ruciniv nerrMRER 18. 1zS. A . . . ROSEBURQ NEwa wtvic". mc-a"-,-" " , t . Al1IjrrvFnT,TrmiililiT! Coming Down! Cracked Corn .. Scratch Feed .... Economy Feed Mill Run SEE US FIRST WE P S We iimv make a mistake once in a wliil or Home mav think we have made a mistake; but at h aet we have nerve t-nouL'h to advertise our prices same to everybody and no limit Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg PROFESSIONAL CARDS OP M. H i'l.VKH Chlropratle HlelKO 114 W. I-ana Bt. Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Dr.H.R. Nerbas DENTIST Manonlr I1I1k.. lltMirhiiriCi Ores tea I'hiinr 4HN units .ty with or without iiIuti-M. For Your Christmas Dinner Try our lioyul Club brand of canned fruitK nnd vtKi'ti.l)I'H, Tlu'y Hre (he very iM'Ht (hut nr tuiini d and Ihu jiricu in very riTiHiiiinblc. Try our bulk coffee nt 3.1c nnd 4.1c per pound. Why pay l)c fur a coffee can and throw It away. Economy Grocery Phone 63 XFtlAS GIFTS OF Service and Quality Taney Dishes Percolators Copperware Ruga Chairs Electrical Goods Dolls Toys At Lowest Possible Trices. It Pays to Buy at Parslow Furniture Co. Ill N. Jackson Street Itosebunc Oregon Phone 116 FREE! I Everyone hrinuini; in their Christmas package will set them wrapix-d i fcr mailing free. Let us J help you get your pres ents to your friends j . , TRY OUR WAY Phons 277 Our Auto Will Call SUNDAY ' Dine here , .' ...... ond j Dine well. ' - . Best in Town. GRAND GIL "' ... $2.05 $2.25 $1.25 $1.25 (Roseburg Prices.) CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. folks in plain figures ami they are the on quantity. and Oakland mki.iuisk ami i:i.;i:o.sK iti:ms The members of the Melrose (iratifi- enjoyed a pleasant evening toticther last Saturday. Oyster soup was nerved. (irace Conn and Kern lluseubark completed the decree work and are now metiihers of the ('raw. The first meeting In J""-1 nary win ne ihm;iii.iii"ii mhnt. S. Conn will be the Installing officer. Ilasketball playing will he taken up at on re. Onrar Hanson is iipain at home af ter the summer nd fall working at the coast. .Mr. and Mrs. If. A. I.lnilRren and family of Corvallls will visit their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I.lnd aren and Mr. and Mrs. M. Woodruff, duriiiK the Christmas week. The Melrose school will clve their I Christmas program on Saturday, le j (ember 2'i, at Melrose. The Kit-arose school will close on I Friday. December 21. for lis Christ mas vacation and reopen January 2-. Hi24. The teachers and children j are working on their Christmas pro : uratn which will be (jlven in the eve nine of Kriilay, December 21, at the school house. The children will dec orate a tree for the occasion. Come anil enjoy the evening with us. Theo Anderson of Kit-arose has purchased a new Fori! car.' X. X. -o- NOTICE I will lialf-aole men's shoes for 7" cents, ladies' shoes fin cents until Chrii-tmas. J. W. Hall, 112 lioweu Street, ltuseburK. oak (ii;i i: ititn i s C.i ori:e Wilcox and Charlie McOee were county seat visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Hihherd of Millwood anil Mrs. Fay I.eatherwood and children visited at the home of Mrs. Carrie K. Marsters Sunday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. II. 1.. Kruse nnd Mrs. Helen Law rence and Miss Mil- j dred YoutiK nnd Joe Thompson mo-1 tored to Molalla Kriilay for a couple of days visit with relatives. Walter Cook was on the jury last Week. Mrs. Carrie Marsters entertained I Miss Lois Heed at li o'clock dinner! Wednesday evening. j Services were held nt the Cnla- piioia church a Sunday atiernnon. l!ev. (I'D. II of lioselmi k- conducted j ine s.