ROEBUR0 NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. OCTOBER St. 1M1 PACE FIGHT Iff. ". MAY NOT BE BANDITS MKIiFOKI). Oct. :. Special Axeni O'tonnell today received a iele,hone from Kureka sayinK 4 that the four men trailed In the a) Kliiinaih National forest us ban- din u.nels are believed to be hiinteis and not bandits. Better Service Better Merchandise i inrnn t-i. Ti:3 82 Is offers many values that th'i watchful shopper wii! be quick to appreciate. Mer chandise appropriate to the sea son priced to bring us new cus tomers. As cooler days and nights presage the coming winter sea son, you will find our well stocked store now ready to serve your . every winter's need. UMITIHHI TODAY A T?5 TODAY and TOMORRqJ 'the store that does the business" umy lUand l5Cem, : ,5, See These Groups of Special Prices!! IN WHICH THE LATEST SEASONAL GOODS ARE REDUCED Two Days For Cash Only FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CUT ON COATS Special fcr Friday and Saturday A truly wonderful lot, con sisting of all cents it. stock between $16.50 and $21.50 $2.50 off This reduction on each nnrment AH coats in slock- th city's largest apsortirurn, which gives you a better choice of sizes and styles regular price between $25 and $35 $5.00 off on each garment ?S fi I s Mm I W 1 &: K 1 H I Special for Friday and Saturday All coats in stock priced regularly according to our moderate priced schedules between $36.50 and $49.50 S7.50 off on each garment AH coats in stock priced be tween $50.00 and $75.00, this group containing the best makes, in both sport and dress coats $10.00 off v on each garment One group, containing our most expensive COATS Real fur trimmed, exclusive models, fashion-tailored. AH coats in stock priced between $76.50 and $125.00 in this group $12.59 off reduction on each garment FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A C! can-Up Silk and Wool ; Dresses Lot 1 A ;roi:p r.;ul:iry priced up to ;.l.uu, on milti $13.85 2 A primp regularly priced up to $2:.ji, mi special sale $15.85 ONE SMALL LOT OF Wool Jersey Dresses lit a sacrifice to bring Immediate rli'un up $4.98 Ladies' Wool Heather Hose A ptmA winter weight wool hose, brown In ather mixed, all hUi-s, the pair 98c Corset Special t of (Ions . very kf $1.98 orr. r :ic one lot of fiossard Corsets, all sizes, very special FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Wool Blankets N'ow is the time, to secure your winter's deriding. We offer two n.tecial values fur this Bule t-tixSU wtiul blankets, regular Of QQ $ This sale ..V0.yO argest sizu ullwool blanket, silk bound, regular $S.D0. This sulo Outing Flannel A Real Special '.Tin. dark nnd light outing, regu lar 23c a yard. This sale. 1 Q the yard 1C :l6ln. heavy outing, sold nowhere less than 29c. This sale, 9' special S7.19 Mif.h Socs, Low Shoes, Pumps a 'arioly cf Giyles to Suit Every Kind of Customer Selected and Marked Down for a Special Sale Sorting FRIDAY and SATURDAY WOMEN'S AND DIG GIRLS' SHOES at S3.85 omen's brown strap pumps Women's hrown calf ox- fouls Women's Ll.-irk kid high shoes Women's black satin OCTOBER SHOE SALE Shoe Dept. Lower Floor High Heel Shoes Doy' Shoes II" I s' III hi y i iirk or ilresi shoes, g I for m;,,o. weir, ;,ot!i Mack ; mi liicwii. $1.?S the pair pumps omen's irowii satin pumps rt:R girls' calfskin welt school shoes Children's Shoes on !;-.rci:'!i t.iM. i. hla. k and liruu u. hi, m jlt 2. $1.93 the pair Women's Flat Herl Shoes IImi.uI tees. Ctt !. Is. ou liar- g.i:u tallies, 2 , tn . $2.93 the pair Fit yourself from bargain tables, in formerly priced French heelid shoes for women at 69c the pair Misses Buster Brown ll.ark ealfsklu, button styles, (.mips K-ot Jimn wear, Bit s ll'-i to S. S3.29 the pair WOMEN'S HIGH AND LOW SHOES at 55.85 Women's gray and beige low shoes Women's black French heel straps Women's black kid high shoes Women's brown kid hig'.i shoes Women's brown calf high shoes Women's