Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 15, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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THI man who It "to
boey" to attend to hit
advertising la probably
trying to do two men's)
work bsoaus tha buslnooa
lan't paying aa It ahould.
...j .8:
STSnlghl and Sunday.
i ni VV i
Comolldatlon of Tha t
J uia Mft thai RnaKniM BUI.
An Indtptndtnt Nowapapar, Publlahad for tha Boat Interact of tha Paopla.
- r I I 1 If I
' ,ai
,,k Dempsey Retains Title
1 . IIT'.L
in Fierce Battle w.ui
Firpo Last Night
empsey Is Knocked Down
fans Times, But succeeds
Making Firpo Flounder
on Canvas Eight Times
. . !.,.. TraaB
NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Jack Demp-
tcectacular victory over Uile
..i Firoo ranks at one of the
l,rtt heavywelaht title contests In
The thampion stands oui aa
ghtier fighter than ever aa a result
ki. .muninu dramatic knockout of
i- k. M.Anrf rAitnd of a match
ijt lor wvage fury of attack had no
lllel In pugilistic nistory. umy
ijterpiece of generalship, plus the
:perienc of the Argentine giant,
..j i. ..hamnian from defeat to-
,rd the dote of the spectacular first
iimd when Firpo with the ferocity
i wild bent rote from tne nun
xkdown to drive Dempsey through
ropes with a terrific swing to tne
Dempsey made short work of the
allenger In the second round, floor-
him twice before the short right
fcper cut to the jaw brought Firpo
n ror tne eignnn ana last urns.
DUENOS AIRES, Sept. 15. The
y.t tine it will be different The
Vxt time lie will win," say the Ar
Intines, who though gloomy over
po defeat art proud of his mag
cent battle.
LOS ANGELES, Sept 15-Jim Jef-
its declared that i return match
Ueen Dempsey and Firpo would
tin only another Dempsey victory.
EW YORK, Sept 15. Jack Demp-
lttSt nisht Ttttnineil hla tltla oo tha
irld'j heavyweight champion, knock-
um mis Angel r'lrpo, the "Wild
Of the PamnHfl." vlin hv hla fini-na
il'ihlC and SbilitV tn tulro niintsh.
at proved to be something more
io just an overgrown man with a
an look and a lot of hair. The
kout occurred in the second
no of one of the fiercest, fastest
most SDectarnlfir K.ltla. In tk.
torr of pucilism. .
ne champion floored his Argen-
cnaiieniter five times in the first
and twice in th -h mn
ore a short right t'ppercut to the
sent Kirco Hi f. .... , .
in tne three minutes and 67 sec-
of whirlwind, terrific mauling,
npwy himself once was knocked
r throueh ih , .
. -" lyjytrs vu lOP OI Uie
8 benches -ni .
k. sruKBy unaer a
hardment of mighty rights.
Wore Hrpo went hurtling down to
i ' hl" i"7!" itn hlm h shatter
bopes of a continent, he gave a
iMbi? L ln ,nd courageous rins
Udlv ,.f ,lme- Battered,
mcLr ,!r0SBy' he ,howed 018
Hh a whif 8'11 byeomlnR back
art. ,hi 'ni """hlOK drive to-
d hti H MU'e round that
Jhe t,, e hulUer totteritl Cl0g
l0f'"h, crown than at any time
In bin carex '
Firpo Fought Best of Career,
Firpo fought the best fight of his
career. The challenger's mighty right
was never mightier. Against the re
lentless power and versatility of the
, champion's furious attack he went
! down, but in defeat be gained more
! glory than In any battle of his career
He was beaten but hla mpnnre was
nnl Mmnvul I fPV Vnlted PrMS.)
i r, .u . - . .v I WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. Secre-
r rem the tap or the first fong;tary of Navy Denby ordered that the
these two scowling giants tore at each Investigation of the wrecking of the
omer wun attacKs or unrestrained : raeinc destroyer flotilla on Point Ar-
savagery. r irpo was me nrst io lana gueuo ue maue public. He was
as they came to close quarters but In I aroused by the rumors, tinged with
scandal, concerning the cause otthe
disaster which cost seven and a half
million dollars and the loss of 23 lives.
Denby declared the fullest publicity
will be given the facte developed at
me inquiry. . ine naval board bad
planned to bold their aessions
a flash the champion plunged, shot in
aS right to the body and a left to the
Jaw, sending the challenger crashing
to the floor on his side.
Momentarily dazed, but with eyes
ablaze, Firpo rose to his feet after a
short count and rushed back. Again
he was met by a withering drive and
went down for the second and third
times. Blood flowed from his mouth,
be was stunned and Dempsey let
loose the most terrific power of his
swings as he seemed to sense victory.
