Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 15, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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d' V-Ace two
Itiued Dally
',l"y. iht year, by mail...,- ., .n
. Iftlly, til mouth, by mall.
- Lally. three uiwilha, by mall -
. laily, single mouth, by mall.,.
J tally, by carrier. per month
' Weekly News Itcview. by mall, per year
I. Tk. a.niin P'aaa la nl ual
. . ... . . .a,..
i ..,4 10 T "..! l.a iul, h.r.ia.
aiaOt''l.ra hn'.ln ata also rftTVtl.
clatcred ua second claaa mailer Slay
On una. unilr lb
July 4 in a date known to every school child. September 17 is
, another dale of almost equal iinporUiiice, but lew people reau.e
iffcront from the other 305 days. Yet thin
' , last named occasion Is the date
. . . . i .....
: ' tion wan completed reauy ior iicci-piauce uy mu ''
" ! ' The American L'jtr'xiution has appropriately started a move
i ' ' ment to have the week, SepU-mher 10 to 23 noted as Constitution
week. The United SUites constitution is probably the greatest
'' iichievenu-nt in government making that has ever been reached.
,7, Many democratic systems had previously been tried. But they all
', went to piwes, as the result of some vita! flaw. The maker of
. ,' the American constitution had from some source a wisdom that
fcwms like divine guidance. With consummate insight into human
, nature, they put together a system of government that has work
S ed without any vital change for 1.15 years. The wonderful thing
jl , is that in that period human life has undergone changes almost
' ' s great as those that occurred from the birth of Christ until the
'..' American colonies acquired their freedom. Yet this inarvelou?
, document adjusts itself so closely to the facts of human life, that
It fits about as well now in this changed order as it did then. It
: ' t may need tinkering here and there to make it meet the tremendous
,' j changes in human society, but in the main it adapts itself easily
"-: and flexibly to modern life. An instrument showing such marvel
, ous skill needs to be approached with some reverence. It should be
, modified with some caution, because a thing that lias worked well
jj for so long in probably in the main wiser than any temporary pop-
i ular emotion.
'.I .
: The newspaiH-rs recently carritd a pathetic story of an aged
. couple who invested and lost $:j.r,000 in worthless stocks. It was
' every cent they had in the world and all of their lifetime savings.
Their money was fooled away from them by the glittering prom
; iseg of an unscrupulous broker who promised to make them mil
H lionaircs. It is lecause the world is full of sharks absolutely with
i i out mercy, and full of people who believe they can get something
i . for nothing that our poor house and penitentiaries are full and
: , many people discouraged and heartbroken . Don't be foolod into
' thinking there is an easy road to wealth. Hard work and prudent
i ' .investment secure the only lasting prosperity. There are reliable
j : investment bankers in every community who are only too glad to
i ; give honest advice to those seeking a place to put their money.
IHiks like the recall machinery is to be set in motion for Gov
ernor Tierce. This will be a good opportunity to test the law
n law that has been in disrepute ever since it was placed on the
i tatute books, mainly for the reason that it is seldom used for
other than selfish motives and personal aggrandizement by a set
of wily politicians.
If recalled, Governor Tierce vill save the opportunity of go
ing to the trouble of cutting taxes in half a pre-campaign prom
ise that accomplished a great deal in assembling votes for the
Jack Dempsey is still the champion pug of the globe. And it
looks like it will take a man of more than ordinary fighting pro
clivities to take the tide away from the slugger.
Study your own constitution a little next week, as well as that
of your country's. Then compare the two and make repairs.
The summer girls now have their victims rojied and thrown
and they are niervly wailing to have them branded.
The Oregon State Fair promises to lie an event of more than
ordinary interest this vear.
1 "
L.iM r,1.2To.,. THREE
znr,trv rtT72j"F imiiiih'ii i ii iiiii'i iiiii
rvxO,Tv - 5C2 mm ininnwrnpim
lion's sulij.vt worth sin. tliiiiKinK, Civo- it tliotil.t jinti
you'll Ji:ru', thnvs a tmtlt in vvluit I'm writing tho ut timvs if
liaitt to sto.
