kTHER News TODAY'S CIRCULATION 4150 AND STILL CROWINQ iX::::: VIEW FRIDY Consolidation of The F Newt and the Roteburg Review. DOUGLAS COUNTY An Independent Newspaper, Publlihed lor the Beet Interest of the People. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1923. VOL. XI., NO. 310, OF THE EVENING NEWS Tr .U,W jQ) JJi, p ty Xi3pi , NO. 30. OF ROSEBURQ Rt VVc. . :. . w av n i iiiiiiib in l uiil-u flUfiPOIPJTS THREE MEASURES NOT HtAUD TODAY rj m m Ex-Head of Veterans' Bureau Gives Testimony GDRNERSTON let Certain Questionf in Jurisdiction of pert Committee. KANGE POLICY of France Declares lommittee Must Not .mount of Repara ns to Be Paid. L twisted Press.) I Not. 1. rremier ronicare- lb today at severs recog-: points a within me jura-, be committee of experts, make a reparation Inquiry ! of the recent nusoimiiuu bpcan chancellories and the p government. points are: rraany's present capacity it. Near methods of payment. he renovation of Germany's A new monetary system. t.-s office points out that is tb that indicated in the Lite to London. i Poincare. it is declared. Ermany's debt to the allies' once and for all and can- luted any more than the I tts advanced by the United I fee allies during the war can (By Associated Pre.) POItTLANI). Nov. 1. Uecause n( judge was available there wax no hear, inx today of the atute grant: suii i compell the disclosure of the. income tax referendum books. El Residents in Other Sections of County Will Vote on Income Tax Bill. BONDS ARE WANTED "v A"nctated rress.) TACOMA, Not. 1. The police to day arrested Harold J. Olson, aged 19 years, who reported that a robber beld him up shortly after midnight and robbed the mall truck he was driving of a package of letters. The police said Olson told several con Hiding stories of the robbery. City in Need of Additional Fire Apparatus Proposal to Amend Charter Will Also Be Submitted. Only one measure will appear on the ballot prepared for thb special state election to be held on Novem ber 6. Voters In all of Douglas county, excepting the precincts with in the city of Koseburg, will be call- VA was. A. Charles R. Forbes, former head of the Veterans' liurcau, which is belnn lnvestiKated by a apecul acnate com mittee probius chancea of vxtruva- ed UDon to exnr.t ihp.nv. niv ?.auSe' H8te anU niismananement i. . ' '1 fcnrhps who E TEMPLE I S 11 Four Million Dollar National Masonic Temple Is Now Under Construction. 0 WMISGffl CEREMONIES IMPRESSIVE IPresident Participates in Lay ing of Cornerstone Rep resentatives' of 17,000 Blue Lodges Present. Feminists Assert. ! In regard to the proposed income tax measure, which is the sole purpose of ' the state election. j This income tax bill Was passed by the recent legislature as a sub stitute bll for the one proposed I by Governor Pierce and the present ! state administration. (lovernor ' . . iieiuaiiut-u aiiu uigeu cue pas- Forbes, who went all the wav from Seattle, Wash., to testify as a witness in the hearings. Is a very sick man, showing plainly evidence of the Ill ness which forced his retirement March 1 lust. (Bv Associated Press.) PENDLETON, Nov. 1. Nora EM waived a hearing until the grand jury meets when she was arraigned for or j Bage of an income tax measure and a a cnarge or Killing ner iormer aweei-; hm favored by him was presented.! heart Gordon Mettle. She was calm : This bill, howeter. did not fullv meet! In court. BUTTE MOVIES TO Nov. 1. (U. P). Identical ill of the allied powers, f be forwarded today to States, proposing a con iperts .on reparations and ItVnited States to particl- love is expected to lead kation of a meeting place. nperts and other details i capacity to pay. the approval of the legislature and the amended bill was finally adopted in its present lorm. There was a great deal of oppo sition to the measure and a refer endum league was formed and it succeeded in securing sufficient names to petitions railing a special election to obtain a vote of the elec tors of the slate to determine wheth er or not the measure is to become a law. ThVre seems to be a well organlz- (Bv United Press.) niTTTT1 M,.nl V,v 1 Th. mnvin. picture theaters, which have all been ed a'"j a,ron opposition, while there French words: "Ilonl Soit Out j t-- .i .m art aisu a. irreat iiumner nr uiiii-.a iui v i i, u-hn uara .nce nepiemoer ouin ni ",,,. - - - - " j i ,. ,., ,,.,., ,, i lie iiiusi-. v---.