PAGE THKEB r- - c-He ate t n civ o0 WOMAN S PAGEL i ffiSttjN 1 DinnerCornpliments SOCIETY- r BEULAH JEWETT I .m. naze society, women'a clubs, and personals, Vttoni to ii pa by Frlllay of eat,h week telephoned w TeleIhon9 No. 135 I rlh(. .wing of youth, horn?, and in. firis fnr all a Christmas tree with lr - : " in. firm fnr all was enjoyeo. ine ctuo ."'it ran brlnr. the! and school will have a community 'J? , iv how will sin. ! tree and program at the Smick ? in o historv on Mon-' tree and program at the Smick t,v evening. Pre-vlews ,chool house. Saturday evening. De Se promise the finest I cemt,er 22. and plans were made for S ,ntertsinm-nt that ,n, eVent. Mrs. Charles Hagar and Ibave bad th privilege. Mrg William Agnew will entertain j m the essentials the!(ne cu0 at Ia neJct meeting, and I will eq"al tnat ' ansr there will be annual election of of W offered here. fleers. Mrs. C. II. Short of Port .ifinufrula una . . ... . ... iRnd was a guesi 01 ine ciuu iiiurs- RecentTiride nosts to a numoer 01 ineir friends od r" that evening, making up several tables of bridge. , High honors at Complimenting her daughter. Mrs. j cards fell to Mrs. Sawyers, und Fred George Uietsrh, who was a bride of Wollenberg. and low to Jane Wtiar laat week. Mrs. V. A. IVarce Invited ,on '-yan Bkinner. Hidden to a number of Intimate frl.nds to her;fhe rtn borne or i Tuesday even- M.rlv lr flml Mrs. f'harl day. a ft Christmas Carols Will Be Sung Fringing to life a custom which u..Pi,v Minsireia tu.u each year in brll uilc and financial suc- to be anticipated i r lnter entertaln- of beautiful girls; I fancifully dubbed thel I have uut in Vnarv training, and In' perhaps more than any other la r'l (towns, and Btrlklngl nlMcant of Christmas and all the Joy La will' bring to thei and gladness that the season means, ness of youth and Joy I for the fitst time In Roseburg Chrlst- rble charm of graceful, mas carols will be sung on Christmas i eve. Originally an English custom, id that Dnnc and one tnat is enjoyea oy tne Eng lish people, young and old, every year. It has gradually spread to the I'niled States, particularly In the New England states, and In New York, where they were a great suc cess last year. Mrs. C. A. Brand, who Is promi nent In musical circles, has been in strumental In Interesting a large number In the custom, and on Christ mas eve at seven o'clock ciro's wM! Its fliinv In thA htmlniiBB Hlstrlnl at J, bnoemaser a uuFu- (h rnurchell nd , lne mlj) rP,,. ihe dub. The ladies dence dl8trlcta Evervone who venln hours itn w(9neg fo jnln )n the 8inRnB u asKed kich Miss Jane har-; ,Q do go R(.hear8als are being he'd iprire, anu .wr. j. t. i a Biauon. mule un Fflowers. principally k. were In white. Mrs. : ana Mr, u.euu m.- ad Anj?pl9 Sing.. and ..Holy Nph, airs, t-oruou. '" i t l8 noped , mnke ,he earol rlnK. ? nl "nu' affalr R. Wharton. Mrs. Roy I " i Charles McKlhlnny, i K fctieriy, Mrs. Kenneth ; Conservatory to fcorce Johnson, Mrs. Have Studio Party . l tl V tl'l.t. I J tedy. and happiness 10 hearts IS tne reouu ival which serves the Tof entertainment and ks need. 3ub Member rdon was hostess to the Saturday lunch- evening compllmen- The bridal motif was suggested by the table arrangement of yellow and white, the center b.-lng marked by a bridal cake surmounted with a min iature bride and groom under a bough of orange blossoms. Yellow and white streamers extended to each place. