i ir.r rniiB Don't Get Excited! Over some bargain that is offered you and buy before you sec us. We have some bargains ourselves occasionally Clover and Rye Grass Seed Cheat, Vetch, Barley, Gray Oats Wheat ROSEBURd NEWS REVIEW, SATURDAY. OCTOBER , See us first, we can save you money SPECIAL: 15-Tooth Spring-Tooth Harrow, $18.00 (Roscburg) :THE MISFIT By JANE PHELPS J LOCAL NEWS t u Arundel, phno tanw. Pons ,8, u Eboe See us first we can save you money Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange ;2ttp , t -v i i J , told yuu there waa Kosebur? ana uaKiana RELIABLE TAILOR We make Ladie" Suit Men' Suit Phon 149 J. H. BERNIER Wm Da Altaratlone Cleaning and Praaaing Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpqua Hotel) 4125 eutiKcrlbera all the NewaHuvionr. buyers read PROFESSIONAL CARDS . DR. M. H. PI.YKll Cblrupratlo HIT alclun. 114 W. l-an fit- A, LOCAL NEWS X X In Sutherlln r t il AITKIt j A Natalie lUtened to Horace' 'pleading, everything In her cried out ; to go to him ro on hla term. But her pride arose In denial. She would not give In not to that proud old woman who beca lm bIib inuat, I had yielded, and while yielding had ! safeguarded her name from gossip. I A Muhborn look rroshed her face. Horace aaw It, and crew apprehen sive. Waa Natalie milt going to de ny him? Again he began to plead. I lie told of hla mother' llliieaa, hla 1 anxiety, how he had suffered while he waited to talk with her. Then he i told of hla Joy, hla hurry to catch o .t ttt hia humiinena In thinking he would aoon be with her. And hla d alto. eek. You have , lolron u v " Mntu (A .aill "Kilt I a ftfl 1 told yuu there waa only one way 1 I. .1. . i i,i I wouitl ever return lu ;uu, unu uiai. wan if I went into a home or my own. I kive you. mure I think than you love me, but not even my love will make me change that decision.'' "Hut it will he your hiame now, Natalie, and " "No, It will atill be her home to come to as misti er, . when she choosi-B. The servants are her aer vunts, trained by her." Finally Horace ceused to plead. "Shall we lake an apartment on Park Avenue?" lu. asked. "Anywhere ao il la ours," Natalie replied. "And you will come to me, be ila mis tree: v UhHh In the "Cpatalrs Grande!, home. At Horace', earne.t ,Shor. .t Bellow Co. . r'ullu? KhSS: . Pa,n,e.a r.cU,n of clothea. Those !ie could not wear 9, Maonic i-i' because a bit out of Btyie w a" ill kinds of electrical repair work. Hudson Electric store. to Ktta. Horace'a wile could 001 oe anything but up to date. 8he hired ner own servant and i woduct. 120 W. Lane waa auperlatlvely happy. I U ittic street Orders delivered. Phone 177. waa tenderness Itrelf. always think- , atreeu ( Ing of her pleasure: trying ; D t waI, com, m and see our new knew, to make up for al that had , Don I wa... c happened, and for which lie mam .- himslef. , "Oh, so gladly. Horace! I'm ao ed. Juat aa aoon aa her house was run- nlni. mnr.tiilv Natalie 't about making heraelf a "fit lf for ""r" ace." She read and studied; she hired a woman, unknown to Horace, to come three linns a week to con verse with her. the took up muilc. All this when Horace was out. Th-lr evening were apent together. She waa neglected no longer. Beverly Ralnsford had called, not once but several times. It waa long hefore he broke through the crust of suspicion and dislike Natalie had put about herself, then one day she said: "Natalie, I want to be your friend. Why won't you let me?" A-niazed, Natalie did nut answer. Beverly went on: "I have always wanted to know you better. I tried when you were first married, but you always held me off. Let me come closer to 'you, Natalie.'1 "lo you really mean you want to be my friend? Naialie finally ass- tending to business. U. S. Mineral Surveyor Civil Engineer 0. 