-rvices. .Mrs. II. L. Kruse and Mrs. Helen Lawrence were in Kucene Thursiray. Mr. anil Mrs. James, Lcntherwnod were Kosehuri; visitors Saturdav. X. X. NOTICE 1 h:te In Ktnck men's watches, priced at M Sn and up. Men's m sI chains. Indies wrist watches in red and white fold cases, priced Svf.e and up. lluv of me ami save fnun Jl to l.'i. Wilbur 1.. Siiauxh, tin I J'ine St. LEGION AUXILIARY Will meet Wednesday e.niii.:. 7 :!i at the arn-.oiv. Tins will he a ci. it denim., it.,. AiiMliaty r.tertaln-i ilu: the l.i cinn. TICKLING THROAT J Alwm s an iinnov aiice. worse when it ailli. ts ynti at night. You cjiu stop it nulfklv with CHAMBERLAIN'S I COUGH REMEDY, Every uncr is n friend TUBBY Do 'A V.'AM'A HEAR Tv) ILUtR MS CBESTtP RtD T To I ME y SAMOY CLAS i ' trA.i- I A wifesstort svvoi'sis of vm:i:iixi II AI'TKKS I Jiubv Atkins marries T'aiil Nor I wooil. somewhat of a dilettante, who i at ao, has dissipated fortune. There are two children. Joan anil i I.aura Ruby discovers ner ' ! eaotistlcal. noii-depcniiauie, but ' iiivi him. Norwood claim" he Is I I entitled to wealth, ! to work for it. II but Is disinclined. . introduces have l.aenn. whose I warned against Norwood (fo'-s I debts Kuby. reputation Ititby HI War is declared, abroad. lie leaves w:in the ' children, lllOVeS IlltO town, 1IIIUS w,,w , Hl gunpie pleasures, - struKKles alone lor five years raul j fulness of all her romlnirs and go returns and insists upon their mov- i,1(.B, a supervision of the friends she lug In to bi tter, quarters. Dave Lo-.niade. j pan reappears and becomes the fam i n.e. "irnort anael." Joan comes I hiene Intoxicated from a tea dajice. Paul and Dave Lot-an add to Ituby's I perplexities hv maklnp lipht of the 1 i :,.-. of nrohibitlon. Finances 1m- I prove; debts no longer trouble Kuby. i Hut 1'aul. as always, retuses to take his wife Into his confidence, or ten the source of his income. Says lie Is In the export and Import business. sows seeds of distrust in Ituhy's hear:. OlAlTKIt XI.III Paul talked more and more about bllvlnK a hom in the country, or It he were not able to make terms, to nnt. 1 want lo get m ar the water," he said and the girls, excited at the prospect talked continually of the new Idea. Joan, who at first Had not favon-d the project, enthused as much as Laura when her father told her she could have Her young friends for week ends; that she could go in to tow n when she wished. I did not take the talk seriously howi ver. I knew we were more com fortable that we had been since the first years or our. marriage, that we had more money to spend, and were free of debt. Hut to buy or rent a large house such as Paul talked of up in Westchester, or on Long Island seemed Impracticable to me. Faul's absences from home grew more frequent, lasted longer. Occa sionally he appeared nervous, full of anxiety, hut usually he was compla cent when at home, often remarking that a well-filled pocket hook made life worth living. So I took his rest less, seemingly anxious spells, as something unavoidable to a man In l.tisiness and said nothing to him about them, trying instead to divert his mind and so give hint rest. I continued to he anxious about Joan, although there had been no repetition of the one distressing in cident. She had grown more unlet, secretive, but as she did noihiug op enly defiant, I hoped she was grow ing wiser as she grew older, and that the other had been a passing stage caused in part by her rebellion bo- .1 ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN by MRS. ELLSBURY (Address all communications to Mrs. F.llsbury, care of News Review.) Dear Mrs. Kltsbury: Christinas is troubling mo now. I hope you can help me. I want to give the lady my husband works fur a present. She is in the store all the time, and Is well off. and has everything a woman iniilil wish in tier home. What could 1 gic her? CKACE. GRACE: People like that are in deed hard to buy articles for. But it is surprising how many well furnished homes do not have