08tBUa NIwVIEVI!Af, THURSDAY, BFPTEMPEB 16. 1923. aMMggjSSfSgSSSgnaaaaaEj FACT TWO " . - 1 . " J 8 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW nilM Fr.int Sunday d Manager ilKKT ' HATES nideul am .Hecretary-Tr.'aaurer (SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily, per year, by mall Dally, ai month, by niall Dally, line months, by mall Daily, .mile month, by mall , Daily, by carrier, per uionth Weekly Nems-Kericw, by mall. P"f year. l.00 2.00 1.00 M .60 loo PRUME PICKINS Br BERT G BATES I "1 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW CLASHED ADVERTISEMENTS Moafcr ml IM IkkkIuM fwrwm. Th. Jtnan-latfd P-e la mlll.ively .nUtled lo Ilia uia tor republication of all nw "ti-i "m.d lo It or not otn.rwla. llt"l In "Ha pawr. 'd Tto .lo-I.I p.i.itei.l h-r.iu. All rigut of republication ol p.cli li,l.i.t.'bi herein ara alao rtervd. feuli lull "'ccid cla niain r'Aluy 17, liio. at tU post uflica at ltosetiuri. rm-irnn. tinilf-r the Act of Mnnh 2. 1179. KObfcbUHG, OHtGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1W3 THE WOULD'S AGITATIONS. The world seems a terribly quarrelsome and agitated sort of GOOD EVENING FOLKS These crimpy morning Make tht muah and cream Taste lik a Million buck Don't they? ' DUMBELL DORA THINKS The floating population ia only thou who can wim. SHEARS AND SUNSHINE Bobbed hair may not hold idea, but The Pleasure of Tipping (By WU.-k.-a WambuWt Oo of our popular pastime I Jumping on the tipping practice) and likening waiters, porters, hat boy auu bell-boy to stick up nun protected by llaw. ' ' There used to be no more bitter de-mint-intor of tintdtia ttian myself. At ona lima 1 resolved that 1 owed It to myself a a free-born American to dis continue the practice, and 1 did. And, inasmuch a my work caused me to Uvea for a number of years In hotels and Pullmans. 1 Inflicted many uncomfortable moment on myself and others through my determination not to tip. I was In a constant fight In an attempt to get service. Then 1 Iwran I.. atliHv the attitude of the other fellow, and thl study Rare me an understanding whl.b changed my point of view. I found that employes who are In rx.siiiuna where tins are given are . . . .. nam dt ineir emtitovera utiuuuuBi?. . . . ... it mmm inn incv no nolo. oinw. . a . - . - - place in throe times. Our people look at buro,, wiui great, na-hli,b, Uet lnd bott(ea j The ., , liny ur. sunshine. A san r rancc. juuu. certain, amount of gratuitous NEW BIG PACKAGE Cigarettes 2419 NEWS-REVIEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER OBTAIN MAXIMUM KtaULlS AT A MINIMUM COST i ;i,'i i, ni..d mii v to Kiirinif ai eacn omers inroais. . . i.-. f V.n... ..nl .fitAnr...i.a iniH ut Ihp Ktruircrlinir ! h no boD-nairea woman naa muncraion ,ronl tne public. Some- ill, iiiuuv.-iin.uv. Wl n.... - -,.ked a divorce in h,s court, ana in. , h . . on, bodies of ie'))le scrambling for the essentials Ot Hie, ana many gan Francisco emergency hoepitai .aiarv at au but ,)av, the hotel for i i . . .i i...i... ,i w inrn lv wnl i mnt i y that no bob-haired girl naa ai- th Drlviieae of eettinit the tips that pensmnjr oy .. u. cu . tempted .uicde in more than a year. ,lne to hlm ,f guarding hat and of class warfare. Political blocs and industrial groups are quar-, considering that, mentally, the bob- coat8. ...i; I .-....l.li,,,, oiwh vii.lcntlv f-lamfirinie that someone else haired woman ia usually in the katy- When we understand the employe ,UM1fc """ ' , ii i i At I did class, the success she is making oi i, rMU(red by his employer to get a w iri.ttiiiir mure than their share. Ill Older days people Seemed u:her, ealia for -tudv. W. think it nortlon or all of his wune from the t..L I if.. e,.ln.lv unci nhilosonhicallv. Daily life Went more i bec.u sh. wants to please, ba-; public he, serve., we are obliged in " ' , - . . j k., cause sh. ha discovered a novel in- snuKillily, though the comforts of existence were possessed b ,rert n i(e and becau ,he