- ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, SATURDAY. &EPTEM8ER 15. 1921 pace four When You Think ot Flour SAY EXCHANGE! As good as the best and better than most. Guaranteed to please you. Only $6.90 a barrel. Scf U First, We Can Save You Money. Wire Fence at Carlot Prices AH Next Week Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Roseburg and Oakland THE MISFIT: By JANE PHELPS OMITKIl -XI. tlih me or can't yu 'l' ,0 Natalie worked doggedly, making early?" work fur herself when there wait -Qh. Ill come. Clyde, ""d n t Horn, that rlie might have the ap- you f,)r fcsklng me." They look the pearanre of I elng occupied, and " nearby aubway, and neither spoke prevent tonvi mation upon exlrane-; un1 ln,.y Km,.t... near Clyde' ous uiattir. liul Harwood waa not home. Then h aald: , be ut off. 0"V"Lh Y!"." 1 ' Whaf, the .rouble. Natalie!" M,.i. le to hi... a. '" ! -i re lost my position. Clyde. The and In spile of her rual , her In- beast and I couldn't stay. I will find another soon pornaps. iliKnaiiun. he klv d h r. at tin r.n.ie telling he, onMrbhrlUt0.t worry Etla ,bou, .- I - . "V: "U..m'. th. . i ...I.... v,, want her more boon. If n wero goou , . ,"" " ""' .:,,, i , ,,, .. ;to tell her. allhough I don't think It l l" 1,11 '' 1 U.-M.I.I .In nnt. I.-.-.,, U'lta'S L'Ot a Furiously angry, totally dinheart-1 . . ' ,-,,,. jiaybe , ahe could cheer you up Vou look , aa If you needed It ened, Natalie went to lo-r deik us noon us the man released her, tiatli- and then told him he would have to "Ood knowa I do," Na'ulie replied find another stenographer. somberly,. llarnood iib-uded. said he would After greeting Clyde and .aiane, li not offend again, but Natalie knew he lied, that there wua no surety for her In an office alone with him. Etta asked. "What luck did ou have, Clyde?" No lurk at all, I went to three Never had Bhe been made to feel she i piat(,H bt .nere wasn't a girl In mut fear an employer before, and , liy ot thfim wno ln0 t,in. And THE NEW GARDNER CAR B BEARINO CRANKSHAFT Tha Only Car with 1 One-Year Guarantea Let Ul tk you for a rid In tha new RADIO SPECIAL. It will convmca you It' th teat car mad Touring 61185 Radio Spatial 61350 Equipped S.dan $1680 Coup ,, 1130 LC. GOODMAN Dealer for Douglas County 1 12 N. Jackson St It Increased her ribgua for hlni a 'she menially compared hhn wllh I others for whom iilte had worked. 'Disdaining to reply, Kile left him. ' As Naialie emerged from the office at a much earlier hour llian usual. ii-ho aw a handsome car parked ut I Hi- rm b. II looked ragii'ly familiar. Ilcfore s! could turn away Heverly i K.iinsford lain" from a doorway and ptopiM-d In amazement at seeing Nntalie. who. without looking to right or li ft, hurried away. There could be nil doubt lhai lleverly had seen her. Vet Natalie hoped ihe had not recoKiiled her in Ihe plainly dns.-ud working girl. As she passed a larje building iihe t'.lrnid Into th the wnKea zowie "What are you looking for?" Nat alie asked, "A youiiK Klrl who won't want all my wan' a to look ofter the house and Ktta." Clyde answered. A eli'aiii came inio Natalie's eyes. "Mow would I do?" she afckcd. "You w?iy. Naialie. you don't menn It! ' Ktta declared. "i!ut I do! I will come for room ami board for a time If you'll have me. , I'm not worth wave, but I can cook a little, and can keep this little place clean." Natalie's voice waa enjrer. "Are you serious, Natalie?" Clyde nsked 1 J t LOCAL NEWS I 1..4 h In Tow a VeMrnUy i W V. Coolly, of Garden alley, waa in town yesterday visiting and attending to business matter. Spent YwtenUy Krank Hill and -Jack Ponsler of the C. A. Lorkwood Motor company spent yesterday in Canyouvllle on, business. To Attend School James McClintock and Luclen Cobb were amonif those who left today for Silem wehere they will attend