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Pletsch. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dletsch, Arnold Hoffinelster, Alva I serving by Mrs. Hunter, Thelma. Helene and Stanley ' Fred Chapman. Pearce. and Mr. and Mrs. V. A.I ' IVarce- I Election of Officers o ft ft v. P,i. , A business meeting wlih election or officers preceded the Christmas imrtv A charming hostess on Wednesday i f the atholic Daughters of America Tlsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wimberly, Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Jonnsou. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-; win Thornton, Mr. und Mrs. Jack! Wharton, Mr. and Mm. J. E. Sawyers, ' Misses Gertrude Rast, Hess Wharton' and Jane Wharton, Frank Clemens. I l.yman Skinner, and Fred Wollen- berg. Mrs. Wharton was assisted in I Sawyers and Mrs.! flfoovfc Staid: 6(vl3 Hbv.scfc b! tpauUncjFrcdck to "il lave jfull flMiisc in illoUwoob Mrs. Lockwood Invites Matrons in to Sew afternoon, was Mrs. C. A. Lockwood. who invited a number of matrons to her home to sew and chat. Clusters of ni'Htletoe, bells and Yuletlde fu vors brought the ChrlHtmas sugges tion to the pleusant afternoon, which was enjoyed bv Mrs. H. I). Harris. Mrs. F. R. Dunlap. Mrs. C. W. Gilbert. Mrs. Fred Cook. Mrs. J. C. Fonsler. Mrs. Frank Lllburn. Mrs. H. L. Whip ple. Mrs. Earl llurch, Mrs. Oliver Lockwood, Mrs. G. H. Smith and Mrs. Lockwood. ft ft ft Community Sing For Tuesday Evening An old-fashioned community sing will entertain the members of the bl.h school parent-teachers' associa tion when they meet Tuesday eve- at tne MaccaDee nail Tuesday eve-1 ning. Mrs. J. O. Koeuig was elected; gnind regent: Mrs. Harold Nichols,: vice grand regenu Mrs. Ilodley, pro- phetess; Miss Helen Casey, historian;! Mm. L. J. llarnes, financial secre-' Inry and treasurer: monitor, Mrs. V. I Bulff; sentinel, Mrs. I'rinzen; trustees! Mrs. I. II. Nichols and Mrs. L. Neu-i ner. A Christmas social, with an ex-j change of giftx, and a dainty luncheon completed the evening. j ft ft j Hostesses to i Tillicum Club ! Mrs. Victor Short and Mrs. J. S. i Park were joint hostesses this week ' to the Tillicum Luncheon Club, at the J home of Miki. Short. The guests were ' seated about a smartly appointed ning. December IS. Everyone Is ! mble arranged with miHtletoe and urged to bring any old-time aong holly, iind spent a pleasant alternooii hook which they may have. There j with the hosjesses after the luncheon, will also be several Interesting read- Covers were placed for Mrs. C. E. in!s and musical selections on the 1 Huffman, Mrs. R. E. Metzger. Mrs. the Helnline Conservatory, and songs familiar to and loved by every one will be sung, piv'h as "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "Hark the Her- n. Jlrt. H. L. Wblp- I Wimberly, Mrs. Ed Mn. Roy llellowj. artoo and Miss Jare h hiing (Parrott entertained a ally at dinner Sunday program, and there will be a discus sion concerning the purchase of shrubs and other means of beauti fying the the school house and lawn. ft ft ft Christmas Party for Legion Young People A Christmas party which will bring together a large number of the young people wl'l be held on Wed nesday evening. Oecember 19. when the Lnelnn Auxiliary will enterfSln The faculty of the Helnline Con-ithe Legion, the affair