h glv. fewer people. Uut as life has gone on 'developing, it has grovftl, en herelf a new ideal. No woman her- fuller of agitation and quarreling. What can the ordinary man y ' who wants tp live at peace with his neighbors do in such a time? it it How shall he vote if he wants his country to live at peace with Ye ed think the U. s. will never be- neighbor nations? Weil, there is just one thing that he can do, " "'ut- and through that Une of policy many iKople have found peace and n re(erring a anner lB whieh iianniness and success. And that thing is to be very careful to their car take hill moat men talk a i ...i ..... :.....:.. ... ..II ...;.v. .,... l,o r,uu rl.linirn Thi. husiness " credit were all their own, rilllltl (I11L lUTiLlttT H till niLll nnviu iv lino -a. ...... - - ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUND LAST PACE, UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY- WANTED man who is just s anxious to give his customers and his cm liloves a strictly fair and square deal as he is to make money for himself, may not make at first very rapid gains. Hut in due time go- j It take money to make the mare go and a spend thrift to make the money When the worm turn he meet either a chicken or a fieherman. When a rich old man look for a bride he uaually gets a dam-el. truth compelling drug called scopola' mm ha been tried only on a few criminal and the like who probably would tell the truth half the time with- his course begins to attract attention. People like to trade at nis btore. And people like to work for him. Such a man does not always acquire great riches, ttut he stands much more than an average chance of success. His life is enriched b the kindly feel ing and esteem of his fellow citizens. And in so far as that spirit can enter international relations, it will bring on the reign of world peace. o Sumo ni-nnln have claimed that the costs of building are at present so high that it does not pay the man of small means to try ; ;;Uc00rB,b"e':fln- ZTnti t lo ow n his own residence. Hut the enterprise of acquiring a periment on second hand flivver dwelling seems to look good to Secretary Hoover, as the U. S. de-! trader- partnient of commerce has just issued a guide book the purpose ?r;L.t whether of which is to encourage people to own their own homes. The -you paid it or not, if likely you majority of the American people live in somebody else's house. dvt.com.nt...adc comfort- There were only 'l" home owners out of each 1000 fomilies in:montll. liiJO. The coals of building seem likely to continue high. It isj not merely a question of high cost of labor, but the American i Horn, itself would ! seem charming. ,. ' . ., . , , however, if described by the chap who people have wasted their timber supplies so wantonly, that wood Wnte summer resort literature. will never be a cheap material during the life of the present gen- eralion. People who invest reasonable amounts of money in1 Our idea of a patient man is the 1 , , ,, . .. , r.. J one who bought a century plant to er homes on the present level, ought to realize a good prolit on tiie lf really would boom every hundred investment, particularly if they will devote some personal ettort yer, falrmlndednes to exonerate the era pioye from any blame in this connec tion. Now we come to the frothlne. declaration that any man who requires his employes to live ou tips squeezed from the public should be run out of husiness that the public should not be expected to dig from its pocket the wages for porters, wallers, bell-boys, etc.