"AGE TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEV Issued Dally Except Sunday . 7 ' ' ! - - II. W. KATKS UKHT Ci. JIATKS . -President and Manager Hecretary-Truasuror SUBSCRIPTION RATES tally, per year, by mulL Idilly, tlx uiomlm, by ninil. linlly, three motnlm, by "mil Ially, siiikIu mouth, by mail Itally, by carrier, per mouth Weekly Mows Hovlew, by mail, per year.. I m m m w i MK.lAMfftlV 200 loo BYBZR1 j. BATES Jbv .60,' 1001 i , i Feeding the Rattletnake Sweet Pickles liafcti V The Aworlatil rrraa. To Antn'-tatMl 1 excliialvajy ntltlt-d to the use for republlcatloa of all 1f;.Mt-hnR rrftdftnd to It or not otl,rwU credited In Hits papar. no io i. ,, ih.wj iumipoi n-raia. aii ritfuia or republication of special dll'Htt hm hirlii aia also rtaervad. Entered us second clans mailiT .May 17, l3u, at the post office at Itoseburg, , On-ron, under 11; o Act of March 2, 1879. HOSEBUHG, OHfcCON. FRIDAY, 6EPTEMBER 28. 1923. ADVKIIT1SIXG "MOSES" TO SAVE THE OREGON GROWER Id its issue of September 2.", the Morning Echo, of Bakers field, California, tells of successes of fruit growers in Kern couii' ' ty who have sold their fruit this season, realizing as J."). 'JO per .o for pears and the Echo says: "Latest returns from pears shipped from the Tehaehapi re gi n show the growers to have netted $..20 a box nearly 10 cents a pound for those reported upon up to this time. Over $2,700 others have hope cheata, GOOD EVENING FOLKS Hava you started Your embroidery On the gueat towela You re goin' To give away Thla Xmae? DUMBELL DORA THINKS A tuning fork la one a feller uaea In eatm' aoup. Fishing would be fun if artificial bait would catch fieh ae eaaily aa it catchea fiehermen. high US Since worry make, a man bald, I what a pity he can't worry with hie I face instead of hia head. Pretty girla are ruihed incessantly, a car has been netted to the grower and the Tehaehapi pear men got out 27 oars of pears this season. The Tehaehapi growers are feeling good about this season's returns so far in spite of the fact that there was a short crop of pears. Apples are good, however, and the shippers expect to get out twice as many carloads as they did of pears." J hk; mutter was brought to our attention by a California orchard owr.it, Of courae inaecte have bralna, how elae could they figure out where you are going to have your picnic7 Nothing la harder to get than easy money. The reason that fiah have acalea who admitted that the pears of the Golden State ! i! .WJ0."!' .h've uke "I"" were inferior in quality to those grown in Oregon, yet the pro-1 duct grown here fails to bring the top prices received for the j the truth about kate fruit of the .southern stale. The grower then went on to say that "Tni doc '" cried little it was a question of advertising. The Golden State growers nre ""'why did I ever date -er?) ' known to be spending vast sums in the aggregate for advertising" Vour taste," thought I, -is aureiy their fruit i:i the east. Before they did this, they were crippling i Cref,'! .. .,.1 : along just as Oregon growers are doing today, accepting whnt 'S"$"$ , ine loum jjei, wnun was barely enough to pay expenses and a The dynamic of the hour for the living. The east, it is alleged, had come to look upon California ' nowehh'f ' hur dve!'tiinfl lruil as a superior product. Advertising has made