Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 12, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Thursday Night, Dec. 1? 3
WAtv A -J.-! terarVr?ar?T T?SF iT5 .v
j JJ'J Box Seati $2.00 1 1
fTJ f 11111,1 J Balcony 82.00 and S1.50
"jf R, dOX f Gallery 81.00 - tl
7 OFPMCE I piui TK 2
A number of the fresh fruit grow
ers of C;e comity met yesterday M
, cunslfl' r the organisation of a cuunty
a-i-ocliition of rriwar- to take the
plan' of the Ore, -on Grower Coop
erative association. Tho growers
were unanimously in favor of some
sort of i.n organization but then! was
ooiisijeralde discussion as to the
form this association should take.
Tlif plan which mi t witli I ho most
favor provide for a fusion of Ue
fresh 1 ft: It aii'l cannery Interest. Tho
growers would unite with the can
nery company and form a coopera
. the concern similar to that now
operating with much success at Eu
getie. As the plan presented was
j only tentative in form and obviously
, presenting many complications, It
I was declijed to leave further consid
eration to a committee which will
i tiitet with the cannery board and pee
' If some proposition can bo worked
' out.
The committer is composed, of K.
W. liinkley, chairman : It. S. Hutton.
0. II. liai'.ey, O. O. lingers, Arthur
Marsh and I!. A. Uuseubark.
W". J. Weaver, propr.-tor of the
inilo,ua Hotel, return d thi morning;
from I'ortlaud where lie las been a t-1
.1 In : a meeting of the Sta'e llo-!
(,.!nun'i Association. Mr. Wcaer
was a member of the ivMtiiuHting com-i
mitlee. Dick Price ef Hie Ciater Lukc
hotel, was elected president of the a-;
MK'iutlon. Mr. Weaver stales that the.1
imcting was attended by railroad of-'
fieials from hII parts of the country. I
A fine compliment was paid to Chief
Israel Ketch of the lies, burs police,
force by Chief of Tehee Jenkins of
rortland. Mr. Jenkins stated that
Olfieer Ketch Is Hiving the Portland,
police department tlie best coopeia-j
tion of any of the police officers of
the state.
i Woodslde, Oardwfll, Mont.; Tt. J.
Huberts, Willoi Creek, Moul.j A.
Pearce, Seattle; j. mid M is. II. N.
Cotter. Caiioii. Wash ; T. J. Car
ney. Mediord; T. II. Davis. Glide; U.
M. I'ugh, Albany; V,'. C. Moulton and
wile. S'-ut'l. ; i'.. Newton, Murcli
fild: Movie Drown. M. L. Prown.
1'aun.i Valley; 1.'. Dennett, Dillari;
!1. 1). Scan, Soo City, Iowa. .
Leave your order for Christmas
trees. The Kern, Phone 210.
i i:it KI.OK.SV SHOP
i!i: i:i i:s aim'oixtmf.xt
Word ha been received by the
"1-Yrn" floii.jt shop that they have
been appointed on the membership
commute" of the Oregon IHstricl'
I'nit of the Florist Telegraph Dellv-
ry BHSociHllon. Tho duties of the
membership committee are to pass on
all apolicatlons for . membership In
the association In the Oregon dis
fiet. This is a responsible position
and one to be proud of, as the
"Fern" has only been a member of
the association for a short time.
MnrrltijJO License IsMied
A license was l?sued to
ri'V to l.enni" Smith and ltosalio
Nicljols of Keedsport.
Hotel I inpuna
Portland arrivals: W. It. Lblak j
ami wife, C. It. Martin, Marcus
Tiumbu. J. i:. s'-lavry. J. A. OWelll. ;
L. C. Koiiers. C. H. liibbs. K. T. Car-:
li r, it. C. .Morris. John lluiub uioii I
and wife. K. W. Swedberc, C. 1. j
McColm, I.. A. luiekworih. K. C.I
Kaufman, W. K. tlibbs, F. 11. Wane,
J. A. Liullev. J. K. Ke, 1. li. i'.a'n
sey, M. A. Perry. James ri. Shcely.
li. K. .Sheeiy, O. II. Mounce, Mr. and
Mrs. li. C. Curluer, A. S. Dudley,
Vt-rnou Moore, M. A. tioldsmlth.
i Miscellaneous: F. H. Kvaus, city;
I 11. Hamilton. Mrs. C has. l.auilis.
i Klamath Fails; F. Sllilinons. Seattle;
I A. VauVechien. San Francisco: V. P.
