Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 06, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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OA ' rA
I .i,..iinn to this page. society, women a clubs, and personals,
K .ehoboned to the society editor by Friday ol each week,
kd be teUP""" Telephone No. 135
'-f-'Home Wedding at ' I0' tne "t0,7, of "Trovatoro by Mrs. N0 Host Partv
H e .. 1. c J4 i Heinllne. Illustrating her talk with t J, , . " I'
jutneriin Sunday ! phouograph records of the opera. Mrs.! Wednesday Evening
f : A wedding of much Interest to the'"0111"118 a" ""a'8'1"1 hy h faculty i A uo host part wax given on Wed-
younger set In Itosebure took nliice , of the conservatoiy ami a committau, ncartay evening for the Dleasure of
suss napnne Mullen and Miss Alia
actlvltn-B of early winter fclfcg to Sponsor
o....i.isn anil . . 1
,d clubs innumerable arc
bvewura or
ll&enV e
associations, mo ..
" ....iiiurv. the many or-
L that are the backbone of
ill ills' Itti.
,1 fabric nave
',rt meeting, and with high
and programs moi ...
,he civic life of the com-
Ky have ueguu iu --
'iter side, from which cornea
and brighlness In the fabric,
be neglected. The dancing
also looking torwuru iu mo
,e Initial Klks dance will be
October 18. and a wcll-
oroeram for the amusement
v ,., ...... .11.. ho n.nrlr.i.1
blie Will evemuuuj ...........
Jl Convention or
E. This Month
hnual convention of the Ore-
nt-Teaches associawuu win
the twenty-tnira to me
sth of this montn. me
of the state association nan
ill the officers, department
district presidents, coun-
dents, delegates and mem
ucal associations to meet at
on the twenty-tnira or uc-
rst meeting of the conven-
he held Tuesday evening at
Hock, which will consist of
from all the local asso
Following this the presl-
t deliver the "State Presi
nual Message," and after-
oclal hour will be enjoyea.
fcnedo hold both the after-
h evening sessions of Thurs-
Ashland and arrangements
(; made to that effect.
Roseburg Parent-Teachers'
re members of the Southern
district, which .will be hos-
sr the convention this year,
members will be well rep
ind arrangements will be
til the local associations
very short time In regard
bnrentlon. '
Whern Pacific railway com-
mm special train, Tuesday
11, proriil ine one hundred
fntj-IWe tickets are sold
om Portland, Salem or ln-
te poum. The special train
v tie union station at Port-
Besdir morning at seven
fc'ciock. This will make It
I or ill the delegates to be
lord Tuesday niRht in ample
tne opening meeting. Ar-
ota for this train have been
mi if it is definitely known
c required number of per-
iming the special train will
ine trip will be made much
aunt and time will be saved
special train.
d Mrs. L. M. Lehrhach. well
former residents of Rose-
no have been on a vacation of
in this vicinity, left
fy morning for Willamlna,
fy will visit with Mrs. Lehr-
parents for a few days. Thev
me nrst of the week for
me in Twin Falls, Idaho.
lower Exchanee
pting Event
pnouncement Whbh baa haan
1 with a great deal of Interest
lower lovers was that of the
lower Exchange" an annual
Jarted this year by the Rose-
"" uiub. The first ex
will be held at the rhamhn
"leree building, on Friday and
; . j . uer " and is. Cbofce
'rues or rose cuttings and
wieu rOSI'S. lutronnlnlo
fry and cut flowers will be
F1 lew Con ua..i
otiictal Roseburg rose,
Given in h,..
very reaiinnaKi . i -
. ', - V""U,T3 V ces will De
ua the nroreoHa win n
ary fund.
FT Cub Tea
,la,e of the nerf Pn,,. -i..k
rlr.''''1 """"need as no
LP'an" Vet been made.
ti.A luB 1881 tea, u
' 'he ladle, of the club will
l0' form of ih
" 'he w nter -t..
d Use'. " YC""n,7.CiVb h."
T "h during the
ibiy ' z:'rtr mon,h
,llf Uvea in L.?