that opinion. j. It is also true that much fruit grown in Oregon has of late years! Cieaniineaa is next to godliness; been sold under California labels, but the growers did not get thedirt,n" ' "ext t0 eviiir,sness. price lor it, because it went throtiirh nnckimr hon. wlm t0 tlx. -t x Jong end of the deal. While some of the Oregon pears have this season brought growers a little belter than two dollars, that is small satisfaction comti:irel uilli il,., fi- .i,.n..Vu r' n... Tehaehapi fruit. The only thing to be done by our growers.is to1 Th. ,, ?, S for lleep ,nd. iiiorougiiiy organize and tnrough their associations carry on an in- ,h "y '" lyinu about how little ot telligcnt advertising cumjiaign w hich will bring their products t ' " we 9'u the alteiitioii of the eastern consumer. Southern Oretron fruit I -n. x i,. I i '' in vnuii Jiuiw The meanest man in the world is apples, pe.us, cherries, prunes has no superior in any locality ' the n3" who: tinder the shining sun. In fact it is better than fruit irrowiii J. V c.lvc hl on 've centa to Oo to ., ,i , .. .... " i uen wtin ......t ,.i mi ntvuuiis. us navor is unsurpassed, the fruit is colored, me .size ls oxreilent, and when consumers PASSING THE BUCK. X.: How did the ascident occur? Y.: Each expected the other man to be a careful driver. i 2. out aupper. Then aneaka up to hia room and 8 highly! discover the " ,hs nlck' whin hia aon aleepe. iruih, there will be a demand for these products that will snell ina for o.inn nVu"., mor"- success lor growers here To accomplish all this will require an outlay of a small xrcciiluge of the sales, but the results will far! When Em1"0?"" nation announces I I . . -that It Varrii n .s.i- mti.mi nco mat expense. Advertising is the only thing that will up- it i, aiw.yi well to turn thm one "cards are on the table, face ...... . " i-i -r. '"- wen io turn i ring all tins about, and the News-Review urges growers to get ov" and " ,hev arc a" ,rom down to business in this matter and secure markets for what they I have. Sineo aihertising is merely the process of iiiformiiio- thnl public of what one has to sell, the way to gain that point is through liberal, constant, consistent use of printer's ink. 1 -o Illy Wlrkua Wamboldt. 1 ' When we examine the subjx't of dri-aina we find tbat theory attrili uloi Hum to a wide rHrity of ihiiw-h, ranging all the way from In dlKistion to snlrltual manifestation Moat penpln dream and animals do also. J have aeen ray d'? ehaa iii( a rabbit In his sleep. Ho showed the 8f.mB exritement and iie! Ifleti Urally Ibe eauie lanRuaKe be employ ed when actually after a .Molly Cot tontail. I am Impressed that dreams are often crazy-niili reflections of our dnily thoiiKhta and experlenci-a, like this one for Inntance: I dreamed I waa atandlne; on my lawn In the dark. I could hear a rattlesnake but I could not locale him. Having qualms about step- peine on a rattleanake. I called to Alice to bring a flaahileht. There he was right at my feet, rattling away at a great rate. He had on a pink sun-bonnet and was amoklng a cigarette. With me Jtltied to the upot, Alice and I argued the situation. "We must divert his attention, " said Alice. "The very thing!" I concurred, "(let him something to eat.'' Then we had a lengthy conference about what it should be. 1 "I have It!" cried