Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 31, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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...m Tfiimiffi vnim urrrnR cm cars grows apace iruj)
K 131 S
$ Rose
The Studebaker business
was founded 7 1 years ago
with a capital ofi $68 and
two Soreei. Today Stude
baker's actual net assets
fetal $90, OOU, 00), includ
ing $50,000,030 cS plant
IW MOUKI.S A N I'MLES-f, o. h. factory
LIC11T blX 1 Mrh'i.'iL :Tx I Ulvj MX
S-Pt .lll'tV.B. 3 .. . iV. B. ..;. IV. a.
o p. a-) h p. o ii r.
Touting S W., Touring J1.150 Tourir.g Si;50
K..di:rrVPM ) W5 r,,,., F). l.ijs InttditT OFaM.) :K3S
CoVir;"-5-P--).l"" Cp OF....) ... .MJO
Sr, tn iv,f' V' 2n0 '-ini . 77')
Tooil to Af of Yuur Coiranicic
! W. A. Burr & Sons
A Central Garage, Roseburg
I Big Reduction
Bff Ml
Highest Grades at Lowest Prices
Alii) U. 8. CORDS
30x31-2 $12.00
31x3 1-2 12.C0
32x3 1-2 17.50
32x4 22.C9
33x4 22.65
32x4 1-2 29.00
Goodyear Wingfoot Cords
32x4 $18.00
33x4 19.00
Get in and get your share while our stock lasts
Looming large as one of the lmiort
ml factors contributing to tin im
provement of traffic conditions, not
only In metropolitan centers but on
main traveled highways where con
gestion develops particularly on Sun
days and holidays. In the incrcinini;
tendency toward the use of the small,
light car.
The rcsnnnse III apparent In the con
stantly groning demand for the Finall
car. a demand wnicn nan Been unu-
ually heavy since the first of the;
The average car owner Is w-ldoui Prewm J' "" "". I
l - .... .i.i :.. . ..hut numr DH'lilMUK IlU H Uir
III U UUrtlllUll IU HI1IJW JUM ""n .... '
he done to hi. , In the winter tO.ouving eat,u.i tun....
approach as nearly as possible, con- Men whose business koep them on ,
dnions as they exist In warm weather. the exceptional fneilitlos afforded by i
rsonal convenience, tho clement For this reason," saw Kail Burr, or , the small car and they were quick to
" j. o. mm &
Cass and Stephens Streets, Roseburg.
for Economical Tr'anso. '.-(:on
I Ed. Mars
s,. Conipan
which entera Ktronulv Into tho 1 i v l
of all or us. appears as the principal : ip toiiowini;
incentive back of the crowim: nwint should he carefully ob
of K'-ntimcnt toward the more com
pact motor car unit.
The public, quick to respond to
ihlntca which Insure further comfort
and safety in uiotorinjr, has been oh
en-ant of the adtantui.'. h the umall
car has In the traffic lin. it. ability
to stop quick, the case with which I'
jets in and out of parking paces am
Us Kcncrnl flexibility.
liurr & Sons, local Siudcbaker deal-
rved by all
automobile owner.
Hefore any auti-fivczo solution Is
used, the water circulating tystem
should he Inspected for leaks, and re-
pairs made. If necessary. It is us-;
Always signal with tile hand when
.-low.i.i; ilowu, turnlnK. or atoppluK.
even tliouch you have an autotnulic
or ineiiianlci.1 warning device.
L. G. Devancy
Cass St. Phone 84
There is
no substitute
at any price
for an
We have
the right
size for
your car.
Umpqua Eattery
312 North Jackson Street
A. B. Taylor, Prop.
Phone 67
1 en
Auto Parts
Get Your Repairs fit
Auto Wrecking
".'! North Main St.
M'.- t Anything You Need
arid at About
Half Price
See L s About It mid Stve
l'lione ;)
ually a frood plan to replace hose
connections at this time of the year. I
Do not ui? anti-freeze compounds!
containing calcium chloride or other
similar compounds, as they corrode
tho Inside of the radiator.
The only eiitisfactory solution of
v.'hlch we know la alcohol and water.