"rge danceTaVpl:
10; 7lTel re a
Pi win V,.Tv. v nom ' Ea-
lt. Mr. i- " UV ruesl of
week. m Wha"n. for
bJ'J'1 ''here'f'orThe
" next two weeks.
Formal Dance
The members and ladles of the
Klks lodue are looking forward wilh
keen anticipation to the opening
dance of the season which will he
held Thursday evening October l.Sth.
An effort will bo made thin year lo
have the dunces more formal than
has boon the custom, although the
charm of the informal parties will
still prevail. There will be progres
sive curd games In the ladies' parlors
for those who do not cure to dance,
and the season promises to be the
most interesting yet sponsored by the
Klks lodge.
Annual Reception for
School Teachers
The annual reception of Ibe Rchool
board to the teachers was held on
Wednesday evening In the hiKh
school auditorium. The presidents
of the various Pareut-Teachors' as
sociations and the wives of the mem
bers of the school board were' also
in attendance. The annual recep
tion Is an effective means of foster
ing a closer relationship between
the Parent-Teachers' association, the
board and the teachers, and the
friendly relation resulting from the
social meeting ! felt throughout the
school year. A dainty luncheon was
served at the close of the plehsant
oventng of music and conversation.
Mrs. Brockley Is
Hostess Friday
Mrs. R. L. Urockley was hostess
on Friday evening to the girls of the
local telephone - exchange, compli
menting two of their number, Miss
Alta Barager and Miss Daphne Mul
len who have been transferred to
Los Angeles and will leave Sunday
for the south. An evening of games
and muelc proved to be very enjoy
able, and a dainty luncheon was
served by Mrs. Brockley.
Dinner at Boswell
Springs Hotel
The members of Yoncalla Com
mercial club and their wives motored
on Wednesday evening to Boswell
Springs hotel where dinner was serv
ed at seven o'clock. In their honor
the hotel was a riot of colorful au
tumn leaves, and the same delicate
foliage was used at the table. George
H. Todd, actlnsr as toastmas'er, call
ed several speakers to the floor, and
an Interesting contribution was an
original booster poem by Mrs. F. II.
"All hall to Yoncalla!
A star in the west,
Home of our fathers,
For the eagle a nest.
Bathed In the s'lnshine.
Washed in the dew,
Yoncalla, my city, I believe In you.
rievernl well arranged p'ano selec
tions were given by Mrs. A. C. Brey-
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. I.. P. Miller. Rev. and. Mrs. J.
R. Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Avery I...
I.asswell, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis
and daughter. Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Christie, Dr. It. F. McKalg, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Todd, Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Satehwell. Mr. Bnd Mrs. George
Kdes, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rupprecht
Mrs. A. C. Brcyman, Mr. E. T. Sten
The daughters of the American
Revolution will hold their first meet
Ing for this year at the home of
Mrs. R. H. urlnsted sionuay alter-
noon at 2:30. This Is to be an Im
portant meeting, as the afternoon
will be given over to planning the
work for the season.
Mrs. Fleischaker
Is Honored
The seventy fourth birthday of Mrs.
In Sutherlln at eight o'clock Sunday
morning, milling In marriage Mls
Mario Vogelpnhl. and Kdwln 1).
Smith. The following account of the
wedding appeaiod In the Sutherlln
One of the prettiest home wed
dlneg which has ever taken place In
Sulhcrlin, was solemnized at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. August Vogel
pnhl on Fourth nvenuo nl 8 o'clock
last Sunday morniag, when their
eldest daughter. Miss M:rle Mnud
Vogelpohl, became the bride of Kd
wln !). Smith. Rev. J. R. I.nnib, of
the First 1 -resbytcrlnn church, offi
ciating, using the beautiful ring ser
vice. Preceding the ceremony, a de
lightful three-course breakfast was
served at 7 o'clock, at which all the
members of the wedding party were
present as follows: Itcv. J. It. I.amli,
Miss Mario Vogelpobl, Mr. Kdwln D.
