PARE TWO wa'tgimC'NW6rfBMIEW,iWrONB9:OAV. OCTOBER , ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Dully Except Sunday ii. V.'. HATES fclii'f O. BA'l ES.. ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per year, by mall lulfj, Hx month, by Piuil Ia!. three, months, I))' ""II , , ... Daily, siukIo month, ly mall Dally, bv carrier, per month . Vtijfkly News Review, by mall, pe.- year. ..president and Mauager ..Secretary! roaaurer 1 ft 1 l.ou. , py'RfffJ tn RATES , - 4,, , - n If . ' l ,1 Tr-TTt Toknov i . pm ! j & ! -- " . ...... nincf I I I i 111" I , .60 . .60 100 ... tl.mhri IS, Iwdiltl Pra. I ' Th. Associated f". l ielusiv.l .nllll.d to th. , ""F.V,!"? V-f of nil 11. dlifh erodltt-d tu It or not uinurwl.. rrodlliil n mil paper. 'i 1., at leal nw .u 1. J 1 ai . '! All riahta of republication o( spoclai aii.t..t'-M hrr. In ir also iwrviMl. HuXrfi d 1 i second tla;,s mailer Kay 17, licit), at tlio post ollice at Itoatburg, On kou, under the Ac( of March 2, 1K79. RO6EDUR0, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER )7, 1923.. . ., .. - i .x'. u '.-m NEWSPAPKK WJADIXG. ;' 1 1 1 , I Cal isalidgi'i favorite flower it the mornina glory) it chuts up early In th morning! 1 ' 1 ' 1 j Ili'Tlie first haliit that an uneducated young person who a fcin hilaous for advance (tight to form, is that of a discriminating niiiiin;; of newKjiajiers. That dot s nut mean that he must read e-.wrvthinjr that the newspapers publish. They print many things tiiilt'ilo not promote education, because the public demands to be eiflii'sed us well as informed. A climber has got to learn to pass what lightly over the entertaining feature of, the nowsjia pt'f;;and pick those will add to his information and exjiiii- if;;!- b!ut even though nesvsiiaiiers in response to public demand, dtf'tirint considerable froth and emphasize many trival hapen- h the fact remains that the careful reader of a good newspaper way, accepted at its face value is I'lts'an enormous amount of information, iherc are many peo-i compliment, pljj'jvho never had much education, but who are commonly refer rcil'lo as "well posted." These folks can talk inteligently on almost any 'subject. In many cases they have not read much but hews-j paiJers. liut they read intelligently. They have a thirst for jn iiuliiation, and they want to know what is going oil in the .worUL A!Svod newspaper will need in a few months to contain informa tion' and opinions on a very wide range of human affairs. A per H.ovwho follows the daily and weekly story of human life and has a jr' aaomtbjy good- memory, has gone 9 considerable distance to ward self education; ' The good newspaper reader should not limit himself1 to htiy one journal. He heeds both the news' of his home c ity and of the coulitry and world at large, and he needs to read all hides of jwlilrtul 'opinions. .Though the careful pewEpr.per1 reader! may never travel far away from his home town, he kiiovVs more' ofh'nl i3 going on jn'tho world than some who travel all over (hp Ljflpbo. . ! 1 1 o . , "I-ct well enough alone" is the motto that dominates many I people. It hampers the projrivss ol many Lmsime men. it uoius b.