KOSEBURQ NEWgVIEW, FWIOV, OCTOBER 1, KS. PAOe THREE away wifi Dirt and Dust ok the clean1 way f "Electrically Clean electric heat needs no preparation. It rnmm.inded instantly at the turn of a switch L n0 heavy fuel or ashes to lug. There are no kmes, no stain or soot on uxensus, wans or tiling;. who has cooked with the old-fash- LoH stoves will welcome the convenience of his new way its cleanliness, its better cook tig and its economy. This Company gives a special cooking rate L low that the average bill for both electric joking and lighting together is often as low sthe cost of other types of fuel alone. Ask about the low rates for cooking at our ffice. Arrange with your electric dealer today tr an electric range on easy payments to be kstalled immediately. mE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY POWER COMPANY i 7 aPOUt-FAITH "All thingt are possible to him that beliaveth." Jesus said this to the father who came to Him with a demon- possessed aon; and hp believed, and Christ healed tho boy. Kanzo Nchimtira. who la Indeed a flaming piophet among h'a Ifrothers In Sapan, wrote this, which I copy from "Tho Friend," of Honolulu: "I do not work; I believe. I do not pray: 1 believe. I do not sanctify myself; I believe. I do not prepare myself for heaven; I believe. Faith, which la believing til (iod'a merelea and In the aiierlflrlnl death of Ilia Sun. faith makes mo work, faith makea mo pray, faith Banetlflea me, faith prepares me for heaven. My religion 16 all faith. There la no effort In it except It be au "effort to believe. The Lord Jeans Christ la my wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctlffca ' tion, and redemption. He la my nil. Indeed, for me to live la Christ I, by my faith, let Him live and' work in mo, and myself become a believlnR automaton, a fit Instrument of righteousness 111 Hla hand. All ia ao simple and so good." .Mark 9:23. Copyright. 1921 J. A. R. HURCHES YOUR PAWNERS IN r'PvOGPliS See Demonstration Opposite NEWS-REVIEW First Church of Chrlat Scientist, ! Join the class where you belong and 312 East Douglas street Regular 'help make the study interesting. At aervlces are held Sunday morning ui 1 1 :l)0 a. m. the sermon theme Is II o'clock and Wednesday evening "The Fourth lleiuititude.V If you at 8 o'clock, this meeting includes I are seokln:; something worth wjiile testimonies of healing. Sunday j In religion, como and hear tills ser sehool convenes each Sunday morn- i mou. Splendid music by the choir. Ing at 8:45 all from ages ot 4 to 20 The Junior League will meet at 3:00 vvars are Invited to attend. The reading room In the front of the church building la open dally except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 4 p. m. The public is cordially invit ed to attend the services and visit the reading room. Subject of Sun day's lesson, "Doctrine of Atonement." SHI 111 9fl I 1 Myrtle Point Teams, .iurelwood Field for j r:me Game of the Season. d by more than one I em the football team ', Point arrived in thisi tore noon today for the j r Itoseburg high school menn. The Coon Coun- JUBky veil trai.ied play :ime this afternoon start- lie prnspt ct of bing an t"M(i one. i of be;h tennis were ! ictnry :i:d proiamne d 1-e in Ihe be.t of sh:ipe. t ratlin was riven the, ni'-ri hr-.nts and profes-' f th.- ity. As this year nit up- for the school to make expenses financially In their sports program, owing to the fact that the Armistice I Jay game, the one which usually brings iu tho money, ill be played away from home, the merchant ! today closed up their stores from 2:.'5 until 4 o'clock to icimit their employes to attend the came and aid the school in meeting the cost of their athletic program. There was a fine attendance when the game itarted. The students held two rallies dur ing the day, one nt noond the other just before tho gam". A gnat deal of interest is belrfg shown in the athletic activities of the school this year and the students are veil pleased with the support and aid being given the m. Carleton hotel of Portland, a stock holder In the company, spent the day in Koscburg Inspecting the work be ing done on the location at the Hoff s'.eadt place on North Peer creek. (Jood progress is belns made on the derrick and it in hoped to have the riir aud outfit here by the time the derrick Is ready for operation. Mr. Lovejoy stated that It Is impossible to make promises at this time, but hat it is hoped that the well will he sinrted by the early part of Novem ber, lie states that he Is Interested in oil wells from Texas to Alaska ! and that the has found the structure In the lioseburg vicinity to be the best of any of the fields he has seen. lilBiiSiE iPECTEBIBli