Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 22, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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esft n j:i.r TtAiic(A
M h.'iliiiK aKent Ihnt eciemn, bar-
. ...,Moi' ' " J ,..... n.l oihur in-
Yet , .. ..r 7,1 iniia In a
"Zirw' ! '; 7.' are q'"'"iy b.orb-
da".k:. , them ""I ' , " . arbunclcs. ulcer..
bunl thai l 01""y Pi .... and .'l- "' ' "h
(' : hive pal"lu" ,,,.iM ,l boll i' W 11111 "X iniauuii
W. . hI "! " rl to a (older that KlVM
l.'.Mruc.lons (or use In all of the
ula.m lilstlcssinK "... .' "
mU .-f cu
E jr'u1"' " H , . ri On. wM be glad to supply
r.- nui ' ''.';' ...... '
r - n r
I a i n i
us Insisuifiraiit and harmless lnfec-
i tio.i ,iine are uccomimiiicu u,
i .-erlniis disturbances, audi a. quinsy,
: I'molvfu.fui ul the bronchi and lung
i io the kidneys and
liw-iii-, .1.....".-
other serious complications.
vil IT Hill II1 "As colds are niKmr '-
TUN I I II ible those afdl. led should make every
I illl I III! I II I eliort not lo transmit Iheui to others.
Ill I U U U W ,,,.,. si,k wllh colds should take
better than usual tuo u.
Tnere is no spei'lflc cure for com
mon colds not even the old and often-tried
remedies contuinins; various
amounts of alcohol. Some suhslunces
....... tnomitritrv feellne of well
VIII ---v - -
.. .: wi n.iii in the comfort of the
. Til patient, but there Is nothing known.
Health Officers lelli tm way o( a fpel.1Ilc wulcn w,
fll . . ....... Tin. I.ivjt nAvira id to
cure a . ...... . ... .
lake pood care of yourself don't
give the cold to anybody and con
sult a physician."
Keep Winter Ills
U Spreading.
lommunicable, So Be
Not to Transmit
tder to Another.
rsTKit ii. v-wis
i N. ' Service St.uf
'. Nov. There Is
ve for a .'"1.1. according
( municipal healih au
medirnl ininno unds
S rarily relieve distress,
ilootors lalk about
old" it's all "bunk
:.irf-; Indicate.
or.ijion of Dr. Thomas
.m;nbMuier of health.
,. H. Mlt.-h.-ll. former
of la-alili.
t t!i tollowiiu- to say
:n CPuPral:
k 0!lf.-l of n!(l weather
on.d to .xj.fcf thf ap
:lat iiirialy un.l. rs'f.e.!
r enc known a cnui
- v I J cold) an- not alike,
ryone can t-.-.iit-. and
In mind is really a
ft-Jy allied maladies of
wid.-spr. a.l aer.-.'m.-nt
olds are infectious anil
nl.-al.le. A little oi.s.-r- j
?oon .-nnvinre anyone j
rae. Like many infoe-
c-rtain preilisposiim j
a are of considerable
a Hia! Wni; tli,. . xcnant i
na -Ii h its. if as a di.---r.
""-'c or u-.-aiiter condi-
rm to cold, or from cold
cMsive and unusual
irritatinj. tuhstan.-e in
breath-, a drv ntmos.
I a' Is predure,i j r
' and h.mes. the p. ntup
' d lael; ol' e. reise in
r-mnaivfl to smnmer. tu
-tre.s n.irnily and iom
i n;m ore. and
m fcn, t, uo,iv
; ai.,1 chilled, and
"r fa-ts pr.disnr.s" to
Ahrnrmal , onditions
!!. mav in fer
"' b'' li"P"riati! pr.-dis.
R H E li M A T I S M
Y, iafe and
' ii the n,r.
cap a,...: i
.UOnfti.--T: famou.
-"tatner Tread.
Ie hl8h, thick,
,rP-dgH block,
that powerful
Kunt, all the
"e nd promote
fT.cient. eco-
5 our car.
.j .7 rtcuft
f"k r
Cannot Exist in the Human Body if
You Will Use Trunk'. Prescription.