-':k.iiiovements for civic improvement Some business men look around with placid contentment, ant feel they do not need to change their methods mucn as time, goes on, or to give much aid to movements for commercial expansion in lite city. One can ad mire contentment, but that spirit alone does not push a town hIr'.k'. These are hustling times. The business or the community itoid that docs not make an effort to keep up with the new' ideas, and p oeged her pardon and. pj-tnied cciiu;! the efforts promoted by its rivals, is in danger of finding Then the tost trttoreat. ' t ti itsejf (dipping. It is not necessary for people to strain and strive Op and fret, but they mu,t be wide awake, must use new methods, " ' : ' '.philanthropy' 1 and be willing to join in movements for business expansion mid witm"c"ebut??,U ' civic development. There are many places in this country that in passing on we leave behind uV'( ( li) Vlck.'s1Vativl"'i''t; Once when a 'oi-ni.nlr I nt on a uK-r.pknlc. Il id n it ti" ""' tme on th boat and I was lonesome. I nfitiyAd an atahli)c)rf'R yennK Muti'wkhiproHii.l.t front pcih nd a rot jv niiillfi Kl rflil not f in to 'HUalnt.-U. li told me l.lf uaine a I'i..atn I Vint a VU tn'a. III Uie course "of the ton vernation troiixht up the of iqoiu-y. t irnWi 4nMpkaif earh'd tC tt-n -five terns nix tifk';'. to.,1, ft M no cut sfrf f ye foWard Ms vt'st-pni'- t, lnwrted n pi mat) and lu.xar, ana (lOnchalentl)' drew out a mack of all tu. : "Got plenty of It," li' faid liuprcn- sively, "Miw whpr? thWi came from. J Tbcrt he Indlfferentl) b t ih coins drop back Into place as thouch he didn't care If Ihey ff I! on tho deck and rolled overboard. As 1 recall now, there was is allvef doilur, two lkulves and a quarter. I I sHutf neVef iorjte the niannifl cient prodigality of bis Resture and Planner. ' Ho looked like a billion dollars. 1 meutally resolved to Ret luny and never Mop until borne clay. lih the gorgeous afnii'iice of St. ilmo W. Acosla.'I could pull a stack 'If silver from a i y vtsi pocket wiih rtic tbupih a nt fyiif a::d nay .with ifc klrsa abandon, I' Got- plenty of it. .Ilone, where this c,am .from." I As a matter: ol fact, affluence it llirgely a stale; of mind. I knew a ipait who waa worth cloc to half a million ami. he . framed consiantly J'pr fear he would lone hU money. Ui't Any III tit) deal go u rone and be ,iftuld icome down, town wearing bis mid : clothes-T-saAiJig . his Kood ones !Hi; the time hf went broke. 'rfim ttjtnri-fwitnt ni nrp nf mind. , A.girJ in th yilUge, returning horns rhe waa not n,.ariy as we 0f ua the, from la: trln. lias LSsii wonderina ever !iun..,i,..Pn ...i... i. n -hnn 01,,1 if sirco wnat would happen if anyon hie wantetd to earn a quarter, replied, were to refuse to go to bed after trisj j--Ko. null, I'se ot a qua tali." ruuiMM'i lci iiuiii i,u I.., , Al oeen .iny oiiscrvaiion mat into place. For one thing, with al'jiiiiat .neoiile. Iti .this world have a enougn to eat. anu The majority of pretty. well. Hut the C006 EVENING, FOLKS How'd va like . , I To be the I Mail man ' Packing around I oad;ip I This downpour? 'OJ ' DUMBELL DORA THINKS A torieaVial parlor Is where you have you tpnsjls removed. ! .' ' .ryss Never yo man as a brute be cause (of tho sad look his wife wears. Hp ma Se a hlimorist. I I ' i0 I ' "If my 'mother died and my father married again and. had some children wouldn't they be second hand child ren?" is a question put ; by a small girl recently. 