brown and black oxfords. I ' S a MAN COMMITS SUICIDE a ixiiiTt.ivn Oct 28 William ; I)elkniii shot himself last niulit at Tltiard when orricers amveu i to arrest him on a bicuiuy charKe from Maorehead Minn. Belknap and another man married sisteid at St. Cloud Minnesota two month apo and drove to Califor- ; nla. One Bister died there and ' Tlelknat) and his bride came to his uncle's home In Tlpard. Two Rood second hand sprini? tooth I harrows at Wharton liros. I The Other Roosevelt Submitted by Dr. H. C. Church Roteburg, Oregon. October 27th. will be the sixty fifth sn"nlvernry of the birth of Theodore Roosevelt, American of Americans, gallant warrier for rlKht and proeress on of the great men of the ases. But there was another Koosevelt. not so familiar to us all the shv. awkward bov, held back by 111 health and above all by poor eyesight. Let us hear the story of this other Roose velt in his own words. Theodore Roose velt: An Autobiography, pape 22, copv rieht Charles Scribncrs Sons, Pub lishers, "Quite unknown to myself, I was. while a boy under a hopeless disad vantage In studying nature. I was very near flighted, so that the only things I could study were those I ran against or run over. It was this summer that I got my first gun. and it pnz7led me thit my companions seemed to see things to shoot a' which I could not see at all. "One day they read aloud an ad vertisement In huge letters on a dis tant billboard nnd I then realized that something was wrong, for not onlv was I unable to read the sign bn' ' could not even see letters. I spoke to mv father, and soon afterwards eof my first pair of spectacles, which lit erallv onened a new world to me. "I had no idea how beautiful the world was until I pot those spectacles. I had been a clunisv and awkward little boy and while much of m clumsiness and awkwardness was doubtless due to general characteris tics, a good deal of It was due to the fact that T could not seo, nnd yet was wholly ignorant that I was not see ing. 1 "The recollection of Ihis exnr!cnre gives me a keen sympathy with those who aeo tr-vlne- In onr nubile schools and elsewhere to remove the nhvsl cn causes of deficiency In children, who are often unjustly blamed for being obstinate or unambitious or nientallv stupid. Virtually every crown of Roosevelts ca-eer was won throuch the physical and mental radius that eveelasses rave him. As a public sneaker he could see the audience clear to the back row- and launch his magnetic memnce to every man of It. Without glaeses where would he Inve been as a hunter, soldier, nntur alist? There could never have been the Roosevelt of magnificent destiny without that little appurtenance a pair of glasses. t NEW TODAY J FOR S.M.K Oood range, with reser '..!r. Pht lie 13S J. Foil SAI.'" WhlteiuFyellow Dent i -i' a-o firt clans oat hav. 1). : Mi (',h' hey. I'hone 5 F-13. ' i HAVE empty furniture van roing' through to Portland first of the week. Kucellent rates. Call i;s. ."(Hi SAi.K On account uf oilier busi ness will s. II my well established and paying taxi business. Have test and tautest riding car in the, business. Priced very low for cash. ' Phone 44. or call at l.lovds Cash Store. lLVi Sheridan. OF SIN" A DRAMA OF MODERN LIFE ARTISTICALLY BLENDED WITH THE Massive Spectacle of "SODOM AND GOMOiW a C.fu. TIntlUan,la n ... .o. IUUUO..u. Ul lcUpie; inrllllne sinrt- uition of Cities, the Burning of Sudcm i all combined witli the Interesting tnodenl' Also the Famous "FIGHTING BLOOD' Massive Sets Destruction Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. ith jajj D. W. Griffith's Latest Tremendous W "THF WHITrr oner." FOR RENT Furnished f I v e-roora bungalow. Phone 391-L. PHONE your order to the economy Grocery for sweet cider. FOR SALE No. 9 Oliver typewriter. like new. JL'.i. Call this office. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room wilh heat. Reasonable. 311 E. Oak street. 