ROSEBU&e NEWS HEVIFW, FRIDAY, OCTOGFP. 2. 19 PACE TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Except Sunday t. W. HAILS iiKHT i. HATiJS- I'residout uii Manager Secretary-Treasurer SUBSCHIPTION RATES fhilly, per year, by mall Luily, h:x inontlis, uy mall.... Dally, three months, liy mail.. Dally, rnxle motith. ly mall Daily, by carrier, per uiuutli Weekly X( ll.vicw, by mull, pc. year ..14.00 2.0') 1.00 . .60 . .60 100 PICKIMS BY BERT G. BATES Ttia AuurUtvd ! ,clulvly ullllel to ti. for republication of al1 iliM-Mi-bin credited to It or D'it utiirwi crwllteJ In this pai.r, ttid to nil 1"' m o a pi,. ll.'i-J hirann. ill rivbta ol repuullKllua el lttl 3lti.l' br;lQ at also relieved. entered aa aiximd class mailer May 17, lli-'e, at the post office at llosuburg, Oreiroa, under tbe Act of March 2, 1&7U. KOSEBUHG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1923. WHY NOT STUIIvK AT THK KOOT? It is the general concensus of opinion throughout the state tiiiit Gournor Pierce was elected on a tax retrenchment irtmi. n fact, the governor proclaimed to the K.'ople that he- would cut the taxes in two. And this "cutting in two" propa ganda had much to do .with the h'w vote polled by the governor. Finding that his fifty-fifty reduction was a myth that it was far beyond the accomplishment of any individual, which fact he knew previous to his election, but was 'willing to use this false assertion lor the purpose of gaining votes, he now stands behind i. nd is using his influence to invoke an income tax measure on the people of this state. Instead of reducing taxes, Mr. I'ierce wants to increase the burden of taxation by a garbled and half cocked measure which is timed for disposal at a special election to be held November G. This is a new wrinkle a great many people fail to comprehend. How an additional tax will "equalize" laid "distribute" taxation that the people as a whole will be bene fitted. We would dislike very much to see taxes cut to half ol their present rating at the expense of the state's progress and growth, which would be the inevitable result if such a course was brought r.ho'it. Hut we would like to .see about ninety per cent of the boards and commissions now existing in this state choked olf the payroll and the hundreds of oll'ice holders feeding Iron; the public crib relegated to the ash pile. The way to get lower taxes in this state is simply to conduct state affairs as a success fid' private individual would manage his business or profession. If he found that his overhead was eating up tin; profits he cer tainly would not create an additional burden of expense but on the contrary would look about with a view of making proper reductions in his ocrhead to meet his business requirements. This old state needs a "weaning" campaign to pull away some o! the boards and commissions that have been the public teat for the past twenty years, more than it docs a new system of. taxation, 'the way to reduce is to cut down, and the conduct of state government is now in the offering. The people should demand a more sane and economical conduct of state alfairs and the elimination of useless boards and commissions. Why not iUike at the root of the taxation evil'.' o for centuries it has been the dream of mankind to preserve the vigor of youth. Since the dawn of history alchemists and astrologers luue worked on