- Maybe so; maybe not. Let us see. Let us take the caje of a large hotel, for example. They calculate to pay a certain dividend to their stock holders. Service in the establishment must be maintained at a certain cost. The chance to the public Is based on the cost of this service. Now. a big part of the coat of such service Is the wage, paid employes. The less the hotel haa to nay Its employes, the less it must charge its patrons. In substance the hotel munagemont Bays to you, "We want you to have the best possible service. In oril to insure this aervlce we are going AGENCY FOR WHITE TRUCKS ESTABLISHED The Itoseburg Service Station, Inc., which haa been appointed agent for White trucks and parts for the coun ties of Lane, Douglas, Josephine. Jaok son, Siskiyou and Klamath, announces the sale of two large White trucks to It. R. Ramsey of Klamath Falls. De livery of the trucks was made from Sun Francisco. A complete line of parts and equipment will be carried! at the garage here. WANTED Experienced girl at Rose. The - MODERN APARTMENTS Fjt, nlshed, centrally locate .1 HENCE AGENCY, 123Cs.J I Phnna 910. VANTE1 Apple pickers. D. Hess, phone 32-F-2. Apply W. WANTED Turkeys, large or amau. l'hone 34 U Uoyer Bros. WANTED Dressmaking to do; sonable. Phone 232-Y. So far a we can discover, the new to let you personally pay the wages to ktvping up and improving their places, o President Coolidge is a devotee of custjird pie, which he is raid to like licltcr than anything else. Recipes for custard pic made the way he likes it have already been widely circulated. It is to be hoped that as a result more of our cooks will learn to make choice, it the way it used to be in the good old times. Nowadays they We wonder at times why the advo cates of simplified spelling still uce "epitaph" Inetead of "epitaffy." Straw vote are never significant. They merely indicate the ceonle' FOR FIRST-CLASS Dressmaking, see Miss Palmer, 408 E. Douslagjt. WANTED One more boarder. Will also do wet wash at 30c per doi. Phone 537. You should own a motorcycle to get real sport and economy combined. Harley-Davldson Sales Agency. .MEN WANTED to work in prune nar- h vet: wages J3 per day and board. Phone 12F25. Fred Iiroszio, Wilbur, Oregon. of these eaiploye. who Berve you directly. You can pay this to them and we figure It out of your bill. In this way you will get much better service than if we paid these employes from our office, because they know full well you will not pay them if they tall to please uu. Viewed from. the foregoing angle tipping becomes sound, legitimate and practical. It not' only takes the Btinp out of tipping, but places on us the resiMtnstlitllty to tip. 1 have talked on this subject with many hotel managers and waiters. 1 have found the -hotel managers gen erally well satisfied with the present arrangement. It is the waiters who kick. They say they would rather re ceive their wages direct from the hotel office instead of having to de pend upon public favor. There seems no likelihood of accomplishing this, however, because the public is going to tip anyhow. Thu wiso oues rculizt' they can get service in no other way. The hotel management recognized this fact anil has made a correspond ing adjustment. Next tipping tlmo, pass your coin out wilingly if you feel the servitor has earned his money. He and his family are dependent on It. MARSTERS GOING TO FAIR turn out millions of custard pies weekly having soggy and un- , , . .. ' , . cooked undererusts, enough to turn the stomach of a man who rcfliils on the glories of the old time product. If President Coo'.idgc's ta.ite for this noted American concoction tends to im-i prove its quality, his administration will not have been entirely in vain. I'.von an uiiternlieu democrat will applaud such an achievement. From Just a little loving little beaut; Tie just a little loving thing like this That make a lovey breach of prom ie tit. Wed all be happier if we realized ' attendance. that there nothing in the world worth worrying "or. Generally receiver is appointed when there j nothing left to receive. Women will never be men't enuala until you can alap one on the back and borrow a dollar. . The longer automobile tour are Dear Folks: iSI i br'tr- They mk " much more Two yous there are beneath the skin that covers up your fi',d ,0 get b4cJ?. hm'; bones. One you is full of happiness and one isjfull of moans. The Peopie ,hem" ad eodi a, you that thrives on cheerfulness, is smiling bright and gay. The hough they were good ones, you that feeds on bitterness is ashen, dull and gray. fl,.. .. ill l,,.,l, .,1 ,,l,vt.,..l.,o I f ;.o ! I ;.. J u Necessary of Shawnee, who A. C. Marstera. of the slate fail board, will h'sve tomorrow for Sa lem, to aid in the work of getting the fair und.