--..r ..n.. Saturday November 3rd clans, whose wage demands started the strike, agreed to return on the ol scale. owner said that the ficures would i Nor. 1. (U. P). "It Is not fene our policy and we will Premier Poincare de ln a speech at Nevers. advisory commission must amount of Germany's re bt and Prance will not rights nor give the puran- n taken, Poincare teitcr- aGQMETJX pears to be backing the bill, while an organized league Is in opposition. The farm vote will doubtless be the deciding factor In the elecetion bill there is a question as to whether or not the farmers are solidly behind the measure as the supporters allege. If so it may pass. If they are divid- t ed it will undoubtedly be defeated. as the greater part of the city votes ' s""eet art gallery." five will undoubtedly be in opposition, if (Associated Press.) ALEXANDRIA, Vs., Nov.' 1. Th i cornerstone of a four million dollat I Masonic temple a national Masonli memorial to George Washington and a shrine for American Kreemasono was laid hern today with impresslv ceremonies. President Cooltdge, mem bers of the Cabinet, a large array 01 official personages and representative of 17,000 blue lodges and other Ma sonic organizations participated. Th temple which Is Greek In lis archl tenure will be known as The Georgi Washington National Masonic Mem I orial. ' The building will rise 200 f.vt abovi Shooters Hill, on the outskir! of thb irtlv, which Thomas Jefferson am J James Madison proposed for the stt inf the capltol of the I'nited States. I' j will resemble and was inspired by th' great towers of ancient Greece ant Home from whose summits ermanent buttling flan guided mariners at as and, in the words of II. W. Corbett one of Its architects, "will represent spirit o' Washington in statesmanship Bnd bb revered precepts which for alt tlm Y !. '-vll tn him who l example ny wmcn tne smi I'ngar. the build EVIL THINKERS SCORED PORTLAND, Nov. 1. (A. At noon today a large sign was A Itlinv lirt nup thu .Iii.iii t.i.ll.,u .n A the facade of the new Alder " v"r,d, ,,,e "Mn street building bearing Ihise In this memorial will be the restlnf .. ..-I 1.... !., be removed out of respect to the ! ": , ."V ' . J , , " Portland women who objectetl to f 'Hther of 11, Coun ry hav ,.g beer to the nude form. !jre 'illy preserved by the Alexandria A'V, nshlm-ton Ixidge, No. 22. of whirl i Washington was the first Wor .lpfu (Tlv Assof-lated Tress.) PORTLAND. Nov. 1. The base Master, located equidistant betweer ;the nation's capital and Mount Ver (By Assi.-aien Press.) SALEM, Nov. 1. The prune pack ers and bankers today discussed rem edies for the demoralizing prune mar ket and to devise means of combat ting price cutting by some of the pri vate packing corporations. luncheon of Rotarlans to- very comprehensive dls- l the new Income tax law i"t IM.1 S'ate. and which Is M on on November 6, was "lo-noy A. N. Orcutt. The I'ok up 8-'Veral sectlnri4 nf frt explniued each of them fners in a clenr and con- "T- It Was made nlnln thnt P'-l 1 a very comnllrsted f! 0f Its provisions hard to hundred killed. W IDd en r ra w n 5r7 layman. He cnnlrt tuel ' teal arivantar-n in ihs inw 'Pie of the state, but on the "tlfTed the revenue re- " s adoption, should the ' enacted, would show lit-O'-ere, n ,aTP9 ,t wa L-l that the Pfl4t n.,Hl.. P'-lon the inco ia.. ;aw would P"op:e of Or-gon far more ;- pr.rvtaeri i the meas- ' vreat army Vlav.il ' ho-. hari.lv Itf lit nnrn with the losses I I'll 1SIU,. I a.. .". - " - -- k . . . ' u - . , , i. .. ., . , nmttt.r. nml (letertnrn t Inn nsteail nf reHiifincr ' tnOUSana millers etll"Jrw - -- - - - !.ir. r.t !..