WOSEBUKO WEWHeVIEW. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ?o. 19?3, AQ1 IVB A Way to Save Money Use Zerolene - a Utter oil even ifif Joes cost lest. Zerolene cssts 1" than many other oils of inferior lubricating quality because of our ex cellent facilities for producing and distributing it in very large quantities to users on the Pacific Coast We do not hare to cay long-haul trans portatioa and high merchandising costs to make it available. All that you pay for Zeiw lene goes to buy high quality only. Zerolene will reduce your carbon troubles and rive you more mileage from your gasoline. It will reduce your upkeep cost, add years to the life of your car and give you greater satis faction in driving. Insist on Zerolene even if it does cost less. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) , 30 less CARBON 5 mm flrtne rroeflge ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN by MRS. ELLSBURY (Address all communications I Mrs. EUsbury, care of News- Review.) Hear Mrs. Ellsoury: I have a gray 01 OKords, anu was wuuuermg late 1 could wear them thU III. Will liftht colored snoes ne worn is this winter? The gray oxfords wait vith mv full rout- Answer the AdTlce to Lovelorn column. ANXIOUS ANXIOUS: The gray oxfords may worn anytime during ine wmrer it the weather permits. Light col li shoes ihould never be worn in rim. There will always be a cer- amount of gray worn In tne win 1 great deal of brown and black, (flw.n.a fall kinta nnlnl In m uarv k blue end green for shoes this iter. . nr Wr Pllthnrv' T nan tn nab I ir help in 1 problem Hint in vexing ! ny niLiuana ana 1 nave separa-' recentlr. and va nrn hnlh living '.. W hav m.n.r fsnla rA U 'mK itnine In lham I Viata n ialr i wt it to anyone, and it does not 0 10 me mat it is necessary to C My Private nfr.iirH nut for mv no. What explanation can I give m? What Can I rhv vhun thov men. Ill it? winAnrjAoat-t EMBARRASSED: It ia not neces- 17 for YOU to diva anw ttnlai.j.t.nn I all. You can toil u . Pendt that VOU Mnii uah hmhinrt vt eparatee', and they will not ex- FC no tXDlanatinn Tk. i. -.i.... ( r -.. sunt, I m ajllVMlC ir betwn your husband and your People will know soon enough r you have eeparated, and no other rr win ee necessary. 'WILL PRESERVE VANISHING ELK VICTORIA. B. C, Sept. 20. Preser vation ot elk, fast disappearing on I Vancouver Island, through the estab 1 llshment ot a reservation forty square miles In extent north ot Cowlchan i Lake has keen undertaken by the 1 British Columbia game board, it was announced here recently. I Improvements now being made In the district will afford real protec tion to this rare species ot big game, according to an announcement of the board. "There are about 300 head of elk in the vicinity of Cowichan Lake," said M. B. Jackson, chairman of the game board, "and there Is another smaller herd further north. The Cow ichan Lake herds wander over a vast area ot land near the head-waters of the Nanaimo and nearby rivers, but spend most of the year close to the lake. There are many clearings in the dense forest where the ground has been stamped down by the herd is hard as pavement." The Vancouver Island elk are said to comprise one of the few herds still In sexistence in their wild state in North America. Years ago they roam ed Western Canada in vast numbers but with the movement of population westward and the settlement of lands they have decreased In numbers until they are now threatened with extinc tion. Under the protection now af forded them by the establishment of the reservation, the herd, it Is expec ted will show rapid increase. Water will be shut off Saturday. W- nd from 2 p. m. until 4 p. m. in- ft all of Riverside, Edenbower, 1 inrbesier. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON i'lW ER CO. 1 w8 1 rtrejof1"1 A '"'men lawijiWiii.iisaiigi THOUGH always highest in qual ty, Goodyear Tires re never high Priced, as this chart hws. See how Goody, ar Tire Prices for years have "Pt under the av erjgo price level for commodities. Joday.the best tire, iaoodyear ever built E110'" les than JP 1920; 3075 less " 1914. This good time to WCoodye.rs. f ' from. Mvicic oarage COOKED FOOD SALE The ladies of St. Joseph's church will hold a cooked food sale at the Roseburg Grocery. Saturday, Sept. 22. PACIFIC LOSES FOUR GRID MEN FOREST GROVE, Ore., Sept 20. Four of last year's football team of the Pacific University will be lost to the team this year, but the outlook for a winning combination is very en couraging according to L. J. Frank. who will begin his third year as foot ball coach o