It Is preposterous: In fact, it, Is a
shame to BuH'er wllh Inflammatory,
muscular, sciatic or - any form of
This prescription does not ruin the
stomach, it does not depress the heart.
Eat all the meat and t;ood food you
wish while taking Trunk's Prescrip
tion. Contains no mercury, salicylate
of soda, oil winterKreen or narcotics,
hut positively overcomes any kind of
rheumatism or gout on earth. What
more do you want? There is nothing
just as guild, and It is Impossible to
set something better. The greatest
uric acid solvent known and also a
superior liver medicine.
Trunk's Prescription sells for SI. 75
or 3 for only S.'i.uu at Chapman's Drug
Store, Itoseburg, Ore.
Hotel ruipiiia
Portland arrivals: H. T. Stoll, D:
R. Norton, W. G. Oberg, M. Y. Swift.
Ii. CI. Iliant. K. O. Webster. Mr. and
Mrs. W. Jo'.ieurs, G. L. Millie, K.
Lay. Charles II. Cailck, J. 1). Kler,
('.. W. Melntyre. John H. Hall. W. A.
Cluer, (). Ii. Wiley, Y. I.. Ward. A.
11. Kurkls. J. Sebben, E. Skibizke,
Mr. and Mrs. F. fiwan, A. C. Pomck
off. A. 1). Sansman and wife. W. W.
Ilendler. A. R. Pelmer, H. Clriffin. W.
C. l'lvmplon. Koy T. Oliver. W. J.
O'Hrlen. .lames A . Hill, A. M. Mc
I.ane, l. 1.. Mahoney.
Mi.c. Ilaueous: J. Y. ConnnlIy,.f!e
attle; Mr. and Mrs. lien Hartsufk
and children. Marshfielcl; It. II. Cal
houn utid family, San Francisco; Mr.
and Mrs. P. . Therrien, Seattle:
Mr. and .Mrs. S. F. Lewis, San Kran
cio: C. S. Mat.cnaneT. 11. H. Mar
tin. Ti'.i-oma: A. Sim, James McGre
gor. Miss Margaret McGregor, Miss
A. C. .McGregor. Miss Mary McGre
gor. Detroit; Irus Miss rnd wife,
Conncant, Ohio; W. L. 41eycr, Eu
gene: C. A. Swope, Grants Pass; It.
F. Weed and wile, Eugene; W. T.
Duncan and wife. Salinas, Cal.; H.
L. Mayers. St. Louis; Mrs. H. A.
V.'ashen. Seallle; I teat rice Walton,
Ell" n 11. Thulsen, Salem: Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Taylor. G. II. Farwell and
will', W'enatchre; C. II. West. Fred
ICarl. J. II. Austin. Ja. Lyons, Iterds
port: I. A. liendrickson. Bisbee: C.
I'---. Seattle; C. A. Hammond. Sac
r:,eti'o; Grace Pennington, Wlnt
in;:;en; p.. Lo--ery. Grants Pass:
Harry Smith, Seattle; P. W. Friede,
CI., t 1 !. incnway, Eugene: L. Ii. llow
land, Pavadenn; C. M. Gordan, Los
Angeles; E. Menpson, Marshfleld: G.
itoenliurii, Keedsport; J. Fisher, Myr
tle Point.
Hotel Grand.
Portland arrivals: R. A. Taylor. W.
II., L. E. Spiti-nberg, T. A.
Ilessess, II. 1. Anderson, (.J. W. Goenx.
It. U. Taomer. L. A. Riffle, A. N. Ilol
man. Carl F. CaufifM. P. P. Pert, Fred
M. Jit. k. (). A. Meister, W. H. Jerome,
M .1. Anderson, I.. F. Stanley, J. M.
Mei a.en. L. M. Duncan
Miscellaneous: E. V. Van Ilus-and
ife. Los Angeles; L. liluee, Cen
:'ialia: w. A. Mccracken and wife,
i f'amas Valley: R. H. Jetties and wile,
W i:uka; t. McKay, S. .1. pevan, En
fn. ; Pi mch Tavlor. Riddle: Lvnn
ILdiar. Lester Milber, Wenatchee,
ash.: Al Gleason. Los Angeles; Ivan
s- Chapman, Alvln Ii. Wallace, Lowls
'", Idaho; C. R. Liindiveer and son,
f"-ait! ; elms. k. sirt)(;ih, Ahercleen:
Jani.s Leggctt, New York City; Mrs.