-, In Mall a VeaVlerl., I Pennsylvania Coal company walked and at present the city la inadequate- ' ,?f man th..y aro now man. out in a general "outlaw striae tins i, "uy wav voti inr,u tk.ininrti nf. The minens retuseo 10 neeu !-. ... . . ,..,,, . -non mores ch.-iuik me wimrn nm tr.-in-. more tales bv 'he pleas of the district officials ofl f Sfe hr., .... ... . ' . i pumnin Rt work 1I5D!SG0S5ED!bRzWDE (By T'nlrert Pre-s.) BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 1. The Bra zilian rebels defeated the government forces In a buttle in the province ot Grand Do Sul, according to dispatches from Ontevidlo, which report over a aiiiirnn rtt l IT" I (in A n n I nil III' Mill I III il- IVIINLUDgUII JUDO I!. OUTLAW STRIKE ! I (Bv United Press.) PITTSTON. Pa.. Nov. 1.- Alder non. the home of Washington, the me relief niorial will become the inecra o figures of a nudo f! niinine form. ,a:,nv visitors who make pllmimagei straw votes and public expressions adorning the facade of a new build I in Washington's tomb on the Potomac aro any criterion. "in. Is to disappear because of public The oriL.illHi trowel uned by Genera' The ballols for Douglas county Protest, Nicholas M 1'iiKar, building Washington on September IS, 17II3. it were delivered this morning by the owner, announced today. I laying the cornerstone of the capl'o job department of the NewB-Revlewi A classical group of five slender) minding nf the t'nlted Slates was usei company to County Clerk I. 11. Kiddle !oung women dancing to the music ofjns;n today In the laying of the cor and the ballot boxes are being sent i trumpet and cymbal beneath a heav-: nerstnne of the memorial. Silver re out immediately to the various out-'ily fruited grHpe arlor Is the oui-jpijras of the trowel were presented t( l.ving precincts. It Is anticipated standing feature, of the facade. Thoirorn visiting ('rand Master who user that the vote will be light, as In dls- spirit of the work suggests late u"i- tliem In spreading a small quantity o tricts where traveling is difficult and mer Joyousness. with a 1-ossible touch ' niortar f;ir the cornerstone. The cere long distances must be traversed to of the voluptious. The figures -"''inonlrj conformed to the laws of .Ma reach the polling places, many people , well molded and mature. Four nudn;.lonry as in use In Virginia and wen will not mm out and go to so much ; children are s-ni d at interval! on the; un,!er the auspices of the Grand Iidgi trouble to vote on Just one measure, j cornice. The children have a well fed' nf Virginia with Charles 11. Callahan In Rosi hurg the voters will have i impearsnco and evidently are at peace' ,.. v ..rand master of Virginia, it .three mearures to vote upon. In : with t!ie world. The composition also rharre as a tt Unite for his llfelon' addition to the Income tax propoil- includes five cb deal beads, facing Ptudv of Washington. Col. Ixiuls A , tion there is a city measure pro. id-, Alder street with calm dignity of ex , Waires of Sciantim. Penn., preside n' ing for Die Issuance of bonds in the preslon. lof Hie (ienuge Washington .Mase.nli sum of $15,000 for the purchase of. According to I.. L. Dougan of Hough-1 .Memorial Association: William How la fire engine and suitable fire-fight-! ... unn-.m architects who pre- r,l Tuft chief lustlce of the I'nllei pared plans fur the linear building, sintuc. and James II. Price, gram' the design was inspired by similar art master of Virginia, assisted. The cere Imposed upon buildings used for mer ' monies were preceded by a parade enntlle purHs s In Paris and other fn,In thee old lode room to the new cities of eontrm-nifll Kurojie. The