Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 23, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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lud Daily
IL W. HAT KH ....
liEKT (i. ItATKA.
I in 1 1 r.r vcar. br mall
iially. six months, by mull
lially, three mouths, liy mull
Daily, single month, by mull
Dally, liy carrier, per uioniu..
Weekly News Hevlew, by mall. pe.' year
n.otrf IS
Th. a-aorlrtr4 P' l clulvly
of ul' ... di "if Ik. crodllcd 1. It or
?nd l to all o".l ,.,l..l,..l
al.p.l-'h" h.rwln ara alao ra rvd.
utrt-d as second class matter Muy 17,
Urcgon, Uliuer I.UH
Leo M. Pornberg, former Spokane business man and now a
resident of I jus Angeles, writes to The Spokesman-Review that
that place "is highly competitive in a business way;" that "thou
sands of people are drifting there that' have failed elsewhere;'
am' that lie would advise no one to move there, "particularly if he
or she is located well in Spokane or elsewhere, as it is the height
of folly to quit a surety for an uncertainty."
Commenting on tho foregoing expressions the Spokesman-j
Review has the following to say:
It is not necessary to discredit the great state of California
for it is truly one of the wonder states of the union in order to
sound a timely warning like that written by Mr. Dornberg, or not
to believe that inflation can be carried on, as in California, with
out a reaction that will be proportionate in violence to the violence
of the inflation.
The census records show that California is near the danger
point of inflation. Sixty-eight per cent of its people in 1U20 were
in cities or towns of more than 2.r0(). That left but 3'2 per cent
in country and in towns of less than 2500. The city, town and vil
lage population of California in l'J20 could not have been less than
75 per cent of the total, and it is more today, for the movement
hince 1!)20 has been the heaviest in California history.
California the southwest have had the call on immigra
tion and capital liinco 1910, while the northwest including the
entire northern tier of states from and including Minnesota west
wardhas been resting since 1910.
California's increase in population between 1010 and 1920
exceeded the combined increase of Minnesota, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
There is, of course, no such disparity in the natural resources
the scenic charm, the transportation faculties and the avenues
that open out to the commerce of the softs of the two great regions.
Even the Los Angeles booster, if truthful and well informed, must
admit tl:t in some ways the northwest excels the southwest iu
lirr.lw.i- in u-ntnr noweiv in mineral wealth, in train fields, in
fisheries, in nearness to the orient and Alaska. He would not
plant that we have superiority of scenic charm, but we have.
California has been driven furiously for 10 or 15 years; but
l ho northwest is a rested nag, with a record of running speedy
races between 1H80 and 1X90, between 1890 and 1900, and be
tween 1900 and 1'JIO.
The kon'J'IU'r Klk. art- planniii.:
mi a bU time in xt Thursday nii:ht
when several ' -mint; bucks" will be
I'laud'-d and turiti d 111 In tlic pas
ture villi i heir iimb-nd brethren,
l-'ollovv inc the liiltliiiiiin. ii chicken
Mlpper will be served. The pep eoi-l-
inlltee promises an cieiilnti if good
li-evvitc spoil .tnil a big nt lend. nice
la ii'i;eii. uttt-ot (own member
iliould make Ii ,i pelui tn iiHeiiil
lodge next Thill s.ltiv llil;(ll lo partic
ipate 111 the treed tittle.
del II finning mill III lie. in w.uri
hi 'til. Whin tell lit e.-. icll Ibe llolo. I
tile title that fclvia slltleluctloll. .
Mt. SXi:V.ltT ItAI'li , j
lir. II. 11. Stown.i. i e in n i ii 1 1 il . t if '
th' lec.ll pOt l.f tl.e Atlterl.iitl l.e
Vie!!, anil Male dele-lite tit the 11.1-I
tletial i iitiv i ill ten. ii mi ned Sunday ,
ftulii San I'laiu-lsi n where he and
Mi H:em mere in attendance nt ;
the n.ilfett.:! path, nut: e( the Ainirl
cali l. i.ien lie ri pens thai the
cenvctitiett Mas 11 w mul, rt ul uf f nr
Iro-n riiry Matidpi'lm. and ih.u l!n l
l.e:iiin tun lelepod plans vvMih will
resell in nuuti iiond during Ihe cein-i
Ini: ear. j
A llallewt Vtl p. till Mill he civ en al
the t'u'llllly t'lllh I ll..-il.i c eliili, lie '
tub. r .1'U It . 'I he plans fee a n:as
(jtc taile have en i.b.iluleneil.