Smith, Mr. Maurice Vogulpohl, Miss
Kva Vogelpohl, brother and sister of
ihe bride, and Mr, and Mrs. AugUBt
Tho bride looked very pretty In a
brown coat-dress with hat, gloves
and shoes to match, and for the oc
casion the spacious home was taste
fully decorated with dahlias, roses
and ferns.
Following the ceremony and con
gratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
took their departure by automobile
for Roseburg. from which place they
departed on train 53 Sunday morn
ing for lx)s Angeles, California,
where they will visit for several days
at the home of Mr. Smith's parents,
and will also visit other points In
California. On their return they
will bo nt home to their large circle
of friends at their apartments In the
Grand Hotel, Roseburg.
The bride Is one of the best known
and most popular young ladies in
Douglas county, and has a very large
circle of friends both In Sutherlln and
P.oseburg. She Is a graduate of the
Sutherlln high school and a young
lady of many pleasing accomplish
ments. The groom Is a locomotive
engineer In the employ of the South
ern Paoific company, and for the
rast year .or more has resided in
Roseburg. ' He is a young man of
pleasing personality, and has many
friends "among those who have had
the pleasure of making his acquain
tance during his frequent visits to
Mrs. Houck Hostess
for Mrs. Canon
For her neighbor, Mrs. W. H. Can
on, who is leaving soon for Medford
to make her home, Mrs. Georee E.
Houck entertained a fow intimate
friends of Mrs. Canon's Informally
on Wednesday afternoon. The
Houck home was very prettily ar
ranged with a colorful quantity of
fall flowers, and the friends spent
a pleasant afternoon with needle
work and conversation. Mrs. Houck,
assisted by Mrs. Walter Hamilton,
served a dainty luncheon late in the
! '
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunhnr, of Tort
land, president of the State Federa
tion of Woman's Clubs, who visited
the Roseburg Woman's club , this
week, was the house guest of Mrs.
William Bell during her stay here.
Mrs. Pedeson Is ,
Hostess to Club
The members of the North Side
Sunshine club were the guests on
Jhursilay afternoon of Mrs. A. K. Pe
arson of Edenbower. Mrs. Pcderson
was assisted by Mrs. F. Bowen. Those
who enjoyed the pleasant afternoon
were: Mesdames E. P. Ballou, F.
Bowen, C. R. Cnvender, M. Colby, W.
Fisher. L. Goodman, L. W. Engles, H.
R. Cronke, S. W. Starmer. The next
meeting of the club will be at the
home of Mrs. F. Bowen, on north Win
chester street.
Reception For New
Paster Thursday
The congregation of tho South Me
thodist church complemented their
new pastor. Rev. Stewart O'Dcll and
wife, on Thursday evening Willi an in
S. FlelBchnker was the occasion on I formal basket supper and reception in
Tuesday evening for a gathering of
her friends, at the home or her uaugn
ter, Mrs. Irvin Brunn. The affair
was a surprise for the aged lady, whn
was presented with an engraved gold
pen. Tables were made up for bridge.
Mrs. Ben Zlgler and Mr. Fred
Schwart winning high honors, and
Mrs. Fred Schwartz, and Mr. B. W.
Bates, consolation. Those who gather
ed to do honor to Mrs. Fleischaker
were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fullerton,
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bates, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Zlgler, W. N. Simpson, and Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Brunn. -
Mrs. Brand Will
Be Hostess Sunday
the church parlors. The pastors of
the various churches of the city were
present to welcome Rev. O'Dell, and
several speeches of welcome were
given at the supper table, L. A. Dil
lard acting as toastmaster. A social
evening with the congregation follow
ed the supper.
Revue Will Draw
Roseburg Folk
Eugene will draw many Ro3cburg
folk on Tuesday evening when the
Black and White Revue of 1924 will
show at the Heilig Theatre. This Is
one of the outstanding events of the
theatrical season, and several auto
loads will leave here for Eugene on
Tuesdav afternoon. Julian Kiting'
m r. a .ill he hostess on 1 the famous U male Impersonator, and
Sunday afternoon between the hours ; Tom Brown, whose musicians are
of 3 and Bat an exquisitely appointed 1 known from coast to coast arc the
tea ?rh heti atVe Overland Or-, headlines In the revan. carries
chards. The members of Mrs. Brand's a cast of .0 people, u is
vocal classes, and the faculty of tho Pierre offering.
