i ! i it page six Your Fail Aye Here If you arc looking for a heavy duty shoe, IT'S MERE. Something nobby for street wear, IT'S 1 1ERE. A dainty satin slipper for evening wear, IT'S HERE. Maybe you want a dependable school shoe? IT'S HERE. Never before such a varied assortment at such pleasing prices. Make your choice in Shoes, Slippers, or Oxfords Blacks, browns or colors, you'll find all the new shades here. Let us help you and select your new 8hocs nlld you'll find it not a task, but a pleasure. Telling It with Values Ladies' Satin Siippers $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.00 Ladies' Suede Slippers $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.00 Ladies' Black or Brown Shoes $4.00 and $5.00 Ladies' Black or Brown Kid Slippers . ..$4.00 and $5.00 Children's Shoes $1.85, $2.75, $2.95 Ladies' Kid One-Strap Comfort Slippers $2.50 ROSEBURG BOOTERIE iHHIN-BBUHHi' Shoes That 8atitfy and Fit Your Feet PERKINS BUILDING CASS STREET Exclusive Agency Arch Triumph Shoes Style with a Smile J LOCAL NEWS Heiiirni'il Home j " N. V . Newman, who has been vis- ! 'ting wilt ftieiuin and relatives and itieuding to bit!ilueiin matters In this J.y for the punt lew days, returned 'o bis home in tirutits I'uks this uornlug. I'iit The Kay i Inland Schwarts and Adelbert Young motored to Corvnllls and ; tpent the day attending to bite ltiens. i ;'liey wert uccompauied as Tur as! Ougene by lrs. I'rcd Schwarts, who pnt the day in that city visititm vli h friends . I . ipent iay IIcm ! Mr. and Mr R. K Turner, former I ist(1ents of lUe'ehurc, snent I 'llehl and today here atteii'tlns tn 'itislnes'i and vi-ltlug with fiieinlK. Mr. and Mrs. Tut.'.er are now Rtakinx heir heme in I alias and are on 'heir way to (irants Pas on bu:.lue..s natters. ;?lre This Morning A small fire In the woodshed at the Mct'nrty hume nu Stephens street, re mltcil In n fire nlarin this morning I'he big siren wns not souinled. but the ftieNtllek went tn the se.-ne The yiKWKK'ZKAUl'Ma LIBERTY-THEATRE lST TIME TONIGHT YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE 66 MAIN STREET THE STORY THAT MADE THE WORLD SIT UP IN DAZED SUSPENSE OY SINCLAIR LEWIS SCENARIO BY JULIAN JOSEPHSON ALSO: AESOPS I AHI.F5 t TOMORROW AND SATURDAY MARY ROBERTS RIND I ART'S "MIND OVER MOTOR" THE GREATEST AUTOMOOILE RACING PICTUR F-ji.riTTTtT.:.i.i.:.:.:i.i New I, oesi & k. & & K ? !! : K 1 E! j aj Zt I Kl K K r- S ; ?. services of the department wero not ueeiled. however as the fire was extin gtiUhtd with the use of a gurden llUHU. Krult ladders at Wharton Iiros. Krom l-'lorenci- Al Carlson and D. W. Huntington are spending several days in Rose burg visiting and attcndiiur to busi ness. They aro from Florence, Ore gen. Pnrcluisiil lnKrt)' Iv II. Itosenberrv has purchased I lie Hell property, which Is located at 4 r, :t F.lln street. Mr. Cerri'lsou I J now occupying the residem-e, but Mr. lio.senlieriy will later resld I here. Visiting llce Mrs. 1.11a llreckenriili:e arrived here yesterdav from Orange. Calif ir- nla. and will 1 visit at the 1,. f h T 1 "; "arKiey ior aeierai ' . . Returned From Portland , Mrs. It A. Rank n and son nobby I returned from Portland his afternoon ' where they have been visiting for the I past week. 1 hey were accompanied by , aim. uuiiMii s loonier, Aim. jmu l,ll..r K.. l..f. r... X'..u , . . ,,, . . , Jersey, where she will spend the win- j I " ' M jlj V JlJ A A f, i' s 99 AND TOWN TOPICS $ Sh FEED Ti The youngster Roseburg r jroing wltliout meals today In order j ' " ,L V.nHfv! To naie im-1117 ui ; I ...a w).t,.rillMlllll fl-eil IO He I clven by the Douglas uouuiy ...r, Kmiil tonight. The band I'1'" ' .. r 1,. r ,.,,, n.elv.cl a t'Hi and nu" 5 of rut-Ions from the uiuaru bhuih K,.a estate owned other than nanaing 6 fields, and eight husky men have lawful reserve with Fwleral Reserve Bank........... V been secured with big, sharp knives t-asn vault and amount due from national banks Kiand aie ready to serve all of the ! Ani(lunt due from State banks, bankers, and trust coin nri youngsters of this city with big Juicy; paneg (n tne Unjt,.a .sute (other than lucluded ft slices of melon. I In Items 8. 