good looking table mats. Those Dutch silver table mats they are showing this year are beau tiful, and I feel very confident that she docs not have them. I have never seen a home that really had enough candlesticks or pieces of cut glass.! noiner unusual gift that is very use-; u jampot, with a spoon and a Iver cover. You wilt finH that wwr I i few people have them, and they are excellent for serving jam when giv-: Ing a dinner, if she plays bridge, she! j can never have too many bridge sets,' 1 or table covers. I ! Mrs. KlMmiy: I Hn, ;,i ear jo!. 1. and enat.,1 to a man that I am 'not sun I be. He gave lae a ring. u: I took it but now I am not snre DEAR SfcMDY ClftWS 1 n PLEASE BRING ftl (MOM A O'KEM 616 CKRsnAb lf?EE RUED WITH J CAN'V CANES -AM ) a LOLVi POPS M c- DQUGHNOTS J V 1 Tt ! ..v- ... brt,.. ...m?m,mrr: ..... .. .Iruh cause of our cireum"""' way of livlnr. In ih -retiveness she was like her father, as ne w . In other waya. I tried In every wayi to combat It. to gain her confidence, but with ludlffereiit success. I had time now to read and some-; where had seen It said that it ' tannine a mother's fault If her i (UUK!itpra turned out uaniy, umi . 4 should make herclf a companion to (hem, sharing their joys as wen as their sorrows, that a young needed comprehension of her love f gayety, a sharer of her delight Hnt it was almost impossiDie to penetrate to Joan's real feelings, her actions. I had let her see. my disap proval of Clem Sanders and other frineds she had made, not too tact fuly 1 am afraid, and now she adopt ed the attitude that as Ion- as she homo at a proper time, what she did otherwise was her own affair the same attitude Paul always had taken toward me. We had acquired a piano, also a victrola. and I urged her to bring her young friends home, to enter tain them (here Instead of going out. Hut almost Invariably after an hour, someone, often Joan, would propose going elsewhere to finish the eve ning, and the group would troopt.ff to a motion picture show, or some dancing nlace. leaving me almost discouraged. Laura was my unf iil-l Ing comfort. She never cared for the gay life her sister craved, y.t she loved and admired Joan, looked up to her as almost perfection. She worshipped beauty, anil her sister's loveliness made her overlook her faults. Always ready to give up to her In the matter of clothes or pleas ures, she realized nothing of thtt selfish nature that was willing al wavs to take, never to give. 'I am so plain. Mother, no one notices what I wear," she would say. when the matte' of a new gown or hat came up. "Let Joan have it If there isn't pioney enough for two." nd haC. I allowed it. F.nur would heed a Clin:?-.-11a, save thtt (He 3'iiiled. hanpr In he slst-:'s happi r.ifs. Jovlm, In her beat'.ir. Instead 01 sitting by til-: lire, weeping. Laura wasn't really plain. Just a sweet, pleasant-faced girl whom ev eryone liked, yet gave no particular notice. She read a good deal, stud ied her music and was generally use ful. Just one of thousands of girls like her who aro neither beautiful nor brilliant, and who are passed ovw for girls who llave those attri butes. 1 loved my quiet little daughter tenderly, but I did not appreciate her I now know. TiHinrrmv INtve Joi-inn's Divorced Wife Ides that I love him. and want to marry him. What shall I do? Sometimes I think I want to. and then again I don't. Then I think of Just quitting him entirely. I wouldn't like to do that either, and I Just don't know what to do. , MARY ANN. MARY ANN: Don't do anything just at present, but wait a year before you talk of getting married. During that time, I am sure that you will de cide just what you want to do. If you still feel uncertain at the end of that time, I would advise you to go away for a time. Sometimes when absent, it is easier to