. .rmma NEWSREV.EW, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER tO. 1923. ttfOR the days are gettin' shorter f an the nights are gettin, cold. An' the long-horned cattle's gettiiV mighty hard to hold." , And if. getting time for you to think of your winter's flour. We have it. Exchange and Truweat only 6.90 a barrel. Soft wheat only $5.60 a barrel. This is good flour. Try it, and if you are not satisfied, bring in the rest of th! eack and get your money back. Bran 90c ( sack. 9-39 fence 42c rod. per See ui first we can save you money Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roeburg and Oakland THE MISFIT By JANE PHELPS ifiiM.xru iffftff t-t -i- - F2 r X-J i m a. X - Real ervice 3 We have recently made several cnanges in our Shop and Service Department which, we believe, will enable us to give Better Service and assure our customers quicker and better work. We are striving to give the very best that can be had, and in order to do thi3 we must make changes as we see them and as our business grows. In the Service Department Mr. F. H. Urmson i3 now in charge of the Service Department. He comes here highly recommended by the Ford Motor Company as an efficient mechanic. I haiti:k xi.vi , i "Well, franili II, no you'v'a n turn ed to tin- bosom of your family once more." Cralii aid, eyein him sharp ly 1 Hoi ace made an evasive reply. buw Mm. I'raiiUell the other day. Not lo tall: with her. however. I : tlimiirlit the looked 111." li-.rare Miarcd at him. NiUalie wa In New York. He would find her. l"ora started lo sneak, his training making him r. nt Harner's ton.-, lit" .M.r'HHion. Vet his anxiety to find Natalie was o icreat he would ies ilon him. Hut another member or the ( lull rlalmed hi attention, and, when he looked attain. Harper was nowhere to ho seen. , Horace felt a quick thrill of Joy. ! Natalie wan in New York. If Ilar I per hail k i ii her. he would Hud out ' where and when. The runt would I bo eiiay. ! Hut ax he left tlio Club his elation 'died. He recalled the i-xiircHnlon on Harper' fare. hit. tone us he spohe 'to him. HiJ old reneiitmeiit, the Jeal oii: v he huil fell tin- nkht he iiuur rele'd tn bitterly with Natalie came 'buck. How did It hui P' n that CralK Harper hu.l seen h-r, known of her pie.. nie In New Y"i k ' videol ly the only person who hail wen her? Had Natalie lit him know her where abouts while lildliiK from lilin. h'-r husband? H so, she could have but. one reason-nIio cared for Harper, and ko was lost to him. The thought was a-ony to the dis tia'Tht man. lie clinched his hands, he muttered: 1 11 not believe H until r.ho tells me so hersi ir." Yet he no lotmer thouirht in rtnillnit l!nrper. of ques ii, mine him. Natalie war. in the city. Ho would find her if h" had to search It street by sleet, house by house. Ilurpcr had said aim looked ill. I'e must find her, and unless nho told him i ho no lonKcr loved him, cire ; ror her. He went to the bunk, found she had drawn none or the money de- poditi d in her name. How- had she j lived? Had she been drudging In, some office, his lovely Nulalie? He! had wreni:ed her. hr.d been hitler and. 'cruel. Ills mother had hurt her cru-, elly. He tlioiiKht of her lone when i ' . . . . . . i i ii. a she loot nun III mniner ntu iuii.ii her a "mi.ftl." had compared her to a cabbane that could not be trans 1 pi loted anil grow a rose. No wonder mlitlM I LOCAL NEWS J Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 181-U Don't wait, come In and iee our new laiup. Hudson Electric Store. rslnlesa extraction of teeth at room k,. i, ...i n.i rn ili. ni. No woman of any spirit would have remained. I He thought of Mia, ou '"''" ' " ' '" 7. t.,u. nr. Nwbal, Ktme there aeveral tlmei oeiore ' wont abroad and had learned noth- . . FnrA ,,. li.K .f Natalie Naturally if she