0. Stewart, 248 No. Jackeon Phon 7 In Town Yeatcrday Mr. Nhurtriuge. who la a resident of Looking Clues, was III town yesterday attending to business matters. In Town Yeeterday Ralph Knight, who in a resident of rnnyonville, was In thin city yester day transacting business. FOR SALE Registered non-shedding Angora bucks, two and three yeara old. Aleo gradea from pure bred aires. W. 0. PAUL, Rt. 1, Roaeburg Mra. Crufcb In Mr. K. C. (irulib of Myrtle Creek was in this city yesterday (.hopping and attending to other buslnesu mat-tem. I uu, .Mliaue. "Then teach me how to be like yourself. If I had lieen like you I never should have done what I have. You heard Mr. Crandell call me a 'misfit.' I was. Hut I will not al- wiivh he. unit If vnu will helD me ly returned from Europe, are at the I lllli." "Help you! Craig Harper's Hps curled In a 1 sbould love to. aneer wlieu he saw Beverly Ruins-1 From that day Natalie Crandell (ord looked relieved aa ahe read. and Beverly Ilainsford were almost There would be no scandal, no talk Inseparable. Tactfully, kindly, liev- tlred ao tired. But I couldn't come any other way I couldn't." In a few days Horace had found r...,iiM Ward snent vcKterday In t un apartment to suit them. Until he uilii illn visiting Willi friends and at-j uid ho they went to the KHz. The paper ciiruuieieu uicir iin:3i.ui.t. "Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crandell, late Why, Natalie, I n: ,. mnvM to Grand Hotel Barber Shop. Crocker and Ciilbam. 1924 Hupmoblle touring car now ; $13S0.OO. Koseburg. Glenn H. Taylor. I Try our way with a Meadow Lark Electric washer. Easy payment. ! Hudson Electric store. I Take the stairway to Hlcb Quality 'and Low Price hoe Bellows Store Co. ; Lloyd's Taxi for easy ridins. Spe l clal rate on country trip. No trip 1 less than fifty cents. Phone 44. Do It electrically, with a Tnor wash er. 1 10 down. Hudson Electric store. We demonstrate. tc nianoa a ftnviii Vutium cleaner . In your home. Hudson Electric ''ore. j We deliver. E. T. Dana has bought the Camp' ground restaurnt and solicits your; patronage. moi Tt'iiie'a Vntehr tniirlnir car now $1393.00, Koseburg. Clenn Taylor, Dealer. MOOIcE MUSIC STUDIO, Kinder garten, 4 to 6 years. Dunning classes. High school credltB. 324 No. Jockson St. Phone 502. First in news, first In features, the morning Oresonlan. Special mail or PERFECT!! 1 ik xivmwi o within tae J No danger from drafts or Campnees of a Perfection cozy glow. We are now displaying the complete line 0 ttfyj Oil neuiero null) cumiiui, uma vunuioi, ur DlaCL yj goi youra auuu, vtuuo mo mwiw i ewu Churchill Hardware Companj The Wincheater Store There would be no scandal, no talk .Inseparable. Tactfully, kindly, Bev- " See agent C W. about being reunited and ao forth. I erly showed Natalie where she lack- er tc for October See gent, C. . .i ...i k..i..h in 1 1 tt.o nit u u'nvn Horner, oil No. jacason su It was Beverly who sent the paper ! ed, helped her In all the little ways to Mrs. Crandell, who wrote hur that that are so. important to women of uhe Biiould 'call upon Natalie, try to i social position. And had it not been be friends with h Dismissed from Hospital Holiind Loffer of Tiller, who has hi en receiving medical treatment was dismissed fro Mercy Hospital yeaterday. Ktta and Clyde missed Natalie. She had seemed almost one of them. They were very grateful for Horace's kindness, that had gone far beyond tue gltis ne orougnt mem. Nuialie mad" one more visit to the for an occasional troubling thought, Natalie would not have had a care in the world. She loved Horace, he loved her, and she was fast becoin ins; a real wife to hi in. Tomorrow Autalie Adapts Herself At Im-st Horner, 6C1 No. Jackson st. Tiice Creek Raw nnd Planing mill Is readv for orders. Call or write for prices. O. C. Weikcl, Dillard, Oregon. Phone 22 F 35. the out of town people who spent Bev- j Returned Home eral hours in tins cny yesieroay snop ping and attending to other business. FOR COZY COMFORT Use a Perfection Heater tat" ' ; CU'im I)t'p'iiiltMo ami i'livii,) vr lliau any othr hrut. Wo irry a full llii( of New mul l'H(Ml Oil Hi ltl'TB. Parslow Furniture Co. Ill N. Jackson Street Itoaeburg Oregon Over From Oakland Mi 1. P l.'ann itnil nun were over r,,ti lluklnnd Yosferiluv KUll