1921 Chalinbers touring for sale or trade for late model roadster. 504 So. Pine st. TIAVn . . , pair or o,!-. . I . i 'V 1 Must sell .i l. IIio,, 01;fc KI'jEB THE GRHn I mpqiia ValW iT adian field tm, ...c in,!! m in, tnL . LAWRENCE ACE 125 Cass St. . FOR RENT Two room cot I age. lUr. Harvard Ave. Inquire ' ibul Corey Ave. PHONE your oriler for sweet cider for Halloween. Phone Morgan's grocery. FOR SALE Lot cheap, bv non resi dent. Lot 8 b!k. 8, $3M. Thone 349; , FOR RENT Furnished apartment about Nov. 1st. 707 West Moshor. Phone 305-X. FOR REN t Nice fuinislicd apart ment. 2 rooms and sleeping porch. Fine place for children. Phone 38S-R BRING your phonoiTiiph records thnt you are tired of hearing, and trade them for others new to you. 10c each. 323 No. Kane st. NEEDLES, oil. parts! darners, re pairs, crates for all kinds of sewing machines. The Singer Store. Rose burg. FOR "8AI.E7"room' furnished home. 4 lots, rented for $37.50 per mo. Price $3000. Terms. Chas. Kyes. 826 No. Jackson st. FOR SALE Modern 4 room cottage, furnished, two lots, parage. Price t2750. $330 cash. Balance monthly payments. Chas. Kyes, 826 N. Jack son street. LOST Indies pooketbook. containing $16 and some cents, package Singer sewing machine needles, other ar tirlert, in Roseburg or on Garden Valley road. Please leave at Notre- ueview. ?r, Reward ALL JOKING nsmTil think of this Stati nv..m vii-r notion mfej Balance timbv j J maia hard imfa 3 uiiuuKu piaca, fuv mil eood five mnni" J Barn, chicken noiw,tK) other iiuprovemenu; J ard all kinda fnuutfcj is an laaependtBe St who are willinr to m of it SIM ukatktfc, and only takei thrw r tired dollars cash to better slen llvri?1 LAWRENCE 1 125 Cass St. can voir Fir. mi1 J this. 80 flrreH in tmr creek bottom laid i si crops. Best ii fenced and crost aat house nrselirallT m screened porch, howf ed; every thing pool tor. Woodshed, jet:: cut. Family orchan! herries. Itie hsni ton mm all ktndu e' potatoes and vejeut.- Inr Covon 0Ttr9 ttd' all money makers. tii-nl PAlnnri Pliini WW team, five year cW Kl ihirtl'.tK'n hlltlHrML 11 two wagons, bupp. ii and linplementa, m main road near chert! every thing com . Km... ..nil half null. Illliuclll... ..a.. LAWRENCE HP Css St & ADULTS BALCONY 2Sc MRS. GEORGE BERRY ON THE ORGAN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Moon of Gorgeous Romance i i 1 . I.L .IHJ' DR. If. C. ( IIURCH OITOMETRIST AND EVESiOHT SPECIALIST !22 Perklna Bldg. Roaeburg. Ore. Telephone 8 i .il.-n J r-1. i,.i- inrAi MPurc t rro,n Pav Crtrk Mlis l!..le t iellkll uf IVtls t'l Ctlllg .!!- 11.- itnd :ih morning at v,., LOCAL NEWS Hospit;.. Pm. surgeons. Mr. Cromn Here Moire from Mfdford . , , .... . . , v ' r,,n.n of thA P. J. Cronln Lev. and A. O. iHvlge. who t ompanv of Portland spent vinterdav li ne b.-en spending the few das In in Ito.iebtir.- i:..n.i ... h,,u',n...-, llVt'l'S W.M ill t.iwn M'-le H t I ..... I 1 I, 1.1 I ii. i..... , ..rt... 1:1 V'-ral l!..ue. in tins eli fri,m ,.,,.. ieni:iy hlieii:ii; nnd .illeliilltti; lo other business. Here 0n Buiinen S Ttipltng. reiiri'seni.itti e ef tit ie..-,..i Ttte and ItnLI.. r on t tin ef Underwent Operat ti it'.l. .. spi-niling a few m ;,,, iJn,h. a resident of Suilter- gene, m.ent .lin, underwent an operation yesterda) unending to business. Miillnnl. have returned home. Up from Granta P C. A. S ' ' n tt-iiiii who is a re.. ilelll of Cinntj l'aa, was up cstelday j tin.-, iity on Lu.'iueso nflans. ' Mr. Dameii Here it. it. I'ant.'is. who resides In Fu- Thursijaj In Roseburg, Deardorff on the Organ TODAY ONLY MITCHELL LEWIS in "CODE OF THE YUKON" A Sttrring, Fascinating and Mighty Prama of the North Woods "DANCING LOVE' SaturdaySunday -THE FRAME UP" ALLAN DWAN 1 WpjjOK' 1 LiJ I III. -rv ssMorft Glimpses BEBE DANIELS aNITANALOI .uxtiry. fashion, all that monev can hn'7I4V i happintss In this world of tinsel. K.lith novel In a million-dollar etui SING THEM AGAIN "CLOSE HARMO"" PATHE REVIEW Saturday. DUSTIN FARNUM IN "THE THRtt 3