were I s c. Cooley purchased a Ford tout hldlnK iU - would not communicate ,,. car rrom the C. A. Loekwood Mo with thm. o (riving a clue to her I tor comf any. I wnereabouts and it .he had been . with Harper I We do all kinds f electrical repair Try as lie would, h's mind continual-1 work Hudson Electric itore. lv veered bach to this. Harper had ; seen her. knew More of her than his CarI H ,. of the Thanslor Lyon , aarcasile quitstlon Indicated. Harper j cnlmny of I'ortland is here for ev- waa rlcn, rarcmauni! io ii erI days atienainis io uuom . anse of his nay personality. Natalie had turned to him even while wnn them because of ner loneliness. Could he blame her If she had gone to him In her distressing need of help, of! companionship? Days passed but he found no clue to his miasliiK wife. He avoided the Club, felt ho couldn't endure the alKhl or Ilurper. Hut finally ho de cided he would se.k him. demand where Nutallo was. Hiie was still his wife. He had the riKht. Walklns products. 120 W. Lane street. Orders delivered. Phone 177. Take the utairway to Hifih Quality and l'rice shoes Bellow s fatore Co. k niaeea a Royal Vacuum cleaner in your home. Hudson Electric store.. Wo deliver. William Curry was In town yester- iransacx STAINLESS CUTLER1! Fverv housewife should have a variety of thii kitchen ware in her house. Stainless Cutlery Retain Its Luster Under any and all Conditions Does not stain or blacken fruit, and the longer it U J the better it is liked. See our Window Display 0f J famous cutlery. You will be delighted with Churchill Hardware C THE WINCHESTER STORE .v- .i..i. i.- r A II.,rn,.P Rnid At.tr trt.m Iho tTurrV h.Siaie, rtl l,,e " I-"' "k.. . .,i vlHlHnz with linn wnere did jou see my he "Harpor, wife?" Crals, aturtled at the riuestion, so abrupt, flushed, then replied: "I saw her on Mith street. Y'ou know I hsve properly in that vlein Ity." "Are you sure it waB MrB. Cran-d"M-- Toslllve. Bho was wheelliu; a younK baby." Horace visibly statRered back, shrank from the meaning look in Harper's face. "What lias happened between you and your wile, I don't know," Har per went on after a moment, "but 1 saw her lookinK hhby, ill, whoel- 5,.'L.,"jr'.... Vifteen kiddies will beailt training la ii;ai me uuiy iiiiiu .wu ni.w - . . .. . -th ....... !,..,) ii,.,,,,... i,.m k..en even at Hcinline Kindcraarten, bept. litn. upon him. !s your child one of themT For some time, yes. It seems to friends. Bo it electrically, with a Thor wash er. $10 down. Hudson Elodric store. Wo demonstrate. William Harrison spent 'several hours In this city yesterday attending to business. Mr. Harrison Is from Harden Valley. Fifteen kiddies will begin training m Heinline Kindergarten. Sept. 17th. Is your child one of them? Lloyd's Taxi for easy riding. Spe cial rates on country trips. No trip less than fifty cents. Phone 44. PltKrt ItCTUlX HNi KKVK.NTK CREDIT CLASS AT BWi (By Asoctated Pres..! nuru,M. OTTAWA, Out., Bept. 20. Cana- A nible class Is belnt J -V ... ...Ill mlurn it rev- I . .t t . . das national pai i. - - ai me uapiisi. ounuay ectw enue to the Dominion in exce8 " I such a course that nil t& -,h . i .mlulon "enw wnen tney nave MM iimaiea conipie-u compieico. it win De fm'ir. parks commissioner. ,,,. i school credit for their The volume ot iuUy. i. y0UnB people Interested mi, parks nas oeeu """"' .: - p " i with Mr. Coshow. vear. The number of visitors is ex- , pected to total nearly 200,000 before tlio end of the season. New Modes in the "Upstairs Shop." at rtellows Morn i o. THOSE GOOD HAIR nH Lady Lois double-mesh tj Shoe i hair nets at -arr s special 1; I They wear. me vim ta :e nt t'litv poor care oi ! your family, Crandell," Craig sneered and turned away quickly before lior ( ace could question him further, i "What Is Ii? What's between them?" Horace