IH'injr Kratcfii to a icrsoti for a favor gladly doiu, is n ftvl
i"K that is common, Init the ono who pt. tho favor is tho givt-r,
Dot iilu lin'-i t ro.i;,l it .,11 fll.l; i.. . '
ailv, ays j:i;nl to m II.
For iar,ip!', if tlu r. '.s .soii.o ono who ,a I help you out a lit
wh.-M thiy liiul you mv,l asit!u,,,. ,,t a time- w lion" vou ro Int.
u l.r thankful for thr holpinjr .-nl at first vour lioart will
! in;r. m ith a jrivuihuk. that ploasMiv to yo hoth sun-ly linnjr.
I'.y ami ! anotl or favor v ,11 lo pussod alona: y,ur way Vy tho
sanio jraod lioai'to.l poi'M.n. .mi motv thankful won. vou'll say. I't
theso favors ko'p iiu roasing. lot your ..ligations riso. m. 'vou'll
now to t'lii.k loss of t!. whop, thoy stop, you'll fool Mirpriso
i on u navr t omuod on thorn coming as tht y'd aKavs toti-o
mill yon tl lm.1 lumoyamo growiiiu wh
tH) IllOIT.
To l.o Ri-at, ful is a f.r'inir that v ill thrivo a littlo whilo l.t't it
ratios win.,, i.Mipations Mart to hoap up in a pilo. So W c.trl'ful of
i:io ia"s, (,i:n you Know you can't n tiim, or thfV
of trmi! io vihiih will soar a::d Moroh and hurn.
Ecpt Sunday
FrvsldvM and iuiniifir
2 00
lj (Milled lo th for rpulllcalo
. ... il.i.rlu credited In inia pimtf,
Ail Tlbl. of r.publUll, ol apacUl
17. 12, at the post oflita at lloibur,
Act ol narin i. isia.
when the United States eonstitu-
l... it... A.,..t ulnfaa
'"K.'ui.n i. n (iriHiiioi mat vou ro
ho lore.
tiou .vni l.anu-d thoro'd lx
I start flame
nogrsuna Ncwtnevn v. Saturday. sgPTEMBTR Jl.1jiL
My tiavinga
How time do fly
Hare it it Saturday
Agin and it only
Seemt lik ytatiddy
That tvt took
Our bath.
A paraaite ia Jan from Parli.
I klaaei her once
Before efce knew
I wonder why
My aye'a ao blue.
Altho the rumor ia unconfirmed, In
formation reached thia eanctum latt
eve that a fiatic encounter took place
eomewhere in the euburba of New
The ttaeomb ahelka will kick their
lardnert In the ehine again tonight at
the armory, the Umpqua Five playin'
the funeral dirge.
Louie Angelica Firpo, whoae name
ia pronounced by moat fight fana a
frappo, kiaaed the canvaa in the cen
ter of the Polo Grounda diamond latt
eve for- keepa, and ia today apending
hia odd momenta picking the roam
out of hia molar. Willyum Harriaon
Dempsey, who perhapa drove leaa
nails than any ehipyard worker during
the late guerre, aocked the longhorn
from the Pampaa with everthing but
.he ip'toont and waa finally aucceaaful
n atowing away the big chunk of Ar
gentine beef. Louia couldn't "Spik
Englitch" but that ahouldn't have kept
ilm from raiaing hia left mitt now ane
then to demonatrate that it waan't par-
alyied. And on the other paw. Jack the
nan-killer from tome hlcktown named
Manaaaa, felt a few belta on hia Jaw
ind found out how it felt ta crawl
(round on all four eutald of the
;halktd arena. Neither one of the
oull Buffered badJy financially and
Doth will have enough to pay the gro-
:ra bill wren the firtt rollt around.
A feller brot in a bag of prune to
day for ua to look over and they taated
jreat, the aeed being the ,only hard
aart to awallow. '
I v .. '
Wt guets this is still' hick-town
For ) heard two damsels this p. m.
talking over a dfS ''sotne stranger in
own" was wearing. 1
' .
A bunch of wild-eyed Indiana gath-
tred down at Bert Lawrence a real
eatate office latt night and decided to
orm a tribe. A regular attendance at
-he meeting Ia expected unlet the
;quawa concerned object and the pap
Mace raise too much of a howl.