9. and 101 - - gi The feed will follow a band con-! checks on other bank in the same city or town as re- V'cerl and program which will occur ai 11, u r..l:.r ikmu at the banustanu , t dm court house yard. The band j iniilirlit will be under the direction K'of W. II llowden. a veteran musi-i 'clan and band director, who will have . f tin ripe of the band during the ab si nce of John Shields, who has been W I called to Salem to aid In the music Ejfor the state fair. In addition to J ! the concert a chalk talk will be made by Hert (.. nates. Manager Lawrence tates that the are on nana 10 gei meir ouaic 1 melon and to participate In the big time that will be provided. Unfinished wagon tongues reaches at Wharton Bros. snd PEN'DI.KTOX, Ore.. Sept. 20. The roundup, Pendleton's annual WNd West Classic oix neil today with ' a large crowd of visitors present to witness the deeds of skill and during and scon s of riders and others train ed In the arts of the ranch. Among the spectators wero many Shriners who came lu a body from Portland. 1 Four speclul prizes have been offer 'cd in uilditlon to cash prizes. Winners 'of the world championship bucking contest, the northwest bucking con test and the steer roping contest will i entertainment tonight will be largely , Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust com Si for the Youngsters and all parents panics in the United States and fore gn countneg S are timed to see that their children I (other than included in Items 21 or 21) v I RBI MP 0PEI5 AT I PElLETCfJ TODAY K each be presented with a handsome E i saddle. The winner of the ladles' re a . lay race also w ill get a saddle. A novelty tins y.-ur will ue present-1 nlion of a nrize of a sack of eats to ilie llt-lieni uu. .k Philip Aahton Itolllns. author of "The Cowboy." who visited the roundup 1 1 Inst year and decided the barkers. 'which share houors with the human; f. I performers should have a prim. The i 1 Itangu roundup continues until sat J unlay night. : o- I I A used Ifeed grinder at special , price at Wharton Bios. REV. HEEDHAM Rev. J. I). Needhnm, former pastor of the local M. E. Church, South, to day announced his temporary with- dn,:,l from the ministry- and will n- maln In Roseburg. He has purchased the Mill Street store from J. M. Uen- nett, its former owner and will go In- to business here for at least a year. Mr. Needham has been a very faith- fill pastor (or many years and during his residence In this city worked haul for the upbuilding of the local rhurch. During his ministry the congregation here constructed a new place of wor- ship and experinced a fine growth and be feels that he has associations here which make it difficult for him ;, , ,,, !oil,.DurK. He KO ,.ll ,i(h thl, community and with Its people that he does not desire to leave. He also feels in need of a rest. having served continuously for many d y tak, a a ( for Bt .as, u Nlr Nw(lhllm wa, transferred to , v,,,lr(ri, cnuri.hi llut ,1M tendered " n.t, wu, vvxt. Li w.ul...,tl..n .....I u-ill .. Bn.., tUa place offered him. ,. busln. acqun.d is a growing one and has a good fu-t 'tore. I'niler the able management of Mr. and Mrs. Dennett a fine trade has bwn built up by thu ttor. vhtch i Un nU-d In thi nouth part of town, and ivornl additlona have recently bot'n nirnlo Hud 1 ht ittoro enlarK'il. Mr. Ntillmm bwauso ot hU wide arguan- iniu'snip win uououi'xs njoy a imo iriuuv .ir. hiiu