Pacific University. Pa cific was admitted to the Northwest Conference last December owins to her good record the past twe years. Ten lettermen reported tor practice on September 15, in ad dition "to the freshmen who expect to enter Pacific this fall. Pacifies' back- field should be very strong this year with George Tucker playing his sec ond year at this position. Tucker weighs 190 pounds ana was ratea among the best fullbacks in the Northwest last fall. Adams will be back at his old position at halfback, which will make his third year at this position. Jesse who played hallbacK last vear and the fastest man on the squad will be shifted to quarter hack left vacant by Hoars grauuauou. Emerson who made his letter in the backfield will be placed at the other haif with Adams. Watrous who played in some of the games last year at quarter should make a strong bid for this place. The backfield should aver ugo 175 pounds. Three linemen will be absent this year out wnn six oiu linemen on hand, a foundation for a strong line looks favorable. Pacifies line should average ISO pounds from end to end. Pacific won the college champion ship of the northwest for the past two years and hopes to make it three straight. In addition she will play five northwest conference games with Ore gon Aggies, Washington state. Oregon I'nlversitv, " Willamette I nlversity, and tho University of .Montana. i LOCAL NEWS This is a Studebaker year. To Kh-ii(1 a Short Time Harry Wilcox left yesterday for Medford, where he will spend a short time visiting with friends. .Mrs. Troffeiu Home Mrs. J. M. Treffern, who bus been spending the past several weeks in Keup, Nevada, has returned home. SKnt Afternoon Miss Gladys Velzaln, who is a res ident of Carries. Bpent yesterday af ternoonin this city attending to busi ness. To Attend School Fred Lockwood wijl leave Monday for Kugene. Mr. LockWbod will at tend tha University of Oregon this fall. Clymer Spot Lights. The Ideal spot light for inclosed cars. See them at the Willard Service Station. To Vli.lt II Mrs. Lillian Robinson arrived here yesterday afternoon from Montana, and will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dornhercker. Upturned from Porlluud Bishop I). P. Summerville returned from Portland yesterday afternoon, where he has been attending the Methodist conference. Underwent Operation Mrs. E. R. Burch underwent an op eration yesterday at Mercy hospital. The operation was performed by Doc tors Scther and Stewart. Miss Keeney Here Miss Anna Keeney . arrived here yesterday afternoon from eastern Oregon and will visit for a few days with Eph Wilson. MOORE MUSIC STUDIO reopens SepL 10th. Everyone is urged to make reservations this week, as classes are being arranged. 423 N. Jackson St. Phone 502. Koy Patrick Here Urn, Tatrl1r whn lilfl 1 lOi.n TIP Tl fl - . . ......... . . " ' ing the summer In Klamath Falls. Is viBitlng in this city with friends and relatives. SiH'iit N'liiht II Mrs. W. W. Thurlow and two chil dren spent last night in this city and .. i 1 . .1 .1U ?!.... 1 1, T 1. .... Til nn their way to Ashland, where they wilt maae ineir numQ Have you seen the new Clymer Bpot light? Fits In your windshied and operated from the Inside. Come In and Bee them at the Willard Service Station. r. ami Mm. Sninsnii II Dr. and Mrs. George E. Swinson ar rived here yesterday and will remain here for several weeks. Dr. Swinson Is a foot specialist and Trill practice here for Borne time. Ho will bo lo cated at 326 W. Cass street. The Swinsons arc lato of New York City an.d Portland. Visited Here for Few Iluys Miss Ella Dlckerson, formerly a teacher in the local high school, vis ited here for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sawyers. Miss Dicker- son left yesterday afternoon for Med ford, where she will teach school this fall. Miss Dlckerson taught school in the Philippines the past year. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bridge Construction, Douglas County, Oregon. Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Douglas County Ore gon, at the court house In Roseburg, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. ni. on the 4th day of October, 1923, for construction work on a section of road between ill Ih ! m i A. S. FRET. BOXS Are ready to furnish all kinds ol rough and dressed lumber and Um bers. Pries right Taylor's Special Treatments for Cat arrh, Diphtheria, Female Complica tions. Dyspepsia, Pneumonia and Heart bave do known equal or supe rior. In use forty years. Taylor's Spe cific Co., Roseburg, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Da M. H. PLYER CblropraUo Phw slclan. 