P05EBUPO NEWS-PeVIEW. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17. PACE SIGHT NOW IN THE CITY FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY! "The Lady Who Amazed All India' Th Internationally Famous Paychologtt and Palmltt Madame Ssis "The Friend and Counsellor of Ruling Princes" Madame Isis Ik without doubt one of the great ist Living Palmists and Crystal Cater of our time. Una studied under three of tho World's Moat Famous I'rufi ssors In thin Science. Una had over twenty years (if prac tice and experience In thla art In all the large Cities of Europe. Palmists and Crystal Gazers the World over follow In her footsteps and acknowledge her leadership. How She Can Help You Jiy telling you what you aro most capable of doing. I:y telling you the good and had periods In your life. By telllnr,' you the moat favorable time to make changes In business and other affulra. I!y telling you the strong and weak polnta in yourself, and how to avoid much trouble and disappointment. Starting Friday Morning Oct. 19th Madame Isis has read the lives of more of the world's celebrities than any other psychologist living, and thousands acclaim her "marvelous." Study and Reception Parlor HOTEL GRAND Phone 155 Special Prices $1.00 for either cards, palm or crystal reading, or II three for $2.50 ' Hours 10:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m.; 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. CALL OR PHONE AFTER 8 P. M. THURSDAY!! The parents of the Boys Hand and any Interested friend are in- viced to attend their rehearsal tomorrow (Wednesday) evening 8 o'clock at the Con,.ervatory. flffl LAST IHT Sheriff Rtarmer Is today endeav- I oring to locate a Pord car which was - i atoleii from Drain last nlKht. Owlnx Rose Parent Teachers Associa- to B nilatake In the license number lion meeting tonight at Rote : ,dven the shelrlff this morning, con- M-liool, 7:3U p. ill i slderaldn time was loat. but It Is be- ' I lleved that the men driving the ma- ehlne are going north. The officers in6w belee that the Ihree young men who broke Jail at Jacksonville am Father Is Oead liepuly Sheriff Charles HobertM, In charge of the county tax coleclion de pannent, left yesterday for Ilrowns ville. where his father died at an ad vanccd age on Monday. t NEW TODAY t FOR SALE Furniture, Phone 529R. WOOU FOlFBALE-OJi North Jack son St. FOIl SALE 60 tons first-class" hay. T21 N. Jackeon St. WANTED TO KENT 4 house. Phone 292J. or 5 room , Mr. and Mrs. Charles (lllbert are spending a few data at Portland on business and pleasure. Deputy Sheriff C. II. Daugherty 444444444444ei FOR of Yonculla spent the day In Hose-i burg attending to business matters, i The American Legion Auxil- liary will hold a bazaar and rooked food sale on Saturday, Die. 1. Foil SALE Ford coupe. 90 per cent new. Molor Shop Oarage. FOIl KENT Heated itleping room, al so housekeping rooms. 318VY Iane. FOIl RENT Two housekeping rooms. Adults only. 32 West Washington. FOIlRENf Furnished-aparfmenls! Call mornings. 221 West Washing ton!. FOR SALE 2 Inch wagon, set of breeching harness. C. S. Johnson Wilbur, Oregon. RECORD Exchange open all day and early part of the evening. 328 N. ' Kane Street. FOR SALE Half million feet good saw timber, on highway. Address M. P., News-Review. LOST WMteTpersian cat. last seen Saturday. Reward for return to 5071 North Jackson. P.ENT- not steal (luy Rudabuugh's car but that they are responsible for me theft of the car at Drain. The per .sons stealing Mr. Ttadabaugh's ma chine are believed to bt the name ones who broke Into F. M. Sebrlng's garagjo and stole to gallons of gaso line, carrying away a reserve supply In a nillk ran. They are believed to be on the way to Coos Hay. The Jail breakers were seen walk ing north through Edenbower about midnight, Monday night. At that time they were coatless and It is be lieved that they broke Into Hennin ger'a store at Wilbur and stole coats a'ld shoes there. It Is thought that they reached Drain yesterday and last nivht stole the car which was luken from that place. Selling out half of Churchill Hard ware Co'a.