this problem. Human nature grieves bitterly at the loss of early strength, and would give all its treasure to get back its blessings. Keen interest was expressed at the recent surgical congress at Paris, in the experiments in "gland grafting," which undertake to introduce new principles of vitality into the human system. It was stated at this meeting that II such operations had been performed by four surgeons, and all with beneficial results. If worn out and tired bodies can be thus given renewed life it will be a marvellous discovery. Hut piHiple should remember that they can do much themselves to preserve youth, by healthful exercise and attention to the plain law a of health. The State Commission has declared that over forty-one million dollars, over and above last year's valuations, will be placed against public utilities opt rating in this state. This will be great Mull to retard developments in Oregon, for with a burden of this kind placed upon them it is quite likely a general retrench ment in future improviments w ill be noticed. Then again, don't overlook the fact that if these valuations stand the consumer as is always the case, will foot the bill and the coifsumer is getting mighty restless trying to carry the load now thrust upon him. o . I 'siirilly the ft How w ho does something for nothing in a business way is accused of charging more than his services are really worth. GOOD EVENING FOLKS A coupla cx-gobt Addressed letter To ye fi- today In which they call Our attention to The fact thet the Armistice Day posters Do net have any Picture! ol Goba on 'em and In amwer we take Great pleasure In explaining We have the deepest Respect tor the gobs But as the pictures For the posters Were donated and a They didnt happen To Include one or two Action sketches Of Uncle's sea dogs Ve fid not feel like Diggin' down in our Jeans to purchase The cuts and we think That tue ex-sailors Will make themselveo Conspicuous enough On Armittice Day wilhout Having them stuck Around on posters Here's to the gobs And their gol-dern Hammocks They're the bunk. DUMBELL DORA THINKS Buckram is a medium sized goat. CS) Mast of the farmers nowadays drivel ! HUMAN AUTOS i i I Hy Wirkci WamWildtl i Have ou ever noticed how human , beings resemble automobiles? Here' will come some fussy, tiustiinn little m-rson, with his derby knocked in. dodKing la and. out among me p.ue triana. Kcttlutf into every body's way and stepping on everybody 'a leet aud verlastiuKl) talklnii about some thing, tie makes you think ol Kurd. Then along come a mau of Itn preiniu) appearance, powerful per sonality, handsomely rrounietl, car ryini! Tiimsclf with perfe. I poise and with every indication ot reserve pow er. That man makes you think of a Packard. You know be is a thor oughbred when you look al him. You have seen a man attempt an undertaking and go at it with a" sorts of enthusiasm an'1 a lot of fuss, and the limber Je goes, the Blower he goes, till at length he Hops with a fitiatl chug. 11 civnnot make t lo crude, JtlKht past him will go me other fellow who takes the same grade ilh comparative eaac. Me has more power or la better tuned up. You will see a man reduce his ef ficiency by over-eatlUK- He I" focd Iuk his motor too rich a mixture. Then there Is the anueiuic. underfed chap. His mixture is too bun. Some fellow will go at an enter prise with