TpHB man who I "too buiy" to attend to hla advartlslnaj la probably trying to do two man'a work baeauao tha bualnaaa lan't paying aa It should. EVS3EW v.iterday e" and ,ra wi'- - - fair. 1 An Indapandant Newspaper, Publiahad for tha Baat Intaraat of tha Paopla. Conio NO. 271, OF RO? R06EBUR0, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1923. VOL. XI, NO. 275, OF THE EVENING NEWS xxv. . Ev.nlng Nw. and tha Roaeburg Reviaw. O JJ Q t I C-i I W U IN I T . 'V .VIEW. lEfTIQ TO ;ppcarance Attempt Lacks Finesse or uw - Crime G WAS ONLY VICTIM Overlooked That Experts ,M Fsilv Tell Whether a mA Was That of Human Being it the Dabney rase was another hubE STURGEON 11 PORT HAMMOND. B. C, Sept. 21. (United Press.) One of Hie few stur geons landed here In recent years has been caiiRht by Cyril Smith, local fish erman. The huge finny captive was brouKht In after It had become on meshed in the ropes of a net Smith had out. The sturgeon waa clubbed to death and towed to shore. It welched 575 pounds and waa more than nine feet long. Mooring. (Bv Associated Press) ABERDEEN, Sept. 21. Carl B. Mooring, prohibition agent, is near death as a result of being shot last ,,ce patterned after the ; night in tne Losmopoiis poot nail. r.i- .rparanc; i.m t r...l.l .n.1 rilmnv Srttith tho nm. nrumfleld case, is the bcliet I '"."" .L'.X " ' h " ,, . , , I in if iui b, wrri a at toivuj avvuou "j ,Hl,nd notice after finding m.; Mmrllll loud on the car found at the top k Ruck was not human blood. Portland Journal has the case nlzed up as follows: i J- p. lisbney, in "tramnm inn pcarance, ape Ihe example of ktiaril AI. lirunw icm. mc iuo itderer of recent years? -a! ii my opinion," said Stanley district attorney ol -wuitno- poonty, in commenting today on j mystery, which Had or : aad puiilic believing for 24 that a sensational crime naa committed, "hvi ry tact points study of Hr. nrumfield'a meth- SE FOREST FIRES BELIEVED SET Incendiarism Charged by For estry Board and Several Arrests Are Made FLAMES STILL RAGING Military Guard Lifted in Ber keley and Property Owners Allowed to Come and Go As They Please dews kios OFFICERS IREK1TE MOUNTAIN I FIND STILL Moonshine Plant Discovered in Canyon Near Sheep Camp on Road to Coast CPv Assnrlaletj f-t . (By Associated Press.! SAN DIEGO. Sept. 21. A tele- frara alleging the receipt on Au- gust 23rd of radio compass bear- loirs from Point Arguello "which would have put us ashore on San Miguel Island If we had followed them" was read today before the J naval court jiivesunuung mo wreck of the seven destroyers on ! - Point Honda September Sth. The , mmceiMr- telegram was sinned by "J. K. KLi I LE IS MISSING Stnpler," but the councel for Cap- tain Edward H. Wutaon, chief of j , the destroyer squadron, who pro- , duced It during the code Officers Find All of Outfit Ex- W atlOn OI Xjieuieuain i7uiiiiauut-.i I John M. Ashley, superintendent 4j of communications of the Eleven- th Naval district, said he "did not know the signer nor the ship he commanded. Ashler testified that no complaints had ever been made to him that tbe bearings sent by the Point Arguello station FOUR ARE KILLED CITY'S GIVEN BUDGET flty I'nlted Presa.l PHOENIX, Aria., Sept. check of the casualties of 21. A' yester- cept Copper Kettle Euip Ment Was Set Up in Well Hidden Spot A mnnnihlnur', notflt nnmnlnta ni. Bni.itflMr.ftiu, sepu zt. worKingi were inaccurate, ne saiu me sm- Cept for the kettle, waa found yester on the theory that at least a part of ! tion enjoys the hlfchost reputa- ay by Sheriff Sam Slaruier and l)ep the destructive fires resulted from tion for accuracy among the nav- Uly Sheriffs Shambrook and Croy. at incendiarism, the state board of for-! -igators. He admitted that one of a pont about a mile off the road up estry started an investigation to fix1 the masts dropped at noon and the no von from SheeD Camo. near the responsibility. One arrest waa no Inspection was made to make the Cooa county line on the Hose made and .others are expected In a few j Bure that tne -accuracy had not burg-Slyrtlo Point