Willamette University. j Wilbur Ileslileiilii In Mr. and .Mrs. W. J). l!as:inK. resl-. dents of Wilbur, were In town today, transacting business matters. j To Medlord ! CU.'Iord Lilly left this morning for1 Mcdford. where he will visit with his sister, Mrs. Wallace Singleton, and ettend the races. I AUemliiiK to Kiifclneti.1 K. C. Kp.'lnger, a resident of C.len dale. waa in the city yesterday at tending to business. STAINLESS CUTLERY Every housewife should have a variety of thi, fine kitchen ware in her house. Stainlass Cutlery Wjj Retain Its Luster Under any and all Conditions Does not stain or blacken fruit, and the longer it is used the better it is liked. See our Window Display of thi famous cutlery. You will be delighted with it Churchill Hardware Co. THE WINCHESTER STORE Mr. Irat In J. M. Pratt was among the Myrtle Creek people who were in yesterday transacting business matters. In Krom Myrtle Creek Mr. and Mra. John llos of Myrtle Creek were In town yesterday at tending to business matters. See' Willard Smith, treeder of pure bred Holsteins. Glide, Ore. FULLER brushes. J. B. Crary, j(J o i Muuiic muaiL. oiuijio reoW Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-I. 1 Sept. luth. Everyone is urged te a u ! reservation this week, aa clajieiJ Don t wait, come in and see our new opus arrungeu. ..j n. jacksm lamps. Hudson Electric Store. ' I'none D02. 1 Ice Cold Sodas PROFESSIONAL CARDS ....WW...Wm DR M. H. ri.Ytlt ChlropraUo rny alclaa- 114 W. In iL l)r. Sliih Wltiel. Oalmjiatiilc phy sician. SOJ I'erkin Illdg. J'hone l!J. 1)11. I. 0. RTAI'RAN, chlropra'lc specialist. Settl Hotel, Oakland, Ore. YES MELONS And Plenty of Them and right at their best. Stand 1 i ml. south of Dlllard.. Rice Brothers AUTO TOP WORK K Furniture rphnlafcrtug Hemaklng Mattrvssea K C. M. Jon.s Auto Top Shop S Wluihe.ter and North Jackion f, 1'bone 4 US K fXBOk rJow la the Time to I lave Your Carpets Cleaned 'hone us, and we will call end toll you what we can do with tFiem. We make Fluffy Rugs out of old carpets. TRY OUR WAY Phona 27T Our Auto Will Call hpllwav. She wuuld wait ihere until ' Naialie, the girl who had lived in H.'verly had surely gone. j luxury auch as they had never dream- L The fear of being recognized haded of, should be offering serious1!)' .driven rll th'iinhts of liarwood from lo do menial work for them, her mind, and l.y lievi rly Italiiaford i "I was never more aerloua In my I of all people, the elrl who Na'alle life." Natalie answered. She then le lleved loved Horace, whom he ad- told them both her experience In ! mired. Kale was egalnsi her. Mrs. llarwood's office, her fear that. jcrandell was rlf.li.. She was a "mis-I lacking references, she would be un fit" all around. What use to strug; ; able to find another position. "And 4''? l-or (the first lime reme tneii must or s'arve, I tern piatlnn to end it all, lo really "It will be heaven lo have you clve liora.e his freedom. She had j Narulle, li.-.ead of some Ignorant, .taken her life In her hands only to green girl the only kind we can make a failure of It. What use co-j afford. Tint we shall pay you. 1 .Ii.it on? (could not let you come If we didn't. Someone spoke to hr. Turning Not much, not half what I'd like to. fearfully she looked Into Clyde ) bill something." I I'lnekwell'a honest face. A gasp, a That night Mrs. Horace Crandell limk of relief made him say: "What is It Natalie? Can I help? TI.mii: "Kttu wasn't well mis uiornlng I Ktta and Clyde. ami I am on my way home. Come Tomorruw .Nntalie II i i Confidant In Town Yeslorday JS , llnlutri Mflfav w hn 1. resid ent of ; i J Iaa ff mmmwm It didn't seem possible that firockway. was in .own yesterday at- j HC l C-ll tending to business matters. ,) A Fine New Line of PIPES In From Winchester Mrs. Frank Gilliam was in from t Winchester this