such vehemence and waste i,( energy that lie break down phys ically. He strips his gears. Another fails In his iinderuiki,'-s because he talks too much. He ej'f his mix lure too much nlr. Another cannot take a Job of any Importance because he easily loses bis head and Rets "bet up." His coelliiE system Is not rit'hi. Another's brakes do not work and he Is always having business and so cial buiusIi-uiu. Another has no Keir-rttarler aiid never yets golng Another cuimrft (;et out ol first speed . and the procession goes by blm. lint there are vital dillerences be- V Invite our friends and pa- tioua to call aud ace our bulb stock Chinese aacred lllllei direct Irom China. Dutch bulbs direct from llollaud. Fituat bulbs at th best prices yet. Also fine lino of plant pot for the full planting. The Kern. Classified Secti ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PagT Wall Strea ulot "to speculate on the uiilu nt the market lor farm I WANTED Tl!- products lo beat down the price of j WANTKD-will pay cash for a good' Y,ncallaOrt'1 11 IWi SALE-. l'hone 27t) J. I.lhertv Herds and buy Ihcm in cheap-, rnw ly to destroy the labor unions and to WANxEl Turkeys, large or get' Henry l'ord'' taught 1'ord a le- JJh()rie H p j4, jjoyer Droit SOU Villtcn BUOU1U ue pimiuiu-v w .... farmers. According to the Senator Ford, as a result ot the lesson learned by the depression, decided to and did accum ulate, sufficient workiug capital in caxh to conduct his business. '1 a-k,the farmer and laborers to learn the same lesson. operative banking Nulers off the Federal Reserve board. and put a majority of farmers and laborers on." small. 1 o. M,i ' Foil will- Drookhart said (he Federal Keserve Dank is the greatest economic power in the world, by its control of credit, fixing prices, promoting prosperity or ordering bankruptcy. "It ki Wall Street controlled." he added. "There is but one fanner and no laboring people on its board, and the farmer went on but recently." WANTED to rent for cash, Fill! Slli T -5 .. - I Sukdrf. f-rJ T . -1 A.M til ling ctupei ' EvwTo Ti 'J John Wilson. K. 2nd. Ave. N'o..! iTi- V i i - - itoseDurg, wrrguu. , s 4 , in and laborers to - ' .-- luo guaranteed pj " ion. Demand a eo- WANTED Experienced farm hand,! ,,;lt.h vhl,.u Hi, law. put the .Mc $35 aud board for winter. Address Tire'shnn 1.-"' r U.urva hnanls U .uru Vw.Rm-hW. rrr;- . ' ' Mm. - . IUUW .orri 10 Ulll c.ili.lili, ..""i If desired. Pk, "5 Senator Brookhart is niakins th irost of his time before going to Washington for the opening of th oixty-eighth Congress, touring Iowa and putting the "burning issues," 0 he sees tbem, up to the voters. That he is strongly entrenched in Ihe State nobody denies. Likewise! none denies that he will face the bit terest buttle of his political career in 1924. LAM OWNkK lKjn't forgei 6T.3 when In need ot auto parte. Sarfl'g Auto Wrecking House. WANTED" ' N u rs e maid for four month old baby no house work. Address "Wanted view. FOH fliate for iMortu,-" care riews-ne-i nrrr. .""". ! SAW FOR SALET - WANTED Employment lifter BCUool! J?,' p'"!1,1"' bw' 1 o... 1.... k.. 17 ,.1,1 1 ? v ' r- . Ubte. . anu on naiuruay uj jwi miu. boy. Autli ess v . . care Uevlew. ; l--0 2 heifer,. SS ,,, T blire nn l!.,..i. r1 7, . " uluru ta. burg. WANTED To rent small place, pas ture land, with small house and Cook. barn. Not too far out. E. J. Dourte, 