-rway. Mr. Marstera has been very active this year in state fair work ami has aided in making many improvements ami chances which will bo very acceptable to those In WARNING Notice Is hereby given to all per sons that my wife Manola has left my bed and hoard. That on or after this date, 1 will not be responsible for any bills or other obligations contracted for by her. Signed: John Gilmore. Dated at Tiller, Douglas county, Oregon, this 17th day of September, 1!I23. GOLF PLAYERS ATTENTION There will soon come to the Liberty Theatre a most wonderful instructive picture on golf by Cenc Sarazen. showing clearly his method of m-in? every club and making every shot known to golf. The shots are illustra ted first by photography at normal speed and then in slow motion, s" every posture of the body can be ob served at every instant of the stroke. Better than a course at a golf school or weeks of practice on the course. Advice on the grip, stance, stroke and follow-through; on playing shots from the tee, fairway, rough and sand traps. Interesting to everybody. ! HOTEL ARRIVALS 1 II. ml Pnunlii! Porllanil arrivals: W. J. McCar thy, H. Kenstrup. Annie K. Jenkins, v.rs. a. HoljiTg, W. J. Rich. Mr. aaj Mrs. J. O. Phillabaum, Frank Clap. O. O. Johnson. F. J. Connolly, H. H. Hancock, A. E. Everton. V. F. An derson, Charles A. Dunn, J. II. Wat 1, Conrad A. Meyer, W. C. (irigg. Lewis M. White. N. O. Nicholson, G. Grif fith. J. II. Wajrenblast. Miscellaneous: William Bedford. Alameda; Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Ore and tamlly, San Francisco; Mr. a,nd Mrs. W. M. Wells, Seattle; R. v. Hatch, wife and child, Pendleton; H. McKel vey. Eugene; Adolph Hill, W. Snvirs, Detroit; E. .1. Manning, flan Fran cisco; L. H. Mason and wife, Peorl-i: ! Fred Catlin. Stockton: Miss N. P. Uarfove, Kallierine tilatt, San Frar ilsco; E. A. Johnston, W. W. John ston. Seattle: C. A. Davits, Al Scho enfeld, San Francisco. Hotel rinHiiii Portland arrivals: R. A. Slinkier, A. O. Worthington. C. H. Whit!. Ii. H. Morlan, J. K. Hayn-j. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Martlet!. A. Mo-ra. P. 11. Sihley, O. Rankin. Mrs. v. c. Tlutr lovv nud ramlly, (1. 11. Runge, R. A. Shaffer, F. w. llttlier, 1). A. Ann son, w. K. Finger. F. W. Pnrsnr,. p. H. Crawford. E. It. Barsinj.-! r. K .1. Maier. Miscellaneous: Richard akelln and wife. Seattle; K. M. Steele and wife. Los Angeles; Gcerge S. Corviu, San Francisco; W. J. Clement. F. I.. Cornish. Iieagle; C. H. Cnriir. San Franrlsco; Mr. and Mrs. Arllnir I. innon. Seattle: Mr. and Mis. V.'. F. Srhuette, I t. Madison; Miss C. t-a-trlce Fox. C. J. Fox Jr. and wi.'e. Mrs. C. .1. Fox. Los Angeles: 1". C. Reedy. Oakland; F. I.. Jones. Kll guie; Charles Barnes. .1. v. i ncl.s. ew lork: 11. II. Dannie, diet H en way, Eugene; F. W. I!a"is. ('.rants Pass; r. M. Tryon. Richard' Christen, Seattle; E. U. Partner. F. T. Findtuer, San Francisco. MISCELLANEOUS T SHEET MUSIC and record exchange at 328 N. Kane st. cTaROWNEH Don't torcel to call 653 when In need of auto part, Sarffs Auto Wrecking House. ANYONE having a piano they wlsn stored, will be guaranteed goou rare no children. Phone 14 F 41 7 GOATS for sale or trade for good used drag saw. J. P. Smick, Canyon ville. Ore. EXCHANGE 20 acres suitable for noultrv farm. Good house. Well. Chicken houses. Fenced. Want Foit SALE About 2r0 tien i FOR SALE FOR SALE Used player pun oeo eacu. ruuue etu. FOR SALE Trained females An, Uj.nl 1 ..tin. n.L. .1 FOR SALE 2nd hand doubu Joe Harvey, Koaeburg, Hl 1 9 F 4. FOR SALE OR RENT A praj iarm. Auuress a. K.f care Review. FOR SALE Vetch & oats. per lb. C. L. llranton, rjuj Phone is t 3x. FOR SALE Team of mareTu. die horse. Address 'J," cut Review. FOR SALE Ladies' Wool khaki cloth, 118-Y. coat, U tailored. FOR SALE Team bay mam. a and eight years, J2U0. J. f. Dillard. FOR SALE 3 bottom 14 tachP Tractor Plow. Price 50. Tisdale, Sutherlin. FOR SALE Small stock nod limited out lange. Inquire Wolf Creek, Oregon. house in Roseburg. Will assume. O. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. T LOST AND FOUND -i . LOST Black traveling bag between Roseburg and Junction City. Finder please notify Ivan McDonald, Silver ton, Ore. T FOR RENT "f VOU KENT safety deposit boxed, Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT Furnished house. Phone 4f.3-J. ROOMS FOR RENT 323 So. Steph ens. Phone 295-J. 1' rii-ht on the road. Phone 34 f, 34 F 25 FOR SALE Prunes, 50c pet i place after Sept. 18. Tim orders, afternoons. Phone STI FOR SALE 200 ricks ol Iur oak wood on the farm, bw J. D. Reese at West Side H YOll SALE-Crlnies GoHeY orchard run, on trees, lid yourself. 25o a box. Brai W. D. Hess, phone 32-F-l RNISHED rooms to rent near high school. 404 West Douglas. FOR- RENT S1"-unfurnished "house keeping rooms. 725 V. Lane st. - FO R R ENT 1 57 acre-f af ni 2 mi. from town. M. Howe, Rt. 1, Box 2D. FOR liKNf tilt SALE 6 Id acres7best grass ranch in Douglas Co. A. W. Ream, Phone 36 F 24. FOR RENT 2 rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Use of piano if desired. 714 Thompson street. FOR-RENT "furnishedooms; hv dies preferred. 477 So. Jackson St. Near Rose school. Phone 104-J. GOOD HEATED SLEEPING room $10 per month; board served fam ily style, 35c per meal. 318 West Lane. FOOT SPECIALIST DR. GEO. E. SWENSON New York Post Graduate Corns, Bunions, Warts. Ingrown Nails, Broken Arches Treated. 326 W. Cass St. FOR SALKrrWlntcr "tt seed. R. Fate. 'Myrtle Ctl Sumner. Days Creek. I FORSALELloydsRei riage. used two weeks. Kean, Darby and Baldwi. titre Store. FOR SALE Modern 5-ra with sleeping porch, gaw in. Cheap. Inquire GtiK Berber Sliop. SERVICE STATION PUTS IN UP-TO-DATE APPLIANCE The RnxchuiK Senlce Station, Inc., j has been made the distributors in IVuglas and Josephine counties, of J. H. Necessary of Shawnee, who the I'niied Motor Lines and Tiniken married Doliie Mvera of Hurh.nb sr.. I IWarineH .ir !, aitd nmrli.rlH. arrnril- iqiito of rough and rocky roads, in spite of w here it's htl. That parent ly was one of the neceitie ofiing to an nnnouncement made today ncr nte, nicker the Wichita. Kan. i by t;.ore Smith. The I nite.1 Moior Eaale. I.in. inciu.i.. Tkir. r;,v ...i,.iii.i,t is you, and really, you, the you you like the best. ' innscs and snatton. and 'c'lum igni- 'J'lio oilier VOU beneath Vuiir skin i irrou.-liv rMss un.l nwan . . When vou ,mh:i ...r.,i. ",,n systems, i.nd V. S. L. batteries Mrs. Charles G. Stanton Teacher of Piano. History, Harmony es and forge its way ahead, in you win Keep a plugging on witn little stops lor rest, mat vou You're thaimful that this you in you, is one that's seldom seen. It turns your friends to enemies whenever it npxnrs, that you in you is always glad to see your frowns and tears. U has no pa tience or control, but snarls and snaps and bites. It makes your ether yon ashamed, the way it .scraps and bites. Among themselves, your yens will clash and one of them must die. I be one Unit has the strongest will, vour soul w i ticupy. Whieh you in you will you protect? Whieh you will ou defend'.' The you in you that's really yen's the one I recommend. t v. -v II V I Ice Cold Sodas and Ice Cream A Fi ie New Line PIPES of Drop in and F.njoy a Bit of Old Time Cheer and 1 iospitality at the Fountain Pool Room in Connection We I l.tndle the Popular M.tkes of Cigars and ToUtccos THE PULLMAN K ltos. burg. Or.. . 122 W. Cass you embrace opportunity you tjt no powder on your aleeve. Nero fiddled while Rome burnc1. but now when there's a fire everybody hops into an automobile and goes to it. . .. .