BOSEBURO NEWS-BgVIEW, THURSDAY. NOVEVBE tl. PAGE EIGHT Only TWO More Days Friday and Saturday of Gigantic Unloading Sale! Remember r.ll goods ro back to regular prices after Saturday. THE FISHER STORE R0SE3URG, OREGON Watch tomorrow for Saturday's Socials. ! t LOCAL NEWS t Deputy Hhi iiir Kil Slcrliin: of Drain. ;pinl Hie day In Itoscbutg l.iikin;' :ifler busi;ic!-s nftaii m. Touring The t'ou-l A. Sim, Jiimes Mclircgor. Miss Margaret Met ! i rur. V. A. Mi (Irognr. mil Mary Metirogor iiriwd tu Itnse u r,K last night from Detroit. They 'ire tmirini' the coa-.! atnl expect to ;o floiu here to llrllisli Columbia md ilteii i irn to lietrult tiv way ARTISTS RECITAL SERIES t- r ' . : i r- - v. ! is, ls"H ' I IEINI.1NE CONSERVATORY RECITAL I lALL li!iit'tTiiv'lii::v..t:i::i::i:i.:.:.T.:.:.i.t.T.T.T.T.T.:.!.,iT.T.T.T.T.!.r.' LIBERTY THEATRE j LAST SHOWING TON1GI IT I Hie Mitf Wonderful Picture. itontly Gorgeous. Also Actual 1 1 istorit al I .ocatiotis. t 9 pu' w:l1 be shown at rrrjular prices, 10 and 15 cents A Ml i w ! TX TV t i TTTr m st?v r Put will be shown at regular Cluw WIimKot -.Bi Is Lw Mm rr..Jtllr. MARSHALL NflLANS FEARLESS EXPOSITION OF X MODERN SOCIETY LIFE J One of the most a ir.n.i -yet truthUH- themrs tnnt the screen can ofter V r'."vMl in Gf'-it t jgmfiCf nee A! so : .Ai'sopi I r.t li'.s X KilDAY AND SATURDAY X " i ho Stin;; of the Scorpion." also a romrdy and th; S "Mv;litinR liltKHl" jvirttirf of southern California. While in tf'ri. -bunr the par'y was registered at tin I'mp'iua huiel. In Town Albert Dellernarili was In Kosoburg this nfteiiKHin attending to business ui'tters. Mr. Deliemardi Is from (Hide. H ei-e Today Mrs. J. V.. Hartley and son, Cecil, of Civiidale were in Hoseburg th!' afiiir.iHin aitir.dilig In business and visaing witli friends. This Is s studebaker year. NUMBER TWO Concert MARIE Prima Donna Soprano Metro politan Opera Company, New York Friday Eve., Nov. 23. at 8 o'clock Tickets on sale nt Chapman's Drug Store or at the Ctnis.-r"u-loi y. $1.00 pric't, 10 and 15 cents own I opii j SUNDEL1US presents hia vtvry u 1 ' V i i i l l' ni i ui iJikb i it ii i kf nr i " UUUbLMG LAH Dl ilVILLIIIIDU AIIL ui The I)ouIii county exhibit at th- Pacific International Kxpo- sitlon, woo a piizj of 1150, C. O. (iarn lt. u!d l ad charge of tin! placing of tlie display, was iinilli'd lodar. The prize mrnii y was pro-rated among the Lading exhibltois. Hit Douglas county exhibit being classed among those wlnnl.ig the high- est prizes awarded. The exhibit win well plated and was very striking In appearance, causing much favoralile at ti-ntion. The exhibit has been brought back lu Uoseburg and Is being placed in the Chamber nf Commerce exhibit building at the railroad station. 10 BROT (United Press.) SKATTI.K, Nov. 22. Lofttw and Percy V. Atkins, brothers, IS and 22, veai-H of iige, were fatally hurt this morning in a spectacular crash be tween their auto and a street car. This is a Studebaker year. (llv United Press.) PARIS, Nov. 2-. A decree of di vorce was g-anted Mrs. Mabel (Mlnian Corey, a former actrtes, today from her husband, William Corey, a steel magnate. Shoe repairing at Deer Creek Sales Stable. NKW YORK. Nov. 22. Url IVd t'fitl proHncutoiH UisclnH'(l tndny that tlity wt piHtinlnulhc nrrest of ''ov tjiI promfiu nt KiiKltshini'n and Am frirans a.s mombei'it