'I'Mi: i OW.I l I T
Pile Sufferers! This New
Discovery Will Rid You of
Piles (Hemorrhoids) Forever
Hi!S Completely Cured Cases of Sev
eral Yrarg' titj.d itj in from Thirf
to Ei giit Day. h Fullerton, The ReraH Stce.
r oi in i in -ji r
lllt'lll, It!' (v tllM
Dili n)v t" "i'i rt
i iirt ij ;if hi'iiif in
hlHIH't' t '.tit "I I( . .
Ill I ht1 Itit in i f n
hi 1 1 m( Intti tin- it t
HtMtt hlliK . IliStltltu ;i i
-i in i't' Illllt l' :
lri':tt. .1 i . :
A .::!. rf il s.-.l.
A 'rhi Mibfiat'.
i iHMiiorv (j in
;m. V lirrr hv ttv
i! i' nil iin uml
ii:.J thi n lv tlirt'i l
ii Ii - t mill ml'
up iul ii;.t)ii 4it
ii'iiiiiit with tt)'
t ;iti.'. (In m li tit ,tl
fori'vi r.
Ecpt Sunday
..i'resldfut and Manager
2 00
1.00 !
Awllr frfmm.
a-murd c tlx u for republication
not oll.-rwl.. credit,- n tula pap.r,
All righta of rpublUatloo of apiKlal
VJM. at thu post oftlce ul Koatbur-,
ai:i Ul Jiun-u , "if.
The annual meet lux if Ibe
HuiiKla t'iunt.v t'lmpter of the i
Aintricnn Ued l iima wfll bi held
In ihe Cliutuln'r uf Comnierco on
Wednesday tuiunitiK Dctobcr 2tih
hi !):ot) u. in. All inherit of ilu
lli-d Crohn are urited lo he pren-
ent. MlSh llollllller. field repre-
Met'tHllle of lhii diiisloll of Ihe
!! d t'nin. will h present and i
out line the immediate needs of
ihe chapter for the rem mi; year.
If oti no intercHied In ihe ac-
liMiit.i or this cbapier and the
promant that in lo be considered a
yen should be prcHetit.
Ilv tho prcKlilctil,
A. A. Wll.l'KK.
lit tular liieetins of Kos. burr. C
Ledie No. 1"J7 I.. t. O. M. Tuei.
day Oct. H;trd lit S:pn o clock p.
in. All lucnibcm are umcd In he
present. v
JM). K. CIIAl'MAN. I m I.
m u:i:in s rn;iAv
V.. ('. Harms nud Miss lib in Mc
Claill. Were llltilcd 111 tllalM.ti.e Sa'
Mi'.l.' . v.-ii I li ii at live oYleck at t! .
I'aptlsl parseraue wttli K. i 11 '..
I'aMwtll i.tllchnlpc. Mr. Mi-iiiiti c
a roundhnitsc itlli'htie. and i .'ci tit I v
i.ime i Itosc 'Lirv; trem Sen I h lake
la Mi.ii MiCIaln r."l.e In lie e'
Imiik. '1 li v will lllak. Ih. u he in
,.' !v in.irvt'if
.,.!-. I:i. m. , r.-li-t'n-
ii-.- of tin' fir
' m ith (r-rrsist.-ii
. i ! I'll nitt-r ii
i till i t'-ulls hn
' . .11 . .'ht. r vt t!i
!"! .nl'tanri In
,i'l r ih1 i n in'
t i .i.- ( Mill.!, h .
Li.t iiii; In ttit i.
. Li tti'i !1 I -4
MlHi HT ! !iutli v,
-t i .i..-., tu'l("n ii ;
a i- i :,iiiin il tr Ii
in. I'h.' IJ. v.til Sr.
tf.-u .N aiI orli-i it .ti .
-T It t
I 1 1"
-' ii ti u
v r y:
i t I! ;
i :it
-.ii t !