taking place servatory will be hosts tonight to all conservatory students over ten years of age, entertaining them with a Christmas tree and frolic. Mrs. C. A. Brand will sing "Holy Night," and Miss Flo Adams will gi'e a number of Christmas readings. Mrs. Heln line will tell the story of "The Bo- hemian Girl," and her talk will be In the Legion club rooms at the ar mory. carry out the Christmas motif, and a Jolly evening of games and music will fill the hours. A Chrlxtnins tree will have gifis for all, and luncheon will be served. ft ft Out of Town Visitor Clifford Jenkins, Mrs. L. W. Metzger. Mrs. W. H. llrown and the hostesses.! Mis. Short and Mrs. Park. I ft ft ft Mrs. Baum is Saturday Hostess ; A charming hostess Saturday wns Mrs. Natalie Baum, who Invited a number of prominent ladies to her apartment for an afternoon of br d;:e. Mrs. Fred Haynes won high honors for the afternoon and Miss Hose Par-, rott wecond high. Seated about the: card tables were Mrs. Walter Hamll- ffaihioned turkey din- Matured by a number of records and . r0mrjlimpnted L...i. . j . souks from the onera. All od-fash-i,s -Ornpiirnentea Evergreens and red bells will ! ton, Mrs. V. M. Petterson, Mrs Hen Zigler, Mrs. Jack Wharton, Mrs. 11. Casey, Misses Elizabeth and Rosa ! Parrott, Mrs. Fred Hayni. Mrs. Fred j Schwartz. Mrs. II. W. Bates, Mrs. J.I E. Sawyers, Mrs. Tretnper, Mrs. H. I M. Jennings, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. L H. Stewart. Mm. J. H. HooUi, und Mrs. C. S. Helnline. ltflr '' C.s ' i;,.VH:-. ,, l -SI c, : v u studio gate and chance brln me past the casting window and I h"i' ' the plaintive vnicesVAny cas n:r u diiy?" lay heart bleeds for i!;i-in -tin se linle blond haired, girl Mi i tin i wlo Kistfully wait for the big n-M' :.. to come. Thousands of girls are v: Ulrf't "What Uo I need to win a ch: ..c; ia the movies?" Well. I'm going to be blunt :.t liio risk of discouraging thousai !s readers who are dreaming of fairy land out .Hull) wood way. Here It Is: A comfortable allow ance tha v. iil provide fond and loduliiri mill' th-' day when the "big chance" com. :i! i it Is worth more than bra il wlil give talent an opportunity to tl I vcliip and ambition a chance to !:v. ft ft Mrs. Georgn E. Iliiuck. wh lin.i . been hi the enst for the pus two months, arrived In liosehurg toiU.y. .Mr. and .Mrs. iloiek vent eust in -, tuber, Mrs. 11'iin k n iimliilng for H'l additional few weeks' visit Willi friends in Nev Ynk, Ilosto i. "iid . with her son George at H y Gxirge llouck il ,i I'nlvirsity vruilu ' etc and Is studyin; ivedlcine 11 Hi:-., where he is iral. iug a vety n.n d record Willi ins lass. ...s ...""''tat,'- .- " VI . PAULINE FREDERICK (International Newa ServU .) PAItl. Doc. 15. With the r ..tin to , fuller skins, the old-faaliloniv ;vl::c ixs gown Is coming back. It Is not tho old "Princess," ' Yell in lids the figure like a piec o." tu inour. but a one-piece gown, t: !: '' In sll;;).tly at the waist line and v, Mil il circular flare at the bottom w'.il h Is going to be very popular this s :vun. Charlotte 4s milking these 1. hi . gowns In long straight lilies '.ah a flare which begins Just above tho knee, line conies In black sal n per-, fectly straight und plain, wit . on-. tli-ltt hIv..h Al the hotto : nr. ' I three iiairow ruffles which go l . tin j knee on each olde, sugrest - the I panel effect. Many of Cha ! it. 