of nn int"rnation-bontu-KKiiiK comhine in whuh 126 m''!odh wtTt? indictrd ytitlerday in SHvannnh, Ca., are naid to have ben involved. Tlir offitiats charged that the combine Invited larce ums in the tinner of liqiior from England io itie I'nitt'd Stat.'H to bootlt'K whulv HJtlw through a wvll oiMauii;fHL Bystt'iu in rustem ciitos. Auto onanict Wharton Urn. and top dressing at nin IliU ; (Ity AsKoclated Press.) CCNMSTON, Colo., Nov. 22. Two children are dead ifnd a third reported ding and the mother in a critical con iilon us a result, physicians said, of food poisoning in preserved tomatoes. You can make good wages with a Vaui hall drag win. Sold by Whartou liios -o- .KlClut,'(l Prenn ) SIlKlillHIlOKE. IJuebec. Not. 22 M is William (iendron and two sons. Hl'eil II Mil, I IW tonr. w.,p.. .. death tmlsv when flames destroyed ! their bom.'. A daughter aged a years is believed to be fatally injured.' The circuit court today took up the case of the Stale of Oregon ncaln-t V It. t;lllas. Cluvas ! eh.irced with the crime of;: itli a danceroti. weapon on .hihn Cornutt. nn ated resident r.f th,. Kiddle dis'rlel. tlluvas is allege, to have stru k Cornutt over the Iwad l:h a shovel during the course of an aliens Ion t;iuas daims seif def.nse. lualnialnlng that about two weeks prior to the Incident charged In the Indictment, that Cornutt at-'iick-d him and hlni a severe I" .imiic. as I'... r. m,h of a ijusrr I ov. r aier n. -i- tuuas clalu s thiit en the .-cei. occasion wh.'i ernnn appri-a. "ed him he stain f. that h- n to lk beaten and u'cd a shov. I in defense. The Jiuy as chosen at d examination start -J late this aturnoon. The 'Wli My Cinin." campaign uhlch Is now In utogiesa at the North Methodist 'i:mIi it proving n'ost successful. TV- meeting Ian! night under the I.-xI-ikIiIp of I'aol ll.ddes and Paul Tr .blood wag ex ceptionally uitfrettiJJt. the feature part of Ui" progrn.i being an illus traied led ire on tl.e parables, by I'aul True'lood. T!i e was ne. lal music by a mixed r.tu.ln and a m'i by Mrs. It. 1'lerce. There Is uome spcrii.l feature each evening anJ the ta'l; t-l'en by tat oung peoi.le are 01 interest to all. There are only thnc more meetings as there will be if, lifting on Sat urday. You 'will . njoy your eve ning If you spend it ;ih the youm I-'Ople in their tings. Tonight Merle Austin will u- me leader and t'ere will !.e a solo i. e.uartette, an 1 jii instrumental nm: In r. THIS I.OS ANGELES. Nov. 22 Following the South Dakota county proposal election William G. .McAdoo Issued a statement today, expressing gratifi cation and thanking his friends in South Dakota for the honor conferred upon him. McAdoo will i-peak in San Francisco on next Sunday at the fjoth anniversary of the founding of the Ilrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. Leaders Are Confident. SIOl'X FALLS. S. Dakota, Nov. 22. (A. P.) McAdoo leaders said today that they were not disturbed by the claims of the Ford leadens that they had carried the state and reiterated that McAdoo was an easy victor In the county proposals meeting November 2uth. o LANDMARK OF MAINE COAST Mystery of the Old "Powder Haute" at Hallowell Never Yet Hat Been Solved. Founded on tlie immovable rocks Is that time-honored landmark, tlie old liullowell powder house, overlooking the little city nestlln; beneath some of Maine's most beautiful hills. This old brick atructure bus Its one mysterious door burred with Iron and curved with cahtUimlc algna thut res Isier lu visitors of over a evntury. No trace has ever been found of the erection of this little building, which ha stood for two centuries as a silent sentinel over a peaceful uud law-abiding community. 