1 ..II e ! The.llmS n- the lion will lie down together! wpen the lamb hasn't any- Uimg tire lions wants. The only Inflated thing that la reasonably cprnfortablei coach turnea lace'yj sle(,''P, ti intola blrak 'atsje nj ia: $lsnlnjc k i V'lius, tQ 'wiyi'r, green' curfairts" what IE Wobltf fhtfe'lfqiks j-et ?lons p rot 1 1 1 n 1 wlilll apteofj edhj trtincjc;asj 4eje ictjthetfl e fcfl fher,g.optJ bcl.ft 4 rotttm !llll!llllti; What wt-lll at. fie of us-do Iflttnt't were no tkiH thingciaSi ekcusfst tmd alibis. ' ' 1 ' NcvcMot the flies iat.ath you. In pi;e fcfl hi-r ood brdedinglthey have no table manners. (CJ - - England ann" France couldn't be any madder'at each) other ihthey ran slval filling, stations. .. , , ,( i , 1 , .; , - ii 1 11 11. i. 1 1 i t A LOOSINQ GAME 1 : 1 t . . She lost her poise kvhen IHe tried to hold her hand 'ami openly roboked him. 1 When-ho attempted to put i arm i.iround her she lost .her temper and im a thing or two. tuaji wth cptifidencjj In hiuiaelf gets aionir trie ciuHt.j JUje nowa mere, is Ivork tq l)e ionp jiu'd ,Uiat' he can do ti , ile)uiows tbat the simrce of sup- ti'. Is, never closed fo tlie man who wni ajipLj' uiuiKeii. liucli wiUor has 'passed 'under the oriuu, since, uie. iay X stood wup ni. Eliuo on, the deck qf, i,7iat St., John's uiver (jteaiper, ( put , me picture is as jifvld a. ever, " Even today, when tho bills of the butcher, the bakfr an,d, ,the . qlectrlc-ftiKht maker loom largj and ornjidalile,' J, can Instant ly ( woo (thy ,siirt i)( . oppulvnce by drawing a jslack. 61 silver 'out of my Weiupoiket and ndnarkiuK ronfldem- thUj .came, .front , 'it ' ; , rfr: ' , -. Miss; Adams, cnni.tuarh" you to cor- ".-'-.; t... j Jret your (OntlHi, aaii'i, silt reliance or poise and overi'filne ' your' cnibax- Liassiiient iunont; nuv.ngers. have a splendid and substantial foundation, but which ns the re- stilt of the ''I't well eiftuigh alone" spirit, have aciiuired in time a imputation as Sleepy Hollows. o I ... Claimed that American women give .SO per cent of their thought to dress, which can't be true of the girls, as they give at least GO per cent of it to the boys. 0 ' The United Stales has now a surplus of $180,000,000 but it wilj not probably have that amount after congress has been in session a few months. Kosi burg is now wvll supplied with booster nnd other organ izations of a civic nature. Some good work ought to be accomplish ed tho coming year. The Siskiyou bandits are still at law with a week's start to their advantage, which makes their chances of escape better than ever. o- Although the constitution guarantees a free press, no one should think that this relieves him from paying his Mibscnption regularly. 'ii' vo;i lie r rivli. lj;ar Folks: ;; When playing cards you sit around with eyes and mind m tjrtt. Vou do your best v. i;li what you draw and though xuu're not cjiitent. nor satisfied with what you're dealt, ro hope!eius you You know th::: when your hand's pl.t evl, you II get an olljer deal. ,, I he uealer deals to each in turn, your cards be TJjere's .'ascinntion in the thought they may be low . KJ'ead them out bolero your ees, you're set to try tiugh you still hold losing card you feel no scn -e f.ri you'll draw ".other hand which may be good t that's full of Kings and Queens, then satisfied you pjy your