said between clench S d t-eth. "I'll find her or I'll :, drag it out or him." I Tolnor'-ow A TiiHlble! t Vin-f-lencp moms C. A. Lockivood Motor Co, ItOSEBURC, OKECOX camera Mopped grinding, handker chiefs were placed u-cr their faces 1'iid ilark eye glasses put on, to ward off thu glare. Linhts In picture stu dios are consider. .1 hard on t.'i eyes, but the members of "The Valley of Kill lit .Ni.A" cast declare that the yn;rA'-covered mountains of Canada 1 Imve niithitig on the studios for hard ships. All departments of Heinline Con servatory running full force. Enroll w hile you can secure a good lesson period. Try our way with a Meadow Lnrk ! Electric washer. Easy payments, j Hudson Electric store. i All departments of Hcinline Con servatory running full ' force. Enroll while you can secure a good lesson period. . 9U I ! i Liberty Theatre ' The ousamllng fi sure of "Mind Ovi-r .Vn'.or." the Ward I.ascelle ! screen vetslon of Mary Huberts lline hart's Saturday Evening 1'o.u stor7. starring Trixte Frigatue. America's leading cotnmedienue for many years, is n spectacular automobile race In whic:i several jamns among wln , ar, Wl, r0Iulti , "Mlglitv l.ak' the ileath detytni; drivers results In ,, .. rcl,,:.lt,.(i hv First National serious injuries lo a number ot them nd to vhuKn losht at the Aut The race is excellently photographed lt,rs i),,,,,!,.,,. anil mo pronrewn in I ii ninnn i.eiu hi fore the audience, for Director iMa .illt. hi.,1 a .,lliw ..I stiitlon.'d at all points of vantage j been appearing lately along the cmnse. it is without doubt ! 'eld Folli-n; James K it,.. ,... ihrllllnir niimiiinhlle r I man ill - Shore Leave; ever conceived and produced on either! who Is support!!!;: I.enore t lrlc in screen or stage. ".Mind liver Motor" Is ; "Kikl." Anders Uandolf. Ilelne nt the Liberty theatre tomorrow und ' Montrose. Paul Panzer and Hairy Saturday. I Short. Annihi r flue actor who has i a prominent part In tho picture is Majestic Theatre ".lean limine." a Scotch loUle, an ex- The facia of the im ribers of the ceptlonally intelligent iloi:. company of "The Valley of Silent j Mighty I.ak" a Hose" Is a cro ik Men. ' tile, new CostiitiiKilitali produc-1 play. It ilinwis the power or tliu.-io turn for Paramount which will he j nut only In "swell" eoi tcty but In ll.o shown at the Majestic theatro underworld, where desperate crooks tonicht. looked like tried steaks : phm desperate wortt. The story ! when they had r.ti.s;nil tiltning the1 battle of a violin. In the hands o! picture in the Ctinuilhin ltockies. The ! n i nttiful nnd Innocent flrl, aaii! glare of the sun on the snow, burns wavward souls. Mr. larevo is aali ; the face und eves. The minute the 'i,, have made n picture that Is grt,)- . - ping in delineation of men and worn Mr. and Mrs. Iewis Adams who have been spending the past month in Itosehurg, enjoying a vacation, and visiting with friends, left today; (or their home in Yuma, Arizona. Anders Theatre A fine oust appears In the new Ecl- In this cast are Dorothy Mackai'.l. photographers i " I'rctiy young cngiisn gin. ;i. etinie. leailiiig " Sam Hardy. Miss Flo Adams will arrive to take up her Dramatic Art work at Heinline Conservatory on Thursday, Sept. 20th. All persons interested are invited to meet her at 7:30 o'clock, Thursday evening, Sept. 20th, at the conserva-, tory. Mtd Ox and Mule Teai Were able to handle the freight in early day. but in these times Swiftly Moving Motor Trucks must be used to meet your demands for service. We are prepared with a fleet of trucks to .,W- Ynnr Annies. Prunes or Household Cm vmm m T g F Economically and Quickly Call Us Up H. S. French Transfer & StorageW riione 220 Roseburg, (ta '''"n Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chapman or (Hide returned yesterday from a trip to Crater and Diamond lakes an.l ' Oregon caves. They wogr accompan ied by John Carlton I.ivenston. who remained with his aunt, Mary Liven-' ston, who owns'a ranch near Maliu. , SAGE TEA TURNS . GRAY HAIR DARK It's Grandmother's Reclpa Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair to mm n. ' Jk lf-.l RELIABLE TAILOR W mck .stles' Suits Men's Suits Pnon 149 J. H. BEBNir.R Wt Do AlKrations Cleaning and Pressing Kohlhagen Bldj. (Next Door Umpqua Hotel) Circulation 41.