1 It Is said that when Peter Clark took bis one rude cart, which he and his father uud brave wife had brought with them from their Massachusetts home In 1702, and turned It upside down on the banks of the river for their first shelter, with their one child, tlie powder house on the height was standing there exactly ns we see it now. Its origin und architects are un known and unaccounted for uud a deep mystitry will always prevail arbund Its existence. It Is a landmark annu ully visited by hundreds who have heard of Its silejit vigil on the rocky heights of the Kennebec valley. The name ponder house was given to It because It has always been used as a depository fur the highly com bustible Ingredient of powder and d.vuuinlte nnd fnun It has been given the name of the reeky ledge. Powder House bill, adjoining It. Lewlston Journal. Pressed His Suit. When the tine old mansion of Chat ham, mi the ll'ippahncnock. wus sold a few years tii;o. a young teacher said to her sewing school In the parish house of St. George, "You are all Fred ericksburg children, urul ou.-lit to kuow eoniethlng nf Its history, but I do not sny nn cf you knows a thing about Cballiini " To her surprise little girl piped up: "Yes. I do, M'.si Clara; pnpa read It aloud from tbe paier." TUen tell the ettiere. Sslly." "At ClisthHin General had his coat Ironed." answered Sally trlum idiuatly. The teacher nm rplcted until she found in tl,e dally paper the phrase: "It nus at Chatham that Gen Itobvrt V.. pressed bis suit with the lovely Miss Custis." Ankle. Deep. O' ruslied up to a cottage, shouting: "I.cuJ uie a spade I Lend lue a spsile :" "U'hat fer7" u..ed the owner of the cabin. "To dig my friend ut of the bog." reviled O llll,.rsn. "He's Just fallcr lu and has up to his ankles!" l'p In bis ankles 1" replied the other. "Then yi-u din t need a sade. I'll lend you a r pe." "Itcijurriih. lv.t a rope's no good.'' replied the ji,ibe rescuer. "He couldn't Caleb hold of It 1" "Why noU" "For sefarsl reaeona,' rvtille.1 O'llallorsa; "hut the chief one Is that be went In bead first." I'itiaburgb Clironlcle-Trlejr.vjji. Features you will-enjoy, news that will interest you and advertisements that will save money. Yor''I find "era I advertisers. Sergeant drover C. Owen of the t'. H. army recrultln station. Med ford, Oregon, will be In ltosehiirg. Ore., from November 2 t li to iitilh lncluive. for the purpose of exam ining and accepting applicants for en listment In the army. He can ac cept qualified men for practically all stations on the Pacific coast, Ha waiian Islands. Panama. Mexican Porder and the Atlantic coast. Men enlisted for the Atlantic coast will be sent from Pun Kranclsco. -California, by army or navy transport thru the Panama Canal to New York City. IDKNItOWKIt T. T. A. TO .! KKT The KnVnbower V. T. A. will meet on Frldav night at 7:30 o'clock. A speaker from I'mpona Post, of the American Legion will be present to sneak on a subject relating to Ed ucation Week. i Ift Topie ' Mrs Chris Nebel and Mrs. K. Eden who hB'e l'en spending a few davs In Koseborg returned today to their homo in Glendale. III Tll Today Mr. pnd vr' )t. Wood who reside In Vvrt!" Creek snent a short time In this cite tviir a'teniline to busi ness and visiting with fronds. NEW TODAY t FOrt RENT Two garages. 