VeClyniont. daughter and nurse,
-.l.enl.en: n. e. Iiyton, Glide: E. .1.
;:!'!. Wali.-i Walla; S. Hnimhangh.
I. blinds. Corva'.lis; If. Ilrown, San
ralieisc-ii; c. Thornton. F.omr Heach ;
: It. Itriley. Omaha: II. ii, llvtru-
n. statesvillp. N. c.; Mrs. W. P.
iv'T" M' N,;"'d''- San Francisco; C.
l:ron. San Francisco; Wm Itrur-c'"'-
(;r"na'la. Cal.; F. H. Parnthimse
"''I 'l". Ashhind; A. Hagen. E. H.i
L'T' I . Samlimlst. A. It. (inrdnoat and
't". salem; samniv Vlndstlun. The).
"' Hian. h. tt... .,,v !,, rlll,,
j-rown. L. M i,,,,,,,; T. W.
D'.nti. I Angoi. s; Lovis Laors, W.
t. Lmith, City.
C. GriKf, It. T. Street, T. K. Kuw
cett, E. Morrison. Clnirles Drake, C.
Butler, W. 11. McGregor, T. E. Hani
mell. Miscellaneous: 10. .1. Manning,
San Francisco: I). M. linhrbough. Al
bany; Mrs. T. Whencouch, Klaiii
lh KalU; Chas. T. Plsliop. Monte
Vista. !al.; i-'. I.. Zertymnn. Taruma;
Iiale (loodiiih, Dean Goodrich. Yam
hill; ll.wsio McKorkindale, K.dith Mf
Korklndale, Ontario. Cal.; Je;sl 1..
Williams, Fall lirook: Milo l.oonil.t,
Kussell Giiflin, Sprlni field; H. V.
Osell, Detroit ; 'A. K. Miller. S. ..side;
Otis Engle. Norwalk, Cul.; II. P.
Doyle. Myrtle Cr.k; F. O. Good,
Melrose; John K. Raiichall, Jlumiw,
Mi. and Mis. Ilergs, lioiinyhniok,
North Dakota; Leah W. 11111. Ilolue;
A, Vldiii, M. J. Lanaon, .Seattle.
One of the largest Christmas ba
zaars of the year will be hold. at the
J. O. Newhiud Son garage Satur
day, in charge of the High School
Parent Teacher's association. It is
the intention of this urguiilition to
make this bazaar annual and to this
end thoy are planning a largo vlls
play that will draw many in search
of delicious food, or dainty Christmas
gifts. There will bo tnaiiv articles
on display, suitable for Christinas
gifts, and nearly all of them will have
a distinctive touch of handwork.
There will bo many different varie
ties of cooked food ou sale, and
dressed poultry alHo. -
The RoseLurg '.. i vhants us.oi la
Uon will meet on 1'iid.iy night In
the Uical Jiu'lco court room I., con-Mtli-r
a liiliiibOr i'l very important
nailers. '1 he in..:iiu: has been
called by A. C. M .i-i. t.. pre. id. -at
i the asoclallin, i,o is urgli:;; all
of the miri'lianls to he present as
there are a mnnb. r of ,, Import
ant liiatiers til b" bron.-lit up for
consideration. The tuin.ipal pur
pose of I he uieetin - i. to c .iisl ler
ways and means ot ailing the r..:iv
iiies of the Chanib r m Couiuicrce
aud to consider th- amount of jmr
iicipatlou the nierchaiKs i:.-so. iatim:
Is lo take 111 Iho work of Hie cham
ber. Ilecauae of the I in port a lice of
this inalter ail members of the asso
ciation are urged to be in attendance, i
The meet In K H1 "tart at 7::iU .
Tho Flrct Application Makes
Skin Cool and Comfortable
If ynu are luiTcrir.c from ecrema or other ttirturinn, cIll!t;i.sin rkin
tr-,il'V vom ni:y 'rrckly b.- riil vt it by
tiMiiij .i-nih.-Sul;iu:r, ilecljrc; a noted
skin sfMrniiit.