's "robes-cheniise" nre cut In pai l.i to tnt below ihe hln and are wor : ovi r ' a slip of coiitiasting color. Thli touch Iclork. A dwarf Jeru iree centered the table (overs were placed for tw R. Kensel and son, Wilbur, Misses Josj th and liosn Parrott, y. Miss Helen, Casef, Jeweit, E. L. Parrott, Cft ft ft ty jfternoon fcmewnat in advance of I season the Past Ma- songs from the opera. An old-fash loned spelllag bee will conclude the program. The studio has been mado fragrant and lovely with mistletoe and evergreens. ft ft ft Whartons Are Bridge Hosts on Monday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wharton were bridge hosts on Monday, asking a I , For Mrs. J. A. Fltzpatrick of Tllla-I Woman S Club Will mook. a vb Itor here this week. Miss ; M t f SIci'nnpr's hers of the old Campflre Girls organ ization to her home on Monday eve ning to meet Mrs. Fltzpatrick. Mari golds adorned the rooms where a nlensant. friendly evening was spent. Invited to moot Mrs. Fltzpatrick 'were MIfs Vernlla Kohlhagen, Miss coterie of friends In to enjoy an even- 'osennine Mor.ininny and Miss Lots Inf at cards. Mrs. Petterson and Mr. Geddes. Hagar carried off the high honors. and Mrs. Bates and Mr. Fisher low. uP i,.i,j . , niru. o. i. iMuoer assiHieii ,irs. iiar- ". , ' 7 'uesaayiton serve dalntv luncheon at the card hi. . "'"y'n6" I tables around which were Beated Mr. Bas party. Holly antj and Mrs. H. C. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. ws in red and green. f. W. Kelllngton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. I holiday season, rnd the j Enger. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McAllls- ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hagar, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mr and Mrs. Nathan Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Rates. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Petterson. Mr. George Culver, and Mr. W. H. Fisher. Mrs. Enger Hostess to Book Club kle was charmiug with moil)', and as favors, of red stick candy. luncheon the guests p A short business I held late i the afu,r. the following officers ifor the new year: Mrs. I was elecied president: Mrden. vice president: "t. secretary; and Mias 1. treasurer. Present y flint. Mrs. Leona ' John Runyan. Mrs. Mrs II. w. RiKKS- Mrs Jl.llam Hell. Mrs. Floj S. L. Kidder, and r Tuesday I the room. I I -i.t - ""'" "J I rr.. I 1 ""a mistletoe and .o uu ...u.nuav buciuuuu, ft ft ft Bradburns Hosts at Small Dinner Mr. and Mrs. George Brndburn entertained a number of Intimate friends informally at an eight o'clock dinner recently, scaling their guests at a charmliiK table centered with fluffy yellow and white chrysanthe mums. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Green. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. S. C. Collier, and l.vnian Skinner, ft ft Miss Mathews Hostess At a prettily appointed luncheon on 1 to Friends Thursday Mrs. J. E. Enger entertained i Charming a'mong the mnnv festlv the members of the Book club, seat-jin,,, hlch precede Christmas was ing her guests at a table centered ,hp affHr on Wednesday evening with potted cyclamen. Seated at thelfor vMctl M. Miidred Mathews was table were Mrs. C S Heinllne. Mrs.nog,es, , ,hp homp of h(,r ,,. ' ni imunr, AiTH, fauinKlun tlusnt'H, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Charles