N.i 1 1..,
. !;-
The moon wai full
Last night but
The night cop informe
Ui that
No one etie va.
A harpoon n aomething you play on.
A woman ia aeldom first In the
home in these days of shopping, any
She stuck a cine between his feet
And watched him sprawl with glee
Aa he arose, ahe said, "How sweet
Of you to fall for me.'
If everythino waa loat as easily as a
pipe, everything would atay lost most
of the time.
The following dialogue took place
between teacher and a little beginner
in the primary class last week:
Teacher: An easy way to remember
the letter M Is by its tnree nine
bumna and the letter A because its
the shape of an apple seed. Now,
Johnnie, how would you spell "Mam.
Johnnie: "Three little humps and
an apple seed, six little humps and an
apple seed."
Married men live longer, which
seems to disprove the theory that any
body can be bored to death.
Talk about the weaker sex! Who
ever heard of a man wearing fura in
Little Jimmie (discovering foaming
wake of the boat) Oh. mamma!
Come here quick, and. see the soda
water coming out of the end of the
So many father never realize
what good boys they were until their
son gets to be about fourteen.
There ia always a place in the
world for the fellow who makee hinv
self necessary.
After reading in a magazine that
sleeves will be fuller this winter, a
local man wa3 heard to remark mor
osely that he wished it was hip pock
ets. JO! '
In the days that are gone forever,
Pa's pant were, cut down for son.
But now they are made over into
knickei for d.tunhter.
I met a man the other day who was
just back from California and glad, to
got back. He said the climate was all
right, except that it wasn't very nour
ithing. Every man in entitled lo his own
opinion, but it is only Insofar as his
own opinion approaches truth that it
i worthy of respect.
A Cleveland. Ohio man who stole an
automobile for a joke has nothing to
do but laugh for thirty days.
A California woman h.ia been award
ed $100,000 from the woman who stole
her husband. Raspberries, too, seem
to be unreasonably high this season.
Old Dobbin may have been as slow
as a turtle but he didn't turn turtle.
The colyum is rapidly becoming ths
piiiar or American literature, we
get our farces from France, and ourj
dramas from Germany, our hbrettasj
from Italy, our novels from England,
and our poetry from the Telephone
book, but our colyums are our own.
Highly colored thoy may be, as they
sparkle wantonly down the daily pa
per among the editorials, but the col
org are chiefly red, white and blue.
Figures may not lie, but how the ta
dies can look like wasps one year and
animated, ironing boards the next year
is bevond me.
Dancing teacher are looking for i
device to keep dancers apart and ye
rd. recommends limburger cheese and
''My w.ff is a firm believer In the
ioo-- pit ? g,r aid to c'omeatic tran
l.ty." r.ov IS l it KMC
; II. i wi, nov, a
Kni) Mt A
nt tin Or- tn
l.i- h. t ii o,-.
if tt,.- nl.l Vi.
Th' n'Mf c!e;ih-
of both ?i!'ht-
f.lKf - I." il;t'
I tll.M'' Up
aMt t'r sti't n
n liawn
i K-tpp fra-
u ati li ft hy a
n t nMtirn w t'n
r of Ii.t-iYnlli-cit.-
P. It;
I I lit'
( il:i
A cuiipr.-
' :.!'. '.!.-. qi.i' lo Ihe II, .ne:
! :!:.'.-. t'-e, i-.ll. l:i:all.ition In Ink.
l'i- en N.-.i teller 1'. The ttislaila
!l v. ill N in i h.irt;e ot a del. kh
I'ott if V.tiul.1; I'i-ii: th- 1 l..vrlt
V IIH't l'.t'll 1.. .l!;e a ill'.in-
I- r i r I h. !, rli.h.
The Wild Beast Man
U!y W'lckc Wamboldt.)
I read the oilier day wl"'r hold-up
men with kuii In tie h- ba"ds u,a
their leetb to pull mlck-p"" (rm tllc
..lollies of Uielr viciiius and rlnK
from llu-ir fliiKtrs. The tnouuiu oc
curred lo rue. how HK- ' "''"
these men were. Ho like t'l er
of th Jungle and the wolf of the for
est. With their teeth they tore from
their victim what lh wauica.