Duiatured alcohol is in ferred, wood
alcohol can be used. Wood alcohol
often contains free acetic acll and
fhould never he used unless it is
known to be free from acid. If acid
adapt it as their standard motor car
Owners of lan;e carst, findltiK their
movements more and more restricted
as traffic contention increases, nrej
rapidly reaching the conclusion that
as an auxiliary motor transportation j
unit the small car Is an essentia,!'
business convenience. ( j
Another InterestinR feature U thej
pnrtialily which women drivers .are
showing for the smaller car. They I
find it more convenient and less fati-i
Ktiinx to operate, affording them a
quick and convenient mean of trans-j
portation for the shopping tours, forj
little trips to market, for afternoon,
calls and for meeting other family re-j
quirements. j
: , j. : i And new buyers, profiting ny tne
is present, duniage to the radiator , , ,k , ir,,i0,in i
will result. :., ' ,u J...n i. '
, . ... , ... , .... lue ii.eiiia 01 ine D.i.a.i .... n
The tollowing table show, di for-, , motoring demands
f'i "i..?,rr!,.T.,,,h. '1?,; with the additional advantage of
... u.e ...... l,.Hli l th .rffio lino
Begins to freeze i thereby effecting a greater element of
begin to freeze
10 pet.
20 pet.
:10 pet.
40 pet.
50 pet
SO pet.
xo pet
"0 pet.
;o pet
r,o pet.
(llycerlne Is sometimes used with
i alcohol to koep the alcohol evapora-
tion to a minimum. However, it Is
rather expensive and also has a ten
l dency to damage tiic rubber hose
I connections. If glycerine is used,
I mix the alcohol and glycerine In
J equal proportions and use this mix-
!' ti re lit the saino iMTrcntagc as alco
hol in the above table,
ii must be remembered that It Is
i necessary to add alcohol from time
to time to replace what Is lost due
to evaporation. Whenever necessary
to fill the radiator, to replace los by
I evapnrai ipn. use a nMvnire of 40 wa-1
ter n.'d to n.cnhol. Imriut; the win-1
ter mouths rhe i-m belt can be loos
eiud. which will r.Mluce tint flow of
air through the radiator and there
by allow motor to run warmer than
it othor-Ue would.
It wjll assist creat.y In npproxl
' mating the summer temperature of
I th" motor if radia or and lioixl covers
. are used. With a radiator cover that
is ndjns'.aMe. a larce part of the'ra
diator can be covered, allowing the
moior to r.'adlly warm up. and then
i)eg. Fahr. i "'
27 Short wheelbase, small turning rad-,
19 j Iiw, ease of steering, the impossibility,
10 I of failure to accomplish gear shift
2 below O.and do it noiselessly, positive brakes!
IS below Ojand a motor noted for its dependabil-.
ivy are features of the Ford which
have contributed largely in making it ,
the most popular of all small cars. :
And a much higher degree of owner j
satisfaction has been effected in these'
cam by recent improvements in both
and Plenty of it
No other light car offers as many cubic inch, '
room, uur as wiiuuriauie a
as does
of Any Car in Its Class
F. O. B. Lansing, Mich.
THE DURANT- Just a RealfV
open and enclosed type's, resulting in
better style and greater riding comfort.
Always first with the latest and
its yours each day by mail for $4 per
year The Roseburg News-Review.
41C3 subscribers all
the News-Review.
buyers read
County Distributors, Phone 371
i West Cass and Pine Streets Roseburj W
(International News Service.)
I.ONDOX. Oct. 31. Men are be
coming more "dressy."
This is the verdict of the snappy
men'.-, wear periodicals on the new
season's English dress designs fdr
They see a return to pre-war styles
instead of the "everlasting lounge
piljusted to a suitable opening to. suit and floppy overcoat." and ex
keep the motor running warm but ! press the fervent hope that It will
still not alloivinir It to overheat. A j be permanent,
hoc 1 cover will keep heat under the o asMsiinu in Keeping ine moior REPRESENTATIVE OF W. B. A. ! '
.ir.n ,.i,iie luiii'iiu; aru also K-'ep- HERE '
iug tl;e motor irom cooling off rap-' .