I'n-' memorial site In which marched Ma cat building w ill be occupied by e'e al- winH from e very era In women's apparel ami the archl tects endeavored to suit their design to the uses of the structure. "Vulgar comment from corner lor.f crs Is more on n directed at ceuiven lially clad women and gir's pa-.ln along the street than at nmle ficure-s : wniks and stone steps ascending thn w-rnimht In Kt'-ne or stucco," Demean m.ven terraces will b'ad to Its en averred. "Expre ssion of beauty In art trnnei. The building Itself will be 23i slituld ntt b' c ircuiusci ibed by the r,.,,t ,!eeo, ItiO fe i-t wide and tower up mental and imual limiiations of the ward 2"0 feet. The main massen o vulgar mind -d. There Is no stiggos In the' group of fig ing apparatus. The fire department is sadly in need of additional 'apparatus lor fl:-'hting fires In this city. Roseburg at present ha3 only one fire truck, a combination chemical engine and i hose cart. This Is suitable for all lof the ordinary fires, but Is entirely Inadequate to cope with big fires or with resilience fires on the hill dis tricts. This truck was purchase! i seven years ago and at tiiat time i there were fe w- residences on Ihe ; higher levels and the truck would se rve the city s nee ns. During tne I part seven years, nowever. tne anci- i Hons to trie eieparimeni s eriuipmeue state. I From its commanding position over looking the Potomac Valley fron : Washington lo Mount Vernon, the me tnorial will be a Isnrlmark. It wil' jbeve a setting of 32 acres and he eur romi'led bv artistic landscapes. Ilroac Doucan refused to entertain sticge are nr "':" .i,. .hv rernsin at work ent Is eiual only lo tne pressure in . ...... i ,u uir , - CaY ftn.l in an nniloavnr In HHIIISt Ilieir Kiiei Kfent form 'Irtlve. is anything' ances, P: AT RKUpKlltltT V! ehone word from i !... ""rln" fire orrnr- r !1t nize . e . .. . I-Mrr.. j " '"re DU110- S. Jh- Injured man. W In ii. ' " '" Marshfle d r- 111 "1? ho .pilal ther. 'IL.N(,K h K.X( F 'oil t'r-v 1 mP- U" will be held ' , ' at ie f ii.,lnr hM 'w 'he "tiler x. . 1 r 'ransact 9" huslncs, of th. ton- STRESEMAry CABIKET j REPORTED SLIPPING I i (Bv United Tress.) . ' BERLIN- Nov. I Streseman s coal , Streseman s . the mains, minus the friction which ' the wnlst to the knee-s developes In ihe pipe and heno when! large quantises of-wnter are being lake-n from the mains. A fire pump would de-liver more wrie-r at high pressure, suitable for fighting big fire-s and would also rive good pres sure on the higher levels of the city. In addition lo the fire engine, th- department is In need of several dlf fe rent types ot nozzles, de luge sets, life ne-t. and many oth'-r minor pieces of e I'llpmeiit which are needed (or various tvpes of fires and with E. O. McCORMICK DIES SAN FIIAM'ISCO. Nov. 1 ; Vfce pri'sid.t E. L. Me-Cormiek. I of the Sooth' rn Parllie, a w i.lely known railtoid man. die el of I heatt disease here today. itlon cabinet was apparently slipping supplied which every modren fire depaitmnt 9A9ff44ff4f todav. All signs indicated a collapse Th(1 cjI. n ,H Kneral fund has I:eTING 'and a replacement by either the re-nQ mo0..y available for this purpose actlonarv regime or the dictatorenip snd consequently tne only way in with Streseman at the head. which money can be raised Is thru n a bond l.-s lev The proieosed bonds The fire department was called gre , t)f. isse.-d for a pered of 1 5 out this morning for a chimney fire T,.ar, ,,i will be ar 6 per cent In- at the Walter DIetz home on East j,,.,.,, f . oi.ik .1. a horning flue set fire, n-,,. .,-nd city measure to lee vot- m the will naner but the Idsze was ., I , charter sno ndme-nt pro- for outside dis- PETITION DENIED ATLANTA. Ga., Nov. 1. Judge J. I), liumpbrevs today denied the 4 petition to hive a receiver an- pointed for the Ku Klux Klan In a suit brom til by leavid ROte n- house snd cel - r hisurgent Klsn-v- men who coniend.