Whar ton. Mrs. M. F. Rice, Mrs. Charles The Roseburp Woman's' club will meet on next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 4. R Skinner at Winston, This will be tho annual ChritUnias party and each member is to briiiR a small giit fur the tn e. Members may brinK a guest but must j briiiR a gift for her also and ppy the j n-Kiilnr Riiest fee of 2i cents to the committee. Cars will leave the Prea b; terian church between 1:30 and o'clock. Christmas Tree Hung With Kitchen Gifts Pauline Frederick. the greatest emotional actress on the screen todev lias been r,s!;ed by this iiei.ii-r to write a stiienicnt of fact en what chance Ihe American girl, who 1h am bitious to appear before ihe camera, has In Hollywood. Miss Frederick lives In Beverly Hills, a beiiuillul su burb of Los All'teliW, the "movie" renin', nnd recently went Fust es pecially lo appear In "L"t Not Man Put Asunder.'' the J. Stuart Bl.irkton production for Vitacraph which was pletiirlzed from Ila-dl Kinit's famous novel on douii-Htir dfsont nf. By PAI'LINE FltKliFltlCK There Is, of course, no basis upon which one can predict the per cent- a li'l sere age of chance In any given luiiHiiii of be "easy" peared. Funs became partisans and Ihe very novelty rf Ihe moving pic ture b'iii'lrd tiie audiences to the ar tistic Kiuirem nts of the m r nnd dif ficult nit. Almost over night stars were made. All that Is gone. Few men and wo men, in n establish, d stars, enjoy more than leiir production a year. Bui, lh-".e sto-iis are bigger, finer. Ii-oaiier In appeal nnd greater In their miind on the player. Popularity lelv through the weekly releases is no longer a po:;sibillty. Now the act- lesses ini'.':t know how to act. Beautv will never make a star to day. It Is. of course, iifresKiiry that . which ,ell. that h baik upon n'lnus heailiiiE or embroidery .o bo u.jed in a very original way. I She makes Hi- princess with ' hep. of rnrtbn, bot'i nnrniw am. In the mateilal r th" fr. 1 of li re, silk or metal. Tassels I i ed In n number of ways. Lenlef Is iniikiim a sulking P; gown In dull given velvet wltli : riiniilng through. Il ! very s; In the knees, where It Is plenti then' are silk twists lit tiie hip 1 em d with large original wooden li s. I Pntou Is showing n Princess with the flare accent nut. oy nl rowi of comet i lu lling in . u. . ivi. n very gniceiui n i f..iiiiires when one wains. I tie smu.-n i.,,, ,,..,r.. : ilw miiiiKscline and lonn a imi-ep. lit nd uck- I , :t life. I can only give what seems to beauty won't get any place at Holly- me to be some of the essentials to wniul. There is too much compel! w ...... it: .......,.. : ICCeSS 1H lit. 11 Ule ,'i n-n.. of the younger matrons to her home -1 set forth are loo difrieul . rnd I on Friday afternoon, complimenting I "I"'" s'lc.-n soniethlii;: to b.-m-,, i.,.r. li ..,.. .uh kitriwn I won only after lone and urdi er- tort. It lllltsl Oe renieaioe-rci iii.n . Gilbert, Mrs. J. E. Enger. The ap. proach of Christmas keeping each lady busy with needlework, no book ehower. A Christinas' tree gaily corated, aarl hung with useful and fancy articles for kitchtn use was presented to Mrs. Bates, and mistle toe and evergreen brought a fragrant breath of outdoors Into the rooms. Gathered at Mrs. Hiney's home for the afternoon were Mrs. Bert G. Daten, Mrs. Treaves Dysinger. Mrs. Woodley