Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 17, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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New P
Effective October 2, the Ford Motor Company
announces the following reduced prices on all
Ford Cars and Trucks:
Runabout - - $265.00
Touring Car - - 295.00
Coupe - - - 525.00
Four-Door Sedan 685.00
Chassis - - - 230.00
Truck Chassis - 370.00 ' '
All Prices F. O. B. Detroit
These are the lowest prices in all Ford history.
-With the recent changes and refinements that
have been made in every body type, Ford Cars
now oSer new values in motor transportation.
Especially is this true of the new Four-door
Sedan with its streamline body and many
added conveniences. j , ' .
The Fordson Tractor '
The price of the Fordson Tractor has been in
creased $25.00, making the present price
$420.00 F. O. B. Detroit !
You can take advantage of these new prices
' through the Ford Weekly Purchase 'Plan
C. A. Lockwood Motor Co-
DETROIT, Mich.. Oct. 1C Ford
cars are today at a new low price
letel through an announcement pt-
fective October 2, made by Kdsol U.
Ford, president of the Ford Motor
compauy, Detroit.
This reduction in the prices ot
Ford cars aad trucks Is In line villi
the well establislnd policy of the
company. It Is notable also that this
decrease closely follov.s the introduc
tion of many changes aud improve
ments throughout the Ford Hues'. -
Tho new list prices on Ford cars
f. o. b. Detroit are as follows: tiun-
ubout, 269 to 1 2 0 u ; with starter
and demountable rii;is. tour
ing car, 29S to fl!; with starter
and demountable rims, : coupe.
530 to $525; four door sedan, t5
to $68Si Ford chassis, $.'::5 to $s:io:
one-ton truck chassis, j:l0 to
The new prices apply to the Ford
weekly purchase plan. Persons en
rolled under the plan and who heve
not yot taken delivery of their cars
automatically benefit by the reduc
tion in prices.
Tho lust price reduction by the
Ford Motor company was mnde about
one year ago, October 17 ill last,
bringing the prices of the Ford cars
at that time to the lowest level in
the history of the company.
The bit; reduction in the price ol
tho Four Door Sedan brings it with
in reach of a largo fic Id ot buyers.
This type sedan was introduced in
the Ford line a little over a year ago,
and because of Its low, graceful lineB,
Its roominess and Its attractive fit
tings, it at once came into high favor
as an enclosed car for family use.
The price of the Fordson tractor
is increased from i'i'Ji to $420 f. o.
b. Detroit.
No change is made In tho price
ot Lincoln cars and none Is couioin
plated, a company announcement
says, stating that the Lincoln prices
are considered fair in view of the
number of Improvements which have
been made in the cars.
& and prices are lower
Think of it! A brand new, tinerlooking and evenbettcr
performing Oakland at lower prices prices never
before' associated with such a thoroughly fine car.
Not tht ntvt ftatttrei
many o iKcm x.feiiw.
Brand nrw L-Head trnllne.
Smoother, qutctat. mora
Pour- whwt braVea for Mfftr.
bimplv practical pro vJ.
Beautiful nw blue bodtra
built by riahcr.
Hand controls centralltcd
on uaaring wheel.
Full automatic apark control
at all apcctla.
Pffminmt cop and ttw typ
cIom btuoj curtain.
THac atrel whtrU atandard at
bo added Coit.
I)tic clutch and new aaay
killing tear act. 1 1
Touring Car
Roadster .
Sport Roadster
Sport Touring . ,
Business Coupe
1 945
Coupe ....
Sedan . . .
Prices . o. !. Ponlioc
These facts and prices will astonish you, but wait until you see
nnd drive the True Blue Oakland and compare it with others!
G.W. BURNETT, Dealer
Roseburg Garage Roseburg, Oregon
ninK on s.hedule time, the.
"i True lihie Traveler number
id here Saturday or its sate
lonxtrntlni; trip across the nor
rart of the country. Here L.
0 Its many successful exhlbt
'' 'hat the leading automotive
cturers are doing to help
"e traffic accidents.
demonstrations were held
the prinripai streets ami on
t'kirts g( the city. The Trav-irtv-n
hy lion V. Doiij, of the
'a-t'iry stuff, save a com
arl'l trying test of four
oral ts lt varyg speeds
t:..- brakes, each time
his car to a hiUt almost
'' V" wiih perfect smooth
'i not the slii-htest tendency
" 'h v,.ei,inF. (jnlni: at the
r than 40 miles an hour
' ---i th" Traveler to a halt
'hr. e 1. ngths.'
'her faMi.r . ndln toward the
"P'fa'i.m of hutomohlies he
rk i'. '' ',s ,h" ""'lie method
n an ep.-raHng mechanism ex
Rear shin are centered on
,h-' l"erlnpr mheel post.
1 this d v i e a dritep has no
occasion to remove either hand from
the steering wheel to operate his car
cr brighten or dim his headlights.