I'ullke the tiKt-r and the wolf, they
look Jewel Inntead of blood, but this
a due only (o a difnrence In tat.
not character. Had they, like "
tier and the wolf, wanted blood,
they would have takeu blood und
like thtu ferocious beaat would
have Buuk thlr tteili in the throais
of their victim. Aa It wa, ihey
wantonly shot tour of the party the)
robbed. The tiger and the woll
would not have killed had they not
wanted blood.
The whole L'nited ivale is seek
ing for the wild-hcaitt-iuaii who the
other day snatched a little baby and
,.,,(,. .,rf with it Hid he eat it;
No; but he wa prohably less merci
ful. Had the little thing been car
ried of bv this man's twin-brotner.
the tU,'er. it parents could at least
have had the tneap-e comiort 01
knowing it wag out of its misery.
Someone made the observation that
six hundred years as site of
New York City was the haunt of
wild beasts and savages, anil someone
else remarked that there were lewer
wild beast and saia;es there six
hundred year aco titan to day. The
city junnle always attracts the wi!d
beast man.
Have you ever Ihounlit how like
animals some people are? ihere Is
the man, shrewd and snuty-ejeu,
who makes us think of a foi. An
other, slick and treacherous, reminds
uc of a snaku. Another has the fierce
demeauor of an euKle. Another is
lithe. L'iateul and as danxerou as a
pa ither. Auother. liiKh-'trung. emo
tional. Irrational, remind you of
herse. Another, plai id and mentally
heuvv. makes vou think of a cow.
Some people chillier and go like a
flock of gu!uea-!i. us. We have all
seen the man with a face like a rat.
As for the cat this simile i too
common to need mention.
Most of u have in some decree
the wild beat taint. Our blftt-cst
job in tilt's lllo is lo nvl it out of us.
Water will be ihut off Tuesday
nlKht at midnight for two hours affec
ting all of Rose street and Stephens
itreet, lyii.g between Ixmglas and
Mother streets.
IdhOTfj- Theatre
Can you iinagino a cabaret scene
in a moving picture without dntKinv:
The Tom Fnrnian "April Showers"
which will appear at the Liberty
Theatre tomorrow and Thursday,
shows one of the most unusual cab
aret scenes evar filmed.. Hut the
beautiful Kirls who appear in the en
tertainment do not dance for a very
good reason. They are mermaids
and feet which usually dance merrily
on studio seis are encased in trace-
fully curving finny fish-mils.
Director Tom Korman conceived
Ihe original Idea of showhiK a gieai
uniler-water nicne as a gay cafe.
:-"ands. jagged rocks, soft, filmy moss
and gently movlnx seaweeds create
the hackuround' for Ihe marvelous Il
lusion. The mermaids, who are
handicapped as far as dancing is con
cerned, are grouped about the rocks,
swayiiur in rhythm with the move
menenii nt of the imaginary . ocean
currents. A diver is lowered into
the scene. Emerging from his un-der-water
garb, he dances and whirls
hefore the cafe throng.
"April Showers" Is a charming
romance of Irish tenement life In
New York. tich popular player
as Kenneth Harlan, llutli Clifford,
Colleen Moore. Friscilla Homier and
take leading parts.
Anilerw Theatre
That indelinahle charui whh
h per-
Now Recommends Lyaia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Washington, n. fl-"l JioP nr-t,.
ham's Vepetihlo Compound saved mo '
trom an otnratii n I
wnirn a physician :
saiu i would riavo to
hav for a very bad I
case oi tenia o rmii.
ble. My system waa
all run down for two
years after my little
Tin maa worn, men
read of your won
derful medieine and
decided to try it. I
could hardly drag uno
foot after thr- nrh
nnd after taking mx bottles of the Verel
tal.le I'orr.poun 1 1 fe't lihe a new r.o
man. 1 n jveo all rny housework, a'so
washing and ironing, and do net kr.o-v
r. h iit real tronea- is. My health is fine
lind 1 weich 1-40 pourlds. When I started
taxing it 1 wt 97 pourds. i pladly
recotiuiieiid Lydia E. rinkhsm's cgc-ta.-lc
lomivumi to any one who is suf.