Tins si;!;il;ur preparation, l'eca:!;e of
it perm U-troy fr prtics, .cMoni
fails to miUIuc it.!'!n". even of
tury cciiiu. 'ihe iu.t snplu-ation
miikes the skin cool ami comio: lalilc.
:unl ll(tclu- iirr heated rtylit u.
Krwlrs Men:hf-Snlht:r is applie l like
..ny ijleaint aid crt-nm an-.! is j-.-rfixt-ly
harmics. Von cm ohtaai a small
jar from any guod Ui'uiat
. . .- . . J
i i .-',-
our lumber o( AMe" s. Frey and
Sons. Suleiman nt rth Sl.l- Groce-y.
Taylor's special treatments for
Catarrh, lagrippe, (emale complica
tions, dyspepsia, pneumonia and heart, and cancer, 7iave no known
equal or superior. In use forty years.
Taylor'. Specific Co., Roseburg, Oregon.
Wo carry a complete Block, uf
theso bIhr'b for men who buy
for service.
West Coast and
MakeB hold a reputation ou Iho
coast for standing up under the
most severe usage in snow or
rain. They come in
10, 12 and 16 Inch Tops
In the way of a Dress and Ilinil
ness Shoo that we call recom
mend (or winter is the
Dry Sock Brand.
Ask to See These Shoes.
Our Repair Department Is
Always at Your Service.
A. H. Perrin
111 W. Cass Roseburg
(Be AAocltiti"i Pre...)
WASH1GTON, Noi. sj. Christ
mas seal, of the National Tubercu
losis association will be on sale dur
ing Iho Christmas holidays in al!
postoflico lobbies throughout the
' country where space is available.
Postmaster lln. ral New. direct
ing post-masters to permit reasonable I
use of their buildings tor the sale of j
Christmas seals. aid the depiiruneiii I
would co-operate -ie the fullest ex
tent consistent with tiie perlormance
of its own service.
Pwt'dfit when a child, iny Iov fur
Us music has never wavered, and 1
dn not recall h recital of mine u here
in i diil not sfiiK one or more of the
Swedish sou 3, many of them tor
the first time in thU country. To my
mind the folk solids of Sweden are
a tno nt: the most beautiful ol such
in the world; they defy deserlni ion
by the sheer subtlety of I heir nature
and beauty, and should prove a most
ioiid and lasttinp foundation upon
which to build a great national music."
To Visit Hen"
Mrs. Claude Plaster arrived in
Roseburg last night and will spend
a we.-k or ten days vcitini: with
Mrs. llarton IL lliwell. Mrs. Plaster
is from Cottage Grove.
By Edna Wallace Hopper.
Thousands upon thousands of wom
en have asked Hie lo tell win! cold
crt.un 1 employ. They see me with a
mrl's conip exion at the age ..I i;'.
It is even s.(t;.. even rosier tl.eii Ju ago i my White With Clay the last well
Yet my life has been lived in the m facial clay. Also niv Hair With.
limelight. And 1 served Fiance lor to which 1 owe mv heavy, lustrous
j arranged to have Ihem make the iib'n
I Heal ere, i, n for you. it Is called Haina
j Wallace Dipper's Youth Cream. All
druggists anj toilet counters tow
; supply it in M.c per Jar.
. They aiso supply my Facial outii
my fame. til htpii.t cleanser. Aim
Use Smith Bros. M. A. C, the
Guaranteed Treatment.
If you want genuine, lasting relief
from stomach distress, go to your
druggist and obtain a bottle of M. A.
C, the guarantfleil stomach treat
ment. Take a spoonful after each
meal, as directed, and see how quick
ly it gives results. The very first
dose should convince you that this
medicine is exactly what you need to
forever end sour stomach, heartburn,
nausea, . excessive gas, bloating, indi
gestion or nervous dyspepsia.
M. A. C. invigorates the stomach
glands, promotes the secretion ot gas
trie, fluid and cleanses the entire di
gestive system ef foul, irritating
waste matter. It gives you new appe
tite, new energy, new interest in life.
Sick headaches, dizziness, constipa
tion or other symptoms of illsiutbed
digestion will vuiuWh completely when
your stomach is restored to prop, r
working order.