cards a:ul w in a game or maybe three or ft mr.e uiii i;;h,e a u :cii you 11 multiply your st'ore. !! The game of Life is just the same. The dealer tU,K .iiMumi. ' often cards of little worth, within your hand are Tii,..'s n(if the time to nhow disgust nor feel th;:t all is KsU Co pUy yor' !iAid the best you can regardless ot the cost. 1 J j Another deal is on the way, it may bo gtxid nr bad, but pro;;t' bythe tricks you lose, and by the cards you've had. Sir,e davi vuil'll hold a winning hand, that played with b-kill and br.i:i s iaM you with the w lituers and reward your for jour pains. Note-books for the other guy . ' I' ' . ' Thia mad and heartless striving aft or money soems especially wicked to tnoso of us who can't net any. A ' ' "A. dinky little phonograph aaid to a graphoprtone, "Your rccprd is ex tremeiy punk; 1 fo, not like your tone, men said the wheezy grapho phone unto tho phonograph. "You're full of Jazz and soup and prunes, your vi iiviniiys noiKe me laugn.' Europe keeps the brink of war all messed up with footprints. 1 scopolamine, the new drug that ic supposed to render its. subjects In capable of lying, will never" become popular among politicians. '" Can you ever bonvince a man just starting on a motor trip that rain ,1s ever needed? " 1r A thing of beauty may be a. joy for evsr hut it is usually in expense, teo. " ';. Everybody Wnows that only about 01 tho .telephone, rails art important, but nobody is biiave though to take chances en Ignoring ul cther two-thirds of the ring . ' ' One redcrming feature about keep Ing bachelor's hall when youe wife, ir gone is that you can at fried thicken with your fingers. . Sjt Mrs. J. Fuller Gloom says that wher Mr. Ctoom comes home in the evehlne even the goldfish hie under shell The taste ot the pamt is remember ed loig alter the, rapture, of the -kist II forgotten. $ fVnjted Prtss.). .,,1.. WASH1XUTON. OcL 16. President ("oqlldse has Riven no consideration to the sustention by Governor l'incliot of rennsvlvania (hit. the president lake peisonnl rhare of (he prohibition enforcement, it wttk nakll'on .hieh ati (horlty at the Vi Bit l lloq.-e. While Pp direct reply wan nido it the I'lnrlkK ri'cninnieniliMion, It waa made known (h;ri nowlnjiD Uie dirertion of Assum ing persitnal nj-ipiUMibijily tor (!) dry law- i nror.v aiepl wi, coptornphtttd by the president. ' mi ' ' '- -i AlSIffllife MUM , cHauffcur, or . . , t feiV ii bfeBka ir house you are f "IT'ST0ATtD'y Hj)y, sure of getting it by using our daai. I Ss. ' SQ rS3l:'l c'vert'sement columns. I . . a ssav AIITll . T F "iNll .eBl riaymiminl" lli-nm 11 Hold r'ortli IMirliiR the KeKiiliir fonvinlion (International News Service.) ' " SAN I'liA.Jt mco. Oct. 1 . The national convention and promenade of l.a Sociele des 4U Homraes" et 8 Chevaux. "playground" order or Hit- American Legion, will be lu re (ins week In conjunction with the fifth national conclave of the Legion, which opened today. . Alvln W. tinrlack, chairman or ar- r neements for the "ion sir oik gatherinK, and his committee of local boxcar brigadiers havo drawn up an attractive array of entertainment and festivities for their bi national conclave. The "40'n 8ers" claim tQ be the "live wires" and active mem bers of the American Legion and their program is to be run In spare momenls. . Tha