$ ir
The blackjack expert and apotted
vory toaaer will assemble at the
trmory Tuesday eve presumably for a
legion meeting.
We noticed a coupla kids out in a
vacant lot today at noon chasing a
bunch of grasshoppers around and
we'll bet they don't know what an
easy job it I compared to chasing the'
elusive dollar. t
Bill Stranctborg was down In our
illage from the metrop today hob
nobbing with Freddie Phelps of the
Copco bunch and Dill, like all true
Portlander. invited ua up to hia vil
lage to aee the Columbia highway.
Guv. Pierce ia facing a recall and
wonder if Walt can recall the daya
when he promised to alaah taxea In
J iin-4-,y
"Th bootleggers oughter be made
drink their own stuff Instid of
The I.
1 .11
.j I'resnytvrian iliur.h will
- its Vuh a:i:ilv rsry t.
with au 11 ilav Tail.
. i.'itnd.'d m Is;;: mu. has
iki.Ii' won.Krful,'K and is a
tit-ut tTiw,T f-r in thia commun-
I 11 V
I he anniversary Is to .m c-le-d
l.v p.vlal pncr.ims. niornln.
I'roa a:i.l evening. The Kaslnr
nil i i.. .ik ..( ('.,. ii'. rnina sen lee
which In to be 'ea1 ureal .v upto.vl
n.u-l.- I:i the aflfr-ieol. tile hl
lery of the .tnii.h. written l Mrs
o . Hmrk. will .,. read I v Rer
Wallaee How lee the tt..nea
anniveritjry address will , .Slivered
l. li. v K w hi nnmon i ,i,c
I'lenlna n tine vr.'snui. has hern ar-
rsnken, ;t:.l a Snnilai sliirts
1,'iv.l. I
Sllllll'en V e, K. Ihi tome t,
Mllefli II. .ii. l 1 .
ner me ati ir.ta. iiirt .:,.M.
" the anri. nl landmarks."
Y...I will ts- inlcivitt.'d in u, ti;,it
of "Mie Lite at chiit." dire,t,-i hi
'' II Hilton teaclier of tlie I.e.
M"ii sii.l Woman' class at the Chrl,
iaa lutle nhoa.4.
W..lkiut prtslutts. l:u
irv. Ortien alfintrej.
.1 'III In M 'lll-l I u r n t n K I
uuiii mii.i.Liiuttin j
In Heaven Sitting Down
' IHv Wlike Wambolilt.
There I negro hymn that ay
iinwhiiia alMiut belli "In H''b'u,
aettln' down." Lots of p'pl
that Mea of beareu. Tory thin '
'a place to loaf In. with aoiden streets,
roldi-n crowns, and uolilen harps, and
.nihlni. In An hut i n v
Pursvually. that la air M ot bell.
I cannot Imaxtne iiy wow torment
than having to walk around forever
on a hard Klariu golden street, which
would not bo nearly as practical an
anpiialt and much harder on the eyca.
and having to wear a heavy metal
crown that would make torns on mv
iheail, ami nothing In the world to do
hut twaiiK a harp and alna. i ne
singing, but I want a b.-tt-r quality
than I could produce, and I want a
aaonahly small amount of It, too -Juat
aa a relish, like catsup and chow
chow. Playing the harp would likewise get
horribly monotonous. I should think.
I never plnyed a harp, but I play a
banjo sometimes, and more than
thirty minutes of thi become weary
ing. No person who I not In an ele
mental stage is going to he happy in
idli-neaa. The more elemental we are
the more, idleness we can atand. An
orster can put up with a good deal
of It.
For a number of years I was bo
bound up in a buslni iis way that I
had not a minute for relaxation. 1
got very weary of work anil it seemed
to me that I would give anything il
I had nothing to do for Ihe rest of my
life. 1 remember saying once in a
hotel lobby. "I wish 1 could sleep a
thousand years."