-V ' ''Scrapln' an arple with case-k:iife ure rr.ikea it Uate dern good." CHICKEN DINNER Tie' U.lies of the W. R. C. will held a i.if-t, n dinner at the armoiy, Fil il.o. Sept II. from 11 o'clcx-k until 1. j"c a plute. Public Is ln!ted. A CHILD !N PAIN n.n. to Mother for telief. So do the crown-up. f uf su.i.in a.-i i.wr, pa. ii in atonih and bowels, ,-iampl, dwlihoea CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DUKKHOEA KLMtOY tt hs never been Lnowa to (ul Hotel Grnnil Portland arrlals: Jack Killaln, Robert Byrne. 11. C. Raisners. Mrs. J. W. Kelly. Mrs. C. V. Schmur. C. Shorlt, T. Waters. C. II. llro-vn. i i Williams. Frank Rhodes. Eliu-'r Mil ler. .1. Jackson, A. J. Redmond, H. A. Ogllvie. Misrellaneous: E. R. Pal.', rs.iu. Cons Hay; J. 1.. Smith. Cnqui:ie; w. T. Beaver. San Diego: J. w lje-i-derson. Mrs. C. It. White. Fr.vik Kaus-he. Jnlm Edwards. Oakland; I led Finery, city: C. O. Thoiu: V-dford; J. W. Peek. Seattle; M. Si-eniler. San Francisco- Viiin, o t . i -.i M'iresllain: K. . llenrnn M.,,1 f.. I ' trical i .iniinii, in arc helne inatallwl i ' amas v all FOR SALE at a bargain. Imi one acre ground, 3 blockifv house. Inquire of owner. I Jackson street. FOR-SALE 1920 Hurley h motorcycle. Good condMs tires. $75. Terms, or will "A Ford. II. H. Owen, Oakln ESTRAY NOTICE One with white face, -with redo old. Each has lower ear nui and pay charges. Fil Laurelcrest Ranch. FOR SALE First class vera-' Bloodhound, and Red B years old. Good on most rj Practically doer proof. Pnw able. Homer Collins, Elthni USED CAR BARGAINS Ford touring Ford touring Grant Six Willys-Knight Rann Bros.. Roseburt FOR SALE Timber and fa" ISO acres. 4 miles west ol Ore. S4 of 8V4 Sec. 26 Tt R. 6 W. County cruise l,f 5 acres ready for nlow. Lo" Ine land near bv. Good ct 1800. Writo owner. U V4- Lombard Ave. Everett, fur all cars. In ..ddltiou to other pans' and supplies. A six to eight hour Un ban charaer and Wlndorf testing out-1 fn lor armature, magnetos and elcr-J ai the liosehuig Service Station iAt- , age. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMEPS W..I.T shut off Sa'urd.iy. S. pt. i.'nd trutn 2 p. ni. until 4 p. in. In-eludiii-: ail ..i i;.erside. Elenh.v.er. and W:e. h. ver. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON ItrtVKH CO. Hens, rort Ante e: I; lenea. .1. i.. lllnclerii.in an;l ri:e Vtigel.-s; H. I.. HalloVav. Alha:- l. I:.nti ls and family, l.os Anrcies; i. W. Walr.cr. Albany: W. I 'urr t'e. Chehalis: J. Feller, l.tis nivle: Vr, Annie Wood, ciiaias Valley; Flora llanlar. Vesm Corad cltv. LEAVING FOR FAIR t 1. V. M.ciintix-k. Storey lies and, Mr... J. ii i lark, will leave ttmmr row for Salem wh.re they are to 's, re la ailous capicill. s al w State Pi.ir. tv liU It Maris Men in.. Mr. Vtci'lititiH k has heid the hishu,ii of ashler aid auditor at the t.er ter social vara and will again .erve in this position. Storey lies ; is to .,-nr as an assNtant .ashier, anil oil h, A,i charge uf tit Vet sales at one of th,. gates of the lair 'tr.Mim.a Mrs Clara l. to be one of . th" ilerks in the Textile depart-. in. nt. ' W: 1 tin- i.KHl l.fcoS ! i "LITE-F23T lSiaicrra DASCE FLCO.l WAX !!. I.HKaSK Olt III s . . u r ftriic - m s,. It. If r-e. T1d u, st .Tiins. ;.i.- r.ir one- I I. OIUK. w o'iiiw utn Hit . I. t a. fartlaatf. Onmmm. I Progressive Sene High School Credit I R'H. Studio Res. Tlionc 75-J kr sXA ? ; i4 ,n thi. hop ,ou win 13 y7r:r2s:j m . h" r .. i OKcbustthiiiiresi j your home reflect more (J : l charm and comfort. f ' 8 This house carries rt II- HrjJ . Jj : . able paiHT that la fci j'.', I l priced to maku a popu- jfj j SI lar ari''i'L 13 Ji I Paint isn't an expense j M f, it's an luvestnient. 14$ ij ;.3 1 YfTTrvrrnvrrM H offen have seriom eye trouble. Dettc tivo vision, being mechanical errc occurs in the healtf- iet of children. Neglect of latent er trouble may caue health later on. B" ter have their ey examined if there any reason for picion. Bubar Bros. Optical Dept.