The True Blue Traveler numher 1.
which visited here, is one of six
stock touring which left the
Oakland Motor Car company's Tacto-ry-at
Ponllac, Mich., on lours that
will embrace every state In .the coun
try. The route of number 1 included
upper Michigan, Wisconsin, Minne
sota. North Dakota. Montana and
Idaho before It reached the states
bordering on the Pacific. It is due to
arrive In San Krancisco, its terminal
point, tomorrow.
The demonstrations .have been
made on every conceivable kind of
pavement and road. Roads of dirt,
gumbo, clay, sand, uravel and tar
surfaces streets paved with cement,
asphalt, wood block, brick, stone and
tar surfaces all these have been
used as testing grounds to show the
operation ot the four wheel brakes.
When weather conditions were pro
pitious or when time permitted hav
ing the cltv Tire department wet
down a street, th demonstrations
were made on wet surfaces, the
hardest lest a brake can be subjected
to And without one failure stops
were made with skidding eliminated.
Other features of the new 1
Oakland beside the four wheel
brakes and centralized control In
clude penrmanent tops with really
weatherproof side curtains, a new L
head motor carrying the well known
Oakland lS.nnU mile guarantee, disk
whe,!s. single plale disk clutch
which permits gear shifting at 45
miles an hour speed, and reversed
leavs in tho springs which elimi
nates the need of snubbers and give
the car a remarkable ease when rid
ing the roughest roadd.
Durants and Stars are now sold by
3fiuo dealers, who look after salos
of these Durant-bttllt cars In 35 for
eign countries and Canada.
. vt' : 1 f.
Your Auto
Electrical Equip
ment Needs
Expert Attention
We are automotive electrical
experts no tinkering or experi
menting goes on in this shop.
It makes no difference what has
happened to your equipment, we
can repair It. You may bring In
the cremated remains and wo
will make a starter or generator
of It.
We' Repair Anything
Service Station
For Hubert Ilosch. Siditdorf and
Kheman Magnetos
Armature Winding Guaranteed
The Only Exclusive, Automobile
Electric Shop In Douglas
Automotive Electric
According to Alfred A. Aya. vice
president nnil sales manager nf thu
Columbia Tire corporation, lh mo
toring puMfc is.Bwinjriiifr back to the
'flying of better jrrade tlrca. Mr.
Ava lius Had excopiionai opuoriuni
A'Nution-WuIe Dcmortr:io
"Six True Blue Travelers" with thousands of miles
of telt duty already on their speedometers are
touring the country to demonstrate the remarkable
efficiency buyers of tlu-nc 19Z4 Oakland, will receive,
even after months of the most gruelling service.
3 tt"
ii Ai. 1 1
traveled highway at a rato that was I'Kol'KlC WAV TO ItltlXt; ! ply them ami release lhm r.lternato
far too great. ' I . A At TO H A STOl , iy, allowing the clutch to remain luj
engagement meanwhile-. As tho cart
Good drivers don't allow Ihelr cars
to skid either. They have them In
Mich perfect control that they can-
ties to studv this phase of the .tire slop them no mutter how slippery
business during tho last .few months j the streets. They do this by driving
curciuiiy, nnn Keeping ine cars tires
! in good condition at all times, and
II under all conditions. In fact, the
careful driver seldom lias serious
trouble. Ol course, lie takes the
chance of haviug some fool run Into
'him, but no; so jtrcat u chance as
you may think.- Drli
WATCH O.I, ( Alii I l l.I.Y
he has covered 1J.000 miles
throughout the northwest calling on
dealers who handle C-T-C Tires, the
product of his company.
"During the last three or four
years," says Aya, "there has beon a
marked tendency for the motorist to
'trv nut nne tmike nf cheen lire af
ter another In his efloi t to dodge the
rising- prices of that time. Now,
Parllv because he is 'fed UP and :
partly because the prices have re- Although an endue may con.omie
duced somewhat he Is gradually re-in1y B palin tlii rVery thousand
turning to I he practice of buying ,,,,. ,)r )s unvliM , tI llsl .
iiuullty tires. U e leel that the C-T-! )r(.vil.8 ,.XI,riPn,. uli r,.sp,., t
C. a lire bidding fur popularity on j whpn tr)1K. some time in t'le
quality alone, ultliough no higher j oourso of elu.n ,..1vnnt the first
than any oilier good tire in price, , lMnK , thp moTnnl. wl. ii. i
will ride into immediate demand on wi h0 stff ,lld c) j f r i r-11 1 1 to pour-a
this wave of better tire buying. The i sllfll(,i(.lt (8,, ,I)U(1 , (,lv,. ,
Columbia Tire corporailon h a s ,ha ..,-., to ,,rln,, tm. ,,.v,. t0
' Tho proper way to stop u car un
der ordinary clr-imstanres, wh"ti
plenty of time In available, Is to be
gin reducing speed from a point fifty
or nioik' feet from the place whern
the stop Is to be mi'.de. It Is a good
pliin win-it th' brrkes eie used to np-
uraws near the stopping place, re-t
lease the clutch. This method of aP--plying
and releasing tc brakes ii
practiced hy locomotive , engine-Hr
and It is more effective- than Jain-
mine tln-m down and holding.