Alice, clappini; her hands,. "Sweet pickles." "The very thlnir," I nunt'd, "But we haven t any sweet pickles." "I'll make some," Alice declared. Leaving me and the rat'lesnake to keep each other company In the dark. mm nurrlt d. lo the garden and pulled some reen tomatoes and darted around to tho kitchen, from which the rattlepnnke and I soon sniffed the savory odor of hot uniced vinegar. Whereupon the rattler crinned and winked at me. I knew then he was open to reason. Shortly Alice came out the front door with a neat tray on which was a purie ot gorgeoua sweet tomato pickli'B. She set theo down on the Kruinid and called ehtlringly, "Rat- tl.vT Ratlly! Kattly!" The rattler caat an eye over his shoulder, spit out hia cigarette, un- wounu nimseir nnd alld across the lawn to the dish. Ho hcfan to munch tho pickles ecstatically and to purr contentedly. Alice and I, arm In arm. delighted ly watched him at hia feast. Isn't he having a lovelv lime?" exclaimed Allco. "And wasn't he pa tient? And I agreed with her. Nov what In the world would make a man dream a thing like that? t,3 xahev t4r FROM THE FACTTOY I roll your jtiirgf2r OWN WTIH Kll t rn ia croix Ta JbSSf 1 CAN BUY 'EM! CAN SELL 'EM! CAN RENT 'EM!, CAN TRADE 'EM! most any old thing by making your wants k i. It ia the market barometer for miscellan. "'T n.d. c. "n afTT You can do jj this column. selling ana trading, wonaenui rosuue are attained. Fjv. Ilium tMini-rtm Mik m line) and foup cmntm m lin. .... - - .-rHCBllj- ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PACE WANTED 7 cause they did not label their toma toes as fruit. One commission house. was docted a dollar off on caen i .MIDDLE aged lady wants housework or restaurant work. I'hone WAN f E DTurkTya, large or-small. Fbone J 4 F 14- Iioyer Bros. WANTED A gentlo fresb cow, Jersey preferred. Apply to Mrs. P. Sinnott, jtrinlng the Kinney Addition. WANTED A7lle pickers for aboui three weeks. Apply to F. G. Ewens, box he shipped labelled aa vegetables. Tho authority upon which the ar rests were made Is contained In tho ) sections of the food and dairy law, j reading as follows: The term "mlsbaniled' aa used herein applies to all articles of food or articles which bear any stutement I design, or device regarding such nr- tide or the ingredients or substances I contained therein whi h fthall be found lo be false or misleading in ' WANTED Apple pickers at the Over back of Garden Valley school. WANTED -Men to "work- In rock quarry. Five dollars for eight hours w ork. Phone or write It. E. Harness, Roseburg. ........ STATU PIIICKS IXWLMKXT t 'TWAS ALL HER N A fat girl, by name, Adeline, Had a ehape that was tar from divine, "I know It is bigger. Than Kellerman's figger," She said, "But thank Heaven, It's mine. "Laugh and grow fat," says, an old The News-Re-view is glad to note that the county court, in its recently assembled budget for I Ml has included" a reasonable appropriation for the offices of county agricultural agent and iuiu nun inspector, boia very vital acquisitions to the agricul-'M?r'nB- But ,at P"""" can t see any Uiral interest.