Firpo went down twice more and both
times It seemed tbe end bad come. But
after taking a count of nine on his
fifth knockdown, the .challenger sud
denly sprang at his adversary like a
wounded tiger, an Infuriated Jungle
beast. Swinging with flail-like rapid-
ity and sledge-hammer power the in , r t 1 n j j
famous right thrust that had brushed i IJOOSter UUD Is Organized and
aside all opposition before and swept
him to fame, the Argentine rushed at
his adversary. Caught unawares by
this stunning comeback on the part of
the man be bad believed beaten into!
submission, Dempsey reeled under the
S"Sult .Vl6ht u, thK. 8lde ot ,hf INDIAN NAME ADOPTED
as he rose another swing knocked him
from his feet and through the ropes
on top of the newspaper men huddled
at the edge of the ring.
Dempsey Wobbles at Knees.
Dempsey's knees wavered as he
climbed back In. He clinched to save
himself. Firpo couldn't follow up his
advantage and tbe bell ended a round
lhat will go down as one of the most
sensational of all fighting history
came to end with both gladiators on
their feet.
Unleashed for the second round
they leaped at each other once more,
Promise Made to Put
City on Map
Committee Was Named Last
Night to Make Organization
Plans and Select Garb
' of "Indian Braves"
The "Umpquas," a full-fledged
tribe of modern Indians, was organiz
ed laBt night by a number of entbu-
Dempsey again was the quicker on thoi j,mlj . ,u ,
attack and Firpo went down under a Kreat succes8, equalling the Hosar-
mi cimiiui uiiw. u1iUoul.uli.j,llli Cherrians, Pirates and other
He arose only to go down once more. . clvlc cluba wnlcn have Deen formed
Now their was no doubt of tie out-, .hrouirliout the state.
coine. The challenger, bleeding, and
tottering, forced himself to his feet
earn ing on largely by Instinct. Demp-
Miss Gertrude Smith Probably
Will Lose Sight of Right Eye
as Result' of Smash
Car Driven by Charles Watson
and Machine Occupied by
Glendale and Roseburg
Ladies Collide
Miss Gertrude Smith of Glendale,
who was badly cut about the face and
head In an automobile accident yes
terday evening, will probably lose
the sight of her right eye. It was an
nounced today. The eyeball was cut
by numerous small pieces of glass,
the lens being cot so that a cata
ract growth is forming. There is a
slight possibility that sight may be
restored by the removal of this
growth In the future, In the event It
does not extend tot) far, but not much
hope Is given. The others who were
In the car were slightly Injured, but
not seriously. Mrs. I. Smith, Ger
trude's mother, and Mrs. Chris Ne
bel of Glendale were In the machine
and also Mrs. A. F. Sether of Hose
burg. ' I
The accident occurred at the Booth
ranch on the Pacific Highway.
The car driven by Charles Watson
and occupied also by A. T. Lawrence,
was proceeding south directly be
hind a car bearing a Washing
ton license. It is claimed that the
Washington driver slowed down and
stopped without giving a warnlug
signal, and Mr. W-ion turned out to
avoid striking the' machine and col
lided with the Star car driven by
Mrs. Smith coming from the south.
The Washington driver, it is said,
aa soon aa he saw that an accident
had been caused by his quick stop,
fBv United Pr
LONDON. Sent. 15. The Rome and
Belgrade governments have reached j
an agreement whereby the time limit
set by Italy for an agreement on the,
part ot Jugo slavia to Mussollni'a de-i
mands regarding Fiuine will be ex-'
tended. The Italian government has
made new proposals, It Is understood,
of which no details have yet been
made known. It is believed the dis
cussions will be continued. Semi-
official circles are stll somewhat pes-
simlstic over tho outcome ot the dis-
(Br Tnlted Prns.l
PHILADKLPH1A. Sept. 15. Miss
Eleanor (loss. Boston tennis star, won
the middle states singles champion
ship here today when she defeated
Miss Molla Mallory, the former Amer
ican champion. 7-5, 4 6 and 6 3, In the
fiuul round tor the title.
C. M. Girad May Lose Life as
Result of Striking
Live Wire
City Attorney Is Tendered
Position of Douglas County
District Attorney
(By Associated Preen.)
TOKIO, 8ept 15. Premier Yama
moto is to Issue a declaration that the
government Is determined to rebuild
the capital and maintain the nation's
prestige. He will also express grati
tude for the aid and sjmpathy. Ma
terlal assistance from America and
China Is arriving. Food is plentiful.
Typhoid and dyaentry are increasing.