aiit. iinn'ii eipot-i 10 rtMiimu in IttwburK but aro not doc id- h! roKardiiiK tlnlr jilans fur tho fu- tun. n Seclnl prices on American fence at Wharton Bros. - If IMrk Price a meniner of the state fih and game commission and a large deleKutnm of tmunbers of Uie ltose t'UiK li,d and t;un club, together with' a number of the prominent business nu n of the city, left shortly after one o'clock for Winchester to make an In-' tcstigation of tho fish ladder prob lem there. The present fish ladder is not adequate to allow the spring run of salmon to pass and thrusamis of tih die below the dam early or else f ill prey to poachers. The state de i srtiiieiit drew up plans for a new lad der, bur these plans are said to be i . r '"' "'" r ., .' ,. , , ll;e taldetiiia Oregon Power Com- lOSgSURQ IwewtlttVltW. THURSDAY, , l,umr no. r-M Douglas National Report of the condition of tbe.Dougiaa , Slate of Oregon, at the to"KE'0bi;'J," 0" Bll,,,!niber 14 i'' (he (a) lan and discounts, including redLeounts (except those shown In b aud c) " Overdrafts, unsecured lit e . . . i , i AMined! Deposited to secure circulation (U. value ... Vu''Tr:-r.r:ru (inelud- ah omer cniieu aiates woi""" . I .... ......!..... it ... ins premiums. If any).. Tntnl Othr honda. atorka. aeeurities. etc.! Jimildiii house. 122.U11U: furniture and porting bank (other than Item it)- Total of Items 9. 1. 11. 12. and Miscellaneous cash Items Redemption fund with 1). S. Treasurer t'. S. Treasurer Total . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund Undivided profit! Less current expenses. Interest, and circulating notes outstanding ... v.. -. M..-....-n Cashiers' checks outstanding , T otal of Items 21. 22. 23, 24. and 2a.. 67,583.33 Demand deposit (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deooaits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check . - Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 day (other than for money borrowed) State, countv,. or other municipal deposits accured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond ..... Total of demnd deposits (other than bauk de posits) subject 10 neservo. 28, 29. 30. and 31.. Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 10 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) : - Tostul savings deposits - - Total of time delwslts subject to Reserve, Items 32, 33. 34, and 35... United States deposits (other than postal savings), in cluding War Loan deposit account and deposits of United States disbursing officers Total .... State of Oregon. County of Douglas, ss: I H. H. Stapleton, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above stutument is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. H. STAPLETON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 19th day of September, 1923. (Scal) DEXTER RICE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. H. BOOTH, E. L. PARHOTT, H. WOI.LENHKKO, Directors. v., ehlhlled a nerfect wllling- nCSH IO COOpemie 1U IUIB UiaillT i ha8 lnfornleli )ne ioc8i Bp0rtsmea that , d anil wjiling to build any, kind of a fish ladder believed oest tor "s " the puriwse. It Is thought however, was held yesterday. Coroner Rltter tliat the plans are too expensive and la making a thorough Investigation of that a cheaper ladder can be built Ibe case and an inquest may be held which will serve as well. The Bporta-t a later date, men do not desire to put the company wetM to any unnecessary expense, and con- fJCW TfiriAV srqucntly the Inspection today was I N&VY lJUJJ v made for the purpose of going over the ! 4. ....-. ground, examining the various plans V iimmh.,..