1 Nule, Seattle; T. II. Ness, city; W.
J. Ilrown. New York City; Mr. and
j Mrs. C. O. Younn. Medford; C.. It.
I Sovergn. San Fruneisco; Clyde
I llaiidlug, Mr. and Mrs. it. K. Heck -r.
: i "ji
rch Triumph
y k.nW r-i it
Here Yesterday
Mrs. S. A. Snnford of Fdenbower.
was in Itoseburg for, several hours
yesterday afternoon shopping.
, n ,
Clve mother a fern or potted plant j h, "'''- "'' J
for Christman. The Fern has them. 1 r-"K"-- " x
'" . it'elrgren'-C
Sacramento: Mrs. K. S. Grant, Hoi
There will be a meeting of the lingliam; J. Y. Davis and wile, Spo-Itoseburg-
Rod and Gun club nt : kane; ". W. Chadwick. Salem;
IIroad ay's Gni age, Friday evening, ! lilcliurd Shephard. Albany; It. U.
Dec. 14.' Como and get next year's Stewart. T. H. Hiltibraud, A. J.
program. j Fleinming, Kugene; ltssie T. lied
0 i man, Scuttle; M. A. McLJuinston, Se
attle; Mike Jenney, Fugille; IJ. A.
l'unsaker, K. K. lluusaker, Klamath
Falls; A. N. Duncan. Salem; II. II.
W it 1 in tnti Sun Krjilu-isro It. M.
Thonipsou und wile, Seattle; II. W. j
Shelley, San Francisco; II. L. McKee,
ulters, V. Ikon, l.u-1
Walser, lloston; T. J. i
edergren, Corvallis; li. K: Glass,
? Lugene; C. W. l.Biidgroff und wile,
X Seattle; W. F. liiKrum, Saa Fraials-
I co; W. A. Duniiur, Seattle; J. C.
, , I Duhl, lieedsport; J. G. Outei bridge,
Hotel C.rana ! i.jatue; J. K. Vinliig, Asblaud; F. N.
Por land arrivals: h L. W einer y silverton: Albert Maniueau,
and wife. 1'aul Knurls A C. Ilrown. j Martiueau, Grants 1'aiS.
?'. li. imnn bimi win-, i-. jumc, r-. . j
fspi'fU Colli
ton Uros.
and batteries at Whnr-
There will be a mooting of the
Pna..H,it. TtnH nnd ftun Club at
4vX I llror.dway's Gara
Mil, traveling passenger i
i Union raciflc system
kriers at rortlanu.yts
ral dais in Roseburg
BashicM affairs.
Dec. 14.
;e, Friday evening.l
Come and get next years
Order your potted plants nmv fori
Christmas delivery. Good slock to se-
lect from. Tho Fern, 100 South Jack-!
son i't.
Kill's Ccicai a bromide Quinine will
brcuk your cold in one day. Token
promptly it prevents colda, In grippe
and pneumonia. Demand red box
beniirR Mr. IliU's portrait. All
druggists. ... Price30c
Helm. J. J. llradley, J. A. Hancock.
Faye Glvens. linlh Collins, Karl
Tow ler nnd wife, Heart Clark, George
lievord, . G. Judd, Clayt Oehler.
Cnrl J. Clement.
1tl0nAnnnniiB 1.-" Itir-tn, T T l r-
vey Wilcox. San Francisco: Miss Hcl-," " " '- "' . :
en W. Streeter.. New York City: 1 jr . A. L. Robbius, . ... (.riai:.
Handoit: John PeTer-l icior im ivey, "", B "". .. ....
t larK auu wite, a. u. ueiriii ua. .-.
Hotel loiigla
Portland arrivals: J. II- Wagon
blast, Jesse Saudsted, K. W. Powell.
V. li. Longston. 11. M. llanilall. M.
C. C.reory, Sam Veatch, Max llern-
STTl.. Mulame attractive lines as
comfort can be built into correct shoes!