fern-g from female trouble or is run
oowti. Yea may u this testimonial
tor I an only too rI.iJ to let cttrTertne
werr-en knew what the Vegvtable O
r.,:n, f ' r -ne. "-Mrs. !:-a Hewitt S.E.,Vashircten I) C
ouen i. u.-rs iro'.n women m ev. rv
1 cr-jrtrv prove bevond
t-e -r.rit of I.vria H
i L'oa.poL..J.
vade all of Mis Mae Murray's
screen characterizations i again
..i ovi.tenr in "Tlie French
Doll." which opens tonlnht at the
Antlers Theatre. Tho title of the
picture alone. Is expresflve of the at
mosphere which -Misn Murray pecul
iarly disseminate the moment she
appear on the screen, chic and
sprightly. , .
Mis Murray i exotic. Her char
acterizations are marvels of nuances
a fine blending of lU-'iits anu nau
ows, a Kenile but firm mauner, and
a deliKhtltilly impertinent, saucy
way of handing out her favors or dis
pleasure that seetniiiKly captivates
her co-worker on the screen and
certainly never fail to captivate the
imaKluatlon of her audience.
Miss Murrav embodies all of those
nullities for which the-"new woman"
is striving. In the first place she
possesses greatly all the charms
which males are so pleased to find
tn a woman. She possesses the soft
cliiiglness. that delicate wistful man
ner like Dresden china, mat cnann- luscious, femininity which Is the
epitome of true womanhood. Yet at
Ilia cump time Blie has independence.
self-assurance, scornful of the male
superiority and quite able to set
alone "on her own" and fifiht for her
Ascalon Commandty No. II. K. T.,
will meet In regular conclave Tuesday
.'veiling. Octuber 23, at 7:30 o'clock.
The Order of Malta will be conferred
by past eminent commander, Oliver
i'erry Coshow. All knights aro urged
Lo be on time.
All kinds of cooked food on sale
Saturday, Oct. 27 at Yosburgh and
Wiard grocery. Rod and Gun Club.
Dr. Ilacher has returned to his den
tal office in ihe l'erkins liuilding
after several weeks absence.
!.Vs HI!
Editor News-Review:
issue of the News-Review appeared ; misrepresentation, hns" tried to con
an article by Cyril G. Rrownwell who I vey lnp t(loa that Ihls fs B,iditionai
claims that even members of the tax Bnd not an entU-avor to lower the
Grange ore opposed lo the income taxi ropertv tax. The Income tax law
law. Mr. Hrownwell knows he is talk-j Kpocmcallv states that whatever
in? inrougn nis nai wneu ne miiKcs
his assertion, tor the OreKon State
(.range has repeatedly gone on re- property, so it is plain that what
cord lavi.ring ihe shilling of n part ,,v,,r is ralsi,(, lv tne ,ncome tax )aw
of the expense of the state govern- will be that much lesa on the prop
iiietu from the shoulders of the prop-jortv ax
erty owners onto those who are more; , , ,, .
able to carry the burden.
The tax commission appointed by
'X-Governor Olcott recommended, in
their report, that an it-come tax law
become port of the fundamental law-
I the st-ite lnt 14 r.tlw - .1 ni.w i
of the I nion now have an income I
lax law. Our income lax law is based i
on the law as it exists in Norlh Carol-1
ina. and Is no where an strinKont in i
Ihe lnooine tax laws of New York
-lute and Wisconsin. mock was exempt from the income
Many liusin-M-ni-n of a broad view! linv bc''8P the income from
point and practically all students of suc!' s")rk incomes a part of the owii-
cononiies are in favor of the income!""' Inc;n'' and can be taxed under
tax and that agriculture is breaking , ln('"m( l-. To tax bank
:md'r the load. ;'"'' corporallon stock anil then to
A rainpaUn of iiiisreiireseiuatinn ! ,nK ,"10 Incomes derived from these
has been carried on hy several ol the i ?""''ts M 0;,,,l '' double taxation.