feature day of La Soclete will ke Thursday, October 'IX. when in addition to election of officers the French1 rail riders will hold p. strict ly "Forty and Kight" street parade it 7 p.xm. liach delegation- will be lined up.alpbabi-tica.Ily, by stales (or, the march from Union Square to Post and Market streets to the Civic Cen ter. Following will be a great enter tainment in the auditorium, succeed ed liy the annual promenade and the initiation of I, UU.G "Knots." under the direction of Grand Conductor 0- 'L Trumpeter, of Califoruut. ' . ; The, official -program rvally open ed "sp.Tnrday, two da-s before the l.enlnn convention. Saturday and Spnday' being occupied with regis tration, tnioimal receptions, nievim!;a of the national cacniinnts and fight setjing. The conferen-'e formally be- Tan today, followed by open, house in Chinatown .and North Heach and a banquet for national orfirers and grand chefs at Ea(jle Hall Monday Ultllt. Wednesday's session will culminate In a big Legion illuminated niRht parade. Vou can pick up tome tstoundinj bargains, too, in furniture, silverware, in tact everything in house accessories from pins to pianos. A wonderful way of doing business with (dr. culation) people quickly, conveniently ud inexpensively. . ' 9 JWfli tt' 1-'" if -at nllsii'nssinnnsmi CAN BUY 'EM!- CAN SELL JEM! . CAN RENT 'EM! CAN TRADE 'EM! gTt You can do most any old thing by making your wjntiuj. this column. It la the market barometer for miscelianteuaJ selling and trading, wonaenui raum u attainea. Finis line (five words make a line) and four cents a line for eidiiic Insertion. .... ' . ( ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PACE Does your neighbor say, "I haven't did" or "1 haven't went" or "1 done." liefer her to Miss Adams and the Good .English class at the Conservatory. WANTED 7 1 1. -(- 1,1 - - WANTED Turkeys, large or Bman. ( Phone 14FJ.4-IioyerBroa 1 WANTBI) Good milk cl. Write; P. O. 865, ) i WAXTKl Girl to Uo housekeiping. ! ;ie "123" News-P.OTiew.- - ' LOST- FOtt. KKNT-Catage..Ca!lt: Pine. LOST AND FOIT FOL'NLi Child's tri-cycle.h at News-Kcvlew office c 3 - It. Vv'ANTK!) Children to care for ft j Zi w. ixiuias. rnone WAN'T'El-ilecLaotc t ilosebur: Garatco. Munt be abla lo do. lathe work." T MISCELLANEOUS TO THAUE 4 horse Hoosier grain drill for i-noinc drill. Phone 41i'12. N'oe Klasses it la Tortoise, rim. Flndtr kuiii Revle',7. ' ' - Ii' YOU HAVE lost 1 pom d Pmi ConiBMiJ all idr:' tents; - :,' -i ' . LOST Gold -KluuVft) l cap. Uetween List V: Jackson and Cass. Km:, to News-Review. CAlt OWNttf l-icai't forget to call 603 when In nead of auto parts.! Sarff's Auto Vrvk!ng House. FOR SALE llCILDl.NG EASEL) ClosinR out stock. Everything reduced. Moore Music Store.' 324 No. Jackson. (UK SALbi-Csed pwa M 60c each. Phone I7. TliAIXMKX ASK lXCIlEASi: Ton bail, hinthrr; you nhr growing ulrtnt and rotnnd: You can avoid tl bv consulting Miss-Adams. I'OKTLAN'D,' Ore.. Oct. 15. An Increase, of 15 per cent In the waw scale is asked by trainmen nnd con ductors In statements filed with t'fe norlhwestern lines today, according to an announcement by j. H. Rhodes, chairman ot (ho Order of Railroad Conductors, following his return trom a meeting of tho group at Chl cago. The reriuest Is n nnrt nf nuilnmi inlnvement following a iin.iiilmrni vote for Increased wage's on a refer mdiim hiiiong the trainmen. tatsencer cnnduclors' nav ,m,! r WHY not try on Oxo Gas burner, burns kerosene In your stove or heater. They are convenient, clean and economical. For Immediate de livery call 42UY. FOR RENT FOK JIEXT Two 615M ill St. for kknt- rooin apartment. -1 1IKIII1 ill'Ue Willi ud 111 I T!li , r turn s.ti.mi.