-d that Klan money was le :ng squandered. ' 'he building will comprise a base It vbiih will be located Ihe great Wash lu tein Memorial Hall, the varloui Masonic looms where may be pcrpet mite'el in Imperisi'.hie form Ihe metnot) up d achie vements of the men whose d:si incuish' d services to Freemasonn merit uarticiilar unel laeling reward The Memorial Hall will h" an Impos log atrttim. "A feet wide and loo fee' cl en In It a statue of Washingteit III h placed. This ball will b ' f. e-t hieb. rising bv a rlere-story above ehe S'lrr'finillng peirtion cef the build in - It w ill be flanked bv great leinlr columns 40 feet hli h. snd surrounded bv a number of reionis devoted to Ma sonic interest above the room ol which will b cle ri'story lights. A slxcohimn portico of pure Greek Doric di"l.-n forming the entrance te the building will be a marked conlrasi fo the plain, unbroken walls of the exterior of the Masonic revinvs. Above the massive base will rise a tower-Ilk' striiriiire of smaller dimensions. Id r.elly above the M'mor.al Hall the s.-cond story of the tower will form niitse-um room feir Ihe pre-servatlon o' re lieve nf ("' eirge Washington and his "me. es we II ss Interesting relics con mc'i'd with Washiniton's service, at (Continued on page seven J TO IKE TESTS mmwm m mm (AsMulutiMt Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. I. Walton, sthipended governor. J. C was .!,";.n.u.n.,,!,l.:3,!..f:. ,.",.'m,:.,.y "'. "rl Throats of Children in Benson .vhtn hi counsel asked for ten days exivns.ou today. ! .111 School to Be Swabbed Ey Physicians. DELAYS ARE CAUSED (Associated Press.) MOSCOW. Nov. 1. Eighteen per eons were senenced to death today ind twenty three given prison sen tences as a result of the trial of sixty eight charged with bribery and cor ruption. The prisoners were employes f the naval technical department and wntractors. Failure of State Board of Health to Furnish Swabs Delays Making of Tests No New Cases. (By t'nlted Press.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. The up Hilntment of former Senator Prank II. vellogg. Minnesota, as ambassador to Iroat ilrllaln was officially announced jy the stale department today. OPPOSED TO SCHEME Tlv TTnltM lria.) OAKLAND, Calif. Nov. 1. Senator rllriim JnhiiHon, KiieakinR at a lunche m hero today, went on record aa op Kwed - to Ainerieitn - fMrtleipntlou 1 11 he settlement of the reparations tlin nite on the basis of the XulieH-t'ur-:on corropondece. RT CLAIlKSIIl'Kt. V. Va., Nov. 1. Ninety four p.MHonH were Injured, al 't'BHt nix of them aertonmly, when n Uiilliinoro and Ohio train on the 'I h rk -bu rtt H Irh wood branch waa de ailed one mile went of Orlando. o S (ttnlted Press.) HALIFAX, N. S. Nov. 1. The Ca Indian schooner Illuenose retained he Inlei national Fishermen's trophy oelay, winning the si'cond and decld ng lace of the annual event. Tin tiff breeze at tliine reached a velo Ity of 30 knots during the race-. Delays on the part of the state hoard of health in furnishing swabs for Ihe taking of cultures from the throats of the children In the Hen son school have rovented the county and city health officers from making Ihe teals which they have been ar ranging for. n-cordlnr to Dr. II. 11. Shoemaker. It wra desired to swab tho throats of the children yester I day and swabs were ordered on Tues- day, but thn swabs failed to arrive, and it was learned this morning thnt they hr.d not been shipped. However, they are being sent Immedlnlely and should arrive tonight and the tests will be mado Friday morning. As tt Is possible to swab thn throats of only about 160 pupils dur ing the day. cultures will be taken only from tho throats of those In the rooms in which diphtheria has mado Its tip pen run re. The throat of eae-h child In thoae rooms will be swab bed and the swabs sent to the state board of health. They will be