morning shopping and attending to other business. j Acetel Position Harold Uoadraan has accepted a Inosiiion with the Hotel Grand as ele- i-be finally said. vator operaior. Mr. Headman enter- tured on his new duties today. Drop in and Enjoy a Bit of Old Time Cheer and Hospitality at the Fountain Pool Room in Connection We Handle the Popular Makes of Cigars and Tobacco. THE PULLMAN 122 W. Cass Roseburg, On 2 I'KseI Tht-onuh B. L. Groves, western division man ager of the Kord Motor company, passed through nils city yesterday and visited. made another move. Klie bad en- Over From Oakland I en' d herself out as a housemaid for I Mrs. T. II. Carrlson wns over from Oakland yesienlay and spent the af-; IIBIW BEDFORD SELECTED ternoon shopping and attending o( her business. to RELIABLE TAILOR . W make Ladles' Suit Men' Suits Phona 14)1 J. H. BERNIER We Ds Alterations Cleaning and Preuiai Kohlhagen Bldg. (Next Door Umpqua I-otd) Mrs. Ferguson In Mrs. John Ferguson was In the city yesterday from Kdenbower at tending to business and vbttlni: with friends. Two Graham Brothels trui'ks were received today by ihe J. (). Newland At &on. local Ifculce ItitMhers dealers, in a mi-limit wllh twri nf tile lute (le. sign Hodxe Brothers touring cars. Tho .''"!111 nilr,'n n the churchmen und , left this niornln Stoppexl Here " f Miss Thedora Moll, who has been visiting in Coijuille, stopped in this city for several hours today on her 1 reiurn 10 ner nome in isan r rancisco. m Ox and Mule Teams SURVEYORS Licensed Engineers EPPSTEIN & STEWART ll North Jackson I'hon 17 (Ilv t'nltcd'Vrc.) 1'OKTI.AM). Sent. 15. Meilfonl has hem aelei ti d for the next year's eon- To Senil Wick Knit. vention city for tho Methodist Kpls-; Miss Ifuth Edwards Nice Ilarllell pears, fnc per bu. 'a ,,u"" '' tounne cars, lilt, . "' -" ", " "' , , h," l.loyd Cole, 'mild "usn. woitn were orucrea lor jess iiaiunnNiK, a inrKe prune .urowei, hiiu j the California Oregon 1'ower Company are of one and one-half ton capacity. They will be delivered to their owners today. rick them yourself, Ave. South. t LOCAL NEWS j This is a Studebaker year. of Oakland for Medford. where 14 she will spend the week end visiting with relatives and attending the races. 1 UMPQUA HOTEL "Roaeburg'a Finest" NtW AND MODERN Th people of Douglas County are idvlted to make tholr boail quarters bar. W. J. WEAVF.n. Prop. Seturneil To lllllarl Miss Kuih .Miller, who spent Ives- , terday and last night In this city 'visiting with the Coblis. returned to : her home in Dlllard this morning. 1 rainless extraction ot teeth at room BasaaHBSBBjBaBaaasBiMra.wai - a i tM w .-1 - - .u a 1 - si 1 rh fv- " iri m fr' i VEfA I.I pnpnr for " ovry room In lhi hoiiM' (jujifn: (Ir.ilKtm fin- tho cliitilrcu'ii ntmi unit vP'T of rUh im Illy ttml nrtlstlr I'.it Irrn fir th r st ( tho hou-. All (ho tii.'iiMU to h ip uui, Paints the foe of all de Sava tho aurfjca white you may. Is ! Jess Shambrouk will use his truck j for hauling prunes from his big or chard at t'liipqiut where he has one 01 "it- iiiie-wi nun uesi prune onoarus in nv.u v. ..-..i n. iwu. , l,i ..... - iu.m..i T...ni 11, vrKo : Peml "Intel" ' ! ik ii "- - Mr. and Mra. J. II. Wolford and ,1. not hauling prunes the truck will. children have moved to town .0 ... u..,-u ..,, ,rlll ,,u, ,,... ,,e 10 n,i a ns 01 eiecincai a,n , p..,,,, tle Klnt(,r ,n onl,.r ,, ,nP I 1 ut- uih u w 111 use ineir iruco in ine wora. iiuuson r-liftric Biure. children hihv ntt.nH tlw. l,.cul H.-hnnlH ' consl ruction work they are iThn, k.vk. .i.n. i -.i:;T on In this section, and in tile; IS ntarea a Ttmnl Varinitn cleaner pare 'I nance of their power line. This!,,, your h Hujon Electric store. ' . !t .mipauy patronizes hK-al industry as We ,u,uvor i Iteuirnrd Home " "; e''-f ....! u.-....s o .....11-! 