Heinllne Conservatory will be the I , '' ''
guests., A distinctive feature of the ; pup;s Gather at
afternoon will be a trip through tne , , . ,. (-nserVatorV
nrehnrrt. .here th eraoe picking and Meiniine Wns'"'
packing Is at Its helghth. -
if U
Miss Iris Rice, daughter of Attor
ney and Mrs. IVxter Rice, Is
reported as being quite 111
at Euger.e. Miss Illte had entered
the rn!verl1v of Oregon but was
A pltasant event of Kridny evening
n the Catherine ni ine ueniillie
servatnry, for
which Mrs. C. H
vmiKiseil of Kldress Juild. Thelitis
Oluistead, and Helen Fa Ibe. These
social evenings will be held each
The High School Parent Teachers
association will have the first meet
Ing of the year at thu Hlyh School
auditorium, Tuesday evening. The
work of tho year will be planned at
this meeting, uud the entertainment
will tie provided by the Boy Scout or
ganization. ft ,
New Idea Club
Starts New Year
The New Idea Club of Edenbower
started on Its sixteen year Wednes
day, meeting at Ijiurelcret, the home
of Mrs. F. A. Stewart. A delicious
luncheon was served by Mrs. Stewart
at one o'clock after which a business
meeting was hold. The greater rrt
of the afternoon -was spent In planning
the work for the year which has Just
begun. Although the club has always
responded when solicited for worthy
objects, It was decided to give special
attention to benevolences In tho fn
turo. Work on Christmas glrt.i for un
fortunate children has already begun.
Three visitors, Mrs. Kdsall and Mrs.
Berks of Edenbower, and Mrs. W. Cur
tis of Seattile were entertained. The
next meeting will be held in two
weeks at the home of Mrs. Meade
Eastern Star
Have Initiation
The Eastern Star members met on
Thursday evening for Initiation and
social evening. Three candidates
were taken Into the order, and the re
mainder of the evening spent with
social diversions. Supper was serv
ed in the banquet room, at tables
made attractive with-'tintilas, roses
and other beautiful tall flowers. Sev
eral Impromptu talks and toasts were
given by the officers - and visiting
Miss Lollta Lough, who has been
on a tour for the past four months,
returned to Roseburg this morning
Miss Lough has been on an extended
tour throughout the east, as far east
as Nlagra Falls and as far south as
Kentucky. She, with a girl friend,
who has been making her home in
Corvallls, motored east through Can
ada, to her friend's parents in Mon
roe, Michigan. They also stopped In
nellowstone National nark. Miss
Lough returned home by f rain,
Past Noble Grand's
Elect Officers
A pleasant combined business "and
social evening was spent on Friday
evening, by the Past Noble Grand's
club of the Rebekah lodge, at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Pickens, who was
assisted In entertaining by Mrs. O. H
Pickens. Officers for the ensuing
year were elected, Mr sJ.ames Hutch-
ings, president: Miss Mur Fisher, vice
president; Mrs. M. H. Plyler, secre
tary; Mrs. Hnrry Hatfield, treasurer;
and Mrs. Effle Schwartz captain of
the degree team which will be form
ed in the near future. The retiring
president, Mrs. Plyler gave a short
review of the past years work, touch
ing on tho accomplishments of the
club financially and In visualation of
the sick anil strangers. Mrs. Plyler
urged the club to greater activities
along this line this year. The rooms
were very effective with a color mo-
tiff of pink and green, tho club colors.
Party Honoring
Mrs. Stewart Tuesday
Mrs. E. 11. Stewart, past depart
ment president of tho Legion Auxll.
lrya, will be complimented on Tues
day evening with an evening parly
which will be sponsored by tho mem
bers of the local Auxiliary. The par
ty will bo held In the club rooms of
the Legion, between the nours ol 8
and 11, and all members of the Aux
iliary in the county are urged 10 at
tend. Mrs. Stewart Is a charter
member of the Legion Auxiliary, and
was Its first president. During the
past year "he has served as depart
ment presldont, and has been lude-
tangaine In her work ror tne organ
ization both In Roseburg and In the
state. A delightful social evening Is
being planned by the members of the
Mrs. Fisher Is
Honor Guest
Mrs. W. II K'sher, who left this
week with her fa'her. Rev. I). T.