01, saCEToJ CATTLE WANTEIV Want to yr. old Durham or ttereioru steers. Would ers. E. P. Stewart .notor cars, hut tney miss ma 01a, tw,.,.n human beings anil automo days when they used to jog along the! A mau cau b). pujed out of read with one foot hanging out of the: tnt, junk-heap and niade over and spring wagon. run better than ho ever did before. DM An auto can't. A car is best when ' It used to be that if a man didn't It Is new; a man is best when he is oar a mustache hs was considered a old. A Ford must always be a Ford; slssv: now he's considered one If hci'-ut a man can Jump Irom me foro walnuts. 31 per buy 2 ling, Sins. ua feeder! tlarden Vaile. " consider bred helf-;F01i SALE-.nkretTr art. Coburg, Ore. ciated Gas Enmn. J W A.N TEI t'et ple to 001110 to the ! Webster, ma-ieta; si 1 1 i;r. Q,i,i.n.j WJ does. ess Man Knocked Down by Car in Hos pital. Headline. What in the dickens vat a car doing in a hospital. asw Upon hs face There is a grin He was ten tons Of hard, coat in. 10$ riaa to the Packard class aud no body run atop him, The longer tt car runs, the more It doteriorates. , The farther a man' poeji, the more he improves, and when the time comes to pi-rap his moral emiipiiK'nt, fre should then be Jutt ready to taUe hi plate among tho finpei'.shahles. Hallowe'en Social at Melrose Grange Hall. Melrose prance will hold itu annual IlallowpVn Social Saturdnv Modern paths of g'ory lead to theniKht October 27th. (ihoMs, witches, paying teller s window. ra:, pumpkin pie, cider, and a good JEW lime. CUMK! . -1 , A woman is always ' trying to im rove the appearance cf hec face b putting something on it and a man tries to improve his by taking some thing off of it. Don't think he is important just be tua he appears to have a grouch. Who ever heard of a grouchy winner?, A peace loving land is one where only 8 per cent of the people know the second verso of the national an them. 1 A friend, is one who will tell you f your coa collar is turned up tn thr oatk or if your is showing behind. e i A true fisherman is not always a iruthful fisherman. j iCw I Some men's idea of tlie perfect va ration is to &tan4 around for two; veeks watching the other fellow i work. $ 1- $ From litookliarl's talks it is evident that amoim tbe important moves he make in tbe Senate this winter will be a move toward r'Oiienins tbe rail road fipht. A bill he introduced to repeal all vital sections of the railroad bill in Ihe last ('on'rens and to amend the old law to 'muni the water out of tbe i ablution, atop the capitalization of im arned increment and reduce Ihe return to Ihe interest rate on Un bonded portion of thp c.ipital." an he explained it, jrot the well-known com mittee anaesthetic. "Si members of that committee wore defeated in the last election, and I hope the comniinee will be reorg anized so mv bill can come out for consideration," he. declared. Golden Rule limber Shop. You will get Golden Rule treatment, loc shave & 3.'ic haircut. Try us. 618 Winchester at. "Hot cakea taste dern mornin's." good these MLT.I.1N II.XM INCS Willi. KNTF.U NEWS LETTER Gossip of Staff Corre spondents at World Centers of Population. Merlin Hastings, a former resident of I lila city, stopped In KoseburK last tuttht for a shorl visit with friends. He in now In tbe I". S. Navy and Is located e.t 8an liiepo. He has been MISCELLANEOUS I WILL do dressmakine. Call 11S-Y. CHILI)!!!'::; cared "for at 327 "W.'Dous- las rit. l'houa b$ L. FOR RENT VOll KL'.NT Tine. -Garage. Call at 514 So. -Private Karaite. Gill So r'UK 11I..NT Pine st. i'OIl KENT Sleeping room. 930 No. Jackson street. l-'OirillOXT 2 "furnished housekeep ing moms, 12S So. Flint. 