make up one's mind. HOLIDAY CAMIH. I Order your nunoay cards now. A beautiful engraved line to make your selection f,jni. Orders placed dur ing the next thirty d"ys will not be billed before January 1, 1924. Don't delay. Call News-Review office. o WANTKD--510,000 worth of raw furs, nil kinds. Highest prices. With 1'oweU's Furniture Exchange, B. F. Shields. A Good Thing. PONT MISS IT. Bead your name and address plainly written together with5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, Des Moines, Iowa, and reoeive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough lUnitsly for oourTir, colds, croup, bronchial, "tin" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou bles, indignation, gassy pains that crowd the heart,' hilioimness and constipation; Chamhrrlain's Salve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds' piles, and akin aflcitionj; these valued family medicines for only 5 cents. Don't min iL Everybody Works Mom AiMT I MICE TO WRITE HIM A J I FTTFD I IKtr t 1 H riT MOM? V-et i E;ni I 9 rvrt - i W THE KIDDIES 4 Toy Fords, Kordson tractors, plows, and Andy Gump lu lc Yak's car. Makes a very good Chridtmas present for the kid- .lien - r. A. Lorkwootl .witnr in I CASEY'S GARAGE ram washed $1.50. Cars stored per month, $2.50. Cars bouiiht and sold. f'orner Hose and Oak Sts. TAXPAYERS ATTENTION i The atinual meeting of the j Douglas County Taxpayers League will bo held in the clr- cult court room at the. court house at 1.15 p. m. Thursday, De- cember 20th. Annual election of officers and other matters of importance to be considered. DAVE IIUSKNHAHK, Pres. LOCAL NEWS Arundel, puuio toner. Phone 189 -U Fuller brwhes for Xmas. 450-L. See us for Jackson St. hemstitching 127 N. Fiction Library upstairs In Masonic Temple. We buy and sell everything In fur niture at Powell's Second Hand Store. Watkloj products, 120 V. ran street Orders delivered. Phono 177. Lloyd's Taxi ror easy riding, cial rates on country trips. No less than fifty ceLta. Phone 44. Spe trip Give something for the car this Xmas. See us for the car gifts. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. Excellent line of holiday stationery and useful gifts. Crocker's Drug Store. Open evenings this week, o SCHOOL HILDHF.N HFLI STOP MOTOH ACCIDENTS ' fAssocinted Press SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 18 Qua thousand public school boys of ban Francisco, from 12 to 18 years old, have been organizes! Into a traffic reserve force. Like the regular'traf fic policemen they are posted on the corners surrounding schools, whore they regulato the progress of auto mobiles and see that their fellow students cross the streets safely. They study the city ordinances and are drilled in slRuals by traffic of ficers of the police department. ' This is an extension of a cum- When in Roseburg Hotel Umpqua Who Pays the Bill If Your Auto Is Wrecked? Winter weather makes driving hazardous. Better fix it so the insurance company carries the risk. Do it today. JOHN E. FLURRY. Insurance Agency Rooms 1 and 2 Roseburg Bank Bids- Phone 183 Roseburg, Ore. N0ORE A PRECIOUS DARUNG-MOTHERS'! HONeV LAMB 4 XMAS PRESENTS FOR ; c . V s -,ti. C III ---- t iri,. i... . --nil. ' l .... v,,.vii; in 4, io gu pounds Tk and black Japan. These etu. " . art) Churchill Hardware, The Winchejlt, Stor, palgn against accidents started here ieu mourns ago Dy the police de partment, in co-operation with the California State Automobile Asso. elation. A committee of citizens was appointed to work with the police in suppressing reckless driving and careless walking, and supervising the flow of traffic. During the ten months the death rale for motor accidents here was re. duced i5 per cent from that of the same period in 1922, according to statistics prepared by the associa tion. Representatives of northern and central California cities, at a recent meeting here, decided to adopt a sim ilar plan In their communities. Notice of sate ef Government tlmbt-r Gei.eral Ind Office. Washington. D C. Nov. Ill, 18S3. Notice la hereliy gv- on mui BuiijBi-i io me condition! and limitations of 'he acts t j o 191, (39 Stat., its). February 2. 