Stephenson, Mrs. Leo I vanev, Mrs. Joe Iienn, Mrs. F. I'. Pow ell. Mrs. J. M. Hose. Mrs. Earl Burr. Mrs. Ella Iough. Misses Edna and Mildred Ixiugh. ft ft ft have be'ii :;cbnoled on the that I have played evervthin bits In plevs to draliialie lea. that I. therefore, am coin inc. stag", fli'lil Is ami 1 by Mrs. Harrv Hatfield. Oregon grape ... -t-i - i i I..L combined with red crepe paper and ; Nimble Th'mble C ub creenery made a colorful background i Meets on Wednesday ft ft ft D. A. R. Have Christmas Party Evergreens, miniature Christmas trees, red bells and other holiday sug- for the gay evening to which the tel ephone girls at the local exchange were the gue.'ts. A Christmas tree with comical gifts for all the guests was the main feature of the evening. Luncheon was served at a table cen tered with holly, and streamers of ma. Mr .mi .! Mined on Tuetday ey0. -'f of the Northside ' 5"0 Mr. nd Mrs, land v l!moTly: gestlons cnmhln,..! t mu ih. rnnm. 1 Bemis. Florence Weatherford. Luella gue,t ri. er."na of the Churchill home attractive on Krown. Ella Anderson. Mrs. Charles bv a n,,mK..; .: ..' Lfn." Wexlnesdav when Mrs. F. H Churchill Schomnker, Mrs, W. W. Cardwell. I a, ..." 'nec,u, Invited the members of the I. A. H. Flo Sehaff.r. Merle Slrnder. Mrs. It ' the rarH ,ne to her home for a Christmas partv. A I L. Prorkley. Garnet Wilcox, Alice club m'mh me8' I Paper by Mrs. Smick on "The OldlCreasnn. Mrs. It. L. Collins. . Ixta Walter n,T. wpre I Oregon Trail" was very interesting. Cloy Ilaifield. and Mrs. Hatfield. unb'v K dd" Mr' ! Mr" Sm,c drawing on her rich store I ft ft ft Ha'iMin w " .' d ' of knowledge concerning the old Ore-; f . n t tnt Mr. Ko'and.gon country for the fine paper. Al'nlormal Uroup Ot ..r..p..-.UK oi gins rrom tne i nnsimas y0unc reople Ciatner 1 Mr n1 I tea antnvniH I . 1. i . .1 1 . .. ... - n t ...c iai..-i u.iiii A .. proun wm rather at the mm Berveo. ft ft The young ladles who make up the Nimble Thimble Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Jose my own career that willmen. to work hard and lo endure slights rnd disappointments and rebuffs Is an at tribute which every novice must sess at the beginning. Studio ate overrun with mediocre talent little persoiialili.M. Pretty, yes; girls who wear clmhi-s well; who make pictiircsiiu.' the cabaret sei'iirs and ball room of the screen; but destined to remain Jlll what t'lley nre until crow's feet dig nclv lines in their frndi young faces and they sink lower In lite line of "pe'.am:i wanted" when casting is lo be done. These are recruited fiotu Hint great phlne McElhlnny spending the social1 croup of American homes when, ther hours with music and the making of Christmas gifts. The Missiw Vivian sod Vera McKay were Ihe guests of Oregon grape. Rtiests of Miss Math- j t,e rUD for the evening. The next ews were: Margaret Shields, Adellej rrKUiar meeting of the club has been postponed until after the Christmas has been conduit, but Where every metiil.i r of must v.cik; but In which daughter. Will. IlltS heel high erhool (lane not riches. Ihe family Ihe pretty i.iTl spoiled t and . Med by holidae, and wlil be on January -tin at the home of Miss Beulah Jury is. ft ft Xmas Program for Parent Teachers Hin-.Wri. " Mr- and I "ee entertained the ladles until k v. ' r- na Mrs. aainty luncheon l Mr. InH V. ... nd Mrs. Wen- and v.. ii . !n . . n rg. nv " -"'as