82S West Lane. POD S LKFew diiyl old-heifer calf. Phone 207-J. FOR TtEVT Fnrn'xlyd sleeping room, bath. 401 South Main St. WOODCUTTERS wanted IsrTstiinin- s-o foi-snto. rhone 6F2. Fred A. Ooff, Rosoburi. FOR SALF omstltehing densrt- "ent. pnlnitv Shoppe. Inquire Mn P F. Jones. WANTFD PoniHon ss eene- ftle Addrs Salesman, care News- Po.o"-. V'"rpn?"ri 4 thri"-"r"" we'". in ") or en ih. each. Box 85-C. Roaohii'ir R. F. T1. ?. PAPTV Tl-xrr fOOI TXT fro Ol1'' P"ll-w IT-ll ptnrHnv Tiiht will nv Ladles Aid. Also some! l0 fMilq I rn" i nH H.Urt fo nil woVnq r ve.r nnfinq yy A Slncer "e o Toaniir'r. 1 CO" - I P"l"nr'nipr 1 - - r' 1 ! 1 KIa' e of V- - n. ( Tnnirtre o.-n"or. firt? xo. ! Ti.,n C ; it- . ..TrrCri-l n-wn-i.i t -o-l" I t t,. Pnspti'ir. ptnr Vt West 1 " 1 V-r CJ" "VtA,. VI-I-'o ft j r- f'. - T-t-,0 nrrnnl VkiU f-"Vi hm r- ! f(i-iq Ad'r11! j nV VOTl ,.e- r.A ltftAnn1 f fr-r lo1 on l"-e,. 0() p!" - t" T nt"Tf o r' ' 1 f "r'q T)lipp : "'"i TiTTvTiir- aMript'vp nf 1Tnit ' rt rrlnfq lnvr"'- (a n" "OTlt b1 1 T nnn jr.oiajnn( ftt Douclpfl Ab-, rc1 Offfnp. yriTT My TVTPTr-TKn In thn fn'iTPdt flpH pt;t njv'nr "rororv Pit snnpiv hrvlnroQ n t l'nviiip l'v pt snrriffrp nrlr n n hir ho tn ftillv nnd npvlv ftirn'hpd. host loration In town, pnylp" 35 pop fnt flVe pmnpeof on tn( ni.T-rhase n-v n biibwRv servlrt atn- t'- -t'h rororio nnd suppling at j, sr(n first rlasa restnu r"' -nin - n hi pavini; busim8, too r' " li v.o -U for 1 owner reason for H'iMip:. Or three excellent buildinir lots on corner vfrh pavement nil in and paid for. at W"0 each. These nnd other -map bargain ee Inwrnee Apenry, 125 CasH Street. Thone 219. DR. H. C. rnuRCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 222 Perkins rtldg. Roseburg. Ore. Telephone 86 Mrs. VVm. Deardorff on Organ Wednesday-Thursday FIRST SHOWING THE LOVE BRAND Starring ROY STEWART "III Show You Who's Boss!" "Make that meal and do It snappy." said the cattle king to the young lady who had never taken orders from anyone In her life, see this thrilling and glamorous romance of the Southwest, with Its wonderful love story and tremendous sit uations! "GASOLINE TRAIL" MOVIE CHAT FRIDAY "THE CLAW mum Black or Brown All Leather Work Shoes 4.00 Black or Brown Dress Shoes All Leather Rubber Heels 5.00 Roseburg Booterl IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR rtr PERKINS BUILDIIMU CAR pj In Portland Is receiving Irnaa ....... .nnl.l kura .le f:fn f.'.... . ... .-.icLoy who recontiy Teiii to I'oniauu ueiiiuieiy. PHOTOGRAPH! Nothing Can Compare ith a Good Photo for Xrnas ROSEBURG NATIONAL BftNK BUILS J iuu.iiin.jiim jt MRS. GEORGE BERRY ON THE ORGMj fs tT first ft ; ..'A Pola Negri ? geou modern' anofmanylo & her first a!KV rj triumph! I QOLAN0&. 'BOCA 0.90 .a&aramounWW THE HICKMAN-BESSEYCO. Prtsfts uus9'!r "THE GOOO FOR NOTHING H , A Real Irish ComedyJnJrl!-; I ,h. lenath of th. pregram the C,' Stock Company at ; Owing to The b BkckJ WW Black Bro AHLeaO F O R Kubbs Hee!j E S PHONE 331 J IMPORTANT 5WWtIIsIITWWWr'