1. Rutaerffti, Ortta FOH S,VLE-S".rhn steers 3 yean oW, m years old, and tr . Ha on, I'lunua, Or-r l'Ull SALE chup. cord tin, SmmiZ speedoniner, visor, nt service . I t on SALis-sr5hirv "j" i F. O. 1!. Jlapltton, Si 1 1 more, r isn snipifcds T. J. Neelv, iiitfUK. STuiti: nxTi'iiETirr shelving liht fu'.iaa,!! cases. 1 sHfe, eout!..;. See Weigel Bros. Oua'i toll HtiSt'i. sateiy uepoall Hoseburi National Bank. boxea. FOll RENT Furnished, up to date apartment. 4 rooms. 42S Pitzer St. FOH FlKNT 157 acre T.irin, 2 . nil ftem town. M. Howe, Rt. 1, Box 23. FOH KENT Ilusinesi buiklinircor- ner Rose and Oak Sts. Intiuire 211 Washington St. i'OK KK.NT Nicely furnished housed- ki-epins atiartiuent; very reasonable.. uii u snu! i iuiiuiikii. visiillli; Ilia - ttiotber In Kuceiie, and Is now on his;'0" KL.-, r -Fifty five acres of land, way back to his station. .Merlin hast Joining the Kinney Addition. Apply t been advancing rapidly since kilning I to M'"- Sinnott. j tlie navy and is now determined to j KOI. to Annapolis. Out of a'i taklni; FOH SALE 4 htiJlTir horses, 1 pan fiuj ; wt. 21iUi': 1 stian 3 iif i 3eO0. K. E. L. Gailalfr t: FOR SALE Good Oil liveretl: $15. at btx It old r.e!dinc cheap, tw Phor,e210 W. C.J fcx- Oil Co. FOR SALE -L;y oira-.Tiin A s'nall ajiiirtmeat ttn- occuitii'd, end pays I: tuent. Call at t& Sc Host iMir', Oretr. rKOOM' HOl'SE i.!ax in features newly tu. xood l.if ation. 3 bloci larp lot. 0ml70. is dow n, l'hune cveufni:. the examination 12 were found ell ible end he stood in fifth place auienK the twelve, which Is a record of which ho may well be proud. He i well pleased with the work and td'iiction which he Is receiving and v ill undoubtedly achieve bis ambition. TODAY: The Brookhart-McNider Row. 5l . lly IUH'.EHT S. TIIORNlH Ki'.H. ( 1 ill- rmitl.iinil N'.-us Ser ice St ill i'..i rcp'-ii'leiit.) M-:s MOINLS, ;,., ),i. 26. Sena tor Smith W. Umokhart, so-called Western rrovressi e enemv of trusts. The Elluks aro Btill picking chicken bi business and the Ksch-Cumiiiir.s boncs outa thcr craws tot'ay. law, ami e-t'uiuiu,inder Ch;.rlm H oi- i 'ord McNider. of tbe American !. Tho Medford feetball team arrived ' ',""' :"v ''vi"K "icrry battle these the village bright and early this ' ,n" h"' in "c,"n belt." . m. anrf none o( them were bio " """ ' "'"" Ior ""' nauonai a the D'Anjou pear, they rai.e jn , 1"' "I world's series of 1:2I. that neck of the woofs. I, I!r'klrut has sail a sreat ntanv !- ! '"'"'' ''""-s about McNider. while JT X i." iriienda of the but. r have not b. . r. The r. h. . fel era paraded the overly mml.- .t in , harclm; the Sen- nam Mem in their pajamas last nightiatnr with radicall.-:n and tnir.i; to Ahich will make an extry washin' fori establi.-ii an American Sowe't a id their mawt tho early part of next,Kuss. "k- Lroukhan i out for re-election. I j Mi-Nider and his :i--,ciates n:e very' j)T' .""