road. An oil days. been affected. stove, tent, two barrels, furnace, con- Fires Break Out Anew. I denser, coll, Jugs and other articles SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21. (Asso-I i valued at fully $200 were found clev day. wreck of the santa Ke Caiifor- Budget Committee Approves nla limited train near here allowed i . . rr tlittt four members of (lie crew had I been killed but no pasaengersinjured. ' The wreck occurred when the loco- j motive left the track and overturned. The high water from t'ie recent ralna j is believed to have undermined Ihe ' track, causing t!:e wreck. List of Expenditures for Coming Year FUNDS ARE SHORT elated Press.) Central California tires broke out anew last night and a thousand feet of the Southern Facitic snow sheds near the summit were de stroyed. Overland traffic was held up today. Fire trains extinguished the blaze. The Marin and Sonoma fires flared . t, ,,) l fnilopH the rfise. then ' Roselrare dtntfst, onco tne so- "" of Rosi'burg and the high i of the arts in that city, can bej ned as groaning in his grave r!lne unoasily because of the b'ine.iug of ill's Imitator. j Spirit Might Analyze It Mitre I killed a man, thin poor un'y kills a dog." perhaps the Vol Isie doctor mutters. "Fool! 1. vita all my education, my iqc? sen carerui scneming. i: no! omit (ate and man. How fcf eipt to aucceed?" t do doub. babney. wherever he Iw today, ii satisfied to be a less, thick-thumb, d disciple of icad criminal. The only blood is hands is the Hood of- a yel- a homeless little waif of -that followed at his heela with less. eyes. clablied the dog over the h'ead. J blood, he thought, would give appearance of murder in his ry truck, left standing at the f the bluff at Klk Hock on the to road. uaoneys thoughts were a thick. Xot to himself, nerhans o others. What In the wav of ed crime ennh! be expected of hose onlr work In life was n a jitney, or wait on tables In ants, or Lerhnns .c-Rwan" ' 'or a mite of profit or a mite - fHv Associated Press.) - SPOKANE, Sept. 21. Twenty seven .. n I ,.,.t.1 hv 4hA nfft. cersdar BeelclnV' 7h." slayers of : P ! troltad M,..M,iff s cirttat Pnlla and! Strike In New Plac Ralph Anderson, of Minneapolis, on a train at Harrington, Washington last ' WPS" ML .hold mm$B erly hidden In an almost Inaccessible (spot, and were burned. I The officers a few days ago found !a 30-gallon still In a cabin at Sheep Camp. Ihe still being on the proper- Ill Lehnlier, a resident of that nity, who was placed under ar- esterday and who will appear before Justice of the Peace George Jonen tomorrow. At the time of the former raid the officers found evidence of another still In that immediate vicinity, and went further up the stream yesterday. ,k. o...i r-ii. .u. ,u ih. ftia f a T Tnwrenee. ! The outfit was found at a point thousand feet of anowshed spruce This new civic club is making a ! about a mil from th rol. r h,.mrt .nrt tt in h h, h. ! arrand and glorious Btart and .reaching the place the officers were ace, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 21. (Unl- With their warpaint smeared ted Press.) The fires, which have on In gobs and their head-gear been working havoc In California forj adjusted in regular Indian style six days, struck in a new pace and The L'mpquas will hold their or- Ilea ud traffic over the main line or ganizanon meei:iiK wuimh m (Ttv t'nlted Prru.l WASHINGTON, Sept, 21. Within a week the shipping board will an nounce It new program made neces sary by Attorney General Daugherty's ruling that the proposed Lasker-Farley plan of indirect government operation through eighteen subsidiary corpora- Hons is Illegal. More Money Will Be Needed to Carry on City Than Can Be Raised From Existing Sources of Income The city budget committee met last night at the city hall tor the purpose of completing the tentative budget to submit to the tax super- , vlsory commission. The committee found the Incoming funda entirely ln- N'n formal rnnferene-. adequate to meet the prospective ex- ea will be held until Chairman Farley Penditurea