-... and determiaing the best course of ac- j WANTED Apple pickers at the Orer tlon. land orchards. Mr. Price came to Roeeburg for this, purpose and will represent the com- t mission. It is desired to gut the lad- I der built before the fall rains bring 1 i high water so that next year's 6rtng; I run of salmon can get to the head- watcrs of the stream. Mr. Ness, representing the local water and power company, will have the company', engineer on the P- , at once to draw plans of the Proposed '. "' "c "portsmcn and Mr. Price today, and It ! is ""t" P"t Immediate action on i "e matter.athe work under way at once, . 0 I BORN SACKS To Mr. and Mra. Roy t-acks, 823 . First Street, boy, Wed- liesday, September 19, 133. PKNDKIUiHASS To Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pendergrass. on Thursday, Sept. 20. l'.CH. twin boys, weighing 8 aud 8 pounds respectively. JKN.NINCS To Mr. and Mrs. O. ! l. Jennings. lu7T Mill street, boy, Thursday. September 20, 123. ; LOCAL news : Rubber belting at Wharton Bros. Ixailiig Fur Portland J. V. Casey, loral real estate dealer, will leave tonight for Portland where he will spend several dayt attending to business matters. Left This Afternoon Mrs. Milo Atterbury and son left this afternoon for their home In Al bany after a visit of several weeka at the home of Mrs. Jolrh Culver. Ill Yesterday l. L. Shortridgo, who Is a resi dent of Looking t;iass. was lu town yesterday att- uditiK to business mat ters. To Portland Volr.ey Klllott left on the afternoon train for Portland, where he will be I'inployed with Woodward and Clarke I'ruK Store. l'i.)aua People In j Mr aud Mrs K. K. Kmniett and! children were in from I'mpoua to day shopping and attending to other business. To Attend Round Up Cecil Hayes l(i for Pendleton. where he will attend the round up. which start.-d today. Mr. Hayoa will leturn Sunday. To Visit fn Albany ' Mrs j. S M.moemiih left this after. n.n tor Albany, where) ahe will tislt ' 'nends and relative for a week or ten .lavs I SEPTEMBER 20. 1921, n...n District No. 12! . . n 1 BanK or noseuurg at Roseburg, In 700.146.65 Sit. aa 8. bonds, par f 25.OU0.0O - manjlAA v,v,w " 134,046.00 96.072.26 22.001.00 10,933.7 6it.226.31 147,645.86 fixture, $1.00 .... 1,065.78 2.309.02 3,387.62 1.250.00 I3- 151,040.66 and due from 11,189,020.68 t 100.000.00 30.000.00 37.034.47 6.567.47 taxes paid- 30.467.00 24,100.00 63.863.56 323.00 3.396.76 645.299.54 137.851.70 97,478.64 iiems , i. 930,629.88 4,240.48 4.240.43 2.000.00 1, 1SS.020.CS FUNERAL IS HELD. . ... . jt r ,.u The funeral of Miss Gertrude Smith, who died at Glendale Tuesday, follow- .v-tv' ! WANTED to buy a second hand or us ed flat top desk. Call 128. WANTED Store or house, close In. Mrs. Decker, 185 Stephens at. FOR SALE Calf, 2 mo. old. Sell or trade for wood. J. M. Taylor, Ballf St. ,FO" Kf, date apartment. Phone 353 J. 348 So. Stephens st FC'R RENT Furnished sleeping room 2 doors from high school. 320 W. Washington. liKESSMAKINO, children and miss es a speclnlty. Miss Palmer. 408 E. Douglas street. WANTEI-i5 cords-four foot wood', on ground. Write K. R. Fitzgerald, Looking Oluss, Oregon. WIU, someone please loan the Salva tion Army a truck for gathering pro riiiee for a day or two. Phone S7-R LUST Elks toothwith-initlala-Rri)'. W. Ixxlge number 326. Set with small ruby. Reward of 5 tf return ed to this office. v ANT El) to buy about 100 tiers of! old growth fir. State exact location and lowest price, first letter. Write H. Care News-Review. LOST Leather case containing fish rods, between Sutherlln and Rose burg. 35 reward for return to 608 J2.nd. streeL Pomona, Calif. FOR SALE 4 room plastered house. modern plumbing, two lots, street assessment paid. Price $1600. $500 cash will handle, chas. Kyes, 82 No. Jackson 8L FOR SALB Jersey Guernsey milch cow. Clvea over I fallone when fresh. Value $100, but will take $60 for quick sale. Apply 1141 Harvard Ave:WestSide. REAL CAR BARGAIN Buick-roadster: looks good and