Remember, M. A. C Is sold on an
absolute guarantee or mime v back if
'the first bottle lulls to relieve any
case of stoma, h distress. Obtain a
bottle today price $l.-.". Nathan
; Fullerton store will supply you.
And Alt TCliidH of
dintnun : (it niity known r'ni-i-cl
v, -it I hi in Amen. .1 or Kinopf
Wilt' ll Will M lilnVf IS. 11 i;l!S. . lltiMlt,
and Si i.'.irnliS '.el: ,H. i Tit-1 lull III.
Uivtsi, linnwonn, ihtinlrulT, lu ll, lar-
IH-I'S iti'll, ttVIU'h ill ll, pillll'lt'M. !-
llit fit' or IhhI y, ;( 1 1 -r lii'iui 1. m a 1
r m .iIiIiv haiulH or skin. It ilVNmo
lh Kriiui lliul -uu.f itiftt' troutil'H.
4 JO I llnlly M. NrilMlf.
Sn.xiuahnip Kalln, Oct. J '.I, 120.
Mr. 1,. II. KoifvrN:
Woitlrt will not explain vhut your
1'17,1'in i cvin- ban dour lor tin.'. 1 w.i.
ii.wn in Pell iinift of the Unit' for kin
mouth. iM'itr toror.t could not tifli
:iif. After utiir ciKht lioe.i of your
i-zfinu cure 1 uut entiii-ly cured and
.veikiiis every d;iy.
Mi'H. Vera Haynen,
SVnttU', WuhIi.. Ansc. 12. IW'Jt
Mr. 1. II. ItoKti-M, Alanulueturor oi
After li.hitK a half Jar of your
ura.t -ma I riii cured or a ver
ituliOuin en of eexeiiiH tliat I silt
(reil from for the jiiift five yiur,
'ird eitnnoL express llie Bood wll!
ind praise I lntv for your lionetd
iml complete cure.
Olaiulu H. ltaiker, K. Itroadway
The REX ALL Store
five years in thu rieors of the war.
A French Creation.
French experts perfected this
creatn for me many years ago. ll con
tains lui Ii lemon and strawbeiry.
Also all the best that science knows
to soft en, whileu, smooth and feed
the skin.
Neither 1 nor my friends have ever
hair. My Hook comes Willi
O.i try my Youth Cream. I.ear-n
how it excels iill others. Then 1 think
you will want all the beauty helps
which have done so much for inc.
F.dna W allace Hopper. Business ad
dress Waukesha, Wis.
Note: Miss Hopper is now
........ .o ......m.u ..,i mis., inn twice daily In Ihe Punlages Thea-
1.1.- .;.iei. nti.Kers l.'ll Hie 11 IS llie t,rs of tllO
) rent, st ei. a'ii pniduced. So I have i stales.
I'acilic coast and wcs'.erii
lleiv Yesterday I
Ruth Chenoweih who resides In!
t rc'f lie plcani
oSoui7tc"m Sun
"fijj?it in trtnteslliqt
.iuj'eelt tlie touch
( (lrnlmrir aitf 1
lo oify wdmon
Oakland spent yesterday In Ibis city
shopping uud visiting with friends.
& 7 iJT
M, S "currier 1
'i&'yP CARO-CO
U V rftJ N' Fu,lerton
V phwi" supply you
'W., -
Denn-Gerretsen Co.
231 N. Main St. Phone 128
Hotel llouglas
, I'ortlar.d ntrlvab.; J. II. Wagen
I J. Atiibv. a iiav. T. M
1 C. i: 'ainrirt.T, William A. i;. Kv.-rinn, O. A. Cove-la'-d.
L. J. Mccium, s, Gordan, W.
Lady Elgin
We have a fine se
lection, and will
lioIJ one for you
until Christmas
for a small de
posit. BUBAR BROS.