There waa a funny little Jnp sitting
there liHtrnlng to me anil he broke
Into a hearty laugh. I don't know
whether he waa .a genie and had the
power to give ma my wish, but 1
broke down physically a short time
aftor and they niade me do nothing
for nearly two year. It was the most
miserable experience I ever had. It
seemed to me I would give anything
in the world to be active, even though
I had to go out and chop wood or dig
ditches. 1 am mighty glad to pass up
the balance of the thousand years of
repose that I thought I wanted.
My Idea of heaven is a place of
peace and harmony and of happy con
structive work. But of idleness no.
That, according to my Idea, I the
other place.
First M. fc. church services will be:
Sunday school a usual at 9:45. and
Epworth League at 6 :l". The pastor
being at conference, there will be no
preaching, giving our people an op
ponunity for viniting.
Salt' of Konl Cm
The C. A. Lockwot'd Motor com
pany refnrts Hie Tfollowing sales
within the past ' days: Clyde
Hatfield. nlxonvUlow touring; Roy
iluell. Looking Gins.- tractor; Wil
liam Ten Mile, touring; M. K.
liean, Daya Creek, truck; Joe Kirk-
endall, Camas Valley, touring; C. E.
Ortilibe, Myrde Creek, louring; IJ. K
L. Gallaher, truck; T..S. Thompson
Looking Glass, touring.
Owing to the demants of tne prune
harvest, my dental office In the Per
kins Uuildlng will be closed until fur
ther notice.
Aro ready to furnish all kinds ol
rough and dressed lumber (nd tlm
bera. Price right
American fenre, the kind with thi
hinged atay wires, at Wharton Bros.
Buy now at Ihe special discount.
Fifteen kiddies will begin traininK
at llelnline Kindergarten, Sept. 17th
Is your child one of them?
Prune pickers will need a lot of
galvanized pails for their work. We
have them, and reasonably priced.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Do It electrically, with a Thor wash
er. $10 down. Hudson Electric store.
Wa demonstrate.
Wool sucks and twine at Wharton
Paul in Back and Nervousness.
Made Well by Ljdia L PiukWi
Vegetable ComponnJ
Mor.tcvid'M. Mi- n "1 ,,ro.j -..
thrvai months svnh urn in my hack and
: ), and wis awful
I'.el-TOUKKO that 1 waa
lurSt to do my work.
A iter I pecan taking
I ydia K. I'mkham'
Vegetable Com
P' und 1 srew stronir.
ix:i now 1 weigh 1 30
founds. 1 Keep heuta
x i am able to lift
ar J do any kind of
wyrif. I hava jjot
enderf ul re s u ft a
from the Veiretall
oirin.l and n-ct.m:!anditv-rv highly
' JVy'r"1""!. I R:v you ucrmisjion to
il! .h n.y lest m.n.fal.,r Mrs. Olk
rial. Mr. Ol.K
KIliSTKOM. 21'l
!i SL So.. Monio-
vit'tM, MmiK-sfta,
Awftfr Jicrvodt Woaai Finjj Relief
r,n auri. n n I snffored f..t
wo ye.irs wi:h V::,xi , mr j,., lf
I wir,M very mu, n I waa nervou, and
T . . u ' "V ,no """" when I
.cm to bed. j M .py m, aaT
nj ,iOn t leal .nvthing. and
'L3 ,TV'?' 1 'vM bit my Sac..!
I I1-' of,n f''vnd told mc aK-ui I
'Lyoii, E. l'.ni.hIn-, Veta!,l. Con..
iww.1 and it h .liv.! r- fc, ,.., ,K ,
t tine. '-. M -.t km lUXLtB, j
' V'l II
I, 'It
Trick . IIWI her Who KMnt l.ut
W Inter Hvt-e Wan Klrwt lit Han
dle .Neva of Seven-Ie-atroyer
To W. E. Watts, a former Rose-j
burg man. goes tin. credit for giv-
In the outside world the first real
news of the seven-destroyer wreck
on Point Argueno. last aaturnay
Slchethern Pcmcl"
division office in San Luis Obispo at
present. Last winter he was employed
burg siallon and resided at the L:ni-
lfa Hotel. He Is well known In this
At 9:40 on Satur.Tay Watts recel"-
ed a telephone call from an S. P.
operator at Surf station six miles
west of Point Arguella. reporting
shin nn the rocka.