-atock home folks, fanners, carpenters and builders should take advantage of this sale. Danccand Box Supper To Be Given LOOKING GLASS GRANGE HALL NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT October 20 GOOD MUSIC if m -Furnished Ii. Mi DC NTs VKSXi 17 ' F?RF?R! After the Hard Times Dance ! At YL of P. Hall, Wed , Oct. 17 THREE PRIZES AWARDED See Them in Window , of ROSEBURG GROCERY t LOCAL NEWS : Miss Margaret Jennings today un derwent un operation at Mercy hos jpilal. Dr. Sotlicr was the attending surgeon. apartment. 2 rooms and "sleeping porch. Fine pl"ce for children.Phone 3S8R. W O.M A N W A N T E I KTo do genera"! housework Jiy the hour. Address Housework," care of News-Review office. : UNUSUAL GRACE OF DEsrv dignity of appearance, and UTMOST em... - Four styles: Very drcsBy Patent laih, A mack Md straps; liavuna Kid , k - ' Oxfords all sizes 2 to 9. AVidths AAA to R ) ' ys WITH ?I FMnrDCTrn-r.-.J I . SUPPORTS THE SHOE EVERY WOMAN "Loves at First Sight" 1 Footwear perfection nothing lea. i Exclusively at ROSEBURG BOOTERH IRVIN BRUNN Perkins Building Shoes That Satisfy and Fit Your Ft SACHS CINCINNATI Designer Manufacturers CtJ FOR RENT Dusines location at 6d7 North Jackson. Apply In rear of building. Rent reasonable, will Rive lease. DR. H. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 222 Perklna Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. FOR SM.C. -Chaliiier car. Run onlylj J'C4l miles. Practically new tires, - Telephone 86 not been reported, a, J tnat it w.iBld be iwj full penalties from tfJ ' of the tuiirayw to ace, gains in his Incoots, T. J. Casey, tactorr J ui me nprecKles-Sinti Allen Hewitt, who la employed al Kllh I'mpqun Valley hank, today tin JjK : derwent a major operuiion at Mercy mniMiui. in, rn-iiii-r as ill utienu- ance. R. K. Disinfectant Tho most power ful nou-poUounus iliainfectant known. 1'se It in your toileta, washbawls bathtubs, ciLam separators, milking loaeliintH or any place you w ish to clean and sanitary. Wharton llros. h NJr, and Mrs. Charles E. Runyan. j Mrs. Mary liiahop and Mrs. .Sclnvali, 1 1 all of Portland, visited In lliii city ; I for a few hours today with Mrs. B. 11. j I.Moore. They are on their way back i to Portland after a trip to Culifor ii ' nia. LJiia, . him . '. j 1.I1J, U-JlTlmaMaaM LIBERTY-THEATRE TODAY and TOMORROW TJ IE FIRST SI IOWING OF Tl IIS NEW SPECIAL PRODUCTION BUT Only 10 and 15 Cents George Walsh and Bessie Love In BALZAC'S "SLAVE o DESIRE" Plow P. T. A. To Meet The Rose school Parent-Teachers' as.o.iatkin will hold Its first meet ing for tho year tonkin aud a good attendance la urged in order that the work of the orT.r,lzatlon may be started olf properly. Plans will be made for future activities aud a gen eral discussion enjoyed. I Kcliirnlnir Home- I Harry MrKeown, proprietor of the 'Chandler hotel at Marshfield and ! Claude Nasherg, of Marshfield. spent ! n few hours in Roseburg today. They aro on their way back home after a surrcssiul pheasant hunt In ! tint WiUaiii' ite valley. No Advance In Prices Syln'oii I. T. A. Will Meet The Sylmoii Valley Parent-Teach-erlne Winters. That was earlv ill on.l meeiiag this tall Thursday nlnht ' at T:Jt) o'clock at the Sylmoii school 1 house. A hu ge utteudani e Is ex-1 pected as all the members have been! urged to attend. The subject for discussion will be -Why I n.lleve In1 the P. T A." It will be rtfsrnitcd , by