Dractlrallv completed Its distribu
lion In Or' j-un and has, a" well,
strong dealer connections I., almost
cvtry city from San !!eno to
It has also been announced that
the Canal Tire company, one of the
largest tire Ihmims in Seattle, has
discontinued three natiotinily known
lire lines to handle the C-T-C Tire
exclusively. Since the sales devel
opment work of the Columbia Tire
corporation has been carried on less
than a year, this wide distribution
and the complete "coverage" of the
territory Is regarded as a splendid
achievement by local merchandising
j authorities. Mr. Aya slates Clat
there are :'.:s dealers- In Oregon
alone who aie leol.lng forward to a
i hie year in l;i lor this new pru
i duct of Portland.
the maximum maik on the imlicatoi
And remember that the use of cheap
oil Is not economy. Only the best,
no matter what the price, should be
used. Automobile Digest.
if B?'!-:i;;'i;;i;;;.'i. i
Vo accuse you of being indif
ferent to tho safeguarding of
valuable property If yon aro
risking tho repair of yonr auto
mobile with nnyijjie who Is not
cnpahlo of expert work! Motor
knowledge must bo up to ilalu In
every respect. ; V guarantee
Hall & Young
Phone 333 31 Winchester
.mi nt in-; M)i:its
Of the ninny things a lavleab driv
er In London must know before he- Is
norniitted to drive a cur are tho
i nam.s of :!::,. 00 streets, and the
nearest routes to them, all the
squares, gardens, ptirln and public
I buildings, his wny out of London to
la disi.nire of ::o miles nnd tarlotis
I ilrivilic and conduct rub s.
ll L'H.lliULU
It vrM to flrive as If owrym
lse om th- road a fooIi.:i, r;t.'
nml intdxir.iti'd. Thi 11 you knw
'hat V'n v.111 have no rridfijin. If
you driv.' r'i thai thf oth'T flf"W
has lo i'ook otit li.r you. yon may
rrifii" to m i' f. If i vi ryoiic drov
ttiHt wiiv lnottjr fjtrhUi.i' would pi!'
!p fHM'rr t!';m tin y Jiapi
yuu kirn' t!i
ri ritsvv, anil
re t-noufli and ih'-n
! It lb a poo-l i-ica 10 rtiivo ua if
j vniM)n w.n poin- to pop 01H ot v-
tv i'f f'rr.-t If y in hiirulU- thai
! rar of vo ir ith that id a In vh '.
! you will find that you are )rfpar-(l
for car renins fhot1n: uiil or
zinc's pti rite Mriv'-wa:'1 ntnl oih-r
-os of il uiri-:-. You will h" lonk
' 1 ead f -ir enonfih o thBl you will
I w ft rar oTninr it ml a( artortllu' -1
ly. Many a r k hai b''-n taiif 1
by oin- ii cuiuug lulu a Djtn
l:H7 Touring
J!tH Mght Leiivery -
!:2d Touiii.r
1'iL'l Touring
LOT 'I oiirinif
Li':: Koa.lM. r
2 l ord 1 Tea Tun ks. -u it
Other Makes of Cars
f lo vtob-t ToiirinK
Lils Min lo II Touring
LU-) Lextniuii 'loiirlng
1 Jl Ij.ikiau I Six l -iiililii:
All Cars Priced to Sell
at Your Terms
. 140
. 200
RofCurq, Oregon
What is the
Sleeve-Valve Motor?
watched a magician perform some mysterious,
i-ompllealeil trick mat iiiuazeii yof oecau:ie u seenieii
fAVK von
' seemingly
so difficult -only to have him later explain how n ally uinipli! It win?"
Yon feel much the same way yon grasp the simplicity of tho
Knight motor. Insb nd of the hiiniincrtni' of ctitiis against pmh riwla,
the clic king of sprlnus and the lift of valve liemls, you havo two
simple metal 1 e. v v hMi etfl,i Klletilly tip and don belween tho
rylltider wall and the piston, one working within the other. PortH,
or opeiiini's. In theo. sbevis register with each other nnd with the
cylinder ports tit rop r intervals, formliig hirgo and unobstructed
iases for intake and eshmist gam a.
Tun fiiiii'itin if tli'1 si 1 ves Is siinply to rc-aulrte the 'ntako and
exlinii 1 ot giii. Tin ate net i ailed iinn to hold con, in esiion aa urc
thu valves In eti.' 1 i.totoi-t.
?i parts In tin- valve uitirtitiism ot me Kntgut
ihi ttlih '-y:. parti In the'.c i:n: htmlsai of thu
et va've car In Its pipe cias unci you can then
jl- i.iotht ira-tor is rec ornieel by well posted,
is ii, t!nf li.ti.iil' -t, mot trouble free l.'-po of motor
1 her
rnoior. '
bc Ic HOW II
Uppl ei i.tte 1
ever invc 1,:
I. I lilec
Willys-Knight Motor Cars
Scrificc t.i'ijt
Pojwbjrg, Oregon
r.oscburg. Ore.