for the coming year, and returns from New York. It waa stated "T ' "u question put mat aome the board will attempt to sidestep re- other source of revenue must be ob spotiHlblllty by delaying action congress meets. -o- untll T fore traffic can be resumed. The Marin county fires, the last of a series of forest fires sweeping Cen NEW YORK. Sept 21. New York is gradually getting its voice back. The evening newspapers were appear ing on the streets In ever Increasing numbers. There was no sign of a nren k in the nressmen's strike. The publishers were to meet again today rapidly. to decide whether or not to deal wnn Presideut Berry of the pressmen's union and make new contracts. imi .,n all tne world. Deauiies Ol III- Lunniua .., i -r with Douglas county as their torcen to ciainoer over iiirse -. .i, i,r. m noin ianrt force their way through terri- thi. imt nf n-mem known to i tory which appeared alrliost impa3- Sihoutlng the control for the fifth time since Sun day. ' j In Berkeley, where fifty city blocks were swept, the military guard was lifted, permitting owners to come and go as they desired. Plans for rehabili tation and reconstruction are moving u-lthln their own domain will not be the policy of this tribe and instead they Intend to broad- and instead they intend to broadcast It to the whole world. this action it might have soliloquiz ed: v "Hadn't the man ever read the newspapers or heard that chemists can easily tell whether blood Is from a human being or an animal? Now he. Dr. Brunifie'.d, got a man for the purpose. "And had Pabney forgotten that he had a wife who would tell that he had disappeared once before, tnat ne ,s, fBy T'nlted Press.) VICTORIA, Sept 21 Four and tuted and survivors of the catastrophe JUSTICE EARL! RESIGNS OFFICER s!ble. The moonshiner who located the camp evidently had an extremely difficult time in getling In his bar rels, stove, tent and other equip ment. The tent was. placed underneath 8 log which was supported by high roclts at either end and was shielded from slcht until the officers were within a few feet of It. The outfit as complete except for the big ket- whlch evidently had been hurled some place neaniy. I ne oincen searched for three or four hours but were unable (o find the kettle. hiner had provided bim- good enmp. Ho had an d rock furnace, a con- hleh creek water war used and a large copper coll. It Is l"!leved that this still has been pro ducing considerable moonshine foi 1 lie was involved In debt, that he always , ,jlle (Q arrive in this port within the fconie Slmllarllc n In Hosebtire, where he lived .ree weeks aco. they often talk iirumnem anil his amazintr ad- re into the field of crime. T)ah- in Ili3 tlCAVV V,r nrkn na Eht it over. He lilro Ilrn,flloH nvolved In 0l,t. though In nr. Willi their nositlnns ho ime'.reds Where llrumflolH ands. the Bchemn n,n,.,rn.i u-' i. .....iMiru, u3 loon "" insurance Ii ns V his debts and help his wife J'icnter over the r,,i,h ,. at done he prepared his delivery ".I i-irti eu inr I'nrtlnn ' a note (or his wife, who was rJ in a hopyard, telling her r.e was roinjr ti h.H m ''ranee people t to mall the " nini. hut t hi. -.,r Pad of taklni- ,h .." .u. . . .' -in, RIUD his Invariable cus- " crossed to the vo.t .1.1 r "iasnelte. TV.n, ril,hpr ,han into Pn.-,l,,..a ,j k. K ..i... ii-ii wouia .'.r for ltn Patnrdsv. he foail .Hill lnn,..,J v... . ... from then, ' Sito vn , t to hnv . rin'n .. II .. ... v.,,- , ' mat nis vZ ,rp,l;l'"'T'9'le and con , to swallow up tho evl- ''t fn!V. v.. . - m:ii r.e was in ' ' V fiM. H Mopped and told liere he was 's Koine. :ndi -i..i 1 1 . " rote in io " "0 he was. "re , took the other road and tnai ne never wore bis chauffeur's badge on nis bat. as it was found by olficers when they searched the car?" Yes. no doubt nr. Hrunifield would have been amused at the whole af fair, but nevertheless, Dnbney may te today a more carefree man than was Brumfleld after his crime. True the chemists have analyzed the blood In the car and found It to be from an animal. The officers have gath ered