rageant i Mrs. ; ' .."' " 'bu, Mr. and ' rcsentea . ler.on. .. . .... mv. ana j aooui thirty students of the Heln I line Conservatory will be presented I on Friday evening. December 21 in me annual Christmas pageant, which will be nt the Antlers The-! atre for the first time. The ron-i rson ioux. Club mas Tree home of Miss Alice Hooper on Sat urday evenliut for an Informal good time, with music, dancing and candy mnking. The young people who will gather are Miss Faye (ieddes. Miss Alice Hooper. N. iss lls Myrtle Wilson atc hot. iu.- -'i.v servatory program will be presented ' r n i "'.on Thurs- from m .,1 in k. n. Group L.nioys fc t Mr. ArthurYhn,he xl cu"om,,ry Picture program. Oride Evening Tuesday ;hriiiUnlChrUuii PaKant and festival will inclnd" . rm-nn.hi-mim.n ami a riuatititv of numbers by the kindergarten nunilfl hrilifnnt r.I l:rrifH and Kn.;n fniinro ? th fh.,u- . a the older ntudpnt. and i iv-rio nltriicliv Hie of tho ( ' """Wttjmatic art department. IntereatinK nunilxra from the dra- W. Whnrtnn hmnp on Tuenday even Willrd N'nr'fn. Vrer NV-bH. .1 '' fraver Circle I las rJIf. Allan M-wlft and I.e-.nard Ie- rKrS.ftna. Mretintr i . ! Wm Klhr Invite I tli in in b'-Tji tl tn- Nnrtii.fio.- rr;ter ( irn- i" b-r home on Tb irmlay Rft rinMn fnr h ( iir it!nfn iiiciinK. Mm. Kmni'tt Crawford uph lb" b'nd-r. and the lemon wfiB t!ie t h Hlman nrv. Mrc. Klnhr' ho?iie uan haiii'int with the f nriftni" ;iint In Hit ib-e'-ralinns mother, doi'Mn't want In 1 ;l k ui a biiMiri'-sH rart'i-r. f'larire wanin a enn traet in thi "nuivies" hi f.M'.tMto a vear. Well, Try and ."-t il!" 'Ihe rt ii!?:itinnH tf inanv of the so rall'-d Hen-en Hats of n-c-iit yiatri i h.ive titn ar'i'ilr d tbroiirh tb' rn-nt- The Rone Brh(I parent teacher,' hcIHiik m-flnitii to tin- world -ad-associatlon will meet on Mond.y ev-; vertlHin. I don'i inmn ji:iid ali'it:n n. uv, und the f'ltlciwinK bnsitnas m ntH rallmi; ihlt uomari a Har and proirrani will be presented, reritation- that man a kmc, but y th fr 'jiieni y al. Jip I!enb'Hi; vi olin solo. Walter f th .laer ef, Tirin- Welker: r admir, KMzabth WilliatiiH ; wai, lin,j nof Ml V(.ry j,,,. hl. w n, . io'o danre, Miidrd Sinnirer; voral ,ayerH In the wtork ciniipii im h of old ol, MiMi Mas.lline; Aman fiory (.,lHt,sm.f nruK u; Vrariii pli en- i Jo -f rfb-as.'M fvtry two wt-kr. A b-adinif (pan or a badiny woman vmi I a follow I a i: tin on rb Hi" f oiiMa nt Htn-aiu of pictures In Oin h tin y al Xhikh Itev. Knotto; Xtna paant, d'part- ment pHidlfl A fhort buHin'H rne-t K-tber Miller, will preceo m pruxram. Vlv.n Sirntlor I tinn. Where there arc hundred. 'of Hrlc. Ju.-t an pretty nnd yomm nnd lfli -hin k' as any rtionia iefcld ever selerted, tbero Ih one rlrl wboae feiitun h reveal elmracter, Intel II- e:i( , nnd that quality of Htlek to-lt-iUeiH- s v.hi(h meaiiH auccesH. If I were a bevltiuer I ihink I ! wenid firs) burn KoinethhiK about iir-'inu. I would try to obtain a chance to play bilH In my local atoek romrmnv, or to to the ne:trent city and pon- (rv Hi,.,,.. v. ould Mudy my work; if I were in doubt utimit wheilier 1 waa -'ifteil or not I would no bark to moth er anil a'k her to ask father to put mo throurh a business college rourae. If. hoeer. I did f"e thai I had made i-ood and the real nrilst alwaya knows whether hia wutk i:t KOfd or bad, or worst of nil, medium then 1 would net my far West. Put