-, of l i s c tv. .Mr 1'imni.v l.,l ..r i u.. '""" " "u0n U0M n i'"- ii'K inn, nns given an ecellent administrat.ion and carried forward much conslructiv? v.irk in an agricultural way, ablv assisted by Mr Carjient. r as county fruit inspector. If Douglas county is to con- v i'i"sier us agricuiiunil interests cannot lie i-Kiiti.il ana t,ie larmeraiKi lruit grower are entitled 4o the Phr incur midst. lullest co-operation of tho county, stale and government that1 x x mcir interests may be guarded to the fullest extent. "O The lUi'ull Wo are not interested in the re call except as a spectator on the side lines, ho far the game has disnlav- cd no spectacular runs nrnuml ihr. nd. Nobody has farrled the ball through center for-a touchdown, lint i no various yell leaders, thev. we confins. inirlgue us. with their an tics. Chief of Ihesc Is the Oregon Journal. It has the opposition skin ned n mllu. It waves Its arms, turns iomesaulls. flip-flops, grows purple In ihe face and demands to know WHY Mr. Pierce should lie recalled. The recall, it snys. is only for those extraordinary occasions when there Is apparent malfeasance In office, or words to that effect. If that were true, why was a recall law- passed? ruder ihe Journal's present inter- pi elation nf when a governor should he. recalled, we already had plenty of iii.icninery tor tno nurnoso when this vionoiis weapon of the trinity of The average girl asks if he has a I l"'nu"" Kovernment. tho Initiative. car before she asks if he hae a iob. " """""m a Iw" adopted j. j. . uri were XXX the statute uuv. Pierce Is goin- to drap in on us any particular and to any food pro. duct which Is falsely branded. Cup Ital Journal. land Orchard. Good place to cump by the tiver, or meals at the hunk house, :r,c each. Phone 31 F 5. FOR KENT 157 acr -JrJQ-LJtowe, Rti J LVIU Llt-Vln .... . Lt oieepinj roo of piano If des-1'r.iH r..r? ferred 134 So s.ZCZ"" I'tirin. FOR RENT 10tcroriver""E miles from city P. 0. Sa,n Plenty rru.t. Free soil L "1 O1uox 263, Roseburg. Ql FOR SALE Used PH BOo each. Phone 37n "I VltU Blt'V T..Z.:,. 175.R " ""'Tt lluoiinv ('oninilttee Why do tile real promoters of Ihe so-called Pierre recall not come out In the open? Why do they not pre sent themselves, and their motives for public Inspection? Why do they hldei behind a dummy committee, a com mittee of men scarcely known even in Portland? The recall movement! was tremendously weak originally. It wns further weakened by tho so- called charges on which the recall i WANTED wns supposedly based. To sweep away all respect for the movement,! the promotetrs and their designs to be securely hidden behind what is uiithlnr; more nor less than a dummy committee. Oregon Journal. WANTED Middle aged woman to keep house on ranch for two men. Woman with boy who can do chores while attending school ' preferred. Address S. D. care News-Keview. WANT TO TRADE in sec. good led fir, 4 million ft. 16 miles out, on Coos Hay highway. Easy logging. J4U00.0U for city home, or close in acreage. Will assume. Address "Tim ber," 40." 2nd. Avo. So. Phono SS-J. This Is a Studebaker year. Saleswoman in an exclu sive ladies coat and suit shop In Marshlield, Oregon. One who has some knowledge of alteration work. State experience and salary expect ed in fiiwt letter, also telephone number. Permanent position to right party. Address S. M. care News-Renew. FOR SALE-VeTcMcltTTDT for salk 2 narntnr roll 17K v BC1 FOR SALE Old paiersTEcTrr bundle. News-Review offl, FOR SALE OR RENT Aprij ....... 