the other evidence and defi nitely decided that he attempted a public hoax. Hut still nothing particularly crim inal has been done, and Uanney a conscience may be fairly easy un less, perchance, his dreams are haunted by a yellow dog that fol lowed him home. Seen In Salem PAI.EM, Or., Sept. 20. Three per sons were found in Salem today who declared positively that they saw R. H. natmey. whose disappearance near Oswego has been occupying the at tention of the Portland officers for several davs. In this city Monday. This was two days after Dabney was iinnosed to have been murderea ana bis body hurled Into the Willamette river from a Mull cliff near the Diura nt tho slnvinir. R. R. Crum, an employe of the Central Clear store, who had Known Dabnev for aeveral yeara, said the latter approached him shortly after 7: SO Monday morning. In a conver sation that followed Dabney told Crura that he had Intended to go to Portland earlier, but that he had to return for some papers. P.. P. Taylor, veteran postoffice em tioy here, suld tbnt Unbney enfer a th. nn.tnrrice before noon Mon day and Inquired If be had any mall acquainted passenger vessels from the devas-, Claims Recommendations of ""-;'-;V(,i3cK,;"d Ind 'ZZTLlrr Grand Jury and Recall j vo Vrrch, of were destroyed Threats Had no Effect next few days. The Freighter Cana- dian Traveler is expected to reach! here today carrying several refugees. The Freiuhter Archilles Is to arrive' early next week and will also be fill ed to capacity with refugees. The lin er Empress Australia and Empress Asia will arrive during the week. Kvervthlng that would burn was set on lire. No arrests have yet beer, made In connection wllh the discov ery of the still. ARE PRESENTED BUSINESS IS REASON Justice of the Peace at Rceds port Whose Resignation was Requested by Citizens League Quits Job MUSSOLINI SCfilES VICTOeY OVER LEI1EUE (Bv t'nlted Press.) nnrSSEl.S, Sept. 21. It was of ficially confirmed that Chancellor Stresseman of Germany has made concrete proposals for the evacua tion of the Ruhr to the Helg'an min ister at llerlln. It Itf understood that Belgium is determined to ad here to the present policy where she will make no agreement wllh Ger many as long as the passive resist ance continues. In the meanwhile the Belgian government is consult-1 ! tTnlted press.) GENEVA. Sept. 21. I remler Mils jsollnl's victory over the league ot " nations was mnde complete when the Fred Furl losllce of the neaeo at assembly today approved the action Bapon T his tended l 'VeVg- of the round .,, voting In s., b,l nation to Hike efioct a soon as Ms to a commission of l ite, national ju fucces8or.,asbeenap log IU UV i-ne-i 1 1 ",, -" arl says: "I am not resigning me fRv Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Tha ag ricultural situation was before the -ahlnet again today with tbe presi dent and hia advisers aeeking to remedy the condition deacrlbed to the executive aa one of great gravity In the far western atlates. Several possible means of preventing a re currence of a similar situation havo been auggested but aa yet no apeclflc remedies for the existing condition have been decided upon. The de partment oi agriculture experts are naklng a survey but their report is not yet completed. E CHICAGO, f.ept. 21. Senator Vn lerwood, Alabama's candidate for the democratic presidential nomination, Is quoted by the- Chicago Tribune as saying he Is no longer a strong ad vocate of the league of nations. He ald his views were changed as the result of a trip abroad where he saw the league at work and the failure of the league to function In the Italian-Greek dispute had much to do ivitli changing his mind. YOUNGSTERS ENJOY MELON BANQUET allied, perhaps an occupation tax. If the cily government la to be handled In the proper manner. The budget -committee waa limited to only aix per cent additional over the amount levied last year, and also by the pro vision In the charter that the tax shall not exceed ten mills, conse quently all that could be done waa to estimate the total tax that can be