-. mi 0-0 v . i-iiiie. FOR SALE Vetch, It lb. a: Y'oncnlla, Ore. FOR SALE CO to 76 I bunch. Phone 3SF14 I FOR SALE 2 male setter is Spanrake. p.nst Ave. S51TL I FOl4H (IJ:i3-iicli nv. r 861 :,!ililary st. A. A. ft1 FOR SALE Old titen,kc j bundle. Xews-Rev I FOR SALE OH KENT-: ranrh. Call Mrs. M. HJfe SALE Oil KEXT-1 rA t'OH RENT safety . deposit boxes Husehiirg National Bank. ( FOR KENT Furnished apartment. 520 X. Jackson. r.trm, 2 mi. Rt. 1, Box 29. FOR REXT-157 acre from tuvn. M. Howe, he new- scale would Imruase from !FOR KENT Fifty ffve neresfland. '-''" iimc ill i r n 4 ini Im-m. Address S. K, ' . "Review. . FoirSAllclid caiiwi Backs f 1.00. Delivered air blom, l'J F 5. . FOR SaT.E f-'ouie ni J' soon be fresh. E. A. K" luu-i'. Or.-. won in cive them an average Tf 10 S'2!i a month. Vl:V YOUK Oct. 15 Zev and rpv. HIS Who will have H.ti- n.vt S.I.I unlay, rantend out of the spurt Innellirht today so that It mlsm fliinej with full candle power on the world's' series. 1 lloth the .-.tar of thn Rancorns st.ihl I es and the English i)r-rby inn-r whe j ate tr- rar a'' li-l;nont Fark for f f pruie, e rriscd lishtly b it mv.real I lire l.'i.fs were ttiiiteA. Tomnrcfw Tnp.i'rus Vill 'g-t tiiideV .saddle In earnest, with A stiff waik out H-.edii(ed fur him by his trainer l!il Jan is. 1 . . , If Kidneys Act ' Bad Take Salts Says Backache Often Meant You Have Not Been Drinking Enough Water Tlie.l.nulish thoroughbred tomorrow v.-ill nigcj no aeuht are ' made Ir!;:, ' . v ",u ln- reih'rodue 1 K'lHl-:lu:-- d tu his champion inr- 5 ,t One nure two j'ltrs old. H. LIri IJosebltr FOR SALE Fresh salmon F. O. II. Mapleion, 50 more. Fish shipM T. J. Nei lv. MsliletoD.J1 ...i. .1.1., I,ir trSCIM1 RENT Two nicu clean furnish- World take h.iy in c-wl14-" rooms. Vse of : 7r,. Lindlilom, Di-0" loimng the Kinney Addition. Apply to m is. I'. Sinnott. i'(Vi; REXT Five joom house. Mostly furnished. Permanent couple. 211 W. Washihe.t.i'n. loll RENT 7 room moilei'n plaster- ed house. Also 2 small fnrm.'. Phone 30J. . ' 1 oil ed hous.keetdne phoni. and Piano. S2"i MiliT at funiu.lie-d Hot Call 1 and j -io ; il . V.e.l'tl ,r (.,-rv jock. Mirriaacs no deuht r 1. "'.l'"" IV 'i ho wilt arrive on the I Heaven, hut most of the urell-rin.rier 1 ' ,!""';fl'' 1" Tide the derby winner in ;aie arranged cn the po'rct, swino' I I"' mt.'rptirtnnat -vTs-lsic. The little. ' -4- -Si ,1 l.rslistr ridr thinks highly oT his . 1 - X ..- 1 m.ain!. alie male plain when sailed "'' printed apara-iwith the matenient that "Papyrus Is Q'spi a owna woman who, a'ter he Kri-ntui. ninin horse "ig 00 led by a married man, sor,est f, o - Is ,!.. tulv VH aruuninter. wiUv rr th. all toe species I t.itosc;:. Ovt rider ijirl ,s.,1Hl. reccan!.-cl any ,aunfl wr,n B0 atno diatm. Hi..; ' i ;vn,i, r j..vVey , 0:1 Auicu v. Ji. h suck OTdclih-e marks a- are.i-;. '. ' c 1.' . C...J w , . ...1. v--n by ever, ln, most tightly mar. Mm 'Zev h.