Silent SI'V' eral bi.ura attending to business iuut-t lers. Attending to Buaineaa Mis. J. 11. Crouk was In town yea terday from Looking lla, visiting with friends nnd utlenillng to busi ness. Here On Buainaa J. n. Lamb and It. K. Lamb, who rfr side lu Sutherlln, were among 'those who were here yesterday on business mailers. From Glide l ami lr NT Snider were among the Hilda people who were in town l no ivy shopping una attending to other business. Vuil.1iltmann ulin haa hoen unpnil- Ing the summer in Centialia, Washing ton, has returned home. Taylor's Special Treatments for Cat arrh, Diphtheria, Female Complica tions, Dyspepsia, Pneumonia and Heart have no known equal or supe rior. In use forty yearA Taylor's Spe cific Co., Roseburg, Oregon. M f"l rt Rutin.! Joe Hutchinson who resides in Til ler w:i4in town yesteruay auu touay attenulng to business. Spent The Day Paul Mahoney of Portland, and sis ter, Mrs. H. Little of Oakland, spun yesterday in this city visiting with Mi. Fickle. In Town Today Hneh kitrhie. who la a resident of Garden Valley, was In town today at tending to business matters. From Edenbower Fred Vcrrell who is u resident of Edenbower, was lu lliis cily yester day attending to bublness and vi.dt-Ing. liWOUil CHIEFS" METLASTK1GHT his thines. hut ihi. - - '- not. aiiempi any pubUt J Hii WlllBfUJtnl onn miul with n .l. 7 .. .1 . v. u . puL noseDurg and boo uiv may Umpqua Chiefs" is the new name of Roseburg' booster organization which is composed of livewire mem bers of the chamber of commerce. At the meeting held last evening It was voted to change the name to "Ump- iitq rhinfa"' frnnl- th "Hmnouas" it being declared that the new name is more outstanding and will serve to ex plain Itself to those not acquainted with the namo "Umpqua." A committee was appointed last night to take charge of a trip to Klamath Falls on next Friday to par ticipate In the Natron cut-off celebra tion in that city. It is expected that two autos of "braves" will make the trip from here. The "Umpqua Chiefs are planning Over Yesterday .Mu's It mil Cuenoweth, who resides in Oakland, was over yesterday shop ping uud atleudlng to other business. Stopped Here- Mr. Aldreson or Marsntit ui stoppeu in Ibis city for several hnurw and vis ited with filimils and attended Hi bus iness on hH way to Medford. Mr. and. Mra. Stcarna Home Mi. and Mrs. C.eorge Stearns, well known Oakland people, who have been enjoying a visit of several weeks In points lu Cul I iiirn la have returned home. Mr. Dyer In Mrs. C. K. Dyer, who Is a resident of Myrtle Creek, wan ill Koseburg yes-1 terday shopping and visiting with friends. I Mr. Stgl From Remote- Charles Sigl, who is a resident of Itemote, is spending a few days in this city ou business matters. SKINNER'S Superior Macaroni Products TlVy ro r It h hi nutritive alnt, rommuiiiK tint Ih-m food I't.'inrniH of ltiitliuiu wtu'itl 1iUti the body Only 10c pbckgt We havo a mlic lMok for you ECONOMY GROCERY Phone 03 Here Yesterday L. K. Kirk, representative of the Ameiiian ltailway Kxprcua Company of Sun Francisco, spent several hours In tkta city yesterday. Mr. Kirk was un his w:ty to Portland. The Cleaning of late Frill nnd Winter garments sliou'J begin at once in order to have tlicin in tlic best of sliiitc. Vi e will give them y-r- $ fctt cleaning nnd prompt J service. L In Town Yesterday Mr. and Mis. i:. Shoemaki-r. who le tesidi nis of Miiehell, were among TAKES HOLD AN9 HELPS Colds th.it "hang on" ahould be gotten rid of, for no one can atand the strain of racking cough, disturbed sleep and irritation of throat and lung. Marie Heitlcr, Freeport, III., writest "I had more or leta of a cough for yeara and I have taken quit.1 a number of medicines. None of them takea hold and helpa like Foley's Honey and Tar." Thi old, reliable coukh avrup promptly helps coughr, co'id-v croup and whooping couiili. Conuina uo opiate. Children like it W.F.CHAPnIAN You will be interested In the study of "The Life of Christ," tlirected by Rev. C. 11. Hilton teacher of the Loyal