Watt Immediate-,,
ly cut through by direct S. P. tele-!
phone to San Francisco where he re-
petted the wreck to the Merchants'
exchange. He later obtained a more
detailed acount of the disaster which
was forwarded to San Francisco and
to the Los Angeles Examiner radio
station where the news was broad
casted so that aid could he secured I.;.,, . Ko,.i- ,.i.:.
for the vessels ashore. Irtenilfica- lW 9
Hon of the boats was impossible up f""-ed. Phone 537.
to that time because of the dense! CAR OWNER Don't forget to pall
fog. 553 when in need of auto parts.
Later Watts, togetner with several I iSarlT's Auto Wrecklne Hnnse.
railroad olficlals went to the scene
of the wreck and established a tele
graph station at Honda, where they
relayed rn.-s.agea from the survivor'
and officer giving the first authen-
tic acounts of the dL-asier.
A high achool Bible credit class will
be started at the Christian church
Ilible school Sunday, Sept. 16. All pu
pjils desiring to enroll for this course
of study, for which credit will be giv
en in the Roseburg high school, should
be present at that time. Further par
ticulars from Mrs. Charles G. Stantion
phone 75-J.
There are no material changes In
Hi local market quotations today.
Krxi are holding firm, and all fresh
fruits are firm in price, excepting
wntermt'lons, which are bringing 1
cent less wholesale. Vegetables are
Plentiful and of excellent nualitv
Tomatoes are still coming In. but thi"l
season is about over for that class
of product. Peaches, locally are get
ting scarce.
Prices Paid firouers
Potatoes, Hi., 2 cents.
Onions, Hi., 2H cents.
Peaches, box, tiac to "5c.
Apples, box, 50c to $1.00.
Pears, box, 50c to 75c.
Tomatoes, box. 60c.
Strawberries, crate. $2.00.
Watermelons, Hi., lc.
Cant, craie, $2.00.
liulterfat. lb., 4 5 cents
Eggs, ,12c.
Hens, heavy, 17 cents.
Hens, light. 10 cents.
Springers, lb.. ISc to 22c.
Veal, be to 12c lb.
Hogs. 120 to 160 lbs, dressed,
prime, 12c,
Wheat, bushel. $1.00.
Harl.y, per ton. $34.
I.a4lral Xmk lln,(la W
r-Liga5. I , H,i .ml a..M rui;,AV,
., KUMna l.ran.
I'llla in Hrd Bn.l a.ia tnrui:,
N'-, aeJ anU. Kilo,
Tmm ao ahr. Ilu r
!Sf ut '' l'Clll.ail.ia.TFn
llWol BKAM1,.. el
vat Br4.Saltt.Alt.aaKti;ai !
contains -
The Colla-iK al Literature. Sviencr
and the Arts with H departments
The professional sthooU of Archi
tecture and AHvrd Arts Glomes
Admimstraiion E.ltioo Crd
uete Study Journ.l,mlav
Nledicinc Mujh PhjK-al Edu
cation StKiolcyv Lxtenstoo
Fort entoMtut or any information
u-n( Tin Rrjutrar. L'nnVr,ry ol
Orscn. Eu&th. Cretan.
TV If. Opraa vrmr, 2S.
WANTED Waitress,
WANTJOIJ Apple picker. Apply W.
D. Hea. phone 32-r-2.
jilKSSENGKIl boy
i Union.
wanted. Western,
I VVAXTlfD Turkeys, large or guialL
j i-'bono It f 1- uoyer proa.
WANTED Feeder lambs, ewes, and
wethers. Phone
WANT ED-lan-with team or tractor.
to plow 15 acres. Phono 27 F 11. j
WANtEDpple'packer. Phono 3f-
F 2.
i.ariv nreferred. at Went Fork Hotel.
Apply by letter to Mrs. T. D. Barry.
fVithan, Ore.
needed for day and night shifts.
Western Lumber at Export Co., Cot
tage drove. Ore.
. WANTED Wan & wife in prune har-
j at. man tor rousuiooui vaomm.
cooKing, win pay pooo .,.-.
I ji .t""1"" .r..-'a,,!.r,,, .