ARCH-TRIUMPH shoes combine these two
essentials. Correct rather than "corrective,"
they are right for your foot. Only the finest
leathers used, and a thin steel shank that per
manently shapes the arch.
Graceful in design embodying a world of
comfort and priced
$0.00 a pair
Perk'nt Building
r Street
Shoes That 6'sfy and Fit Your Feet
Designer! & Manufacturer
Kali.h York
ann 1 .i lull Cii-Diiann I tnn :ti PTirlst V
Chicago- F. L. Ward. Tom Mitchel. ; v mssjh. Anna j. te-j buhij.
n,...l. rnn,.l.l M-nrn.n 1 V S.-hn. i lilllll a II d Wlif. AlltllDUy 1.11110. I'..
1 ilivtlt, vh ' ' ' . . I, ..!.. ,' u M..l!r.t.,l.r W l r.h
Francisco; I,. V. Meivin. ". " ',' . ..' o. ,
Elllno. M . Yatine. . ci;aiii-, .,.
man, San
Harry Jones, Hnndon: 11. C. Huston,
son. Tacoma; D. S. Rico. Salem: H.
Bremer. K. T. Dudley, llobart Tell"f
son, Klamath Falls; Kenneth P. Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Hill, Zillaj.
Wash.; V. 15. Putnam. Oakland: Jin.
E. J. Wlllson. Louise Crawford. Se
attle: K. llrethur, Los Angeles; H. K.
White. Tacoma; C. Chri'stlo, . Snn
Francisco; Mrs. F! Karlson, Mrs. .
Nelson, Nampa. Idaho; A. C. lioynl,
Ttoirntt. W. Potter. Kt'gene; .1.
Swanson, W. G. liackslroni, J. L.
.Miscellaneous: L. J. Skoepol and
family, Oswego; K. II. Wer.tdnlo,
Fraul: Penfield, Los Angeles; A. C.
Noble, San Francisco ; 0. Thomas,
tHen lluey, Dennis Gejvy. Pendle
ton; M. W. Meier, Carl Nygren, 1. 1.
Simpson, Seattle; C. D. l lmer nnd
wife, Port Angeles; 11. P. Matthews,
Sun Francisco.
W. J. Weaver, proprietor of the
Hotel I'lnptuiu. who hns been Bpend
le.g the past several days ill I'ort
laud, returned to bis home in this
city this morning. While In Portland
Mr. Weaver attended the meeting of
l!:e Stnto Hotel association and also
(ho, Siirino ceremonial.
their residence on their farm In the
Melrose dlstrlrt. They were former
residents of this county befor.- mov
ing to Canada.
Mr. und MrH. D. P. Daniels, who;
for the past nine years nave been i
making their home at Tees, Alberta,
Canada, arrived here last evening
Willi their family and nlll take up1
f ruHfffwrjruaxwuiu
Dealers everywhc re
(iilWffiTOPW fell 111 !
I 7i:.s ijiK
lereare Presents that are useful!
And in Good Tasie tor all
the Family!
L 'l'' h-i sufficient chairs. We
a irvv a-sertnntit of all the latest
.fT l .1
s vll us their useful-
To the oniv girl from the only boy, a
Cedar Chest is her greatest Joy und prize
IK.ssession. are gifts that are much prized bv
mother und are a present that is cont.n'ially
New Rugs
What woman Is therj or what
iiipn will not find a new :ii-' a
Kource of Joy arid nsefuineis for
years to come. They are to
tread under foot, but are as
much a work of art and thing
of beauty rs a fine picture. For
their service for the whole
family they cost less than
shoes for one member of tho
A table from the family to the family l tho
bei-t of ( hri-tn as guts.
A ib sk in the home Is a convenience for
the whole fi. tally and atn ngtliens lie' llc-l
i.f boitie.
i'. i rv-i
A lfnf':'r Ki'hn Cnlilnft r'iiwiv lni'U'-
ry fiiMn Mi' ki't 1m n mul inak'-s u m-Mriii
viirlli whilf.
A look case hohbi the heart of the horn-,
puts the hooks whop- they are easily fount.
Cushions make Excellent Gifts and
are always Acceptable. Pendle
ton Robes and Blankets are en
joyed in the Home and in the Car.
These and many other Useful Gifts
on display at our store.
Roseburg, Oregon
fmplete Housefurnishers