Has Taken Offer of Governor
Under Consideration Until -Next
Week Would Lose
Money by Acceptance
It is fitting that sum a name as
"I'm nj.nci a" ka .nnlluJ tn lha
o. i..i. rA. in ii. ,in... ,h.mldrove awav in a ereat hurrv before
w .u.KFp. .... ei" " - 1 Umpqua tribe made this valley their ms "cense numDer was procurea.
Vl.ll nil than ahnrt MirllT trt ttlA' 1
v.! ,nt , ri Ti r. I rendezvous. I All of the passengers In the smaller
...i .i,..,ms To DpCorae a brave Indian of the car were quite badly shaken up and
back, staring vacantly at the glare of , ..Umpquaa ,t ,a n(,ces(jarv t0 be an cut by flying glass. Miss Smith,
tftMlElili overleia. .. . i active member of the Roseburg I however, is the only one seriously
The Argentine tried feebly to turn chamber of Commerce. It Is ahao- hurt. The accident is made more re
over to Bother strength to rise., His . lutey llnperative that each -person I grettable by the fact that Miss
fighting heart called him back to the t appiyn) for admission to the booster j Smith was on her way to Koseburg to
fray but the body that had withstood j organization hold such a member-1 buy clothing and other articles pro
one of the most terrific assaults the ship card. naratorv to leaving for Kugeue
At a meeting held last night a where -she had expected to attend
committee was apointed to perfect i school during the winter. As a ra
the organization plans. This com-1 suit of her injuries she probably will
nrfttee consists of George Neuner, I not be able to go to school for sev-
ring has ever known, could not re
spond. He lay flat at the count of ten,
after 57 seconds of " tbe round had
elapsed he was helped to bis corner
by the victorious champion.
Throng in Wild Frenzy.
Henry Harth and Bert G. Rates. A
committee was also appointed to plan
Then that vast throng, whipped to , the Indian garb of the tribe and this
fever pitch of excitement by the committee is composed of Lymon !
eral months.
sensational struggle of these two slug
ging gladiators, gave vent to an ova
tion that echoed and re-echoed and re-
Spencer, Henry Harth and A. T. Law
' The organization of an active boos-
echoed from Coogan's Bluff as Demp-i(eI. rb In Roseburg has been un
sey's hand was raised in victory, j consideration for. many years.
Ringside spectators rushed for the ; Finally the meeting was called last
ring, some hurdled three rows of night and a large number of en
press benches to get at the champion thusiastlc business men were present,
and lift blm to their shoulders. j They all spoke in favor of the club.
For a moment it seemed that the: stating that they were very anxious
frenzy might assume the proportions to see an Umpqua tribe of boosters
of a riot, but the police gained con- j formed.
trol. I The next meeting of the club will
And while the American had fulfill- be held on Friday night at the Law
ed popular expectations and the most rence Realty office. From all ap
venturesome predictions of critics by pearances the membership limit will
his short and spectacular triumph, the j soon be filled and a waiting list will
challenger received an ovation In de-;be necessary.
feat for the fight that marked him : o
nmnnir the mnat rnnratreoa battlers J. C. Markley, who has been attend-
nmong the most courageous battlers ling to business In Myrtle Point and night.
SEATTLE, Sept 15. Bringing a
heavy passenger list of refugees from
the quake and fire zones ot Japan, the
President Jefferson is steaming
through the heavy fogs which en
shrouded Cape Flattery and the head
lands at the mouth of the straits, ac
cording to latest reports. It is ex
pected that the Jefferson, the first
vessel to arrive from Japan since the
disaster, will arrive in quarantine off
Victoria at 4 o'clock, reaching Seattle
sometime between 10 o'clock and mid-
The relatives of the refugees
Dempsey won because he was the Coqullle for the past few days, re-: have been garnering nere ana in vic
(Contlnued on page seven) I turned home yesterday afternoon. torla for several days.
Carl E. Wlmberly, city attorney of
Roseburg, was today tendered the ap
pointment aa district cUrnsv ot Doug
las county to take tne position maue
vacant by the resignation ot District
Attorney George Neuner. Mr. VUin-
beriy has the matter under advisement
and will probably not announce his
i doclslon until the first of next week.
! In the event Mr. Wlmberly decides
I to accept the office, It will only
be at a great sacrifice to himself, as
the money to be derived from the of
fice of District Attorney Is in no mea
sure to compare to the returns of a
' growing private practice, such as is
now enjoyed by Mr. Wlmberly. His
friends, however, have been urging
him to accept the office, since it was
: learned a short time ago that the ap
: polntment was apt to be tendered him
flnd It la possible that because of this
desire on the part of his friends and
as a public duty, Mr. Wlmberly will
agree to take the office,
j Mr. Wlmberly Is one of the best
, known attorneys of the county and is
well qualified to handle the position
offered him. He was born at Elkton
in the year 1887, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Wimberly now of Drain. He
spent much of his early life In Drain
and after completing his public school
education there went to Willamette
University for the study of law. He
graduated from Willamette In 1909
and passed the bar examination the
nnmp vpnr. He was annotated dnnutv
county clerk In 1909 and served until!