0. Review. . , run bAI.E lj(te mod! ster with starter. Dlxonvllle, Oregon. Walter l FOR SALE Oak stumnamtiT House to live in. Addrew I. News-Review. FORSALEheT.r?,T.TTr-r-- WondruK underdrivc. J r.L.1 J. K. Hinsley. " FOR SAI.F w-inirnrrr- seed. R. Fate, Myrtle Creek J MISCELLANEOUS CAR OWNER Don't forget to CiJt 6S3 when in need of auto parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. T LOST AND FOUND T LOST One bunch of keys. Finder please return to News-Review office and receive suitable reward. FOR RENT FOR FOR 1ENT Piano, Phone 31 F 5. litNT safety deposit boxes. East tomorry and spill a few oratorical The Oregon Stale r;.ir broke fifty-fifty, from a weather s amlpoint-threo wet and three dry days. Hut at that, m,t p,i, ple of the state who wanted to witness the big event were not dig-tippointetl. I me damsels of the village are ap peann' on the main drag with their new Fall riggin' and their hubbtes have the Fall down-in-the-mouth look. XX are still bitin" better'n The flics the fish. x x x books whfch wotili'i have answered for all purposes that the Journal now admits that a recall should be used for. They were the courts and impeachment proceedings. i orvaius Viazette-Tlmes. ( wish they'd make heavy under wear that wouldn't scratch a feller eo dern much." Yes, We Hove Tniiiiitocs When ia a tomato fruit and when is It a vegetable? It Is a fruit onlv when shipped n Oregon under rules estatillshed by the bureaucracy which inspects farm shipments at taxpay ers' expense, and to label tomatoes correctly as "vegetables" menu. mr. tsts and fines. VW?TTS. 1 'aM w"'k ""' '""Vor of The Dalles i..-. v,V,W arrested for f.,ur,, , comply i'.ui.iimmis auopien hv tne slate officials and rhlp his tomatoes ..i iiminei as iruit. Instead of as vegetables. The arrest hrnu.-ht tori 1) the furl that vegetable growers nae oeen getting into trouble nil I Stiilo Market Agvnt IVparllnent (C. K. Spence, Market Agent The Ptiitid Stales deDartment of apiculture, in 113 official publica tion, gives a good illustration nf what organization Is doing for the formers in handling potatoes in Nebraska. It states that last year the ers 111 SOUth-Centr.lt narl nf tl.. were unorganized and five n, iv Roseburg National Bank. brokerage and shipping agencies on-! SLEEPING room for Vent. S.t7. eraieu anu tno results to the grnw-IDOUriHs. ers were very unsatlsfactorv. This i.-.u? T- r : j-fr. year the growers organized and al-1 Jackson stPhone "63 J most 90 per cent of tho acreage in -"4- - rl" - ihat locality Is under contract in h'u'' Jt-N r rurnisned housekeeping sold through a central selling agency - ro.oms- 248 Nor,n lto8e- under standard grades. The leder- I roil RENT Furnished sleeping room in publicailon states that the result bl'h- 1 South Main street is that cash buyers are on the ground i fRMSIIEI) room, to rent Bear .a'' ',Hk; ",!', !,".,"' o-r-iJ.W!J!chnl. 404 WestDout"as. .. .. ,. ,al lul. lreseni I'iit? rjvv.T ieasoii la nin... 'it iv...xi- , , " n.niKiaciuiy to i.n dealers and growers alike." 1 lie growers are running their own - " iii.ilness. They are putting up a i f ult Kr"N 1 ou SALti tilu acres, besi riandaid pack. Puyers know what Km''s ranch ln Iouslas Co. A. W I hey are getting. Dy controlling the Phone 36 F 24. ;U'''';,trs figli,ig!FOU OT-ll55,t sleeping r,x,l:, .ic i other for markets. n is , m private home near high school business proposi.ion of marketing a 320 W. Washington commodity, it is a system that must i FORRFVT -nn-: le generally adopted I I LNT-I ifty five acres of land. There is some opposition , ,ile S'mm r' 2, Addition. Apply new poiato grading and insnec i., ! r-.