In wonderful condition; good paint, wind wings. An excellent buy. C. A. Lock wood MotorCo, Roseburg. LAlY would like passage to CalifoF nla In private car or will take her car tr ran find passenger so that she will not have to go alone. Phone 34 F 3 or see the party at 105 Cass street. : PRESSED SALES House s w".tTS I dollars, easy terms. Farm in .ero- farm, 36i acres. All kinds of houses' ana raxuis. Overhead expense light. I cut prices. Call and aee my large list House here, well located, will trade for house In Portland r u-r. rill. 604 Mill sL I'SEI) CAR BARGAINS" 1918 Xd.e tour. Completely over hauled. New cord tin l.J Ford tour. Driven only 5000 in.l-s. ; per cent new. li.'O nrd tour, without starter !l"t Ford tour. 117 Kord tour. ISIS New Ford Body. 1115 litht Kord dehverv $lia) MATHITWS MOTllRXCHANGE 117 Jackson St. You'll like the Shoes 224 They made them comfortable and good looking, with all the wearing qualities mat go wun a good shoe $7.50 to $9.50 Special Lot at 4 ATTENTION All persons Interested In the Dramatic Art and Physical Edu- cation department of the Heln: line Conservatory are Invited to meet Miss Adams at the studio this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Delmar Barnes Visiting Parents Delmar Barnes, who has Just com pleted hla service with the U. S. navy, arrived here last evening from Ran nioirn tn enlov fl visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Barnes. He expects to remain here for several weeks and Is considering re-entering tho service again. He Journyed from San Diego to Roseburg by motorcycle. BERGDOLL STOCK IS DROPPING (Continued rrom Page One.) ternational significance to the kid napping affair, and of the danger of destroying the good feeling between America and Germany. It has b! gested that both countries regard the two men In their true light, but added with expressions of astouisu ment that the Hergdoll affair was slven more widespread attention In the American press than the fall if the Cuno government or the repara tions question. " Heavy castors for drier trucks at Wharton Bros. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m. Precipitation In Ins. and Hundredths Highest temperature yesterday.. 77 Lowest temperature last night... 47 Precipitation last 24 hours 0 Total precip. alnce first of month 0 Normal precip. for this month... 1.04 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1922, to date 0 Aver, precip. since Sept. 1, 1877 Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 1823 Aver, precip. for 46 wet seasons, .56 (Kept, to May, inclusive) 31.48 Cloudy tonight and Frldav. WILLIAM BELL, Obsarver. DR. IL C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST AND EYESiGHT SPECIALIST 122 Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. Telephone 86 HAiIaIaMaMlkldIaittf4,:oailI ADULTS BALCONY 25c 'a MRS. GEORGE BERRY ON THE ORGAN TODAY - Edvin Careve presents I ! C tW$?n!Ufi lift In j - - t,lrlLlc u LliWinSMIlu With J.met Rennie. Dorothy M.ckaill. Ander. Randolf, Sam Hardy. M"y Short. Helene Montr,,.. Th. i.. .7 y 5,,ort' The picture that will oe, g fATHE REVIEW HOOT GIBSON IN S"SHOOTIN' FOR LOVE" I '. BKmr.VAlnii.n.-. J New Fall Style in- Oxfords' $5.00 per Pair w3 TODAY-TOMORROW Return Engagement "The Valley rj Silent Men" with ALMA RUEENS A Paramount Picture TPHE most popular story of il Northwest ever written. S: perbly picturized by the n nnd -director of "Humoresq A big, thrilling entcrtainni' "RAIL BIRDS- DOROTHY DALTON In "FOOL'S PAR AGIST I Sun.-SIcn.-Tu(s., Sept. 25-21- .. . :jC-i'i Mrl. Wallace id In ADULTS LOWER FLOOR 25c TOMORROW - thi high end lev places He'ene Montrose you and hold you In ita pswsr LOVt I"'- Mitt Camllle Patterson on the O; J i Immi i ""-,'iiT:J-''ri-rii-.T,-.T.T,-,-.T,T.-iT,T.-.TiTi,-i-;,-,;