Men nnd Wtimen'a claims at the Christ ian liiblo school. To Locate In Yoncalla Dr. Kdllh WlUel, left today for Yon calla, where sho will be located in the future. Dr. Witzol has been practic ing here nnd had her offices lu the PerkltiH building. I'he Loyal Men and Women's class of the I hristian Bible school invites you to join in a series of lesson on The Life of ChriBt. C. H. Hilton, teach er. Every Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Mr. Garrison Here T. il. (iarrison was over yesterday visiting with friends and attending to bUMncs. Mr. Garrie-on is a well known business man of Oakland. LfflSaSi; R Give your bundle or B I basket to OUU wagon and 1 it will come back spot- H lessly clean. B NOTICE TO CONTStfl Notice la hereby c will be received mi L day of October, 1921, ltd ing and addition to tat Cn house, Douglas coumj Sea) No. 68, Curtia, Ore, iTj with plans and ipecintaaj by J. K. Ford, Eorene.Ow All k!.H itl SJ All UIUUCIO Kill W n posit 110.00 as a wa1 the said plana- udsjau good condition. Signed at Curtia, Qnet day of Oct, 1923. P. A. AiNUn Chairmu d Mai W v.CHiPIUI cmI Your Shoe Repairing. We are now located in shop, and are ready to handle all the work in this man's town Two Entrances to Shop On af 714 M Main frAf nnrl the other ii K Shoe Store, North Jackson Street Bring in Your Work and Get It Done Rip W. S. HOWARD GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRER Bonks To Spend the Week End Mr. and Mrs. O. C. linker left yes terday by motor for Portland, where they will spend the week end. The were accompanied n far aa Salein by Mrs. Kae Ked, who wilispind theltc week end In that city. i in Will Spend the Week End Miss (iladys Durland, who Is- an In structor in the Sutherlln school, ar rived here this morning and will spend the week end here with her parents. HOLIDAY CARDS Mrs. Charles G. Stanton Teacher of Piano, History, Harmony Progressive Series High School Credit Res. Studio Res. Phone 75-J I'- rB Order your holiday cards now. A! bcauiitul er.jt raved lino to make your i-tton from. Orders placed dur-1 n'Xt thirty days will not be : Killed Lu fuvo January 1. 1924. Don't i iMay. Ncws-Kioviow dftice. Former Officer Here t'. J. 4ircvn of Salent, arrived in UosebuiK tcnlay to spend a nhort time'TO HOLD POSTAL EXAMINATION hunt in u. Mr. tln-en iti employed with! - - the puMlc service ctnuniisaion. During The civil service c mmission ix ar- I the war he was captain in the i'oast inniui; Tor examinations to le he( in' lArlillery, and wa contmaiulinK nffi-jihe near fumre to fill the ofr.ro of jeer of the I'ottHKe Orovo company of I'ost master Siark at Sutherlin, made 'the Oregon National iluard before thaticnnt hy the death if Charle Stark, jcotnpany was broken up. lie has a At the present time W. J. Hayner, (fiue homestead near (Hide and il!jthe former postmaster 1h serving. The j sp nd hw vacation mnktni; Improve-1 post ofiu e department hai reque.stt'd He,:t! there and hunting. that the ( :mnnation be hehl. UMPQUA HOTEL Roseburg' Finest" NEW ANO MODERN The people of Douglas County are ijvlted to make their head quarter here. W. J. WEAVER, Prop. TUBBY vArvr cV AIR 1922 Ford Sedan..,. - 1921 Ford Touring 1017 FnA T..,: ' v a ViU 1 VUI ...............-' 1922 Chevrolet Touring.! 1921 Chevrolet Touring Ed Marsh Motor Co. 131 South Roae Street A Anotlier Invention Goes Wronjr X ! PANDY HEAD t -v - v ' I 1 TRY OUR WAY Phon 277 Our Auto Will Call ...v.... I'X ntfTcn IC UlAIMn iGThT TlNAp n.vt.MG Foot 6 ML 00T miRu.HtS PlGGED UP A Htr0-0t..l l-Oli PtnsLl.F THrM i k SCREAM. HE CERTAINLY HAS A VJERN IM0CWI0US - H OOE A PERSON 00C& TO SEE HIM PLAN HES SO r SPENCE & RIGGS Expert House Paintera. Free X Estimates Given P. O. Box 01 132 N. Stephen X ' teMee4MMataa rsv WINNER rZ) I II I Fsav. josieTN CTTX II ' I I J fi r rr-r... ... . I .V aYvy'e) 1 i wv ' I 1 J m ft,Y nvl y iV "MF AM HOUR . , COMr HERE ,Tllf)' i i . - n . :c ii I . s si I . i a I I i VF.Vifl ! '.',: V-..1 J T- i. . lj,''.i C3 I W-V J I Wil IxNll - - I UTS If wmM mm i.ttd