idly when stopped, thereby making MrK. Caroline O'Brien of Portland'
starting easic-r the next lime the nio-lha, b,,,.n rending the past week ir.l
tr is started ! Roseburg in the interest of the Wo. i
.., , ,,' '"'in-.-tt.r I an's Ibnefit Association of the Macctv
J2UL, .SPr;i,JVas0.,.T;b--,,- P'-mm a distinct rally to b. '
' ,.' ... '".V i at tuene November 9. Tin I
Roseburg review number 11 will par i
with gettint rou
and in a bad temp 1
fix your car whfn ;
to a phone and hart
experienced men ii :
the time forlhenl
would spend witbotiis
Just remember to pi
Hall & Your
C31 Winchester St M
more esie. lally In cold weather, to
get as much heat as possible to the
mixture to properly vaporize the gas
oline to prevent condensation. It
will slst greatly in approximating
the se miner temperature of the mo
tor if radiator and hood covers are
cre.l as Instructed above.
In starting the motor, make sure
that Hi- choke Is pulled all the way
out until the motor starts, then push
n in siu.nny until the motor warms
up but do tun have It even pirtlvl
ttcinatP and the ciinrd tonm rf !n.
burg will give a fancy drill which will) A roll-'to census of all the chl!
be a special feature of the rally. Mi,.t 'r"n of ""' curty who are of school
O ilrl.-n left this morning lor Ashland' llie ili ofin? made throughout the
where she will hold the southern Orc-i l,n' 'his week. Reports will not
son rally. During .Mrs. O'Brien's visit I b? f",'(l llntil 'he latter part of the
in this city she was entertained bviw"'k "r lll? fore part of next. This
the women of the Benefit Association. I orl ,s under the supervision of the
o ! county superintendent and is being
IKM.I.KIt SKATINti tl-T ov j conducted in every school district.
IKMHW I'OIH I.AIS X OHIO. Ai'tording to 0. C. Brown, cotintv sup-
rintendent. the school oonulailon for
i iVt'"'r,",,V"n'.'! Nl',;f s""rvi'- !,llp I't'-'t f'-'w years has not ehowed
Is l,l h,?-JUX ncw f'!(1 i"l,lr" 'hM'tuation and although it has
! . e,., e , , Z, '"Z". . U!i " remains
,u.l 1'4 U.I....
approximately the same. This venr.
.however tlm a,
folk have inline... .i.... . ...
vn..- .. n" .nciease win not sur-
fol.l temperature i .,-.,. HisirictM ,h., n.,r. ",,u i ' him. All over the state It hr-s
tilutioti ot the oil by, The fr,,- , ' ,H'n f"un that the ln'::tRi4C this year
when ine chKe far, gws to Mle Catherine Seaman ?" Hnd it is expected
cut lo::'er necessary. Uac-i
I Im: a cold minor will not warm it up; I
retard the spark and let the engine
ld'0 slowly.
i Oil ..ho. 1 h,; ,;r.'T !,..,.. j f t autumn time is abetting the pra
,, , . ; ." lice. jne women
u. 't v f...m motor In winter donned skates and are
acL'iauiles the
, taw tll. l. esne. till!
Is kept cl too lor :. It Is not '.Va iT1' " .' i that Imu.laa Co mt n hMa .71
advisable t drive a car until after j , ',. ', It. W. Church has been nm.ointed tr.
n turning oer atiii,,.,- i-,..,i , .'.'. .. " B ! take the city census and l rimiri
d Inns enoush to i nr K...,t,.ri.-v mi, '.. ',' . ".. . . - 1 out that work this week an t'r n
11 linn I ml.. ....... -rl,.... ...'..i '.'good Part nf tho v.. I
;'11i-l.!,ir',',',l;,'-l'.,;r!a;.,i , . , "M-ri.nce. 'The di, tin'ee" wat' ; T"r,,1' b,,t no '""e figures are
v...,,...i ...... ..... m ..a In., . .. , '.'.:. 'Cl:) C W tlieh t.n.e nn.r !,...
often results in the ,,.,, ond s!:at'ln''" rallies.' have,';"s '''"'l lnco l.;t year. When
inline with the oil. t ft1.,,,it.,,. ,i .;,... , the v. .w.rt ,in- . i
v. r ,,..,, i ,.,,1... ........... .... '7 ' ....i.-i aim moior- , ' .r .... an iiici ea.iei.
... , "" log trips lor youil.
intiecs. the oil h. drained approxl- j county,
i iately e,ry lou.i miles In order to i "'
.... ii. Htm- nun r. ..r." Min tin-
as little a., p.v, .!!... v .;.:, I. '.. n ll4.i .
may mo;i i n!, ;.,;. . ti,, ir ., ...i-
!he nioto-- has b.