-v limn h on' to cluiiiu.ite him from the . .. ,'Si:---?v. 7.V,-i !l ""ell Malts Senate I'lain cotton hemstitching, Sc per yard. At the Specially Sboppe. HONKS IDI NI) IN C.WI.S Hones, which may be of some pre historic animal, were found a few days uKO in a cavern in the Oregon Cav, s. w hich heretofore has been in ai cessilile. When tbe Riiides opened RENT four-room house with . FOR SALE HY CWNL bath, and r.nrare. Second hand bride and boardinft nous?,:' for f'ale. J8 West Lane. I business center. Iwa: FOH RENT Furnished liousekeenini: Ross. House full li rooms, close in. Inquire 121 V. j Pout-las St. After 4:3(1 p. m. vnt! iii;vTv. .ii .,;ii,a FOR SALE Kurniturt. three room nparlment. Hot and cold water. No children. Call 91U W inchester. Rhone 103. fuiher nanirulare wnw loci, 21 W. S Ave.. L LOST AND FOUND mi the loom they i omul a skull, two I ' LOST Cameo pin. Finder idease re turn to till Cobb st. Reward. LOST Mink fur neck piece. Finder please return to News-Review office Reward. LOST Monday, bet wee business hicli bones and a dozen other bones ami fracments. As the room was not leitssihle the bones must have been Hierc tor a creal number of years, other bones have been found pre viously but were encrusted with sev eral inches of limestone. The lust find was not covered with Ihe li - itor.e. the bones beliiL- in some silt rtieh bad been carried into the raves by the action of the water. Tiie lir t bones were lost in ship ment to the Smithsonian institute. Supervisor K. H. McDanicls, of the forestry office, has sent the last litul lo tbe Lnivei jitv of Oregon to have the ueologists make a report on then.---Grants l'ass Courier. section anil bio Ho. Fine st. narrow blue velour belt to ludy's coat. 1' inder leave at tliki office. FOR SALE FOH SALE-- :.; shares luirant of Calif, stock. Address "Stock" care News- Ke i' w. bed (!.i.'iitsrl i2''. 1 S15.pt1. 1 Cuba g-ft. r-xtcusii.a dinir.: 8 leather covered 1 Ran ire $l.uO. CJlilf Oakland, Ore FOR' SALE- 1240 acM s Wood sellinu for i-lr. slump. 2"i nnics wia ( ttnn.t iilt-e for runtiiiiu throu.-h place fe- mireil for $3!'". Prict It V.iM eon villlT tOOd bur i! up to k-le' in Heppner for sue :.iiiei. No iacumbn-f . niaee. Craw niore Celt Cord road to tiuii- -J Iix. 2SI, Hei'iuier, urt" SAL1-: iroio lh. work horse, cbenp. K. H. Russell, Wilbur. Rhone "eF21. FLOFESSIONAL CAkUd f'l' M. U. 1'LYER Chlropiatlc slcitn. 1! w. Lan9 6L V .j't-i'i . i .... -.- i. . ' . - . '""' "' ' to the snatiiisbii. .So far be ha Dee on r Foli.s: Mio ht'lil my liand lit'twivu wv tntti, site stvnuvl ;i u-i i I llllMIlt'. TIlO WDI'lll Wits lllillo. Ill' s,i it s..,.m. ,1 lio.-oo,.. l,.o- Miii'o utm n u- I ion ir. "i I. Tiuuioht I. "Tliis i:i;iiti dn..M m Vliilo. is ;i!;is ohcvt'ful. ;ilw:ivs In-ieht " I l' h..r l.e..-,ti, it'y I .loo. ho Mrokc.1 my hair kick into jla.v ;iul pressed !or: li.'i'nl ayainst mv Limw. Thotiglit I, "Vy jinks, I'll say il i.o.."' ' "'i'' '"'t'l niiM ami liiook. 'twas tlm. I stai lo.l in to .-tv-ok.' "Oh I..u!y Fair. limn Lo'V" (Our l'ii!"o:s slarlo.l In '' il, von silly hoy, yoti'rv Lko a thihl ul mo imi i)u..;u't iliii-.k." tMv 1... i;'k.) Ai d jot w ttii isdom i l', her h.iaii', ' 'mvo.!. For why would sho. with ojos a::l.nv, i i;t.n:i to mo .-!;,' iiiil. ss lior hoait was L..:l i. .:i,unx iit.d tni?'.' I ti'llihod l.rr hand. '10 thuuyllt -ho lioi.t her head, tAt II 1 dal was Kioan in ; CI -M'.'Niuer has been for ' O leverytlntitf I ruin Ambassador to Itah I . . . . i . . 1 is. U' u a sl .ieiMM!, excepting lo s 'Shoot. n' ducks usually ends up in th:t ihe Auiliasa.ien.hip wa.