( Ats... i.itetl Press )
KVANSUON. III.. No. 22.- -Six
hundred men and women students al
Northwest, rn I niversity are working
their way through school this year. '
according to figures prepared by uni-j
versify officials. Fifty per cent of
the. men ou the . ampus are employ ed ;
in part time Jobs end 20 per cent of
Ibis group den. nd entirely on their
own earnings to pay their way thru;
The ranue of v.-ork being done by j
men siuiietils ieiMiides (lerkin't and!
wailing on table... bouse work, wash-)
ing cleaning wimlo,-,:-. serv-;
in;,' as chain .-.u s, night wai.-lim.-u.
moloi iui n, i-.itoic. hotel clerks and
r.wll'.hboard o .-'ator:;.
The (dd fa.-hioaeel colb g.. girl who
repar.-d woi k ouisld.' the curriciilum
as "ilcnii an iirr," la disappearing
from the university and a new type is !
takiUK l;er phi. . . sabl oflieial.-; an-j
no-.'ttcing lliai i - laid service In tl-.e '
homes of Kvaii-t.n families Is one of!
the mo'te p nnt:.r posiii'ins that
many Xorthwi si.-rn girls havet.cept
ed. Tailing .;.' or little children
dii'lng the nfiernoon hours i nii-
j other job in hi. h a number of cirls
-erelarm! work also
'fd for favor anion!;
:i H'lideiiis and not a
' In lb" capa. ity of
'graph, i s in Kvan-
. 'llces.
lil.OCI.S Oi IIUilH V); .ir...u,: M,
m'A.mps mm ..irr i t !t h'i:.i;iv.
We have always made a i
special effort to see that
our customers get the
best service that can be
given. Give us a trial.
We make fluff rugs from
your old rugs.
Phone 277 Our Auto Will Call
Finefct Meats
Savory, Juicy
Everything Right
25c to 65c
Shotguns for clay
pigeons, .22 rifles at tar
get, and turkeys for those
who can't shoot at all.
All are invited to come
and get a turkey. Lunch
and shells on the ground.
Roseburg Rod
and Gun Club
On the John Marks Ranch
Sunday. November 25th.
are ent airt d.
h;i a siroiiL
the yniin.U' uni!
tow ar-' v.oii.i
:ie;-Us 2,nd ;
stop online.
f -
of uiij.n t-ira
stamp."!, in ;i
Were placed .
i:ovcrnni nt )'
' ( winu t"
i h- tors, in--m
' ol her ; w ho
j siamp ; Iit i o
J iti'it"t- (loti r
i fh" pr- p;ir. ti'
out pt rrofit i i
st i r
, tain the i i
, p-j rpfw.' til ' I":
; late pp id- I.'
t.-d I'r.
s. Nov. r.!-i
' 1 il Harding ni :iiori;il
1 nnniher un to
alo recontiy at t!.
t ' ."lelie jiff nry h- re.
i demand frma c ( 1
of cot. rr-s Jitil
I'd the I
" ' fon pnrpnoH ,m :
si New I'jm: nrd is f'r
' "f the "iiimits wi'ii
Ma ny of il i -
d on a t f i r- in 'i
! n that Htr;i p.- :(.r
. 1 'i r in nit-iiioi y f t !i
! Al."il .- " - v. "Il.ll lu-Kie. Mail..
Sniid. ii.i.. l... upp. ni s b. r. Fnd.iv
j ... .am.,' in n, n nnrk--. : Ic fol
io win l- :
1. . .1 i -i l ie has r- ii. in. d.
, li, .;e or b - 'rill lie- h.itien'l I' --
' ri'.o: i.,1 c..n:i:.'f. Thousu I l.-lt
Make the old bus shine as
of yore
1 lave her Siinonized and
polished by our
We have just added a car
washing department to
our service. If you are
a Missouriun, we can
"show you"
Roy Catching
Phone 433
C. Oak end Mam Street.
Removal Notice ! !
Moore Ftlusic Studio and Store
Moved to 327 W. Cass Street. Upstairs in the
new Kapp Building. Beautiful line Pianos on
display. Phone 502.
bother you
We take all the usual honor of that jovless event off f
X '
I the frail shoulders of the housewife. I
X We Move Anything and
Everything Movable j
Our LJiij Motor Trucks and C 'iiini tert M' n do the job X
X r.:i:t. rain or shine.
H. S. Ft ei:ch Transfer & Storage Co. j
Cais and t'.nc Near E. P. Dopot J
Phone 20