ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. WFDNESPAV. OCTOBER SI. 1t?3. PAGE SEVEN NB RAIN! -are you ready for it? that roof up for your stock or machinery) 1 . j flours on a Certain-teed roof. It is he in "u , . iper than teea t 'r. urmtr t lour now AhiI thA ht and the roads are ttill good. Only $6.90 I, grade hard wheat flour. it i J Marrnwsnra?. filar, nr lanrinor- w9 all Kiii"- . o. t's First, We Can Save You Money Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg and Oakland . 'A WIFErS STORY' By JANE PHELPS MATERNITY HOME PC? N. Jackson 8t Phona 4S0 Mrs. D. Cornwell Patient privilege to hva their own doctor Reliable tailor L u' Sulta Suits J. H. BERNIER Wa Do Alteratlona Cleaning and Praaaing Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpqua Hotel) 1 l L for Xmas. 302K. io inner. Hione 189-L. j7i;0 W. Lane delivered, rnone in- kctlon of teeth at room kjle. Dr. r.eroas. a lasts. Edison Mur- itric Store. n.iiir service. Grand Luatry trips specialty. uemstitching, "-. per ffeclalty Shoppe. fcLES G. STANTON, Co. Home phoue 75-J. L Fred Seilert of Mllo lime in tne my raui- ituirs yesuruay. rrsl tire bargains Fee Winchester and Jack- rway to High Qualify ilioes Bellows . Store h X. R. Fisher, resi st, were In Itoseburg lux to business and Iteetaurant 1 now ro bo Matthews, the old n charge. rouch of this city re- niahr from Portland s been visiting with Hives for several days. need of a new winter we have a complete line millinery at the Special- 11 modest prices. 235 Phone 123 for all kinds of electric work. Hudson Electric Store. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood of Myr tle Creek spent Monday in town looking alter business matters. New Modes In the "Upstairs Shoo Shop," at Bellows Store Co. It Is proposed to add to I'nele Sam's Income by taxing all adver tising signs and billboards along the highways. Phone us for freedem onstratlon of Thor washer and Koyal electric clean er. Hudson Electric Store. Mrs. Wilson of Myrtle Creek Is In Roseburg attending to business af fairs and visiting with Mrs. William Fisher. HAVE you an electric neater In your home. See Hudson Electric Store. Wo deliver. J. liver, a resident of Clendale was ill the eily yesterday afternoon, at tending to business aud other mutters. Mrs. George Stearns and Mrs. Charles lleckley. residents of Oak land were in town yesterday visiting aud, attending to business. Lloyd's Taxi tor easy riding. Spe cial rates on country trips. No trip less than fifty cents. Phone 44. Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. J. S. Wiley residents of Myrtle Creek are spending a few days In Roseburg shopping and visiting wltlt friends. Mrs. Herbert Hrilt returned yes terday afternoon from Portand and Corvallis where she has been visit ing lor the last few days with friends and relatives. I CHAPTEH III I "I often wonder what Paul's prln j clples are." I overheard father sav to mother. "We really know very' llt ; tie about hlra. His legacy has al , lowed him to do as he pleased. He never has known the need of money." "Hut he has 110,000, John." motb ! er replied, "more ten times more : than we ever have had ahead In all our married life. Surely they can get along nicely on that, with what he can earn.' "That's Just It. Mary, can he earn? And If he has to. will he? 1 have no objections to a writing man. Some of them I understand are very successful, very hard workerB. Hut Paul has great ideas of his ability. Ideas that have so far brought hlin In nothing. Then, too, he has, he must have extravagant tastes. When I think of HO. 000 squandered In six years It makes me shudder. Forty thousand is a fortune! I wonder what he did with it. I wonder if he has vires we know nothing of." "I hope not, for Ruby's sake. Sho is very much in love with him. thinks everything he says or does Is right. She has always been a good girl her Influence will keep him straight." "I hope so." father sighed as he spoke. "Ilui a woman in love has too much faith In the man she loves to exert her Influence as perhaps she might. She cannot see the need." I moved away. What ailed my family? Always finding something to worry about in connection with my marriage. I loved father and mother dearly, y t I resented what they said about Paul. I thought 'them narrow, un fair. They would-talk differently when he made his big success. I visioned the time -.when they would apologize, for all they had said and thought. I would be gen erous and not hold it against them. One day not long afterward 1 again overhvard