-- "' 1 -.Sl""'t. law in this state. There always is at , i!,;-N'T-3o acres good ,botioiu nrst with any such law of regtiln- ' m,lra out on Sod road In-, Hon. Hut If those wnn .ii quire of John sien.-ii ,:i ..iMiiri, ut. i, lioseburg. ()ii i -Furnished room. u-;ih Near Rose school. Phone I' nit sai.f I i. i. . t - -"inj naico . Tancjed strain. Need UiejM Nance, Winchester, Oretoii FOR SALE" at a bargYiDTf.SM atio rqunu, a oiocistn,, house. Inquire' of dwew. g Jackson street. t on SALE A used here ai 4.mno. a oargam tor anvov ing a piano. None better ial unixe. jxuuress i'lano, an M iex tew. nuni, jjuj 1U room tan rooms plastered. Ijafh. ms.-j ii. j use ,oj i i paved sun hi $3.")00.00. Ea.-ry terms. SnaisW -wi iiuiiuicr. ' ur Will Klf o - Ford truck as part utai W. YouitK-A-Son, phomlff neat, good condiuon, cat f sell $100.00. Mart-el RrtoiSi chine, nearly new, cost KMX k0O.00. I.arse EKirn trttx new cost 32.00,' sell 116 Ion Oarage, Orants P ass, Ore. ni see wnat grading, siandard 'ation and ln'rrti.n have done to ...v nun inoustry of California, thev will welcome this law and h ariflv I re-operate with it. The state co-operative poultry as-' Mr. EJizabeth Zander toil IiEXT-1.10 acre raTTchTlScres oicn.un. iinuso nnd bnildincs on place. All fanning land. 1036 E. 6th st Key Minks. . j HARGAINS IN USED F0RI- Leas and Company offer ' e..ntittn.il K.,nni e .k. k. J...W.,.,, wainuia n,i mepb September on used csrs. "" iui our new much b- nuu ure uonig nine lug a way below, our riul no car soul nn rnlnniprU oushly satisfied. In the list we have Fords tas to llt20 111 rrt:iHt,.ro Iniinnff In S'M fill W' ..I Ik nn-l one Fordson tractor, which rebuildins and if in Ihe EJri our, cars and tractors. iit iik Titi a r. i- m uta nikiic OiiL ..n.l . ....,hAPi, "u.n.uu, viM'Ui uuiiiwi.- ssies nnd service. He; IMHI.iS t luiie t .re. and eks. ey re waitint fres't from r l 'oI: With the eomiiiK of .September ioiv.es the call lo s, l. Cone are the d:i.vs of happy I'i.-hing minnows in th. bl ue uie u.tys oi pleasant diVi.mmg full of hours blessed with K liter ihiVS of eillli'Ml ion culli-.r.. il, i i. ... . ' i'iv i-ii.-. illlll .A. 1 1, s. In the youneer grades, the kiddies tramp f. sehiml with shout inn .m il .spinning tops ami playing marbles h,le th 'or tne I.. I1. are scrubbed and dean and shin , .s ...viii;: rare, i-.very K,, ,;l i,,!,,r,.t nMions. every .v h.it plastered l,.u. 1 the older grades, the vouugsters. t inned I rem r.'ys ,.r snm.ner sun. walk ...,g vuth some rehietanee, for J'lH'ther year s b,run. ,lus another year of learmmr things Ihev'l" .term, data!!. I'sing time for fm-h .1, nonsense when thev : him.i1 U- I, i-1 rijr ball. l.v.l : t (-ol!.Te. !,(,. is earnest. Many problems till the air .:IUi.v , tnis yv.tr in t.K..!,illV And i UU, l.ovv II ta.-v "V'- ! 1" ,hi,lk "'" t'iJr of what they're going' to be Hi the way of (uUwv he.HHS, while they're earning a de,,ve llaniii- ,im c -ii... it...... l ; i i: . . "I ..i v ii. Miiuies, i(. yotll'gstt'rs '", . a-.' .in. mow w,. ,i (o 1Vl, ,tu.m This is a Sludi baker year. FIRES DRIVE DEER NEARJITY LIMITS EPI1EKA. Calif., Sept. 21.