Summervlllo. for Hawaii, Australia
and other points where she will ro
main for several months, was com
pllmented on Monday evening with
a dinner, given In her honor by the
Book club, formerly the One O'clock
Luncheon club. The dinner was
served at the 1'mpqua hotel at seven
o'clock, and covers were placed
around a table r ntered with a large
cluster o' rimila. for Mr. and Mrs
V.'. H. Fisher. .Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ilubar,
Mr. nnd Mm. Washington Hughes,
Mr. end Mrs. Chsrles Whar'on. Mr.
and Mrs. M. F. Hle. Mr. and Mrs
William Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Heinllne, Mrs. Grace Thlbodeau, of
Mars Hill, Maine, and Dean Bubar.
ATter the dinner the group ad
journed lo the beautiful new home of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bubar on Kant
Lane sfeet, where games and music
He'nllr e was host, ss to all the pupils ! oceupb-d the evening hours. A daln
of the conservatory over twelve years iy luncheon was served hy Mrs. Bu
nt ace Small tables were made up i bar. fssl-t-d l' Mrs. Be'l, Mrs.
B,.v(.rat of tne rooms lor euros, anu mifne. niiu .-n-- i mi-,.-,i.-h uh.
in s. win. . ... 1 171. 1..,. . .lrf illh o .Ilk i.m-.
taken suddenly 111 several days aro. '" ' hmir, ouli-klv. brelln .url a milr of kid cloves as
ou iii a 1nirHiircr a itnnn i n.'i i c V .. 1 .
VZl Ml lo w nor. J An Interesting feature was tne idling . farewea guts.
I'arager, of the local telephone ex
change, who have been transferred
to Los Angeles, and are leaving Sun
day ror their new home. The the
atre, was attended early In the evet
nlng, followed by a dainty luncheon
at attractively spread tables at the
alace of aweets. Covers were
placed for Miss Daphne Mullen, Miss
Alta Barager, Miss Flo Schaefer, Miss
Mildred Mathews. Miss Ella Ander
son, Miss Merle Slrader, Mrs. Charles
icbomnker, Mrs. U. L. Brockley, Mrs.
Alice creason, Miss Gurnet Wilcox,
Mies Luelln Brown, Miss Adelln Bern
Is, Mrs. Clarice Jewett and Miss
Lela McComas.
Informal Wedding
Wednesday Evening
A charmingly Informal homo wed
ding took place at the ('. J. Swift
home near Dlxonvllle ednesday
evening, uniting in marriage, Miss
I.eona Swift and Mr. Chester Main.
The ceremony was read In a bower of
fall flowers and greenery by Rev. H.
L. Caldwell of the First Baptist
church of Roseburg. Miss Una
Swift, sister of the bride, and Mr.
John Hamlin attended the bridal pair.
Only a few close friends and rela
tives witnessed the ceremony, which
was followed by a wedding supper.
After a short wedding trip they will
make their home In Roseburg In Mil
ler's addition, where Mr. Main re
cently purchased a home.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Main are grad
uates of the Roseburg high school,
and have many friends in this coun
ty. Mr. Main Is employed by the
union Oil company.
Auxiliary Will
Have Open House
In accord with their usual pro
gram on Armistice Day the Legion
Auxiliary will sponsor an open house
during the entire day for out of town
members of the legion and Auxil
iary who wish to be warm and com
fortable. Hot drinks, and probably
doughnuts will lie served. The lo
cation of the open house has not
vet been decided upon, committees
having been appointed On Tuesday
evening at the regular meeting of the
Auxtliury to take the matter In
charge. The Auxiliary Is also laying
plans for a Christmas bazaar to be-
conducted the week preceding Christ
mas. Miss Beehler Wins
Honors on Needlework
Miss Edna Beehler of this city re
ceived five first prizes In the de
partment of needlework at tho Ore
gon stale fair. Miss Beehler re
ceived the largost and best prize that
was offered at the fair In (hat de
partment. This was in class 114,
lot number 27, and consisted of a
collection of needlework not less than
twelve or more than fifteen pieces,
and waB offered by the Oregon Art
Needlework club. Miss Beehler en
tered fourteen pieces. She also re
ceived three first prizes In class 113,
which contained artistic silk embroi
dery. Miss Bochjcr received a first
and second prize in the cotton em
broidery lot, which was class 116.