care fully examined after certain treat ment which will cause the develop ment of diphtheria, if present, and reports will bo made on all children where the germs are present, so that steps may be taken to prevent lbs spreod of tho disease. Dr. C. Vr"waile county henllTi of- ' fb-er. and Dr. H. R. Shoemaker, city health officer, met last night wlih the parents snd te'nrhers of the lien son school In a widl attended meet-, Ing. The parents were, present la large numbers and were greatly In terested In what the physicians had to say and their rnmphte co-operation la expected In the efforts to stamp out the disease. Dr. Wado explained tho produc tion of diphtheria nnllloxln and de scribed the use of the toxin and antl lovln anil Iho Schick lest to find out If children are susci'ptllde to Ihe dis ease, lie also de scribed the method of trnnsmlr.slnn mid control. Dr. "Sliooitiiiker evplalned the'local Hit nut Ion and advised Ihe Immuniz ing of all children by a dose of anti toxin. The condition here presents no cause for alarm. Dr. Khoemnker says. There are five known cases and two tinder observation. No new case:" have developed during the past 2 1 hours and there Is nothing In thn entire situation to give rle to any fears. The rltuatlon Is well In hand and with tho o-operatlon of the par enls It Is expected that there wll be little spread of the disease. Tho schools will not be closed unless such acilon Is found absolutely necessary. Dr. Shoemaker savs. ITALY APPROVES SETTLEHTPUfJ A ronittanily grout In tnin.nenn, aid ed materially by Jiidirimin tine of nd Vertlnfnn Kpac, hun enabled the itt r P r U.iT'faln N'tnr to branch out In to lamer iixefulneHH tn the . buvlrwj public Plana havo been made whTP bv the aiore at the rornr of Ch.h and (Bv tnltl IT.) ( HOME, Nov. 1 - 'ihe Kalian govern nent lodav Inntructed the inl.iin.er at namn.nn a,., .,.- v., - ; . stn-.-tH will h nrartieallv doiih. ,ve invlta Ion in al I - ln Ind ,,,, ;!o,k of' RmuU ,y KnKhind ank.nK th 1 n ,d "KUilUy incrvsi M.(l. Mr. CttI, ,)(.rK(.f 0 jnln In the Hlull(.n of the i"Pia- urrttntl, tll thm P(Wmi Mnw I nrrupi'( by tho litninK'T furniture Hiore, which adjoins bin pnent plnr (on priiblc GLENN TAYLOR TO TAKE THE OLOSMOBiLE AGENCY lof bus in CM, and at nnm nn the furnl Iturt If dipoh'd of, pndmbly within f;i-nn H TavL.r. local automobllt , l"n ,!"VH "r w"'kH' remodel lealer. h-ft fur '.'..rtmnd last ni:ht In ' t(w r,tt" n'"t ri,:,r CHiHinun to a tebram from the OMh- mentx. TIh partition will be nnnved. Tiobile rmnpunv. of Orcx'Ui. aJvlHinx r entrance!, cm innracn, nit'rmm uif !iim of hlH apKiintm-ttt as distributor ' "pare Into o..e lare room. He i'I In !iutzlan county for the ti'W )IiIk ( Imm- diati ly nlarK(! hi utocka In all mobile IJht Sl. whl' h Ih a new pro-( Iiik h and probably add coiiip new fea- Itict of the iii-ral MotorH ( onipany. it m es to iim riunincitft, wnicn will Kive Th toiirinur car tnodels of thin new, him the mont romuletw tore In thn lutomoblle will h-H in llombiirK ffr about $JOM. Mr Taylor stnti-d. He will return to thin ctty Krlday ntuht with on of Ihe tomirnt car riMHlclx, which will be lined for detnotiatration purponea. lower ( dm Street ncrilon of the city. -o- IIn-4 ( arniiMnii' li-d McJimidt who renidea nt th Jttnctlon of tin Pa'ifir and Coon Ray blKhwaytt wan In I'ONehtirK toHy hhowinn an armful of b-atitiful vari colored cnrnatlonii, which he xrowa. i They are try and f rat rant and ran- Otvorce Wanted A suit for divorce wan filed in thn -Irctitt court todav bv Irnui i. .Sny der aicainnt Walter H. .nulit. (nn l.not bo told from thn hot-houi vnl- md Inhuinnn tratm rit in all'-K'-.i Ht v. lo hair many rmdreds of '.hem Th plaintiff la represe nted by Attor I just mtuiriK Into bloom, from which ney John T. Ioiifi bo sella tut flowers and plants. extinguished with only a muu j tiding toe no ao being done. i (Continura on !'K KlKllt-l