NOTICE. Dr. Cleorce J. Uncher will resume ! his work as dentist in the l'erkin's i building Tuci'Jay. octobi r 23rd. M. K. Ciiurrli. South, Main and bane streets; Stewart O'Dell, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, W. b. Coob, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 11:00 o'clock, text: "Is not this the carpenter's Bon?" Matt. 13:55. The pastor's text for the evening service at 7:30 p. ni. will he: "And he made haste and cme down, and received l.ltn Joyfully." buke 19:6. If you do not owe al legiance to aome other church In the city come out to these services.' i ou i 2 1 , at 7:30 o'clock. will be glad that you came. The ttu, sermon will be (p. m. The Intermediate League will meet at t:.iu p. m. i ne senior r.p worth League meeting at 6:30 p. m. will be especially interesting. A "Centenary Climax" program has been arranged. At 7:30 p. m. the j sermon theme is: "lielter Days Com j ing." or "The Curse of the Wicked ;and the Hie. flag of the IUghtcois " i l'laln facts, plainly spoken, easily ! understood. Bring your friends. Next Wednesday evening the prayer ' meeting will begin at 7 o'clock and W I I be followed by an all church mis ' sion s'f'dy class, using as a textbook "CreatWe Forces i:i Japan. A cor dial invitation to all to attend these Bervie-'S. Joseph Kuotts, pastor. THE LADIES SIIOPPE New Kid Gloves! New Dags! SPECIAL VALUES 7.V SILKS FOR SATURDAY ONLY A wide variety suitable for waist9, dresses, linings and art needlework. Don't fail to supply your needs Children's Sweaters New today. Warm, dependable all-wool garments reasonably priced' Lovely New Dresses For Afternoon and Evening Wear Dresses for street and utility wear now on display Millinery Specially Priced for Saturday 33 . 1; Millinery Specially Priced for Saturday ra2 The (Tw Ladies Slioppc 139 North Jackson Street '1 -rVV.-r-.lc xTXmXX3tIITK.X .-kx.Xjfc 3tJltAjP.il W A FIND RADABAUGH CAR .. ." 1 L. i u i .mi .u Ity of oil. Mr. Kudnbnugh left th'.i afternoon for Ashland to have the car e-.A .. t.u Thi. w,.w hv Aulo I repaired and will drive it bai k to Police at Ashland The Ford car stolen the first of the week from In front of me liuy Ilada bangh home on Chadwiek street, waa located at Ashland yesterday, a bear ing In the machine was burned out by the auio thieves, but otherwise the marblne Is believed to bo uninjured. After stealing the car they drove It to the home of F. M. Seabring In West Uoseburg where they obtained about fifteen gallon of gasoline and a quail- This is a Studebaker year. C.lil OF THANK4 We wish to express our apprria- 1 1 Ion for the assistance .given ts in lour tsorrow, also for the kind word of swnpathy and beautiful floral of fering. Mrs. Frank L. Harvey, Mrs. b. F. Starmer, J. K. Harvey, b. I). Harvey, W. A. Harvey. ('even h Uny .VI n ntlst. There will be services at the church In West Uoseburg Sunday evening. October The subject ot The Crumbling Junior Missionary society will, meet Nations." F. A. trashier, of Sulher- at 3:00 p. m., and the Kpworth I.ea-'n,,, wm conduct the service. Sab gue at 6:30. The regular weekly .bath school at 10:00 a. m.. Saturday prayer meeting Wednesday evenln', October 1'0. All are Invited to at- at,7:30 will be conducted by the ba- t,.nd. The service Sunday nl-tht will di(s- Missionary society. Ilon't miss ; . particularly Intiri'silng to I hoar this service. Choir practice Friday who are interested In prophecy, evening at the usual hour. "Child-i George A. bovcluy. president of: the Rosibnr. Oil and Cm company, and Vl-nr llrainit i ropti "o.-.o'' 'be I ! BtM. i '1 ':. ' ;'. V V - - B I i I lit wnTM m iiiiiiiiiiiui i (ft) il l i i i i f iiii A tub of clothes i..' 5 niinu'.ei! and tbey l-e to be mlylity dirty clothes ct that, otlierwisc 3 cr 4 minutes would Ic sufficient. 1' i aa all rnel.-.l n-iclunc wi.h a scamlcs-s tr.c-p;xe burnished copper tub. A becuti fJv illustrated booklet, fjiven away fieCt "11 le'l you all about the nar.y exclusive features. Crr-c in a.-.J gct enc, write or phone, We kve cr.e fot you. yky-Zigler Hdiv. Co. n one I low DoTncyMaiE such dellcksus bresid?. I."'t!W of OTTrSHU.Htt I " If V when tiiqrask imtpo tion, bam Barjr boom am mr-ncbrcd is the -BtAiag o good brc-ki CDCrcfiy icJijlXljj wfarErst Coca, the pnraf of ingecA enei, iJiiiury beajBc woi curf jJ pnacmoaa of rtsc kxra iaa air mi si stt UnaiBLS, m osaf MaL Bat fit aeB.lt if wsttk a! tbe pains sa txks) aW tore fJtaa that fear i wk far tkit; ,UJtjLsuiJjayjiifacai OREGON BAKERY AUGUST HECK, Ftpritor ' Thone 211 ren s week will to observed trom October 21st to October ZXth, and a special children's service will be held j at 11:00 o'clock on the latter date, October 2Sth. Tho regular Sunday school rally day service of the year will also be held upon that date at 9:45 a. ni. li.UTIST IIOVS' Cbl lt VII,b MHirr TOXKillT The First llnpll-t ClmrcTi, corner, of bane and Hose streets; II. I..! Caldwell, minister. 