Many of the pieces of embroidery
are now on display In Crouch's hard
ware store, for which Miss Beehler
Is bookkeeper. She was highly com
plimented by the Judges on her ex
quisite and artistic work.
Word has been received by Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Porter that Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Fagan sailed this week
from Ilnvre, France, for New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. Fagan who reside In
Iindon, England, will visit in Cal
ifornia and will then come to Rose
burg, where they will be the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Porter. Mr. Fagan,
who has been with the English gov
ernment for u number of years, has
retired, and with his wife will visit in
the stales for somo time.
Woman's Club Honors
State President
An opening event of much Impor
tance In club circles was the lunch
eon on Tuesday sponsored by tho
Roseburg Woman's club for Mrs.
Sadlo Orr Dunbar, state president of
the Oregon Federation of Women's
Clubs. The luncheon was served at
the South Methodist church, covers
being laid for thirty about a table.
with an artistic arrangement or zin
nias and dahlias. After Ihe lunch
eon the ladles adjourned to the
Presbyterian church for a business
and social afternoon. During the
business meeting plans were made
for the various activities of the club
In the winter months such as art,
literature and music, and a commit
tee, headed by Mrs. Foster Btitner,
appointed to mnnicn tho Fall Flower
exchange to be held next week.
Numbers were given by Mrs.
Charles Brand, vocalist, Mrs. Jessie
Mcltae Melvln, pianist, and Miss Flo
Adams, dramatic art, all members of
the faculty of the Heinllne Conser
vatory. An Inspiring talk was given
by Mrs. Dunbar, who opened her ad
dress by saying. "Pink teas, how I
hate those words." Mrs. Dunbar Is
an Interesting talker, and Is well
versed In women' club work. She
spoke of the vast power In iho hands
of Ihe several million federated wom
en, working In their local clubs up
tnrough the International Federa
tion, snd urged that all women work
together for the best Interests of the
community, the state, and the na
tion. The various departments or
the State Federation, particularly
i y if Hi
An announcement of much Interest
in musical circles 1b the engagement
here on October 10th of Alex Skov
gaard, famous Danish violinist, who
will play for a concert at the Hein
llne Conservatory. Skovgaard ovlll
lie assisted by his wife, Mrs. Alice.
McClung-Skovgaard, a pianist of ex
ceniloncl excellence and the two will
give a well balanced program. He
will play a (13,000 Strad at the con
cert hero. Another Interesting fact
concerning the noted musician is
that his hands have been Insured for
laO.OUO. The violinist has received
tho hUhcat praise everywhere L has
played, a New York paper making
the statement that he bad reached
the scholarship loan fund, and the
endowment fund, were also explain
ed. A luncheon was served by Ihe
executive board of the club.
The next meetlnr; will be on Oc
tober 16th at tho home of Mrs. Wil
liam Bell, when Hon. O. P. Coshow
will address the Indies.
Mrs. George Sewell of Roseburg
and Miss Jeanle Bulck of Corvallls
chaperone for the Gamma Phi Beta
sorority house there, wefe gueBts of
Mrs. William McCall Wednesday eve
ning, remaining until Thursday. Sa
lem Capital Journal.
O fl
Mr.'and Mrs, S. O. Selleck have as
their house guests this week, Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Crawford, of New York.