-.s h . ri V.likim: mtt :it led i:-c.i w.ii get very little ataisUnie p m..nt Ta-k. alrht.m-h e.-Vci.t N.v. rom . n-e-e tatoow lahel. : ' ... Nh- ,hii ,:p wheh me has X.X X ' 1 ' ntnpmir hts lasitst ' i.."i. rairt. mitiuieii . w.,ii.v- rn i) out by th'.Wwvh-! hhtv. When you w.-kc tip wiih bark.n-hc anj " '-" ln ' sc Ktaucy resign 1! n-.iv mean you have been caiii.R foods winch create auds sVs a well-known autlior ',' .-V' cx" of si'6 hcids overworks the kii.neys in their ctTort to filter it fr..m me bmsl aji.i thev hcc.mte of r:f-il.-l aid !,,egv. When vour kid ?7 f'''-m'n and ch wo roust "line Il'.cin. i'til; KEXT-New cosily time room apartment, cold wai. r. Xo children. Winchester. Phone 1U3. ' I'd:; REXT-Very reasonable, lure Pfrtly lurni-hed old f;..shloned h '. Fine for family with number ot ihtldr, n. See II. W. Kir,.,.,. ui "l"a Valley p.alik. COX-CRETE JilXeJKH"" baK Jae-r with a r .... ishaPC. IT, 111 Hlfl "'' " ,M Write F. P. Obce. burv'. ... ... t 1 - o.., nml 1'Uli p. i, 1 . & wheel ecii.!. rs and rwa r- Stones.neid camp way. F. P. Obee. Intrir. Federcl Power Commission ! I .(.' will K lliil iiiUi;il f..c i I..S..K. J- . """"C. . "C 'v '" z''v-''l'fu raw. - 1 O ! 1 v""r 'eirti- of the rontr.ii t, the i'rv'.: C-M. J. tJI : ;,s"' 'l-ilion v. ill r.-celve l.,o.i'.,io if (h.- -j- tv ira, 'n rail fftw.en 3 h. m.'iml 1 n n "These holilied haired Camscls haih-Ic,xT"'1 mt '' n'h of an inch, so p-rtickiar ' tneir hair bem', " " ; o-u " '" rJ ' ""a J " S-lck'I.rj". Fr.-h S! i;... I,-.;,,, r-.t - ...ww.. t .iiixn.ujs. t.rui., 0ur 0u toiuaineis bewe!,, romovnuf a!! the Uh!v', urii'ious IJ.vte cl.e y.vj have backache, sick hi.v' .ehc. !,:; p,:i; jnrir st imacll scar; terc.,-.' coated aid w'tcn the wc.ncr ! i k,. vou have r'.iettmatic twmKej. Te.f nri;,c is c'.ondc, fu'i f ' c,-.t.l, I . .. . ? " 1 ' ' e-i fti:K-.i to 1 two or l,:ree ii-;:Cs duri-K il.,-.'-I'.licr c a.u't a p -, !, rc'.i,! , ci.-.n nt .nec or r -t l"r a Ximt 1 ci-t lb. f: -:r v. ., , 1 , take a! .in n tU'.r ' bet. re hrc .kt..-t :or a ire d Jor Lalero tin.- then act t:-,c iamom nil. i. i,ndt- from re it. , . h.i ... 1 . .' . ' . r to ....... .: . . in-ir;tc s k 1. nc.s, a,.o .t i.,-.-:r,:i,c ac;,:4 ; , sy.em, so tlu-v ro Icii.-r irritate. 0:S ott.n rcli.vx-v: H.,y.r r(i... 1 p..m -'' .t i. i:..xr,-,..ive. cunV.- f.. th fit-. r'.r,. ::.' V ' ' ' - r v .....,. r . -r. 1 .11 c ., twuc a jcar. ek ri licf t'i''.t. ''e n!: .i-('arfsa- f w.vrr ys r-,1 . T.n r.ei 1 , f "hi'led tti-.h has In compi,.,,0 with the forai VVa. t. r Power Aet (41 Stat.. 10(53) notice is i iti'M s,v..n that the California Ore- -on low,;- (nTeti.inv f f.rnrA rtM. Iil' .l an application r.iverinir i'i '.1 Illlll'lltnt rxn v...,. T : .vo Section 11, T. 26 S.. I't'ineltially on unstirvpyed '" I'nited Plates. Any ohiec- : h a -,,lieatlon. or reorient for ' ".n. to-.-eiher with anv ' . s. or other data for whirh '"'I is desired, hould he the Executive Secretary. r Commission, Washing- j ' con a i..M. r C':a R.v. H. S W l:mds of tie. 1 to , 1 I'.. Mir. mtif.. r. sot Fi ,: ton c. Forcret tlie unpl: experiences, yu have had with J-T ine doitf by oM '-H methods you 1.. v.itjr daint-e1 parel dry cleaned ' feet safety. rt "'": )s'V.r ijJucji at !e..,t MATERNITY HOME N' ,1'k St. phon, 4JO o Mr. D. Grnwell ei'enti crivilege-" to hv own doctor their 'J tdv nUR Wr Phone 277-0ur 1 ur AJJ t