a par. nt. a teacher and the presl-, (lent. two spares. Recently overhauled. $'00. Also light wagon and two sets of springs, $25. Buggy $5. West Washington jt. THE P,i:sT Fewing machine experts In the world select the material slid perfect the mechanism of the Sing er. Tho Sinper is running smoothly nt the ase others are ready to scrap. The Singer Store, Roseburg. I AM taking ordersfor the-Xlveulc Windshield Cleaner again this year. Ask your friends about it. I sold over 5(H) In Roseburg and vicinity last year. One rub and you have a clean windshield for 12 to 16 hours. Guaranteed for 1 year for $1.00. Call 455J and yet mo explain it to you. ; .STOP AVh" CONSIDER Just"fora minute. Here is ten acres of excel lent pood creek bottom land border ing on main road near town, creek through place, every foot of land will grow broccoli or garden truck. New six room house with bath, worth more than the price of the whole business. Dig modern chicken house, barn, other Improvements, all kinds fine fruit, everything goes for twenty five hundred, half rash. LAWRENCE AC.ENCY, 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. j 170 ACRES FOR" KENT All highly ! improved. Ten acres bearing prunes,! six acn s young prunes. 50 acres in i K4 v un i, iii un,, uaiuiice pasiurH. r inr i running stream through place. Ideal for broccoli: four acre enow look-1 lug fine. Will rent and sell tenant I hay, grain, vood and complete farm ing outfit. Possession can b.- had at once. Ten miles east of Roseburg. Fine road the year around. Stock: four cows, ihree calves, three horses and (quipmcm, and twenty-five tur keys, also thickens. See Rice & Itlce. Mrs. Deardorff on the Organ " TODAY-TOMORROW ; JOHN GILBERT In "The Madness of Youth" . A Story of a Thief, Jewels, an Heiress and a nayward . Cirll , . ; ' . INTERNATIONAL NEWS COMEDY "HOLY SMOKE" , MOVIE CHAT ' Friday Wallace Reid in -Clarence" PORTLAND. OcL 15. Investlga-: tlons conducted by field deputies of i the Internal revenue service Indicate 1 jtuat hundreds of taxpayers in Oregon ', have neglected. Intentionally or other wise, to include as Income In their1 returns for 1920. 1921 and ?.922 profits! realized from the sale of real estate,! according to Collector Huntlev, who! I several weeks ago ordered a rigid i I probe to be made of suspected eva- i sions or income regulations, j In order to close up the government tax.net. the collector has ordered that a transcript be made of all doubt ful transfers. A careful Investigation will be made of all these files, to determine whether or not the sales involved have been reported upon the Income tax returns. Collector Hunt ley suggested that all persons who failed to include the profit realized from real estate sales call at his of fice, or file amended returns, as It is tho policy of the revenue department not to assert heavy penulties when the disclosure's of failure to include incomo are voluntarily made by tax payers. . "It is my belief that the failure of many taxpayers to includ Der i o.. was vtsitiac cesory f inns in this tt: if EIIEI i SAN FRANCISCO. "Army afternoon" ta leriainment for the ii- tlonal American Legios With no afternoon ml ginnairc3 departed H wi sey flying field to i; '.ike demonstratlom K tho ergular army and Hi v.:..., .s. .. . r I III Meet T!iurlii ' The Woman's Kerelun Misslonarv society of tie M church will hold a nulling at 2 .11 at the home of Mr. S. K Menninter of Kst Lane J,siree Miss Penny, recently re- iCeiiMv returned missionary, will ;seak and show the ladles curios i which slie ha collected and otlier lntere;.tlng numbers have been pr paied inr Ine afternoon. Klei lion of officers will also take place. , All the ladies of the church are ln- , ill. ,!. V 3? ' T M F. a a s bsi... liTll