Mrs. Kate Neate left on Thursday
flic San lA-andro and Oakland, Cali
fornia, where she will spend several
Mrs. George Kohlhntren and
daughter. Miss Florence Kohlhngen,
left Thursday morning for Grnnts
Pass, whero they will visit with
friends. They will also visit iu
Klamath Falls before returning
home. Mrs. Kohlhngen and daugh
ter expect to bo nway from Rose
burg several weeks.
runs that one day a municipal coun
sellor from this village came to the
writer with the request for several
of his books for the littlo library of
"Certainly," Dumas replied, "I will
send you a copy of each one of my
tiflfl volumes, but. In return, I de
mand a yearly Income of twelve mel
ons from Cavalllon."
In France the melon Is moBt gen
erally served at tho beginning of tho
meal as hnrs d'oeuvre or after the
soup. It Is served on a plate sur
rounded with chopped Ice. Most
Frenchmen prefer sugar to salt. On
ly a few take It for dessert.
The thrifty French ho-jsowlfe Bavs
tho rind for melon Jam. She uies
the thickest ones. Peel the rind
and cut In small pieces. For a
pound of this use an equal amount
of sugar.
Melt tho sugar with a tiny hit or
water and add tho rind with a bit
of lemon. Let cook about two hovrs
until the mixture has the
of Jelly. Put Into Jnr and let
stand three or four days before Cov
ering with paper.
Recipes 1
of Society
I'ggs n la Auroro
PARIS, Oct. 6. Eggs a la nurorn
make an excellent hora d'oeuvre
when one tires of the usual cool sal
ads. Prepare a good quantity of rice
and cook with salt water so that
the grains remain separate. Make
a thick bed of It on a large platter.
Boll hard nt many eggs as needed
and distribute over the rice.
Make a good tomato sauce with the
Luncheons, ItrcnkfiiMt nml Suppers
The plain damask table cloth Is
correct for dinners and breakfasts,
but not for luncheons and supper'!.
The luncheon and supper table 1.;
"bare" which does not mean bi-i'e
as It has a centerpiece and plrce
dollies as well as dish dollies. It l i
also rorrect to have a cloth thnt ex
actly fits the tabln or one thnt hai":s
over the edge. These cloths ini'at
be elaborate, nnd no sllonco clofh
must be used. '
The decorationn and settings
practically the same as for a diner
except the napkins are much smaller
and am not folded the same. Thv
re folded llk a hnnderkerchlef In
four folds. The square Is lnld on
the place plaio diagonally with t'
pulp of fresh tomatoes and pour It i ,,,,.,,,, or embroidered ccr-
over thj eggi
while warm.
ami on tho rlco. Servo
Carrots Anna
Eat more rarrols. French doctors
say they contain Important minerals.
"Carrots Anna" make a favorite dish
ner pointing to the edge of the t a
hle. The upper corner Is turned '
der about a quarter of the diagonal
length; then the two sides are rolled
loosely under, making a sort of pillow.
The bread and butter plates
In the small French restaurants . used for luncheons, breakfasts an I
whero the cooking Is the very best, suppers. They are put on the lert
even If the prices are low. side, Just beyond the forks. Bulti r
Clean and cut Into sninll pieces mav t,0 put on the table, but usuallv
young and tender carrots. Blanch for i u is passed. The bread and butter
five minutes and put Inlo caserol
with a large piece- of butter, a little
bouillon, sugar, salt and pepper. Let
cook slowly until the liquid has al
most disappeared. Add another
largo lump of butler nnd parsley nnd
shallot finely chopped together with
a spoonful of rich meat Julee.
Serve garnished wlih fresh frontons.
plates are removed with the salts am'
peppers. The service Is the same
as for a dinner. All carving Is done
In the kitchen.
Lndles removo only their heavy
coats at a luncheon, and go Into the
Cluing room with hat and gloves on.
At a formal luncheon the hostess
also wears a hat. The gloves are
taken off nt the table, never sllpned
j off the hands and turned back. Tho
Melons j veil mny be removed or turned up
The melon Is the chef-d'oeuvre of over tho hat or nose. The usual
the summer, once wrote the famous hour for a luncheon Is half past
Alexandre Dumas, who thought there, one. By three tho last guest should
was nolhlnr! better In Franco than I havo departed unless bridge or Somo
a melon of Cavalllon. Tho story (Continued on Tago 5.)