I would prepare for my Journey and prepare to lake rare of mMef vben I Kot to Hollywood. To ehanre ; fortune whh an empty pork et book -out there i-i jiit jilain foolinh. A ml. th: t makes it harder for the poor ( Kirl. Th"re rv too manv dntte-htern j of wealthv p-renis. who are as at!rartiv just aw talented and beitT To-M! b d in etlurailon. whfiwlNh to "et inJ, i th" movie." Tin ir al-1 lowanees do not by an ymanner of tr'eatji win tb in anr more opportun- ilb-H to fh'iw v. h;'t tliev ran but you rnay d- ml um It that tln-y ran remain dl" Ictiver iw with no fear of landladii h and f-" nine cafo te'!H (ii'lliei.H. A t'irl rrrin'ti tf- h'Hl'l led Info ftr res in motion pietures. Sin in tut be ueand to wail fr !.er b1 m"inent. J'bere Im no :i dlunt of e il t toll which ho H-viftlv re't-als koijimI tab-nt and Kent us ha ih- screen. A mil doinu litniosj-bt re -oid b v. iiitraei a btiMV direM'u'y al'etiMor: lie r;tlN upon her to do n bit; It 'i'cn maMelously I to f'Mi ey pre I I,.. h:li'k rrineesH eoatH arc going to b' popular a the gowr. One e ra tion hitH one In blaek velvet w. h '- i;' flare embroidered in gold and -Wt-i biP'h nollar and cuffw. In anotliet tae:e Is one in black Palin with a b:..; ! . deep brown tur. in each one tit:.- the aame itrureful movement. ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN br MPS. ELLBBURY (Address all communlcath"a to Mrs. Kllsbury, car of N-Review.) just ..iih no :ae :r Dear Mrs. Kllsbury: I am a Kli past 21 years of aue. and 1 live a family who have severs! other . ei.i loo. I no with a yoiini! ma: h...... for noine time, but I ha" I plme to . iiierti'.ln him, and we no enr so even on winter nitfll i must i:i wiilklue If we no any ; 1 I nni told v1"' '" llK' (l,v K'r' ' allowed to entertain ynunir nu I iio.ii looiii. Would it be wront j illil this? How hit- should a " " 'man Hay when callin; on m-' t t.u. . FERN: Talk it over with the :.'-iy In whoso houae you live, and S' e f you cannot arrange to have the y. 1 man as your nuest one or two v." nmgs a week, and use her li eg room. Moat families who have yc eg ladies allying with them epeci Ho should not at.iy later than under thote circumstances. 11 : l". Ir . li lt II' 'II. Win ii that Sell ilik' a il ill i 'v pl.-.-.-I.t were Mr, Mis Kt-.d KiMilit. Mi-! S'li-i. ".o-.!: II. lull I' I'; on. Mn. II. CJnick. Mrs. II. Wm I'.u. 11. Tin W. re fclieslH lif ill i lo T' Ir lia.i I II V. lit. ! I... ,'.l. :. t m . i-, i.iwl..... M: I.-Ii Sinn I'.. li. .1 tl.l'e.. II circle lo: II. In..! I'. II Mir M si M: i. t: I.. M re l.'l MI. .I lift ill I. ' .r i, i.. .'-- I- hi I - I,. I" pi ing. .Mr and Airs. Wharton being and Mrs. Ilendnckson assisted her in t. rnoon - I T - i.ll.f '.. pint ir II Is- of II;.. I In. lead. Ili:t, ell. lie hours of i.l''i i lor h to k. K. Tl S !. ,l'l .. .'I i. ember she ., Hie p: may t . i t the lllll- t a I. .is II v.iilini:! The i tidies eeall II ; w li ii I enter JEANETTE: Vou will never .3 bappv if you marry a man you do t et love. It will only mean trouble, t -content and unhappmeas all the r ni ct your life You are very, ve ) foolish lo think of yourtolt as gMM 1 old when you are only 25. Tell tl a man trat you do not love him, bit you reaoect and him aa a frfend anct wish to ke'P his frienci ship. The man whom you will love will come, never fear, and then you will not be sorry that you waited. .