I WANTED A sheef metal worker. J.
j H. Slnniger Sheet Metal Works.
329 No. Jackson st
IE,P kkm AI.E Eiirn 120 weeklv.
i"'" "
mailing, music, circulars. Send 10
cents for music, information. Ameri
can Music Co. 1658 Broadway, Dept.
New York. .
TOMATOES Pick them this
fur 25c per bu. across from Shell
9 Wat on. Ulllara Highway.
; FAMILY wanted to pick prunes. Call
m or address, V. Bounds, Ruckles,
Oregon. 1
ANYONE having a piano they wish
stored, will be guaranteed good
care no children. Phone 14 F 41.
BROCCOLI growers attention. Getj
your orders in for Broccoli carts
early, to make sure you have them
by harvest time. See C. A. McGinnis,
Blackmnith at Junction of Coos and
Pacific highway.
BETTER get that battery filled. Radio
lite is guaranteed to do the work.
Your battery charged, to stay charg
ed, instantly. Look for Radiolite
sign. See C. A. McGinnis, Dillard,
27 GOATS for sale or trade for good
used drag saw. J. P. Sniick, Canyon
ville. Ore.
S M A L L" H 6T' S E 1 2 x 1 6 all builTTn
feaiurea and ' papered; water and
lights in. All for less than lot alone
cost. Phone afternoons or evenings.
60-W. Owner.
LOST Small pocket book, lost near
Mill street store. Twenty dollars re
wariL returned to this office.
LOST Enameled Eastern" Slar pin!
Kinder return to this office. Re
ward. T FO RR ENT T
KOR RENT safety deposit
Roseburg; National Bank.
FOR RENT Four furnished
keeping rooms. 246 N. Rose.
FOR RENT Furnished apartment.
616 So. Pino. Phone 453-J.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 230 S.
uiise sireei, i-none 64-L.
OR" RENT Light ""housekeeping
rooms. 217 Chadwlck at.
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room.
311 E. Oak St.
FOR RENT One 4 room lious.
in. Phone It. L. Whipple.
, close
FOR RENT Furnished apartment,
adults only. 814 Mill st. Phone
FOR KENT 3 room nt. private' toi
let, privilege of hmli AH.,11. i.. i
I K'lS tao. Siephena.
, FOR RENT Fnnish'ed "hmi ihnaan
1 F 2). '
,FOR RENT On shaTesT 16 acre
; suitable for hay or grain crop c
1 C.ia.k. Fit - ijnK,.i " p" - W
' For'rkvt" r. ..u
it . -
, ui iii.-ii,-,, r.K.i.i t'ni.iia
r il O- call nt 4lll Wa.l la.,,,.
sjx - ....s-
0--aa)aa) j
I SiaiifoM tlu.-ll. win, is a reside,!
" ..';, 1,1 thi morning
1 , Jil.I. .' .. ' n,U ""i lcnd!ng to
1 "
, II. re Fit
I C. F. i;,,
F-va Oat r. ........
the ftari(!:,r, n.l
i,,,,i ' "!.. j an r-ort-
l.tli'1 -s j... ...-.., ., ... ,
l,,...,K,,. .. , - u.ijs in
att. tilling to business.
l ie I'tinra
l!.ins of :1t, o,,,.,. k..,...,
sample f.f l.iai n,i,.
h.. v.. .
Full sale. iiooa iarm team chni
i a.. .. o p u nt.,A. '
I a ii. (no - - uujti
FOR SALE or rent Ptoductlv flni
roa BAJi uea piayer piano toUi
Foil SALK Wicker baby carriaw k
, goon conumon. en lemjum si.
FOR SALE Saddle horses and pm
norses. rnone a r it uoyer Una,
FOR SALE Old growth blockSt
Cunningham brother, Diaonvilk,
rnone i v ot.
WAATEi3.F(?K. SALfc-Baby goarL Cb
FOR SALE White wicker baby a,.
riage, gooa aa new, maa Corey An
die horse.
Address 'J,'K care N'en.
FOR SALE Grimes Golden applei
orchard run, on trees, pick lire
yourself. Zuc a box. Bring boja.