191S (41) Stat.. 11701, and June 4, 1920 i Htat., T&s). and dupartmental regula tions of September IB. till, (46 U D 447), and June 22, 1920 (47 L. P., 4lli. the timber on the following lands will be sold Dec. 29. 1923. at 111 o'clock a, m. at public auction at the I'nited Sutra land office at koaeburs;, Oregon, to tlie highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this no tice, sale to 4e subject to the approval of the Kecretury of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of lper cent, thereof, t( UIH cumin innit'iiB uuuweu. must P6 He- posited nt time of snlo, money to be re turned If sale la not approved, other wise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Rlda will be received from citi zens of the: United States, associations of such citizens and corporations or Kunlzed under the lsws of the United Slntes, or any Hlate. Terrlrutry or I 1s trlet thereof t'pon application oi a qua'.lfled purchaser, the timber on any lenal uldlvislon will be offered separatMly before belnsr Included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 32 S., rt. 6 W., Sec. 17, SW'Vi, SKU, fir, SI', M.. sugar pine 75 M.. none of the timber on this 'tract to be sold for less than 11.2.' per M for the fir and K'.oil per M for t lie sim.'ir pine. T. 21 8., It. .1 W.. Pec. SI. NK'i NlCi. fir S.10 it. NW'.i fir lnnuM.. Wi NRU. fir 9oo II.. SW'J NKli.Nr 750 M.. NR'4 NW'. fir 1!5 M.. cedar 240 M.. frl. NV'4 NWU. fir 10i0 M., cedar 140 M SE', NWH,' fir 710 M.. cedar 80 f.. frl. SU'iJ MVy, fir 1200 M., cedar 170 M.. none of the tim ber on these tracts to be sold for less than II. 7S per M for the fir, and $1.50 per M for the cedar. T. 27 S. It. 11 W.. Sec. 7. KWK NK',4. fir 2S00 M, hem lock GO M, none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $2.50 per M for thT fir and 60c per M., for the hemlock. T. 19 ti., H. 1 W Sec. 33. HW14 KW'4, fir 1IHI0 M., not to be sold for lcs than 11.73 per M. T. 21 .. k. 4 W., Sec. 25. SWU NK'S. fir 1000 M . ! cedar 30 M., none of the timber on thisi tract to be sold for less than 11.75 per! M.. for the fir and 50c per M for the! cedar. T. 16 H. 2 W.. Sec. 1, Lot 4. fir 11540 M.. cellar 100 St., HWhi S' fir 1.115 M.. none of the timber on these , tracts to be sold for less than $1.75 peri M for the fir and $1 per M tor the ce dar.T. 17 S It. 7 XV., Sec. 33, NK4 SWI4 fir 1300 al.. not to be sold for less than $2.50 per M. T. 27 S.. II. 12 W.. Sec. 31. SW NK'4 fir moo V. Hemlock 75 M.. cedar 175 M., SK! NK!4 fir 1400 M. hemlock 175 M. cedar 350 M. Sr.V, NW4 fir 900 M.. cedar 50 M.. N'K1, SKU fir 650 M., cedar 20 M. None of the timber on these tract to be sold for less than $2.50 per M for the fir. $-'00 per M for the cedar nnd $l.on per M for the hemlock. T. 10 S.. It. 1 W.. Sec S. I.ot 1, fir 900 M., Lot 2 fir 900 M.. I-ot 3. fir 1175 Jr.. Ixt 4. fir 9o Si.. SW XWU fir 11100 M., SEV4 NW'i "r 13:5 M., NK1.4 SW14 fir 1315 M.. 10 M., NW'i SWl, fir 745 SI.. SWU SVNH fir 570 M., SKi', SW'4 fir l--'5 Jl.. SW14 SK14 fir 1600 !.. SKU SE'4 fir ISS'i M., none of the timber on these tractn to be sold for less than $' 1' P" M. S. V. Proudfll. Actlnit Assistant torn. miejinncr. general I-md Office. RELIABLE TAILOR H. BERNIER We make Ladles' Suits Men's Suits Koblhsgen Bld (" Phone 149 By WINNER f CAW l HAJE THAT PIECE OF I I V I If' I . ful Kim mas I e h,, Jut ,bit .U - Crock Suitcat TrurJa ! Notion I We want 1 L I now yon t Putcha$t$ rfJ these liatt 333 W5; BCStl iDi"I 1