Portland ncwjpaix rs. a niornlim From information received by the
heel of that city claiming that tin . ''Ci'lve commitiee of ihe OreRon
poor man, the wage earner and sal- ' ' '''' l;ra:iKe the farmers of OrcRon
ary man will be the one to puffer. I ar' '''terinlned that this law shall
The facts are that a married mail!,'"1''" ""' statute hooks, and
-villi three children, the avenue fam-. : there is no reason to doubt but that
ily. d ies not have to pay any Income '""'. Iaw ,le sustained by a larue
lax on an income of $.i "mj. as be is ' "'iority, with due recant to .Mr.
j exempt thai much, and lor his first 1
. inniisand of dnllars of ni t liicomi l'
I above :'..'J0'i he would have to r.a--
i nly a tax of one per rent or $ 1 il per '
i.ienr. mere is no farmer in Iioui:las
ounty today hut what would he glad
to pav
an lnceaie tax on all his
mrome ov
three di ;
r ...-". provided he had
nileut children jij-i,.
f-an Is exempt ll.ilini befor-- he has
to pav any Iiicoiik- tax and on his s. c
eml i hi usr.nd would ha-e to ten- ..t,.
a'i:oi:iu of fte inr -ar in-ir.
' ned
h no it. in mi, tug u , . .
nipt J.'.-
of any in
A few-
h- iiite iie has to thin:
-tlie ta.
e--lS ai:o tle
r 113 f.-i-ini
-'. The re.
'' I" r r. ::t f
in Or.
Ii liirm I
' :-o;-l
.it in.
oi'i.s : r-iii the?.. I.,: in,
l.ll.i .1 for t i s. 1 n.ler tl,
incotiie ni ,,,v ,.,x j.
'mill after a !1 l-.vir.g is c, ,;',;,.
teed :) th- exemption, .iilew.,1 Thi-.
f P"" i.- o'l- r. n-nn whv t ie.,,,,,
ren:sig t i.,,-;,,,. , 0r. sm,'
u"'l'f t!" Pr- -'t s.--,,, ,
ti.Nll..e. such 1Ul. n:.
1 I'i'ai ti .ii, ,,-,!
re,, nr.-.l lo p.iv an ti a it-
tile Upkeep O! the
t ;..-.
"' ll'Ull' j i-t a- v.. il
n. -s. lr.iti.Me a r.i. a .
:i f.i
tax-s ,.n r-i l pror, r;v. v !,' (,
lie. ;:c'.- e-ory iar, a!,(; iu, ,ir !r
Classified Sp
WANTED Turkeys, large or smalL ; mmt.? !vl
"1 f--i i tmrAi it T i 3l'7 ii- '
HOME LAl'NblcY' wllfilo wet wash
for 30c a dyz. I'hone 537.
WANTED Hug carpet weaving. Mrs.
John Wilson. 623 E. 2nd. Ave. No.,
ItoHeburK, OreKonj
CAB OWNEH Dou't forget to call
E53 when in need of auto part.
Barff's Auto Wrecking House.
FOR RENT Garage. Call at D44 So,
-Furnished 7 room house.
Plione 14.
fOR KENT Sulety deposit boxes.
Rosebuig NnUonaMJank;
l'OR RENT 2 sleeping rooms.
So. Jackson. Call mornings.
FOR RENT Sl epuiK room. Call be
fore noon. 127 S. I'Jne Btreet.
Foil-RENT 157 acre Tarui, 2 mi.
from town. M. Howe, Rt. 1, Hox 29.
FOR RENT Business building cor
ner Rose and Oak Sts. Inquire 211
Washington St.
EOR"RENT Suite of furnished house
keeping rooms. No children. 3'J2 W.
Washington St.
FOR RENT Modern 4 room apart
ment, stationery tub, hot water,
etc. 221 W. Washington.
FOR RENT Fifty five acres of land",
Joining the Kinney Addition. Apply
to Mr. P. Sinnott.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, close in. Inquire 124 W.
Douglas St. After '4:30 p. ra.
LOST Red streak agate ring. Re
ward. Fred R. Smith, Soldiers
LOST Saturday, between Peoples
Supply and 4.",6 So. Main St. lady's
taupe brown kid glove with black
and brown stitching on the back.
Finder leave at this office.