W, D. Hess, plione 32-F-Z.
TO TRADE Best two corner lots ot
the front street, near the dam
Alexander Park addition, for goal
touring car. P. O. box 979.
FOR SALE Old established am.
and tire business in Rosebiui
Kliioo win handle it. Address: Gi-
age, News-Review. .
FOR SALE Good gray oat win
some vetch and wheat mixed
2c a lb. C. L. Weber, Phone 42 P 11
FOR SALE Harley-Davidson mow-
cycle. Best ot condition. 1C3 ula
It. Roaeburg Garage.
WE HAVE 3 or 4 Mack trucks for a.
kind of work. Call Al Deim
Myrtle Point, Oregon, or after T
day, Sept. 18 leave orders at Grat
Hotel, Roseburg, Oregon.
FOR SALE Two fresh 3-4 blood Hs,
stein cows, with telfer calves, t
so riding and work horse. N.l
Conn, Roseburg. Phone 6 F 15.
FOR SALE Winter oats aim
seed. R. Fate, Myrtle Creek, or I
Sumner. Days Creek.
FOR SALE37 toulouse geest, 1
bronze turkey tonis. Next w
Marks ranch, Looking Glass. It.
M. L. Jenkins.
FOR SALE 60 tons of good tr.
hay. Oat, vetch, and soine wta
$18 delivered, or $15 on ranch. J l)
Cunningham, Dixonvllle, Phone I
plows and tandem disc. Four boH
. disc, 7 ft. Superior 4 in. drill, bmi
enst seeder, oats, vetch, gray oi
and hay. Hodges Bros. Mpt-
Creek, Oreg.
1 OR SALE Timber and farm lt-
lbO acres. 4 mile west of Drii
Ore. S' of SI Sec. 26 Tp. 2J
K. b VV. County cru se 1.400.000
5 acres ready for plow. Lots of w
Ing land near by. Good cabin. Pric
$1800. Write owner. L. Wick, 2
Lombard Ave. Everett, Wash.
rOR SALE Small stock ranch. V
limited out tange. Inquire Box -
Yv lf Creek, Oregon.
ruii b.VLE Vetch seed, 41 ecu;
a pound, also recleaned grey
6'ic bu. F. R. Steinhauer, HaK
APPLES Fine winter Banana appl
hit by hail. Pick them yourself, r
a box. Get your winter sunply
O. (;. Rogers, Looking Gluss. Fi
18 F 35.
FOR SALE Good canning loniaine
25c per bu. Bring boxes and P'f
Cantaloupes, lc each, honeyef
and watermelons. 10c each. C. f
iJiufancp, Dillard, Oreion.
For. SALE or will trade 01dnbi
chummy roadster, model IIS.
lighter car or motorcycle and si
car. Privately used, must be w
to be annreciated. lnnuire for '
vnn Gordon, 128 So. Flint St.
FOR SALE Small steam s
complete, planer, cutoff aw.
blower, conveyer rolls, trucks, P
Waler Itlintn -HK Irtn Vnr.lson
1 drums and 1500 is) line. Ww''
i aoP!t. I"ncs, choekers. 2 two
i log trailers and 31 in. lumber
' 'n 'V OUtlt ,la n-
I i""d, l!ros- ,mbr' Vo" ' t
The Ixiyail Men and Women s rl';
'f ,hp Christian Bible school to"
."" join in a senen or i.-.-s'-w
v.... . , d,,na a.
Ik. . . . .w
in.- mi' oi nnst. t . ii. niiiun, '
fine l.irsre !Vtli.. a,,rl tinllans. "
of Ihe Kolttv rraam A yflU
orrliarrl. Mr llunka l.ns some f ,k-
finest prunes to be shown Ibis V
On li....tM
Dr. 1. U l,h h.,1, nd I.. F.
r nsi. ln left todar for a huntim '
fishinp. trip llow Millwond
l. hrbach
nil wife.
th' il
Idaho, are
Here (hi rinl
Churl" W. Ollrghoiite el
rhor was In thi city yesfrdsy
business mailers.
We ran-y the largest stork of
tor plows and disk in this prt
Icad. d
low n
i!h state. Wliartoa Uro.