9:45 a. m., the; church school. O. 1". Coshow, Miner-1 In'.endent. The school is growing I'l numbers and Interest. All ages and) grades are provided for. The class ' for young married people is getting started. Wha'ever age you may be vou are Invited to enroll with us If ! you are not enrolled elsewhere. 1,1 :0y. a. m. the morning worship. Message I by the pastor. Theme. "The Journey I vlth U-jd " Special music ly the; choir A Jucl r atslsia::t will bo on the platform v. l h the pas. or. Th ; public nnd strangers are specially Invited to thl.i service. 0:30 p. m. , young peojile's nieetfng; boulse ,Ii n-! nigs, presldi Tit. TMs is a fine plate; for young people, and the Hirelings re frond AM yuri" people are In-1 ilted. 7:30 p. pi., evening worship Message hv IJ'r pt'stnr. Them not a Christian." Duet by Vlsies arah and I.ydia Chrlsten'eix. These c'enlr.,, servl -rs are of specitil Inter est to nofi-Chrisiliin neonle as well as to Christian . A welcome to all. The Hoys' club of the Ilaptlst church has I's resular meeting to night at 7:30 . Tonight will be the last night that boys call get in as charter members. The membership will continue to be open to all boys of the town, but It Is hoped that as many as wish will be in by tonlchi as charter members. Leo liapp and Ur. Church are helping with the boys. Mr. Ilapp Is In charge, nnd his experience in Seattle with boys Is being very helpful In the work here. The period will be a combination of study and play. The boys like It. All over eight received. Si:i! ICl'S ATtil I!1K ( III IK II II. b. Calnweil, pastor of the Hose burg inptst church, will preach at (Hide Sunday afternoon nt. throe o'el"k. The community' Is cordially inviti d to be present. COL'NTCRFEITFRS APE ACTIVE IN EUROPE '1 M 9m I I. us. wm FORGET AOUR TROUELES About what to serve Call up the W1 and we problem, of Fresh Fruit; Soups Cakes, etc can help you. solve the Order groceries any kind or Canned Vegetables or Meats, cured or in glass; Oysters, Crackers, Bread, Wm ..iitrmtifiilf I ijsBjBSBSSWBasM'WT'; isiisasjjjsiiasaissssiiM in- d by i iif-nA l-i. T ii. i III Tcinnti W n-v the high rate of exchange for Ameri can money, the counterfeiters in cen tral Kurnpe are eonceittrating their lali'iits on the dollar. The Kinlupest police have ilisiovered a wholi'sale scheme fin- the diritrlbutbin of genu 1 1 ne tidi1l'ar nnlis whhh have been fti-lsllaii Chun h. Hlhle aVionl at ; cleverly transformed into two bun 9:4J a m , opened hv orchestra con-; dred-dollar notes. The press that pro cert Mornlnc s. rvlce ct 11 a. ni. ! duces this transformation Is supposed Frofepsor F!oy l)"nn of Fugene will to be In Warsaw. Counterfeits of this speak In the absence of the regular -sort have been found In 18 different pastor, who Is conducting revival Kuropi an towns. meetings at Tillamook. The morning object will be. i'eas'ing with God " In the evenlr Professor Ii'Min will sneal; on "Or-vetvlon " Or -liestra "oncert in Hip evening service. 7:30. V. I S. C. E. at B:30. Pt. fJeoce's FolscopI i'httTli, TJev A. O Hode. vicar. Twenty-first Sundiy after Trinity. Ksrly com munion nt 7:"') a m : church school at S : 4 3 a pi.: morning praver and siryiim a: 11 no a m.; uiiee of ernion: Chur hmen or K"l eopal lan ?" Is there a I'if'erenee? What convltuf'es a clitrch? As ni Insti tution Is l:e church of dl Ine or humsn origin? These questions shonld he of ln'" h Inter" st to every i member of the church and we hope j to. see vo'i there f!'indav. Come and jdo not be afraid to In' Ite a fr.-d to r-me eri you. Anvone Is welcome to at'end onr church, but, ofl-ries neeple. tho e who har no particular chn-ch. are backward about mkln 'the Inltln'lve when It comes to church coin". Try s-klng a friend to come to fc.trch wl'h vou this cvn lnv and j ion bo I w-i'. Choir practl-e ! every Ftld.iy nl'tht at 7:30 p. ni. ! fl-t M. K Crturth. Rundrv school !hegin at 9:4r.. H Is row well or Iranlted for Intensive 1'IMo study 'throuchout the winter. Come and USED FORD CAR BARGAINS HJ17 Touring I 73 Hill bight Delivery 140 Touring 200 llil'I Touring Htj.l Touring HiL'2 Hoailster 2 Ford 1 Ton Trucks, each 17S Other Makes cf Cars 1320 Chevrolet Touring IjH Mitchell Touring 1H2I) Lexington Touring 1921 Oakland Six Touring All Cars Priced to Sell at Your Terms c. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Roseburg, Oregon IIMtT SIMIAFFNKIl k MAItX CI.OTI1K3 MKAN A I-1. WliDl., llbST STVI.K, KCONOM V FINK TAIbORlNtI,