-5 honatldi trin-h tcsuils. nibcrit'ir. of . tv.bin-H New it- llevlew . ai!verll..crs f ti el cla is ,'t.lll I'T fle't' our In a ' A ... i n who are s.rndiiullv d-awn from th wide and crooked path to the straight and niirrnw one. He mis built npi a siiiui-liliic climax wheieln some oi l ' these old. burdened crooks take on a! -ocial covering that allows them tJ enter society homes. SOAP SPECIALS 5c l'alni iviil Olive soap. He: E!ic doien. Smtho in jimIi. tits ns ra'mollve, snme si... b.r. V e also have n line of big he is ot pure soap, made bv 1-atmolive t'o. nt c; r.'ic doz. Oatniesl. Verbena, liosi', Hnrdwater coco. Klib'rflower, Tiiik flower, and C.erunltim, Wo guar antee its purttv; see the soap and That beautiful, even shade of dark, Rlossy hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul jihur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mixture : you can get this famous old recipe im- proved by the addition of other ingre dients at a small cost, all ready for use. It is called Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. This can always be de pended upon to bring back the natural color and lustre of vour hair. Everybody nses "WyethV Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it ...in i. in .....i.-. , nonodv can tell it has been applied, have lemons, oranges, olives and cu- You simply dampen a sponge or soft cumber f(upos and compositions at bru5h wjth it nd draw this through our special -, bar: mc doi. You can j the hair, taking one small strand at a vt these Sp. rials nt Carr's where i time; by morning the gray hair has 'mi save,' r.oeming houses use these disappeared, and after another appllca- so:ips In big iiuaiitltles, so can prhate ticn it becomes beautifully dark and homes, apprars gloiiy and lustrous. Roseburg -Scottsburg Std FF f. r.nnnMHN Prnn. PHOSl LEE C GOODMAN, Prop. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY READ DOWN Fare 0.25 .30 .45 .50 1.05 1.25 2.60 4.25 Miles 0 6 8 14 17 32 65 7 Time 7:30 7:40 7:55 8:10 8 -.20 8:50 9:00 10:00 11:00 ROSEBURG WINCHESTER WILBUR SUTHERLIN OAKLAND YONCALLA DRAIN Office at Fay'a Drug Store ELKTON SCOTTSBURG Connects with boat at , Connects with North and South Bound Stages at Roseburg. Scottsburg for Gar diner and Reedsport. Fare 75 READ UP Time 4:00 3:50 S:40 3:30 3:20 2:50 2:40 1-.30 12:30 Miles 7 71 68 62 59 44 38 rnnnnets with Lake Stao H burn on TuesM Saturday THE NEW GARDNER CA S BEARING CRANKSHAFT The Only Car with a One-Year Guarantee Let us take you for a ride in the new RADIO SPECIAL convince you it's tha beat car mada Touring S1185 Radio Special . Sedan Coups ., $1350 EqutpP $1680 .11360 L. C. GOODMAN Dealer tor Douglas County 1 1 2 N. Jackson St TUBBY A Question Like This Is Pie For Tubby By WINNER in' i; Our waih. rs il inse Alt HOl.t'TKl.Y l'cciiii-c SUperlieat.sl water, finest .laps, expert oini.itii'tl Try our Uofdll ll!V HLIIVU K and the deference. NOW CHlLDRtN.TAKE OUT NOOR Al?THMETlCS THE PRIMARY rCtNClOlE 'rn I ! ( THUS VOE LEARM VOIKM I ' WE H.WJE A DASW MTH t-s, A DCT ASCVE AND U i,-j OCR 15. IM DlISICM iSllMCftTE TO SUBTRACT L HERE VJE HAVE 4,M X - I WCMDER f ir-vii rvni iixwo i f.X WHAT IT STANDS TOR ? r t -i ' it . " t rr ',Wr.''-? I KNOW, "TEACHER. WATq FOR "T UBB AND HISDOX LNTtf DAIL NEWS REVTE F - 7i v T .llU i ,Ll "':.:. - viV y., II I I l