- U nited lii s.) Purest fires dining the pre iioii, w.,ekn on.ve the deer down ruin He Iliinibolili louniv wimx;, al I" "e cil mt... llm ,.,,.,! I :.. :;,.,,i,,1k ,.,,. M(;t, J lt,m lwu :l'!.'s ,. lnn. summer and p.iyln fill fines be- "-it sisiiii t'tlisttij leHAPs o-- . Ml It KPT VI OT TIONS vioii:. for thev over, now we and ne r Know Prleis, faj,! r;nmrn, I'elati.es. II, . ,.,.(,. linens. II, . i, ceill. P, . ,t, tiSr m 7Sc. Api'les. In.,. , $1 ft,l I'tM' t l.,Xi f,,,,. (0 - -,c T Tn.ltr.i's b,,. J,,,,. Vt .i'i -rue Inn. h , r lion. -i ii, '. M, ln,, ';.,c to ii". i mi. In . i cents. 1 tic to ir.e. o as. tieai y, t "en., lit!:!, sc Pull, t ns. ; Snru.t;. rs. i, . V. al. ,sc to l 2, 'tugs. i:o to prime, i:v. W h. t. bushel. a lie ents. III. ItiO ATTENTION Ford Car Owners Special Tire Prices I-in si,.r Fabric... t 7.25 jj"x'i l-ancast. r Fabric ... 7.95 3"x3' Lanc.isicr Cords ... ia45 "x.l l ir. st,,:,,. Fabric. Firestone Conl . 3i':;l. (a,v, (,.,r j Oiersue Cord for Ford Trucks 32x4 'i Ci.MjK.f rorj and Tubu 25.00 9.00 10.35 11.50 C A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. Roeeburp, Oregon i. V S KMti.in is asking It, members It I '"'S" "w membership ,.. acts. ,l. present contracts e.pir U,s " n!T of this year. The new 1 contract win have a clause ,,! J I t h ,.,,y member tmiy withdraw nt y i h .h","a "i he is ,,ot '-d ; ti, , , , "'"""n- The assocm. . .. tier ,,s pres.-,,, management, me,, I Vi ry "aKsfi'-lory year ''' menihers c,-i rally ilavi. been very mi-ch i,!,v.,i v,.,h P,u ". " ,wr , i ,,, I n, 're o doubt be heart v l...b "ew contracts l,v t,r,i I " ",'i!i 0,'eil I imiiii I, will the nil!, made ;h.. the Reap the Reward of Perfect Health r;:;icar!nril;:n'; . ' m, rr !Jn ill wc s-ht 11 w,.n,: wous nW(1t wu completely relieved ,.f r, . ?.. 13 nf. f.ll.-n . It says the millers 1. . ..... tnuiin li IV.n, !.',( V , , cur-1 lo e n ' now '" I'usltlon s au T" '""'""--'ion of tliei -. . .... v siaai it. . j Ih. d, -partment of grlcultiire ; Jurop ., Cam,,,:, and , too l,oe, .. : . "' mat i iin. ,!,,., s . ,. ,. ' 'iK''. about a tre. ,,,. , ... '. "nouiii hi 1 ns nine in- hard wheat 'll'stantlal l,r...( . . , . ...lutus over I'lotatious. I,u.i.,l "" at rr ii.. I Puh'.lcati,,,, states that mart, i ,, , "',n' "'lo the ""'-I ! .i.T, ' Europe i'." T.V y.'U h:,v" P.v for xuiinus or wheat" s n ,h a M"Tlus Ini - iimn nuyors and rs V American far- 1 l e '- '.'. , .'." h:, eroer co.i- ".i run their own1 "-I.il'ir Pier-ata,,,,,, uri AfE new ..... I "LITE-P I'Mrdrlri ICE W8 m CHI ni .TT.'Vtn. t ii;2 fl'l'l ! r ,.ft-lK'il. , o trill. rJ OH !'' i. If iot. ... aKr. W nI OKI " ;oflen, a, '",:,ri : Trad.- "lining 1,:,, Valors. i j;,. t:n i. i l 'he in ! at tt.e I tv.ers. ti l..s;. .. - 1.1,1 a aaiiou. The Cleaning oj iate ran anu -- slinuld begin- . ' t hat- lillt-C 111 UIULI 'V .1 '. ;.. .1 l..i f iKafX mem tne uvsi u - W them rx c win y - " . l : A nrorsr iv-tt cieanuiu ans. f- service. i f. . ,, M i,ll!lorp"1 'f -vholarwe would be, a we but could. lt, drci.vd. nt aet. So s.. ' . 'IVrt- "' 1"" xn.-h lakes over on i ;cr.T. 1m-iT.i1 .. IVes dcut 'Ir.vjhj, ! O'l. Hotel i . . j . TRY OUR WAY I'ari.y, fr ton, 34. t 'icntul nic,li.-,i ,a. . .. . -1-C - In IK 1. " worit eh it spe I'ukt Automati Dh... OT7.. r..- A lit a V'1' Co- '-'1 Norili Pme ..' Klertrie