1 Mrs. 8. It. Hinkle left yesterday for '.".u chaed he''" '"Ch! Kif,""n k'"'- .'Rln training home in San Francisco after a , no puunaseii iiere. . Hemline Kimlem-irten Sent 17th ' visit of several months at Ihe home I This n. w craham Ilrothers type of 'our child one ithen' of hpr " A. Hinkle. and daugh- truck Ik b..ng rapidly added to the1' uur ci""1 onf "r "lcl" ' ' ter. Mrs. J. H. Short. I fleets of large operators throughout J " ' ;th. l ulled States. There are a larce '-'"yds Taxi for easy riding. Sp-:IW Kenny I-fl number of big companies which have f'"' country .rips. No .rip; Ml Kpnny who bppn v. ,um.i these irurks with such a hmh de- l'"' '"an rifiy cems. lbone 4. Mng n,,rp wln Mr an(, yln p T suv of satisfaction that they are ' Itnl.ar and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Young i cb.mslng them lo enlarge .heir fleets. 1 All departments of lleinline Con-: for the pas. two weeks, left last ' The lo si deiiianil for the truck is evi-: "ervatoi v running full force. Knroll night for her home In Washington, dintly much mcaicr than In the past hile ou call secure a good lesson D. C. , as is shown b the Interest taken In ' I'fr'od. ' lbs i.'.l;e lirolheis liralmm lttoth- is pioouct. w ere able to handle the freight in early days but in these times Swiftly Moving Motor Trucks must be used to meet your demands for service. We are prepared with a fleet of trucks to ' Move Your Apples, Prunes or Household Good Economically and Quickly Call Us Up H. S. French Transfer & Storage Co. Phone 220 Roseburg, Oregot KiHifing at Wharton Urns. Trv our way with a Meadow Kleitrir washer. Easy Hudson Klectric store. I .ark payments. o- ft'iv itnt s Jth it Christian iluinh Sunday eve. Coiistiiuimn la, patiiolie sen- li e. Serimn. liat America mu. All tlcimrtmcnfs of He'- line Con servatory running full fo re. Knroll wnile ou can secure a good lesson period. Claude Klder. w ho Is a resident of Olendalc, was up yesterday attend ing to nu.niicss mailers. J I-oft For Cnllfoniia .r. and Mrs. Charley Morlsor., who have been visiting here for n few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Weaver left yesterday afternoon for Lincoln. California, where they will visit be fore returning to their home in Kansas. i Circulation brines results. Tic '4125 honafidc subscriber nf the Roseburg News-Kevlew Insure our advertisers flrrt class service In j buying field. Roseburg -Scottsburg Stage! LEE C. GOODMAN, Prop. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY PHONE W READ DOWN Fare Miles Time 0 7:30 10.25 S 7:40 .30 8 7:65 .45 14 8:10 .50 17 8:20 1.0S 32 8:50 1.25 38 9:00 260 65 10:00 4.25 76 11:00 Connects with boat at Scottsburg for Gar diner and Reedsport. Fare 75o ROSEBURG -' WINCHESTER WILBUR SUTHERLIN OAKLAND YONCALLA DRAIN Office at Fay's Drug Store ELKTON SCOTTSBURG Connects with North nd South Bound Stage at Roseburg. READ UP Time Mile 4:00 76 V 3:60 71 3:40 68 l 3:30 62 S 3:20 69 I" 2:60 44 . 1 2:40 38 1" 1:30 21 I" 12:30 0 Connect with Lf Lake Stage it Scot burg on Tuesday " Saturday .I M WL"401 viihui c; O often have serious eye trouble. Defec tive viaion. beiiiu hR mechanical error, L'U orntra i,, 1 1. K l.l. At leal of children. Neul-ct of Intent e trouble may enure ill health later nn. It-t. t ter have their eyes 1 examined if thero is A any reason for sus piiion. TUBBY Why, of Course ,M.V .llAI I V V A li)i" L v.." y i ri c rifTiii' i'mal-duI r v v. v v i v ' I i'if. OU? HAVUATAKE I f IT 1- ' WrEM hv SISTER :tTC n . r f.rv.--. C:WA MARSW A MAN TKm .pYi"1t.T HAS A C&NDV k C-rMMA hARRY A By WINNER 0MCE MOM WAS ENCAGED TO A PUECMAM AN a 1NGINEER AT TH ME TIMF RUT cup vwn MAKRV EITHER rs. t n W WHO U V CP POPSW Vl I1 .ill' --v M WATCH FOR TUBBfl AND HIS D0LVS IN THE DAILY REVIEW 1 Bubar Bros. Optical Dept. 1 I I i I l C V-t:' r-ta ... i. S3f 13 I L