114 W. Laos St Dr. Edith Wltiel, Osteopathic phy slclan. 302 Perkins Bldg. Phone H9. DR. P. O. STAPRAN, chlropratic specialist Settle Hotel, Oakland, Ore. YES MELONS And Plenty of Them and right at their best Stand 1 ml. south of Dlllard. Rice Brothers 111 I "7 VI ..JR.i.,iVt QilvertDwns lastlonxr- savemsolm matte riiiugeaswr .Goodrich iiknuwn CORD TIRES C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. J. O. NEWLAND & SONS SPENCE & RIGGS Expert House Painters. Free Estimates Given P. O. Box 61 132 N. Stephens SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTEIN & STEWART 148 North Jackson Phone 87 UMPQUA HOTEL "Roseburg's Finest" NEW AND MODERN The people ot Douglas County are idvited to make their head quarters here. W. J. WEAVER. Prop. CAVA Lit V TO COXCKXTItATK ' IX TEXTS I'Olt MAX Kl VEILS (By Aasnciatcd Press.) EL PASO. Tex., Sept. 20. Tho First Cavalry Division, the only reg ular cavalry division organized and functioning in the I'nited States, is to be concentrated at Marfa, Texas, September 2:f for maneuvers under command of Major General Robert L. Howze. The division is regularly stationed at Fort Bliss, Marfa, and Fort Clark, Toxag. Maneuvers will start the day after the division is concentrated at Marfa and will extend to October 3, Inclus ive. They will be followed by a di vision review, at which General Pershing Is expected to lie present. Many prominent mllitnry and civil officers bave been asked to attend. The visitors are expected to Include the secretaries of Wat and navy. Gen eral Pershing, General Hull, rook. chief of cavalry: General Hanson E TRY A BOTTLE OF CERTO In making your peach Jolly or peach butter. It will Jelly butter am) will require less cooking, and will save tho natural peach flavor. ECONOMY GROCERY Phone 63 Glide and Rock Creek known as Lone Rock Bridge Piers and Approach. Thel.;y, commanuVr of the War College; work Involves the construction of General Edward L. King, command- C. & L. Tires at the Willard Serv ice Station. TODAVS MARKET QIOTATIOXS ITices I'ffllil nnmcrs Potatoes, lb., 2 cents. Onions, lb., 2tt cents. Peaches, box, Hoc to 75c. Apples, box, 50c lo 11.00. Pears, box, 60c to 75c. Tomatoes, box. Dc. Watermelons. H.. lc. Cants, crate, $2.00. Hutterfat, lb., 45 cents. Eggs. 3c. Hens, heavy, 17 cents. HenB. light. 10 cents. Springers, lb., ISc to 22c. Veal, 8c to 12c lb. Hoca. 120 to 160 lbs, dressed, prime, 12c. Wheat, bushel, si.hu. Barley, per ton. J4. four (4) Piers and 80 feet of approach. ! No bid will be considered unless ac companied by cash, bldder'B bond or certified check for an amount equal to at least five (5) per cont of tho total amount of the bid. A sufficient bond will be required for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, forms of con tract, proposal blanks, and full infor mation for bidders may be obtained at tho office of the .county clerk or the county roadmaster. Court House, Roseburg. Oregon, upon the deposit of five dollars. The right is reserved to reject any ilein or all proposals, or to accept any separate item of the proposal or pro posals deemed best for the County. Ira B. Riddlo, County Clerk of Dounlas County, Oregon. (Seal) The County Ceurt of Douglas County Geo. K. Qi:iNE, County Judge. EDWIN WEAVER, Commissioner. It. W. LONG, Commissioner. Attest: IRA II. RIDDLE, . County Clerk. Miner: oi-' aci oi st. ant of t lie cavalry school at Kort Ri ley, Kansas: all commanding officers of cavalry regiments in the army, and other men of prominence. This is a Sludebuker year. In tlif HELP FOR GIRLS WHO WORK Mrs. Lodic Tell How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Tyrone, Pa. "A friend told my hus band how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound nan helped his wife, bo ma kiialwinJ lw,i.r.Ut me a bottle bcrsuso I vras so run-down, had a nervous weak- ' neas, no strength in my body and pains in my left side so bad that I could hardly do my work. Ucforo I was mar ried I used to work in the factory, and I had pains just the same then aa 1 have . had since I have done my housework. I I would not lie without a bottle in tha I I -J STOVES Now on Display Large Line of Heaters and Ranges New and Used for Oil, Gas, Coal or Wood Highest Value at Lowest Prices Buy While the Stock Is Complete Parslow Furniture Co. Ill N. Jackson Street Roseburg Oregon iimty Court of the Ktste of for liouKln t'mmty. In Hi- rjiMtler of the i-alutc of T.,n. M.msa. I..','aid. NiiTi' K i n. r. i.y mvpn mm no. un- nouse now. it nas sioppca tne pains all ,l,.r.it n. .1 t s.imini.truior of the . ri ht and j hav(, found out that if is a !,;: t;',1T;"!;.;',"o,-ihr:o'!v iri'v:! ; wonderful body tder tt h no irm miwu ru.nin. is guuo( w urn the 'old reliable ' with me horeafter, and I am always willing to tell other women how it ha3 helped mo. You can use this U-tter a you wish as I can hon eitly Bay that try words are tnre. '-. Mrs. M. Ixjuic, K.F.D. No. 4, Box 40, Tyrone, Pa. Letters like thia brine out the merit of Lydia E. I'in' hum's Vciretahle Cm- tnonnH. Thpv tl !i of the rnllpf from nlrh psinsandailinertiaftertnSiinir I.ydiari x insnajn s ittn wuijjuuuii. St.it. f orfK.in ir l'oinfla li'Montv. hi, a that on the l.th ly "t li,. i..t.,-r l'.