levied and the pro8pectlve Income from other sources and from this dis tribute the funds in the best possible manner, although it is certain that aome departmenta will need more money than has been allowed on the tentative budget. The only salary change was made In the salary ot the city attorney. Mayor Rice upon taking office urged City Attorney Wimberly to remain aa city attorney and promised to en deavor to have the salary for the of fice Increased from ISO per month to ITS per month. Th budget com mittee thought tbat $75 waa none loo much for the work required of the city attorney and aet aside f HUD Instead of J600 for the office. The health and police department wns given $250 more than laat year, owing to the tncreaaed cost for wa ter and supplies. In the way of city Improvements, an appropriation of $ I . f, 0 0 was made for the library, ftiOO for the band, fl.000 for parka, 111. 000 for street repairs and 1300 miscellaneous. Because of the Increase In lights throughout the city, the provision for street lighting was placed at $6,500. A rut waa made In the Item for printing and atationery. Because of tho inability of tho street cleaning department to han dle Its work with the funda former ly aet aside for that work, the aum nf li.fitiO waa provided for that de partment. The emergency fund waa cut. $1,000 and several smaller re ductions made. The budget as approved committee Is as follows: Nulurle Treasurer $ Itecorder City attorney Electric inspector. by the 900.00 1,200.00 S00.00 180.00 nute. It was understood mai uum the last minute Paly threatened to mi It Ihe league should any unfavor able decision occur. .Many deles-ales wauled to assert the lea-Sue's competency but were overruled. nlee t mo Ml.'iil'"! GENEVA, Felt. 21. Switzerland ftlv AsKoclntol I'rci 1 arrled th office at the request of anyone, nor am I doing so upon the request of any so-called Citizen's League.' nor upon Ihe recommendation to no so: by the late 'grand Jury," nor by anyj fear of a threatened recall, for that 'can't be done.' I am resigning sulo-j ly for my own convenience and fori ,,, nj,. nf ...mcllliiilon Into Ing with Hrituln and France before I business reasons." I d,,. assembly of the leagim of nations r..,,ivfn to Stresseman. Earl has been much In the lime- . . , r,,,.mivn,,d tdiiy when ex- o light at Heed-port for several; ., . congratulated the nor rVTTVr.HKUrOQ months. He a.4 Justice of 'he; . .. . , assembly and the rili- vJ.Vr I peace during the disturbances there . .mhas,adlrs on the ULllNLa rKULUXtXI j and a league of rnlrens re., nested "is' . ()f (;rpr.iinilan erls- reslgnatlon topeiner win. mm n . . ,. declared the league aceom- f.ouncllmnn Aus-I . . ,.. ,i,!nes but could not achieve all Hint was hoped for unlll Fire Chief Fletcher has been In strumental In adding a large num ber of fire extinati'.shers to the fire , nnnrirntu of manv of the resignations hnsiness houses and manufacturing Earl'a was received plants of the city. The fire depart- clerk today, ment has b'n encouraging owners of i The grand Jury and a league of citizens requested Ms' . Constable Schulte, Councilman Aus-I . 1 , i,......l.1 I, U..V,i,lln rn- '. ' nil, uim 1,1 ii 1 . n i 1 ... ,... - alarned some time ago. but no othei received until : , the league bad become universal. t i Tav or had been acquainted wu" lf!VC f,A iftiM,. t,.i , ,1m, nnd snlri he i .''" a hull, t 11 ' " V."- nnrchnsed several lailKS a anon ci h-drneH . ' 1'"!'; '""' rotn niis.sKen , VysinT t mill Jiaa T and,r .'n' K"hert Glenn, anoiner ; -"'. HW ,.,. , be located !.. i.V k.S rpn,ral Cl"r '"?' """" I various points about the mill. "" hoard- -i,. i . i 5'a"','m,''" mna" ' I i-i. tcher alo has orders for aim 7Jr,ra R,h;Vartr- h' J'-Tb ff .' do"" more ex.ingui.hera w r-.t buildings to buy chemical extin guishers and many of them have re cently done so. The schooi board ime Be at Mi. lost ilch by the county; after making a; thoroueh Investigation of Reeds- port affairs, recemmended Ihnt Enrlj resign, slating that his resignation, waa recommended only to restore i harmony among the pole of Reeds-1 port. The grand Jury also ricom mended that the other offleiala. In city recorder, resUrn. FORMER ROSEBURG GIRL IS MARRIED Miss Merle Casebeer daughter of Mr. Hnd Mrs. John Casebeer of Glide, anil liew.y Hlerdon were united In marriage early this morning In the iprea, nee of only the Immediate lamny of Miss Casebeer. me ring iei.