a conversation, this time between father and Tom. . "Have you been able to find out anything about Paul?" father asked him. "Nothing of any account." Tom re plied. "He lirs lieen raiher gay. but nothliur. disreputable so far as 1 can discover, or course we know mull ing of his life In Paris, I talked wifi a Harvard man who knew him In college. He waj tailed a good fel low, a good spender." "I can't help but wish we knew mote," father said. "Huby is so young." I trembled with Indignation. Tom had been trying to find out about Paul, playing detective, n Wiut r-0 business of his what Paul had done. What if he had been a little gay, spent money? Other young nu n did. W hert we were married 1 would help him to be economical umil his book came out. "I wish he'd buckle to and sell something." Tom relumed. "I'd like to see him earn a tew dollars be fore he marries Sis. That ten thous and won't last him long if he spends as he has been doing." "We can only hope for the best. Ruby Is determined to have him." Father spoke sadly but I was so an gry with Tom for meddling I paid no attention, Hera use he uas earn ing money, Tom thought no one amounted to anything unless they also did. He had no vision, could 'not look ahead to such a future as 'was bound to come to Paul. Paul was made of fiuer clay. I would have to be patient until h proved his ability; but It was hard to feci they were all against him. 1 must love hliu the more to recom pense. I felt I must have no secrets from Paul, so foolishly I told him what I had overheard. If It made bim un comfortable he did not show it. 1 kuow now that it did not plt-e Cio wall of egotism In which he was en rased, that it simply made him dis like my people. "Don't worry about money. Ituby. I'll always have It somehow." he said lightly. "I'm not ihe Kind that can live without money. So just for get what you hear. Your folks are old-fashioned, a bit narrow. We'll live n very different life from what you have lived with them." Of course I was convinced that he was right. The others all wrong. Tomorrow- A Home Wctjdini; U. S. Mineral Surveyor Civil Engineer G. G. Stewart, 248 No. Jackson Phona 87 a V S Going, Going and Gone! 4 3 Say, If you want the high j? jsj dollar for your furniture and & $ other goods that you have for ft 3 sale, bring them to the Auction It House, J2S N. Jackson. And & 3 please remember that wt) get E 3 you the money at your farm R auction. See us tor dates. g Radabaugh & Patterson 3 W BO.YS Will Wear Out Their SHOES llut It la not so bad when you remember how well we can repair 'em. We more than DOUBLE THE LIFE OF YOUR SHOES by our careful work. We use only the best leather in half-soling. Aud we make tho shoes look and wear like new. OUR NEW SHOP W. S. HOWARD 214 North Main Street Rear of Kidder's Stora GEItMAX "SCOTCH" MAY IX.ll ItH ISIilTISH THAUK ' (International News Service.) LONDON', Oct. 31. The Hrlttsh whiskey export trade stands In grave danger of German competition. According to Harper's Wine aud Sulrit (iazette, C.erman exporters arc offering, in London. "Herman Scotch" whiskey for sale at 7.50 and f2.B0 respectively, for highest and lowest qualities, f.. o. b. Ham burg, for the .Congo and, East and West Africa. No business has yet been done, but Scotch whiskey merchants expect to be confronled very shortly with se vere competition from Germany. ting it over at all. "I don't see much evidence against this man," Judge Trude interrupted, and added: "Discharged!" Hay sighed. , , . Did you know we can help you clean house? Let us clean your , rugs curtains tapestries all household goods We make fluff rugs, too. TRY OUR WAY Phona 277 Our Auto Will Call F. S. Jones, a reside nt of (lieu- i George Solomon, a resident of dale, was In Roseburg yesterday I'lupqua. wus in Roseburg today looking alter business arlairs. 1 tending to business. 1 EVERY DAY BUSINESS LUNCHES! Served at the Palace of Sweets Our Ellg Soda Fountain Is always a Favorite Place for Everybody. Then, too, you'll like our Delicious Ice Cream STRAWBERRY PLANTS "New Orgon," Gold Dollar and a few Ever bearing, $4.50 per thousand, f. o. b. Roseburg. Phone 18-F 2. W. J. Meredith, Looking Class, Ore. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was Issued yes terday to Kenneth L. Fortin and Vio let Crane. Both parties are residents of Umpqua. Al!IO AMI J'llOXK lUUXU ' -NKWfi OF WOIII.II SKK1KS Coffee Aroma Ret it sure and con- hen you open a coflee ground at our coffee and prnnnH to pie coffee that makes talk wilh good old oftee fragrance. the uounil. .1.r.c end buy c tan and throw bomy Grocery Phone 63 Monroe Hilton leit Tuesday even ing forSacramenlo, California, where he intends to locate permanently. Mr. Hilton will be employed by the South ern Pacific company. Taylor's special treatments for Catarrh, lagrippe, female complica tions, dyspepsia, pneumonia and heart," and cancer, lave no known equnl or superior. In use forty years. Taylor's Specific Co., noseburg, Oregon. b ) V jMPftfe Safe J15l3ir Milk V-if!( 1 .Hff For for Records am Record ipplements Each Week stt Music in Both ,3 and Vocal Records yd Crocker -ER DRUO STORE ,l N- Jackson Infant: Irwalidt A Childnn The Original Food-Drink for All Agea. QuickLunchstHome.OfnceSiFountains, RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract in Pow dr& Tablet forms. Nouriihinc-Nonokiiit. T Avoid Imitations and Substitute. (International News Kervlco.) YORKV1LLK, Ohio, Oct. 31. It is nothing new for a radio to pick HP and broadcast a world's series. F. C. Stirodes. local agent for the Wheeling & Lake Eric railroad, how ever, performed a new stunt with his radio. He obtained the play-by-play account of the games for patrons awaiting trains In tho station here by working it the oiher way round. He had his radio In Martins -Ferry hooked up with a phone. The news came through clearly. IT rAYS TO BUY Your lumber of Alton S. Frey and Sons. Salesman at Torth Side Groce-r. "I KNEW HIM WHF.X" IS TICKET OCT OF COl KT f Inl'Ti-.itlnnal News Servlc-p.) CHICAG ). Oct. i 1. Charlie Ray. an old-time bookie, once a familiar figure about ihe famous Washington Park race course, thought he'd try talking the judge out of it when ar raigned on a charge of placing bets. "Judge Trude." he said. "1 knew your lather forly years ago and.." "He's been dead 41 years," the court miff, red with a scowl. "Well. Judge. I knew someone In your family." Ray grew very ner vous. He felt that Ihe wasn't get- AU1ZOXA t'O-EDS FORCED I TO IIAU MODERN MAKE-ll' tlntoriintlenal Nrwi SVrvtre.) j Tl'CSO.N,. Oct. i!l Strict rules! have been laid down by upper class-j women for the freshmen glrlH of tliOj I'niversity of Arisona. t'ndcr these ; rules freshmen girls must wear preen 1 rlhbons from 7 a. in. to 6 p. m. ex-' cept Sundays: they are not allowed : to wear rouge or Jewelry and are not permitted to carry powder puffs or compacts. , i TO A XATl ltl-: U)VEK The following poem by Alden Har ness has been accepted by the com pilers of "An Anthology of Oregon Verte." who are usln? published and unpublished poems, and It shall be Included In their book: When tender blossoms. blue and gold, That star the fertile, dark, green sod. Shall to thy mind nqd heart unfold The seen t manuscripts of God. Thou shall In hold the land anil skies With brighter beauty glorified. For angel hands before thine eyes Shall draw the mystic veil aside. When on the plain, some summer day. Thou shall commune with sun and breeze; When on the mountain, far away, Thou shalt companion rocks and trees; To higher truths, that bring thee light Kind Nalnre shall become thy guide. Then seest wilh cPA-er MuM: The mystic veil .Vurawn aside. When thoughts of thine to God above, The one supreme and only Cause, Are waited on the wings of love Willi und. rsmi.ll.iig or Ills laws The holy peace I'r.a crowns thy brow Shall ever lu ihv heart abide. Forever and fer-r now The mystic veil n drawn aside. - Alden Harness. Kosebtire.'Of .on. PILGRIM WARE of Solid, Seamless Copper Natural and Nickel Finish Lasts a Lifetime Heats Faster Cools Slowly Stays Clean See Large Display In Our Windows and Examine Samples Parslow Furniture Co. Ill N. Jackson Street Roseburg Oregon fill lied linen is costly scientific cleansing (OCRS) lengthens Its life and makes It look better. A trial proves. The Savage Washer and Dryer ft!?? ii r 1 1 ait m - IT' v. I s WW- fe- Wl5 No d inger of children or adults getting caught, hurt or mangled in this machine. All gears and machinery enclosed in small oil-tiht case. No wringer. The whole tuhful of clothes wrings dry in one minute without handling. Free demonstration in your own home if interested. MRS. O. J. LINDSEY TUBBY The Lost Is Nearly Found By WINNER 1 I'K T!7 1 I Vcil i .iim n Vt km km 1 r-ZT -WOCF f 1,1)11 . I X, " " l 1 II W J v. a'-r- TWIN' HAMK, I LL OH VcaJ cDT IM A V MlWOTE ill-' i'' "N.VIMWI JULTWMIlLI CtTTiUSQOXCPfM lUKWOCrxTtlfvSt: KIDS FiJR A ROW, ASH CAMS AH IHEVUW'.SH Ti'.lV THIS Box J . reap. V . - . . lw. W- to. - "0. HEIP.CAUVOORJ U c Doc ort i. that aim r VATCH FOR 'TUBBY' AND HIS DOIN'S IN THE DAILY