--l. t tli. hour of 9:7.n in t ltf. i I.. i ... n, .on of -"Kit 'lay " rmin rH.m yf Hl't lit court hi" h'n sppolut.! 1 (-(mil an the tune unit placo Tor ' h r 1 1 ' s "f olj.(tiolis tl.uretu anil iti.in.oit l)ireln. l irm fiilill atlon thia Uth day of ,-w- i.t. 12 t h. Ijt ptil' tol.. t-atlon the Jlth day of Or- N'lOK Vi-OSSA. Alnnnl.trator. Frank 1. Ml fill. Attoi tivy. Imagine the Difference That an ounce or two of dirt will make in the cloth of a suit or dress. That is the average taken from most garments. Let us show you the difference. TRY OUR WAY Phona 277 Our Auto Will Call 9-6JJ ATifjv It nil CP from th weather It ia the effect of rain, wind and sun on the unpainted parts of a house that "weathers ' it that makes it age and decay. But when a house is well painted, the tough, elastic "film" of paint shields the surface like a' rubber coat protects a man. All Fuller house paintt and stains. Pure Prepared Paint, Phoenix Pure Paint, Pioneer Shingle Stain; and Concrcta for micco, brick and concrete lur faccs, have high protective propertiea as well M or- . namrntal value. They are manufactured from for mula! that are the result of 74 years paint-making experience. Fuller paint products give long, posi tive protection. Get in touch with a master painter before the weath er causes your bouse to show signs of decay. Or write to our Serv ice Department for advice and a copy of the free "Home Service" booklet. What ever your painting need, W. P. Fuller & Co. makes a paiat for the purpose. W P FULLER & CO. , 301 Mission Street, San Francisco tl Branch la PkiAc Coaat Clfln Factoiiiti tea Fnsclaco utsi Lot AQgtltt FULLER PAINTS 1 VARNISHES Marsters Drug Co., Roseburg, Ore. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS WntOf Wilt ha ehnt ntt G.l.ml.u Sept. 22nd from 2 p. m. until 4 p. m. In cluding all of Riverside, Edenbower, and Winchester. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER CO. This is a Studebaker year. WOOD NUT BOWL SPECIAL We have just received a bin value Wood Nut Dowl and Mallet, that we are offering at 79c. See it at Carr's. c Willard Batteries now sen at the, lowest price they have ever been sold. If you need a battery come In and got eur prices. Willard Service Station. "CORN OFF" . IN TEN MINUTES GUARANTEED "OUR PERSONAL OFFER" Due to special arrangements with tha Manufacturers of "CORN-OFF" we are their agents In thia community and we are In a position to POSITIVELY GUARANTEE that "CORN-OFF" will remove any "HARD CORN," "SOFT CORN" OR CALLOUS In 10 minutes. Directions Quicker results will be obtained If feet nre first soaked in hut water. Apply "COKX-OKK" on and around corn or cal lous, allowing: same to souk in for five minutes. Then take a sharp knife or raror hluilo, slantinx same, and scrape . off, ' layer by layer, keeping corn or callous wet with "COKNOKK" while doing; so. Continue this oporution till corn or callous Is all Kone. Remember,' We Personally Guarantee "Corn-Oft" NATHAN FULLERTON The W&XC&IL Stor W TiniirsTii num. Roseburg, Oregon Auction Sale Saturday. September 22, 1:00 P. M. On McClay Ranch, 7 Miles West of Sutherlin Ono IVroadiast Seeder One E h. p. Economy Gns EnKlno Ono Plnttorm Scales Ono foot McCormlck Wilder Two Cows (private aslc) Two IIors One Horse 100 Turkeys Two dozen chickens 300 Cedar Shakes Four 10 by 10 by ft. Uuis Oak Timbers One Orxan 20 sacks Potatoes Klve sacks Cheat and Vetch One li Im h, 3 horse Plow Two 50 kuI. Gun Drums Ono Ilotiite Jack, 2 tons Ono Sli'dKO, 10 lb. Two firub I loos Ono Shovel Ono 2-Inch AiiRer Two Tiling Shovels Ono Wool Sacking Ring Ono pontile Harpoon Eleven sacks good Potatoca Thirteen sacks small Potatoes Thirly flvo sacks 90-Day Wheat Tructor Ilelt One Coucu Eight sucks Hay Mixture ot Wheat, Cheat aud Vetch Ono Spirit Level Ono Steam Lubricator Ono Six-Lid ltanco Household Furnlturo M. C. Radrtbaugh, Auctioneer V. B. McClay, Owner