2PbMMl- G0CI' cafins WILL EXCHANGE my ten acre chick-: eti ranch, fully equipped with 4uwj chickens, for an income ranch near' Roiicburg. Address Henry Ross, Rti . 2, box 2DG, Santa Rosa, Calif. '-i LOST AND FOUND LOST 30x3 tire on rim. Noufy Fred A. Coff. Reward. Phone 6F2. Iloseburg. LOST Fox hound li;!it color brown on back. Answers name Hon. Phone I 2S6-R. T. E. Ware, Ros. burg. -1 Lloyd's Taxt lor easy riding, rial rates on country trips. No less than fifty ceus. Phono 41. Spe trip Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hofer of Min ncaikt ariived in city list night nnd will spend a couple of weeks vis iting with friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. lloefer are on their way to California. Xnias iccordt arriving daily at Crocker's Drui; Store. Open evenings this Week. Jack Rosenlierger and Ilernal Oif fen who are attending the Oregon Agricultural college passed through this rity last night on their way to Fresno. California, where they will spend the holidays. I have In stock men's watches, priced at $1.50 ond up. Men's vest chains, Indies wrist watches in red and w hite gold cases, priced $8.50 nnd up. Huv or me and save from $1 to $15. Wilbur L. Spau.h, 001 Pine St. FOR RENT KH RENT Hstcty deposit Rrseburg rational Bank V-ijp- KIIl)li:S TO IIAVU PARTY The primary department of the Presbyterian Sunday school will hold Its annual Christmas party on Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The party will be held at the church and a good time is expected. LAST MINUTE PRESENTS The high school P. T. A. will hold a sale of fancy hand made aprons, and home ninde cakes nnd tamales, Satur day, December 22 at the Chamber of Commerce room3. FOR RENT Sleeping rooi.i, tlos'? in. 24B S. Rose. Foil RENT Small cabin partly fur- Dished, and garage, 11J-I Corey Ave. Williams. RROCt Oi l ground for rent. ?,i acres of bottom land. Call en C. Weaver, Myrtle Creek. Oregrn. ' FOR RENT 4 room house, 2 car car- nge, small barn, chicken house. Lots garden room, $12 per month. Inquire Mrs. R. E. Jenkins, cor. ISooth & Eddy Sts. Miller's Add. 10 e tin J r-.s.LC . """St.twrCa "it.' Ererpljt. Li;, cortti. Pri tis t to HO in ii -j. '4 Writt Soja- J acres wm,(w v""-a-'l mi. nan. i, liw.imlinau ptr mot'iiiav. l percfT.ii J t'.-oce III. FOR SAIX-Jrtr toni Uciigjt Fite mam.t. tcr. biiilcjn water iuihe-I Tools, mza Dalanttttcicgl FOR SALE FOX FI R for sale.15. Tel. :1-J. 3G0-R. APPLE i3i7lf and BilXUHl food poms VoD3:'i at o Dec. . ilrrd Rostburt Jfik- ti received a ii Jrn Si & AUTO knitter for sale. Phone FOR SALE t'sec piay! plaDO roll? 5"ic each. Phone ?"0. Not Ii. -cause it is an Honored custom bill b'-iluise of the sincerity of our ap preciation of the friendly business re lations, we extend to our many friends and patrons the season's greet ings. Taylor's Specific Co. Miss Marian Needbam arrived in this city last night to spend Christ mas villi her parents. Miss Needhani iH attending O. A. C. and is a pledge of Camm i phi Rota. Not St. Valentine Imported seed.' Strain is ah.,ut It) days later than St. Valentine: heads self-protected ; curd snow vhit. The finest strain in e.i.s:en. e. !': ii . per pound, 2.5'i; per ounce. il.'.O. Deliv.ry about March. Oidi-e. i .ken for any quantity. Fled S.h.ui.ii, liilhu-d, Oregon. ! ;:.s.. Ci, :;i. a teacher ill the Ren set idn.ol. ;i: I her mother leit this o.ciimg for l',:iMrsfiel.l, tal.. where tin y will sp- i, I the hloidays visitill,' vith friend relstues. T ey may ro to Los A'.il- !es to spell . a short time In fore f. . irnlng to this city. I'oVar. the , Its easy to Jiialio, i!tii:;iiL- . nilure lool; l:i . fllfi-. olv, ;i s T. bald .Ii y : .i-.1, So-'iei... :i 1 l: A : til.. Mill-.' :. 'lish that varnishes. :;e your automobile, di, home or oi'Iice fur new; keeps the sur forming a lasiiny i'int bottle $1. Write t 31th, Portland, Ore. Mr. niid M-- i. p. Harrington arriv ed ::i this i.t, sterday from Canada to sp, nd a . rt time visiting with C. W. l!e-l, i. u-l1( is o brother of They will leave to ruin Where they will ' weeks visit. ne. Mr. mton will r.tnrn to visiting in Calilornia here. M-S. HillT'l nii-ht tor . Spen it I . 'UT i aril Vis. r.,: Il ls (111 III , i and lnav h. t; SvtTTfTrriiT; I; $ 1i n! mi V-H 11 f SASH DOORS nn'L i-Aff. (u Iv tf( rrt Iff ill-le''U-' Dodge Brothers DEALERS SELL 60DD USED CARS If we "took everything ' and sold anything," we wouldn't dare let you see our list of Used Car owners. But we choose and overhaul our cars with the utmost care, so our list is open. Good Values for Today DODGE BROTHERS TOURING 1920 production ..S525.00 DODGE BROTHERS TOUHING ll'lfi production: good tires: new top; thorough ly rebuilt; bargain pur chase S475.00 1913 BUICK 4-CYLINDER New paint: good battery, cord frcs, pood mechani cal condition. Price S250 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING P'ls production, thorough ly rebuilt. DODGE TOURING ll'It production. Price S350 131& SIX-CVLINDER OAKLAND ROADSTER Has fin,. iippoaranee; good rubber; in first class mechanical condition. J. O. Newland & Son Dodge Brothers Dealers ROSEBURG. OREGON IilRDS FOR SALE 2 singers unci one) female. Reasonable. Mrs. W. A. Morlan. 106 No. Parrott. ! fTMiTsaLE Jersey cow, 7 rs. oid., To freshen soon. R. M. Cooley.j Edenbower. Rosebure. III. 2. COXTRACTOii SALE Tn rr1 Auliffiaa-Ii!t ins pluit-' Suilivaa jcnle iacthaiiiiM truck, tows'- 008. wbeel top ai:d small ut ' It lo- . ' fr -A. -1 I VfM w - very thing- This cniy-wtT ::' ., just yt'tir wwv.pvcr - i r -.. And if you "fX's1 s.t.1 sec it' his cyc.t ' t e''s.' sight of t!:cc XliJ ' both can enjoy r'1"'-'"'''1''' v': i'..' ; - -,- : ; s :-;i.'t ill i.i- I ,. . ,-'rr h.lvcthcc,;..,r.ii--- NATHAN FUUERT? Perkins Budd'fB