October 15, 1911, when he was elected I
city recorder of Roseburg. In 1915 he
left the poHltion of city recorder and
went Into the law firm of Neuner and
Wimberly. He remained as a member
of the firm until 1917 when he Joined
the armed forces of the country and
participated in the world war. Upon
his return he took up a private prac
tice, whlrh he has continued until the
present time. Mr. Wlmberly was the
first commander of the American
Legion post and Is still an active mem-,
(By United Press.)
LONDON, Sept. la. Princess Marie
Marguerite Fahmy was found "not
guilty" ot the murder ot her husband,
the Egyptian prince, Alt Kemal Fahmy
(Br United Press.
MADRID. Sept. 15. Martial law is
effective throughout Spain, with the
military revolutionists firmly in con'
trol-ln all parts of the nation. In the
meantime. Captain General Primo
Rivera, the leader of the revolution
Ists, charged by the king with the
formation of a new government, has
started conversations for the organi
zation of the new ministery.
(Br United Press. I
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15. Walter
Erlckson and Mildred Bailey, patrons
of Sycamore I,odge, near here, were
arrested following the fatal shooting
early this morning of Edward Hall,
one ot the proprietors ot the road-
hrniaa ti.nlH If nnwlftflira nf the
sliootlng. The waiters, cooks and
guests could throw no light on the
mystery. Hall was called to the door,
four ahots rang out, and he fell dead.
Physician Says It May Be
Necessary to Amputate Arm
at Shoulder, as Circulation
Has Been Destroyed
ber of that organization.
In politics ho Is a democrat and an
active member of Hie political party.
By training and experience he is
eminently well qualified to handle the
position of district attorney, and his
appointment will assure the county of
a man able to handle all of the busi
ness of the office. Although from a!
monetary standpoint he will not be
benefitted. It Is hoped that he will ac-i
cept the appointment which has been i
offered hlm. as he will serve the coun
ty aa an able and efficient officer.
C. It. Glrad. lineman employed
by tha California-Oregon Power com
pany, waa seriously, perhaps fatally
injured last night, when in some
manner be came In contact with
wires carrying 6,600 volta of elec
tricity. He la In a very serious con
dition at Mercy Hospital today and
amputation of the right arm at the
shoulder will probably be necessary.
and it la quite possible that the shock
will prove fatal. ,
Mr. Glrad cajne here only a few
weeks ago from California, and yes
terday was working with a crew of
linenVen north of Winchester. The
workmen were engaged In straighten
ing poles near the Komnagen ranch, -
and Glrad and John Gross were on a
polo together.
. Jui:t how he happened to come tn
contact with the wires, Glrad does
not know himself, but In some man
ner he touched two of the wires and
In an Instant he waa rendered un
conscious. -
W. R. Connelly, foreman of the
crew, who waa a short distance from
the pole, heard the noise as the cur
rent flashed across through Glrad'a
body and shouted to Gross. The lat
ter started toward his fellow lineman,
and the movement of the pole shook
the body loose from the wlrea and
allowed It to sag at the end of the
safety belt. Gross grabbed the hand
line, a rope used for raising or low
ering tools or apparatus, and looped
this into Glrad'a belt and lowered
the body to the ground, where arti
ficial breathing was used by Mr. Con
nelly to restore life to the body. The
resuscitation methods proved effec
tive and In a few minutes the in
jured man waa breathing again.
A passing tourist was hailed and .
ordered to speed to the power plant
t Winchester and put In a call for
a physician and a truck and cot to
bring the injured man to this city.
The tourist did not hesitate to carry
out the request and within a short
time Dr. B. R. Shoemaker of Kose
burg was on the scene, and gave
such treatment aa waa possible. An
other tourist passing by had a car
In which the front seat was hinged
so that K could be laid back to form
a bed, and he immediately volun
teered this machine to bring the elec
trician to town. He remained by un
til the doctor had completed such
work aa was possible there and then
brought Girad to the hospital bere.
The strong current burned a deep
gash In Glrad's wrist and It is be
lieved completely destroyed all circu
lation In the arm. There la another
deep burn on top of the left shoulder
but as he has complete use of the
left arm this burn Is not so seri
ous. . The electricity paralyzed the
right arm ana set the muscles so that
they are perfectly hard. No pulse
ran bo detected and unless circula
tion Is restored immediately it will
(Continued on page eight,)
Cartoonist Bert G. Bates Pictorially Presents Events of the Week-
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