ruiinunu IVILHJUIILU i r j M A ! Novelist T L . i. . .... i ue ..reniehi Mery oy the World s Createst A Story of the Micrles of Purla Ilalrac's Creates! Story Has llwn Mo.i. rnlied with All the t;iamor of the Jazx Ac 1 Also: AESOP'S FABLES nj TONVN TOPICS j FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: "GOOD MEN AND BAD" PROBABLY BE USED ftiv Cnlte,! rrr.i 11KULIN. Oct IT. The Herman fideral vnvcmnienl Is preparing to u" drastic ui. iir s mn:ii Saxenc unli- i ondlM.vi. therein show an immediate tmprovi ment. It was learn ed The military dictator has Itlren ly been ordered to procu d wl h the l!s soiuiion of the so-called "rit hun dred cenioioi, s.' Ii I:idl a'ed Iliat he witt use soldiers H tiice.saiy Si:ii FORD CAR HARiJALN.S P'l" tourim:, $75.00. PUS City Delivery, $140.00. 1920 touring. $J00.00. 1921 Touring 192.1 Touring 1922 Roadster. 2 Ford ton trucks. $175.00. Other mak s of cars 1920 Chevrolet touring 191S Mitchell touring P'20 Lexlnuton touring. 1921 Oiikland Six touring. ' Ml cars piin-d to sell at vour terms. c. A. I.ot'KWOOH MOTOR CO. FOH'SALE -"- About" 12"acros" finest creek bottom soil, has house and five acres of big prune trees on It. Has heavy creek through place. Easily Irrigated. Loratitl about two miles from town on hard surfaced high way, and in nice neighborhood. A good -reposition for any one wish Ins to farm along garden, fruit, bees or chick n lines. Can be had for about $9eo down and balance ery. Would rnn-ider an exchange for a limber ami pasture place. Address "tlatden Place" care News-Review. ltio scr.n. hill 'rancbTS1 niiies fmm Mri!e Cre, k. about 10 acres fenced i". around ID sens been plowed. S 10 acres more tillable, mostly flats in hill, good pasture, water dif ferent places, flowing spring at the door. Coml 4 room log cabin, wood shed, email barn, chicken house. Cold ore on adjoining place. Suit able for oine farming, sheep, stock, excellent poultry and tuikey ranch Kas'ern slope. 'Perfect lltle. Price ft put Sell evervlhjng If wanted i Real but era write to owner. Frank Sihiuelik, Mtrtle Creek, Oregon. i Thursday-Friday MATyTTlT JOHNSON S m TRAILING AFRICAN WILD ANIMALS Jf$ m aAoiopIay thrllUr thai the Mst crlrbrttrd aci'tatijia ar( preuo! t (a lora. ADMISSION Lower Floor Palcony Children 35c 2Sc 10 NEW BATTERY RECria MACHINE IHll The Roseburg Serrittfl has recently placed atr its establishment, rem: Rose streets, a HobfltN nanv Imtterv rH-htn: that takes the placed rpnl AQlnlo ' nf ,unu.-ln hflltariM kl ""inn m moir returns was due to an 8 hours batteriea ca erruueona interpretation of the in-j recharged, and Ui twrM come tax laws and to misleading pub- ance handles serpral uM ociiy mat was given out prior to the same time. The R luiiiig or me Lnited State supreme Station is now peraiKt court holding that such gains were: the new building, wl 0s'1 taxable Income under the revenue 1 with latest electrical a vouecior Huntley stated. stniments for Ukial as in cases where the taxpayer does, mands made npontltlS oiuiiuiriij disclose items of In-1 uect.on they conduct If .nai wire omitted, and where n-irtments. and matu ine gams from real estate sales have handling this clasa of hwj JOHN E. FLURRY INSURANCE . Rooms 1 and 2, Roseburg National Bank Bld X Roseburg, Oregon. Phone 183 I Life, Fj-e, Automobile, Casualty, Accident ami Hi I Public Liability and Property J Damage Insurance 1 SEE US BEFORE YOU INSURE Writing Insurance Is our profession. We have made It 1 X (all or write us for in,,,.... ifrm.nlon tos El TONIGHT ANTL Cortello Come Circus FOUR BIG CIRCUS ACTS See the Wonderful Pfina Dons Acrobat" 1 Rolling Globe Act World- Create Sharpshooters Don't Miss This ShnwTK Best of the St" Regular Picture Prograrn One Show Starting 7:30 25c and 50c