-nioj Supplies Health officer iSuppllea , Total "It y Impmvclitentfl Total Uro and Water Allowanre Truck driver "That's what we hain't got nuthln' N",,,t driver a 1 a s t...i Wn.iM havo he,n tho wnv."l, i Itov OctaviuB Cohen would have writ ten up the watermelon reea ai ui courthouse last night, which was spon- 1 ola' ' ' ' ' ' ' :, sored by the Douglas County Concert! . " """ 1 ,,IUo Bnnd. Belshaziar's feast In all us ! -... . v. .l...ll lh. th.:"e"'l 1 e Ing last night In spite of "hizioner - Jupo Pluvious' efforts to put a damp er on tho affair. Soakod to the SKin but still carrying an Intense yearning in their hearts nnd stomachs for a good-sized chunk of the Dlllard pro duct all of the "young frys" of the cltv nushed. crowded and shoved each other when the glittering butcher knives were sunk Into the melons. Wllh seeds dripping from their ears,iToln surplus watermelon from tho fronts ; t rhi of their shirts and worrJs of thanks prning and Stationery rrom their mouths, Ihe youthful popu- Elections lace Indulged In Ihe annual feast wlthj Slrcvt (iciuihig much vim and vigor. (Street superintendent .. Bert Lawrence narrowly missed get-; Two men ting "beaned" with rinds upon sever- Supplies . al occasions, but in spite of his eve- nlng spent in dodging, declares he's 'Total ready to go to the bat again next year ! I'onded Interest The band prot-ram under the lead- Emergency fund ershln of W. A Bowdcn. was fine and.hlnKing fund .No. the boya are lo be commended for sponsoring this affair each yenr. Bet the mothers of the city today state that "the nielon-chollc days have come." 3,180.00 1100.00 1,500.00 fioil.OO 3.500.00 900.00 7,100.00 3.000.00 300.00 600.00 ; Public library. llosehurg band . . i Park Streets i Miscellaneous ... Richard Wakelln and wife of Se- TOTAL, 3.900.00 l.noo.'oo WHO. 00 1.000.00 3,(100.00 300.00 6. tOO. 00 6,500.110 250.00 ISO. 00 1,260.00 4.000.00 4,000.00 7. BKO.0O 4.800.00 1,500.00 1,747.94 $13, 217. 94 hav us d. h a id In rohir!(w Bower of Marlon county today I will be here aomr another ; ah.nrfnn.rf further Investigation, lie ... ii na,,. . , . . ,., h" kill., . 14 name, declares Dabney vanisneo io v., 7 Mood ' h H ;r Itl the 'ruiniieM who baa been Ix-ft For Mlem ii.. j . - - - M, ... ,, iTcrp.m i inn ' n.vtnH n I riAhti .Mrs. i , . . - - - .. . . . L , en th. , ,,.. .r.-.n. f , denionstrat fUC Sm O .tnsnn V r.-Bin ill n tne rover hc h., ..hier are residents of .anw.n " b mpnserl to hav h. i . ., n Interviewed I this city r ar or the machine, ution several occasions clnce the dis- analyzcd appearance ot Dabney. spirit left this afternoon for a- . lem where she will amend ne siaiei fair. . - ',.. ,ki as useii ini ne,. o...- lame are sto ipinz m i"" ..ii,.i A'? b I rt bn at far I I tle 'r,g. Mrs. Ri-rdon i well known In1 ,,,, vW,,' ,h ,her son, It. C. ened at K'd-I 'rt. but so f r llltl- hgvm(, bn a resident Wakelln. and Ms wife. They are on has been done In h'1'n- 1 , Bd a graduate of the local,, h..,r WRV , falimmla. Both father I " r- Z, T r?,nv.len.e h school. Kbe la now teaching', ,, ,onTr. .ln salesmen for !rn7r.:esr:,rk.rV,npr.,i; h.-. Kor, K..m.a.b.Mr.U.en.o,h W,,,Si,nm.m,KComp.ny . . ... ..,n,Mndailr.n and r. is a e vil engineer, air. aim .u ".-- t ne eider sir. ini". """" i that the reeoinir.enoaiiona and r-, . , hllIn !.,, ..,..,. . i,iin his son s o- ,..!. fr hb r. -gnat on had not i-l'ton win in - - ..-...-..j, , cated here. Prolmlile Iteoelpta Oilier Tlian Tax Money Pond luxes. Dial. 14.. $ 8,000.00 Licenses 500.00 Hues 1.200.00 Hog licenses 2 60.00 Estimated cash on hand none Total Anit. to be raised by General Levy Ing to do with hia action. 'Klamath. $11,150.00 $43,217.94 $43,217.94