'Oil SALE Furniture. Rhone 529R.
rOtt aALfci Lsed piayei puuio folle. i
5dc earh I'honi. S70.
FOR SAi.u--Vetch, 4c lb. O. D. Thiel,
Yoncnlla, Ore.
FOR SALE 8 cords oak and laurel
wood. E. Mundl. Looking Glass.
gon, as to vote to abolish the income
lax law-. This would appeal to moro
people than the comparatively Bmall
number who are fortunate enough to
have net incomes large enough o
that they are subject to the income
tax law.
Mr. llrownell, in his campaign of
ii..u. ,,,,. h rte.i,.et...i e.,, n,i..nJ'Vl""'r."
W rfliKefl l,v Ilia 1n. ti,v' ....j.
-ii a ten yane an en ise'.nent in
Ihe Oregonian. and ask yourself w ho ( ihe committee i'fc''
paid for that advertisement, the j hv-laws. a fe" P""3
wealth of Portland or the wage earn- still under discis.ri
era and salary men. the claim was! let and set'lfBfiH1
,n;lH" ,nlu oflll K StOCK alld StOCK ill
rporat;ons were exempt from th"
i,!cm"p 'Ht nnd the advertise-
,n,,d t0 ronvey the idea that
f:'V"'l" - """ was belntr shown to these
'""Htuttons. Hank and corporation
' rmvl" " '" ,s evidenily only tli-
rr "ni t-oy for the big interests ol
,',r' l;1"d, the only people who lire'
!c,"i-' the law and ihe only people
.,who are furnishing the nionev with
'h: h to can y ou this campaign or
n.i.-r. ift i sentation and lies.
C. 11. UAII.KY.
,: wisbinir to attend th" W. ('
1" '' convention to be held in Oakland
"lie-,)av tho 2(ih are requested to
I" i.t the home of Mrs. A. V. Mat
'I' i, hy !':t3 a. m. Autoninbllrs will
h'' on hand to convey thore interested
m tii" met tine to Oakland.
l'i addition to the splendid program
in 'in "leninx. th" (inheMi-a will
. Mish Young will elnc. l.etha and
'"'i Smith will i.ii a coinet and
'"lei dt t and Itodtick Kasly will
;'- a saxanh-ne solo. lr. I'anii I
lirxenfs aildr. ss on "Sreinc IVrlland
-v Nicht." is sa-d to he worth jit-Ins
i innv mi,,, tn h,.,,ri Hn,j Ulilv ex
''t.d t .I,-.;,,, ovor u ojiand fur
evening meeting.
-f" !FR SALPT.
I I Snnnr!,.. ..
4- FiTiTin:,-;-
""iie. Km- -
K0K s-iS-v
in RosibtirrV,0
FOR 8.lV
good rondiUon J
I "."". hoc j,.
ninr. 2?i'i
l-'i in o t iT. -
! J!ale.For
1.1 Kn J1 o.,.,.
r.oase, MrUj i
eu ouui u tttj.
'. O. R Uacleia .,
in buffet, denim
www. urn tui J
I run BY ;,J
and boardlnit him 1
business center. W
ness. House M cJ
futher panlrc:!!. ..I
logg, 281 ff. 4
FOR S.U.E-ltiOi?
White Lcshornji".
all laying. tU'i
ling btns o! ilon J
tnroufh tne moi r
fine for breeder-, t
egg proiiuctioi I;
room. Come ti
liver one dom
prices in citi elt '
Rt. 1, Ik.x lSi,I-.
,for sali;-i:ij
WtMid si lling In
stump. 2D miles r
Good place for at '
running tarocziir
surcd for
V.'ouU consi(i?ra;.
burs up to $u
m Hep:mer for .
SoOnO. No Incaa1.:
place, Oiw aiort
Good rnad to ttmt.
I!v. 2St. Hpp-. .
The ori;anUa!ioj
Douglas County Fr.: I
ns.-ociaiicn will ;m
i inu at tne iiiiti-
draft of the orsr-s
completed aid w -
finish are toe b7-lw
tee was L'lll i"-n
the nremlmion &:
association have trtl
held on Wednesaar '
izHtioa :'! W
K,re. '-''".yrrX
231 N. Min