.1 alow rate of roe,
l!;e oil a to get wt
to coi.l w . ath.
' inking ot the
auaiut . . , jsive wear of the; Trv in .iri.-..
ee.-ii uics or ontniep wans. However
it is advisable to change the oil ev
ery in, null .Invite; winter driving re
garoless ef wh.-n iresli oil was last
.l.l, .1. The ell pan should l.n re
moved ai.l wa-vd out with
-ene oc. a- ieu.ith in order to prevent
anv in cumiii..ti,.. ..(sediment which
nii:ht b.w n detrimental efiect upon
.he : . atlli-v
people in futiiam . ' I"l"ila'ion will naturally mean
,mcrca.-id populntipn for the city.
I!i:m:vts i-m-.iroiiK itum-,
rather than
Four i
The Uo.-! .
1 .'Ofct.ilcl ..
In the
proves It te
o -
I 1 .' . r: .. i . , ; V,.ws Service.!
SliH X ( I I V. I , . o.-l. HI An tin
.i-:,..iv , i v d, iii ,n.l for corn husk-
! . tll'o-;. (-,,,;; , ., rln I, w,;i be
' It let. t)-i i i enh. to .1
v . Keite.. s, i', ; emph.vnier.t SKeni
The itilrrcol!
le i .'. !!l.
( u :!. grewin'
r- lievi.iv h ft
the li es' ,,-, -,
.:ti i'ilcn:.i;iur
tn hu-i
au-l It:.
'lev t ft
n's ,v bi
his been
iiii'd i
""I is nihrc up
. ri.-iH jam w it h in it-.,
Krom f'.'.ir to liv.
w :I1 be paid for husk
Clale . ason w-ttl .,, .
..;tt..iy 0. when vlr- ten ii,.., t tv,
in from (Meson Agricultural ci
e. An invasion of ib,.
V ! be 111 ,le 1', hiuiuy 1",. .. .,
s ' ' I il Cue, ' r. v ,.f .. .
ve-.i;;. of 1,1, ho
' '.I -" a-i.l l utv
T'l- V.'et f (' .
' v" .v. v.. .a. opp,.
in .jv i e.i t.v . .. i..
i' 1 1 her. A
You are living H
burg where yoatiz'
and particularly
you get your
Auto Repaiii
and Machine
done at this M
ef riciency and so
the commodities
Let us do your rtf-'
Satisfaction and .
job guaranteed.
W.i,i,i n
''. ef .-.l
C . v ill c'.'ir th,
with li. A. c.
S ri.
tr.tert..itlnal X. svrviee.)
"I s .ViN!-:s. la., Ct. 31. A
Pair ot modern cavemen, who plav
'tlv liati!, i! with sledgphammor.t
"'id pitchforks appeared In court
'' i'1 to uiivvver charges of "assail!!
" -h intent Iu , bodily harm."
A. cor, ill. g to the evidence tleorrre
I. Ku.-eli attack.'d Wayne Wright.
! "'ll are farmers. Rutssell Insisted
tt...t when he en It red V. right's burn- i f.'""''
"r,l last K, ! rnarv w. ii bt tn,,k fr dcrtlial
""t a'ld picked un a sleilre ham-i of upc' r
r thaH ' ar-
Wright's menacing attitude pro- l"''"'1" '
''"I In... . Ii. , I.m.r mle.illed : h'-t'.H
I. D. Step1' I
Vain at"' 'J
. t'.t
his .
iiuiM-u; i. """kJ,n
in tit' ' v
kn " ''
1 in tl -v"
en !;,
h...v. d he tapped Wrlvht
a few times with a plich-
i--.i t .-. u, Mlle c:
I0,'4'h'trg New.-Hevi,
advertisers first clas
i buying field.
Ill.-'Iire c
"r'. ice in
(i, r:i..i:.' . " .
, body tl.c t"TKl
I ire..." ' J V 4
....rnr- . . I nook ar..I corner B1
"t. .:i .- Dr. .losei Har. . bound to
Viennese Natural HiJtcry ' ''' "'
ti'ini ai sn.iA
VleVv v
'. Of the