- "ne sbooiin' the bull." to m, ": M;i hi are sawinu o lo' ..f Mo. .1 and I),; v : I Hi ll L.'.li. ';:. . t : COOKED FOOD SALE !,il;.'s of couk.d food on sale ay . Oct. "',' at o.-buri- and uimery. Rod and tiiin c lub. proini Mlo.-t ' lent': ' :, ilet ' .f in iii :'t we f . f a ba e a . milllf.i All lie aew w tn;rr 'Ulpii le bile ry nt the ilest I'lICi 'ainji.i iai some poiili u. The I'losjH-.-ta ate li.os; in-: tor one ot the bitterest wj, l i:ua',i: rrlili, al fights of the " n It'eokbart and n,.-; r rliqa,. o io tbe padd.n 1. - M N iler tbe -in- r.t '. ilio :h dlcu.tme tin'; :ti-i nie and piomotin 'an i.--ue, sat in a s cia t .Kiin in May, la J.. . l yv i : i'.l .', an sho, . :' I'l 'I kllal . .h ilai,..-; l.eetUlv 111 a pllb Mrs. E. D. Homewood eft- v . " ti . TOFFEE l. ffrafirtOl- in l.uik that art iJJ market, at prirrt n-' . nf ran tOV lilt '1 "-c i-i. mm - . .1.... t OI HO it:uc iv.- jf.I ii-..- ten i. the cafl a-c I """V- rW vinci il. Economy GrooC Phone 0 '.. i Li v hat 1 Midi l: ol kr I.'.', v :'.) a At:.i.:i L'.U ii w.,-. : lav hoi't -. DAILY AETHER REPORT V. S. W'c.itner Furcau. local office. burB. Otetton, 24 hours eudiiiK S d ..!'.. 'I 1'' ..I do Precpita. i. t le in In Ins. and Hundredths 1'..;.- i. .a Li J...J to lo lv lid. I'M' i.islalitly lr.Mil dead I Inn M'd it up again. i..y..l almi.t my li,t.. 1 la'.ioil I, or "Anol itom i:."io 1 I. ilkod, li.o inoiv I Know sho know Hot what I in' I w .... sick a:ul Ki'Uitijr worse, and slso was paid ..t lite -.tenia. . . i. a'er.i' u-e let n:sbt... . ''! e l- i. -it ion. I.,st t j l e' li I'!,' le v:'., . i;,s; ol 111. .Mill iils, No; 'o .i Tei ip tor this tuepib ,ltI. i Total pnt lp. fiom Sept. 1. 1023 2 t.l . .1 L. : -'ale ., tl.Mil il.o.l.l I una : u- i'. i i tied t' e d I i' o. tinted by e, a ; ' .ie .tad fi.t cunr tie in I' ''i.iiui l on tlie Ulai '...::oaili shoulil be in i.:i : a coliunittee to lha "li'iui ee c.imiuissioa to .' .i.i-e of rail.fut r.aes. a inusi j;o !. .. u aa : - nr.i.-t so up. the roMil; on to i!..-.tiy the labod Oregon Women Vote "Yes" On Important Subject Tierce's S'.vcji mc i o .o- .le 1" l o' ll . rr- tr.uii s fiom S I'l. i. i; i. ti : .11 u Li 1 l.i .ei for IS wet season (S. pi. to Vav, In. lusi.c) 31. IS llusia. Fair ti'l-uii' :,iv! l'r'.liv. I WILLIAM liEl.U Observer. 't . i. at in.-'s that the . .. -! tinnlc in den ia - in o-,. t; i : i , of nra ii uiture." le il. i larel that ., the rea-,m tin I yi Nliier .'Uit.t uanis In l.-OL jihoni .bat tile sc:ll:ed rVril.-dul. Orck- 'Dr l a.ornc Fi ever:: a,.u I, . Pjcat he!,, and I a;:1 e',,1 ', .. .. . . v. ,ul iU1,n i rb.-' a.- ! r.crv.iu. hrr '..',:'U'.v.irv,"'' 'h a:Kl "" whole ;"V . '"' taking a!, ('.'tills ot l.-.c '1 ,u, p,.,, my ncal-h rtt'.::r.,' r.v M' ami --Mrs. fc 1). Ii, mij II ...II Mr.v Hou-r.J. e,, . K"t at tmce ..t.d ,,:,tin cr'l'ti. u el I)r. 1'icr. s yr li.ii.ij. Wrac L'r. iVu-Ul-'- N ' '" lcc PILGRIM WARE of d i. n. bad coil- : t ivo ."-c:i;H!on' v.s were he: . iro i si . y St. d h; ' ur d-i:. til's l'r, i'l t-.Mots ' m li'.a--1 - Solid, Seamless Copper Natural and Nickel Finish Lasts a Lifetime Heals Faster Cools Slowly Stays Clean S. e Larpe l.isplay In Our u iihIoms und K.utmluo Samples Parslow Furniture Co. Ill N. Jackson Street Rosrburg Oregon ism We SpccabW - " j F0R VOIR FAMIbV . . ... '-.:lt rir.-.KTh.'. A't,flH .nr AJ!- msuio"-- j